Requirements for workshops at public catering establishments. Radchenko L.A

Services catering are directly related to human life and may pose a potential danger to him. Indeed, poor quality catering products can harm the health of the consumer, and sometimes lead to tragic consequences. To prevent harm to a person when consuming such services, the state imposes special requirements on them. Such requirements are contained in both federal laws and special state standards.

The main requirements imposed by society and the state on public catering establishments include:

    availability of necessary licenses established by law;

    certification of catering products;

    sanitary and hygienic rules;

    rules for the provision of public catering services.

A number of sanitary rules that employees of catering establishments must comply with. Following the rules of personal hygiene is important in preventing food contamination by microbes that can cause infectious diseases and food poisoning.

Personal hygiene improves the culture of customer service and serves as an important indicator of general culture; the rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands and oral cavity, for sanitary clothing, for the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and for the medical examination of cooks. Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. Therefore, all employees are recommended to take a shower before work.

Sanitary clothing protects products from contaminants that can get into them from the body. The set includes: a robe or jacket with buttons, an apron, a cap, special. shoes, towel. Hair should be hidden under a cap, shoes on rubber sole without heels. Earrings, rings, bracelets, chains and

other products are not allowed.

Only healthy people are allowed to work with food. A sick person or a carrier of pathogenic bacteria can infect food, and that, in turn, infect those who consume it. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to comply with the rules of personal hygiene by all employees of public catering establishments. Only persons who have passed a special medical examination are allowed to work at OH enterprises. It includes studies of intestinal microflora and pathogens of acute intestinal diseases. Persons with tuberculosis and skin and venereal diseases are not allowed to work. Each person hired is given a sanitary book, which contains the results of a medical examination and laboratory tests, subsequently medical examinations; examinations are carried out regularly in the manner established by sanitary and epidemiological stations; before starting work, it is necessary to wash your hands, put on sanitary clothing, and tuck your hair under a cap or headscarf.

The sanitary doctor checks the condition of workers daily. Temporarily removes from work persons with pustular skin diseases, cuts, burns. People who are sick with sore throat and other nasopharyngeal diseases are also not allowed to work. Germs contained in saliva can get onto food when talking, coughing, or sneezing and cause contamination. When working with products, you must wash your hands after each technological operation. It is especially important to observe this rule when moving from cutting raw products to working with finished products. Dry your hands with a towel after washing. Before using the toilet, take off your overalls and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap. There should be no foreign objects in the pockets of special clothing; it is forbidden to pin it with pins. Change clothes as they become dirty, at least once every two days. Persons working with products are prohibited from wearing rings, beads, or earrings. Nails should be cut short and without polish.

The placement of organizations, provision of land plots, approval of design documentation for construction and reconstruction, commissioning is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with sanitary rules and standards.

Organizations can be located both in a separate building, and in an attached one, built-in and attached to residential and public buildings, in non-residential floors of residential buildings, in public buildings, as well as on the territory of industrial and other facilities to serve working personnel. At the same time, the living, recreation, treatment, and working conditions of people should not worsen.

IN non-residential premises Residential buildings (except dormitories) are allowed to accommodate organizations with a total area of ​​no more than 700 m2, with a number of seats of no more than 50.

Organizations located in residential buildings should have entrances and emergency exits isolated from the residential part of the building. Reception of food raw materials and food products from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located, is not allowed. Loading should be done from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows, from underground tunnels on the side of highways if special loading rooms are available.

The orientation, placement of production and storage facilities, their layout and equipment must ensure compliance with the requirements of sanitary legislation, technological production regulations, quality and safety finished products, as well as the working conditions of workers.

When designing, constructing new and reconstructing existing organizations, taking into account the range of products being developed, one should be guided by the existing building codes, standards of technological design of public catering organizations, as well as the requirements of these Rules.

The organizations do not house premises for housing, do not carry out work or services not related to the activities of public catering organizations, and do not keep pets and poultry.

There should be no unauthorized persons in production and warehouse premises.

*To collect garbage and food waste on site, separate containers with lids should be provided, installed on hard-surfaced areas, the dimensions of which exceed the base area of ​​the containers by 1 m in all directions.

It is allowed to use other special closed structures for collecting garbage and food waste.

Garbage containers are cleaned when no more than 2/3 of their volume is filled, after which they are cleaned and disinfected using means authorized by the authorities and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

The waste disposal site is located at a distance of at least 25 m from residential buildings, playgrounds and recreation areas.

The sites should be located on the side of the roadway and not located in the courtyards of residential buildings.

The territory of the organization must be landscaped and kept clean.

Sanitary requirements for the layout of a vegetable shop.

The workshop is located closer to the vegetable warehouse or lift, thereby eliminating contamination production premises. The design of mechanized vegetable processing lines should eliminate counter and intersecting flows of raw materials and semi-finished products. At the same time, a separate flow-mechanized line is provided for processing potatoes and root crops, and independent production lines for processing cabbage and greens, as they are difficult to clean from soil residues. Local exhaust devices are provided above the work tables where onions are processed.

Designed for cleaning and making semi-finished products of peeled potatoes, root vegetables, cabbage, onions, seasonal vegetables and herbs.

The vegetable shop is designed mainly as an independent enterprise with a full complement of premises at vegetable storage facilities and fruit and vegetable bases. If for some reason there are no vegetable storage facilities or fruit and vegetable depots in the city or have ceased to function, a vegetable shop is designed at the procurement enterprise, and often in a separate building.

All enterprises working on raw materials (canteens, cafes, restaurants and dietary canteens) have a vegetable shop. In a procurement enterprise, a vegetable shop can work on semi-finished products obtained from industry.

The vegetable shop of the procurement enterprise includes the following premises: department for washing and cleaning vegetables; department for vegetable cleaning and potato sulfitation; refrigerated chamber for semi-finished products; room for storing and preparing bisulfite solution; pantry for semi-finished containers; shop manager's room.

When a vegetable shop operates on semi-finished products (for example, school basic canteens, etc.), the vegetable shop provides a separation of semi-finished vegetable products, a department for slicing vegetables and potatoes, a refrigerated chamber for semi-finished products and a pantry for semi-finished containers.

The technological process of processing vegetables includes the following operations: washing -> peeling -> finishing -> sulfitation (of potatoes) -> slicing -> placing in functional containers -> cooling and short-term storage -> transportation. White cabbage wash after stripping and removing green and rotten leaves.

Potatoes are processed on a mechanized flow line PLSK-800 with a capacity of 400; 600 and 800 kg/h depending on the length of the inspection and cleaning conveyor for sulfated potatoes.

The area occupied by a mechanized production line for cleaning and sulfiting potatoes is 30 m (length) x 6 m (width) = 180 m 2.

In addition to the PLSK-800 line, the workshop includes a line for processing root vegetables and onions, on which all operations, except for finishing, are carried out by various machines and mechanisms: a container tipper, a vibration washing machine, a potato peeler, dispensers, etc.

The area occupied by a set of equipment for cleaning root crops is 20 m (length) x 6 m (width) = 120 m 2.

The processing line for cabbage, herbs and seasonal vegetables is also mechanized if possible. Machines for drilling stumps, trolleys, a container tipper, a dispenser, etc. can be installed here.

Large vegetable shops may have areas for processing fermentations, pickles and cutting vegetables. Vegetable cutting machines are used to cut vegetables.

The manufactured semi-finished products are placed in functional containers in a special area in the workshop, trays and other containers and on mobile racks or carts are sent to the refrigerated chamber of the semi-finished products for temporary storage, and then to the expedition or to the workshops for heat treatment.

The vegetable workshop is located on the ground floor next to or above the vegetable pantry, ensuring convenient communication with the premises of the culinary workshop and expedition. To remove waste from the workshop, an isolated exit is provided.

When designing a vegetable shop for a procurement enterprise, a culinary department can be provided in which a varied assortment of culinary products is produced: boiled, stewed, sautéed vegetables, cutlets, croquettes, rolls, casseroles, marinades, etc. In recent years, preparation (canning) has become widespread. seasonal vegetables; prepare the following products: peppers for stuffing, soup sets of greens, caviar from zucchini, eggplant, boiled carrots and green peas for side dishes. These products are provided to pre-cooking canteens and are used to prepare meals in their own canteen to provide meals for employees.

The culinary department is located adjacent to the cleaning department to reduce the handling of peeled vegetables.

Vegetable shops working on raw materials, processing a relatively small amount of vegetables, are designed in one room. They should be conveniently connected to the vegetable pantry, hot and cold shops. When a vegetable shop with hot and cold shops is located on different floors, communication with them is carried out by lifts and conveyors.

For processing individual species vegetables in the workshop provide jobs. All vegetable processing operations are mechanized as much as possible. For washing and peeling vegetables, potato peelers are used, installed on a foundation to dampen vibration, and for slicing, vegetable cutters are used. To facilitate the work of workers, mobile baths, carts, tables with built-in baths, vegetable cleaning tables and an onion peeling table with an exhaust device are used. Loading of vegetables into and unloading from a potato peeler is carried out using an inclined conveyor, for which the potato peelers are raised above the floor and placed on a pedestal.

Sanitary requirements for the layout of a hot shop.

They are equipped close to the cold shop and the dispensing room, clearly distinguishing between the soup and sauce departments. The technological process of cooking food is completed in the hot shop, so proper organization The sanitary and hygienic condition of the prepared food depends on this workshop.

To ensure consistent execution technological process, and therefore, to improve the quality of dishes, it is considered the most rational to install sectional modular equipment in the workshop, consisting of a number of electrothermal devices, which are arranged in one serial line. A general ventilation suction is installed above the equipment.

In the hot shop they organize: an area for preparing soups, which is equipped with boilers of various capacities; a section for preparing second courses, equipped with stoves, small-capacity cauldrons, ovens, frying pans, deep fryers, barbecue ovens, counters-bain-marie counters for first courses and sauces, dispensing stands with a heated surface; area for preparing hot drinks, equipped with electric boilers and electric coffee makers.

Hot and cold shops are located on the ground floors of the building, on the courtyard or side facades of the building, in rooms with natural light, on the same level as the halls. If there are several halls for the same purpose in a building, the workshops are located on the floor next to the hall with the largest number of seats; on other floors there are rooms in which the finished products of the hot shop are stored in food warmers, of the cold shop - in refrigerated cabinets, and workplaces are organized for portioning and preparing dishes. Finished products are transported across floors by elevators. In the absence of the latter and the placement of halls for different purposes on the floors, hot and cold shops are designed for each of them.



To create proper sanitary conditions in hotel catering establishments, it is necessary to comply with hygienic requirements during their design, construction and reconstruction. The following must be taken into account:

1) rational organization of labor;

2) prevention of diseases caused by poor quality food;

3) preservation of the nutritional value and safety of food products at all stages of their production;

4) storage and sale of products;

5) aesthetics of production and customer service.

Hygienic principles of design and construction of a hotel catering establishment.

Optimal from a hygienic point of view is to locate the enterprise in a separate building.

The choice of location for development is of great importance. The site must be dry, on an elevated, level, well-lit place, located at least 1 km from landfills and at least 100 m from enterprises that pollute the air and soil (processing wool, skins, rags, etc.), from residential areas - at 50-500 m.

For better aeration, the territory of food establishments is built up with buildings on no more than 30% of the total area. It should be landscaped as much as possible (50% of the area), paved, with convenient access roads for vehicles. The territory must have water taps for irrigation and sewer drains for drainage of atmospheric water.

To ensure favorable temperature conditions and better natural light, the enterprise building is oriented in relation to the cardinal directions so that the production premises face north, and the retail premises face south.

All outbuildings (for containers) are located in the utility yard. Concrete areas for garbage disposals are located at a distance of at least 25 m from the building.

Requirements for the layout and arrangement of premises.

All premises of a catering establishment, depending on their purpose, are divided into:

1) production- kitchen, cold shop, procurement shops: meat, fish, vegetables, confectionery shop, dispensing shop, washing kitchen utensils;

2) trading- living room, dishwasher, buffet, bread slicer, wardrobe, vestibule, toilet with washbasin;

3) warehouse- refrigeration chambers, warehouses for dry products, vegetables, linen and equipment;

4) administrative and household- director’s office, accounting, waiter’s room, staff sanitary facilities, linen room, wardrobe, showers.

The layout of all premises should be rational, contribute to the proper organization of work, meet sanitary requirements for the maintenance of the enterprise and better service to consumers.

The following can be considered the main hygienic planning principles:

I. Ensuring strict flow of raw materials, food products, ready meals in accordance with the progress of the technological process. The layout of the premises should provide for a clear delineation and separation of the processes of mechanical processing of raw materials and products from the processes of their heat treatment.

2. Elimination of counter and intersecting flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished food with used dishes, clean and dirty dishes; separation of storage and processing sites for raw materials with varying degrees of contamination.

3. Separation of the movement of three flows: the technological process, the flow of personnel and the flow of consumers.

4. Insulation of rooms with different temperature and humidity conditions, which prevents the adverse impact of the characteristics of the technological process in one room on the sanitary condition of another room. This principle must be respected both
horizontal and vertical arrangement of production and storage facilities (production on the ground floor, warehouse in the semi-basement or basement). In this case, the raw material travels the shortest route (using a lift) and is minimally contaminated when

Production premises. It must be located on ground floors that provide normal natural light to the workshops. Production area: premises by sanitary standards should include an area free of equipment, which is 5.5 mg per worker. The height of the premises should be at least 3-3.3 m.

Vegetable shop located closer to the vegetable warehouse or lift, thereby eliminating contamination of production premises. The design of mechanized vegetable processing lines should eliminate counter and intersecting flows of raw materials and semi-finished products. At the same time, a separate flow-mechanized line is provided for processing potatoes and root crops, and independent production lines for processing cabbage and greens, as they are difficult to clean from soil residues. Local exhaust devices are provided above the work tables where onions are processed.

Meat shop located in a row of procurement workshops. Its device should ensure the consistency of the technological process of meat processing, starting from thawing carcasses to preparing semi-finished products.

Taking into account the different sanitary conditions of meat, semi-gutted poultry, and offal with high humidity, it is necessary to provide separate processing lines for them.

A special technological line should include the preparation of minced meat, cutlet mass, and semi-finished products from them as products that are easily contaminated by microbes. A meat shop must have refrigerated cabinets.

Fish shop placed next to meat. In small enterprises, fish processing according to sanitary standards is allowed in the meat and fish workshop, but with mandatory separate lines. Large workshops also provide separate lines for the processing of partial and sturgeon fish, since they require different conditions for defrosting and storing semi-finished products.

Hot shop(kitchen) is equipped close to the cold shop and the dispensing room, clearly distinguishing the soup and sauce departments. The technological process of cooking food is completed in the hot shop, so the sanitary and hygienic condition of the finished food depends on the proper organization of this shop.

To ensure consistent execution of the technological process, and therefore to improve the quality of dishes, it is considered the most rational to install sectional modular equipment in the workshop, consisting of a number of electrothermal devices (stoves, boilers, frying pans, ovens, etc.), which are arranged in one sequential line. A general ventilation suction is installed above the equipment.

Cold shop produces products that are not subjected to heat treatment during the preparation process. Therefore, increased sanitary requirements are imposed on the design of the workshop.

In order to avoid secondary contamination of cold dishes with microbes, this workshop must be separated from the procurement workshops and brought as close as possible to the hot workshop and dispensing room. For the same purpose, the workshop demarcates work stations for preparing meat, fish, vegetable, sweet dishes and sandwiches, since these dishes are prepared from raw and heat-treated products that have different sanitary conditions.

Confectionery shop. The main hygienic requirement for its placement is complete isolation from other production premises, since cream products are a favorable environment for the proliferation of many pathogens of food poisoning and intestinal infections. The workshop is usually designed away from warehouses and procurement workshops, but it can be located next to a dry food warehouse. It contains a room for daily storage of raw materials, a department for preparing raw materials, a room or department for cutting dough, a room for baking and finishing products, washing dishes, containers, equipment, and expedition. As a rule, a special room is allocated for preparing eggs (washing and ovoscopy).

Handout must have a direct connection with the hot and cold shops, the hall, the bread slicer, the service area and the washing tableware. This layout ensures the shortest route for ready-made food from the preparation process to consumption, maintaining its quality and sanitary cleanliness.

Kitchenware washing machine placed next to the hot shop and equipped with washing baths with a supply of hot and cold water, and racks for storing dishes.

Retail premises designed for selling prepared food and serving consumers. These premises are designed taking into account the type of enterprise. The area of ​​halls and other premises depends on the number of seats, type and capacity of the enterprise.

The layout of the hall is determined by the form of service and should provide convenient and shortest paths for movement around the hall for consumers and service personnel. The arrangement of tables should provide convenient approaches to distribution (for self-service) and to the tables. The width of the main aisles in the dining room is 1.35 m, in restaurants - 1.5 m, in cafes - 1.2 m. Additional aisles for distributing consumer flows are designed to be 0.9 m in cafes, and 1.2 m in canteens and restaurants.

The halls must have natural light and a southern orientation.

Bread slicer placed in separate rooms near the distribution room. In small enterprises, bread is sliced ​​for distribution on specially designated tables. Each type of bread is stored separately.

Buffet in In restaurants, cafes are located next to the distribution area and the hall. It serves to supply waiters with various products (ice cream, drinks, fruits, confectionery). In the canteens, buffets are located in the halls for free access by consumers. In a buffet, two rooms are usually planned - for holidays and for storing products with refrigerated cabinets and counters placed in them.

Tableware washing station placed in a separate room, next to the distribution room, cold shop and hall, and in restaurants and with the service room. Used dishes are delivered from the hall to the washing room in large enterprises by conveyor belt, in small enterprises - on trolleys.

A culinary store is usually designed on the ground floor, preferably with a separate entrance.

Layout lobby catering establishments should contribute to the clear organization of consumer flows. The lobby contains a wardrobe and toilet rooms, and its continuation is the antechamber, intended for meeting and relaxing consumers.

Wardrobe design open type with metal brackets located at a height of 1.5 m from the floor, and cabinets for storing shoes. The number of seats in the wardrobe should be 10% greater than the number of seats in the hall.

Toilets equipped with toilets (one for 60 seats in the hall) and washbasins; (one for 50 seats in the hall) with a supply of cold and hot water. They must be provided with soap, electric towels, mirrors, toilet paper, and ozonizers.

Warehouses- their main purpose is to preserve the nutritional and biological value of products during storage. Therefore, their design should be based on the following hygienic principles: separate storage of products by type; compliance with humidity and temperature conditions in pantries in accordance with the type of products.

Warehouses, as a rule, are located in the basement or on the first floor of a building, grouping them around the unloading room. At the same time, elevators must provide the shortest and most isolated path for the movement of raw materials.

Administrative premises located separately from production and storage facilities. The director's office and accounting department are located on the ground floors of the building, closer to the staircase and service entrance, so that unauthorized persons cannot enter the production premises.

Household premises (dressing rooms, showers, toilets) for service personnel It is recommended to assemble it as a single unit, isolated from the production premises of the enterprise. It is important to provide for the shortest route for personnel to move around the enterprise in outerwear.

The number and size of household premises are regulated by the number of places, and their equipment - by the number of workers. Thus, in enterprises with more than 100 employees, separate storage of home and special clothing is provided. Room for; personnel are provided in canteens with 150 or more seats, and restaurants with 75 or more seats. The calculation of the number of shower nets is carried out as follows: for every 10 people from 50% working in the largest shift - one shower unit.

Toilets for staff must have locks with a washbasin and hooks for work clothes.

The linen room must have separate windows for receiving dirty sanitary clothes and dispensing clean ones.

The area of ​​the vegetable workshop is calculated on the basis of the production program, based on the amount of processed raw materials necessary to prepare a full range of dishes and culinary products. It should allow for the rational placement of all the necessary mechanical and auxiliary equipment of the vegetable shop and provide comfortable working conditions for workers.

It is optimal to locate the vegetable shop of a canteen or restaurant on the ground floor and provide a convenient relationship with storage facilities, as well as a hot and cold workshop, where prepared semi-finished vegetable products are supplied for heat treatment and salad preparation.

From the centralized vegetable workshop, the finished products enter the refrigerated chambers of the forwarding department, from where they are sent to consumers. Reception of raw materials and release of finished products should be mechanized as much as possible, which will reduce the time spent on transportation. Weighing of vegetables is carried out at the loading areas of warehouse and forwarding departments, for which commercial scales of the appropriate load-carrying capacity are used.

The premises of the vegetable shop must be provided with both natural and artificial lighting, water supply, sewerage and a ventilation system. Special requirements are imposed on the floor, which, in order to avoid injuries at work, should not be slippery.

Assortment of semi-finished products at the vegetable shop:

raw peeled potatoes;

raw, peeled, sulfated potatoes;

peeled onions, carrots, beets;

peeled white cabbage;

green onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, processed celery.

The volume of output is determined based on the menu plan for the next day. In centralized vegetable shops, applications from pre-production enterprises are taken into account, on the basis of which the calculation is made production program and the work of a vegetable shop is planned.

The workshop manager or production manager receives the raw materials for the production of semi-finished products. They are responsible for timely and high-quality processing of vegetables and report on the consumption of raw materials.

Subsequence technological operations in the vegetable shop:


packaging and transportation.

In vegetable shops of small and medium capacity, 2 are most often distinguished technological lines:

processing of potatoes and root crops;

processing of cabbage, onions, herbs, pickles, seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Potato and root crop processing line

Currently, potatoes and root vegetables arrive from suppliers sorted and calibrated, so the primary processing of vegetables begins with their washing. Washing baths are installed for washing potatoes and root vegetables. Washing must be done in running water, and vegetables should preferably be placed in special nets. A more modern method of washing vegetables can also be used, namely, vegetable washing machines of various designs, which wash and clean almost all types of vegetables and herbs using special brushes.

Next to the washing baths there is a potato peeler, in which mechanical peeling of potatoes, carrots, and beets is carried out. The potato peeler is connected to the power supply and water supply, and a sewer drain with a fine grate is provided on the floor. The productivity of the potato peeler must fully satisfy the production needs for peeled potatoes and root vegetables. After mechanical cleaning, the vegetables are subjected to manual cleaning, which is done on specialized production tables. Potato peeling tables have holes for collecting waste and baths for peeled potatoes. The shelf life of peeled potatoes in water is no more than 3 hours. The production of sulfated potatoes is carried out in large vegetable shops under strict laboratory control. Completely peeled potatoes are placed in aluminum nets, immersed in a bath with 1% sodium bisulfite solution, left for 5 minutes, and then washed by immersion three times in a bath of clean water. Sulfated potatoes are placed in functional containers and sent to consumers. It is stored without water for no more than a day at a temperature of 15°C and up to three days at a temperature of 2-4°C. Cabbage, leafy greens and seasonal vegetables received at the vegetable shop are sorted out, and contaminated and rotten parts are removed. Next, the vegetables are washed in washing baths or vegetable washers and sent to production tables, where cleaners remove the skin, stalks, seeds, roots and hard stems. To prepare cabbage rolls, remove the stalk from cabbage. When used for preparing salads and first courses, the head of cabbage is cut into four parts and the stalk is cut out.

Table 18. Calculation of the number of production baths

Name of operations

Product quantity, kg

Water norm per 1 kg of product

Duration of product processing, min

Bath turnover

Estimated bath volume

Bath type and quantity


Fruits, vegetables

Calculation of washing baths for washing fruits and vegetables

φ = 18  60 / 30 = 36

V р = 592.921  (1.5 + 1) / 0.85  36 = 48.44

We accept for installation 2 washing baths for vegetables and fruits

Calculation of washing baths for washing greens

φ = 18  60 / 30 = 36

V р = 117.557  (1.5 + 1) / 0.85  36 = 9.6

We accept 1 washing bath for greenery for installation

5.7 Calculation of the area of ​​​​the vegetable workshop

The workshop area is determined by the usable area occupied by the equipment.

Table 19. Specification of vegetable shop equipment



Type, brand

Dimensions, mm

Area of ​​the equipment unit, m 2

Number of equipment units

Useful area under equipment, m 2

Production table

Production table with washing tub

Bathtub washing

Bathtub washing

Refrigerated cabinet

Refrigerated cabinet

Mobile rack

Electric drive


Table scales

Mobile washing bath

The total area of ​​the workshop is determined by the formula

S p.

S = --------- (11)

where S is the total area of ​​the workshop, m 2

S p. – useful area of ​​the workshop, m 2

φ - area utilization factor

Stot = 9.66 / 0.4 = 24.15 m2

6. Description of the organization of workplaces in the vegetable shop with characteristics of equipment, inventory, tools, devices, containers

The workplace is the part of the production area where the worker performs individual operations, using appropriate equipment, utensils, tools, tools. Workplaces in public catering establishments have their own characteristics depending on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the operations performed, and the range of products.

The workplace area must be sufficient to ensure rational placement of equipment, creation safe conditions labor, as well as convenient location of equipment and tools.

Workstations in the workshop are located along the technological process. The dimensions of production equipment must be such that the worker’s body and arms are in the most comfortable position.

As experience in organizing a chef's workplace shows, the distance from the floor to the top shelf of the table, on which a supply of dishes is usually placed, should not exceed 1750 mm. The optimal distance from the floor to the middle shelf is 1500 mm. This area is the most convenient for the cook. It is very convenient when the table has drawers for equipment and tools. At the bottom of the table there should be shelves for dishes and cutting boards. Movable wooden racks are installed near production tables and baths. Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient number of tools, equipment and utensils. The requirements for production equipment are: strength, reliability, aesthetics.

In accordance with the technological process, the following workplaces are organized in the workshop:

Processing potatoes and root crops, cleaning and washing them;

Processing onions and garlic;

Processing fresh cabbage, zucchini, fresh herbs and other vegetables. The workplace for processing potatoes and root vegetables is equipped with a washing bath, a batch vegetable peeler, a special stainless steel table with a recess for peeled potatoes and two groove holes: for peeled vegetables and for waste. Necessary equipment: containers for peeled vegetables and waste, chef's knives.

A special table with an exhaust device is installed at the onion and garlic cleaning workplace.

At the workplace for cleaning and processing fresh cabbage and seasonal vegetables there is a production table, a washing bath, cutting boards, trays, and knives.

The vegetable shop is designed for culinary mechanical processing of vegetables and root crops and the production of semi-finished vegetable products. In a large vegetable workshop, production lines are installed for cleaning potatoes, in which all processes are mechanized, and the potatoes are fed by conveyors. Peel potatoes in potato peelers of various capacities.

Proper equipment of workplaces, a certain shape and quality of knives largely determine the output of the workshop and help reduce waste when processing vegetables.

The potato processing line can be used to clean any root vegetables.

Cabbage, tomatoes, herbs, and cucumbers are processed separately. All vegetables are sorted and spoiled ones are removed. Store peeled root vegetables and
greenery in mobile baths with mesh bottom. Peeled vegetables are sent
to pre-production shops with whole fruits or
sliced ​​depending on their further purpose. Vegetables are cut using vegetable cutters of various designs or by hand.
There are various forms of cutting: slices, sticks, strips, slices, cubes.

For manual cutting, use a medium-sized chef's knife.
chef's three, also pubic and root
knives, and cutting board. Boards are made from hard
species of wood, the end side of the boards is marked by burning the corresponding
letters: WITH raw vegetables, IN boiled vegetables.

Wooden oars for washing vegetables, colanders for unloading vegetables from
water, screens for washing greens, plastic buckets, tanks.
Peeled vegetables are stored in a refrigerated room at a temperature not exceeding 40 C for 12 hours.

7. Rules of sanitation and hygiene in the vegetable shop, including personal hygiene of workers

Public catering services are directly related to human life and can pose a potential danger to him. Indeed, poor quality catering products can harm the health of the consumer, and sometimes lead to tragic consequences. To prevent harm to a person when consuming such services, the state imposes special requirements on them. Such requirements are contained in both federal laws and special state standards.

The main requirements imposed by society and the state on public catering establishments include:

    availability of necessary licenses established by law;

    certification of catering products;

    sanitary and hygienic rules;

    rules for the provision of public catering services.

A number of sanitary rules that employees of catering establishments must comply with. Following the rules of personal hygiene is important in preventing food contamination by microbes that can cause infectious diseases and food poisoning.

Personal hygiene improves the culture of customer service and serves as an important indicator of general culture; the rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands and oral cavity, for sanitary clothing, for the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and for the medical examination of cooks. Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. Therefore, all employees are recommended to take a shower before work.

Sanitary clothing protects products from contaminants that can get into them from the body. The set includes: a robe or jacket with buttons, an apron, a cap, special. shoes, towel. Hair should be hidden under a cap, shoes with rubber soles without heels. Earrings, rings, bracelets, chains and

other products are not allowed.

Only healthy people are allowed to work with food. A sick person or a carrier of pathogenic bacteria can infect food, and that, in turn, infect those who consume it. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to comply with the rules of personal hygiene by all employees of public catering establishments. Only persons who have passed a special medical examination are allowed to work at OH enterprises. It includes studies of intestinal microflora and pathogens of acute intestinal diseases. Persons with tuberculosis and skin and venereal diseases are not allowed to work. Each person hired is given a sanitary book, which contains the results of a medical examination and laboratory tests, subsequently medical examinations; examinations are carried out regularly in the manner established by sanitary and epidemiological stations; before starting work, it is necessary to wash your hands, put on sanitary clothing, and tuck your hair under a cap or headscarf.

The sanitary doctor checks the condition of workers daily. Temporarily removes from work persons with pustular skin diseases, cuts, burns. People who are sick with sore throat and other nasopharyngeal diseases are also not allowed to work. Germs contained in saliva can get onto food when talking, coughing, or sneezing and cause contamination. When working with products, you must wash your hands after each technological operation. It is especially important to observe this rule when moving from cutting raw products to working with finished products. Dry your hands with a towel after washing. Before using the toilet, take off your overalls and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap. There should be no foreign objects in the pockets of special clothing; it is forbidden to pin it with pins. Change clothes as they become dirty, at least once every two days. Persons working with products are prohibited from wearing rings, beads, or earrings. Nails should be cut short and without polish.

7.1 Sanitary and hygienic requirements

Due to the fact that public catering products are directly related to human health and vital activity, food products produced by public catering enterprises must comply with established sanitary rules.

Such rules are established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards, namely:

    SanPin 2.3.2 1078-01 “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated November 6, 2001;

    SanPin 2.3.6 1079-01 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them,” approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on November 6, 2001.

The need for sanitary and epidemiological examination of products is directly indicated in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2001 No. 325 “On the sanitary and epidemiological examination of products.”

It should be noted that sanitary requirements apply not only to products, but also to their personnel. Since catering workers, in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, are required to undergo a special medical examination. This is the requirement of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, a similar requirement is enshrined in Article 34 of Law No. 52-FZ.

The results of medical examination and hygienic certification of catering establishment employees are entered into the personal medical records of employees.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, in Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated May 20, 2005 No. 402 “On a personal medical record and sanitary passport,” approved the form of a personal medical record for employees of certain professions, industries and organizations whose activities are related to production , storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, education and training of children, public utilities and consumer services. It has been established that personal medical records are issued to employees by hygiene and epidemiology centers.

7.2 Rules for the provision of catering services

In accordance with Article 38 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the rules for household and other types of consumer services (rules for performing certain types of work and rules for providing certain types of services) are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. For the catering sector, such rules are approved by Resolution No. 1036.

According to these Rules, all public catering organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, are required to comply with the mandatory requirements for the quality of services, their safety for the life and health of people and the environment established in state standards, sanitary and fire safety rules, technical and regulatory documents.

List of used literature

1. Bogusheva V.I. Organization of services for visitors to restaurants and bars. Series "Textbooks and teaching aids". Rostov-on-Don: “Felix”, 2002 – 416 p.

2. Demenyeva E.P. Restaurant business. Secrets of success / Dementieva E.P. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. – 256 pp.: (The pinnacle of success)

3. Zdobnov A.I., Tsyganko V.A. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: For public enterprises. nutrition/author: Zdobnov A.I., Tsyganko V.A. - TO.; LLC "Publishing House Ariy", M.: IKTC "Lada", 2008. - 680 p. : ill.

4. Qualification requirements, job descriptions, labor standards for hotel and catering workers: Practical manual / Compiled by S.S. Scobin. – M.: Economist, 2004. – 192 p.

5. Nikulenkova T.T., Yastina G.M. Design of catering establishments. – M.: KolosS, 2006. – 247 p. : ill. – (Textbooks and teaching aids for students of higher educational institutions).

6. Radchenko L.A. Organization of production in public catering establishments: Textbook. Ed. 6th, add. and rev. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. – 352 p. (SPO).

7. Moscow hotel complex //Market review for 2007.

8. GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises".