Sokolov Igor Vasilievich Rosneft. The composition of the council of chief mechanics

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1. The method of General Yurchenko: ... what is behind the recent resignation of the permanent vice-president of OAO NK " Rosneft» Larisa Kalanda, Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of OAO NK « Rosneft» Yana Arefieva and other top managers of the company, unexpected details of this story were revealed. I applied to the Russian Department of Internal Affairs for the Khamovniki metropolitan area Chief one of the departments Rosneft» Igor Gavrikov with a statement in which he asks to initiate a criminal case against chief services security this oil company Vasily Yurchenko and...
Date: 06/14/2016 2. Kaifu career. True, it is not clear how such an inadequate character passed the test during further employment in " Rosneft". And the story remains quite mysterious career development Latypov to acting chief services security oil company. After all, now the whole world is looking under a microscope at our “ Rosneft».
Date: 07/28/2017 3. Scarecrow for investors " Rosneft". ... the most active actions, the main arena of which was the Tuapse refinery - a 100% subsidiary" Rosneft”, which underwent extensive modernization. For the position of Deputy Director for Economic security The refinery was employed by Anton Grachev, who also previously service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - in positions chief police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Rostov region. Yurchenko and Grachev with the involvement of the administrative resource of NK " Rosneft"have achieved the initiation of a number of criminal cases by the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia ...
Date: 02/10/2016 4. Drug lord and his soldiers. During the festive feast on the occasion of Yusufov's birthday, Colonel Valery Popov made a heartfelt speech, thanking the representatives of the state-owned company " Rosneft"for promoting the "combat brotherhood" and "for placing a large order." It was about the fact that this year twelve top managers " Rosneft”, including four vice-presidents, were put under operational control and wiretapping at the request of chief services security company of Vasily Yurchenko.
Date: 07/21/2016 5. Chekists of the XXI century. two sons chief The anti-terrorist center of the FSB in the early 2000s German Ugryumov - Alexander and Vladislav. The son of FSB director Nikolai Patrushev Andrey became an adviser to the chairman of the board of directors of the oil company " Rosneft» Igor Sechin. In 2007, President Putin awarded the twenty-six-year-old Patrushev with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. By that time, he had worked for seven months as an adviser to the chairman " Rosneft» and three years - in Service economic security FSB. AT...
Date: 10/26/2010 6. Steal from Sechin and Tokarev. And in order to strengthen the criminal positions of the Koltsovs at the facilities " Rosneft"and" Transneft ", a longtime friend Yuri Mikhalchev became chief services security OJSC Samaraneftegaz, a subsidiary of the holding company of the current "oil and gas king of Russia" Igor Sechin " Rosneft”, the largest oil producing company in the Samara region.
Date: 07/26/2013 7. Construction of the neo-KGBist state. To protect themselves from rampant crime and racketeering, the oligarchs tried to privatize part of the KGB. In their large and expensive services security both the leadership and the staff of ordinary employees consisted of former KGB officers. The oligarchs also hired...
There are many indications that modern bosses The security services have both power and money that have no precedent in Russian history.
Date: 27.08.2007 8. Groups of influence in modern Russia. ... him to the post chief own security, one of the most "delicate" structures of the special services. Sergei Verevkin-Rokhalsky, who served in the KGB of Leningrad for 11 years (until 1984), in 2000 was chief Directorate of the FSB for the Primorsky Territory was transferred to Moscow as Deputy Minister for Taxes and Duties (he oversaw excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol products). In 2001, he became Deputy, and soon First Deputy Director of the Federal services tax police...
Date: 23.11.2001 9. Mystery of "Atoll". Part 2. But still, I never wanted to compete with services security other oligarchs. When the first war broke out between Gusinsky and Berezovsky, the case almost ended in shooting. Borya, in all seriousness, offered me to bang Gusinsky. And he, in turn, was going to place an order for Berezovsky. But I did the wiser thing. Came out on chief security“Mosta”, met, explained.
Date: 06/21/2006 10. "Disgraceful provocation by the FSB" on Sechin's "knowingly false denunciation". The organizer of the provocation, in addition to the chapter " Rosneft he called the vice president- chief services security company of Oleg Feoktistov. The defendant, who faces a 15-year sentence and a fine of 500 million rubles, noted that the charge "is based solely on the testimony" of the head " Rosneft”, and the investigators ignored the evidence that confirmed his innocence.
Date: 08/17/2017 11. Denis Voronenkov left politics on the wanted list. This was done by Oleg Feoktistov, Chief sixth services CSS FSB. Now Feoktistov heads service security "Rosneft".
Date: 02/15/2017 12. Sour rule. ... M. Busin, on the instructions of Kiselyov, accused Rosneft that the construction in Privodino is in violation of the law, and the number of these violations is steadily growing. Boss State architectural and construction supervision in the Arkhangelsk region ...
... industrial expertise security and ecological expertise. The regional administration accused the company of non-existent problems with fire safety. security construction by organizing the “necessary result” of the fire inspection services ...
Date: 03/25/2005 13. From the announcement of the jihad of Russia to the star of the Hero of Russia. At first, Ramzan was listed chief personal protection, and as it increased, it became chief services security president.
"Rosneft"applied to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request for a solution to this problem.
Date: 05/18/2004 14. Secret investor. The statement read out at the court session on September 5 by the prosecutor was written on behalf of chief services security "Rosneft", and signed by two names - Feoktistova and Sechin. During interrogation on September 20, Feoktistov stated that Sechin himself wrote the statement. The general clarified that he also signed it - "for the simple reason that he was responsible for security". Statement Chief and his subordinate decided to write directly to the director of the FSB, "so that it goes less there in some instances," he explained ...
Date: 12/05/2017 15. Creative "order" by Ural Latypov. But this investigation was, apparently, the only chance for Ural Latypov to change the prefix “acting.” to full status chief services security « Rosneft».
Date: 08/03/2017 16. Retirement with promotion. Another law enforcement officer to move to a new prestigious place services even the charge of a criminal offense under the article "negligence" did not prevent. On August 17, 2009, an explosion occurred near the building of the Nazran District Department of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia, killing 20 people. After the attack Chief ROVD Ali Yandiev and the head of the Ingush militia Ruslan Meyriyev were fired, and a criminal case was opened against them. According to investigators, they knew about the impending terrorist attack, but did not take measures to ensure security.
Date: 11/21/2013 17. Batman of the NSC district. ... petroleum products (" Rosneft”, etc.) and polymers (“Biaxplen”), raiding, illegal trafficking in firearms and drugs, extortion and organizing prostitution. Former Chief KM Novokuibyshevsk Igor Shevyakhov. Source: newspaper "Gorod NSk" OPF "Indians" develops territorially and venture. Not so long ago, a mobile special group of Indian cutters was caught in Omsk. Venture development keeps pace with the leader of the domestic petrochemical industry - CJSC Sibur-Holding. Service security ...
Date: 12/28/2011 18. Whom and for how long did the State Narcotics Control bug. For a disk with telephone conversations chief services security Alfa-Bank was paid $32,000, Senator Slutsker cost $16,000, $15,000 - journalist Karaulov
...NK" Rosneft"- Kabardino-Balkarian Fuel Company" in October 2006, according to the investigation, Messrs. Geval and Donchenko were paid $6,000. And in November 2006, in order to listen to a former consultant services security RAO...
Date: 08/19/2008 19. Three counter-gangs. Several generals were dismissed at once: chief Department for Combating Smuggling and Illicit Drug Trafficking Services economic security Fomenko, First Deputy Head of the Operations and Investigation Department Services for protection...
It has its own players - for example, " Rosneft and Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Igor Sechin.
Date: 05/19/2006 20. Without a single shot. ... Association "MENATEP" Platon Lebedev and collaborator services internal and economic security Yukos Alexey Pichugin. And although the chapter " Rosneft» Viktor Bogdanchikov, who has long been trying to chop off ...
It was Biryukov who ordered the military prosecutors to drop the charges, after which he fired chief investigative department and took the case to him, where it safely rested.
Date: 07/16/2003

Recent Requests

. Sergey Perov
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. Kaspiysk
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. Dmitry Nikolaevich Kozak
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. Titenkov

March 11, 2009 about his participation in conference "SD-2009: Anti-crisis security management" Igor Sokolov informed the Directorate of the event, Chief Specialist OAO NK Rosneft.

Conference "SD-2009: Anti-crisis security management"( April 16, 2009 at the Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hotel. Organizer: "Grotek" company.

"In the conference program, relevant topics for managers and specialists of the security service of gas station networks are the problems of combating internal threats (including control of cash transactions, fraudulent fuel draining by collusion, etc.), as well as the problems of organizing remote video monitoring via low-speed channels communications," said Igor Sokolov.

"It is interesting to create complex solutions on a single hardware and software platform," said Igor Sokolov. “High operational reliability must be ensured due to the significant territorial distribution and remoteness from service centers.”

Special attention of the Conference Directorate Igor Sokolov drew attention to the fact that an extremely important topic for the heads of the security service of any facility today is the creation of a legislative and regulatory framework. "Currently, a technical regulation "On technical means ensuring anti-criminal protection of facilities and property," he said. Igor Sokolov, - but when it will be adopted, and whether it will close all regulatory issues, it is not clear."

The conference directorate addressed the National Research Center "Protection" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation with an invitation to take part in the discussions and explain to the participants what new requirements and costs the adoption of the new TR would entail.

The business program and scale of the exposition of the Forum "Security Technologies" is built around the interests of the end users of goods and services, and, above all, the largest customers of security solutions.

When organizing the events of the business program, the wishes and feedback of representatives of the relevant companies are taken into account, and proposals are put into practice to optimize the process of business communications of the Forum.

Heads of divisions of the leading companies-consumers of security systems, included in the TOP-400 companies in Russia, gave recommendations on the market segments they were interested in, identified the products that they would like to see at the exhibition and invited leading developers to present their innovations in the respective segments.

Kirillichev Alexander Nikolaevich

PhosAgro AG

First of all, we are interested in extended perimeter protection products, new systems that allow us to recognize open fire and register such intrusions.

Mikhin Valery Vladimirovich


As a consumer of products, we understand that it is necessary to convey to manufacturers and developers the terms of reference for the equipment being installed. We are currently interested in a new direction: special containers and everything connected with it: navigation, monitoring systems, video surveillance systems installed on cars. We are currently developing online data transmission to the control room in real time.

Mobile banking offices equipped according to the latest security requirements is a very cost-effective idea, which is now being implemented by the Russian Post. To do this, you must have a good base of armored vehicles and related equipment.

Rosneft has replaced the head of the security service. This post was taken by Oleg Feoktistov, who worked in the FSB and supervised, in particular, the case of Nikita Belykh. Previously, Vasily Yurchenko, a native of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was responsible for security in the company.

FSB man

Oleg Feoktistov has been appointed vice president and head of the security service of Rosneft, according to the company's website. The report notes that Feoktistov graduated from the Academy of the FSB and previously "worked in the structures of the FSB."

Oleg Feoktistov was the deputy head of the internal security department (USB) of the FSB of Russia. in this position, he oversaw the detention of the heads of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov and Boris Kolesnikov in 2014. According to RBC interlocutors close to the leadership of the FSB, Feoktistov also led operational support in the case of the former governor of the Kirov region, Nikita Belykh, who was arrested in June on charges of taking a bribe.

At the end of August, Novaya Gazeta, citing sources that Feoktistov was one of the candidates for the post of head of the department, however, Sergei Korolev, who previously held this position and headed the department's Economic Security Service, lobbied for another candidate. As a result, Feoktistov was transferred to the office of seconded employees and was supposed to be seconded to PJSC Rosseti, sources told the publication.

Feoktistov was not appointed head of the CSS, since he is not a person from Korolev's team, close to the leadership of the special service. Korolev and Feoktistov had a difficult relationship, so after being appointed head of the SEB FSB, Korolev preferred to get rid of a potential competitor by lobbying for another candidate, RBC's source noted.

As a result, Novaya Gazeta wrote, the USB was headed by the former head of the 2nd management service, Alexei Komkov, and the former head of the 1st service, Anatoly Filippov, became his first deputy.

Reshuffle in the FSB, which was carried out in the economic security service. The first test took place in May. Then, following its results, Viktor Voronin, the head of the “K” department, resigned. One of the reasons for conducting the inspection and for the subsequent dismissal of Voronin was the criminal case on smuggling, with which Voronin's subordinate, the head of the 7th department of the department "K" of the SEB FSB, Vadim Uvarov, turned out to be connected.

Changes in Rosneft

Vasily Yurchenko, who served as Rosneft's acting head of security for the past year, will become Feoktistov's first deputy, the company said.

Yurchenko is an honorary officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, follows from his biography on the website of the oil company. He graduated with honors from the Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, later completed postgraduate studies at the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and became a candidate of legal sciences. From 1977 to 2011, Yurchenko served in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then until 2015 he headed the department of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) in the Moscow Region.

Vasily Yurchenko became acting vice president and head of the Rosneft security service in August 2015. Prior to that, Nail Mukhitov was responsible for security in the company since 2012. As RBC sources familiar with the top manager, before joining Rosneft, he served as deputy head of the FSB's own security service. After leaving Rosneft, Mukhitov became an assistant to the head of the Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev.

In addition to Nail Mukhitov, in July 2015, another top manager of Rosneft, Rashid Sharipov, who headed the office of the head of the company, Igor Sechin, resigned. Instead, Sechin's apparatus was headed by Mikhail Grafinin, who previously oversaw the representative office of the oil company in Venezuela. Sharipov went to Transneft, where he holds the positions of vice president and member of the board of the company.

In April 2016, the post of Vice President for Economics and Finance of Rosneft was Svyatoslav Slavinsky, who joined the company in 2013 immediately after the purchase of TNK-BP. Slavinsky's three-year contract ended, a source close to the company explained to RBC. Slavinsky was replaced by Pavel Fedorov, who was the first vice president of Rosneft in 2011-2012, and later held a similar post at Nornickel.

In May, Rosneft Larisa Kalanda, who since 2006 has held the post of vice president of the company (first for legal issues and asset protection, since 2012 for interaction with authorities). Rosneft explained Kalanda's departure by the end of the contract and personal circumstances. Two RBC sources claimed that Kalanda was fired. RBC's interlocutors cited Kalanda's disagreements with Igor Sechin as the reason for this.

Not only First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov likes to soar in the clouds on a luxury offshore registered aircraft, but also ... But more on that below.

Billion bucks from above

In the meantime, it became known that Vladimir Putin instructed the government to cancel customs duties and VAT on the purchase of business aircraft (business jets). Today, import duties alone sometimes pull up to 30% of the cost of the liner. And it can be a billion rubles, and even more.

It is clear that in this situation, many owners of business jets (yes, almost all - about 90%) prefer to register their personal or corporate aircraft abroad. Not very patriotic, but cheap. And when it comes to such money, a rare patriot does not become a marketer.

So the government is working on the issue of reducing the tax burden. After all, if the planes move (more precisely, fly) to Russia, their owners will pay here, and not over the hill, 1-2 million dollars every year for the maintenance of their aircraft. And in total there are up to 500 such vessels. That is, the country will receive an extra billion every year.

It's just hard to believe that business jets will immediately rush to their native harbor. They are not Sevastopol.

Shuvalov's Bermuda Triangle

Take, for example, the same Igor Shuvalov, whose dogs regularly travel the world on a personalized Bombardier Global Express XRS, a luxury aircraft, which is also called the "flying Bentley". This plane flies under tail number M-VQBI, and the first letter of the number means that it is under the jurisdiction of the offshore Isle of Man. And the owner of the liner, as indicated in the local registry, is the company Altitude X3 Ltd., registered in another offshore - in Bermuda. This firm is owned by Evgeny Shuvalov's son., which gives
plane ride not only for dogs, but also for your dad. And dad pays all the expenses for it.

It's formal. But in fact...

- Actually on isle of man it is forbidden to register aircraft for commercial purposes. Only corporate, - Lyubov Sobol, a lawyer with the Anti-Corruption Foundation, explained to the Sobesednik. – A non-commercial purpose does not mean that you can easily give someone a ride in an airplane for nothing. Everything is clearly regulated there. This means that the plane must personally be
the head of the company or his subordinates. And dogs are not one of them. And the fact that Shuvalov Sr. also paid for the use of the plane also, in our opinion, violates this rule. Moreover, according to the Russian Air Code, foreign companies that are not registered in Russia are also not entitled to make such commercial flights with us.

True, recently M-VQBI does not commit them. Well, or does not do it openly. After the scandal surrounding the fact that a government official flies on a "winged Bentley", this business jet disappeared from radar. His trail was lost in early August in the light of the red lights of the Amsterdam airport. But instead, the "Interlocutor" attacked the trail of a similar aircraft associated with another member of our elite.

New liner for Sechin

It turned out that on March 7 this year, another luxury aircraft appeared in the Isle of Man air registry. The Canadian Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global 6000 was acquired by Shelf Support Shiphold Limited (SSSL), registered in Cyprus. According to the documents that were at the disposal of Sobesednik, the director of the company is Alexander Sokolov, who also heads the financial department of Rosneft.

Mention of SSSL was found in the latest list of persons affiliated with Rosneft (number 210). In one of the old quarterly reports of the oil company, it is said that SSSL specializes in real estate, and another offshore subsidiary, Skyline Asset Management Ltd (SAML), provides freight services for Rosneft.

At the same time, it cannot be said that Rosneft had nothing to fly before: SSSL and SAML had already acquired a number of other premium aircraft (the same Bombardier, for example, or a Dassault Falcon 7x jet for $52 million), which they lost to their parent
company under a charter contract. That is, Rosneft, in fact, rented aircraft from itself through offshore companies. So Shuvalov
this is not the only one.

And now the oilmen are quietly bought imagine another Bombardier in crisis, worth up to $55 million. According to the Planefinder online tracker, this “flying Bentley” with the registration number M-YOIL was so “urgently” needed by Igor Sechin (who, according to him, spends 650 hours a year in flights), that for almost half a year he stood idle at the airport of the Swiss Basel (in any case, no radar data on his other movements could be found). The first flight, which was recorded by Planefinder, took place only last week. And M-YOIL didn't go to Khanty-Mansiysk at all.

Landing in a safe haven

Early on the morning of August 22, M-YOIL took off, crossed French territory and landed on a small island
in the middle of the English Channel. Guernsey. Included in the customs area of ​​the EU, but not included in the EU. It is part of the British Crown but is not part of the UK. In a word, an offshore blacklisted by the Russian Ministry of Finance as one of the most non-transparent.

- I doubt that anyone can fly to Guernsey for tourism purposes - there is nothing to see there. Almost all the residents there know each other by sight,” Paragon Advice Group partner, international lawyer Alexander Zakharov, who personally visited all the offshore harbors of the world, told Sobesednik. - As a joke, we can assume that the pilot just got it wrong: he wanted to fly to St. Petersburg, and there is a place in Guernsey, St. Peter Port. But in general, this island is a popular place for creating some kind of international fund.

For what purpose, after all, the Rosneft plane landed in Guernsey, it was not possible to find out. The oil company preferred not to answer this and other similar questions of the Interlocutor. And two days later, M-YOIL flew away from Guernsey at all ... And again, it didn’t
on the oil wells Russia, and in another diamond of the British crown - the offshore Isle of Man, on which the board is formally registered.

- Maine is known as one of the favorite places for registration of corporate aviation, and even if the government decides to zero duties on the purchase of business jets, it is unlikely that most of their owners will rush to transfer their ships to Russia, - Alexander Zakharov believes. – We have higher maintenance costs, we will have to indicate the full cost of the aircraft, we have a risk of falling under sanctions, we
it's harder to get permits for international flights... Finally, we have to disclose the owners of luxury aircraft. Not everyone wants that kind of publicity.

By the way

In the spring, Gazprom replenished its already impressive fleet with two brand new Falcon 7x. The leadership of Roskosmos prefers to travel closer to the ground on a comfortable Gulfstream G550. A man who looks like Ramzan Kadyrov flies in a plane that looks like Shuvalov's (only with a different number - VP-CKR). The family of Plenipotentiary Yuri Trutnev uses the Bombardier Global 5000 and the more modest Challenger 300. Sberbank management does not disdain the Global 650, but arrested for embezzlement, former head of RusHydro Evgeny Dod preferred the Bombardier Challenger 850... In a word, the list is not short.