Standard on a permanent quality commission. Regulations on the commission for quality control and evaluation of the effectiveness of social services

The formation of an order to create a commission in an organization occurs in cases where the solution of any tasks requires the participation of several employees at once.

By tradition, standard files of the form and sample of a standard order:


For what purposes are commissions created at enterprises?

The creation of various types of commissions is a fairly common occurrence in organizations. They are formed for a variety of reasons: to evaluate any property, to take inventory of material and technical resources, to write off fixed assets, for an expert assessment of something, to certify employees, etc.

Who can be included

The commission may include any employees of the enterprise who have the necessary education, qualifications, knowledge and skills to resolve certain issues. As a rule, these are specialists of a sufficiently high level, which allows them to solve the tasks assigned to them.

In some cases, third-party experts may also be involved in the commission, for example, if the matter concerns some high-tech equipment, machinery, specific objects, etc.

In order for the commission to work “without a hitch,” a chairman is selected from among its members, who is responsible for carrying out all necessary activities, as well as drawing up accompanying documentation. Sometimes, if there is a special need, a secretary of the commission is also appointed.

In any case, each specialist included in the commission must be mentioned in the relevant order of the head.

Commission term

The period of activity of a particular commission is determined by the tasks that it faces and are regulated at the disposal of the head of the organization. Practice shows that, as a rule, this period does not exceed one month.

After this period, the commission is obliged to provide the director of the company or a person authorized to act on his behalf with the results of its work.

Who writes the document

As a rule, the direct drafting of orders at enterprises is the responsibility of one of the “low-level” employees who has certain skills in creating this type of paperwork. Usually this is:

  • lawyer;
  • personnel officer;
  • secretary of the organization.

But, regardless of who is responsible for this task, the document must be signed by the director of the company, since without his signature it will not acquire legal force.

Is it possible to do without an order?

Some heads of organizations mistakenly believe that drawing up a written order to create a commission is not necessary - an oral order is sufficient.

Neglect of this document risks the fact that actions performed by members of the commission may be considered illegal (for example, in the case of an inspection by supervisory authorities - the tax service or labor inspectorate, depending on what function the commission performed).

Therefore, it is important not only to draw up an order, but also to monitor its implementation at all stages.

Basis and rationale for the order

Without exception, every order must have a basis and justification. In this case, the basis is understood as a reference to the document that served as the impetus for writing the order, and the justification is the reason for its formation.

As a basis for drawing up an order to create a commission, one can name a legal norm regulating the creation of a commission for certain areas of activity of legal entities, and as a justification, one can name any objective circumstances.

Since 2013, mandatory unified forms of primary accounting and personnel documents canceled, so the order can be written in any form or according to a template that operates within the company.

In particular, the order to create a commission must necessarily have:

  • number;
  • place and date of compilation;
  • name of the organization in which it is created;
  • justification (purpose of creating the commission, reasons);
  • reference to the basis;
  • list of persons included in the commission: their positions, last names, first names and patronymics;
  • period of the commission's work,
  • its functions and tasks.
  • If necessary, you can add other information to the order, and also include additional documents attached to it as a separate paragraph.

    Finally, the order establishes those responsible for its implementation (usually personnel workers or lawyers of organizations).

    What to pay attention to when preparing a document

    There are no unambiguous criteria for both the preparation of the form and its design: both printed and handwritten versions of the document are acceptable. The order can be written on company letterhead or on ordinary clean slate any convenient format.

    In this case, the form must be signed by the director of the organization or a deputy authorized to act on his behalf.

    It is not necessary to stamp the document using stamp products, because legal entities since 2016, they have every right not to use various seals and stamps to certify their documentation (only if such a rule is not prescribed in the local regulations of the company).

    The order is usually made in one copy and must be recorded in the journal of internal documents.

    Where, how and for how long to store the order

    For the entire period of validity, this order must be kept in a separate folder along with other administrative papers of the company.

    After its relevance has expired, it can be transferred for storage to the archive of the enterprise, where it must remain for the period established by law or the period prescribed in the internal regulations of the company, then it can be disposed of (also in a strictly defined manner).

    Order on the creation of a commission for testing knowledge on labor protection

    The Occupational Safety and Health Commission (sometimes called a committee), in accordance with the provisions of Art. 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is formed from representatives of the employer and the body. Protecting the interests of employees, for example, a trade union. The Commission for Testing Knowledge of Occupational Safety and Health is a slightly different structure, regulated by clause 3.4 of the Appendix to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29. Unlike the first structure, which is created by the will of the employer, the formation of this commission at the enterprise is mandatory.

    The creation of such a commission is initiated by order of the enterprise management. The order is written according to the form accepted in the organization. In addition to standard elements (“header”, order number, date, etc.), it must reflect the following provisions:

    • the title of the document, reflecting its essence;
    • links to regulatory government documents;
    • names and positions of appointed members of the commission;
    • instructions for familiarizing employees with the order;
    • The person exercising control over the execution of the order.

    Tradescantia LLC
    ORDER No. 003/4
    On the creation of a permanent commission for testing knowledge and
    labor protection requirements for the organization's personnel

    05/17/2017, Ekaterinburg

    In order to comply with the regulations, the provisions Labor Code RF, GOST 12.0.004 - “Organization of occupational safety training”, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003 “On the procedure for training in occupational safety and testing knowledge of occupational safety requirements for employees of the organization”

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a permanent commission to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements of the organization’s personnel, consisting of:

    Chairman of the commission: chief technologist Rudakov L. O.;

    Members of the commission:

    • occupational safety engineer Furmanov S.V.;
    • economist Volchenko L.I.

    2. Commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for the organization’s personnel shall be guided by the Labor Code Russian Federation, GOST 12.0.004 “Organization of occupational safety training”, Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003 “On the procedure for training in occupational safety and testing knowledge of occupational safety requirements for employees of the organization.”

    3. HR inspector P.I. Berezovsky familiarize the responsible persons with this order under personal signature within 10 days.

    General Director of Tradescantia LLC /Lukomorov/ P.I. Lukomorov

    If the organization is small and does not have a labor protection service, and there is no labor protection engineer on its staff, this does not cancel the requirements of Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on responsibility in this area. In this case, management must appoint a person responsible for all labor safety measures, including knowledge testing. A special order is also issued for this purpose.

    Sample order for the appointment of a person responsible for organizing labor protection

    LLC "Servus"
    ORDER No. 11/1
    On the appointment of a responsible person
    for organizing work on labor protection

    05/19/2017, Tula

    In accordance with Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and GOST SSBT 12.0.230-2007 “Occupational safety management systems. General requirements» in order to ensure labor protection requirements and monitor their implementation

    I ORDER:

    1. Appoint technologist N.N. Poltavchuk as the person responsible for organizing work on labor protection and monitoring employees’ compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts on labor protection.

    2. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

    General Director of Servus LLC /Dubovitsky/ A.A. Dubovitsky

    I have read the order /Poltavchuk/ N.N. Poltavchuk

    Order on the creation of a commission to test knowledge of electrical safety

    If the enterprise has electrical equipment, then personnel must be aware of the rules for working with it and safety when using it in order to avoid serious consequences. To test the possession of this knowledge, management appoints a special commission that regularly tests the personnel’s knowledge of the rules and regulations for handling electrical equipment.

    The management's order expresses its demand to create a commission and conduct a test of personnel knowledge in this area. It is compiled according to generally accepted standards of document management and must contain references to regulatory documents.

    Artemis LLC
    ORDER No. 15/2
    On the appointment of a commission to test knowledge of electrical safety

    In accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations:

    I ORDER:

    1. Appoint a commission to test knowledge of norms and rules for working with electrical equipment, consisting of:

    Chairman of the commission: chief engineer Dmitrenkov Yu.L., electrical safety group

    Deputy Chairman of the Commission: Deputy Chief Engineer Lebutenko G.I., Electrical Safety Group.

    Members of the commission:

    • labor safety engineer Levanevsky K.M.
    • electrical installation engineer Mikhailovsky R.P.;
    • electrical installation engineer Zaturin K.I.

    2. The HR department is ordered to inform the employees of the organization in the part that directly concerns them.

    3. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

    General Director of Artemis LLC /Ladinsky/ K.P. Ladinsky

    Order on the creation of a commission for writing off material assets

    In order to write off material assets from the balance sheet of an organization, you need to regularly record them. Write-off is possible only upon the conclusion of a commission that has accounted for inventories that constitute the organization’s assets and has made a conclusion regarding their income and expenditure. And for this purpose such a commission must be established by order of the leadership.

    In addition to the purpose, the order must indicate the period of relevance of the commission’s activities if it is not permanent, as well as the names and positions of its chairman and members. It is necessary to mention control over compliance with the order and the responsibility for this of a specific person.

    LLC "Iskrim"
    ORDER No. 11/3
    On the creation of a commission for accounting and write-off material assets for 2017

    In order to account for income, expenses, ensure safety and justified timely write-off of material assets

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a permanent commission during 2017 consisting of:

    chairman of the commission: chief engineer Kolobchuk R.I.;

    members of the commission:

    • process engineer Markiyanov P.I.;
    • caretaker Lestritskaya A.T.;
    • accountant Smirnova E.K.

    2. If necessary, a financially responsible person is additionally included in the commission, to whom the corresponding inventory items are accountable.

    3. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the chief accountant A.I. Fiolentova.

    General Director of Icecream LLC /Trubetskoy/ A. A. Trubetskoy

    Order on the creation of a commission for write-off of fixed assets

    In order to write off certain fixed assets that have fallen into disrepair or for other reasons are being removed from the organization’s balance sheet, it is necessary to appoint a special commission that will give an opinion regarding these tangible assets. The commission can be permanent or appointed to write off, for example, this or that equipment or vehicle. In this case, the order must indicate specific goal creation of the commission and its competence.

    LLC "Lukomorye"
    ORDER No. 14/1
    On the creation of a commission for writing off fixed assets

    04/18/2017, St. Petersburg

    To write off equipment (woodworking machine) from the organization’s balance sheet

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a commission consisting of:

    chairman of the commission: head of the woodworking shop R.V. Patrakovsky;

    members of the commission:

    • chief accountant Mikhailishina V.K.;
    • master adjuster Rubakhin O.L.;
    • technologist E.N. Shchusenko

    2. Assign the following competencies to the created commission:

    • inspection of a woodworking machine to be decommissioned (using the necessary technical documentation and accounting data);
    • identifying the reasons for the need to write off equipment;
    • identification of persons through whose fault premature wear of the machine occurred;
    • establishing the possibility of using individual parts of the machine capitalized as a result of equipment dismantling, and their assessment in accordance with the current market value;
    • drawing up an act for decommissioning the machine.

    3. The equipment decommissioning act, approved by the head of the organization, is subject to transfer to the accounting department of Lukomorye LLC.

    4. I reserve control over compliance with this order.

    General Director of Lukomorye LLC /Sedykh/ P.I. Sedykh

    Order to create a commission to investigate the accident

    Accidents at work - always emergency, therefore, there cannot be a permanent commission to investigate them at the enterprise. Each emergency that occurs requires a special approach depending on the specifics, and, as a result, the appointment of a separate investigation commission, which will include relevant specialists.

    The manager issues an order, after which the investigation begins. The order must refer to government regulations, briefly outline the characteristics of the accident with the obligatory mention of the name of the victim, and also mention the person responsible for compliance with the order.

    LLC "Irida"
    ORDER No. 4/11
    On the creation of a commission to investigate the accident

    05/29/2017, Moscow

    In order to investigate an accident that occurred on May 28, 2017 in a woodworking shop, when, while working on a woodworking machine at 11:07, master Domenko V.A. suffered an injury to his right hand,

    I ORDER:

    1. Create an accident investigation commission consisting of:
    Chairman of the commission: occupational safety engineer Ravenilov K.E.;
    members of the commission: head of the woodworking shop Osadchiy O.L.;
    engineer Starovoitov P.R.;
    technologist Leshchov A.P.

    2. The commission begins work immediately, in its work guided by Art. 229, 230 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts on labor protection.

    3. Technologist Leshchov A.P. ensure the preparation, maintenance and further storage of accident investigation documents.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    5. All employees of the woodworking shop are required to assist the commission and provide the necessary information.

    General Director of Irida LLC /Zatonsky/ N.I. Zatonsky

    Order on the creation of a commission for object categorization

    The inspection and categorization of objects where there are large numbers of people (mainly objects belonging to the sphere of culture and sports) is carried out in order to counter terrorist actions and assess the level of their security. This kind of action takes place within a broad framework, for example, a region or region, but may also concern individual organizations. They are initiated by an order to create a commission to examine and categorize the corresponding object or group of objects. This order appoints the chairman and composition of the commission, the person responsible for implementing the order, and lists the categories of responsibility.

    Ministry of Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports
    Republic of Karelia
    ORDER No. 27/2
    On the examination and categorization of cultural and sports facilities

    01/19/2017, Petrozavodsk

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 5 Federal Law“On countering terrorism”, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2015 No. 202 “On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of sports facilities and the form of a safety passport for sports facilities”, and the establishment of differentiated requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of subordinate institutions of the Ministry physical culture and sports of the Republic of Karelia

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a Commission for the inspection and categorization of sports facilities of subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Karelia to assess the state of security of sports facilities in the following composition:

    chairman of the commission: Deputy Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Karelia Zamyatin R.O.;

    Deputy Chairman of the Commission: head of the department of educational and sports work Leontyeva L.V.;

    commission secretary: occupational safety specialist of the Department of Culture and Sports Domashkin L.D.;

    commission members:

    • Deputy Head of the Administration of the Republic of Karelia for Social Issues Rusenkov A.A.;
    • Chief of Police of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belomorsky District of the Republic of Karelia Romanov K.R.;
    • senior detective officer of the Petrozavodsk branch of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Republic of Karelia Malovik O.E. (by agreement).

    2. Develop safety data sheets for subordinate facilities of cultural and sports institutions in the Belomorsky district of the Republic of Karelia by 09/01/2017.

    3. Assign responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist protection to the management of subordinate institutions and appoint persons responsible for the relevant activities.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    Minister of Youth, Culture and Sports
    Republic of Karelia /Voronov/ A.M.Voronov

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The article describes the work of one of the most important and basic quality management mechanisms at an enterprise - the quality commission. It explains why a quality commission is needed and how it works. The features of the commission's activities, the role of management in it and the benefits of its functioning are described.

Realities of quality work

Just like any other professional activity, the theory of quality management is very different from actual practice. A young specialist who finds himself in an organization tries in vain to find a way to apply all those beautiful theoretical tools that were so clearly and competently presented during his studies at the institute. Life and practice are much more complex and confusing than the formulas and diagrams described in textbooks.

Time passes, experience comes, and gradually clarification and understanding of important and basic things begin.

As in any other management activity, the basis of quality management is: - proper planning of processes and products

Correct control, accounting and correction of problems

When translating into simple spoken language, we must think through how to work and competently correct problems that arise during the work.

Correct process and product planning

Quality management is an activity that involves people, resources and time. We want to achieve certain goals through the efforts of some people and are willing to spend a certain amount of money on this. To do this, we must think about who, how and where will do this, draw up a plan and regularly check the implementation of this plan.

Therefore, annual and monthly quality plans should be an integral part of the general work plans of the enterprise. The most important question that arises in connection with the emergence of quality plans is who and how will check the implementation of these plans?

Accounting and analysis of quality problems

Every organization faces some quality problems. Problems with suppliers (supply disruptions, defective raw materials), with consumers (claims, dissatisfaction with the company's work on the part of consumers), internal organizational problems, etc.

The most important task of the quality department or service is to keep a record of these problems and promptly correct them.

In principle, it is possible to establish a record of problems using the efforts of one quality department. Correction is much more difficult.

The trouble lies in an important circumstance - quality problems usually occur at the intersection of responsibilities of different departments!

A complaint coming from a consumer is accepted by the sales department, but the reason for its origin may lie in the depths of production.

Yes, you can give enormous powers to the quality service, turn it into a kind of internal gendarme with the right to get involved in everything that happens in the organization. But practice shows that quality service employees do not understand the specifics of the work of any department and cannot work instead of employee of this department.

The only way out is to work together with the unit to solve the problem!

Employee engagement

One of the main and widely declared principles of ISO 9001 is the involvement of personnel in quality improvement work. Preachers and quality gurus enthusiastically talk about how in distant Japan everyone, well, absolutely all enterprise workers, passionately improve quality, restore cleanliness and order, united in groups, and submit suggestions to management on how to work better and smarter.

Yes, of course, it would be nice for us to have such enthusiastic staff who are ready to give up their souls just to help the owner get rich. Unfortunately, the reality is far from the Japanese dream. Even if you don’t drink at work, it’s already good, say some managers, who read articles about the Japanese miracle with a sigh. Well, well real practice proves that the contributions of key employees and managers in an organization are more important than the contributions of ordinary employees. That’s why they are key personnel, “personnel decide everything,” as one well-known character said.

So, if we cannot involve everyone, then we need to involve everyone key executives in quality improvement work. I'm talking about the heads of the purchasing department, sales department, production, warehouse, personnel service, transport department etc. These people are capable and should monitor and resolve all quality problems in the organization.

Excuse me, the attentive reader will exclaim, why can’t all quality issues be resolved within the framework of regular regular work meetings? Why reinvent the wheel? The fact of the matter is that it is not possible to solve these special “cross-functional” problems within the framework of regular meetings. Practice has proven that best way resolve quality issues - creating a special department or quality service, assigning control and improvement powers to this department, creating a separate system of accounting, control and analysis. One of these separate tools is the quality commission, which helps to involve key managers and specialists in quality work.

Mechanism for coordinating quality work

Coordination is the key word in management activities. The Quality Commission primarily coordinates the efforts and interaction of various departments. Write a letter of complaint to the supplier - coordination of the quality service and supply department is required. Dealing with a consumer complaint requires coordination of the sales department, production and quality service. You never know what problems arise in complex and problematic work modern enterprise. This is where the quality commission comes to the rescue. During its implementation, you can analyze what is happening with quality, what was done, what was not done, who is responsible for what, when and who needs to carry out the planned quality work. A single central mechanism for coordinating quality work is the main role of the commission.

The difference between regular and project activities

Any project specialist will find many similarities between the work of a quality commission and the work of any project group. The Quality Commission is, in fact, one big ongoing project.

Regular activities are repeated day after day, resources are allocated for them within the normal management structure of the enterprise. The people doing this work are also located and coordinated within the normal organizational structure and report to their heads of services and departments.

But project activities usually require the involvement of different people from different departments, have a clearly defined beginning and end, and pre-expected results. All this is very similar to the structure and forms of work of the quality commission, which, in fact, is a cross-functional group consisting of employees from different departments.

The Quality Commission monitors quality work. This work itself is a lot of small “projects”, actions, events for which people are responsible different people, for which resources are allocated and completion of activities must occur within a predetermined time frame. Well, why is this not a typical project activity?

Rules for project management and quality commission

Let's look at the most important project rules that should be applied in the work of the quality commission:

The commission monitors the implementation and coordinates the work of a large number of individual “projects” (measures to correct problems or work to improve quality)

All these activities have a start date and an expected completion date.

Each event has a person responsible for the implementation of the event

All work, deadlines and responsibilities are recorded in the quality commission protocol

The commission involves employees and managers of various key departments in the organization, who carry out activities in parallel with their regular job activities.

How does the quality commission work?

Typically the commission is collected monthly. For its work, reports are prepared on various aspects of quality in the organization. It is clear that each organization has its own characteristics and its own important quality statistics. The most common quality indicators are:

- % of consumer complaints

-% of defective products

Number or % of defective raw materials (components)

Customer Satisfaction Index

The number of deviations / violations in the work of the organization.

Number of inconsistencies detected during internal checks (audits), etc.

Attached to the reports is a protocol that lists all activities carried out and completed since the previous meeting of the commission. Both the minutes and reports are sent to committee members and the organization's management in advance, so that participants can read them and prepare for the meeting.

During the commission, reports and plans are reviewed, the implementation of measures is checked, based on the emergence of new problems, new measures are assigned, proposals are made to improve and correct problems. The commission works as a group where each participant has the right to vote, comments and suggestions. This is in no way a forum where the CEO or Quality Director “broadcasts” to the audience, and they silently listen!

After the next meeting, the amended minutes are sent to all participants, each of whom must check what tasks are assigned to him and when he must complete them.

Roles of participants in the commission

Service/quality department- is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the commission, for the preparation, presentation and maintenance of reports and minutes, for the appointment of those responsible for the activities.

Organization management- empowerment of those responsible for activities, delegation of authority to the quality service, disciplinary action violators of quality work, personal participation in the work of the commission, personal analysis of data and activities (so-called management analysis in ISO 9001).

Individual participants- are responsible for familiarizing themselves with reports and minutes, performing activities in which they are responsible and participating in the discussion of problems.

It’s hard to make a person think, so there is no point in obliging commission members to propose improvements and look for ways to solve the problem by force!

But it’s right morally and financially motivated employees(whose salaries are tied to quality indicators whose name is mentioned in the results of achievements and improvements in quality) are usually willing to participate in the work of the quality commission, thereby trying to improve their salary and status.

And reducing the number of disputes and problems with the help of a commission also makes life easier for managers in the future, and they understand this, trying to reduce the number of problems and headaches in their department with the help of a commission.

Like any project, the quality commission requires during the implementation:


Head of the commission

Time control during discussions of issues

Features of the work of the quality commission

  1. Commission meetings are not a place where complex issues and problems of the organization are resolved - it is rather an element of coordination, issues are raised (“there is a problem...”), ways to solve them are outlined (“we are creating a working group to solve the problem with...”). , the completion of tasks is checked (“after changing the production technology from 08/21/10, there are no defects on the line”). If you forget about this, commission meetings will turn into endless disputes, and you will never have time to solve all the problems.
  2. Commission members must be taught to work together, they must understand the principles of data analysis, know the rules of brainstorming, and be able to listen to each other. Do not suppress less authoritative participants with your authority, etc.
  3. For the commission to work successfully, it is necessary to eliminate the element of managerial terror from the work of the organization - employees should not be afraid to admit their mistakes (“yes, we made a mistake with..”) - otherwise everything will be hidden and the commission will search in vain for the “black cat in a dark room.” It is also important to create an atmosphere where an employee can admit misunderstanding or ignorance of the situation (managers are usually very ambitious and for many it is a big problem to publicize “their imperfections”).
  4. Commission work is usually additional to the regular duties of the job and is the first to be postponed when there is a workload. Therefore, it is very important to constantly remind participants of their duty to work on the commission and strictly monitor the implementation of assigned tasks. The percentage of completed activities and the names of those who do not complete the activities must be announced at each quality commission!

The role of company management in the work of the commission

The commission will not be useful if the organization's senior management does not personally participate in it. Firstly, this is a signal to the entire organization that management considers this activity important and personally controls what is happening in the commission. Secondly, personal participation allows management to understand what is happening and the quality problems facing the organization, which facilitates the interaction between the quality service and management. For Russia, where even today the country’s leadership personally delves into the analysis of problems at the municipal level, personal participation general director can thus be a decisive factor for the success of quality work.

Management review

ISO 9001 requires the organization to conduct a management review. In many companies, it is a formal unsubscribe and is carried out once every six months. The monthly quality review board can be an excellent tool for conducting analysis, since the reporting forms I listed above meet the requirements of the standard for conducting analysis. And most importantly, this approach brings real benefits, and does not just waste time, money and, most importantly, does not discredit quality work, as happens with a formal approach.

The result is the benefit of the commission

So, to summarize, the quality commission is an effective group tool for conducting quality work in an organization. It coordinates quality activities and plans, creates and analyzes all quality reports, gives the organization's management the opportunity to assess the state of affairs with the quality of products and processes in the company, and is a response to the requirement of ISO 9001.

An additional benefit from the work of the commission is that it unites key employees into a single team, allows them to demonstrate their analytical and creative abilities while solving problems, and helps to overcome boundaries between departments. Sometimes the commission is the only possibility employees of the organization to voice their work problems that have not been resolved for years.

1.1. For timely implementation of measures to improve the quality of products produced by enterprises catering To manage the activities of rejection commissions, it is proposed to organize a Quality Commission. The Quality Commission is organized under the Culinary Council of a trust, orsa, ursa, food plant or public catering organization. The composition of the Quality Commission is elected at a meeting Culinary Council trust, orsa, ursa, large public catering enterprise from among its members and is approved by order of the head of the organization.

1.2. The Quality Commission is created consisting of 3 - 10 people (depending on the number of members of the Culinary Council) for a period of 2 years.

1.3. The functions of the Quality Commission include:

reviewing enterprise reports on the quality of their products;

drawing up a summary report on the quality of products produced by public catering enterprises of the trust, ORSA, URSA, food plant for the month;

timely adoption of measures to improve the quality of products produced by enterprises;

periodic monitoring of the work of public catering establishments;

strengthening quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products by improving grading, introducing new forms of control;

participation in consumer conferences at public catering establishments;

participation in “Quality Assessment Days”, “Cook Days”, thematic days (fish days, days of vegetable dishes), competitions for the title of “Best Chef”;

participation in the recertification of cooks who have the right to personal marriage.

1.4. Meetings of the Quality Commission are held monthly.

The issues considered by the Quality Commission, as well as the decisions taken on them, are documented in a protocol.

On issues discussed at the meeting, decisions are made concrete solutions, which are brought to the attention of enterprise managers, are reflected in the wall press, in the monthly newsletter.

1.5. The Chairman of the Quality Commission reports at a meeting of the Culinary Council on the state of quality of products produced by enterprises. Activities, proposals and decisions of the Quality Commission are discussed at the Culinary Council, brought to the attention of the head of the organization and enterprise managers, reflected in the wall press and in the monthly newsletter.

1.6. The Quality Commission in its work is guided by the orders and instructions of the higher organization, the Culinary Council, under which it is created.

2. Food rejection procedure

2.1. At a public catering enterprise, responsibility for the quality of products lies with the director of the enterprise, his deputy, the production manager, his deputy, process engineers, and cooks who manufacture and sell the products.

2.2. Everyday quality control of products at each catering establishment is carried out by a rejection commission.

2.3. The main task of the rejection commission should be to ensure the production of high-quality products that meet the requirements of the current documentation in terms of their properties, as well as ensuring compliance with the consistency and correctness of the established requirements at all stages of the product production process.

2.4. The rejection commission of large public catering establishments (with 10 or more kitchen workers) may include:

director of the enterprise or his deputy for production (if available on staff);

production manager or his deputy;

process engineer (if available on staff);

a highly qualified cook with the right to personally reject food, or a cook-foreman;

sanitary worker or member of the sanitary post of a public catering establishment;

employee of a technological food laboratory (if there is one).

At small catering establishments (with the number of kitchen workers up to 10 people), the rejecting commission may include:

head of the enterprise;

production manager or foreman cook;

highly qualified chef;

a member of a sanitary post or a sanitary worker (if available on staff).

The chairman of the rejection commission can be: the head of the enterprise or his deputy for production, the production manager or his deputy, or a process engineer.

The following may be involved in food grading work at public catering establishments:

representatives of the trade union organization of the public catering enterprise;

representatives of the trade union organization of the serviced enterprise, institution or educational institution;

members of the people's control group of the public catering enterprise and the serviced production enterprise (if any).

The management of the enterprise issues an order on the composition of the rejection commission for each production.

2.5. The rejection commission in its activities is guided by the “Regulations on the rejection of food in public catering establishments”, regulatory documents - Collections of recipes for dishes, technological maps, requirements for the quality of semi-finished products, ready meals and culinary products, GOSTs, OSTs, TU, TI, PCT, retail price lists.

2.6. The rejection commission checks each batch of ready-made dishes, products, drinks and semi-finished products before the start of sale.

Food culling takes place in the presence of the direct manufacturer of the product, who is a controlled link, but does not take part in the evaluation of the food produced by him.

2.7. Portioned dishes are controlled by the production manager or his deputy, the cook-foreman periodically during the working day.

A form of quality control of finished products in restaurants and cafes can be quality posts and quality control of food served. Quality posts are headed by chef-foremen who control the operational processing of products and their output. Quality control of dishes during distribution is the responsibility of the deputy production manager or production manager (in the absence of a deputy), who monitors the inclusion of components and the presentation of dishes, and regulates the distribution process. The waiter also checks the quality of the food by appearance upon receipt.

2.8. Quality control of food sold in canteens is carried out during its acceptance in the presence of a representative of the manufacturer and after preparation - in the presence of a representative of the trade union organization or people's control group of the serviced production enterprise. The results of the control are recorded in the rejection journal.

2.9. When monitoring the quality of finished products, the rejection commission must pay attention to the compliance of the cold processing of raw materials, taking into account its type and physical condition requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, for compliance in accordance with the requirements of the Collection of dish recipes, technological instructions, technological maps of standards for laying raw materials, correctness of the technological process (temperature and time, sequence of heat treatment processes, laying raw materials). The rejection commission determines the actual weight of piece products, semi-finished products and individual components, conducts an organoleptic (sensory) assessment of food quality, and makes proposals to improve the taste of the dish.

2.10. After checking the quality of ready-made dishes (products), the rejection commission checks at the distribution point for the correct storage of food, the presence of the necessary components for presentation and dispensing of dishes, and the temperature at which the dishes were dispensed.

2.11. Organoleptic assessment of the quality of each batch of products is carried out using a five-point system.

To obtain objective results in the organoleptic assessment of food quality, each of the indicators - appearance, color, smell, taste, consistency - is given the appropriate ratings: "5" - excellent, "4" - good, "3" - satisfactory, "2" - Badly. Based on the ratings for each indicator, the rating of the dish (product) is determined in points (as the arithmetic average, the result is calculated accurate to one decimal place).

2.12. Each group and type of dishes (products) has specific properties and a corresponding indicator.

For example, an important indicator of the quality of meat dishes, along with taste and smell, which influence other properties, in the overall assessment is consistency. According to this indicator, the meat (in a piece) should be soft, easy to bite, and juicy. The consistency of minced meat products should be elastic, loose, and juicy. A spreadable consistency indicates the use of fresh bread or an excessive amount of it. Dishes made from offal must first of all be characterized by a fresh smell and pleasant (fresh) taste typical for this species.

The defining characteristics of fish dishes are taste, smell and consistency. The consistency of the fish should be soft, juicy, but not crumbly. Boiled fish should have a taste characteristic of this species, with a pronounced taste of vegetables and spices, and fried fish should have a pleasant taste, with a slightly noticeable taste of fresh fat in which it was fried.

When determining the quality of salads and vegetable snacks, you should pay attention to the consistency, which characterizes freshness, since it is associated with their high nutritional, especially vitamin value. When assessing, it is also important to pay attention to the color and appearance of vegetables, which indicate correct storage and processing.

The main indicator of the quality of soups is taste, determined by the concentration of flavoring substances, which is formed when using a specified amount of basic products, spices and seasonings. In seasoned soups that contain flour sauté, the liquid part should not be stratified, slightly thickened, without lumps of brewed flour. For clear soups, the main importance is the color of the broth, its transparency and the consistency of the side dishes, the products of which should be soft but retain their shape.

2.13. For those evaluating products, it is extremely necessary to know the properties of dishes (products) in order to competently give an appropriate assessment of the dish according to organoleptic indicators.

Five points are given to a dish (product) that is prepared entirely in accordance with the recipe and production technology and, in terms of organoleptic indicators, corresponds to a high-quality product.

To evaluate a dish (product) according to organoleptic indicators with 4 points, minor deviations from the established requirements are allowed depending on the type of dish (product).

A rating of 3 points for a dish (product) indicates more serious violations of the technology for preparing the dish (product), but allowing for its sale without processing.

2.14. If, during the organoleptic evaluation of a dish (product), at least one of the indicators is assessed as 2 points, then the product is not subject to further evaluation, since it is rejected and removed from sale.

There may be cases of destruction of products after additional examination by the commission.

If necessary, the products are sent for testing to a food processing or sanitary food laboratory.

2.15. To obtain objective results in the organoleptic assessment of food quality, members of the rejection commission can be guided by tables for reducing the quality assessment of dishes and culinary products for non-compliance with production technology in accordance with Order of the USSR Ministry of Trade dated 09/04/78 N 216 “On the widespread implementation of a labor quality management system in enterprises and trade organizations and catering."

2.16. Considering the close connection between the quality of finished products and initial products, it is necessary to strengthen control over the quality of raw materials supplied to enterprises.

For this purpose, along with laboratory control, financially responsible persons, when receiving products, must check not only their quantity, but also evaluate their quality. Chefs, sanitary doctors, and technologists can actively participate in checking the quality of raw materials. All quality comments can be written on the back of the invoice. The head of the enterprise, analyzing the comments, must take appropriate measures. The quality of raw materials can be measured quantitatively using a coefficient representing the ratio of the number of batches for which comments were made to the number of batches of raw materials received during the billing period.

2.17. To strengthen control over the quality of raw materials supplied to public catering enterprises, it is recommended that each enterprise keep a log of cases of supply of poor-quality raw materials and semi-finished products.

The journal can be kept by the head of the enterprise, materially responsible persons accepting the goods, or an employee of the food technology laboratory.

Poor quality raw materials are not allowed into production. The supplier is presented with a claim in accordance with the established procedure.

2.18. Each public catering establishment is required to have a rejection register of the established form, issued by a higher organization.

The scrap register must be numbered, laced and sealed with a wax seal.

The rejection log records: the serial number of the batch of dishes (products) or the order number; name of dishes (products) that have comments on quality; time of production and rejection of dishes (products); specific comments on product quality; rating dishes (products) in points; last name, first name, patronymic of the cook who prepared the dish (product). Dishes that do not have deviations from the recipes and technology correspond to the conclusion: “The remaining batches of dishes included in the menu are available, tested, meet the technological requirements and recipes and are rated 5 points.” Products that do not have deviations - “The remaining batches of products have been tested and comply with the requirements of GOSTs, OSTs, PCT, TU and current recipes.”

The rejection log records the total number of batches of dishes (products) rated by the rejection commission as 5 points.

2.19. Chefs who have received the right to personally reject manufactured products personally record in the rejection journal the number of batches they have produced and put their signature.

2.20. Entries in the rejection journal are certified by the signatures of all members of the rejection commission. The chairman of the rejection commission is responsible for maintaining the rejection log.

2.21. According to the reject log, at the end of the shift the following is calculated: the average daily assessment of the quality of products (for the enterprise); average daily assessment of the quality of products produced by a chef.

2.22. It is recommended that the production manager keep records of the range of food offered to consumers, the number of batches of products produced and the number of servings of dishes (products) by batch. Copies of daily menus may be used for this purpose.

These materials may be requested by the chairman of the rejection commission, the head of the enterprise, members of the Quality Commission and other regulatory organizations.

2.23. Members of the Quality Commission, who periodically monitor the quality of food at a catering establishment, take part in the rejection of food, their assessment is recorded in the rejection journal. If violations are detected, an inspection report is drawn up in two copies. One copy is sent to the Quality Commission, the second copy remains at the enterprise.

2.24. All violations of food preparation technology are discussed with kitchen and workshop workers during the rejection process, as well as during the “Quality Assessment Day”. Persons who have committed violations of food storage standards, violations of technology, defects in the preparation of dishes and culinary products are held liable for material and administrative liability.

When creating and finalizing an existing quality system, with some adjustments, a practice-tested standard plan works

It may include the following components:

1. Submission by the enterprise of an application for the provision of services for the development of a quality system.

2. Decision-making by the consulting organization on the application.

3. Information meeting with management and management personnel of the enterprise.

4. Making a decision by the management of the enterprise to create a quality system and appointing a head of the quality service.

5. Checking by a consulting organization the state of quality work.

6. Conclusion of an agreement on services for the development of a quality system.

7. Development, coordination and approval of a work schedule for the development of a quality system.

8. Creation of a personnel training program for quality management.

9. Carrying out classes in accordance with the program.

10. Development of a quality policy.

11. Determination of the functions and objectives of the quality system, based on the requirements of ISO 9000 and the specifics of the enterprise.

12. Determination of performers of functions and tasks of the quality system.

13. Analysis of availability and compliance with ISO 9000 regulatory documentation of the quality system.

14. Development of a schedule for the creation and adjustment of regulatory documents indicating the deadlines and performers of the work.

15. Development and adjustment of regulatory documents in accordance with the schedule.

16. Development of a “Quality Manual”.

17. Presentation of the quality system to the management of the enterprise and development of recommendations for its implementation and certification.

In general, the creation of a quality system mainly consists of first, taking into account the recommendations of the ISO 9000 standards, determining what needs to be done to manage quality in a particular organization, i.e. determining the composition necessary functions quality systems. Then establish structures that perform or will perform these functions. After this, develop new, rework or use existing regulatory documents to perform all functions.

Main directions when developing a quality system are:

determination of functions and tasks of the quality system. At this stage, it is recommended to carry out a thorough analysis of the product creation process and present it in the form of a detailed list of work stages. The list is based on stages life cycle products specific to a given enterprise. For organization effective management quality, the list of stages must be sufficiently detailed so that none of them is left without the impact of the quality system. Based on the production process variant, the basic model of the quality system is determined. The recommendations of the standard can be used ISO 9001 released in 2000. The list of recommended elements is universal in nature and is established in these standards, based on the practical experience of many enterprises. It is necessary that the absence of one or another element in the quality system provided for in the standards ISO 9000, was sufficiently justified to be explained to the customer or organization that will audit the quality system.

identifying the composition of the structural units of the quality system. After determining the functions of the quality system necessary for quality management at all stages of product creation, it is necessary to determine structural divisions who will be responsible for carrying out these functions. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the functions performed by existing departments and compare them with the list of functions included in the created quality system, taking into account the recommendations of ISO 9000. As a result, the departments performing each function are established. The executors, in addition to the quality service units, usually include design, technological, production and other units that make a significant contribution to the formation of product quality. When identifying the performers of individual functions, it is necessary to remember that departments, as a rule, perform several functions, not only in the quality system, but also directly in the production process and other systems.

After defining the functions and their performers, the quality system takes on a very specific outline, which can be presented in two diagrams: structural and functional. " creation of a structural diagram of the quality system. The structural diagram of the quality system is created on the basis of the structural diagram of the enterprise and makes it possible to show the composition and relationship of all structural units performing functions in the quality system. A separate block can show the management center of the quality system - the quality service, which includes the following departments: the quality management department, which performs the functions of organization, coordination and methodological management of quality work; technical control, metrological service, standardization service.

development of a functional quality management scheme. IN Unlike a block diagram showing the structure of a quality system, constructing a functional diagram makes it possible to visualize the quality management process. When creating a functional diagram, it is necessary to detail the stages of production and present all the management functions necessary to implement the quality management process: training and motivation of personnel, interaction with external environment, quality policy and planning, organization of work, quality control, information, development of measures, decision-making and their implementation in production. At the same time, by analogy with a structural diagram, here you can also separately indicate for each function the structural units that will perform them at all stages of production. For example, the function of quality control at the development stage can be performed by an expert commission and a scientific and technical council, and at the manufacturing stage - by the technical control department and the design department, which carries out designer's supervision of the manufacture of products in the workshops. Since departments most often perform several functions, the same structures can be repeated on a functional diagram as performers of different functions. The need to create a functional diagram lies not only in a visual representation of the “work” of the quality system, but, most importantly, in the fact that it allows us to identify and eliminate possible gaps in the organization of quality work, when the necessary performers may not be available to perform certain functions. Therefore, the creation of a functional diagram will help ensure a clear organization of quality management work.

In general, the creation of structural and functional quality management schemes and their inclusion in the Quality Manual will allow enterprise employees, customers and auditors to get a more complete picture of the organization and functioning of the quality system. » implementation of a quality system. After creating a new or modifying an existing quality system, it is necessary to implement the system - check its functioning and, if necessary, make adjustments. At the same time, the work carried out to create quality systems should organically fit into practical work enterprise, help streamline it, organize the execution of work necessary for production and required by ISO standards. For this purpose, internal quality system checks are carried out. This usually checks:

■ whether the system provides sufficient functions for effective product quality management;

■ whether the elements and functions of the quality system are implemented in the workplace;

■ whether the performers of all functions of the quality system have been established;

■ are all stages of production covered by the quality system;

■ whether all necessary work methods are available and whether they are documented;

■ whether the structure, functions and documentation of the quality system need adjustment.

Most often, based on the results of inspections, it is necessary to adjust the documentation of the quality system in order to eliminate the identified deficiencies and in the future ensure the possibility of its smooth functioning. In order to carry out such activities, the constant work of the quality service and departments that perform their functions in the quality system is necessary.

Quality control is an important function in quality management in an enterprise.
GOST 15467-79 “Product quality management. Basic Concepts" regulates product quality as a set of properties that determine the suitability of products to meet specific needs in accordance with their intended purpose. Each product has certain properties that characterize quality. General criteria quality assessments are established in regulatory documentation: technical regulations, standards, technical conditions for specific types of products. Thus, cosmetic products must be produced in accordance with the requirements of TR CU 009/2011 and standards for a certain type of product, for example, GOST 31460-2012 “Cosmetic creams”. In addition, each product has its own consumer properties.

Thus, the concept of “quality” is associated with meeting consumer expectations for a certain product, and therefore is an important component of the competitiveness of the product and the guarantee that the product will be sold and will win a large audience in any economic situation.

What is quality control?

A number of sources give following definitions the term "control". In the ISO 9000:2015 standard, control refers to the determination of conformity to specified requirements. According to GOST 15467-79, quality control means checking the compliance of product quality indicators with established requirements. This activity is carried out with the aim of confirming that the manufactured finished product meets or does not meet the requirements established in the regulatory documentation.

Quality control, regardless of the methods used, involves, first of all, separating relevant products from defective ones. Of course, the quality of products will not increase due to rejection, but, as a rule, an effective quality control system in most cases contributes to the timely prevention or reduction of failures and errors in work with their subsequent correction with minimal material costs and losses. Therefore, in the control process, special attention is paid to careful control production processes and marriage prevention.

As a rule, production control confirms the fulfillment of established (specified) requirements for processes and products and includes:

Incoming control of purchased resources (raw materials, packaging materials);

Quality control during the production process;

Quality control of finished products.

The following are subject to quality control:

Purchased raw materials, materials and other resources;

Produced semi-products and finished products;

Availability of regulatory documents for testing, including sampling;

Availability of necessary premises, equipment, consumables.

The control procedure, as a rule, is regulated by management system documents and is carried out at established intervals and comes down to measuring certain indicators and comparing them with reference ones. A mandatory requirement is the separation and isolation of non-conforming products (defects) from the rest. When inconsistencies are identified, further production must be suspended, and resumption is possible only after the causes of the inconsistency have been eliminated. Therefore, control is not always carried out as planned. It is also possible to carry out unscheduled (emergency) control in conditions when at any stage of production a threat to quality is identified and recorded or there is a risk of violations. For example, in case of problems with water supply, it is possible to increase the number of laboratory tests of water or monitor some additional water quality parameter.

The main role in organizing the control process is played by the distribution of responsibilities and powers. It is necessary that each employee meets the requirements for skills and experience, and strictly fulfills his or her job responsibilities. Here important point is the formation of an ideology of unacceptability and inadmissibility of marriage, an ideology of personal responsibility of the employee responsible for the performance of work and the quality of the products produced. The level of control, first of all, depends on the qualifications of the personnel, their attentiveness to the control and production process. The most reliable way to minimize inconsistencies is to organize training and certification of personnel.

Thus, quality control is based on the responsibility of each employee for the work performed, which allows timely monitoring of the quality of products: promptly suspending the production of defective products without transferring them to subsequent stages of production, timely taking measures to normalize the process of producing products that meet established (specified) requirements . But, nevertheless, priority must be given to preventing deviations rather than identifying and eliminating defects.

Typically, the quality control process includes taking samples (samples) at certain stages of the product life cycle, conducting specified tests, and recording test results. All recorded data is analyzed to provide information about possible operational failures that could lead to a decrease in quality, and is stored for a specified amount of time.

Based on the results of control, one of the following decisions may be made:

Recognition of products as meeting established (specified) requirements;

Identification of defects (non-conforming products) and implementation of actions to manage such products;

Processing of products with subsequent re-control;

Making changes to processes.

In addition to registration, the control result can be confirmed visually, where appropriate, for example, by marking with labels or tags.

Important in the quality control process is the constant desire to improve quality by attracting latest technologies. Science is moving forward, and higher quality standards are emerging. It is important to monitor the emergence of modern equipment and new testing methods.

Incoming control

Most often, the company does not produce all the necessary materials from which it produces its products. A significant part of them is purchased from other enterprises. In order to confirm the conformity of products purchased from the supplier, incoming inspection is carried out. Such a check makes it possible to identify inconsistencies and deviations from the norm at the acceptance stage and prevent non-conforming raw materials from entering production, on which the quality of the finished product directly depends.

Incoming control, as a rule, involves an external inspection (packaging integrity, labeling, quantity) and testing for certain quality and safety indicators.

Each batch of incoming materials must undergo incoming inspection, so the process is very labor-intensive. But by building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, when criteria for evaluating and selecting suppliers are established, when the supplier is checked and “approved,” it is possible to reduce the amount of incoming control. Therefore, incoming control is often considered as one of the elements of the relationship with the supplier.

The effectiveness of incoming control is evidenced by the absence or reduction of cases of transfer of non-conforming raw materials into production. Imperfections in the incoming inspection process can bring losses to the manufacturer, because the lack of an adequate level of quality of incoming raw materials can lead not only to defective products, but also to delays in fulfilling obligations to the customer (consumer), and to increased production costs due to the elimination of defects.

Control during production

Control during the production process is associated with monitoring quality directly during production at certain stages. At the same time, samples (samples) are taken and their quality is monitored. It is important not to transfer defects to subsequent stages of production in order to avoid unplanned and excessive costs associated with the processing or disposal of such products.

Control involves checking products for compliance with reference samples, including appearance parameters, correct labeling, as well as conducting laboratory tests for certain quality indicators. The main goal is to timely identify deviations and, if necessary, make adjustments technological processes to ensure the conformity of the quality of manufactured products. Therefore, it is necessary to manage not only the quality of the products themselves, but also the processes. It is necessary to monitor compliance with the requirements of technological instructions and standard operating procedures (SOP) at all stages production cycle, including the stages of storage and transportation, at which product damage is also possible.

In addition, in production it is important to carry out microbiological monitoring of production equipment, premises entering production premises air, control of microbial contamination of hands and personnel clothing, monitoring technical condition equipment, monitoring compliance with safety regulations and maintaining order. Note that order in the workplace helps to improve the quality of products and increases productivity. While disorder leads to negligence and errors in work, increasing deviations from established requirements.

Control of finished products

The purpose of quality control of finished products– establishing conformity of finished products regulatory requirements and protecting consumers from unintentionally receiving nonconforming products. This type of control is the resulting stage. Finished products can be sold only when their quality meets the established requirements of regulatory documentation.

Production control

Quality control- an integral part of production processes, playing an important role as one of the functions of enterprise management. It is known that leading positions in the market are achieved by enterprises that are able to ensure the quality of their products. At KorolevPharm LLC, one of the principles is customer focus. Each employee understands that the enterprise operates at the expense of its consumers, and therefore it is necessary to produce products that meet all specified requirements and are characterized by stable quality. Control is carried out at all stages of the production cycle within the framework of the management system. A full range of tests of raw materials, packaging materials, intermediate products, finished products according to physical, chemical and microbiological parameters, as well as microbiological monitoring of production, is carried out by specialists of the Analytical Laboratory. To ensure quality, KorolevPharm LLC annually spends funds, which it invests in modern equipment to carry out quality control of purchased raw materials and manufactured finished products, mastering modern control methods, as well as improving the qualifications of personnel.

The main task of the quality control system– identify stages at which problems may arise, and thus optimize the work of quality control personnel: pay attention where it is needed, and not perform unnecessary work where it is not required. The company considers the quality of its products to be one of the most important indicators of its activities.