Foreign experience in the development of reputation management. Basic Research

Brand Reputation- this is a set of fixed judgments about him based on criteria that are significant for the target audience (honesty, responsibility, decency). Reputation requires an analytical approach when forming an opinion and is based on reliable knowledge and assessments. Most often, this is supported by the consumer’s own experience.

Reputation is a dynamic process in which strategic objectives of the company, designed for the long term. Reputation depends on how and by what methods it is done entrepreneurial activity companies. It reflects deep economic and social characteristics brand.

Why is reputation important?

Reputation is equally important for every socialized object - from a person to an international company.

According to research, more than 60% of investors consider a brand’s reputation as one of the main factors in determining its value. Reputation can provide 20 to 80% of the company's shareholder value, representing a real asset of the company. Reputation is slowly formed, but, unlike tangible assets, it is relatively stable and not subject to price fluctuations in the market.

Reputation is significant influences the effectiveness of sales of brand products. 87% of people who shop online are always interested in reviews about a company before purchasing a product. 73% of consumers are more likely to trust a company if the majority of reviews about it are positive. 80% of online shoppers cancel their order after reading a negative review about a brand. Reputation is sometimes called “credibility” - 62% of consumers believe that a company with a good reputation will not produce poor quality products.

At the same time, reputation is important for the company when hiring employees. Potential employees are always looking for information about their future employer. 67% of professionals turn down a job offer due to poor corporate brand reputation.

A good company reputation helps to attract new consumers and retain existing ones, increase investment inflow and sales efficiency. Long term reputation supports the company when economic difficulties arise at the expense of loyal customers.

Brand reputation and image

Quite often, consumers and even brand managers equate the concepts of “image” and “reputation.” In fact, image is a component of reputation and has other prerequisites for its formation.

The consumer's acquaintance with the brand begins with interaction with the components of the corporate identity - this is a means of objective positioning. When these elements are perceived, an image is formed in a person’s mind - this is an ideal image that is created by a brand to create a certain impression about the company in the minds of the target audience. Thus, image is an artificially created opinion among a certain group of people. Its task is to create a positive brand image among the audience.

Unlike the image a reputation cannot be created - it need to earn. Reputation can be considered the response or reaction of the public to a company's policies. Reputation building occurs throughout the entire activity of the brand and works for the long term. If the image depends on external characteristics, then reputation depends on a holistic perception of both internal and external qualities of the brand.

What is reputation management

To effectively manage brand reputation, we are developing reputation strategy. This program defines a set of measures to create a positive reputation and mechanisms for their implementation.

Who manages brand reputation?

Brand reputation management is carried out brand managers. A company may have its own or hired specialists who are engaged in developing a comprehensive strategy for building a reputation. The main ones should take part in the creation of a reputation strategy and its direct implementation. officials companies.

Brand Reputation Management Strategies

Building a reputation through top officials and top managers of the company

In many cases reputation of the company's leader is inextricably linked to brand reputation. A public leader commands the respect of potential clients and consumers, as well as partners and employees. A recognizable person inspires trust in the company, confidence in its professionalism and respect. Such a leader will serve as a strong motivation for other employees, who will also work to improve the brand’s reputation.

Read more about personal branding read our article.

A strong team as the basis for building a reputation

This aspect of reputation management is most important for those organizations that provide various expert services or technology solutions. For example, in branding agencyKoloro Several specialists are working on creating a brand - a project manager, a designer, a marketer, a copywriter. They are all responsible for different aspects of the work. Productivity and quality of work are supported by effective communication between all responsible employees.

Careful study of the company's mission and philosophy

A brand philosophy based on core virtues helps shape the image responsible, decent or honest company. Over time, if you reinforce your image with appropriate activities, it will turn into a positive brand reputation.

Emphasis on the company's strengths

The easiest way to manage reputation is through such brand advantages as quality(products or services). This effectively increases the loyalty of existing customers and attracts new ones. In addition, the quality is easy to check (by trying or having it analyzed) or tested (by ordering a service).

You can use it as a company advantage many years of experience in the provision of services and indicators of successful implementation projects. A big plus in favor of building a positive reputation will be confirmation of the quality of work with certificates and participation in international competitions or exhibitions.

Financial stability can also be used as one of the components of a reputation strategy. This will help gain the trust of investors and partners, potential employees.

Corporate social responsibility of the company

It is important to take into account not only the interests of the company, but also of society - from suppliers to ordinary workers. Caring attitude and care of the company about its employees plays an important role in shaping the brand's reputation. By voluntarily taking responsibility for improving the quality of life of its employees and society as a whole, the brand gains additional advantages, especially against the backdrop of inactive competitors.

Better results can be achieved by simultaneously integrating at least two or three strategies in the company. Special attention should be paid corporate identity development, which is closely related to brand reputation. Specialists of the Koloro branding agency are developing a name, slogan, creating a logo and other elements corporate identity.

Reputation management technologies

To achieve the above strategies, the following technologies can and should be used.

Organization of special events and promotions

This is a powerful tool for attracting public attention. This includes organizing exhibitions, presentations, fairs, participating in conferences or seminars, competitions, and holding social events.

This helps to implement several reputation management strategies at once. A public leader who confidently talks about the benefits of a brand at a conference will attract new partners and clients. A strong team of employees represented at the competition will demonstrate the professionalism of the company.

Plays an important role carrying out social events- they best show the company's responsibility.

Every day, thousands of workers came from South Asia to Dubai to find work to support their families. The cost of a call abroad is $0.91/minute, while the average wages- $6/day. Workers were unable to regularly contact their families. In 2014, Coca-Cola launched a promotion HelloHappinessPhoneBooth. A special machine accepted caps from cola bottles (can cost $0.68) and provided 3 free minutes for calls abroad, allowing workers to save money.

Strengthening internal corporate relations

Patriotism of workers towards your company also helps to strengthen your reputation. The following activities will help you create a strong team:

  • association of employees for achieving one goal: formation of common values;
  • support high level of professionalism: employee development through trainings, seminars;
  • employee motivation and formation of corporate culture;
  • support favorable atmosphere for the work of all specialists;
  • understanding between employees;
  • implementation elementscorporate identity .

Business-to-business communications (B2B)

Interaction with partners should be based on integrity implementation of agreements and transparency cooperation goals. Strengthening reputation in the business environment depends on rational brand leaders and their thoughtful decisions.

Media Relations

Well-built press relations significantly influence the public's attitude towards the brand. From time to time it is worth holding press conferences, inviting several media representatives to them. Good relations with the press are not as important for building a positive reputation as they are for preventing negative press towards a company. Therefore, journalists should be provided with timely necessary information about the company's activities.

Would you like to know more about creating an ideal image and building a reputation? Subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page and call us - we will be happy to advise you on all your questions! Don’t forget to order corporate identity development from us - this is the foundation for building your brand’s reputation!


1. General provisions

1.1. These Rules are an official document and determine the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals using the services of the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site).

1.2. The purpose of these Rules is to ensure adequate protection of information about users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

1.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users of the Site are governed by these Rules and current legislation Russian Federation.

1.4. The current version of the Rules, which are a public document, is available to any Internet user by clicking on the link https://site. The Site Administration has the right to make changes to these Rules. When changes are made to the Rules, the Site Administration notifies users by posting new edition of the Rules on the Site at a permanent address no later than 10 days before the relevant changes come into force.

1.5. By using the Site, including placing orders or leaving any requests, the User agrees with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Acting freely, of his own will and in his own interest, as well as confirming his legal capacity, the User gives consent to GARANT LLC (TIN 7733264350, OGRN 5157746206987) to process his personal data both without the use of automation tools and with their use.

1.6. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, use of the Site must be immediately discontinued.

2. Terms of use of the Site

2.1. When providing services for using the Site, the Site Administration, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User: has all the necessary rights to allow him to use this Site; indicates reliable information about himself to the extent necessary to use the Site; has read this Privacy Policy and agrees with it and assumes the rights and obligations specified in it.

2.2. The Site Administration does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about users, except in cases where such verification is necessary in order for the Site Administration to fulfill its obligations to the user.

3. Purposes of information processing

3.1. The processing of information about Users is carried out for the purpose of providing the User with information about the products of the Site, as well as in order to fulfill the obligations of the Site Administration to Users regarding the use of the Site, including advertising and newsletters.

4. Composition of information about users

4.1. Personal data of Users

Personal data of Users is not publicly available and includes:

4.1.1. provided by Users and the minimum required to use the Site: full name, contact phone number and email address.

4.2. Other information about Users processed by the Site Administration: The Site Administration also processes other information about Users, which includes:

4.2.1. standard data automatically received by the http server when accessing the Site and subsequent actions of the User (host IP address, type of user’s operating system, Site pages visited by the user).

4.2.2. information automatically obtained when accessing the Site using bookmarks (cookies).

5. Processing of user information

5.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

a) the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;

b) integrity;

c) compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data, as well as with the powers of the Site Administration;

d) compliance of the volume and nature of the personal data processed, methods of processing personal data for the purposes of processing personal data;

e) the inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.

5.1.1. The use of personal data for the purpose of advertising and information mailings occurs until the User unsubscribes from them through the link in the letters received.

5.1.2. Storage and use of personal data Personal data of users is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using, as automated systems, and personally by the official Site Employee.

5.1.3. Personal data of Users is not transferred to any third parties, except as expressly provided for in these Rules. When specifying the User or with the User’s consent, it is possible to transfer the User’s personal data to third party counterparties of the Site Administration, subject to the acceptance by such counterparties of obligations to ensure the confidentiality of the information received. Providing personal data of Users at the request of government bodies (local government bodies) is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

5.1.4. The site does not collect, store and process Special personal data specified in Clause 4.3. of this Privacy Policy. Such Special Personal Data is entered by the user directly on the website of the ChronoPay electronic payment gateway and is transmitted to it in encrypted form. ChronoPay's activities comply with the requirements of the Personal Data Law. All actions with personal data of payers are carried out exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the requirements of international payment systems, your card data after completion of the payment is not stored either in the Site system or on the authorized ChronoPay server.

6. Rights and obligations of users

6.1. Users have the right:

6.1.1. Based on the request, receive from the Site Administration information regarding the processing of his personal data.

6.1.2. To withdraw consent to the processing and storage of personal data by sending a written application to the address 125466, Moscow, st. Yurovskaya, house 92, room I, room 40.

6.2. The site is an official resource and main function The site is to provide reliable information about the services of the company site. Data provided by Users is not visible to other Users.

7. Measures to protect information about Users

7.1. The Site Administration takes technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the protection of the User’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions.

8. User requests

8.1. Users have the right to send their requests to the Site Administration, including requests regarding the use of their personal data in the form of an electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The Site Administration undertakes to consider and send a response to the user's request within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.

8.3. All correspondence received by the Site Administration from Users is classified as restricted information and is not disclosed without the written consent of the User. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the special consent of the User other than to respond to the topic of the received request or in cases expressly provided for by law.

The goal of any business is to make a profit. This factor depends on how interesting the product or service is to customers. Today, consumers trust reviews and recommendations from friends rather than advertising. Therefore, self-respecting companies pay attention to creating an image on the Internet. To do this, they use a powerful tool - reputation management, which allows them to form the right opinion about the product, increase brand awareness and increase the number of buyers.

Image is the face of the organization

The more famous the brand, the more in demand the product is. What does popularity depend on? From consumer rating product, from the emotions and associations that arise in people’s minds when they hear the name of the company. These consumer judgments are directly related to public opinion of the firm. The more an organization adheres to the principles of honesty and openness in communicating with customers, the higher the level of user loyalty and, accordingly, the level of sales.

The essence of the concept

Reputation management is a set of strategic activities aimed at forming, supporting and protecting the company’s image. His main task— creating the desired vision of the brand in the eyes of consumers and a stable positive opinion about it. This type of management consists of monitoring the information space around a product on the Internet, predicting all kinds of threats, correcting content, tracking negative reviews and eliminating them.

Relevance of reputation management

As you know, almost the entire population of the globe is users of the World Wide Web and daily access its resources to find the necessary information. So it turns out that if an organization or a product has any shortcomings, problems, etc., a person finds out about it and, on occasion, gladly shares his opinion with his friends. This means that the formation of a product image occurs spontaneously and can receive a negative connotation. Fundamental in this case is the subjective perception of users.

To prevent such developments, reputation management is used. It provides an opportunity for potential customers to discuss the company's offerings while providing direction.

A way to deal with negativity

It's no secret that in the race for market supremacy, any tool is used. And the so-called “black PR” on the part of rivals can greatly damage the company’s reputation and cause a negative impression of the product. This is done mainly in two ways: either the administration orders this work from a specialized specialist (special equipment and finances are required to complete this task), or by ordering a series of bad reviews.

In this case, the only way to clear the name is to resort to reputation management tools. With their help, you can neutralize unwanted information, create and maintain constant communication with customers and, as a result, eliminate negative assessments from consumers. But it is better when this work is planned in advance, then it will give better results.

Better late than never

For Russia, this type of management is quite new, while in other developed countries (USA, China, South Korea, etc.) reputation management technologies have been used for a long time, which significantly increases company ratings. In Russia, they are treated as anti-crisis measures: when the image is already damaged, or interest in the organization has completely disappeared, then the services of specialists are ordered. And only recently, more and more companies, starting their business from scratch, use reputation management initially in order to immediately form the necessary image of the product among users and a loyal attitude towards it. By making honesty, trust and responsiveness the core principles of dealing with people, there is a greater chance of gaining a sustainable position in today's market.

Functions of activity

This type of control allows you to solve a number of specific problems, namely:


The company’s work to create a positive opinion takes place in several stages:

  1. Analysis of the existing image of the company, internal and external attitudes of consumers towards the product. The development of a strategy and the quality of the results obtained depend on how accurate the assessment of the current state of affairs is.
  2. Determining the main goals, selecting reputation management tools, compiling a list of targeted actions.
  3. Execution of the drawn up plan.

Strategy implementation methods

When the objectives of the work are defined and there is a clear understanding of the final result, the direct process of forming public opinion begins. It also has its own consistency.

The work of creating a brand reputation can be done by any employee who is familiar with the basics of reputation management. Only for this you need a clear strategy in order to understand what result needs to be achieved in the process of work.

Tools for creating an image on the Internet

Today the Internet is one of the most powerful forces of influence on people's consciousness. It reflects almost all aspects of human life. The content with which it is filled is created either purposefully or at the request of individual customers. In any case, it is widely used due to its availability. Therefore, conscious use of the World Wide Web can provide a high level of advertising activities companies. There are a number of possibilities for this, namely:

  1. Social networks (the well-known Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, and so on) allow you to maintain constant contact with potential buyers, track user ratings of the product and form the desired opinion about the product, as well as report on all the organization’s new products. In addition, these platforms allow clients to communicate with each other and share their opinions, while referring to specific sources.
  2. Various blogs, forums, review sites make it possible to provide people with necessary information to form a loyal attitude to the brand and consolidate it, as well as increase customer confidence.
  3. Internet media. Placing content on trusted sites with links to the source increases public interest in the proposal.
  4. SEO optimization. In order to potential clients could become permanent, it is necessary to take care of the ease of operation of the site and its completeness, as well as that the user quickly finds the information he is interested in on the Internet.

The use of these reputation management tools only produces good results when there is a clear strategic plan and they are used simultaneously.

Management pitfalls

In order to carry out quality reputation management, you can contact a specialized agency that will professionally perform this type of service. But if it's not about big company, is ready to spend money on creating an image, but for a small company, then, as a rule, the responsibilities for creating public opinion are entrusted to one of the employees, who does this at his own discretion. In this case, it is necessary to understand that if a person does not have a knowledge base, or rather does not know the tools of reputation management, does not know the specifics of sites on the Internet, as well as a number of significant nuances, his work will be fragmented. This means that the time and money spent will not bring the desired results. It should be taken into account that the performance of reputation management functions depends on the employee’s competence.

A guide to creating and maintaining a company's image

Are valued in any organization good specialists. But if their staff and finances are limited, and you want to carry out this type of management with good results, then you can learn from a textbook on reputation management. Unfortunately, there are few books on this topic. And those presented today for the reader reveal individual aspects of this process. Basically, these are individual articles or other works of authorship that talk about the essence, principles, objectives and/or tools of this activity.

The only one to date teaching aid, in which this concept is deeply and systematically examined, is the book by L. S. Salnikova “Reputation Management. Modern approaches and technologies.” This is the first guide in Russia, which examines in detail and step by step all the steps to forming a company’s image, and presents new ways of working in this area. The positive aspect of the source is that it reveals all the methodological foundations in combination with practical material. The author shares the secrets of improving a company’s image, as she has worked as a reputation management consultant for a long time.

Those who decide to create public opinion can try their hand at completing the creative tasks presented in the book. It was on them that future managers honed their skills in building a good name for the organization at the University of the Russian Foreign Ministry. “Reputation Management” by L. S. Salnikova tells with vivid examples how to turn your business using the above tool into a profitable asset. The book contains a lot useful information for students, heads of organizations and people who promote goods online.

Any company, no matter what size it is or what resources it has, strives not only to make a profit, but also to have a good name and enjoy the respect and trust of people. Therefore, we can confidently say that it is reputation that promotes an organization on the Internet, and reputation management is the tool that will allow you to confidently occupy your niche in a competitive environment, make a product branded and turn the company into a highly profitable asset.

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    According to Deloitte & Touche, 60% of users read reviews before purchasing. 80% will not order products from a company that has negative reviews. In order for customers to contact you and sales to grow, it is important to maintain a positive reputation.

    But how to track reviews, since the Internet is so huge? How to react to negativity? What to do to get customers to leave positive feedback? Reputation management will help - managing your image on the Internet.

    6 tasks of online reputation management

    1. Correct positioning and increasing brand awareness on the Internet.
    2. Negative management - search and timely reaction.
    3. Attracting new clients.
    4. Retaining existing customers and building brand advocates.
    5. Increased loyalty. According to Nielsen, 62% of users trust online reviews.
    6. Feedback from the audience.

    Basic methods of online reputation management

    On the one hand, we work with negativity and maintain a positive reputation, on the other hand, we find ways to further development brand. Negative comments help you correct mistakes and become better in the eyes of customers.

    Monitoring information on the Internet

    We look for mentions of the brand on sites where the target audience shares personal experience. Blogs will do social media, thematic forums, review sites, reference books, maps. How to search? Using key queries: brand name (+ “reviews”, + “forum”, + “ratings”, etc.), slogan, address of the resource and stores, names of employees, names of products.

    There are special systems that automatically collect and analyze mentions of a brand: Kribrum, Talkwalker, Google Alerts, YouScan, Mention.

    Dealing with positive and neutral comments

    Online reviews that improve your reputation are something to be grateful for. This will work to your advantage: a satisfied client will become even more loyal and, perhaps, turn into a brand advocate. You can simply say thank you, but it’s better to give a discount on your next purchase or another bonus.

    Dealing with negative comments

    WITH dissatisfied clients you need to be even more careful, otherwise you can anger them and completely ruin your reputation on the Internet. If the review contains reliable information, you need to find out the reason for the misunderstanding, listen and correct your mistakes, and thank the author and inform him that measures have already been taken.

    If a review contains false information, you still shouldn’t blame the author - this will only make the situation worse. It's better to write a polite answer.

    Dealing with slander

    There are people who want to ruin your reputation and engage in black PR on the Internet. These are unscrupulous competitors and former employees who harbor a grudge. They leave reviews that contain false information and discredit the brand name. We know 2 ways to combat slander:

    1. Deleting a comment by a site moderator or through a lawyer.
    2. Leveling out negativity with positive feedback. To collect them, they hold promotions - for example, they give discounts for comments. As a result, positive reviews crowd out negative ones.

    Additional methods of reputation management

    To more effectively build a positive reputation, we recommend using additional ones along with classic image management tools.

    Crowd marketing

    Reputation management by posting comments on the Internet in which the author recommends a specific company, or rather your brand. Comments are posted on platforms where the target audience is concentrated: under articles on blogs, on forums, in question-and-answer services and communities on social networks.

    Crowd marketing is interaction with potential users who don’t know about you.

    You can communicate on behalf of the brand. Do not impose services, but answer questions delicately and demonstrate professionalism.

    You can also communicate on behalf of an ordinary user. They are more trusted than brand representatives.

    Reputation management through SEO is the promotion of positive reviews in search engines. The first thing users do is open pages that are in the top positions. So, if negative reviews are posted somewhere at the bottom, they may not reach them.

    5 stages of reputation management

    1. Audit - we select queries by which potential buyers are looking for information about the brand.
    2. Analysis - look at search engine results for queries.
    3. Working with responses - we respond to negativity, remove slander.
    4. Selection of sites - we find sites where we can post positive reviews.
    5. Additional tools- We find out which methods will work best and use them.

    Who needs reputation management?

    Anyone who wants to retain existing customers and attract new ones must manage their reputation. But it is important to remember that the services of a brand manager are not enough. No reputation management technology will help you build a positive reputation if you offer a bad product. First of all, you need to work on the quality of the product and service. And reputation management will help make the brand more recognizable and customers more loyal.

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