Strategic management of an energy engineering company. Organizational structure of a construction company

Today is modern construction organization federal level, formed on the principle of a full-cycle engineering and construction holding. One of the main principles of the company’s work is the comprehensive use of accumulated engineering knowledge and experience, and system integration of proven professional resources and advanced technologies.

"Engineering Company "2K" founded in 2004 by military engineers, graduates of the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy from St. Petersburg, works in the engineering and construction market, occupies a leading position in the industry, and is a reliable business partner. The company provides government and commercial enterprises professional services in the field of construction and equipment of industrial, civil, defense and special purpose facilities. The authorized capital of the Company is 25 million rubles, fully paid in cash. The Company's headquarters in Moscow employs more than 300 engineers, and its subsidiaries have a total staff of more than 1,500 people.

Main types of services provided:

  • integrated project management (EPCM/PCM);
  • organization and management of construction and general contracting;
  • performing the functions of a technical customer;
  • technical supervision and construction control;
  • development and examination of design and estimate documentation;
  • technical inspection of buildings and structures;
  • carrying out construction examination;
  • research;
  • management consulting.

Works in the industries of industrial, civil, energy, infrastructure, transport and defense construction, takes an active part in urban planning and urban management, and also operates facilities for various purposes.

Such a multidisciplinary field of activity is possible due to close work with one of the leaders of the Russian consulting market - the company "2K Audit - Business Consulting/Morison International". Partnerships allow "Engineering Company "2K" involve leading financial, legal, investment and tax specialists in Russia in the implementation of projects. The synthesis of advanced technical and general economic thought, an integrated approach to project implementation and vast practical experience make our work as effective as possible. Intellectual resources "Engineering Company "2K" allow us to take part in all stages of the implementation of an investment project, from the inception of the idea and the formation of the project concept to the commissioning of the facility and management of the facility.

"Engineering Company "2K" has approvals from specialized self-regulatory organizations for construction, design and surveys; has a FSB license to work with information constituting state secrets; conclusion of the IGASN of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the compliance of qualifications and material and technical base for work at military infrastructure facilities and enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

"Engineering Company "2K" is one of the 10 largest Russian engineering organizations that enjoy the trust of the Company and Customers, based on long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation and is rightfully considered one of the most dynamically developing engineering companies in the country.

Organizational structure The company is an integrated engineering and construction holding company consisting of a parent company and its controlled subsidiaries that perform work in accordance with a specific profile.

The Company's specialization is the development and implementation of projects in the field of energy, industrial and civil construction, reconstruction and modernization of existing technological complexes and infrastructure facilities.

The basis of success "Engineering Company "2K"- accumulated engineering knowledge and a close-knit team of specialists using modern material resources. Currently, the Company employs about 200 highly qualified engineers.

The second factor of our success is the professionally coordinated technology of work of the engineering staff of various generations of specialists, combining the accumulated experience in the construction of iconic objects and the energy of the younger generation.

The unification of engineering generations and the revival of the Russian engineering community became possible thanks to the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Union of Engineers"(RSI), with which he closely cooperates "Engineering Company "2K". RSI unites the best engineering personnel throughout Russia, which allows it to accumulate and develop advanced engineering thought. Using this resource helps "Engineering Company "2K" produce the most effective solutions when implementing their projects.

Employees "Engineering Company "2K", are recognized professionals in the field of construction and engineering, which is why they are included in the expert councils of government executive and legislative authorities, including:

  • Expert Council on Urban Development under the State Duma Committee on Land Relations and Construction;
  • Expert Council on legislative initiatives in the field of science and technology policy under the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technologies;
  • Expert Council on Road Facilities under the State Duma Committee on Land Relations and Construction;
  • Expert Council under the State Duma Committee on Transport;
  • Expert Council under the Moscow City Duma Commission on Prospective Development and Urban Planning;
  • Expert Council under the Commission on State Property and Land Use of the Moscow City Duma.

The third success factor is a modern material and technical base, our own fleet of construction machines and mechanisms, as well as a flexible organizational structure that allows us to quickly respond to the situation at construction sites.

In their work, specialists "Engineering Company "2K" use advanced equipment, knowledge and technology. The work we carry out is controlled by our own construction control laboratory, equipped with modern equipment, which allows us to provide the quality result required by the project and regulatory documentation.

The fourth success factor is the company's international connections. "Engineering Company "2K" has business contacts and established partnerships with manufacturers and suppliers of equipment in 60 countries, which we use in the design and equipment of our facilities. This allows us to create the required quality and offer a competitive price, which is especially important aspect for decision making by investors.

"Engineering Company "2K" works in constant cooperation with leading design institutions, specialized construction companies, manufacturers building materials, choosing for you the best, most effective and cost-effective technical solution.

Using our own laboratory, we control the quality of each type of work we perform on the construction site. If necessary, we recommend more advanced technical solutions to adapt standard design solutions to the specific needs of the Customer. One of our important advantages is the economical use of building materials, which is most valued by our Customers.

To implement projects, we invite to work together only those subcontractors who are ready to create the most favorable working conditions today, who have accepted the terms and conditions of the project.

We are confident that the work experience and professional competencies we have accumulated will be useful to you when implementing projects of any level and significance.

Experience in managing such complex and information-intensive projects as the construction of electric grid facilities and thermal power plants shows that in this case the horizontal organizational management model is inconvenient, cumbersome, leads to discomfort for group members and poor controllability of functional units. Therefore, it is more appropriate to organize a project team within the project office and its interaction with functional departments within corporate system engineering company.

The decisive role of engineering activities in any phases of an energy construction project has been repeatedly emphasized above. Any business processes here not only require data from the technical and (or) financial and economic models of the object, which can be characterized as “passive” engineering, but at each step the following is required:

  • collection and processing of information for formal or informal adjustment of models;
  • creation of new models of different nature;
  • conducting analytical studies in connection with changes in the project environment;
  • drawing up current reports taking into account changed conditions for internal purposes, providing model parameters;
  • provision of technical and economic information to various external structures;
  • justification of new decisions;
  • consulting the company's management and partners on all technological issues;
  • providing materials for project cost management;
  • information support for risk management.

All this constitutes the subject of “active” engineering, emphasizing its organizational component (see Chapter 1).

Thus, from a systemic point of view, taking into account the close integration of development and engineering in projects for the construction of electric grid facilities and thermal power plants, it is advisable to combine these subject areas in one engineering and development (engineering and management) company with the dominant role of the engineering profile. Experience shows that such integration is optimal from the point of view of minimizing connections between the project team and document flow, allows you to flexibly respond to constantly changing external influences and successfully resolve internal conflicts of the team.

It is also worth noting that managing construction projects and development projects is complex technical documentation has much in common with each other and is implemented on the same principles, using the same software tools. Moreover, in the most general view the business of such a company consists precisely in projects-, concept development projects, OP, PD, RD; logistics projects for organizing the supply of equipment; construction management projects in the traditional definition of this concept; projects for monitoring the progress of construction (functions of an engineer), etc.

Solving project management problems (including programs and project portfolios) should be assigned to a special unit within the engineering company - the project office. This division must accumulate the competencies of a specific area of ​​theory and practice - project management, and in a more narrow sense - project management in the construction of energy facilities. As will be shown below, the management of any engineering projects should also be concentrated in the project office.

The project does not exist in the company by itself. In particular, with the integration approach described in the book, it is within the framework of engineering activities in the broad sense of the word, therefore not all specialists called upon to solve project management problems should be located in the project office.

The following is a targeted list of functions of an integrated engineering company. At the first stage - the stage of creating a company - some functions can certainly be omitted. In the future, the number of functions should be increased as appropriate needs and funding opportunities arise. Despite the fact that in the book we mainly consider the modeling of electric grid facilities and thermal power plants, the functional block structure of an integrated engineering company indicates functions and blocks related to the modeling of hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage power plants and generating facilities based on renewable energy sources.

The connection of functional blocks with each other and with the management departments of the engineering company is illustrated in Fig. 17.1 and

  • 17.2. The figures indicate the approximate numbers of departments and administrative and managerial personnel for some average volumes of work with the full development of the company.
  • 1. Project management unit (project office)
  • 1.1. Construction Project Management ( own projects and projects under contracts with third-party owners, developers, customers, EPC (EPSM) contractors).
  • 1.1.1. Development of projects in the pre-investment phase of construction.
  • 1.1.2. Construction development.
  • 1.2. Management of the development of construction documentation (functions of the GIP or GAP of design institutes).
  • 1.2.1. Management of the development of pre-project documentation: OE, business plans, technical and commercial proposals.
  • 1.2.2. Management of the development of project documentation (PD, RD).
  • 1.3. Organization of an internal quality management system (QMS) of an engineering company.
  • 1.3.1. Organization of QMS according to ISO 9001 series standards ( production management) and administration of this system.
  • 1.3.2. Organization of QMS according to ISO 14000 series standards (environmental management) and administration of this system.
  • 1.4. Development of construction schedules for energy facilities (carried out on the basis of technical models of objects but clauses 2.1-2.3, the construction organization project is carried out according to clause 2.4 using specialized software systems, databases and competencies of company specialists).
  • 1.4.1. Breakdown of construction into types of work with detail provided for in the technical specifications.
  • 1.4.2. Determining the duration of work and the resources required to complete it.
  • 1.4.3. Development of a finished product for delivery to the customer in the agreed format (for further use as a basis for construction management using existing 1T products: Primavera, Microsoft Project, etc.).

Explanations. The main tasks solved in the process of project management both in and. 1.1, and according to clause 1.2 during their life cycle, are:

  • formation of project budgets and control over the expenditure of funds on them;
  • coordination of the work of the engineering company’s departments during the implementation of projects;

Rice. 17.1.

Rice. 17.2.

  • organizing and holding meetings;
  • collection and analysis of information necessary to open projects;
  • development of a structural plan ( calendar schedule) projects;
  • monitoring the implementation of the structural plan;
  • coordinating the activities of working group members during project implementation;
  • updating the project structure plan;
  • preparation of reports on the progress of projects and their development;
  • support for interaction between customer project teams and subcontractors;
  • checking the fulfillment of project obligations on the part of the customer and the contractor;
  • preparation and execution of decisions on project closure;
  • issuing project documentation to the customer (final materials on construction project management, analytical materials, modeling results, drawings, etc.);
  • preparation and approval of documents (contracts, additional agreements to them, agreements, acceptance certificates for work performed, technical documentation, instructions, etc.).

To implement project management functions, it is necessary to create a corporate project management system (CPMS) based on licensed information and software systems (for example, Primavera, Microsoft Project, etc.).

The same complexes are used to issue the customer a product - a construction schedule in the form of Gantt charts, broken down by work provided for in the technical specifications.

2. Development block for technical models of energy facilities

The block for developing a technical model at different stages of the life cycle of objects provides for the phased development of the company.

At the first stage are carried out:

  • implementation of the technical part of the technical and commercial proposal, OP, BP;
  • control of the implementation by third-party specialized organizations of the technical part of the OP, PD, RD.

At the second stage additionally being prepared technical part OI, PD.

In the long term(subject to availability and demand), a RD is additionally developed.

  • 2.1. Development of technological models of thermal power plants.
  • 2.1.1. Design of the thermomechanical part (thermal circuit) of a thermal power plant.
  • 2.1.2. Design of a water treatment system (chemical water treatment) for the technological part of thermal power plants and network water.
  • 2.1.3. Design of a fuel supply system for thermal power plants (gas, coal, renewable organic fuel).
  • 2.1.4. Preparation of technical models for EPC (EPCM) contracting.
  • 2.2. Development of technological models of hydroelectric power stations, pumped storage power plants and hydraulic structures of thermal power plants.
  • 2.2.1. Design of the hydromechanical part of hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage power plants (subject to availability and demand).
  • 2.2.2. Design of hydraulic structures of thermal power plants (water supply, water disposal, circulating cooling circuits).
  • 2.2.3. Preparation of technical models for EPC (EPCM) contracting.
  • 2.3. Development of technological models of the electrical part of thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, pumped storage power plants (including their power delivery schemes), generating facilities based on renewable energy sources, substations and power lines, as well as automated process control systems.
  • 2.3.1. Design of the electrical part of thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage power plants.
  • 2.3.2. Substation design.
  • 2.3.3. Power transmission line design.
  • 2.3.4. Design of an automated information-measuring system for commercial energy metering, automated system KUE (ASKUE), automated process control system of thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage power plants and substations.
  • 2.3.5. Preparation of technical models for EPC (EPCM) contracting.
  • 2.4.Development of construction solutions, schemes master plan

and transport communications.

  • 2.4.1. Design of the construction part of the main and auxiliary structures of thermal power plants.
  • 2.4.2. Design of the construction part of the main and auxiliary structures of hydroelectric power stations, pumped storage power plants (subject to availability and demand).
  • 2.4.3. Design of the construction part of the main and auxiliary structures of substations and power lines.
  • 2.4.4. Development of a master plan and transport communications for thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, pumped storage power plants, substations and power lines.
  • 2.4.5. POS development.

Explanations. For high-quality development of technical documentation, it is necessary to purchase licensed software packages: AutoCAD 2008, 2009 from Autodesk or three-dimensional design systems Plant Design Management System (PDMS) from AVEVA, as well as packages for calculating thermal circuits and designing thermal mechanical equipment (for example, “CCP Designer”, Boiler Designer).

To calculate electrical modes in problems of designing power delivery circuits, it is also necessary to purchase programs: RastrWin, ANARES, RTKZ, Mustang, etc.

3. Block for developing financial and economic models of energy facilities and monitoring electricity and heat markets

At the first stage The development of financial and economic models of units, buildings and structures is carried out:

  • implementation of the financial and economic part of TCH, OI, BP;
  • control of the implementation by third-party specialized organizations of the financial and economic part of the IO, PD, RD;
  • preparation of cost proposals for our own EPC (EPCM)-contracts, analysis of cost proposals for EPC (EPCM)-contracts of third-party organizations.
  • 11a second stage Additionally, the financial and economic part of the PD is carried out.

In the long term(if possible and there is demand), the estimate part (“estimation”) of the DD is additionally prepared.

  • 3.1. System analytics.
  • 3.1.1. System analysis (systems engineering) of projects at various stages of their implementation.
  • 3.1.2. Analysis of the situation in the economy as a whole and in the electric power industry, monitoring of the markets for electrical and thermal energy, as well as system services in order to justify the effectiveness of the implementation of projects for the construction of thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, pumped storage power plants.
  • 3.1.3. Analysis of balances of electrical and thermal energy and power to justify the construction of energy sources.
  • 3.1.4. Determining opportunities to attract investment for your own projects.
  • 3.2. Development of financial and economic models of projects.
  • 3.2.1. Justification and selection of indicators of financial and economic efficiency of projects.
  • 3.2.1. Collection of initial data on macroeconomic indicators.
  • 3.2.2. Collection of initial data on the purchase of resources for the operation of energy sources and on sales indicators (volumes, prices) of electrical, thermal energy and system services for the life cycle of projects.
  • 3.2.3. Calculations of selected performance indicators, including determination of their sensitivity to the most significant price factors.
  • 3.3. Determination of construction costs.
  • 3.3.1. Determination of the cost of construction projects at various stages of design (using technical models of varying detail) - TCP, OI, PD, RD.
  • 3.3.2. Determining the cost of proposals during EPC (EPCM) contracting. The basis is the distribution of costs for main and auxiliary equipment, materials, construction, installation, commissioning (commissioning) works, etc.
  • 3.3.3. Development of local and site estimates, the total estimated cost of construction based on the standards provided for by the “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the territory Russian Federation"(MDS 81-35.2004).

Explanations. To perform calculations of financial and economic indicators of projects, it is necessary to have a powerful software(for example, AltInvesg programs, Microsoft Project, etc.). A serious database on the regional economy, on forecast scenario conditions for the development of the economy, electricity and heat energy is also needed.

4. Block for the development of environmental models of energy facilities and environmental monitoring

At the first stage The development of environmental models of energy sources taking into account environmental impacts is carried out:

  • implementation of the environmental part of the TCP;
  • control of the implementation by third-party specialized organizations of the environmental part of the IR, PD, RD;

At the second stage Additionally, the environmental part (EIA) of the OP, PD, and DD is prepared, and the EIA procedure for its own projects is organized and carried out.

  • 4.1. Performing environmental analysis and EIA documentation.
  • 4.1.1. Analytical research.
  • 4.1.2. Monitoring of current environmental legislation.
  • 4.1.3. Development of EIA documentation for IP, PD.
  • 4.1.4. Development of PD and RD for individual environmental measures.
  • 4.2. Organization of EIA procedures.
  • 4.2.1. Organization of documentation development (collection of initial data, conclusion of contracts).
  • 4.2.2. Organization of public hearings on EIA.
  • 4.2.3. Contacts with the public, design and construction organizations on environmental issues.
  • 5. Block of organization of EPC (EPSM) contracts
  • 5.1. Performing analytical studies.
  • 5.1.1. Monitoring markets for the construction of energy sources (investment programs, announced tenders).
  • 5.1.2. Creation of databases on EPC (EPCM) contractors, manufacturers of main equipment regarding the possibilities of involving them in contracting in the form of EPC (EPCM).
  • 5.1.3. Creation of databases for contractors (construction, commissioning, design).
  • 5.1.4. Monitoring the competitive environment.
  • 5.2. Development of tender and contract documentation.
  • 5.2.1. Organization of preparation of tender documentation (including technical and commercial proposals).
  • 5.2.2. Organization of preparation of EPC (EPCM) contracts.
  • 5.2.3. Creation and administration of a system for participation in competitions for the conclusion of EPC (EPSM) contracts (enterprise standards, draft orders and instructions, maintaining an archive of documents).
  • 5.2.4. Organization of subcontracting agreements for construction, installation, commissioning and design work.
  • 5.3. Conducting competitive procedures.
  • 5.3.1. Organization of participation own companies in competitions announced by third-party companies.
  • 5.3.2. Organization of competitions to select subcontractors.
  • 5.3.3. Organization and conduct of competitive procedures at the request of third-party customers
  • 6. Block for performing the functions of an engineer and technical agent
  • 6.1. Organization of engineer functions.
  • 6.1.1. Participation in the development of fundamental technical solutions for the construction project.
  • 6.1.2. Monitoring the process of implementation of design documentation by the general designer and his subcontractors.
  • 6.1.3. Coordination of project documentation on behalf of the developer, technical customer (stamping “For production” or obtaining an approval signature on the most important drawings).
  • 6.1.4. Participation on behalf of the developer-customer in the acceptance of completed units, buildings and structures.
  • 6.2. Organization of technical agent functions.
  • 6.2.1. Participation in the control of work performed at sites: determining the correctness of reporting indicators (physical and in monetary terms), reporting deadlines and compliance with technical documentation.
  • 6.2.2. Participation in quality control of work performed.
  • 6.2.3. Carrying out the functions of technical supervision of construction.
  • 6.2.4. Drawing up analytical notes and reports on the progress of construction.

Explanations. The functions of an engineer and technical agent are carried out with the involvement of:

  • project management unit;
  • block for the development of technical models of power facilities;
  • block for developing financial and economic models of energy facilities and monitoring markets;
  • block for the development of environmental models of energy facilities and environmental monitoring;
  • equipment assembly block.
  • 7. Equipment completion unit (logistics)
  • 7.1. Complete set of basic equipment.
  • 7.1.1. Maintaining databases on main equipment (boilers, turbines, generators, powerful transformers) and its suppliers in accordance with the company’s technical policy, embodied in technical models of developed projects (energy facilities).
  • 7.1.2. Organization of concluding contracts for the supply of main equipment (based on the technical model of the facility).
  • 7.1.3. Monitoring the execution of contracts for the supply of capital equipment.
  • 7.1.4. Operational control of the completeness and timing of the main equipment supply program.
  • 7.2. Complete set of auxiliary equipment.
  • 7.2.1. Maintaining databases on auxiliary equipment and materials, as well as their suppliers in accordance with the company’s technical policy, embodied in technical models of developed projects (energy facilities).
  • 7.2.2. Organization of concluding contracts for the supply of auxiliary equipment and materials (based on the technical model of the facility).
  • 7.2.3. Monitoring the execution of contracts for the supply of auxiliary equipment.
  • 7.2.4. Operational control of the completeness and timing of the program for the supply of auxiliary equipment and materials.

Explanations. With a large volume of construction, it is advisable to separate the functions of equipment assembly into a separate company - a legal entity.

Give me engineering! Organization methodology project business Kondratyev Vyacheslav Vladimirovich

12. Organization of engineering companies

Structure engineering company - organizational units, subordination, tasks, models of responsibility (Fig. 12.0.1).

Customer-centric structure– separation within the organization of customer-oriented business units and corporate services focused on ensuring the operation of businesses.

The need to adapt the organizational structure– changes as a way of life.

Organizational Change Management System– instead of reorganization, constant improvements and development.

Organizational design– systematic construction of organizational structures.

Rice. 12.0.1. Components of organizing engineering companies 12.1. Example. Engineering company Tehnikas Raunidas (6)

Rice. 12.1.1. Organizational structure of the Tehnikas Raunidas company

Most engineering companies in Spain arose in the 1960s, when the active modernization of Spanish industry began. By now, they have become quite large engineering companies known not only in their country, but throughout the world. Many of them were created as branches of foreign companies. In particular, Technicas Raunidas appeared as a branch of the famous international company"Lumus", operating in the field of petrochemistry, oil refining and energy.

Technicas Raunidas was created in 1959, but since 1971 it has existed without the participation of foreign capital. It is currently owned by Banco Central Hispano, Banco Bilbao and private shareholders (38%) from among the company's leading engineers and managers. The company carries out more than 60% of its work abroad and only 40% on the Spanish market.

The Technicas Raunidas company, as a contractor for the construction of turnkey projects, carries out all work (design and associated) - from general engineering to putting the completed facility into operation.

The structure of the Tehnikas Raunidas company (Fig. 12.1.1) consists of:

– engineering block (engineering work, supply management, work management);

– control unit for contractors and subcontractors (as well as small in-house construction units);

– blocks specialized by industry (energy, industrial plants);

– block of the Initek company.

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As a manuscript



08.00.05 - Economics and management of the national economy

(economics, organization and management of enterprises,

branches, complexes: industry)

dissertations for an academic degree

Candidate of Economic Sciences

Novosibirsk - 2010

The work was carried out at the State educational institution

higher vocational education

"Novosibirsk State Technical University"

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Sekretarev Yuri Anatolievich

Official opponents: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Novikov Alexander Vladimirovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Astrakhantseva Irina Aleksandrovna

Leading organization: Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University)

The defense will take place on June 24, 2010. at 11:00 at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.169.01 at the State educational institution of higher professional education "Novosibirsk state university Economics and Management" - "NINKh" at the address: 630099, Novosibirsk, st. Kamenskaya, 56, room. 29.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the State University educational institution higher professional education "Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management" - "NINKh".

Scientific secretary

dissertation council V.I. Mamonov


Relevance of the research topic. At the beginning of the new century, significant changes were made in the Russian energy industry associated with the transition to market regulation. The logical conclusion of the reform was the cessation of the existence of RAO UES of Russia on July 1, 2008 and the beginning of the implementation of large investment projects.

The planned scope of investment activity in the industry is described by the project “Schemes and programs for the development of the Unified Energy System of Russia 2010-2016,” which involves the commissioning of more than 40 GW of energy capacity over the next 6 years.

As is known, earlier, as part of the reform of RAO UES of Russia, its project assets were sold and new engineering energy companies were created on their basis. Each of the newly arrived owners expects to receive a high level of profitability at the current moment and in the future, as well as an increase in asset capitalization. Achieving these goals is possible on the basis of a flexible enterprise development strategy that can ensure a timely response to changes occurring in the industry.

However, the pace of development of most engineering energy companies in Russia lags significantly behind the dynamics of changes in the industry as a whole. This is primarily due to the discrepancy between the strategies used by engineering companies and the current state of the energy market. A solution to this problem is possible provided that a choice of strategy is made based on a comparative economic analysis of strategic alternatives based on criteria agreed upon by top management and major owners. Taking into account the high degree of uncertainty regarding the real level of investment activity in the industry, important point is to determine the most possible development scenario external environment energy engineering company.

The issues of managing electric power facilities in market conditions are given much attention in the works of domestic and foreign specialists: E.P. Volkova, V.G. Kitushin, V.V. Kondratyev, R. Kokh, V.Ya. Lorentz, L.B. Melamed, L.A. Melentyev, M.M. Morozova, Yu.A. Sekretareva, V.V. Khlebnikov and many others. Problems strategic management companies are devoted to numerous works of domestic and foreign classics, such as I. Ansoff, N. Wiener, O.S. Wihansky, P. Drucker, R. Kaplan, M. Mescon, D. Norton, M. Porter, S. Young, et al.

Object of study: energy engineering company

Subject of research: methods of formation and implementation of engineering management strategy energy company.

The purpose of the dissertation work is to develop a methodological approach to the formation and implementation of a management strategy for an energy engineering company.

To achieve the set goal in the work, it was necessary to solve the following main tasks:

  1. Study of scientific principles of change management in enterprises and analysis of approaches to managing the development of an organization from the point of view of their applicability in the energy industry;
  2. Development of a methodology for assessing strategic alternatives based on criteria agreed upon by top management and major owners of the company;
  3. Analysis of external environmental factors and assessment of development scenarios for the engineering services market and the volume of investments in the Russian energy sector;
  4. Development and implementation of a corporate strategy for managing an energy engineering company that corresponds to the selected strategic alternative and the development scenario of the engineering services market;
  5. Testing of the proposed methodological approach.

Methodological and theoretical basis of the study. The initial methodological and theoretical basis of the study was a synthesis of the works of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of strategic management, firm economics, energy management, change management, project management, process approach, business architecture design and business process modeling.

To solve the problems, comparative methods of cognition, general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction), a systematic approach, a process approach, methods economic analysis and fuzzy set theory.

Empirical basis The research includes data from annual reports of energy research and technology centers, Russian and foreign engineering companies; “Russian Energy Strategy for the period until 2020”; “General layout of energy facilities until 2020”; “Scheme and program for the development of the Unified Energy System of Russia 2010-2016”; regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation; investment programs of generating and network companies.

Scientific novelty is as follows:

  • The necessity of using the concept of evolutionary changes as the most important and fundamental method of implementing long-term transformations in energy engineering companies is substantiated;
  • Factors influencing development have been identified and structured Russian market engineering services in the energy sector, which determine the choice of strategy for an energy engineering company;
  • A methodological approach to choosing a development strategy for an engineering energy company has been developed, based on the methodology of comparative economic analysis of strategic alternatives based on criteria agreed upon by top management and major owners, which allows a decision to be made based on objective quantitative assessments.
  • A methodology is proposed for assessing the most possible scenario for the development of the engineering services market using the theory of fuzzy sets, which allows reducing the degree of uncertainty regarding scenarios for the development of the external environment at the diagnostic stage of developing the strategy of an engineering energy company;
  • In relation to the characteristics of the energy industry, a corporate strategy for competence and culture development has been adapted, corresponding to the chosen strategic alternative and containing the main strategic priorities of the energy engineering company.

Theoretical and practical significance of the study. The theoretical significance of the dissertation research lies in the development of methods for strategic management of engineering energy companies.

The methodology for analyzing strategic alternatives for energy engineering companies proposed in this work has practical significance and can be used to determine promising directions development of engineering consulting in Russia. The dissertation materials can be used in the educational process when delivering lecture courses in the discipline “Strategic Management in the Energy Industry.”

Approbation of work and implementation of results. The main provisions and results of the work were presented at the All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists “Science. Technologies. Innovation." (Novosibirsk, 2005 – 2006), II-nd All-Russian Competition young engineering specialists in the field of electric power (Divnomorskoe village, 2007), International exhibition and conference Russia Power (Moscow, 2008), International exhibition and conference Power-Gen Europe (Milan, 2008). The main results of the dissertation work were discussed at joint meetings of E4 Group OJSC and SibCOTES CJSC; the proposed methodological approach was implemented in the business strategies of these engineering companies, which is confirmed by the relevant implementation certificates.

Reliability and validity of conclusions and results dissertation work is determined by the choice of research methods used in the work. The author’s use of methodological aspects of the systems approach, methods of synthesis and comparative analysis served as the basis for developing an approach to developing a strategy for an energy engineering company.

The reliability and validity of the work results obtained by the author is confirmed by the introduction of the proposed models and methods into the management practice of engineering companies.

Publications. The main provisions and results of the dissertation research were published in 15 works of 6.02 pp: of which 3 works were published in peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia; 1 work - in collections of scientific works; 3 works – materials of international and all-Russian scientific conferences; 8 works – in industry periodicals.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The thesis is presented on 171 pages of main text, contains 18 tables and 31 figures. The bibliographic list includes 124 sources.


In the introduction the relevance of the topic is substantiated, the purpose and objectives of the dissertation research are formulated, its methodological and theoretical basis are determined, and the scientific novelty and practical significance of the research are characterized.

In the first chapter“Fundamentals of the theory of change management: the need for changes in the Russian energy industry and the degree of their radicalism” examines the theoretical foundations of the organization and methodological foundations of change management, set out in domestic and world literature; an analysis of the revolutionary and evolutionary concept of change in relation to the specifics of the domestic energy sector was carried out; the main factors influencing the development of Russian engineering in the field of energy are identified and structured; An assessment was made of the implementation of the domestic energy reform program in terms of organizing a new market space.

In the second chapter“Methodological foundations of strategic management of an organization” examines the main approach to managing the development of an organization in the context of increasing changes in the external environment and the associated uncertainty - strategic management; the principles of strategic management of an energy enterprise were adapted; a methodology for analyzing strategic alternatives for an energy engineering company has been developed; an analysis of the external environment was carried out and a methodology was proposed for assessing the most possible scenario for the development of the engineering services market and the corresponding volume of investments in the energy sector.

In the third chapter“Development and implementation of a development strategy for an engineering energy company” practical testing of the proposed methodological approach to choosing a strategy and adaptation of the corresponding corporate strategy was carried out using the example of a specific engineering energy company.

IN conclusion The main results of the work are formulated.


  1. The concept of “engineering” was analyzed, the types of engineering services were systematized and the specifics of Russian engineering energy companies were determined. Engineering as a sector market economy arose a century and a half ago in Great Britain, when for the first time the services of engineers began to be sold (initially individual, and then groups of engineers united in engineering firms), demanded by industrialists for new factories and the modernization of existing ones (see Fig. 1).

Fig.1. The Evolution of Engineering Services Companies

Largest companies, providing consulting and integrated engineering services for enterprises of the Russian energy complex are industry-specific design and research institutes (see Table 1).

Table 1

Strategic shareholders of large energy engineering companies.

Strategic Shareholders

Energy engineering companies

Southern ICE (Southern Energy Engineering Center)

UST Group

EC UES (Engineering Center UES)

BY HAND (Russian management company)

SibENTC (Siberian Energy Scientific and Technical Center), Sibtekhenergo, SibCOTES.


ICE Ural (Engineering Center for Energy of the Urals), SevZapNTS (North-Western Energy Engineering Center), PITS UralTEP (Design and Engineering Center UralTEP)


ICE Povolzhye (Engineering Center for Energy of the Volga Region)