Owner of Monsanto Corporation. Monsanto: GMOs and population control

“And then I realized both sides of my soul: the idealist crusader and the cold-blooded apologist for the law of the jungle.”
Edgar Quiney, Chairman of the Board of Monsanto (1943–1963)

Distillate of Evil

Writing about Monsanto is difficult because of the company's unique reputation. There is no other transnational corporation that attracts the vibes of such all-consuming and withering hatred from public opinion. Monsanto is the undisputed distillate of Evil, the world's champion scapegoat, chosen to absorb any and all negative emotions coming towards the New World Order.

Although this circumstance determined the desire to restore justice and ward off at least undeserved accusations from Monsanto (such as the company’s involvement in the largest man-made disaster in US history in Texas City), it was by no means the main reason for disclosing the topic. Equally, I will not exaggerate the role of sensational revelations that emerged as a result of studying Monsanto’s latest experiments in the field of food genetic engineering. However, I will not hide from the reader the fact that, realizing the scale of the danger awaiting the human race, I literally shuddered. Be that as it may, the main message of our research is connected with a paradoxical conclusion made not because of, but despite the pleroma of horror films that accompany every step of Monsanto in history.

Pair of bellum

“Si vis pacem, para bellum” (1)

John Francis Quiney devoted thirty years of his life to uncomplainingly serving the powerful Meyer Brothers Drug Company. The self-taught pharmacist met the crisis of forty years with a thorough knowledge of the market and depressing dissatisfaction with his financial situation - this is understandable: if Christian Meer’s office had not been greedy on employee salaries, it would not be the largest pharmaceutical wholesaler in America today!

In 1901, John Queeny went all-in: he borrowed money from a Chicago soft drink manufacturer and set up production of saccharin, the formula of which he either borrowed from his former employer or invented on his own. Thus was born a company bearing the euphonious family name of John’s wife, Olga Mendez Monsanto.

In full accordance with the prejudices of mystical idealism cultivated by us in "Other People's Lessons", I would venture to suggest that the initial impulse inherent in Monsanto, namely the feeling of monstrous material dissatisfaction of the founding father, set the corporate motivation for the next 106 years of life. “Money at any cost!” - this is the sublimated motto of Monsanto, from which the company draws energy for unprecedented aggression and expansion. This motto also explains the amazing ease with which Monsanto, without the slightest hesitation or thought, easily subscribes to the most seemingly dubious moral, ethical and morally projects: polychlorinated biphenyls - in the 30s, uranium research for the Manhattan Project - in the 40s, dioxin fertilizers - in the 50s, Agent Orange - in the 60s, and beyond - with all stops: bovine growth hormone, aspartame, genetically modified soybeans and cotton, Roundup Ready, terminator wheat, a relentless war on small independent farmers and a campaign to discredit organic food.

In 1904, caffeine and vanillin were added to the saccharin that Monsanto supplied to soft drink manufacturers, and aspirin was added in 1917. By this time, Monsanto's annual turnover had exceeded a million dollars, which made it possible to seize a dominant position in the production of the most fashionable medicine of the 20th century. The company remained the largest aspirin manufacturer in the United States until the mid-80s.

Hardcore Monsanto activists like to remind the excited public that Monsanto's first lawsuit dates back to the dawn of its history: in 1917, the US government asked the court to investigate the safety of saccharin for human health. There are, however, strong reasons to believe that this fact only illustrates the aforementioned trail of false slander that haunts the company everywhere: when informing about the legal proceedings, for some reason they forget to indicate the fact that the lawsuit was filed by the government on the initiative... of Monsanto itself, which tried thus creating a legal precedent to stop widespread rumors about the carcinogenicity of the sweetener. The piquancy of the trial is further aggravated by the fact that the urban legend about saccharin inflamed the imagination of Americans precisely in an era when daily snorting of cocaine was considered an indispensable attribute of belonging to the progressive and creative strata of society.

The “Saccharin Case” was closed in 1925 for lack of evidence, but was subsequently reopened several times: the most thorough investigation involving the best scientific minds in America took place in 1981, but ended without results. In 2001, the warning that saccharin may cause cancer was removed from all labels.

In the early 1930s, the company, which had by then passed into the hands of Edgar Quiney, the son of the founder, began producing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which were widely used in the manufacture of lubricants, hydraulic fluids, waterproof coatings and sealants. This is a carcinogen, a carcinogen, burdened, moreover, with a destructive effect on the immune system, mental development and reproductive function of the human body!

Monsanto bravely produced PCBs almost until the outlawing of this infection (in 1979), having managed to poison millions of residents not only in Illinois, where the world's largest PCB manufacturing plant was located, but also in neighboring states. In 1982, environmental measurements in Times Beach, Missouri, showed such high levels of dioxin poisoning, a byproduct of PCB production, that state authorities ordered an emergency evacuation.

The sublimated motto (“Money at any cost!”) turned out to be the obverse for Monsanto only at the beginning of this century, when the courts satisfied a series of class actions against the company, received from residents of the city of Anniston, Alabama. The court's verdict matches the scale of the poisoning: $700 million in compensation!

In the 40s, Monsanto, which by that time was already one of the ten largest chemical producers in America, actively joined the work on the production of the atomic bomb. The company was entrusted with the management of the Dayton Project, and Monsanto employee Charles Allen Thomas directly headed the laboratory to create a neutron generator. In addition, Monsanto took control of the government's Mound Laboratory, where until 1989 it was engaged in secret developments in the field of nuclear components.

On April 16, 1947, the largest environmental disaster in US history occurred in the port of Texas City, which ecstatic Americans like to compare with Nagasaki. It is difficult for spoiled Europeans to understand the logic by which 74 thousand Japanese killed is equated with the 581 Americans who lost their lives in the explosion of a ship full of ammonium nitrate, which was intended to be sent to France. Nevertheless, the fact remains that America has never known such horror. Eyewitnesses said that the blast wave tore off the wings of airplanes on which tourists were flying around the sights of the city; in neighboring Galveston, located 16 kilometers from Texas City, passers-by were knocked off their feet, and in the state capital of Houston (60 km from the epicenter) glass flew out of the windows .

Almost immediately after the disaster, rumors firmly linked the explosion in Texas City with the name Monsanto. This was facilitated by two circumstances: firstly, Monsanto was the largest producer of ammonium nitrate in America, and secondly, next to the port there was one of its factories, which also took off into the air - either for company, or as a detonator . Historical justice, however, requires that we remember the results of the investigation, according to which the saltpeter loaded into the holds of the Grandcamp ship was not produced by Monsanto or in the neighborhood, but was delivered by rail from the states of Nebraska and Iowa.

In the end, it is not so important what caused the explosion - an act of planned sabotage, spontaneous combustion or an unextinguished cigarette (2) - the main thing is that ordinary people now have a clear illustration of the “safety” of the games played by chemical corporations. As for Monsanto’s environmental history, the Texas City disaster does little to change its overall radiation background: according to the federal Environmental Protection Agency, the company is a “potentially responsible party” for the contamination of at least 93 sites in the United States.

Orange sky

The 50s in the biography of Monsanto passed without scandals. The company continued vigorous experiments with pesticides, which it successfully converted into herbicides (“2,4,5-T”), expanded the market for plastics (polystyrene, then polyurethane) and took the first timid steps towards global expansion (“Mobay”, founded jointly with the German chemical giant Bayer).

As if frightened by the uncharacteristic lull, Monsanto more than made up for it in the next decade: the monstrous genocide of the Vietnam War, which went down in history as Agent Orange, is associated with the company’s name.

In the Russian-language Wikipedia, only one colorless line is devoted to these terrible events: “In the 1960s, Monsanto was the leading manufacturer of Agent Orange, which was used to defoliate vegetation during the Vietnam War. For this, the company had to pay compensation to Vietnam War veterans in 1984.”

Agent Orange, due to its simplified synthesis technology, contained a significant concentration of dioxins, which cause cancer and genetic mutations in people who came into contact with them. In total, about 14% of Vietnam was exposed to this poison. Since 1980, attempts have been made to achieve compensation through litigation, including with the companies that produce these substances (Dow Chemical and Monsanto). US, New Zealand, Australian and Canadian veterans received compensation in 1984. Payments were denied to Vietnamese and South Korean victims. According to the US Department of Defense, from 1961 to 1971, the Americans sprayed 72 million liters of defoliant on 10% of the territory of South Vietnam, including 44 million liters containing dioxin. According to the Vietnam Society for Dioxin Victims, of the three million Vietnamese victims of the chemical, more than a million people under the age of 18 have now become disabled and suffer from hereditary diseases.

Let us add an indicative fact on our own: it turns out that Uncle Sam and Monsanto effectively repelled not only the malicious insinuations of the enemy side, but also most of the slander of their compatriots. Of the 9,170 claims made by U.S. Army veterans for defoliant-related disabilities, 7,709 were denied on the grounds that the only documented manifestation of the defoliant was a “facial rash.” Attempts to link dioxin at the legislative level with cancer and subsequent genetic abnormalities are confidently neutralized by the political lobby of Monsanto and its comrades.

Since we are talking about politics, let us slightly break the order of the chronology and, looking ahead, note: Monsanto is perhaps the most influential company in the Republican administration of the White House, it is second only to Bektal and Haliburton. It is characteristic that Monsanto does not limit itself to indirect lobbying, seeking to install employees in key positions in the administration. Here's just the beginning of the list:
Monsanto lawyer Clarence Thomas was nominated by George H. W. Bush to serve as chief justice for life;
Donald Rumsfeld, until recently Secretary of Defense, once headed Searle Pharma-ceuticals, which Monsanto absorbed in 1985;
Anne Veneman, until recently - minister agriculture USA, and now - executive director UNICEF, once served on the board of directors of Calgene Pharmaceuticals, a division of Monsanto;
Linda Fisher, principal deputy director of the federal Environmental Protection Agency, is modestly described on the government's website as having "spent 17 years in public service and the private sector dedicated to the health of the American people." Since the euphemism “private sector” is not disclosed, we hasten to report that Fisher came to power from the position of Vice President of Monsanto for government and public relations and from 1995 to 2000 coordinated all lobbying activities of her native company in Washington.

There are a good dozen more names on the list of corporate agents, but even without them it is clear: Monsanto is an extremely influential company, so there is every reason to treat its initiatives not as a private business, but as a factor in world politics.
The feeding hand of the Beast

In the mid-70s, Monsanto began implementing an ambitious program aimed at radically changing the planet's food chain. The program is based on the concept of a global transition from organic food products to genetically modified forms, which, in turn, is achieved through the widespread implementation of the Roundup Ready System, a system of multi-level adaptation of grain crops to Roundup, a herbicide used to control perennial weeds.

Roundup is the trade name for glyphosate, whose herbicidal properties were discovered in 1970 by Monsanto employee John Franz. Today, the world's most popular herbicide is produced in incredible quantities in many countries since Monsanto's patent on the glyphosate molecule expired in 2000. This circumstance does not bother Monsanto at all, because the company has long shifted its emphasis from fertilizer to genetically modified (hereinafter referred to as GM) grain crops.

Without unnecessary agricultural details, the Roundup Ready System scheme can be presented as follows: GM grain (at first Monsanto genetically modified soybeans and canola, and today it has reached wheat) can be sown without first plowing the land, since weed control is entirely transferred to “ Roundup”, to which GM grains show more or less stable immunity. The lure of the Roundup Ready System lies in the promise of significant reductions in farm costs through savings on preliminary preparation soil. Quote from a Monsanto brochure: “No-till soybeans planted in narrow rows produce $16 more in income per acre than conventional soybeans. On a 1,000-acre field, you save 450 hours of wasted time and 3,500 gallons of diesel fuel annually.”

The spread of the Roundup Ready System across the planet is best illustrated by the example of India, where Monsanto's expansion has reached monumental proportions. In 1998, our good old friend - the International Monetary Fund - imposed a SAP (structural adjustment program) on India, which, among other delights, contained a requirement to open the country's grain market to transnational corporations. Monsanto came to India first and carried out a massive advertising campaign, and tens of thousands of Indian farmers have trustingly planted their fields with GM grains adapted for the Roundup Ready System.

The consequences turned out to be an epic disaster, as the savings from no-till were quickly offset by the costs of irrigation and the purchase of additional herbicides: the weeds, as environmental skeptics predicted, adapted to Roundup and required either increased concentration of treatments or the use of more effective and (of course! ) more toxic chemicals (such as Atrazine, Paraquat and Metsulfuron Methyl).

All this, however, turned out to be flowers in comparison with the hidden link of the “experiment” carried out by Monsanto in India. We are talking about the use of the so-called “terminator type” grain, which, as a result of genetic modifications, loses the ability to bear fruit again. In practice, this means that the harvested crop is completely unsuitable for use in the next sowing season, and the only way out is additional purchases of grain from Monsanto.

Another circumstance is connected with the Roundup Ready System and Monsanto’s program for the global restructuring of the planet’s food chain - the same thing that was for me the “sensational revelation” mentioned at the beginning of the article. Uninitiated ordinary people naively believe that, if they wish, they can refuse to consume genetically modified products and at any time return to traditional organic matter, which grows from farmers in their neighborhood. No matter how it is! It turns out that GM grains are constantly carried by the wind to neighboring fields, mixed with organic crops and, over time, completely displace them!

I will say more: the contamination process is universal in nature and, apparently, has long ago gotten out of control. The situation is not surprising given that even in the United States (not to mention third world countries where Monsanto has long been a boss) the expansion of genetically modified crops is proceeding at a colossal pace. Carl Casale, vice president of Monsanto: “The amount of land allocated in the United States for the use of GM grains grew from three million acres in 1996 to 97 million in 2002.”

By combining all the elements of the Roundup Ready System, we naturally arrive at the ultimate goal of Monsanto’s superprogram: the complete replacement of organic food with genetically modified terminator-type products capable of providing the company and, of course, the groups and interests behind it with an absolute monopoly and control over life cycle the entire population of the planet! The feeding hand of the Beast kindly opens the doors to the future for us - welcome to the New World Order!

Monsanthodicea (3)

As promised, the final chord of the study will be a pinch of antinomic salt added to the conspiracy soup we have cooked. Let’s ask the question point-blank: “What if the horrors associated with the name Monsanto are far-fetched? What if her infernal globalist ambitions are nothing more than a figment of a fevered imagination?

I will limit the rehabilitation of Monsanto’s public image to a single, but very convincing counterargument: let’s say that terminator-type grains are produced not for the final enslavement of farmers, but to prevent uncontrolled contamination of neighboring fields and the spread of genetically modified crops!

Reasonable? Quite! Although, in my opinion, the hypothesis somewhat contradicts the company’s self-proclaimed attitude: Monsanto should not be concerned about the safety of biotechnological food products. Our job is to sell as many of these products as possible, and ensuring safety is the direct responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration." - Phil Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications.

I leave it to the reader to decide for themselves the extent of Monsanto’s involvement in the construction of the New World Order, but I myself use the above statement by Phil Angell to substantiate my own view of the place of this controversial company in history.

The essence of my approach is this: “It is pointless and - most importantly - irrational to demand vegetarian skills from a vampire!” Corporations must do in their lives what they were born for - making money in any way available to them - and in this regard, Edgar Quiney is three times right, declaring his commitment to the law of the jungle (see epigraph to the article).

Monsanto is spinning as best it can, and, let’s face it, it does it very, very effectively - just look at the company’s stock market indicators and envy: 37 billion in capitalization, stable dividends, an unprecedented uptrend over the past five years.

In other words, Monsanto is doing what an exemplary corporation should do.

And now the second part of the equation: “Question: what should we, ordinary inhabitants of planet Earth, not bound by corporate obligations and not involved in the intimate plans of Monsanto, act? Answer: ordinary people should suppress Monsanto (as well as all other corporations in the world) to the best of their ability! Fight abuses, litigate, do not succumb to provocations and do not fall into the temptations of genetically modified progress.”

Finally, the most important thing: only such a dialectic of relationships between corporations and the public can ensure constructive movement and development of our civilization. Any imbalance (the monopoly dictate of Monsanto on the one hand, or a complete rejection of genetic engineering on the other) will only lead to entropy and death.

1 If you want peace, prepare for war (lat.)

2 All three versions were considered during the investigation, but no clear conclusions were made.

3 Our neologism, derived from Monsanto and the Greek dike (justice) - by analogy with theodicy, the justification of God.

Supported by the US government, this agricultural biotechnology company It is also a leading producer of Roundup, a controversial herbicide containing glyphosate.

Monsanto creates GM seeds that are resistant to herbicides, particularly Roundup, which makes it possible to destroy all plants in the fields except GM crops that can resist it. When these GM crops are harvested, they have extremely high levels of glyphosate, which was recently recognized World Health Organization (WHO)"possible" carcinogen.

Monsanto spent years developing chemical products, some of which eventually became controversial or were banned - such as DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), Agent Orange, bovine growth hormone and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

So what's the problem?

Monsanto is a leading producer of GM seeds and glyphosate-based herbicide, which are extremely dangerous products from an environmental point of view. Glyphosate is toxic to humans and the environment. It penetrates soil and water, and accumulates over a long time in the bodies of animals and humans.

Monsanto says glyphosate is safe to use, but independent scientists disagree because several studies have shown that some diseases are linked to exposure to toxic herbicides. This substance (even in small doses) destroys the endocrine system and negatively affects the health of the reproductive system, which leads to various pathologies.

The human body is not able to process GM foods, and a number of animal studies have shown that consuming such foods poses a serious health risk. By consuming GM foods you may develop:

  • infertility
  • problems with immunity
  • changes in the liver and kidneys
  • accelerated rate of aging of the body
  • gene dysregulation associated with cholesterol synthesis

Monsanto says there is no need to test the safety of genetically modified foods because they may pose no health risks. U.S. Food and Drug Administration have refused all types of safety testing for these products and claim that voluntary studies are sufficient. So Monsanto and other agricultural giants are able to work almost unhindered international market, despite the risks their products pose.

What products contain GMOs from Monsanto?

You might be surprised how many manufacturers use GM raw materials to produce foods that you can eat almost every day. If you're interested in eliminating GM foods, or simply don't want to give away your hard-earned money to Monsanto, here are some brands you can boycott:

  • Coca-Cola and all products of this company (Fanta, Sprite, Nestea, Schweppes, BonAqua, Burn, Fruittime)
  • Nestle (Nescafe, Nesquik, Nestlé, Maggi, Purina, Torchin, Svitoch, KitKat, Ekstrem, Russia - a generous soul, Bon Pari, Nuts, Gold Mark, Perrier, Friskies, Felix, Gourmet, Darling)
  • Cadbury (Dirol, Picnic, Stimorol, Wispa, Halls, Fruit & Nut, Love Is...)
  • Campbell, Liebig and Royco soups
  • Capri-Sun (juices)
  • General Mills
  • Heinz (mayonnaise, ketchup)
  • Knorr (broths, soups and sauces)
  • Kraft Philip Morris and related brands, including Maxwell coffee and Milka chocolate
  • Lipton teas
  • Pepperidge Farm (cookies)
  • PepsiCo and Pepsi-Cola brands, including Tropicana, Gatorade, Alvalle, Seven Up, Lipton Ice Tea, Lay's, Doritos, Ruffles, Tostitos and Quakers
  • Uncle Ben's

By stopping consuming these and other Monsanto-related products, you will discourage the corporate giant's sponsorship and do your part in the fight against the production of GMO food and glyphosate-based herbicides. And if you share information about Monsanto products and the dangers of GMOs, you can spread knowledge and contribute to saving planet Earth and the many species living on it.

It all started quite simply and looked innocent when people first learned to grow their own own products nutrition. After the harvest, farmers stored their seeds until the next season, often hand-picking the best and brightest seeds to reap a bountiful harvest the following season. Eventually, several farmers and naturalists observed natural hybrid plants and they came up with the idea of ​​conducting an experiment in which they decided to cross different types of plants. Then in 1900, thanks to the use of genetic Mendel's theories By manipulating different plant species in a process called traditional breeding, it was already possible to achieve the desired result. The following year, a man named John Francis Quiney founded a small chemical company in Creve Coeur, Missouri, and named it Monsanto .

After 40 years, Monsanto has become the largest producer of plastics (including polystyrene) and synthetic fibers. Then in 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick published material on the discovery of a three-dimensional double helical structure. This discovery ultimately leads to the practical possibility of connecting genes from different organisms. 20 years later, in 1973, Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen create recombinant DNA of an organism for the first time.

The stage was set in 1980 for what happened this week in America when the Supreme Court ruled that genetically modified life forms could be patented, giving Exxon the right to create food microorganisms. From that point on, the creation gates were wide open for Monsanto.

1982 - The US FDA approves the first genetically engineered drug "Humulin" Genentech company.
1986 - Field trials of genetically modified plants (tobacco) were carried out for the first time in Belgium.
1987 - the first field to test GMO tobacco and tomatoes in the USA.
1992 - The USDA allows Calgene's "Favr Savr" tomato to be used commercially.
1992 - The US FDA declares that GMOs are not dangerous and does not require special regulations or changes in legislation.
1994 - the first GMO is approved for use in the EU (tobacco).
2000 - in Canada, at the Convention on Biological Diversity, 130 countries approved the International Protocol on Biosafety. This protocol provides for the labeling of foods containing GMOs... but it must be ratified by 50 countries before it can take effect, and it still contains many weaknesses and loopholes. 50 countries ratified only in 2003, although 194 countries were present at the signing.
1997-2002 - Monsanto divests most of its chemical companies and focuses exclusively on agricultural biotechnology development.

Since 2002, Monsanto's influence on food has grown even darker. First, they started simply buying up every grain company they could. Those who did not want to sell were convinced that they were better off playing golf or were generally deprived of the right to manage their business. Once the foundation was in place, they decided to work directly with farmers. Monsanto has pioneered a biotech business model that allows patents to be used as a kind of biopiracy, something we haven't seen since Blackbeard. Only this piracy is completely legal. Here's how it works. Farmers can only buy and use seeds from Monsanto. They are prohibited, under penalty of law, from growing any plants or harvesting crops grown from non-GMO seeds!

Monsanto is using one nasty tactic against farmers who don't play by its rules. Almost all of their fields are surrounded by the fields of other farmers who are “friends” with Monsanto and representatives of the company, along with the police, enter the land of the offenders, and then magically present evidence that the farmer is using Monsanto products, violating their patent rights. If you've ever been on a farmland, you know what it's like... Mother Nature doesn't build fences, so seeds can naturally end up in other people's fields, which helps Monsanto accuse farmers of infringing their patent. It doesn’t matter to them how the “illegal seeds” got onto the ground and what made them germinate. Have you ever heard of blind justice? And this can be called a mutation of the blind justice used by Monsanto as a bludgeon for farmers to agree to all their rules or go bankrupt.

Since their leading product Agent Orange , which was used during the Vietnam War as a defoliant, Monsanto is increasingly associated with death and mortification. Many millions of both Vietnamese and American military personnel were exposed to Agent Orange, and the effects of this chemical can still be seen today. Agent Orange is basically a 50/50 mixture of the chemicals 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D. The well-known carcinogen dioxin has one nasty habit - hiding in the inactive fat layer of infected people; if you allow a weight loss of 10 percent or more, deadly chemicals are released into the blood, which become active.

The State Duma adopted in the third reading a bill that prohibits the cultivation and breeding of genetically modified plants and animals in Russia, “It is prohibited to use for sowing (planting) seeds of plants whose genetic program has been changed using genetic engineering methods, containing genetically engineered material, the introduction of which cannot be the result of natural processes, with the exception of sowing (planting) such seeds during examinations and research work,” the bill says. MOSCOW, June 24 - RIA Novosti.

25.02.2017. The world leader in the field of GMOs opened the first plant in Russia – 300 km from Tatarstan

World leader in growing genetically modified organisms - American Monsanto company- solemnly opened a seed plant near the village of Oktyabrsky, Zuevsky district, Kirov region. Thus, the company’s first plant in Russia occupied an area of ​​63 thousand hectares, approximately 300 km from Tatarstan.

"We wanted to settle on Russian market before, but we were hampered by national legislation. However, the other day we received pleasant news from the Academy of Sciences about the lifting of the ban on GMOs in the country. We have great ambitions. We plan to feed a huge number of people with our products. We hope to provide our agricultural products retail chains, catering establishments, as well as schools and kindergartens,” said the head of Monsanto Russia Isaac Lowenstein, reports the publication “Current News”.

Let us recall that RT previously reported that the RAS commission for combating pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research is preparing a memorandum refuting the harm of genetically modified organisms.

Monsanto is a diversified multinational company founded in the United States in 1901. It specializes in genetically modified agricultural products: corn, soybean, cotton seeds, and also produces various insecticides and the most common herbicide, Roundup.

The company also produces military products, from rocket fuel to chemical weapons and nuclear warhead components.


… … … … …

I would like to immediately note that the “RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience” is a public organization of scientists within the RAS, and does not have any high powers, much less power and real estate, either from the RAS or from the state.

So citizen Isaac Lowenstein, Referring to this justification for the sabotage and terrorist activities of Monsanto in Russia, it is clearly trying to divert public attention from its real Russian “ROOF”, which seems to be firmly established in the sovereign Kazan Khanate.

And it is possible that by agreement with some high-ranking people from the high offices of the Kremlin. Much more influential than the haven of corrupt parasites - the State Duma.

Monsanto is a colorful example of a global multinational that does not hesitate to use any means in its policies on world markets for the sake of high profits: from trivial bribery of necessary government officials to organizing conspiracies against unyielding national governments.

The Russian mechanism of democracy is designed in such a way that it completely lacks grassroots public organizations who would be able to ask the authorities questions about serious social, social and political problems and are guaranteed to receive answers from the authorities. Therefore, the people have to passively wait for the development of any events until they turn into an acute crisis. So it is in the case of Monsanto and the State Duma.

But it seems that just recently the Russian man in the street was extremely excited and with all passion condemned Bandera’s Ukraine for the sale of several hundred thousand hectares of Ukrainian fertile land to Monsanto for the production of GMO seeds. I was worried that self-pollination of farmland on Russian territory would occur, and there were even calls to urgently march on Kyiv with the entire armored army, against GMO Monsanta. Just yesterday I admired the patriotic feat of the State Duma with its impregnable chest, which closed Russia from the vile “Monsanta”. And here it is, on you!

While we were getting ready, the armored campaign against Kyiv against GMOs became irrelevant. The enemy has already broken through to the Volga and is advancing towards Kazan.

Former Beslan hostage: “I know the TRUTH about the school seizure
We print the following letter without edits or cuts.
The former hostage signed her letter with her first and last name, but we are not publishing her information for reasons that will become clear to readers after reading this letter. Only if an independent commission is created somewhere to investigate the terrible tragedy in Beslan will we, with the permission of the author of the letter, transfer its data to this commission. The text in the original letter was continuous; we divided it into paragraphs ourselves.

Editorial office of Chechenpress.
“Dear editors of Chechenpress.

I am a former Ossetian hostage and I don’t hold any grudges against either the Chechens or the Ingush, because I know the TRUTH about the seizure of the school and its storming. I just recently left the hospital. We were strictly warned at the hospital to remain silent, but how will I live after what happened! I had a severe concussion after the explosion of the school wall. Only now can I communicate, although my health and psyche are undermined, probably for the rest of my life.
For obvious reasons, I cannot give my name, but it is impossible to remain silent after the murder of hundreds of children, my compatriots. I consulted with my brother, and he told me that it was my duty and said that he would help me publish this letter, I myself do not understand how this is done. My brother also does not dare to talk about this even to his neighbors, because everywhere the Ingush are blamed for everything, and he warned me not to tell anyone else about this.

Forgive me for the chaotic letter. I am a parent who was among the hostages in school No. 1 in the city of Beslan, and I know everything that happened there and how everything happened. This is a monstrous event, deliberately set up by the police from the FSB. Before the assault, Tumisha told me everything, that’s the girl’s name – “martyr.” Tumisha gave my child Snickers and water, and was a simple and kind village girl. Tumisha, was in a women's prison for her brother, who died in Chechnya. He was a fighter. She was detained back in 1999, in the winter, during the cleansing of her village. Then she was transferred to a filtration camp. After the camp, she was transferred to a women’s prison, but until the end she didn’t even know what city she was in.
During the entire time that Tumisha spent in prison, she was not even tried, but was simply kept in solitary confinement. She spent 4 years like this. She was so confused and did not enter into conversations with men. She went to rest with us.

This is what Tumisha told me:
“I even forgot how to talk during all my time in prison.
No one was allowed to see me, although once there was a woman, a nogay. She was moved in with me, and we sat together for several days. But then she was transferred.

Three times I was taken to the investigator. He kept asking me if I wanted to go home?
I thought he was mocking me, but one day a Russian woman came to my cell. She offered me freedom in exchange for my participating in a staged takeover of the school.
Lyuda (that was the woman’s name) told me that the war in Chechnya was already ending, but in order to put an end to it, you just need to act as if it was ended for humanitarian reasons.
To do this, I had to join a group of people who would stage the seizure of a school with children and then negotiations would be held with the Chechens. Putin, in any other way, cannot complete it, and he must act as a defender of the children whose lives he supposedly cannot sacrifice. Luda said this so seriously that I believed her.

My confidence increased after I was called to people who looked like high officials. They spoke as if all this had been agreed upon at the highest level. They often called, and from the conversations I understood that they were talking to Moscow.

I learned that I was in Astrakhan, and soon I and a group would be taken to one of the cities in which we were to seize a school. But I still didn’t know where they would send me. Then I was warned that before arriving at the specified school, it was strictly forbidden to communicate with each other in the group.

We were monitored the whole way; we were not allowed to talk to each other. The men rode in silence, they were also sternly warned. I was given the overalls of a suicide bomber, and the men were given a camouflage uniform. Then we were transported by bus all night, and I realized that we were in Volgograd, and already before dawn I saw the Motherland. For some reason I thought that it would be necessary to carry out a seizure in Volgograd, but we were taken to the airport, and from there we flew out at night, as I later learned at school that this was Beslan.

After we arrived, we were put in different minibuses, and various military people came to us. The men were taken out one by one and given instructions.
When dawn broke, we were still in the cars, I fell fast asleep, but woke up when we were already at school. The last thing I heard from the instructors was: “Get everyone into the gym. The weapons are in the classrooms on the first floor."
And I ran after the men...”

Next, they gathered in the gym, but they were without weapons. It was only later that machine guns, grenade launchers and other weapons began to be brought into the hall.
There was a lot of it. I saw that the invaders did not know each other and they talked to each other for a long time. I saw Tumisha among them a few hours later. I also heard an Ossetian conversation, and when I told them in Ossetian, they rudely interrupted me. Mostly they spoke Russian among themselves. After that they started planting all these explosives. They were very excited and snapped at any question to keep us silent. They weren't going to talk to us at all.

What was happening in the hall is beyond words. We were all made to sit on the floor, and the men were taken away somewhere. Only after lunch did they tell us that they were the liberators of Chechnya and would soon release us. They said that if their terms were accepted, not a single person would be harmed. It was some kind of nightmare. It was surprising for me when I saw Aushev. He was not allowed to communicate with us, but several dozen children were taken out and he left with them. They talked on the phones that they got along with the weapons. I don’t know what they said, but after each conversation they gathered and discussed something.

I slowly made my way to the girl in uniform, it was Tumisha, and asked her to give water to my child. She didn't even speak to me at first and told me to sit down.
But after a while, she herself came up and quietly handed me a Snickers and said that she would bring water at night. So she did. Oh my God! How the children suffered! I saw tears in Tumisha’s eyes. I won’t tell you about all the horror that we experienced there, but after the car began to approach the school, the militants became nervous, and I heard one of them say: “This is a provocation. We were set up, no one is going to negotiate...”

Then they began to treat us even worse. One of them, very angry, walked between us and said: “Now we will die together. Nobody needs you." Tumisha then came up and began to tell me that they had been deceived and would probably be attacked. She said that the militants told her that “the cops are preparing for an assault” and that she was ready to die as a Muslim. Tumisha told me everything about her fate, and I had to convey everything about it to people who do not know the TRUTH about what happened at school.
At the last moment, one of the militants shouted, “everyone, lie down on the floor.” And there was a terrible explosion; it was the police who blew up the wall. Then another one and I lost consciousness.

I woke up in the hospital. I had several lacerations, I don’t know why, but they were all tangential and did not hit vital organs, but my head was pounding, and it’s still pounding. I heard nothing and saw only the moving lips of my interlocutors. Oh God! Probably those who saw everything that happened there went crazy. Oh, Lord, I ask myself, why did this happen?! Why did they want to kill us all? After all, these militants did not touch us! I will take this pain with me to the grave. Until the end of my days I will not recover from this assault. This must be experienced, and those who have experienced it will never be able to not only see, but also hear Putin’s voice. How cruel and treacherous he is!

Dear Russians, this is the cry of my soul!
I beg you, do everything to ensure that this man leaves power. This can happen to any of you. These militants were released from prison so that they could do the same to us and them. It's a terrible truth. We have become hostages of this leadership. Damn it.
Former hostage of the Beslan school.”