Certification topics. Recommendations for certification for the highest qualification category

What are the benefits of social worker certification? What are the features of certification medical workers per category? What regulates the provisions on certification for suitability for the position held?

When you come to work, you find out that there have been personnel changes in the team! Chief Economist Maria Ivanovna urgently got ready to retire. Senior accountant Natalya is beaming with happiness - she is now deputy chief accountant. But the leading economist Lyudochka is all in tears - from today on she is just an economist.

The fault lies with the certification of employees, to which no one attached much importance two weeks ago. As we see, in vain!

In order not to get into trouble and to be fully armed, to know all the pros and cons of this procedure, I, Alla Prosyukova, have prepared for you a new article on the topic of personnel certification!

As always at the end of the publication - useful tips and a review of reliable companies offering personnel certification services!

1. What is employee certification and why is it carried out?

Every year, business managers and business owners pay more and more attention to the company's personnel. Catchphrase “Personnel decides everything!” finally began to acquire practical significance.

To remain competitive, companies must have highly professional personnel whose level of training corresponds to its scale.

How to determine this level correctly? It's very simple - get certified!

This is a periodic examination of personnel for professional suitability and suitability for the position held.

The goals of this event are different. We have presented some of them in our diagram.

Legislatively, the frequency of certification activities is provided for at least once every 3 years. Based on this, each company independently approves the deadlines that are acceptable to it. They are enshrined in a local act regulating this process, developed and approved within the company.

You should know which categories of workers are not certified:

  • working in the organization for less than a year;
  • employees over 60 years of age;
  • employees expecting a child;
  • female employees on maternity leave;
  • women who have taken leave to care for a child up to 3 years old.

Now certification has become popular in the field of social work. Certification of the professionalism of social workers makes it possible to form a staff of highly qualified specialists, which has a positive effect on the quality of the services they provide.

It is also important to remember the features of certification of certain types of employees. For example, certification of health workers by category. These employees have the right to independently initiate an examination for assignment of a category. The voluntary nature of the test is its distinctive feature.

Examinations of this kind are conducted by an expert group of a specially formed commission.

2. What forms of employee certification are there - 3 forms of implementation

Depending on the goals, the method of certification is also selected. The most famous are 3 forms of this procedure. In practice, there are many more of them, because mixing often occurs and the result is a combined format.

In this publication, I propose to consider only the main ones: two oral (individual and collegial interviews) and written testing.

Form 1. Oral in the form of an individual interview

An individual interview is usually conducted by the head of the department in which the employee works. The results serve as the basis for compiling a review-characteristic.

In the process, the attitude of the person being certified to the work is clarified. The problems that an employee encounters while performing his or her job duties are identified.

Form 2. Oral in the form of a collegial interview

The collegial interview is conducted by a commission approved for these purposes. First, they listen to the subject’s own report about his responsibilities within the position, the positive and negative aspects of the work. If necessary, clarifying questions are asked.

During the conversation, the level of professional training of the specialist and his suitability for the position are determined.

Form 3. Written in the form of tests

Testing is considered the most objective form. Certification testing requires serious preparation.

First, it is necessary to formulate and approve test questions. They must fully comply with the specialty and qualifications of the employees being certified.

Secondly, the % of correct answers should be determined in advance to determine successful completion of the test.

3. How employee certification is carried out - 5 main stages

Such a serious and important procedure as employee certification requires thorough preparation.

In order for the results of this event to have value and practical significance, it is necessary to know some of its organizational subtleties and features of its implementation.

Stage 1. Drawing up a local regulatory act

The main document regulating the certification procedure is the “Regulations on the certification of employees.”

Its approximate structure is presented in the table.

Approximate structure and composition of sections:

1 Concept, goals, objectivesspecific goals and objectives are indicated specifically for the company that approved the Regulations (for example, the formation of a personnel reserve)
2 List of personnel categories not subject to certificationNon-certified categories of employees are legally established (pregnant women, working for less than a year, etc.)
3 Datesplanned, unscheduled, frequency and duration
4 Attestation Formsindividual or collegial interview, testing
5 Composition and powers of the commissionthe composition of the commission with the functions assigned to them is indicated
6 Procedure for certificationthe most complete description of all stages of the process, a list of submitted documentation, a list of those responsible for the preparation of documents
7 Evaluation criteriathe number of points for successfully passing the test, compliance of the employee’s work with his job instructions, etc.
8 Types of final conclusionscorresponds/does not correspond to the position held, corresponds to the position held and is recommended for inclusion in the personnel reserve

The local act is approved by the head of the company. After which all personnel are familiarized with it under signature. Subsequently, the newly employed are familiarized with the situation in a similar way.

Stage 2. Formation of the certification commission

The commission is approved by order of the organization.


  • chairman;
  • Deputy Chairman;
  • secretary;
  • members of the commission.

The number of members is not limited by law. Minimum - 3 people. Elected from among the most professional workers, heads of departments, chief specialists.

If there is a trade union in the company, then its representative must be included in the commission. Otherwise, the certification results may be invalidated.

Stage 3. Preparation of necessary documents for the certification commission

The manager's order to conduct certification has been issued. A schedule for its implementation has been developed and approved. Now comes the time to prepare documentation for the commission.

List of standard documents:

  • work and business qualities assessment form;
  • reports of those being certified;
  • qualification sheets;
  • commission conclusion form;
  • form for taking into account employee suggestions.

Stage 4. Conducting certification

Certification is carried out by the commission strictly according to the approved schedule. During the meeting, the submitted documents for each certified person are reviewed, the employees themselves and their immediate supervisors are heard.

Stage 5. Obtaining certification results

Based on the results of the certification, the commission issues a verdict for each certified person. The wording of the decision is prescribed in a local act and usually takes the form: “corresponds to the position held” and “does not correspond to the position held.”

The certification conclusion is drawn up in the form. The results are compiled into a summary report, which is then presented to the manager for a final decision.

4. Who provides services for employee certification - review of the TOP 3 companies

Is the personnel certification procedure causing you difficulties and you don’t know where to start? I suggest turning to professionals.

We have selected companies that will quickly and efficiently certify workers in any field, including education, medicine, government and social services.

“HR-praktika” is a St. Petersburg company that has been operating throughout the Russian Federation in the field of personnel management for more than 20 years. During this period, the company became an expert in the field of its professional interests.

The company provides services in the field of personnel management in the following areas:

  • audit;
  • outsourcing;
  • education;
  • consultations;
  • design work.

Managers and business owners, job seekers and company employees, HR specialists - everyone will find useful information on the corporate Internet resource of the HR-praktika company. You can get an initial consultation by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

"Hermes" is a licensing center based in Moscow, created in 2006. The company has all the necessary certificates and licenses to carry out the declared activities.

Services of LLC "Hermes":

  • quality management certification;
  • licensing;
  • SRO approvals;
  • training and retraining courses in various areas;
  • certification: personnel;
  • sale of ready-made companies with a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and KGIOP.

Having started its activities back in 2006 as a division of the holding, the company “There are personnel!” became a separate business unit with a wide network of specialized agencies.

Recruiting and consulting services are the main activities of the company. The most popular among clients were personnel certification and.

The results of the events carried out by highly qualified specialists of the agency “There are Personnel!” allow customers to:

  • identify the reasons for ineffective staff performance;
  • determine directions for optimizing personnel and organizational work;
  • develop activities that increase motivation and productivity;
  • reconsider official duties and wages;
  • redistribute the workload among specialists.

5. How to get objective results from employee certification - 3 useful tips

Objectivity is an important component of personnel certification.

Our advice will help you avoid problems in this matter.

As I already wrote, the number of participants in the certification commission is not limited. Include as many specialists as necessary to carry out the procedure efficiently.

The main condition: all members of the commission must enjoy authority and be competent in the professional specializations of those being certified. Such a composition will create more trust and reduce the risk of conflicts.


During the certification process at Albatros LLC, a problem arose conflict situation when assessing the professional competencies of system administrator Fedor Kuzkin.

The commission decided to downgrade Kuzkina's category. Fedor wrote a complaint to the director of the company, in which he drew attention to the incompetence of the commission members in matters of system administration.

Indeed, the commission did not have a single specialist in this area, and, therefore, they could not properly assess professional qualities system administrator Fedor.

The director of Albatross LLC agreed with Kuzkin’s arguments and the recommendations of the certification commission were not accepted.

Tip 2. Conduct certification only in the presence of the employee

Despite the fact that the law provides for cases of certification in the absence of an employee (unreasonable absence, unwillingness to undergo an examination), it is better to conduct it in his presence.

This way you will reduce the risk of conflict and challenging the outcome on the part of the employee being evaluated.

Tip 3. Trust third-party companies to carry out certification

If you want to get really high-quality certification results and get rid of headaches about this, I recommend ordering this event from specialized companies.

Such companies can be entrusted not only with personnel certification, but also, for example, with a special assessment of working conditions ().

Achievable goals of certification: Increasing the efficiency of personnel management Adequate assessment of the knowledge and abilities of employees Determining career development prospects for employees Planning professional growth and education Increasing responsibility and performance discipline

The ability to formulate reasonable requirements for personnel and systematize the view of subordinates. The opportunity to evaluate your managerial effectiveness through feedback. An opportunity to resolve a conflict with an unwanted employee with minimal losses. The ability to form a different view of the processes occurring in the department. What does the immediate manager receive? The ability to find the right tone with those employees with whom informal relationships have developed. The ability to reasonably and in the right direction intensify work with personnel.

What does the certified person receive? An opportunity to hear the manager’s opinion about himself. Reduce inappropriate anxiety or inappropriate carelessness. Understanding what exactly he should do in order to be appreciated by his manager. Understanding in which direction to adjust your behavior. Understanding what exactly the leader perceives in him as shortcomings and what as advantages. An opportunity to express your thoughts about yourself, your work, your needs, plans and hopes.

Preparatory stage 1. Drawing up a certification schedule and familiarizing employees with it no later than 1 month before the certification date for signature. 2. Determination and approval of the composition of the certification commission. 3. Filling out submissions and familiarizing them with employees against signature no later than 1 week before the certification date. 4. Registration of certification sheets for employees. 5. Informing members of the certification commission and managers of employees subject to certification about the timing, time and place of certification.

Necessary resources 1. Equipped room for certification. 1. Stationery, pens, note paper, etc. 2. List of questions regarding the field of activity of the person being certified for each member of the certification commission. 3. Availability of other documents characterizing the person being certified (job description, description career growth, awards for outstanding achievements, etc.).

1. It is necessary to establish a priority among those being certified on the day of certification. 2. The contents of the employee’s certification sheet and presentation are read out, which are then asked to be commented on by the employee’s immediate supervisor. 3. Next, the person being certified is invited and the commission members are invited to ask questions. 4. Discussion of the certification results and entry of the commission’s decision into the certification sheet takes place in the absence of the person being certified. 5. The decision of the commission is communicated to the person being certified against signature. If there are recommendations, then in addition to being included in the certification sheet, they are presented to the employee orally in a friendly manner. Procedure for conducting a meeting of the certification commission

1. The appraisal conversation should be conducted without haste (on average, at least 40 minutes per employee). 2. Celebrate the achievements of those being certified and encourage them by talking about it. 3. Ask direct and open questions, listening carefully to the answers. 4. Make sure that those being assessed speak at least half the time of the entire conversation with them. 5. Involve people in self-assessment in order to encourage them to solve their problems. 6. Discuss the actions, not the personal qualities of those being certified. 7. Use positive language - that is, talk about what they can improve rather than what they can't handle. 8. Rely on facts, avoid general reasoning and vague instructions, and do not be distracted from the essence. 9. Agree only on goals that are measurable and fix target dates. Rules for conducting an assessment conversation

Don’t turn the certification into an interrogation, a production meeting, or a scolding! Employees already know what is wrong with their current work and what “nuts” are missing. Your task is to lead the meeting of the certification commission so that the employee himself tries to evaluate the quality of his work, his advantages and disadvantages, the degree of initiative in solving problems, formulate problems, their causes and methods of solution. Only in this case will certification bring the expected effect - increased motivation and responsibility for the work performed.

In what quantitative indicators can the results of your activities be measured? What meaning do you give to the concept of “leader”? What management style is typical for you? How do you assess your leadership qualities (give examples of when you had to use them)? What do you consider your main achievement during your tenure, and what is your biggest mistake? What would you like to change about yourself and your work? How do you plan your activities and the activities of your subordinates? How do you control the work of your subordinates? Give examples when you had to make and implement decisions that were unpleasant for your subordinates? How do you hire and fire employees? Sample list of questions for certification of managers

What do you learn more from: your successes or mistakes? What are your strengths as a leader? With which departments of the department do you currently have the greatest mutual understanding? Tell us about your initiatives that you managed to implement. To what extent do you have freedom of action and how do you assess the sufficiency of the powers given to you? Which department budget items do you influence? How do you control budget items? Who and where do you see yourself in 3 years? What else would you like to learn? What are the methods you use to increase the motivation of your subordinates?

Which areas of your activity are most interesting to you and which are less interesting? How, from your point of view, did you manage to solve the problems that faced you? How, from the point of view of your manager, did you manage to solve the problems facing you? Does your manager have any disagreements with you about exactly what tasks you faced in the past period? What tasks did your manager not set for you that you successfully completed? What tasks could you handle better and how? Sample list of questions for certification of ordinary employees

What are the reasons (if any) that you have not achieved peak performance in these areas? What tasks do you cope with most successfully and why? What areas of your activity are not clear enough for you? What additional help and support do you need to work more effectively? What would you not want your boss to ask you? What would you like your manager to ask you?


1. What legal document regulates public relations in the field of education?

1. Federal law RF “On the basic guarantees of children’s rights in the Russian Federation”

√2. Law “On Education in Russian Federation»

3. Constitution of the Russian Federation

4. Federal target program development of education for 2011-2015.

1. “Collection of legislation”

√2. “Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities” and the corresponding website

3. "Bulletin of Education"

4. “Bulletin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation”

3. Which document enshrines the basic provisions on the rights of the child?

1. Convention on the Rights of the Child

2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

√3. International Covenant on Civil Rights

4. Constitution of the Russian Federation

4. Parties employment contract V educational organization are:

1. head of an educational organization and teacher

2. founder of an educational organization and teacher

3. head of the educational organization and staff of the educational organization

4. educational organization ( legal entity) and teacher ( individual)

5. The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes the following levels of general education:

1 . preschool and primary general education, basic general and secondary general education;

2. preschool and primary general education;

3. basic general and secondary general education;

4. preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, secondary general education.

6. The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” establishes the following levels of professional education:

√1. average vocational education, higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's degrees), higher education - training of highly qualified personnel;

2. higher education, training of highly qualified personnel;

3. additional education;

4. higher education - specialty, master's degree

7. Is it possible to receive education in an educational organization in the Russian Federation in the language of other peoples?

1. impossible; 2. the right of a municipal formation in a separate territory

√3. it is possible to receive preschool, primary and basic general education in the native language from among the peoples of Russia;

4. in the case where the majority of students (and their parents) of this class voted for teaching in another language.

8. Which of the listed documents is the administration of an educational organization obliged to familiarize the child and his parents (legal representatives) with upon admission?

1. internal labor regulations

2. job descriptions of teachers

3. rules of conduct for students

√4. charter of an educational organization

9. What is the subject of pedagogy?

1. training; 2. education;

√3. education as a pedagogical process; 4. development.

10. Which approach in pedagogy is called axiological?

√1. personality orientation

2. organization of the educational process in dialogue mode

3. activity orientation

4. orientation to the idea of ​​​​values

11. Which component of the educational process is system-forming?

√1. goal setting

2. extracurricular activity

3. test

4. homework

12. Which characteristic is most effective for forming a team?

3. absence of conflicts between students

√4. teacher's knowledge of team theory

13. The leader in the development of a person as an individual is:

1. heredity

2. heredity and environment

√3. upbringing

4. Wednesday

14. In the works of which teacher did the class-lesson form of classes first receive theoretical justification?

√1. Ya.A. Comenius

2. K.D. Ushinsky

3. N.I. Pirogov

4. John Locke

15. Methods for forming the consciousness of the individual include:

3. control

√4. competition

16. Which of the following documents does not regulate the educational process?

1. curriculum

√2. methodological manual

3. curriculum

17. What is didactics?

1. theory of education

2. learning theory

√3. theory of learning, education and upbringing

4. part of pedagogy that considers issues of teaching methodology for individual subjects

18. The process of assimilating social norms, values, and typical forms of behavior is called:

1. civilization

2. development

√3. socialization

4. activity

19. In the process of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students, the following relationships develop:

1. object-object;

2. subject-subjective;

3. object-subjective;

√4. subject-object.

20. Technology education is...

1. a system for establishing favorable relationships between the student and the teacher;

2. a system of scientifically based methods and techniques that contribute to the establishment of such relationships between the teacher and the student, in which the given goal is achieved;

3. pedagogical activity of a teacher who knows how to lead students;

4. system of educational situations.

21. Which approach to educational activities is more conducive to the application of knowledge in practice?

1. person-oriented; √ 2. Activity;

3. cultural; 4. creative.

22. What methods and technologies contribute to the formation social qualities students?

1. problematic method; √2. technology of cooperation and mutual learning;

3. verbal method; 4. visualization method.

23. Assimilation of knowledge and mastery of generalized methods of action is the subject of:

1. joint activities teacher and student

2. learning activities

3. pedagogical activity

√4. all answers are correct

24. The educational system is...

1. Juvenile Inspectorate and School

2. teacher council and methodological training of teachers

√3. social institutions that provide training and education of a person

4. Ministry of Education and regional education administration

25. An individual approach to a person as an individual with an understanding of it as a reflecting system that determines all other mental phenomena is the essence:

1. systematic approach

2. development principle

√3. the principle of a person-centered approach

4. the principle of determinism

26. For volitional regulation of behavior and activity, the following actions are necessary:

1. unconscious

√2. conscious

3. intuitive

4. involuntary

27. According to the concept of G. Eysenck, an emotionally unstable introvert is:

1. choleric

√2. melancholic

3. sanguine

4. phlegmatic

28. According to I.P. Pavlov’s classification of temperament types must be built taking into account:

1. ratio of fluids in the human body

√2. features of the functioning of the nervous system

3. body structure

4. dominance of the right or left hemisphere of the brain

29. A characteristic of mental development during a stable period is considered...

1. child's obedience

√2. absence of disturbances in interpersonal relationships

3. predictability of behavior

4. qualitative transformations in mental development

30. ... - that special combination internal processes development and conditions that are typical for each age stage and determine the dynamics of mental development during the corresponding age period and new qualitatively unique psychological formations that arise towards its end.

1. leading activity

2. social situation of development

3. social imitation

4. all answers are wrong

31. Worldview and professional interests are personal new formations.... age.

1. preschool

2. junior school

3. teenage

√4. high school

32. The leading activity of a teenager is:

1. educational

2. educational and professional activities

3. emotional communication

√4. communication with peers

33. In the theory of cultural and historical development of the psyche L.S. Vygotsky, considering the issue of the relationship between training and development, showed that not all training is effective, but only that which is in the zone... .

1. its current development

√2. its immediate development

3. its future development

4. all answers are correct

√1. P.Ya. Galperin

2. J. Piaget

3. K. Rogers

4. L.S. Vygotsky

35. Who was one of the first in our country to develop the psychological and pedagogical concept of problem-based learning?

1. V.V. Davydov

√2. L.V. Zankov

3. L.S. Vygotsky

4. A.M. Matyushkin

36. ... - the activity of the subject in mastering generalized methods of educational actions and self-development in the process of solving educational tasks specifically set by the teacher, on the basis of external control and assessment, turning into self-control and self-assessment

1. training

√2. educational activities

3. learning

4. pedagogical activity

37. A means of non-verbal communication is not:

1. eye contact

3. posture and gestures

38. Agreement through mutual concession in the event of a clash of any interests or aspirations:

√1. compromise

2. contract

3. contract

4. commitment

39. Comprehension of the emotional state, penetration, feeling into the experiences of another person is:

√1. empathy

2. sympathy

3. attention

4. antipathy

40. The mechanism of social perception, which is based on a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by his communication partner, is social...

1. identification

2. sympathy

√3. reflection

4. perception

41. The Federal State Educational Standard is a document regulating:

1. structure of development and education programs implemented in an educational institution

2. requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program, for its structure and conditions for implementation

3. subject and object of activity teaching staff educational institutions

4. basic educational programs of primary, basic and general secondary education

42. The set of views, ideas, ideas aimed at studying and explaining pedagogical phenomena is called:

1. pedagogical research

2. pedagogical theory

3. pedagogical system

4. history of pedagogy

43. Method in pedagogy is...

1. guide for teaching a subject

2. special technique in teaching activities

3. a way to act, to act in some way

4. a way to achieve a pedagogical goal and solve educational and training problems

44. Home organizational form training is:

1. excursion

2. elective

3. special course

√4. lesson

45. The following textbooks are allowed for use in an educational institution:

1. any selected by the teacher from the list recommended educational institution

4. proposed by the publisher of educational literature

46. ​​Professional competence of a teacher is:

1. professionalism in teaching activities

2. knowledge, experience and a set of professional and personal qualities that ensure effective solution issues of training and education

3. a set of professional powers, functions that create the necessary conditions for effective activities V educational process

4. a person’s ability to perceive, understand, comprehend and anticipate phenomena in the educational process

47. The study of educational material, built sequentially, with gradual complication and deepening of knowledge, is defined as:

1. concentration in learning

2. spiral way of constructing content

3. linear way of constructing content

4. modular way of building content

48. In the approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in chemistry (basic level), compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education, the following types of calculation problems are provided:

1. calculation of the relative molecular weight of a substance using the formula.

2. calculation of the mass fraction of an element in a chemical compound.

3. establishing the simplest formula of a substance based on the mass fractions of elements.

4. no calculation tasks

49. Techniques can be of the following nature:

1. active, passive and leading

2. logical, organizational and technical

3. monologue, dialogic and heuristic

4. active, organizational and technical

50. Innovative look training, the content of which is structured into autonomous organizational and methodological blocks that allow adapting the educational process to the individual capabilities of students, is defined as:

1. programmed training√2. distance learning

3. modular learning 4. problem-based learning

51. A type of verbal method used in the lesson when introducing students to the history of discoveries in the field of chemistry, the biography of a scientist, and a description of any chemical phenomena:

2. explanation

√3. story

52. Federal state educational standards include requirements for...

1. structure of basic educational programs

2. conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs

3. results of mastering basic educational programs

4. all of the above options are correct

53. Material objects that are carriers of educational information and a tool for the activities of the teacher and students, are defined as:

1. tests

2. student diaries

3. school documentation

√4. teaching aids

54. Learning ability is...

1. ability for creative activity

2. predisposition to intellectual activity

3. general ability or internal readiness of students to master knowledge

4. developed motivational sphere of personality

55. Problem-based learning is revealed through:

√1. formulation by the teacher and resolution by the student of a problematic issue, task and situation

2. productive activities of students carried out in the “zone of proximal development”

3. cybernetic approach, according to which learning is considered as a complex dynamic system

4. stimulating students to be creative in cognitive activities

56. The term “educational teaching” was introduced by a famous teacher

√1. I.F. Herbart

2. Ya.A. Comenius

3. F.A.V. Disterweg

4. I.G. Pestalozzi

57. Respect for the child’s personality, trust in him, creation of favorable conditions at school for the disclosure and development of children’s abilities and gifts means the implementation of the principle:

√1. humanization of education

2. humanitarization of education

3. individualization of education

4. democratization of education

58. The contradiction between the cognitive and practical tasks put forward by the course of training and the current level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, their mental development and attitudes is:

1. a condition for the development of students’ cognitive activity

√2. driving force of the learning process

3. pedagogical problem

4. the essence of the learning process

59. Which approach to educational activities is more conducive to the application of knowledge in practice?

1. cultural

√2. active

3. creative

60. Variable component of education content:

1. ensures the familiarization of schoolchildren with general cultural and nationally significant values

2. promotes individualization of the learning process, taking into account the personal characteristics, interests and inclinations of students

√3. is an additional component of the educational content (elective classes)

4. ensures the preparation of students for entry into higher education educational institutions

61. Value orientations are:

1. the result of assimilation by the individual social experience

2. the main mechanism for the formation of new ideas and methods of activity

3. search for an ideally presented desired result of an activity

√4. identification by an individual of important life meanings, ideals, interests, aspirations

62. Email address given: [email protected]. Enter the username of the mailbox owner.

1. anna; 2.univer.ru;

3. anna.petrova; 4. anna.petrova@univer

1. basic general education in chemistry

√2. secondary general (complete) education in chemistry (profile level)

3. there is no such standard

4. secondary general (complete) education in chemistry (basic level)

64. What is the purpose of a laboratory experiment in the classroom?

1. Independent implementation of the experiment by schoolchildren at home

2. performing an experiment by schoolchildren in the process of studying a topic in class

3. student observation of an experiment performed for the whole class in class

√4. independent experimentation by schoolchildren after studying a section or course of chemistry

65. The motives that cause human activity and determine its direction are called:

1. desires

√2. motivation

3. installations

4. needs

66. What is the purpose of a demonstration experiment?

1. independent implementation of the experiment by schoolchildren at home;

2. independent implementation of the experiment by schoolchildren in the process of studying the topic in class;

√3. student observation of an experiment performed for the whole class during the lesson;

4. independent experimentation by schoolchildren after studying a section or course of chemistry

67. Innovations in education are:

1. originality of school life

√2. dissemination of innovations in teaching practice

3. conservative approach in education

4. creative approach to teaching activities

Key element of the personnel management system employee certification , which consists of periodically assessing the performance of employees at their specific workplace for the past period.

Personnel certification – these are personnel events that are designed to assess compliance

level of labor, quality and potential of the employee, the requirements of the work performed

The main purpose of personnel certification – not execution control (although this is also very

important), and identifying reserves for increasing the level

employee performance.

As an element of the personnel management system certification is of great importance:

    socio-economic . Certification helps to increase the efficiency of the labor incentive system by objectively linking the employee’s real labor contribution with his material remuneration. Based on its data, the organization of personnel work is improved.

    socio-psychological . During the certification of employees, the basic need of employees for an objective assessment of their activities and recognition of their specific achievements is satisfied. Enables employees to adjust their ideas about their own business qualities and the quality of performance of their official duties.

    Organizational and administrative . Certification provides information about the quality of staffing in various departments, allows us to determine the degree of effectiveness of personnel development programs, and motivates employees to participate in these programs.

Basic principles of certification:

    Universality – if a decision is made to conduct certification, its completion must be mandatory for all categories of workers, except those not subject to certification.

    Systematicity – certification must be carried out regularly, at certain intervals, with the exception of special extraordinary certifications.

    Complexity – the entire set of the most important factors that determine the effectiveness of activities at a given specific workplace is assessed. At the same time, the specifics of the content of labor are taken into account. The assessment cannot be “in general”.

    Objectivity – only those parameters that can be verified empirically are evaluated. It is necessary to refrain from influencing the assessment of criteria that can only be determined subjectively, such as energy.

    Differentiation of assessments – very often evaluators do not give low or high marks, that is, average ones. Such certification carries a powerful demotivating charge for employees to perform productive work and improve their skills.

    Publicity – labor performance standards that are used to evaluate labor must be known to employees in advance.

Certification acts as a guarantor of social justice for the company’s employees.

Marina Tryastina
Preparing for certification for the highest category: application for certification and security statement for the presentation of the analytical report

Application for certification

To the Attestation Commission

Ministry of General and Professional

education of the Sverdlovsk region

Tryastsina Marina Evgenievna,


Municipal Autonomous



I ask you to certify me in 2017 for the highest qualification category for the position of teacher.

Currently I have the first qualification category, its validity period is until May 29, 2018.

I consider the following work results that meet the requirements for the highest qualification category to be the basis for certification for the qualification category specified in the application.

During the inter-certification period, the main direction of my activity was the creation of conditions aimed at developing moral and moral standards and rules in the process project activities.

To implement this direction, the following tasks were set:

Creating pedagogical conditions for the accumulation of positive moral experience among children in the surrounding social and natural world;

Study and implementation of new pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation of general cultural values ​​in preschool children;

Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of developing the moral qualities of the child’s personality.

To implement the tasks, I created the following conditions: a system was developed and a sequence of work on moral and patriotic education was established, the peculiarity of which is an integrated approach to the formation of general cultural values ​​in preschool children. A big role is given to the creation of conditions, a variety of techniques and methods in working with children. Work in this direction began with creating a warm, cozy atmosphere for children. Every day of a child in kindergarten should be filled with joy, smiles, good friends, and fun games. In the process of work, she enriched the developing subject-spatial environment in the direction of developing the moral qualities of the personality of each child. She designed the center “The World of Nature and Us”, which collects material on

social and moral education: a series of conversations with children on ethical topics, a file cabinet of “mirilok”, laptops on the topics: “Family”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “A Word about Mom”, “Etiquette from an early age”, fiction on moral topics. Also presented is material to familiarize children with the country and their hometown: literature about Russia, Yekaterinburg, thematic folders containing photographs of the symbols of the country, our city and its attractions.

I use modern educational technologies productively. The use of project technology made it possible to integrate educational areas and involve parents as much as possible in the activities of children, establishing close partnerships between all participants in the educational process. Together with parents, as part of the project activities, family photo albums, albums “Traditions of our family” were made, various photo exhibitions were organized: “MY DAD is the best!”, “Our mothers are the best!”, “This is what it is, our summer !”, “My dearest!” etc. The whole range of activities contributed to the accumulation of positive moral experience among children in the surrounding social and natural world.

The result of work in this area is the positive dynamics of the formation of general cultural values ​​among students. At the beginning of the implementation of the direction, monitoring revealed that the level of development of general cultural values ​​in children prevailed at below average. The children experienced difficulties in many ways. According to the results of monitoring carried out in preschool educational institutions, pupils have stable positive results in mastering the educational program of preschool education: the level of social and communicative development at the beginning of the 2015/2016 academic year was 38%, and at the end of the 2015/2016 academic year 59%, the level of cognitive development has increased from 34% to 53%, the level of artistic and aesthetic development - from 43% to 72%, the level of speech development - from 31% to 51%. In order to involve more parents and strengthen the relationship with the family, I used an innovative form of work - coaching sessions. Conducted consultations on the topics: “The project method is a tribute to fashion, or...”, “The role of the family in the environmental education of preschool children.” Together with her parents, she organized the following exhibitions: “Gifts of Autumn”, “Mom’s Hands Know No Boredom!”, “Christmas Tree - a Prickly Needle”, “Father Frost’s Workshop”. As a result, the families of my students have become more active and competent in matters of developing the moral qualities of children.

The development of the scientific and creative potential of students allowed them to take part in competitions:

2014: City competition MBU DO - GDETS "Clean Water of Russia";

2015: Regional competition of children's creativity "Uncle Misha's Heirs", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the ORUD-GAI-STSI service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

2016: City poetry festival “Stars”, International competition creative center "Firefly", City competition of the Central Park of Culture and Arts "Mother's Children".

2017: regional competition of KSK “Olympus” “This is a ringing word, Victory!”

I consider participation as a personal contribution to improving the quality of education:

2014: City correspondence competition MBU DO - GDETS “In the labyrinths of nature”; open competition of educational audiovisual materials and methodological developments“Media education in the context of the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards.”

2015: regional stage all-Russian competition methodological manuals“We are raising patriots of Russia”; International scientific and practical conference “Spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen in the conditions of new standards.”

2016: VIII International Social and Pedagogical Readings named after. B. I. Livshits “Social pedagogy and social work: yesterday, today, tomorrow."

2017: VII City Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovations in Environmental Education: Modern Practice and Development Vectors”, I am the author of the theses “Improving the quality of environmental education in preschool educational institutions through innovative technologies.”

I am a correspondent for the DOW website.

I provide the following information about myself:

education: 1996, Sverdlovsk Regional Pedagogical College, specialty No. 0313 “Preschool education”, qualification “Teacher of organized childhood”, “Head of sports and recreational work in a preschool educational institution”; 2015, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "UrSPU", specialty 44.03.01 "Pedagogical Education", qualification "Bachelor".

Experience pedagogical work 6 years, in this position for 6 years, in this organization for 3 years.

Information on advanced training: 2017, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University of Psychology and Education", "Implementation of an inclusive approach in the education of preschool children with disabilities in a preschool educational organization", 36 hours.

I ask you to conduct the certification at the meeting of the certification commission without my presence.

I am a member of the trade union organization MADOU kindergarten No. 17.

Security word for the presentation of the analytical report

Hello, Dear Commission and Colleagues!

Allow me to present to your attention the results of my professional activity, based on the following regulatory documents presented on the slide.

Based on Federal standards, it is necessary to highlight that one of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is: “combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, society " Thus, it is important to recognize that moral and patriotic education is one of the most important links in the system of educational work in preschool educational institutions.

The slide displays some points of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, which can be

implement through project activities.

During the inter-certification period, I monitored preschoolers at the beginning and end of the school year. To diagnose the pedagogical process, the manual of Natalya Valentinovna Vereshchagina was used. The slide shows a summary of monitoring results for the period 2014–2015 academic year. Analysis of the results of pedagogical research at this stage showed that in all educational areas, both at the beginning and at the end of the year, the average and low level mainly prevails.

Based on these data, I plan the educational process in the direction of: the formation of general cultural values ​​in preschool children through project activities. In accordance with the goal, the tasks shown on the slide were set.

Work in this direction began with creating a warm, cozy atmosphere for children. Every day of a child in kindergarten should be filled with joy, smiles, good friends, and fun games. In the process of work, she enriched the developing subject-spatial environment in the direction of developing the moral qualities of the personality of each child. She designed the center “The World of Nature”, “Our Motherland – Russia”, which collected material on social and moral education: a series of conversations with children on ethical topics, a card index of “mirilok”. Centers role-playing games, where children learn to communicate and gain knowledge about professions. An island of creativity where children can express their thoughts and fantasies on paper. The center of the book, where fiction is located, including literature on moral topics.

I use modern educational technologies productively.

The use of project technology made it possible to integrate educational areas and involve parents as much as possible in the activities of children, establishing close partnerships between all participants in the educational process. Project activities were systematized into thematic blocks reflected on the slide.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education, all participants in educational relations interacted. Interaction with children took place in different forms: in play.

OOD, OD in regime moments.

Also in themed entertainment and holidays.

In order to involve more parents and strengthen the relationship with the family, interaction with the families of the pupils also took place using different technologies:

In order to improve pedagogical competence, I used both traditional forms and methods - questioning, counseling, visual information, and innovative ones - parent meetings with elements of a “coach session”.

Also, meetings with parents were held in an informal setting, to establish trusting relationships, in order to formalize and enrich the teaching staff of the group and the site.

Interaction also took place with specialists:

Speech therapist Novokreshchenova O.V.

Music Head: Zozuleya P.D.

I also use ICT in my professional activities:

Educational presentations for children

Reporting presentations (on the progress of project activities, which I use at family meetings, as well as for viewing by parents on the preschool website. I practice showing reporting presentations in order to improve pedagogical competence, as well as broadcast work experience.

Relatively recently, I became acquainted with the innovative gaming technology “Lepbook”, studied and implemented it in my activities.

The result of work in this area is the positive dynamics of children’s mastery of the educational program in all five areas. The slide presents the results of monitoring at the initial stage and at the stage of implementation of the project technology. It is impossible not to notice that the low level of mastery of EP is completely absent, the high level predominates.

The development of the scientific and creative potential of the students allowed them to take part in the competitions shown on the slide. Award documents are presented in the portfolio.

Thus, we can say that the whole range of activities contributed to the accumulation of positive moral experience among children in the surrounding social and natural world. The use of the project method allows the child to form a subject position, reveals his individuality, realizes interests and needs, which contributes to the child’s personal development. The teacher turns from a carrier of ready-made knowledge into an organizer of cognitive, research activities of his students.

The transmission of teaching experience took place in the form of:

1. Speeches at pedagogical councils

Technology of project activities;

Elements innovative technology in interaction with families of pupils “Coaching session”.

Gaming technology "Lepbook"

2. Speech at the regional methodological association on the topic: the use of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

3. Publications of articles and methodological developments, which are also presented in the portfolio

4. Teacher's blog

I consider the transfer of accumulated teaching experience to be a very important and necessary activity of a teacher, since such activity helps to acquire professional competencies not only for me, but also for fellow teachers of our educational organization and beyond.

Since general cultural values ​​are a fairly broad concept, including, along with moral and patriotic education, such components as the culture of speech, communication, culture of hygiene, culture of activity, culture of behavior, I consider it advisable to continue working in this direction.

Thank you for your attention!