Your own business: how to open a canteen. Business plan for a canteen with calculations How to promote a canteen in a small town

Any establishment catering with proper organization of the business, it can bring excellent profits to its owner. Below we will present a completely realistic and workable business plan for a canteen that will require a minimum of expenses.

A little about design

First, you need to create an initial concept plan for the dining room, determine general ideas for its development, requirements, calculate the square footage of the premises, propose an initial menu and “draw” a general portrait of the visitor, highlighting his main preferences. Immediately think about what to name the dining room. The name must be original and uncluttered.

Where can I coordinate the basic documentation for the canteen?

Compiled yourself or purchased from design organization The enterprise plan must be approved by the following organizations:

  • GSEN (sanitary and epidemiological surveillance);
  • UGPS (fire service);
  • KUGI (state property management service);
  • technical supervision service;
  • GIOP (committee for the protection and maintenance of historical and cultural monuments).

Location requirements

Your canteen business plan must take into account its location. Needless to say, it should definitely be located close to large factories, offices and other places that can provide you with a reliable layer of anchor clients.

An excellent option is to rent a former dining room. Immediately check with your local power company to see if there are any restrictions on electrical power consumption.

Let us note that in recent years, inspection organizations have had a very negative attitude towards canteens that are located on the first floors of residential buildings.


When choosing a suitable room, pay attention to the presence of a sufficiently spacious hall for receiving visitors, a kitchen and utility rooms, as well as rooms for accounting. The walls in those rooms where direct food preparation will take place should be lined with ceramic tiles or plastic. These materials are easy to wash and disinfect and are resistant to chemicals.

The dining room must have running water and sewerage, gas and electricity. The wiring must be capable of supporting 380V equipment. Once all construction and repair work you will need to draw up an acceptance certificate certified by all of the above organizations (UGPS, GSEN, KUGI, GIOP, Technical Nadzor).

Cash register and accounting equipment

Do not forget about bureaucracy: you will need to purchase automated systems and software for automated warehouse and accounting. Performance depends on your needs and the size of the dining room itself. It is best to purchase cash registers with the ability to pay for orders using plastic cards. This is especially important for cities where the population has little cash on hand.

Kitchen equipment

Any canteen business plan should fully disclose this question. As a rule, most of this type of product runs on electricity, but it is much more economical to buy gas modifications. This is also due to the fact that not in all populated areas the electrical network and the local substation will be able to “pull” the required power.

The required minimum includes the following equipment:

  • Powerful hoods.
  • Industrial dishwashers.
  • Ovens, ovens and convection ovens.
  • Cutting and production tables.
  • A sufficient number of cabinets and racks for storing kitchen tools.
  • Set of all necessary utensils(with a 20% reserve).
  • Refrigeration chambers with sufficient capacity for storing raw materials and semi-finished products.
  • Mixers, blenders, meat grinders, etc.

It is advisable to purchase equipment from suppliers who offer full service. Do not try to save money by buying household models: if your dining room becomes famous, then even a household electric meat grinder simply will not withstand the load.

Furniture for industrial and utility rooms

For utility rooms you will need shelving, work tables, and lockers for changing clothes for workers.

The situation with the dining room itself is somewhat more complicated. You cannot approach the purchase of furniture at random, since tables and chairs must be in harmony with the overall design project. By the way, it is preferable to order chairs with rigid and angular shapes, on which visitors will not be able to sit for several hours. In the end, you open a dining room, but not a cafe.

Experts say that it is advisable to buy 20% more furniture than was included in the project. This way you will be protected from unpleasant moments associated with its lack.

Equipment for the dispensing complex

You need to pay special attention to this point, since the dispensing complex should be quite convenient and not disturb visitors. It is necessary to purchase counters with compartments for ready-made dishes, refrigeration equipment for first courses and desserts, as well as a conveyor belt.

Let us note that it is advisable to buy all of the above only new, since used equipment for distribution will have a negative effect on your reputation with clients.

What kind of staff will you need?

It will be necessary to hire not only technologists and cooks, but also administrative workers. In particular, you will need a canteen director and at least one accountant.

The working personnel include:

  • cooks for hot and cold production shops;
  • workers who will stand on the distribution line;
  • required number of cashiers;
  • workers responsible for washing dishes;
  • auxiliary workers, among whom there must be mechanics.

Unless your dining room is large, spending money on your own accounting service is somewhat unreasonable. It will be cheaper to hire a company that will provide your canteen business with accounting support.

Do not forget about the need to produce badges for all employees who directly interact with customers.

Professional technologists advise creating a menu such that repetitions of dishes in it occur no more than a couple of times a month. Be sure to include meat, fish, poultry, and vegetarian dishes in your daily diet. Considering the specifics of our cuisine, it wouldn’t hurt to diversify the range of soups and baked goods. In addition to traditional tea and coffee, you should offer clients mineral water, juices or compotes.

It should not be mentioned that all dishes must be fresh and tasty, otherwise you cannot count on the loyal attitude of visitors. After the menu has been finalized, it must be certified by the State Sanitary Service.

What documents will be required?

The following documents must be completed to open a canteen:

  • Develop technological regulations for the production of food and its sale, for carrying out technological measures (disinfection of premises, deratization).
  • Conclude and sign agreements for the delivery of raw materials, for the removal of garbage and liquid household waste.
  • Draw up all agreements relating to service the equipment you have installed.
  • Draw up and certify all agreements with the bank, open your own account for payment by plastic cards.
  • Register the cash register. This is done by the local tax office.

In addition, you must obtain permission to operate from Roskomnadzor, SES, as well as other organizations that we talked about at the very beginning of the article.

Total costs

The purchase of equipment can cost from 600 thousand to 6 million rubles. Finishing and renovating the entire premises, carrying out all the necessary communications, concluding contracts and other bureaucratic procedures can take just as long. In large cities, the cost of organizing a catering establishment can reach thousands of dollars per square meter.

Despite this, the profitability of the canteen is approximately 40%.

Other services

Forget that the dining room is a place where you only eat. When you have developed enough, start organizing holidays and social events - this attracts people.

You can take out contracts for the supply of food to large organizations. When celebrating holidays, even ordinary citizens often require a large number of high-quality and tasty dishes. The school canteen business is very promising, when you supply food to schools.

If you don’t set exorbitant prices, you can make great money from this.

In general, organizing your own canteen is not only profitable, but also allows you to expand your production almost limitlessly, constantly increasing the size of your profits.

Here's what you need to open a dining room!

Here we will look at an article on how to open a canteen, ready-made example business plan for opening it from scratch.

Whatever the city is - the capital or the province, the number of canteens in them is small. Why did this happen? And all because for many people, especially the younger generation, the word “canteen” evokes associations with something old-fashioned, reminiscent of the times of the USSR. That’s why modern businessmen often call their establishments “restaurants,” because it sounds much more attractive. Hence, two views arise on one problem - on the one hand, this is an interesting innovation, on the other, this is a dining room that was presented to visitors from the other side.

Canteen business plan

So, how to open a canteen from scratch? We present to your attention a ready-made example for opening it.

Form of business

The form of doing business for this project – individual entrepreneurship – is the best option. And if the suppliers of raw materials and components necessary for opening a canteen are legal entities, then you will have to open a legal entity. If this does not happen, then the best option is individual entrepreneurship.

Analysts, having analyzed all the necessary indicators, claim that such a business as opening a canteen is very successful. And all due to the fact that many settlements do not have such establishments.

About the establishment

Since the canteen is created for clients with an average level of income, the prices for the products in it should be low, but appropriate.

Services to be provided

The business plan is drawn up so that the following services will be provided in the canteen:

  1. creation and sale of hot breakfasts;
  2. production and sale of obels;
  3. cooking for corporate parties, funeral services, alumni meetings, etc.

Market and competitors

This paragraph reveals and contains all necessary information about canteens that are located in a specific city or town. Determine which of them are competitors and which are not. Knowing all the mistakes of competitors, you can take them into account and prevent their occurrence in your establishment.

Production part

The most important point will be finding a room for the dining room. A place that, with its amenities, can become a popular catering area. It is for this reason that due attention must be paid to finding a place. The best place the location of the dining room will be the area where the most large enterprises, and even better if the canteen will be located on the premises of these enterprises. Another good option is to locate a canteen in a new shopping center. At first, the center builders will become your first clients.

In order to pass all kinds of checks, as well as authorities, you should take into account the presence of a main and emergency exit in the dining room, as well as its division into two parts: one of which is the kitchen, and the second part is the hall. As for the level and size of the room, everything will depend on your financial capabilities.

Particular attention should be paid to the equipment that is needed for the dining room. A large number of companies that are ready to provide the necessary equipment for the canteen are represented on the market. The only difference is price and quality.

Equipment needed for the canteen:

  1. stoves that are necessary for making hot products;
  2. frying and cooking cabinets;
  3. production and cutting tables;
  4. washing;
  5. tables and chairs for clients;
  6. utensils for cooking and serving dishes.

The very result of its work will depend on the canteen staff. Therefore, when choosing personnel, treat this matter carefully and selectively.

After the journey has been completed, the next step should be taken, which will be advertising company dining room The success of any establishment depends on this business. And here any means are good - you can use regular advertising, but guerrilla marketing is much better.

Experienced chefs should be able to prepare any dish of Russian cuisine. To do this, it is necessary to indicate that the menu will consist mainly of Russian cuisine, and then everything else. The business plan provides for the presence of the following employees in the canteen:

  • one manager;
  • two cooks;
  • two kitchen workers;
  • one dishwasher;
  • one auxiliary worker;

One cleaner, one cashier.

The menu opened by the dining room should contain a list of the most important dishes of traditional Russian cuisine. As a rule, this list includes: borscht, a couple of soups, solyanka, potato dishes, meat dishes, various salads.

When all of the above has been taken into account and implemented, then we begin the discovery. Due to the location of the canteen, there will be no need for a large-scale advertising campaign. The food must be at the highest level in order to win the love and respect of future customers. In the future, this will make it possible to steal customers who already eat in establishments of this kind.

Financial plan of the institution

This item of the canteen business plan was created to calculate both expenses and income, which are so necessary for overall assessment the payback of this establishment.

Costs include:

  1. rent of the selected premises - 1 million rubles/year;
  2. acquisition, total necessary equipment— 500 thousand rubles;
  3. remuneration for personnel - 2,040 thousand rubles/year;
  4. and other overhead costs - 100 thousand rubles.

A total of 3,640 thousand rubles came out. – this amount is necessary for the initial investment.

Let's look at the income:

  1. sale of hot food;
  2. provision of food at banquets, evenings, etc.

Based on these data, the payback period for the canteen will be 1-1.5 years, and these are very good indicators in modern, both environmental and social conditions. Let this business plan help you open a cafeteria and start your own business. All that remains is to wish you good luck.

From this article you will learn how to open a canteen from scratch, where to start a catering business and how much it costs. It describes all the important points: from registration with the Federal Tax Service, obtaining permits, certificates to market analysis, marketing, selection of equipment and personnel. And also given useful videos on the topic.

Brief business plan for opening a canteen

The first and important step in organizing an establishment is the dining room. We offer a short version of it.

  1. Market analysis: competitors, demand, potential clients, market capacity.
  2. Choice of establishment format: open, closed, franchise.
  3. Marketing plan (studying the target audience, forming an assortment, determining the location of the canteen, etc.).
  4. Financial plan (calculation of starting capital).
  5. Business registration (individual entrepreneur or LLC, choice of OKVED, tax system).
  6. Obtaining permits from the SES, fire service, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities.
  7. Purchase of equipment, furniture, appliances for the hall and kitchen.
  8. Search for suppliers.
  9. Hiring staff.
  10. Advertising and promotion of the canteen.

Each stage is performed in the above sequence. And you definitely need to start with market analysis.

Analysis of the catering market in the selected city

A market analysis is carried out to assess the future prospects of the canteen in the locality where it will operate. This must be done immediately when you come to open the establishment.

When analyzing the market, attention is paid to:

  • competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • market conditions;
  • target segment;
  • level of prices and profits in the niche.

These points are enough to assess the state of the market in a particular region and determine the future prospects for the dining industry.

When analyzing competitors, you should pay attention to their range, quality of service, operating hours, additional services, prices, location and other parameters. The received information is divided into two blocks:

  1. Competitive advantages.
  2. Disadvantages of competitors.

Based on such a table, you can understand how to differentiate yourself from competitors and come up with a USP.

By analyzing the state of the market we must understand the situation, trends and reaction of the target audience to new offers in the field of catering.

When analyzing the target segment, you need to understand who the potential clients of the canteen are, what requirements they place on such establishments, what they base their choice on and what the level of demand for catering services is. The information obtained will be needed to draw up a marketing plan.

Once the market analysis has been completed, you need to decide on the type of dining room.

Concept: establishment format

There are several types of canteens.

  • Closed - located on the territory of enterprises (factories, combines, etc.) production organizations) or in educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities, etc.).
  • Open - public canteens located in any part of the city outside the territory of enterprises. A classic type of establishment, which is most often located in the city center or near educational institutions, public places and business centers.
  • Po - open dining rooms with an assortment established by the franchisor.

The manager decides for himself which format is more suitable for the future canteen. Here you need to remember the analysis of the market and its data.

Marketing plan: developing a business strategy

Having studied the market and decided on the format of the dining room, you need to draw up marketing plan. It should contain:

  • Ready name of the establishment.
  • Information about the target audience.
  • Assortment of goods.
  • Additional services.
  • Location of the dining room.
  • Pricing policy.
  • Promotion methods.

When drawing up a marketing plan, you should rely on data obtained during market analysis. The main attention is paid to competitors, target audience, assortment and services.

Such a plan must be created by thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. Because he is the one who will help make the canteen profitable. And haste in compiling it can lead to a quick collapse.

Canteen registration: form of management and taxation

To operate in the catering industry, you only need to register individual entrepreneur and obtain a trade permit. But if it is planned to create a network of such establishments, then the best option will be LLC.

For the dining room:

You can get acquainted with other activity codes for canteens in class 56 of the Russian Federation OKVED.

The entrepreneur chooses the taxation system at his own discretion. This could be UTII, simplified tax system 6% or 15%.

Permitting documentation for a canteen

To obtain documents permitting the operation of a canteen, you need to contact:

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;
  • Fire service;
  • Technical supervision service;
  • GIOP;
  • State Property Management Service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

To open an establishment, you must have the following package of documents on hand:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  • Food quality certificates.
  • Production control program (technological map), agreed with Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from the fire department.
  • Contract for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Agreement for waste disposal and garbage removal.

You will also need a bank account and cash register registration.

Sanitary and fire safety requirements

Sanitary requirements

Sanitary requirements for canteens are specified in SanPiN Among the main provisions it is worth highlighting:

  1. You can open a canteen only in a building that complies with sanitary rules and regulations and has a conclusion from the SES.
  2. Regardless of ownership of the building, the establishment must be constantly supplied with cold and hot water, connected to sewerage, heating and equipped with ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  3. The correct temperature and air humidity established by SanPiN must be maintained in the kitchen and employee workplaces.
  4. All rooms must have natural and artificial lighting.
  5. The walls in the kitchen must be finished with materials that can withstand disinfectants and wet cleaning, and the ceilings cannot be lower than 1.7 m.

A complete list of sanitary rules and regulations can be found in SanPiN

Fire requirements

Fire safety requirements for canteens are regulated by the GUGPS EMERCOM of the Russian Federation: GOST, SNiP and SP. These include:

  • Mandatory installation of fire alarms and smoke ventilation systems in all premises.
  • Availability modern means fire extinguishing
  • Creating unimpeded access to evacuation routes and emergency (emergency) exits.
  • A ready-made evacuation plan and fire safety log.

You can learn more about fire safety requirements in:

  • GOST R 50762-2007 and GOST 12.1.004-91;
  • Federal law No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” and Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”;
  • SNiP 21-01.-97;
  • SP from 1 to 6, 13130.2009.

Equipment for the hall and staff workplaces

The choice of equipment directly depends on what dishes will be served in the dining room, whether pastries, pizza will be prepared, etc. Therefore, you need to select it based on the future assortment. But you can highlight the mandatory equipment.

  • Tables for cutting meat, fish, cooking, slicing baked goods and other dishes.
  • Electric stoves, ovens, fryers and cabinets.
  • Refrigerators and freezers for storing food and drinks.
  • Dishwashers.
  • Cupboards for dishes, dishes and cutlery.
  • Hoods and air conditioners.
  • Line for food distribution.

The staff will need furniture, office equipment, cash register, telephone, etc. For visitors: tables, chairs and hangers.

Canteen staff: which specialists are needed?

The staff will depend on the range of food offered. But the minimum set of employees includes:

  1. Manager of the dining room (kitchen, visitors' hall).
  2. Cooks and assistants for cooks.
  3. Workers to work on the food distribution line.
  4. Support workers.
  5. Dishwasher and cleaning lady.
  6. Cashier and accountant (accounting can be provided).

Since canteens are often open seven days a week, for every workplace You need at least two people.

Where to look for product suppliers

Before you start networking with suppliers, you need to create a supply list. It may include various products (dairy, flour, confectionery, etc.), as well as tablecloths, napkins, cutlery, dishes, etc.

The best suppliers of products are their manufacturers. For example, dairy products can be ordered from a dairy, vegetables from private farms, meat from a meat processing plant or slaughterhouse.

You can also find product suppliers on the Internet. But here it is worth checking them carefully - read the reviews, make sure they are available legal registration on the Federal Tax Service website, and then talk to a representative by phone.

When choosing a supplier, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • How long has the supplier been on the market?
  • Does he offer product samples before ordering?
  • What are the terms of payment, returns, deliveries and minimum order.
  • Are there any discounts for regular customers?

It must also be remembered that while the buyer checks the supplier before cooperation, the supplier also checks the buyer. Therefore, the head of the canteen must have all documents in order.

Advertising and Marketing: Canteen Promotion

Before opening the dining room, you need to place a noticeable sign above the main entrance that attracts the attention of the target audience.

  • Distributing leaflets on the street.
  • Distribution of advertising brochures to mailboxes in nearby areas.
  • Advertising in local print media, radio and television.
  • Advertising in public transport and public places.
  • Advertising on the Internet through targeting and.

We must remember that no one knows about the canteen yet, so people need to be lured with a good assortment, favorable prices and promotions in honor of the opening. If you have enough budget, you can organize a concert inside or near the main entrance.

How much does it cost to open a canteen and what is the profit?

You will have to invest about 1,500,000 rubles in opening a public canteen. But the final cost will depend on the area of ​​the establishment, assortment and additional services.

The payback period for such a business is 1-1.5 years. Experienced canteen owners claim that in the first year you can earn about 30,000,000 rubles a year.

A good canteen means a competent menu, quality products, friendly service and reasonable prices, for which consumers appreciate it. Dining room like profitable business– inexpensive, convenient premises, profitable deals with food suppliers and reliable staff. How to combine these two systems of requirements into one successful project that would satisfy consumer needs and provide high business profits? In this article we answer this question and tell you how to open a canteen from scratch for a beginner.

Market overview and development prospects

Trade in this segment of public catering has experienced great financial difficulties in recent years. The market fell almost 5%. The main reason for the decline is the increase in the number of restaurants and cafes with budget menus and cheap business lunches.

Analysis of this information will allow you to correctly determine the starting points of your entrepreneurial strategy and open not just another unprofitable canteen that can barely breathe and only bring headaches to its owners, but initially organize a successful enterprise with financial and production potential.

Direct competitors will be:

  • city ​​cafes and restaurants;
  • industrial canteens of large industrial enterprises;
  • canteens of large office, administrative and educational centers;
  • local fast food and street food outlets.

According to all-Russian statistics over the past few years, for each specified group of catering establishments, profits have only grown. But this does not mean that businesses that may become direct competitors to your business are necessarily successful.

To get a complete picture of the presence of similar services on the market, it is necessary to evaluate the work of each competitor. You should find their weak and strengths and offer a higher quality service that is relevant to the consumer.

Arguments for and against opening a canteen

As can be seen from the review of the catering market, there are many arguments against opening a canteen.

The first group of arguments against are arguments related to the loss of relevance of this business.

Experts believe that canteens are a relic of the past that does not meet the requirements of modern society. In their opinion, the majority of the active working population today chooses comfort, a modern atmosphere, interesting design and style solutions in interior design and serving dishes. In order for a canteen to compete and delight customers with novelty, it is necessary to increase start-up and operating costs, which is not always affordable for a novice entrepreneur.

The second disadvantage is significant restrictions in pricing policy.

To be competitive, the canteen must keep a low markup, which is not always enough to cover the cost part. For example, the average markup in a canteen is 150%, in a restaurant – 350%.

The third disadvantage is the lack of qualified personnel in the labor market and limitations on the number of employees.

An entrepreneur who is at the planning stage of a future enterprise must understand that each staff unit costs at least 50 thousand rubles in current expenses. The minimum staff for a canteen is 4 people (cook, purchasing manager, distribution worker and cleaner). Earning 200 thousand rubles for staff salaries is a difficult task, so often an entrepreneur has to actively fill two or three vacancies and work on distribution, cleaning and purchasing himself.

Arguments for:

  • a canteen is the simplest format of a catering establishment and requires a minimum of start-up capital;
  • the aspiring entrepreneur will gain invaluable practical experience;
  • this is a good platform for business expansion (experiments with formats, building a network, selling franchises, etc.).

Step by step instructions

The main purpose of the step-by-step instructions is to enable a beginner to assess the amount of work he has to do and help him estimate the amount of start-up costs for the project.

We will give step by step instructions, how to open a canteen, taking into account the maximum amount of work and costs. It is possible that some steps can be discarded at the execution stage, but in the beginning it is better to have a complete picture of the necessary actions.

So, step by step plan:

  • marketing research (assessment of competitors and basic consumer needs);
  • search for premises;
  • drawing up a professional business plan for the existing premises;
  • conclusion preliminary agreement renting premises for a dining room;
  • registration entrepreneurial activity(IP or LLC);
  • drawing up a project for the reconstruction of a room for a dining room (performed by a design organization);
  • renovation of premises and purchase of equipment;
  • personnel selection;
  • certification production premises in Rospotrebnadzor and obtaining permission to operate a canteen;
  • menu planning and technological maps for dishes;
  • purchasing products;
  • advertising campaign;
  • grand opening.

How to open a canteen from scratch

Where to start? From marketing research. Order this work from a professional consulting firm that is well established in your city. This step will cost about 30 thousand rubles, but the benefit from the information is disproportionately greater. A marketer’s report will help you avoid unnecessary expenses and choose the right strategy for your future enterprise.

Formation of the concept

This is one of the most important steps in the preparatory stage.

Based on the chosen concept, you will search for premises, develop a design, create a menu and customer service protocol. The concept should respond to consumer requests as much as possible.

For example, in a large administrative center a vegetarian canteen is unlikely to be successful, but near shopping centers and sports complexes, such a catering establishment will receive a sufficient number of customers.

Options for dining room concepts:

  • traditional (distribution counter, wide range of dishes, minimal costs for repairs, equipment and design);
  • modern (self-service, large assortment, additional design and technological solutions);
  • highly specialized (school, social, vegetarian, industrial, etc.).

Once the concept has been outlined, it’s time to draw up a portrait of the target audience.

Target Audience

Her main characteristics are age, gender, nationality and profession. The typical target audience of canteens is men from 40 to 60 years old, working professions, as well as lower and middle management.

If the premises you have chosen are located in a place where there are few representatives of the typical target audience, then you need to deviate from the typical course and look for your visitor.

When educational institutions (secondary specialized, higher) are within walking distance of your canteen, then it is necessary to orient the design and menu to the needs of young people. If there are a large number of administrative buildings near you, where many women work, then attention to the canteen will be attracted by a menu that is interesting for women (low-calorie, vegetarian, etc.).


The optimal place for a canteen is the shopping, administrative, and educational areas of the city. The entrance must be visible from main roads. It is advisable to have convenient access and parking area.

There is no need to place the canteen near bus stops and major transport interchanges - such a location does not provide any additional advantage.

Pros of accommodation:

  • proximity to food markets, markets and food producers;
  • additional premises for possible expansion;
  • location in the city center.

Locations on the first floors of high-rise buildings, along major city highways, as well as in shopping and entertainment centers are considered unfavorable.

Format selection

The choice of format for a future establishment depends on its location and correctly predicted preferences of future customers. It is also important to understand what competitors are already offering to visitors.

City canteen

This is a traditional catering establishment that is open to the public. Any client from the street can visit it.

Features of the city canteen: menu of simple traditional dishes, self-service in the hall, distribution from the counter, higher markup than in specialized canteens.

Premises requirements - compliance sanitary standards, rules for organizing the process of preparing food and serving visitors in the hall.

Dining room in the business center (open/closed)

Organizing a canteen in a business center is a more complex, but also promising task.

A dining room in a business center as a type of business requires a cozy modern interior, high requirements for the menu, food design and serving, as well as constant monitoring of customer wishes. Compliance with the requirements increases the cost of the project.

Another important aspect: business centers have high rental rates. To survive in such conditions and make a profit, canteen owners enter into agreements with the owners of companies located in business centers for partial or full payment for canteen services for the employees of these companies. As practice shows, this is the most profitable format for operating a canteen.

Most business centers are closed institutions with access control.

This circumstance will narrow the circle of potential visitors, and will also make it impossible to cater for weddings and other special events, but will add clients to corporate events, presentations and buffets.

Canteen in a government institution (open/closed)

Opening a canteen in a government institution is one of the most difficult tasks. The main difficulty is the lack of space that complies with SanPiN standards, which can easily be converted into small production facilities with economical energy consumption.

The most profitable catering option for a government institution is a canteen with an incomplete (pre-cooking) production cycle.

As part of this cycle, the canteen is delivered finished products, which only needs to be reheated before serving to the buyer.


For catering establishments with a pre-cooking cycle, the buffet or cafeteria format is most suitable. It is enough to rent a small ready-made room with an area of ​​up to 50 m2. In this area it is necessary to organize a warehouse, a utility room, a display case with a counter and 10-15 tables for visitors. The barmaid prepares dishes for visitors, and she also takes payment. The buffet format allows for the sale of goods to take away.

Selection by form of customer service (dispensing line, waiters, free flow)

The traditional format of customer service in a canteen is a distribution line, where a distributor works, and a cashier accepts payments from customers. But this scheme is not considered unshakable - in pursuit of clients, modern canteens offer other forms of service.

Canteens with waiters is a format that is more suitable for closed canteens at business centers and government institutions.

To ensure the comfort of employees during lunch, corporations and firms can pay extra to the owners and management of canteens for waiter services.

Free flow is the implementation of American and European ideas in Russian catering. In this format, customers have the opportunity to choose their own dishes and create portions. The dining room is equipped with several serving tables on which all dishes from the menu are displayed, as well as utensils (plates). Customers choose a plate and fill it themselves ready meals. Payment takes place at the checkout by weight, quantity or volume.

Canteen business plan with approximate calculations

The business plan of a canteen depends entirely on its format. But to make it more convenient for a novice entrepreneur to draw up his calculations, we will calculate a business plan for a small canteen with 40 seats.

Main costs:

  • rental payments for the year (50 thousand rubles x 12 months) – 600 thousand rubles.;
  • cost of reconstruction and repair – 600 thousand rubles.;
  • purchase of equipment – 500 thousand rubles.;
  • salary for 5 employees – 3 million rub. per year.

The average markup for a canteen is 150% of the cost of food.

To receive a profit of at least 100 thousand rubles per month, an entrepreneur must earn 500 thousand rubles. Of this amount, 115 thousand rubles. – purchase of products, 285 thousand rubles. - current expenses and 100 thousand rubles - profit.

The average check of the canteen is 200 rubles. To earn money 500 thousand rubles, you will need to sell 2,500 servings. If you divide this number of servings over 30 days, it turns out that on average the canteen should serve about 80 people per day.

Project financing

Minimum starting capital for opening a canteen from scratch in rented premises – about 1.5 million rubles. Approximately the same amount of funds should be available for the period of promotion and the formation of a stable commodity-money turnover. Where can I get this money?

This is one of the safest ways to open a canteen - to invest your own savings in the business. Yes, an entrepreneur may lose some of his funds if the project fails, but he will avoid troubles and penalties from creditors.

This volume cash can be obtained from the sale of real estate. If there is nothing to sell and there are no savings, then you will have to borrow money.

The safest and cheapest way to borrow money is to take out a bank loan. Banks are most willing to give loans to those entrepreneurs who pledge their property (apartment, car, etc.). But you can only take such risks if you have made thorough calculations, you have good place under the dining room and are planned lucrative contracts with suppliers and clients.

To get a loan from a bank, you need to have a professional canteen business plan.


The most dangerous way to finance a commercial project is cooperation with private investors: huge interest rates, lack of a clear and logical financing scheme, possible threats and lack of loyalty to debtors.

If you decide to borrow money from a private owner, then offer him a share of participation in your enterprise - let the co-founder also bear the burden of responsibility for the financial success of the canteen.

A method of financing in which the interests of the entrepreneur are protected as much as possible. About 1.5 million rubles are required from you (this is average price profitable and interesting franchises for canteens on Russian market). For this money the entrepreneur receives:

  • optimal business plan for the enterprise;
  • project for reconstruction and decoration of premises;
  • technological maps;
  • employee training;
  • promotional products and marketing plan;
  • contracts with suppliers of equipment and products.

The disadvantage of this work scheme is the need to pay a monthly percentage of income to the franchisor.

Premises requirements

The canteen must have equipped production, retail, warehouse and administrative premises. Each type of premises has its own requirements.

Production premises of the canteen:

  • cannot be placed in the basement and basement parts of the building;
  • they should contain both artificial and natural lighting;
  • area - based on about 6 m2 for each working employee (excluding equipment);
  • ceiling height – from 3 m to 4 m;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • the walls are covered with ceramic tiles up to a height of 1.8 m, the ceiling is painted with light-colored paint.

Water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and electrical networks must be in good condition, the design capacity must exceed the planned loads.

Documents for the premises

The main document that defines the rights and obligations of the tenant of the dining room premises is the lease agreement. We advise you to carefully approach the development of the project and the conclusion of this agreement. You should not download a sample rental agreement from the Internet. The best decision is to involve a lawyer. This step will entail additional costs at the initial stage, but will avoid many troubles in the future.

In addition to the contract, the tenant must have:

  • plan diagram of the premises that are leased to him;
  • copies of documents confirming the right to use land;
  • copies of communication diagrams and statements of balance sheet ownership of communication equipment;
  • books for meters.

Documents must be current. To confirm their authenticity, the lessor is required to certify the copies with his seal.

Engineering and design

A project for the reconstruction of premises for a dining room is a document on the basis of which the tenant must make repairs, lay networks and install equipment.

If the premises have already been used as a dining room, and the tenant has no ideas regarding redevelopment or refurbishment, then the project does not need to be ordered.

When even minor changes in the design of premises or an increase in network capacity are planned, then a project cannot be avoided.

Today, most designers additionally offer clients design solutions. But this needs to be agreed upon at the stage of preliminary negotiations and agreeing on the price of design work.

The canteen project undergoes mandatory sanitary and epidemiological examination.

Dining room equipment

A full-service canteen must have the following production facilities and equipment:

  • professional plates;
  • proofers (for your own baking);
  • deep fryers;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • complete distribution line;
  • planetary mixers;
  • meat grinders;
  • dough mixers;
  • bread slicers;
  • vegetable cutters;
  • set of dishes;
  • dishwashing equipment;
  • display cases and refrigerated counters;
  • furniture for the hall (tables and chairs).

At the initial stage, you can purchase many pieces of equipment as used. There is also the option of purchasing equipment on lease (payment in installments).

Registration of a canteen as a business and permitting documentation

The preparation of permits for a canteen must be done already at the stage when there are preliminary agreements on renting premises and a business plan, and sources of financing are known.

State registration and obtaining taxpayer status

The easiest, fastest and cheapest stage. It will take several days and about 3 thousand rubles to implement it. Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the location of the canteen or the registration of its founder (if the owner of the canteen is an individual entrepreneur).

Coordination of activities in state supervisory authorities

After passing state registration, completion of reconstruction and installation of equipment, the entrepreneur can apply to supervisory structures for permission to begin work.

The main permitting document is the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.

It is issued after the entrepreneur has collected and provided the following documentation:

  • a document confirming the right to use the premises (lease agreement);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion;
  • waste removal agreement;
  • agreements for the supply of products;
  • certificates for the ventilation system;
  • medical records of employees.

This is an approximate list - more detailed information can be obtained from the regional office of Rospotrebnadzor.

Selecting the form of payment with visitors (cash, non-cash, credit cards)

The best option is to provide customers with the opportunity to pay using methods convenient for them. The simplest, most reliable and cheapest payment method is cash. To accept cash, the cash register must be working in the hall. If the tax system allows you to work without it, you must approve the form of the check that will be issued to the client when paying for the service.


70% of the success of a canteen is the correct selection of personnel. An experienced, neat and conscientious cook, an active purchasing manager, an efficient cleaning lady, friendly employees in the hall - without the daily contribution of these employees, the canteen cannot exist.

Staffing table

This is a document that reflects the organization of remuneration at the enterprise. The schedule must include all positions that are necessary to ensure the operation of the enterprise. This document specifies official salaries, which must comply with the wage conditions agreed upon with the employee upon hiring.

Working hours and labor protection

The regime is approved by the head of the enterprise. Information about the establishment's opening hours is posted at the entrance to the dining room. No additional approvals are required for the canteen's opening hours.

Typical working hours of the canteen: from 8 to 15.00 on weekdays, on weekends - banquet service.

If the canteen operates in several shifts, then the administration is obliged to comply with employee production standards. Thus, work near a furnace in a production workshop is considered to have hazardous working conditions, and in some cases this workplace must be certified.

Organization of the technological process in the canteen

The distinctive feature of the dining room is a simple, familiar menu with dishes made from inexpensive ingredients.

Typical menu:

  • borsch;
  • two types of soup;
  • two types of cereals;
  • five salads;
  • four types of meat products;
  • three types of processed vegetables;
  • tea, coffee, milk and fruit drinks;
  • sauces and seasonings.

The menu is drawn up by the cook or production manager in the canteen and submitted to the director for approval. No other approvals are required.

Technological maps of dishes for the canteen

A technological map of a dish is a recipe that specifies the food costs for preparing the dish, modes and processing time, final portion yield and calorie content.

All dishes served in the dining room must have recipe cards available.

If the cook deviates from these cards, the product should not be allowed on the dining room counter.

Technological maps are developed by food industry technologists. Samples of these cards are freely available online, but the canteen can order individual ones.

How to work with suppliers

To receive fresh, high-quality and inexpensive products from suppliers, you need to order large quantities of goods from them and pay your bills on time. It is better to look for suppliers close to the canteen so that transportation does not affect the quality of the products and is not expensive.

The best option is to work with wholesale warehouses and direct producers of agricultural products. In the canteen, supply issues should be decided by the purchasing manager.

Advertising and Marketing

How to be remembered by the client? Marketers give a simple answer - come up with your own trick.

You can give free rein to your imagination, but within the planned budget. Some canteens offer customers free sauces, others give away every fifth meal, and still others provide free access to a coffee machine and Wi-Fi.

In the business environment, it is considered a justified measure when up to 10% of the monthly budget is allocated for marketing and advertising activities.

Calculation of profitability and payback schedule

With a competent start and verified financing of the project, you need to wait for it to reach self-sufficiency no earlier than in a year and a half.

An approximate calculation of how a small canteen can achieve self-sufficiency:

  • starting investments – 1.5 million rubles;
  • monthly expenses – 400 thousand rubles;
  • monthly income – 480 thousand rubles;
  • monthly profit – 80 thousand rubles.

With such indicators, the initial investment will gradually pay off in 19 months.

An aspiring entrepreneur who is thinking about how to open a restaurant counts on the sure success of his business project. But, unfortunately, not all expectations and plans are destined to come true. This is explained by the fact that the process of creating such a service enterprise is not entirely simple, and there is also the pressing issue of attracting customers, which will require special attention.

The basis of the restaurant business is the ability to meet consumer demand. That is why, before opening a new event, an entrepreneur will need to conduct a number of marketing studies. However, it often happens that, even having received the necessary information, the organizers have no idea what to do with it next and how to still attract the public to their establishment. This is why there is such a management function as PR. It helps not only in creating fame (“publicity”), but also in maintaining such relationships between potential clients and the establishment that will be beneficial to both parties.

Where to start?

In order to organize the normal operation of the point, a novice businessman will have to make a lot of effort. This matter is quite troublesome, and there are many nuances in it that should not be overlooked.

You need to start by choosing the direction of the restaurant’s activity. It is necessary to think about it pricing policy. So, if you want to open an elegant and expensive establishment with a varied menu and individual style, you should set a high price for the dishes. When opening a cafe for children, fast food or coffee shops, an entrepreneur will need to draw up a completely different business plan and take into account the specifics of these retail outlets. The prices for the dishes offered in such establishments will not be as high as in the first case.

This issue deserves special attention. After all, with the right ratio of price and quality of food, there will simply be no end to people wanting to visit your restaurant.

You will also need to select reliable suppliers who supply inexpensive, but at the same time fresh and tasty products. An important step when opening a restaurant is the selection of personnel. The employees of the institution must be truly highly qualified and experienced. The consideration of candidates for selected positions will need to be taken seriously. After all, the work of the establishment will directly depend on these workers. In order for experienced and qualified specialists to agree to cooperate, they will need to be provided with a decent salary.

A system for accounting and monitoring the operation of the restaurant must be thought out. In addition, you will need to decide on a staff motivation system. All this will allow the restaurant to operate efficiently and generate significant income.

Don't forget about this important point, How marketing research. They are needed in order to further promote the restaurant.

Restaurant Marketing Concept

What does it mean this term? Restaurant marketing is nothing more than a plan for the process of promoting an establishment. It includes various elements that are subsequently able to organize further actions of the entrepreneur. If you have such a plan, you can easily adapt to those circumstances that unexpectedly arise during its implementation. Some of the functions of marketing are PR, advertising, as well as various methods of promoting a restaurant. All these areas are regulated by the drawn up plan. It can be compared to a specific route along which an entrepreneur will have to move from the starting point to the destination. That is why such a plan must contain all the turns and landmarks that may arise during the implementation of the plan.

Its main details are:

  • schedule-calendar;
  • timing, or planning in time;
  • budget.

In addition, the marketing plan must describe in detail the technologies and methods that will be used in the opening and further operation of the restaurant.
Everything should be described in as much detail as possible. If the goals set are too large, then their implementation is divided into small stages.

Why is advertising needed?

After all preparatory work the marketing plan is subject to implementation. If it was compiled well enough, then effective promotion The restaurant won't take long to arrive. You just need to do what you planned step by step, putting the appropriate marks in the developed time calendar, and also not exceed the budget allocated for marketing expenses.

Promotion of a restaurant cannot do without advertising. After all, this is one of the functions of marketing, which is carried out on the basis of an existing plan.

Advertising is organized using free or paid services offered by means mass media. In this case, radio and television, magazines and newspapers, media located on the roads or city streets can be used.

The primary goal of any advertising campaign is to attract attention to the establishment that provides information about itself and its service. Moreover, this should be done as efficiently, carefully and unobtrusively as possible. Restaurant promotion will be most successful if the entrepreneur trusts specialists in this matter.

Only professionals will be able to competently convey to people the information that will attract their attention to the establishment. A properly thought-out advertising campaign is half the success of any event. All this occurs in cases where the restaurant business is being developed.

Targeted advertising

This method, which allows for restaurant promotion, is the simplest and most understandable, but at the same time the most expensive. Addressed advertising includes various kinds of banners and billboards, advertisements on the radio, in magazines and newspapers, as well as posting information on your own Internet sites that are designed for a specific consumer. Which method is the most effective? Reply to this question will directly depend on the target audience of the establishment. After all, even before submitting an ad, for example, to a radio station, you will need to make sure how popular it is with potential restaurant customers. If this is not done, the money spent will not bring any benefit.

Considering the target audience

The right restaurant promotion strategy is important for every beginning entrepreneur. To develop it, it is necessary to represent the target audience for whom he is going to work. At the same time, the conversation is not only about the sociodemographic characteristics of clients, but also about their psychological portrait. Usually, when choosing an establishment offering catering services, a person considers three most important factors. The first of these concerns the status of the restaurant. The second is the requirements for the quality of dishes served in the establishment and their prices. The third principle is the action that the client takes to achieve the goal, regardless of the means available to him.

When promoting a restaurant, it is worth keeping in mind that the status of the establishment is oriented towards a person who is short on funds. High quality dishes are necessary for a very wealthy client. Therefore, restaurant advertising should focus on one or another target audience. This will attract the maximum number of visitors.

Outdoor advertising

According to experts, this method of restaurant promotion is the most effective. This is due to the fact that most potential visitors choose an establishment based on their area of ​​work or residence. Restaurant outdoor advertising does an excellent job of attracting the local community to the establishment. Moreover, it is used in various manifestations, from signs to billboards.

If a restaurant that is not part of a catering network is being promoted, then the advertising should be located close to the establishment. To attract a premium audience, as well as inform potential visitors about upcoming marketing events, banner banners are most often used. What other way can a restaurant be promoted? Examples outdoor advertising This also includes the distribution of leaflets that are dropped into the mailboxes of residential buildings located near the establishment. Such marketing method will help the restaurant acquire regular customers.

Internet use

More and more popular in modern world acquires such a way of promoting a company as creating your own websites. Promoting a restaurant on the Internet is beneficial for an entrepreneur, as it is the most economical option.

Availability allows you to create a holistic idea of ​​the intended object. In addition, news and thematic systems are important for an institution to become public in the shortest possible time.

On its Internet pages, a restaurant can use contextual and banner advertising, as well as carry out activities that allow SEO optimization of the resource.

Personal selling

This PR promotion of a restaurant has a fairly high efficiency. The term “personal selling” refers to the presentation of an existing product in the process of direct contact with potential consumers. This method has proven to be highly effective not only in restaurant business, but also in the promotion of any goods and services.

The easiest way to disseminate information in this case is the so-called word of mouth. If customers like the restaurant’s cuisine and the service provided, they will begin to tell their friends, relatives and acquaintances about it. Such promotion is the oldest, but at the same time the most effective way of advertising.

Personal selling can also include such a move as “going to the people.” An example of this is the actions of one of the capital’s restaurateurs. At one time, he sent representatives of the company he owned to the registry office, where they handed leaflets to young people who had just submitted their applications with offers to get married in their establishment.

Another way of personal selling is offering corporate meetings. To submit them, the maximum possible amount of information about a particular large company and an address presentation of the restaurant is developed. After this, the businessman arranges a personal meeting with a representative of the selected company, during which a corporate service agreement is concluded.

Post-marketing plays an important role in a restaurant promotion strategy. It involves further informing customers about the establishment’s promotions and its news, as well as calls for ordering various events, etc.

According to statistical studies, contact actions always receive one response or another, since they require a certain reaction to proposals. During personal conversations, people are forced to adapt to each other and exchange their opinions and thoughts. If the restaurateur’s approach to personal selling is competent, then relationships with clients can become not only warm, but also friendly. That is why the owners of the most successful establishments themselves go into the hall and find out the wishes and comments that visitors have.

Sales promotion

One of the methods that allows for the fastest promotion of a restaurant is the adoption of incentive measures that push a person to purchase services. This includes a developed system of discounts that is offered to regular customers. After all, every visitor will be pleased with such a sign of attention as a bonus card, with the help of which he can significantly save his money.

To retain a client, you will need to provide a discount ranging from 15 to 20%. This will force a person to visit the establishment again and again.

For large cities, a sales promotion method such as promotion with the help of intermediary companies is also suitable. These are special agencies that offer clients contacting them to book a table in certain restaurants. This method is very effective in the case of direct acquaintance with the person who owns the intermediary company.

Sales promotion activities include presenting the client with any souvenirs. This could be a free dessert, as well as a pen or keychain with the restaurant’s logo.


This method of promoting a restaurant is carried out by establishing connections with various target audiences through the formation of a positive image of the restaurant and its favorable reputation. The most important tools this method- corporate communications, consulting, interaction with the press, meetings with visitors, etc. Distinctive feature This direction of restaurant promotion lies in its believability. After all, any article written in a newspaper or an essay placed in it will inspire more trust than an advertisement.