The selection of “similar taxpayers” often occurs spontaneously. How to identify similar jobs with SOT? What jobs are similar?

7.1 This section establishes requirements for the organization, conduct and documentation of the results of inspections when carrying out:

Labor protection and fire safety control;

Production control for compliance with industrial safety requirements during the operation of hazardous production facilities;

Production control for compliance with environmental safety requirements, sanitary rules and hygienic standards, as well as the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

7.2 Checks of compliance with labor protection, industrial, environmental and fire safety requirements are carried out at all levels of the agro-industrial complex.

7.3 Organization and registration of the results of the implementation of the agrarian and industrial complex, as well as their analysis, is allowed using automated information system administrative and production control (AIS AIC).

I level of agrarian and industrial complex

7.4 Organizing, conducting and documenting inspections at the 1st level of the agro-industrial complex is carried out in the following order:

7.4.1 inspection is carried out of all objects included in the workplace (open areas, buildings, premises, structures, production and technological equipment, transport, technological processes, security systems, equipment, tools, devices, measuring instruments used to perform work);

7.4.2 checks at level 1 of the agrarian and industrial complex are carried out by each employee at his/her workplace, before starting, as well as throughout the entire working day (shift);

7.4.3 the head (of a service, workshop, site, group), as part of the agro-industrial complex, organizes the development and provision of all workplaces with lists of criteria for assessing the condition of objects in the direction production activities structural unit. The lists of criteria include labor protection, industrial, environmental and fire safety requirements for an object or piece of equipment provided for in design documentation, instructions, standards, rules and other regulatory documents. An example of compiling a list of criteria in relevant areas for carrying out verification within the framework of the agrarian and industrial complex is given in Appendix 2;

Information about changes: Revision 200154223-40-2014:

The head (of a service, workshop, site, group) organizes the development and provision of all jobs necessary lists criteria of the first level of the agrarian and industrial complex for assessing the condition of objects in the direction of production activities of a structural unit. The lists of criteria include labor protection, industrial, environmental and fire safety requirements established in instructions, standards, rules and other regulatory documents. An example of compiling a list of criteria in relevant areas for carrying out verification at the 1st level of the agrarian and industrial complex is given in application

7.4.4 the manager of the facility annually, by written order structural unit determines the timing of the agro-industrial complex at level 1. Assigns (if necessary) equipment and territories to operational (shift) and maintenance personnel of the service (workshop, site, group);

7.4.5 personnel involved in the operation of technological equipment conduct an assessment during a scheduled walk-through (inspection) of equipment assigned on the basis of 7.4.4, as well as as part of an operational inspection in accordance with the provided walk-through routes for equipment and installations. Repair personnel, as a rule, assess the condition of the assigned equipment, as well as areas, equipment, buildings and structures at the work sites and along the route to them;

7.4.6 employees report any identified comments, violations and inconsistencies to their immediate superiors, and in their absence at their workplaces - to a higher operational or administrative head;

7.4.7 managers and specialists (engineers, foremen) assess the condition of equipment, territories, buildings and structures in the manner prescribed in clause 7.4.5. In this case, information received from subordinate personnel about inconsistencies is checked by them personally during the work shift;

7.4.8 the work manager (foreman, engineer, shift supervisor, etc.) clarifies and evaluates the nature of defects or violations of labor protection, industrial, environmental and fire safety requirements identified by employees, and determines the possibility of eliminating them during the working day (shift) by the forces of subordinate service personnel (workshop, site, group);

7.4.9 if it is possible to eliminate the identified inconsistency with the involvement of subordinate personnel, the work manager (foreman, engineer, shift supervisor, etc.) determines the action that must be taken to eliminate the inconsistency;

7.4.10 the work manager determines the performers, issues detailed explanations on the procedure for performing the work and organizes the provision of the necessary resources; if necessary, the work manager carries out the procedure for registering the task as work with increased danger, forming a team of performers and conducting targeted briefing;

Information about changes: Revision 200154223-40-2014:

the work manager determines the performers, issues detailed explanations on the procedure for performing the work and organizes the provision of the necessary resources; if necessary, the work manager carries out the procedure for registering the task as work with increased danger with targeted instruction

7.4.11 information on the implementation of measures to eliminate non-conformity is recorded in the “Work Registration Log” ( Appendix 5). If the workplace does not provide for maintaining a Work Registration Log, information about the implementation of measures to eliminate non-conformity is recorded in the “Journal of Issue of Production Tasks” ( Appendix 6). In the note to this entry, an explanation is made “1 level of the APC”;

Information about changes: Revision 200154223-40-2014:

information on eliminating the discrepancy is recorded in the “Journal of Work Registration” (Appendix D) or in the “Journal of Issue of Production Tasks” (Appendix D) and in the note to this entry the explanation “1st level of the APC” is made.

7.4.12 if the nonconformity cannot be eliminated with the involvement of subordinate personnel, information describing the nonconformity is entered into the “Log of defects of main and auxiliary equipment” ( Appendix 3), entries are made by immediate supervisors (foremen, engineers, shift supervisors, etc.);

7.4.13 “Journal of registration of works”, “Journal of defects of main and auxiliary equipment” and “Journal of issuance of production tasks” are maintained in the service, workshop, site, group. The need for additional placement of magazines at a particular facility is determined by the head of the service, group, or site;

Information about changes: Revision 200154223-40-2014:

“The log of defects of main and auxiliary equipment” is maintained in a service, workshop, section, group; the need for additional placement of the magazine at a particular facility is determined by the head of the service, group, or site;

7.4.14 if, during an inspection at the 1st level of the agro-industrial complex, defects or violations are identified that can cause harm to the health of workers or lead to an accident or incident, the work manager suspends the operation of equipment or workers until these defects or violations are completely eliminated, which he informs the superior manager about;

7.4.15 violations identified at the 1st level of the agro-industrial complex, requiring the development of long-term measures, additional financing, material and technical resources or equipment shutdown, are included by the head of the service (workshop, section, group) in the plans for carrying out preventive maintenance work, maintenance and repair of equipment, into the routine maintenance plan.

7.4.16 the head of the service, workshop, is obliged every working day to get acquainted with the entries in the “Log of defects of main and auxiliary equipment”, draw up records on the appointment of responsible persons and set deadlines for elimination, and then organize the implementation of measures to eliminate inconsistencies by the repair personnel of his department, or with the involvement of employees of a specialized unit;

7.4.17 information on the implementation of measures must be promptly entered into the “Log of defects of main and auxiliary equipment” by the person responsible for the implementation of the measure;

7.4.18 the organization of elimination of violations or defects associated with failures of heating systems, water supply, ventilation, lighting, information and computing systems and devices, as well as communication systems, is carried out by the work manager promptly, guided by the “Action Plan in case of failure situations” , with a call to eliminate employees or specialists of the relevant services of the branch;

7.4.19 elimination of violations associated with clutter, the presence of foreign objects on the territory and in the premises, the formation of ice, snow drifts, pollution, etc. on the equipment and approaches to it, as well as those related to the lack of temporary safety signs, designations and markings on the main and auxiliary equipment, malfunction of tools, devices, primary fire extinguishing means, is carried out by workers immediately after their identification, with notification of their immediate supervisor of the work without making journal entries;

7.4.20 when organizing rotation method work on industrial sites, when there may be cases of absence of a direct engineering and technical employee (supervisor) during a work shift due to a discrepancy in the work schedule, employees must report information about identified discrepancies to the shift manager of the dispatch service (engineer) who is on shift. The shift manager (engineer) determines the need to eliminate inconsistencies during the current work shift, and in the event of a threat of injury to workers or an accident, organizes the implementation of measures to eliminate the inconsistency. For the activities being implemented, the shift manager makes entries in the operational journal with the note “1st level of the agro-industrial complex.”

Information about changes: The item was introduced for the first time

Ministry economic development Russian Federation


On approval of the methodology for calculating the indicator “Growth of high-performance jobs, as a percentage of the previous year”

Document with changes made:

Pursuant to the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2013 N Pr-2266, and in accordance with clause 5.2 of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2008 N 420,

I order:

1. Approve the attached methodology for calculating the indicator “Growth in high-performance jobs, as a percentage of the previous year.”

2. The order of Rosstat dated November 14, 2013 N 449 “On approval of methods for calculating the indicators “Growth of high-productivity jobs, as a percentage of the previous year”, “Share of products of high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in gross domestic product” and “Share of production” shall be declared invalid. high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the gross regional product of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation."


Methodology for calculating the indicator "Growth of high-performance jobs, as a percentage of the previous year"

1. This methodology was developed in pursuance of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2012 N 2550-r and the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2013 Pr-2266.

Here and further in the text, definitions of concepts are provided solely for the purposes of this Methodology.

In accordance with the recommendations of the International Labor Organization workplace defined as a range of tasks and responsibilities that are performed or to be performed by one person in the interests of one economic unit. The number of jobs is taken into account based on actually employed workers (replaced jobs).

Toward high-performance workplaces(hereinafter referred to as VPRM) include all replaced jobs of an enterprise (organization) in which the average monthly wages workers (for individual entrepreneurs- average revenue) is equal to or exceeds the established criterion value (threshold value).

It is understood that the substituted jobs for organizations and enterprises are employees on the payroll, external part-time workers and employees who performed work under civil contracts; for individual entrepreneurs - these are those employed in business (the individual entrepreneur himself, partners, helping family members, employees).

IN as a criterion for selecting organizations (enterprises) having high-productivity jobs, a threshold value is set average monthly wages of workers per occupied workplace, differentiated by types of enterprises and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For each organization (enterprise), the average monthly salary is calculated by dividing the annual accrued wage fund by the number of jobs filled by payroll employees, external part-time workers, employees who performed work under civil contracts, and by 12.

IN as a criterion for selecting individual entrepreneurs who have highly productive jobs, an indicator is set average monthly revenue per occupied workplace.

2. The sources of information for the calculation are data from federal statistical observation forms:

for large and medium-sized organizations - federal statistical observation form N P-4 “Information on the number and wages of employees” for the reporting year;

for small enterprises - federal statistical observation form No. PM "Information on the main indicators of the activities of a small enterprise" for the reporting year;

for micro-enterprises - federal statistical observation form N MP (micro) “Information on the main indicators of micro-enterprise activity”;

for individual entrepreneurs - federal statistical observation forms N 1-IP "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur", N 1-IP-trade "Information on the activities of an individual entrepreneur in retail trade"for the year preceding the reporting year.

3. Determination of threshold values

3.1. Organizations (excluding small ones) of the non-financial corporations sector, main type economic activity which are agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming (A), mining (B), manufacturing (C), provision electrical energy, gas and steam; air conditioning (D), water supply; water disposal, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities (E), construction (F), wholesale and retail trade; auto repair vehicles and motorcycles (G), transportation and storage (H), hotel and business activities catering(I), activities in the field of information and communications (J), activities in real estate transactions (L), professional, scientific and technical activities (M), administrative activities and related additional services (N), provision of other types of services (S )

The threshold value for organizations (excluding small ones), the main economic activity of which is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, S, is established according to the indicator “average monthly salary employees per replaced workplace" separately by legal entities operating on the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation (mono-territorial enterprises), and for legal entities operating on the territory of several (2 or more) constituent entities of the Russian Federation (multi-territorial enterprises).

multi-territorial enterprises calculated on average for the Russian Federation for the totality of enterprises (excluding small ones), the main type of economic activity of which, according to OKVED2, is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, S.

Threshold value for the indicator “average monthly wages of workers per occupied workplace” for monoterritorial enterprises calculated on average for the totality of monoterritorial enterprises (excluding small ones), the main type of economic activity of which, according to OKVED2, is A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, S, located on territory of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Organizations (excluding small ones), the main type of economic activity of which is financial and insurance activities (K), public administration and ensuring military security; social security (S), education (R), health and social services(Q), activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment (R)
OKVED2 OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev.2).

The threshold value for organizations (excluding small ones), the main type of economic activity of which is K, O, R, Q, R, is set at the level of the average monthly accrued wages in the economy of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the current methodology, the average monthly accrued wages in the economy of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is calculated by dividing the annual fund of accrued wages of all employees (payroll, external part-time workers, employees who performed work under civil contracts) by average number workers and 12.

3.3. Small enterprises, micro enterprises, individual entrepreneurs

The threshold value for small (micro-enterprises) for the indicator “average monthly wage per occupied workplace” is determined for the totality of the relevant type of enterprise(small or micro-enterprises) operating on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

For individual entrepreneurs, the threshold value when assessing the number of highly productive jobs is taken the amount of average monthly revenue per one replaced workplace for the totality of micro-enterprises of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that have highly productive workplaces.

The calculation is made according to the following algorithm:

V is the average monthly revenue of microenterprises with highly productive jobs, per 1 replaced job;

- annual revenue of the j-th microenterprise with highly productive jobs;

- the number of jobs replaced at the j-th microenterprise that has highly productive jobs;

m is the number of microenterprises with highly productive jobs.

3.4. The threshold values ​​determined for 2011 are taken as basic. For each subsequent year (except for clause 3.2.), in order to ensure comparability, this value is revised taking into account the consumer price index for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (with the exception of multi-territorial enterprises (without small ones) having the type of economic activity A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, S for which the threshold value is multiplied by the consumer price index for Russia).

If the calculated threshold value is below a level equal to two values ​​of the subsistence minimum of the working-age population in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on average per year, it is increased to this level. In the absence of a subsistence minimum established by the legislative (representative) body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the fourth quarter, the calculated subsistence minimum for the working population is used, calculated on the basis of the approved subsistence minimum values ​​on average for the first three quarters of the reporting year.

For organizations (excluding small ones), the main economic activities of which are financial and insurance activities (K), public administration and ensuring military security; social security (O), education (P), activities in the field of health and social services (Q), activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment (R) (clause 3.2.) the threshold value is set annually at the level of the average monthly salary fees in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4. Algorithm for determining the number of VPRM in organizations (except for small ones)

The development of the number of VPRM is carried out on the basis of information in Form N P-4 “Information on the number and wages of employees” for the reporting year.

At the first stage, the average monthly salary of employees per occupied workplace is calculated for each organization.

At the second stage, lists of organizations classified as highly productive are generated in accordance with the criteria defined in paragraph 3.

At the third stage, for a selected circle of organizations, the number of highly productive jobs is calculated as the sum of the number of employees on the payroll, external part-time workers, and employees who performed work under civil contracts.

5. Algorithm for determining the number of VPRM in small enterprises, microenterprises and individual entrepreneurs

5.1. At the first stage, for each small enterprise and microenterprise included in the sample population, the average monthly salary of employees in the organization (enterprise) is determined according to the following algorithm:

ZP - average monthly wage of workers per 1 replaced workplace in a small or micro enterprise;

F - annual fund of accrued wages of a small or micro enterprise;

Z is the number of jobs replaced in a small or micro enterprise.

Enterprises with highly productive jobs are selected from the sample population, that is, enterprises in which the average monthly wage of employees per 1 occupied job (ZP) is equal to or greater than the established threshold value.

At the second stage, the number of highly productive jobs in small and micro enterprises is determined, adjusted to take into account the weight of the enterprise in the sample, using the formula:


- the number of highly productive jobs in small enterprises;

- number of replaced jobs at the j-th small enterprise;

- the weight of the j-th small enterprise in the sample.

n is the number of small ones with highly productive jobs;


- the number of highly productive jobs in micro-enterprises;

- number of replaced jobs at the j-th microenterprise;

- the weight of the j-th microenterprise in the sample.

n is the number of microenterprises with highly productive jobs;

5.2. At the first stage, for each individual entrepreneur included in the sample population, the amount of average monthly revenue per one replaced workplace is determined according to the following algorithm:

V - the amount of average monthly revenue of an individual entrepreneur per 1 replaced workplace;

- the amount of annual revenue of an individual entrepreneur;

Z is the number of people employed in the business of an individual entrepreneur.

To determine the number of highly productive jobs for individual entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs are selected from the sample population whose revenue per occupied job is equal to or exceeds the threshold value.

At the second stage, the number of highly productive jobs for individual entrepreneurs is determined, adjusted to take into account the weight of the enterprise in the sample, using the formula:


- the number of highly productive jobs for individual entrepreneurs;

- the number of people employed in the business of the j-th individual entrepreneur;

- the weight of the j-th individual entrepreneur in the sample;

n is the number of individual entrepreneurs with highly productive jobs.

6. The total number of highly productive jobs in the reporting year () is determined by the formula:

the number of VPRM in organizations (except for small ones) of the following types of economic activities: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, S for the reporting year;

the number of VPRM in organizations (except for small ones) of the following types of economic activity: K, O, P, Q, R for the reporting year;

the number of GPRMs in organizations classified as small (without micro-enterprises) for the reporting year;

number of GPRMs in micro-enterprises for the reporting year;

number of GPRMs among individual entrepreneurs (in the field of individual entrepreneurial activity) for the year preceding the reporting year.

The total number of GPRMs in the previous year () is determined similarly.
(Clause as amended, put into effect by Order of Rosstat dated February 28, 2019 N 108.

7. In pursuance of paragraph 2 of Appendix No. 1 to the order of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2018 No. Pr-2426GS in order to ensure monitoring of indicators for assessing the performance of higher officials constituent entities of the Russian Federation to achieve the goals established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 N 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024”, as well as in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated March 20, 2019 . N D03i-8876 provides for the development of an indicator, “the number of highly productive jobs in the non-budgetary sector of the economy.” The number of highly productive jobs in the non-budgetary sector of the economy () is determined by the formula:

Total number of high-performance jobs in the reporting year;

The number of highly productive jobs in budgetary organizations for the reporting year, i.e. sum of high-productivity federal government jobs budgetary institutions, state budgetary institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal budgetary institutions, state academies of sciences, federal state autonomous institutions, state autonomous institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal autonomous institutions, state government institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal government institutions
(The paragraph was additionally included by Rosstat order No. 108 dated February 28, 2019; as amended by Rosstat order No. 210 dated April 15, 2019.

8. The increase in high-performance jobs, as a percentage compared to the previous year, is determined by the formula:

increase (decrease) in high-performance jobs, %

number of GPRMs in the reporting year

number of GPRMs in the previous year.

(The paragraph was additionally included by Rosstat order dated February 28, 2019 N 108)

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Labor (SOUT - Special Assessment - ed.) are trying to adjust the existing staffing table, hiding the real number of employees in order to save money. They merge one position with another, reduce the number of jobs, and eliminate “undesirable” positions. As a result: falsely submitted information is incorrect SOUT results. If inaccuracies are identified in the special assessment documents during inspections by the state labor inspector, administrative responsibility, first of all, will attract the employer, since incorrect information can cost people their lives and health. You can, of course, ask a question to the organization conducting the SOUT, but its cause is just: the number of jobs they declared was what they checked. And in case of those who are especially dissatisfied: “Here is a copy of the certified staffing table signed by the manager and sealed by the organization, what other claims could there be?”

There is no point in hiding or changing the list of employees. Moreover, if you find similar jobs, you can also save a lot of money on SOUT without violating legal requirements. What are these places and how to identify them among the available jobs?

Similar workplaces are places where workers have the same positions, professions, specialties, and perform typical job functions on identical equipment, using the same tools, and they are all located in one or more identical work areas that have the same type of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting systems. The definition of analogy is a little difficult to perceive, isn’t it? To make it easier to understand, we will explain everything visually in the form of examples with their solutions.

Example #1: There are 7 employees in the office, represented by a chief accountant, a leading accountant, and 5 sales managers. What jobs will be subject to analogy?

Solution: The positions of only five managers will be similar, since these specialists have the same job description and perform the same functions.

Example #2: There are 2 welders in two workshops. How to determine which jobs are similar?

Solution: If the working areas in the workshops are the same in structure, then all 4 welding workplaces will be considered similar.

For your information, Despite the fact that welders do not have a strictly assigned workplace and move from site to site during the working day, a special assessment is mandatory for them. Similar places are called workplaces with geographically varying zones.

Example #3: The organization employs 5 drivers. Three work on Chevrolet cars manufactured in 2011 (fuel type used is AI-92), the fourth works on Nissan cars produced in 2013 (fuel type AI-95), and the fifth works on Renault (fuel type AI-92). Which and how many jobs will be assessed?

Solution: Based on the fact that the driver’s workplace is motor vehicle, the jobs of workers who work on Chevrolet cars will be similar, because The year of manufacture, make, and fuel type of vehicles are the same.

We have identified similar places; now we must answer the question of how many jobs are subject to assessment. Thanks to this, we will reveal the “highlight” of the process - cost savings due to analogy. The Federal Law on SOUT No. 426-FZ contains a calculation formula for determining similarity: 20% of jobs from the total number of such places, but not less than 2, are subject to assessment. Let's apply the formula to drivers: multiply 3 by 20%, we get 0.6. Despite this, two jobs will be evaluated, because there is an established minimum, with the help of which it is possible to determine the identity of working conditions. If differences are determined during the assessment of 2 workplaces, then the principle of analogy will be canceled and all 100% of workplaces will be assessed.

Shift work also plays an important role in the analogy. Due to this, you can reduce the number of jobs by half.

Example #4: Operators of the pharmaceutical bottling line, a total of 12 people on staff, work in two shifts: from 8.00 to 15.00, from 15.00 to 21.00. There are 6 people per shift. How many jobs are subject to assessment?

Solution: Let's think logically - line operators perform the same duties, the maximum that distinguishes them is their location on the line. They can be classified as similar. But it turns out that the remaining 6 employees replace each other and, in fact, the jobs do not change at the same time. Therefore, the analogy can be calculated only from 6 jobs, we calculate it using the formula, we get the answer - 2 jobs.

If shifts in the work of line operators are not taken into account, 3 jobs will be subject to assessment. This is what can be revealed during the special assessment process, and only at first glance it seems that it is difficult to determine what and how to classify a workplace. It is enough to examine the requirements of the law in detail.

If you have any questions, you can direct them to email: [email protected], our specialists will answer you promptly and, if necessary, prepare a list of jobs for you, taking into account similar ones, free of charge and in a timely manner.

Each organization compiles a list of jobs, which is presented in the form of a table (Appendix No. 5 to the Methodological Recommendations).

The table indicates:

In column 1 - individual workplace number from 1 to 99,999,999.

Similar workplaces are designated by the workplace number with the addition of a capital letter “A”. For example, 125A (124A), i.e. workplace 125 is similar to workplace 124, and if there are several similar workplaces, then they will all be similar to workplace 124, which is inscribed in brackets.

In column 2 - the name of the workplace indicating in the genitive case the name of the profession of workers or positions of employees employed at this workplace, in accordance with the staffing table and the All-Russian Classifier of professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories (hereinafter - OK 016-94).

Lists of jobs are compiled by specialists from the HR department, labor protection department, and heads of structural divisions of the organization.

Important! The greatest difficulty in compiling this list is the correct classification of individual jobs into the category of similar ones in connection with taking into account the eight indicators set out below, which requires a significant amount of time from the performers.

Ignoring certain criteria of similarity can lead to conflict situations between employees and the employer and, possibly, to repeated implementation of special assessments at workplaces and additional financial costs for the employer.

Performers of work on compiling a list of jobs indicating similar jobs are recommended to consistently evaluate the jobs in question for their possible similarity according to the following criteria:

1. Workplaces are located in one or more similar production premises (production areas).

2. Workplaces are equipped with the same (same type) ventilation, air conditioning, heating and lighting systems.

3. Employees work in the same profession, position, specialty.

4. Employees perform the same job functions.

5. The same working hours are established at workplaces.

6. The same type of technological process is carried out at workplaces.

7. The same production equipment, tools, fixtures, materials and raw materials are used at workplaces.

8. At workplaces, workers are provided with the same personal protective equipment.

When similar workplaces are identified, SOUT is carried out at 20% of workplaces from the total number of such workplaces, but at least at two workplaces, and its results are applied to all similar workplaces (Article 16 No. 426-FZ).

Despite the apparent simplicity of identifying similar jobs, mistakes are often made when defining analogies.

Example 1. The company has 5 employees in the position of “sales manager”. They are all in the same office and perform the same job responsibilities. In this regard, the employer classified their workplaces as similar and planned to carry out SOUT for 20% of 5 workplaces, i.e. at one workplace.

The mistake in this situation is that the employer lost sight of the requirement of paragraph 1 of Article 16 of Federal Law No. 426 - SOUT is carried out at 20% of workplaces of the total number of such workplaces, but not less than two workplaces.

In a situation where the employer would have, for example, only 2 jobs of “sales managers”, SOUT should be carried out at both jobs. The minimum established by law (at least 2 workplaces) is aimed at obtaining objective assessment results during the research and, if at least one of the measured parameters at two workplaces differs, the SOUT will have to be carried out at all similar workplaces.

Example 2. In one office there are workstations for the chief accountant, leading accountant and HR specialist. Each of these workers has a personal computer (PC). The employer believes that the jobs of these specialists are similar: in the same office, with the same working conditions, and they perform work on a PC.

The mistake is that, despite the presence of identical equipment and the same working conditions, these workers have different positions. In this case, the jobs cannot be recognized as similar.

Accounting for the availability of equipment (in this case, a PC) will be carried out only if the employees have the same positions. In this case, the brand and year of manufacture of the PC must be identical.

Example 3. The organization has 5 drivers. One driver drives a UAZ vehicle manufactured in 2012, another driver drives a KamAZ vehicle manufactured in 2009, and the rest drive MAZ vehicles manufactured in 2013.

Often the commission defines all 5 workplaces as similar, saying that all cars have modern and comfortable cabins.

The mistake is that jobs are similar only on identical MAZ vehicles with the same year of manufacture, provided that the workers on these vehicles perform the same job functions with the same operating mode, etc. If different jobs are performed on cars of the same brand and the same year of manufacture (transportation of passengers, dangerous goods, timber removal, transportation of bulk materials by dump trucks, etc.), then in this case the jobs are not similar.

In this regard, SOUT should be carried out at workplaces in UAZ (1 workplace), KaMAZ (1 workplace) and MAZ (2 workplaces).

Example 4. There are 6 positions of “Heads of Departments” in the organization’s staffing table. The employer considers their workplaces to be similar and plans to carry out special assessments at two workplaces.

The mistake in this case is that all these “bosses” are the heads of not one department, but different ones: planning, the chief mechanic’s department, financial, supply and sales, and they perform different work. Therefore, SOUTH must be carried out at all these workplaces.

Example 5. The Sterile and Pharmaceuticals Division has 14 line operators who fill pharmaceuticals on a two-shift basis. The employer plans to conduct special labor safety measures at 3 workplaces.

The mistake is that the employer did not take into account the shift work of the operators. It is necessary to divide 14 staff units into 2 shifts and calculate an analogy from 7 jobs, provided that the remaining 7 people come to the same place, perform the same functions and the working conditions do not change. Only 2 workplaces will be subject to SOUT.