How much does an hour of work cost? Rating of professions. Contributions to funds

Good afternoon, dear individual entrepreneurs!

Recently, in the comments, there was a request to talk in more detail about how to deal with hired employees in an individual entrepreneur. That is, what to do, where to run, and so on.

One of the site’s readers volunteered to write detailed instructions for all entrepreneurs who want to hire employees, but don’t know where to start. Her name is Natalia, please ask any questions to her in the comments below.

So, we give the floor to Natalya:

Good afternoon I have prepared a small instruction for you! Made in the form of a “Question-Answer”:

Where to start as an individual entrepreneur when hiring an employee?

As soon as you hire an employee or enter into an agreement with an individual for the provision of paid services or a contract, you accordingly become an employer, and you need to register your individual entrepreneur in the following extra-budgetary funds:

  1. to the Pension Fund of Russia within 30 days
  2. to the Social Insurance Fund within 10 days

2. What kind of agreement is concluded with the employee. What is the difference between employment and civil law contracts?

There are 2 types of agreement with an individual:

  1. Employment contract (TD)
  2. Civil contract (CLA)

What is the difference between them and what will happen if the employment contract is replaced by a civil law one?

Let's start with the last one. From January 1, 2015, if an employment contract is replaced with a civil law one, a fine of 50 thousand to 200 thousand rubles will be imposed.

Agree, it’s not very pleasant. Therefore, we will try to figure out what the difference is.

  1. When concluding an Employment Agreement, it is understood that the employee will perform his duties based on a certain specialty, qualification or position. When concluding a GPA, the employee’s duties are limited and regulated by the performance of specific work;
  2. When concluding an Employment Contract, the employee is obliged to perform the work personally; under the GPA, he can delegate its implementation to third parties;
  3. But the most important difference, which pushes the employer to replace the Employment contract with a civil law one, is financial relations. In the first case, the employer pays labor in the form of wages twice a month, in the second - in the form of remuneration and only upon completion of the work.

Why do careless employers sometimes try to conclude a GPA with an employee, rather than a TD?

The fact is that the employer, if this is not specified in the contract, may not pay taxes to the Social Security Fund.

This means that, for example, a woman hired under a civil contract, in the event of her pregnancy, will not receive the majority of child care payments. And yet, in light of the large fines, it is worth thinking about the benefits of such savings.

Minimum wage for employees

An employee's salary should not be lower than the minimum wage (minimum wage). This means that the amount accrued to the employee if he worked for 1 month and fulfilled his duties should not be lower than the minimum wage. The payment he receives in person may end up being lower than the minimum wage, because... Personal income tax still needs to be paid on the employee’s accrued wages.

Regions often set their own minimum wage. In this case, employers in this region need to adhere to these standards. In case of violation of regional minimum wage standards, the employer will receive a warning or pay a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

  1. By the way, the minimum wage in 2015 is 5965 rubles;
  2. In 2014 it was 5554 rubles;
  3. And in 2013, 5205 rubles. respectively;

How many times a month should an employee be paid?

According to the Labor Code, wages must be paid to an employee at least once every half month. Even if the workers themselves write a statement asking to pay them a salary once a month, this is prohibited.

Ideally, the advance is paid in the middle of the current working month, and the rest, i.e. salary at the beginning of next year.

If the date of payment of wages falls on a weekend or holiday, then the payment should be made on the eve of the established date, and not on days after the holiday. If an employee resigns, then final payments to him should be made on the day of dismissal, and if he goes on vacation, up to 3 days before it.

What taxes and fees will you have to pay for employees?

If individual entrepreneur hires workers, it is logical to assume that he is responsible for them, and therefore his tax burden increases.

In addition to withholding personal income tax in the amount of 13% of wages or remuneration, once a month he also pays insurance contributions to various extra-budgetary funds:

  1. Pension Fund of Russia (PFR);
  2. Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MFIF);
  3. Social Insurance Fund (SIF);

When concluding a civil contract, you do not need to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Fund, unless this condition is specified in the contract itself.

These contributions are considered cumulative from the beginning of the calendar year, and they must be paid no later than the 15th of the next month. If the last day coincides with a holiday or weekend, then the last day for payment of contributions is postponed to the next working day.

In the current year 2015, the following tariffs apply:

  1. Pension Fund - 22%
  2. FFOMS - 5.1%
  3. Social Insurance Fund - 2.9%

Contributions from accidents are not taken into account here, because their tariff is set depending on the type of activity. It is charged additionally and is at least 0.2%.

For example

Thus, if you add up all the contributions, you get 30.2%, which means that from a salary of 6,000 rubles, the employer pays:

  1. Personal income tax 780 rub. (RUB 6,000 x 13%), the employee receives RUB 5,220;
  2. In addition, the employer transfers the above contributions in the amount of 1,812 rubles at his own expense. (RUB 6,000 X 30.2%);

Keep in mind that the employer is obliged to additionally transfer insurance premiums to individual entrepreneurs and “for themselves”

Detailed information on how to pay contributions to the self-employed population has been repeatedly discussed on our website:

And also an important note is that for an employee on a probationary period, taxes are paid in full.

Is it possible for an employee to pay his own taxes?

The employer is required to pay all “salary” taxes for the employee, since he is the tax agent and, accordingly, has certain responsibilities. If an employee pays taxes on his own, everyone faces a fine: both the employee and his employer.

Therefore, amateur performance is not needed here, you just need to follow the law.

We hope that Natalia’s article helped you and do not forget to subscribe to the site news for individual entrepreneurs on this page:

More recent information for individual entrepreneurs and employees:

About the author

I created this site for everyone who wants to open their own business as an individual entrepreneur, but does not know where to start. And I will try to talk about complex things in the simplest and most understandable language.


    Hello. I work for an individual entrepreneur. According to our contract, our salary is 3000, but we get more. He calculates personal income tax from our salary (3000) as expected, and he also deducts from us the amount that he transfers to the Pension Fund. Is it legal that he then deducts contributions to the Pension Fund from us???


    Good day. I have this question. I am an individual entrepreneur. I have one employee. In our region, the minimum wage is set higher than, for example, in Moscow, and amounts to more than 9 thousand rubles. One company providing accounting services for individual entrepreneurs continues to pay taxes from the minimum wage established in Moscow. And they think they are doing the right thing. What could this mean? Thanks in advance for your answer.


    Hello. Today I called the FSS Rostov-on-Don, they said the deadline for registration is from 2016. Individual entrepreneur as an employer 30 days as in the Pension Fund. There is no information on the topic anywhere. Where is the truth? I need to apply urgently, what should I do?


    Hello. I want to open an individual entrepreneur to rent out an apartment. Will I be required to make contributions to the Pension Fund if, in addition to an individual entrepreneur, I am an employee and my employer makes contributions? Thank you.

This chapter from the book “100% Personnel Management”. How to become an effective HR Director” is published as part of the collaboration between the HRMaximum project and Alexander Aleksandrovich Krymov (PhD in Psychology, practicing manager, business consultant and business coach. Deals with the creation and functioning of services personnel management, project management, innovative management. Work experience in the field of scientific and practical development and teaching for over 25 years. Leads the course “HR management” (MSU, Faculty of Further Education), etc.).

This HR issue is the most painful. If you underpay, they will run away; if you overpay, it’s a pity... The company’s management believes that the employees get enough, but for some reason they are dissatisfied, or even look the other way.

First of all, let's define several concepts that often cause confusion when managers discuss practical issues.

Work motivation is the psychological mechanisms that encourage a person to work. There are many concepts work motivation, among which the most famous are: F. Taylor's scientific management, A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, F. Herzberg's two-factor theory, K. Adelfer's ERG theory, W. Vroom's expectancy theory, etc. It is important to note that we are talking about the mechanisms of human personality, for the implementation of which requires certain external conditions. Work motivation is one of the elements of the hierarchy of motives that develop and change throughout human life, influencing each other.
on a friend. A person’s work behavior at the start of his career, at its peak and at the final stage, will naturally be determined by various combinations of motives.

Conditions for the implementation of labor motivation are created by labor stimulation, that is, employer measures aimed at ensuring labor productivity and employee loyalty.

This includes a wide range of management tools, both material (for example, remuneration, creating comfortable working conditions) and moral and psychological (such as friendly behavior of management, demonstrating respect for employees, creating a favorable moral climate).

Finally, compensation itself is material remuneration for the personnel of the enterprise. Compensation can be defined as the terms of a transaction under which the employer compensates the employee for the labor resource he provides (time, effort, knowledge, experience, competencies, results). In this case, compensation can be expressed both in monetary form (wages) and in services and goods provided by the company to personnel (social package). As we will see later, the right combination of these two forms of compensation can have a huge impact on employee motivation and behavior.

A specific set of payments and other types of remuneration, arranged in a certain proportion and offered to the employee, is called a compensation plan. The structure and size of the compensation plan are formed in such a way as to most effectively ensure staff motivation.
Managers often discuss the issue of the relationship between moral and material factors stimulating work. In reality, this division is conditional, since moral incentives require material costs from the company, and material rewards carry a significant moral and psychological charge.

Let's look at two examples.

Measures such as corporate holidays, honoring and congratulating employees, professional competitions, creating a system of career growth, training and development of personnel are usually considered as moral ways to stimulate work. However, all this brings costs, which in some organizations are comparable to wages.

On the other hand, the size and structure of wages carry signals, messages to employees about how the company treats them. So, if the remuneration is based entirely on the result brought by the employee (percentage of prisoners
transactions), the company tells its staff: “We are only interested in you as a mechanism for making a profit.” Naturally, the employees of such an enterprise will remain loyal to it only until competitors offer them more favorable conditions. Conversely, an annual bonus based on company performance carries the message: “We are all one team and work for a common result.”

A diverse and meaningful benefits package communicates to employees that the employer respects them and is sympathetic to their needs and requirements. Why not simply distribute to employees the funds used to maintain the social package? Because monetary payments do not carry such positive psychological content. Ultimately, they disappear into the family budget and do not leave pleasant memories for the employee.

In companies at the “go-go” stage or at earlier ones, the issue of remuneration is resolved using two “tools”:
- with whom did you agree;
- maximum “linkage” to the result.

As a result of using the first “tool”, complete confusion arises, the already mentioned “patchwork quilt”. No one is able to explain why the secretary of department A receives 25% more than the secretary of department B, although she does exactly the same work. The salaries of employees are a military secret, but in principle everyone knows everything or suspect. We are great at counting money in other people's pockets, and the result is usually not in our favor, which is very annoying. The “grown-up” labor market forces “newcomers” to be hired on better terms than “old” workers have, which, of course, does not make the latter happy.

The notorious “payment based on results,” although it sounds reasonable, in reality often turns out to be a thing crafty. Firstly, young companies are rarely able to calculate these same results. Therefore, the deservedness of the awards raises a lot of questions. Secondly, not all personnel perform labor functions with a countable final result. Many (accounting, secretariat, administration, IT, and you and me, HR) are largely responsible for the correct and uninterrupted implementation of business processes, and the results, if any, are difficult to quantify. Therefore, in companies where it is customary to “bonus performance”, employees are rarely inspired and satisfied with the bonus. In their opinion, it depends more on the mood of the authorities than on those very results, and therefore is essentially unfair. There is grumbling, fueled by rumors. Not the worst employees are starting to quit. At the same time, a “critical mass” of dissatisfaction among senior management and/or business owners with exorbitant and incomprehensible labor costs accumulates (see chapter 3). The matter ends with a revolutionary situation according to V.I. Lenin: “The lower classes do not want, but the upper classes cannot live
in the old way." We have to revise the wage system, which in complexity is equal to two moves, which, as the proverb says, are equal to two fires.

For those who first encountered this problem, the solution seems vague. In fact, all our creativity on the topic of compensation is limited by four rather rigid boundaries, beyond which fraught with different consequences.

1. Labor market situation. If a company pays people less than its neighbors in the market sector, then it runs the risk of being left only with those who, due to their personal and business qualities, are completely useless to anyone. The opposite is also not always justified. Although the company's high (market) level of compensation makes it an attractive employer, it limits the opportunities for creating growth prospects. For a person, not only the current level of income is important, but also the future: you want more... And the employer already bears costs at the limit of what is possible.

2. Enterprise economics. No special comments are required here: stretch your legs along the clothes. A company that eats up most of its income is unlikely to be needed by its owners.

3. Personnel policy. I have already written about this in detail in the corresponding chapter. It is usually based on the subjective opinion of the owners and top management of the enterprise.
In some companies, the goal is to save money through wages; in others, on the contrary, it is believed that employees should be encouraged as much as possible. For an HR manager, of course, it is more convenient to work in the second situation, but proving your position can be very difficult.

4. Staff opinion. Employees also have their own point of view on the level of remuneration, which is not always objective and fair. It comes to paradoxes. There are companies
with relatively high pay levels and employees grumbling and complaining. And vice versa: the company pays at the average market rate or even lower, but people are happy, and no one is going to leave. Here it’s more about the atmosphere and moral climate: people translate general discomfort into dissatisfaction with their earnings.

For us, as those responsible for personnel, it is the latter that is most important: the influence of remuneration on the opinions and behavior of employees (An interesting analysis of the differences in the vision of the situation by the management of the enterprise and employees is given in the book: Sivets S. Career technology, or How we know a lot and understand little. - M.: Vershina, 2006).
Even if a company offers objectively good (to the market) conditions, but employees do not understand, know or value this, they will behave as if the conditions bad. With all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, let's start with the notorious “human factor”.

Let me immediately note that the real behavior and opinions of people about money in general and wages in particular are much more complex than it seems at first glance (and even than people themselves believe). For example, the idea that a person will work more and harder in order to earn more is not always true.

It seems to me that this formula is much closer to life: "Man values ​​most free time. To have more free time, you need to have more money. To have more money, you need to work more. Thus, in order to have more free time, you need to work more.”

In my practice, there have been many cases where people have demonstrated unexpected behavior regarding pay. For example, one candidate for a fairly high and “expensive” position answered the question: “How much would you like to earn?” replied: “It’s not that important. Main - to more than my wife».

The attitude of employees towards the company and wage conditions is determined by a number of factors that are not always obvious. It should be noted that employees rarely approach this in the same way as their employers. Few of them ask the question " What does the company pay me for, how high is the value of my services for it?“The vast majority of workers are confident that they deserve their pay simply by coming to work on time and working their assigned hours. Moreover, they are equally confident that after 2-3 years of working at the enterprise they certainly deserve a pay increase. And in some ways they are right, if we consider employee loyalty an act that deserves separate payment. After all, many enterprises practice a bonus for length of service.

One HR friend of mine was tired of answering questions from the heads of individual departments: “When will my employees’ salaries be increased?” One fine day, she asked the next “walker” to present a list of the results and achievements of his subordinates for the week. She received neither a report nor further requests for a promotion...

Personal (family) needs, expected standard of living.
A person’s income must satisfy his living needs and the ability to support his family. In modern society, human needs are not limited to having a piece of bread, clothing and a roof over your head. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what standard of living he claims. For some, this is a used “nine”, an apartment in a “dormitory” area, a plot of 6 acres and fishing trips to the neighboring region. For others - several
fresh foreign cars, villas near Moscow and Cyprus, trips to Courchevel in winter and swordfish fishing from your own yacht in summer.

A person’s claims to a certain standard of living are not always determined by what income he can realistically claim, taking into account his abilities and qualifications
and labor market conditions. The main reference point is the social group to which a person claims to belong. Most often, this is the family and immediate environment (“ Mom, everyone in the class has cell phones with cameras, but I don’t!"). Many people get their ideas about the required standard of living from glamorous magazines and TV series. We now have a lot of direct ideological heirs of “Ellochka the Ogress,” who spent all her family income trying to keep up with the American billionaire.
A person's income aspirations are closely related to age and marital status. Young people are more willing to take risks, invest a lot in maintaining their expected social status (“club party”), as well as investing in the future in the form of a promising education. For family people, the opportunity to raise and “put on their feet” children becomes important.
People on the slope of their careers, when the prospect of old age is already visible, prefer stability and strive to invest in providing for themselves in their incapacitated age.

Beliefs about the fairness of remuneration.“Justice” is a subtle psychological concept, but it is very clearly subjectively defined by each of us. “This is an unfair price, it can’t cost that much,” we say when we see
counter product. Likewise, everyone can easily determine the value of their labor resources. The guidelines are primarily labor costs (“I’m not ready to work so much for that kind of money!”), as well as the example of others: colleagues, close acquaintances. It is also important
a person’s perception of the value of his own qualifications,
received education. In most cases, employees who received a second higher education or retraining, immediately qualify for significantly higher incomes.

Self-esteem and career growth. A person’s self-esteem is closely related to his desire for growth and development. Throughout most of his work history, the employee expects a future increase in his status, significance, scale, and accordingly -
higher wages. If a company for 3–5 years cannot offer an employee career prospects, he starts looking for another employer.

Principle of marked difference. What does "wage increase" mean? When reviewing the terms of compensation for the enterprise as a whole or for individual employees, it is necessary to keep in mind that the more a person earns, the larger the amount of increase required for him to accept it. If an employee receives 10 thousand rubles a month, a significant increase for him will be 1–1.5 thousand rubles. If his monthly remuneration is estimated at 100 thousand rubles, a noticeable increase should be at least 10–15 thousand rubles. The noticeable difference is 10–15% of the current salary level.
The principle of marked difference is important for compensation management, since an increase in remuneration (or bonus) below a specified level can be perceived by the employee as an insult and have a demotivating effect. On the contrary, a salary increase significantly above this level pleases the employee, but must be justified by his achievements.

Solving problems with remuneration comes down to competently distributing the amount of personnel costs among different components. The secret is that this distribution corresponds main task: stimulating and retaining employees.

First of all, let's highlight two components: direct and indirect(not in the accounting sense!) costs. Direct amounts include those amounts that employees directly receive in the form of money or goods and services provided by the employer._

Indirect costs are enterprise investments in the standard of living at workplaces. These include: a free cafeteria for employees, beautiful interiors, comfortable furniture, etc. Plus - corporate events and gifts to employees for personal and general holidays. Today, any self-respecting company bears such costs, but, unfortunately, the direct effectiveness of these investments cannot be determined. Separately, it is worth mentioning the costs of personnel development: corporate trainings and seminars, payment for studies “on the side”.

Let's turn to direct costs. Among them, two fundamentally different parts can be distinguished: compensation plan(that is, direct payments of remuneration for labor) and social package, consisting of providing the employee with goods and services, benefits, compensation, and insurance guarantees.

Let's start with the social package. Part of it (work and rest schedule, for example, paid sick leave and vacations) is provided for by current legislation. The other part (for example, insurance at the expense of the enterprise for employees and members of their families, payment for gyms, free or subsidized meals) is a matter of goodwill of the employer. The main points here are: a well-formed social package is not simple charity. It is designed to solve everyday problems of employees that directly or indirectly affect labor efficiency and productivity. For example, by organizing meals for employees in the office, the employer prevents unnecessary trips to the city, wasting working time, and helps reduce illness due to colds in winter and food poisoning. Paying for mobile phones ensures that employees are always available outside the office, including during non-working hours.

The social package is more suited to the task of retaining rather than stimulating employees. In this sense, it refers to the “hygienic” factors of labor motivation (according to the theory of F. Herzberg).

However, in in capable hands it can be an extremely powerful HR management tool, and I am deeply convinced that its importance is greatly underestimated by our managers.

The most striking case known to me in our country. One big one manufacturing plant suffered from mass layoffs of workers with minor children during the hottest summer period. The administration organized... a city camp for the children of employees on the basis of a local pedagogical institute. The idea brought tangible moral and economic effects. If the same amount were spent on a simple increase in wages, the increase for each employee would be about 100 rubles per month. Do you think such a sum would retain female workers? Probably not. But the competently provided service turned out to be quite effective.

The moral component of the social package is also very important. It is perceived by employees as showing respect and care for them, which increases trust in the employer, attachment to the workplace and reduces unwanted staff turnover.

The social package has one secret, which is often not taken into account by the employer, and ultimately leads to disappointment. The fact is that everyone needs money, but... goods and services and compensation - purely individually. Therefore, it is difficult to formulate a social package so that it pleases all employees without causing resentment, envy or irritation in anyone.

One Moscow company leased premises for a cafe and agreed with the tenant on partial payment in the form of food for its employees using coupons. This noble gesture was not understood. Some workers live nearby and go home for lunch. Others have a diet that does not match the menu. Still others are losing weight and therefore don’t eat lunch. As a result, half of the employees turned to management with a request to compensate them for their refusal to take lunch with money. The angry director announced that he was closing his shop: let everyone eat as they wanted at their own expense.

Most honest attempts by employers to create an attractive social package face approximately the same situation: someone will definitely refuse services and ask for monetary compensation, so that it's fair. There are two recipes for solving the problem: simple and complex.
A simple solution: turn a blind eye to someone’s dissatisfaction: if they don’t want it, let them not use it, and no compensation! A complex solution was invented not long ago by the Japanese, quickly migrated to the USA and is now very common. It's called cafeteria principle.

The system is reminiscent of the choice of prizes by the winner of “Field of Miracles”. The company is developing a “menu” of various social package services: fuel compensation, gym fees, mobile phone, vacation costs, medical and other insurance, and the like. Each service is assessed with a certain number of points. Employees have the opportunity to obtain the desired elements of the social package for a certain “amount”. It can be the same for everyone or vary depending on positions, ranks, or, for example, length of service in the company. Another option: the company offers a choice of 3-5 different social packages (like set lunches).

Isn't it witty? This solution has only one drawback: it needs to be serviced. That is, one of the employees must specifically deal with the accounting and distribution of all these benefits, and if the company is large, then this is quite a big job.

An important feature of the social package is that it is provided to employees regardless of the volume, quality and effectiveness of their work (although it can, of course, vary in accordance with the “table of ranks”). Financial incentives lie in another component - in terms of compensation.

It consists of two parts: constant and variable.
The constant part is the official salary in accordance with the tariff schedule, in a “degenerate” case it can be zero if the employee receives, say, only agency remuneration.
denition. There is also the opposite case, when an employee constantly receives a fixed hourly salary and nothing more. However, as a rule, both parts are represented in compensation plans, albeit in different proportions. This solution makes it possible to find a compromise between the need to provide certain guarantees of stability for employees and the natural desire of the employer to pay “based on results.”

The permanent part may consist of the official salary and allowances. In other words, the tariff schedule does not indicate the exact amount, but a “fork”: from and to. Why pay premiums? For example, for length of service in the company. Or immediately provide the newcomer with bonuses for experience, certain qualities... If this is important for the job - for the level of education and academic degree.

The variable part, as a managerial tool, contains an element of guile. At times it is used not as a carrot, but rather as a stick. Enterprise managers are often itching to “punish with a ruble” one or another who has committed a crime, and the Labor Code, as you know, has a purely negative attitude towards such methods of management. So, the variable part can be entered, to have something to take away. In terms of, deprive.

In turn, the variable part of the compensation plan is also divided into two parts: awards and bonuses. In practice, these two concepts are often confused, so let’s look at them in more detail.


Awards are paid relatively frequently, once a month or once a quarter. In terms of size, they usually amount to no more than the amount of the employee’s official salary, and more often - 30–50%. In addition, they are somehow tied to individual or collective results. When it comes to comparing salary levels with the labor market, we mean the average monthly sum of the fixed and variable parts of the compensation plan.

Bonuses are paid rarely: usually once a year. They amount to a large, very noticeable amount for the employee, at least exceeding the monthly official salary (sometimes several times). In most cases, they are not directly related to labor results: they are, as it were, rewarding employees for honest work and loyalty in the long term.
For example, you can get a vacation bonus and spend it on a family trip to a resort, which you will remember for a long time. Typically, annual bonuses are paid to the company's top managers.

Here, in fact, is our entire arsenal for building a compensation mosaic: social package, official salary, bonuses and bonuses. Now let's see what shapes can be folded from it, and most importantly - why...

If we temporarily forget about indirect investments in personnel, as well as the social package, then all that remains in our hands is the manipulation of the constant and variable parts of the compensation plan. However, not everything is as simple as it seems.

When designing a compensation plan, there are four rules to follow. Violations of them, as practice shows, are economically detrimental to the enterprise.

1. The remuneration system should be simple and understandable for the employee. Each time, signing the statement, he must understand well why the amount received is exactly that: no more and no less.

2. The compensation plan should work to encourage the behavior we want in an employee and to discourage the behavior we want. we don't want.

3. An increase or decrease in the bonus portion should depend on those factors that are within the control, abilities and capabilities of the employee. Can't be encouraged
or punish for something for which the employee is not able to bear responsibility.

4. When calculating bonuses, you should not be too “petty.” A person should perceive an increase or decrease in pay as meaningful to oneself. This is not accounting, where the balance may not add up by 20 kopecks.

Let's give examples.

In one wholesale trading company, a system of remuneration for sales managers was painstakingly created and then implemented. It provided for 16 (!) indicators with different weighting coefficients, on the basis of which the size of the bonus was calculated. No one except its creator, the financial director, understood anything about it. As a result, the company lost about a third of its managers, and the rest, shrugging their shoulders, continued to work as before, since the innovations had no effect on average monthly bonuses. It’s just that some indicators began to compensate for others...

Another company decided to deal with accounts receivable. It was proposed that each sales manager be assigned a reducing bonus factor depending on the level of receivables for his clients. A piquant detail: before this, bonuses were calculated based on the volume of goods shipped during the reporting period. A more natural approach won: the dependence of the bonus on the final result, that is, on the receipt of payment for the goods sold to the bank account

In the third company, employees of the HR department received a bonus depending on the performance of the sales department. Some wise head decided: HR officers hire people, so let them depend on their work. There was only one result: within a month there were no HR managers left in the company...

In the fourth company, the calculation of bonuses in accordance with performance results was taken very seriously; as many as two employees were doing this on two computers (at full load).
As a result, an employee could receive 25,136 rubles 27 kopecks in one month, and 25,124 rubles 15 kopecks in the next. Everything seemed logical, but people laughed...

In a fifth manufacturing company, piecework wages are used for workers servicing an automated line. Their function is to load the bunker with raw materials in a timely manner, remove finished products from the conveyor and pack them into boxes. Product quality significantly depends on compliance with the technological regime.
As a result, the line constantly produces defects. In order to produce more products per shift, workers secretly increase the speed of the conveyor, and the technological regime is disrupted.

Finally, in one large supermarket household appliances began to pay bonuses to sales consultants in direct proportion to revenue. Result: sellers began to ignore buyers who came for “changes.” In addition, conflicts began to arise between employees of the “expensive” and “cheap” sections. This is understandable, because technically selling a hair dryer or coffee maker is no simpler than selling a refrigerator. Sales fell and the payment system had to be revised.

So, we want to stimulate employee behavior that is beneficial to the company, and precisely that behavior that the employees themselves are able to control. From this point of view, all job positions in the company (not counting top management) can be divided into
following categories:

A. Employees from whom a specific result is expected, and we want this result to be high. Examples: sales managers, production workers.

B. Employees who are expected to perform job duties accurately and in a timely manner. Examples: accounting, personnel inspector, security, secretariat.

B. Managers are leaders of the first and second lines, who are expected to ensure the effective and uninterrupted functioning of the departments or areas they head.

The conclusion is obvious: employees of group A should be paid for results, group B - for the smoothness and quality of the process, and C - for the activities (result or process) of the group of employees for whom they are responsible. Quite simple isn't it? The difficulty is to don't get confused.

When designing a compensation system in a company, you can use two useful tools: plans and regulation.

For Category A employees, it is advisable to set performance plans based on sales statistics and/or company marketing claims. The variable part of remuneration should be “tied” to the results of the implementation of these plans. For example, to encourage sellers to promote a new, yet unpopular product, you can set a separate plan for its implementation and a significant increase in the bonus for implementation.

For category B workers, a system of standards can be established that their work must meet, and the variable part can be paid in full, subject to compliance with these standards. Just as King Solomon paid his doctor only while he was healthy... For example, an accountant can receive a bonus in full provided that balance sheets are submitted on time and without errors, and inspections are completed.

Finally - about the permanent part of the compensation plan, that is official salaries. Bringing them into the system comes down to creating a tariff scale that determines how many levels of wages (grades of the tariff scale, or grades) exist at the enterprise, what are the ranges of each of them (minimum and maximum pay), as well as the ratio of grades with staffing table. This creates a table from which you can determine salaries for each job position in the company.

The convenience of the tariff schedule is also that it allows you to rate salaries regardless of the nature of the work and the structural unit of the enterprise. For example, it may turn out that a junior sales manager, a marketing assistant, a department director's secretary and an accountant belong to the same category and receive the same salaries. That doesn’t prevent, of course, from additionally stimulating them with bonuses, which will depend on the nature of the work performed, its quality and results.

Developing a tariff schedule seems quite simple compared to others, but this simplicity is apparent. To adequately cover the topic, a separate book would be required. Fortunately, this work has just been done by two of our leading specialists in personnel management in general and remuneration in particular:
economist Elena Vetluzhskikh and psychologist Valery Chemekov (1) . In their books you will find everything you need to competently organize a compensation system taking into account Russian specifics. I will limit myself to a few considerations. If you act strictly “according to science”, the process looks something like this:

Comparison of positions and ranking of jobs by importance (grading).
- Tariffication (determining salary amounts for grades received).
- Linking additional incentives (bonuses, additional payments, social package) to the tariff schedule.

1 Vetluzhskikh E. Motivation and remuneration. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2007; Chemekov V. Grading: technology for building a personnel management system. - M.: Vershina, 2007.

Analysis and ranking of works is a large and quite complex procedure that requires the involvement of qualified specialists. Almost all managers of the company, as well as many ordinary employees, must participate in it in various formats. Nevertheless, at a certain level of company development, it becomes necessary to systematize personnel costs and create attractive wages.

For each position, a description is drawn up with approximately the following structure:
_ job title;
_ purpose of the position (why does the company need it?);
_ subordination (place in the organizational structure);
_ subordinates (direct and functional);
_ key functions, responsibilities;
_ education, advanced training;
_ required work experience;
_ knowledge, skills, competencies; special knowledge and skills;
_ responsibility (goals, finances);
_ KPI (3–5 indicators).

Classification used in the development of tariff categories for blue-collar professions. Works are classified by complexity and divided into classes, each of which covers a specific range of work. The classification is based on indicators such as the required qualifications, the physical complexity of the work, the presence of harmful factors, etc.

Ranging consists of ranking all positions in an organization based on their relative importance from lowest to highest. The assessment is carried out by experts.

Point-factor method, the most common, consists of identifying the factors that are significant to performing a job and determining the “weight” of each factor for each position.
There are several methods for evaluating positions using the point-factor method. The most famous of them is the “Hay Group” method, or “The Hay Guide Chart Profile Method”. In accordance with this method, the following factors are identified for evaluating positions:

Knowledge and skills
_ Depth of knowledge.
_Breadth of knowledge.
_ Level of communications.

Problem Solving
_Freedom of thinking.
_ Complexity of the problem.

_Freedom of action.
_ The impact of activities on the final result.
_ Scope of control.

I have one consideration regarding the applicability of the point-factor method of job evaluation in our conditions. This method, if you notice, takes into account only the parameters of the position itself, completely ignoring the conditions external environment, that is, the labor market. It is probably good when the labor market is evenly saturated with supply and demand and wage levels in its different sectors and segments are more or less stable. In our absolutely crazy labor market today, the level of wages strongly depends on the relationship between supply and demand. Now, for example, the offers of employers for lawyers and computer specialists have gone down significantly, because there is an obvious excess of them (I’m not talking about individual “stars”). But the rates of civil engineers, designers, technologists and other production workers have increased significantly. I don’t know what these groups of professions would look like if they were comparatively assessed using the Hay Group method.

Already from this brief description it is clear that the work ahead is extensive and long and will most likely require the involvement of external consultants with experience in implementing similar projects. But what if the General simply called you and said: “So it’s like this: develop a tariff schedule. I give it a maximum of a week. And no consultants: we don’t have enough money”?

According to my observations, in most of our enterprises at the current stage of their development, trying to calculate the wage system with an accuracy of the ruble is pointless. First, where will you find qualified appraisers who can objectively and unbiasedly “weigh” positions using the Hay Group method? Among your own managers? Not sure.
Second, don't forget the principle of noticeable difference. Thirdly, all the subtlety of calculations
will still be “eaten up” by the intersection of categories of the tariff scale, individual allowances and bonuses. Fourthly, if until now your wages have been structured “according to concepts,” it will inevitably turn out that putting it in order will require someone to raise their wages, and for others, vice versa. But you and I have no right to worsen the situation of workers, and even those who are offended may appear.

If your company is not that big (up to several hundred people), generally single-industry (most employees do more or less the same thing) and there are no alarming symptoms such as increased turnover, I suggest you take the simplified path. He assumes that, in general, you pay your staff intuitively correctly, you just need to put things in order. It's hard to change without changing anything, but sometimes it's the most the right way development.

1. Take the minimum and maximum wage levels for your company. Just don’t touch your General’s salary: let them sort it out themselves!

2. Divide the resulting range into equal intervals, which will become categories in your tariff schedule. How many should there be? In my opinion, from 5 to 12. Less than 5 is not enough, more than 12 is too much.

3. Compare the theoretical categories obtained with reality: distribute all positions existing in the company into intervals.

4. Look for “abnormal” cases where people in similar positions and with approximately the same workload and responsibility receive either too much or too little. Find a way to bring them into a common system. You may have to move up or down the “theoretically” calculated digit boundaries.

5. Take the fruits of your labor to the General for approval. It is very likely that he will make his own adjustments.

6. Please the company’s staff with the introduction of a new remuneration system.

What if your employees won't be happy, and instead of the expected winnings you get complete negativity? We will talk about this separately, in the chapter devoted to the implementation of organizational innovations.

Articles in this section

  • How to arrange and pay for a business trip on a day off?

    Payment for business trips is described clearly and in detail in labor legislation. But the paradox is that payment for a trip on a day off is still not fully regulated.

  • Pay on weekends and holidays

    Are bonus payments set as a percentage of the salary, regional coefficients and allowances calculated for the amount of double remuneration for work on weekends and non-working holidays?

  • Is the employer obliged to index wages?

    One of the most pressing topics of recent times is wage indexation. Not surprisingly, the wage fund (WF) is one of the main expenses of an organization. Any salary increase could undermine the financial stability of the company. At the same time, today and...

  • Child care benefits, maternity benefits and sick leave based on the new minimum wage

    On July 1, 2016, the minimum wage (hereinafter referred to as the minimum wage) changed: now it is 7,500 rubles ( Federal law dated June 2, 2016 No. 164-FZ). Let's look at how this change will affect temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits and child care benefits.

  • Payment for work on weekends and holidays using a salary system

    The organization has different working hours for employees: a 5-day work week with two days off (Saturday and Sunday) and a shift work schedule (10-hour shift, every other day), according to which a summary record of working time is kept. The remuneration system for each category of workers is salary. Experts from the GARANT Legal Consulting Service clarified questions about what is the algorithm for calculating pay for work on weekends and holidays for each category of workers and whether the organization has the right to establish uniform rules for calculating pay for work on weekends and holidays for these categories of workers.

  • When is the best time to go on vacation?

    In months with many non-working holidays, the amount of vacation pay will be less. On the contrary, if there are many working days in a month, then more money will be credited. The thing is that if there are many holidays in a month, then...

  • Suspension of work due to non-payment of wages

    Article 142 of the Labor Code gives employees the right, in the event of a delay in the payment of their wages for a period of more than 15 calendar days, to suspend work (not go to work) for the entire period until the delayed amount is paid. Moreover, the provisions of this article do not contain any indication of the possibility of refusing to work only in the case when the salary is delayed in full for a period of more than 15 calendar days. Even if the delay is partial, the employee has the right to suspend work.

  • Will employers collect arrears from individuals?

    According to the recommendations of the Federal Tax Service of Russia “for official use” (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 21, 2015 No. ГД-4-8/18401@ (hereinafter referred to as the Letter)), in order to collect debts on property taxes, tax officials will look for the debtors’ employers and serve them with writs of execution.

  • Deduction for unworked vacation days upon dismissal

    When terminating an employment contract at the initiative of an employee, the company has the right to withhold for unworked days of vacation provided in advance. How to correctly calculate an employee who has used all his vacation but has not worked it? What does an employer need to know to prevent abuse by an employee?

  • Depreciation of employees. Legal aspects

    When depriving employees of a bonus (for example, for violation of labor discipline or the presence of a disciplinary sanction), you need to make sure that such a basis is provided for in the Regulations on the procedure for bonuses of the company. Otherwise, disabling employees will be in the nature of a disciplinary sanction, and therefore will be unlawful.

  • Calculation of the number of days of unused vacation upon dismissal

    The resigning employee is entitled to monetary compensation unused vacation. Moreover, compensation is paid for vacations accumulated over the entire period of work with a particular employer. To determine it, it is important to know the number of vacation days to which the employee was entitled at the time of dismissal and his average earnings.

  • Reduced wages for workers. Legal methods and risks

    In the face of financial problems and business restructuring, the company is looking for ways to reduce its costs and often starts by reducing the wages of its employees. Let's consider how legal such actions of employers are.

  • Compensation for employment in hazardous work

    The Russian Ministry of Labor has published a number of clarifications on the procedure for providing compensation to employees engaged in work with harmful and dangerous working conditions (clarifications of the Russian Ministry of Labor dated 02/13/2013, dated 10/01/2012; Information from the Russian Ministry of Labor dated 12/13/2012). We will tell you how to apply these clarifications in practice in the article.

  • Features of providing several standard deductions

    If an employee has the right to simultaneously receive two standard tax deductions for personal income tax (for example, 3,000 and 500 rubles), he is provided with only one, but the maximum of them. The “children’s” deduction is provided regardless of other deductions () clause 2 of Art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

  • "Payroll" violations. Responsibility

    Based on the provisions of the Labor Code, the following typical errors can be classified as “salary” violations: - delay in payment or non-payment of wages established by the employment contract, as well as incentive amounts provided for by the remuneration system; - discrepancy between the advance payment...

  • Payment of wages. Legal Features

    Salaries must be issued to employees at least every six months. The legislation does not provide for exceptions to this rule. It is valid even if the employees themselves wrote a statement requesting that their wages be paid less frequently (for example, once...

  • Debts due to those fired. What to do?

    Accountants of organizations often have to deal with situations when an employee quits, but remains in debt to the organization a certain amount of money. In these cases, the first question of interest is: what to do with the resulting debt of a resigned employee? All debt situations...

  • Employee benefits: insurance premiums and income tax

    We present the procedure for paying insurance premiums on individual payments to employees and their impact on taxable profit in the form of a table. Payments and other employee benefits Subject to insurance premiums Reduces…

  • Refund of overpaid contributions to compulsory social insurance

    Any organization may overpay contributions for compulsory social insurance for two reasons. The first is due to the fault of the organization itself. The second is that controllers (that is, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Federal Social Insurance Fund of Russia) collected a larger amount of money than was necessary.

  • Calculation of contributions for compulsory social insurance from compensation for “harmful” work and expenses for the purchase of work clothes

    The Labor Code provides for the obligation of the employing organization to provide workers with free protective clothing, footwear and equipment. personal protection, rinsing, neutralizing agents (*), as well as milk or other equivalent products (**) in accordance with established standards (***). As a rule...

  • Calculation of personal income tax on material assistance and gifts

    In general, financial assistance is subject to income tax. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Thus, the legislation provides for certain types of assistance that are not subject to taxation.

  • How to choose a payroll service provider

    The popularity of payroll outsourcing is growing, and every year more and more companies specializing in this area appear on the market. There are a few things to look for when choosing a contractor to outsource your payroll...

  • Wage indexation - a right or an obligation?

    Indexation of wages in connection with rising consumer prices for goods and services is a measure to ensure an increase in the level of its real content. The indexation procedure is determined by Article 134 of the Labor Code. Rostrud, when interpreting Article 134 of the Labor Code, came to the conclusion that the legislator established an unconditional obligation for the employer to carry out indexation

  • Calculation of wages in case of non-compliance with labor standards (output)

    Article 155 of the Labor Code is devoted to the procedure for remuneration in this case. It determines the minimum wage for non-compliance with standards. The employing company has the right to determine payment at a higher rate by establishing the relevant standards in the labor...

  • Pay on a holiday or day off

    Based on materials from the reference book "Salaries and other payments to employees" edited by V. Vereshchaki ( The article was published as part of the cooperation of the journal "Actual Accounting" and HRMaximum Holidays listed in Article 112 of the Labor Code. Job…

  • Standard child tax deductions: how to confirm your eligibility?

    Standard tax deductions provided for in paragraphs. 4 paragraphs 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are provided to the taxpayer-parent for the child (children) by one of the tax agents who are the source of payment of income, at the choice of the taxpayer on the basis of his written application and documents confirming the right to the specified tax deductions. However, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a specific list of such documents.

  • Salary Deposit

    An organization may keep cash in its cash registers in excess of established limits only for wages, social security benefits and scholarships. Moreover, these funds should not be stored for more than 3 working days, including the day the money is received from the bank. For organizations located in the Far North and equivalent areas, this period has been increased to 5 days.

  • Typical mistakes made by employers when making payments and deductions from wages

    Judicial practice shows that often the employer and employee do not fully understand their rights and obligations related to the calculation and receipt of wages. In this article I would like to touch upon the most painful aspects of labor relations for the parties to the employment contract - the collection of wages and the calculation of bonuses.

  • Payment of wages in kind

    Quite a rare situation, but it still happens. The employer pays part of the salary in kind. We'll talk about how to do this below.

  • Unpaid leave for employees: cases and procedure for provision

    Issues of providing unpaid leave are of more and more interest to employers. Workers are striving not only to extend their annual paid leave, but also to take a couple of days off. And sometimes it takes a day or two to resolve some specific small matters (go to the hospital, fill out documents, etc.). The solution in this case is unpaid leave. To prevent violations of labor laws, the employer needs to know the intricacies of providing such leave. We will talk about them in this article.

  • Sick leave calculation

    Benefits for temporary disability and in connection with maternity (maternity leave) are paid to employees working under employment contracts, as well as dismissed employees, in the event of disability occurring within 30 calendar days after termination of the employment contract.
    Temporary disability benefits are assigned if the application is made no later than six months from the date of restoration of working capacity (Article 12, Clause 1, 255-FZ).

  • Pay slip - questions and answers

    Question: Should we issue payslips if we transfer wages to a plastic card? If so, when? Answer: Yes, they should, and here's why. Based on Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation under...

  • We arrange a business trip

    Business travel is an inevitable part of the work process for many organizations. Moreover, not only the directly sent employee is involved in it, but also the personnel department. Proper execution of all necessary documents can cause many difficulties. Let's figure out what documents and in what cases need to be completed during a business trip and how to do it correctly.

    The abnormal heat and smoke that tormented Russians this summer made serious adjustments to the activities of many companies. In particular, the heads of a number of organizations took such measures as reducing the working day. What documents to draw up in such a situation and what salary to calculate, read the article.

  • Payroll outsourcing. Instructions for use from CFO Russia

    To survive in a competitive market, a company needs to be a subject matter expert. But it's not that simple - because even if you do one thing, you still have to solve a lot of administrative tasks that do not bring any additional benefit. Think about it, do you really need to do your own accounting, deal with taxes and calculate employee salaries? And at the same time be distracted from the core competencies of your business?

    What employee benefits are taken into account when calculating average wages?

    Many companies celebrate the New Year in December by ordering a banquet in a restaurant or purchasing food and drinks for the office...

  • We make deductions from salaries

    Withholding from an employee's wages is a failure to pay or transfer part of the wages that is due to him. In certain cases, deductions are made regardless of the will of the employer in accordance with the requirements of tax legislation, as well as to ensure claims against this employee from third parties, in cases, amounts and procedures established by the Labor Code and other federal laws.

  • How to prove “black” wages

    When to start collecting evidence? Before starting a conflict with your employer over unpaid wages, think about what evidence you have. “Black” wages make any employee more vulnerable to the employer,...

  • Sick leave: detecting fakes

    One of the significant advantages of working under an employment contract is the obligation to provide the employee with a number of social guarantees, including payment for sick time. And of course, the prospect of not going to work, but at the same time getting money turns out to be...

  • Is being late a reason for a fine?

    If an employee is late, then he must be punished, fined, for example, or deprived of a bonus. Many employers think this way. But is this legal? Let's figure out what sanctions an employer can apply to a late employee. And how to apply them without violating labor laws

  • If the company cannot pay wages on time

    In recent months, many companies, due to reasons beyond their control, have faced cash shortages. However, they are required to pay wages to employees on time. The article describes what awaits the employer if this legal requirement is not met.

  • Remuneration for work in harmful and dangerous conditions

    The opinion that labor legislation, in particular Art. 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, stimulates work in harmful and dangerous working conditions, requires closer attention and is, in my opinion, a shadow of a more complex, “overwhelming” and incorrectly resolved problem that has no relation to the text of the Labor Code.

  • How to register and pay for downtime at an enterprise?

    Many enterprises are forced to make decisions to suspend work - this is the most relevant way to reduce personnel costs. However, it must be justified before labor inspectors, that is, provide documentary evidence of the duration of the downtime, the reasons why it occurred, and indicate which of the workers was forced to suspend work. The legislation does not say what documents need to be drawn up, how to introduce idle time at the enterprise and terminate it, so the HR employee may have questions. How to announce downtime to employees? What time is considered downtime? How to document downtime? How to correctly calculate and pay for it?

  • Leave without pay: legal aspects

    Taking into account the current illegal practice of using leave without pay, many norms of the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation need to be rethought. Approximately in 1995 - 1999. There was a kind of “epidemic” in our country...

  • Procedure for paying sick leave

    Payment for sick leave is the most important component of the labor relationship; it affects both the tax sphere, and the sphere of responsibility of the accounting department, and the organization’s lawyers, and, of course, the activities of the personnel service. HR officers determine the employee’s insurance length, fill out the appropriate section of the sick leave sheet, and also provide employees with explanations about the current legislation. But often the procedure for paying sick leave raises questions among the personnel officer himself.

  • Northern Territories workers are a special category

    Legislation establishes the right of workers to compensation for expenses associated with travel to a place of rest. When exercising this right, the employer needs to know the sources of financing for this type of compensation, as well as the categories of employees who are entitled to such payments, and responsibility for the delay or refusal of this type of payment.

  • Awards for key performance results

    A specific feature of the organization of wages in Russia in the non-budgetary sector of the economy is the variety of types of bonuses used by employers. Bonuses make up a significant portion of an employee's remuneration. Meanwhile, the world practice of organizing wages in countries with market economies does not know such a variety of bonuses and their significant impact on the amount of workers’ earnings.

  • The practice of reducing salaries: working on mistakes

    To retain staff in times of financial difficulties, many employers are reducing employee salaries. It would seem that there are many ways for such a reduction. For example, with the stroke of a pen, reduce salaries, cancel incentive payments, transfer employees to part-time rates. But how legal is this? Today we will look into this by answering the most typical questions received by the editor from our readers.

Income tax is calculated on the actual income of employees for the month and is 13% for residents of the Russian Federation and 30% for non-residents of the Russian Federation. The income of an individual for calculating income tax can be expressed in any form: monetary, tangible and intangible.

The role of tax agents

Tax agents are any organizations or entrepreneurs who pay wages and other remuneration individuals. When paying wages to employees, the tax agent is obliged to calculate the amount of tax, withhold it and transfer it to the budget.

It must be remembered that, according to , the tax agent must withhold personal income tax from the income of employees when they are actually paid. But at the time of payment of the advance, no income tax is paid.

Tax reduction

For this purpose, the Tax Code specifies specially applied deductions:

  • standard (used when there are children of a certain age);
  • social (applies to the provision of documents for treatment or education);
  • property (applied when purchasing housing).

The above deductions are issued to the Federal Tax Service or the employer on the basis of a notification issued by the tax authority. A deduction for children is provided upon application from the employer accompanied by the necessary documents.

At the end of the year, reports are submitted.

Contributions to funds

Insurance agents pay monthly contributions to extra-budgetary funds to the payroll of their employees. This ensures that the insured persons have the right to receive pensions, medical care, disability benefits, and maternity benefits.

Companies and entrepreneurs pay contributions from their own funds, not from employees. Reporting on contributions to extra-budgetary funds is submitted quarterly and annually.

Payroll taxes for employees

Personal income tax at a rate of 13% is paid by resident taxpayers, 30% by non-residents.

Insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds are calculated and transferred at the following rates:

  • in the Pension Fund of Russia - 22%
  • in the Social Insurance Fund - 2.9%
  • in the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund - 5.1%
  • for injuries - from 0.2 to 8.5%

In jobs with difficult working conditions, in underground work, in hot shops, female tractor drivers, drivers of locomotive crews are provided with additional tariffs for insurance premiums.

Contribution rates are set out in.

The main part of the contributions is transferred to the Federal Tax Service. Only contributions for injuries are sent to the Social Insurance Fund. It is necessary to use the new BCC for insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory contributions for individual entrepreneurs in 2019

Under any tax regime, an individual entrepreneur is required to make systematic deductions for himself. Often, an individual entrepreneur does not have an employer and does not pay wages; in this case, fixed payments are calculated from income. The amount of contributions to the funds depends on the amount of income received.

Since 2018, the insurance burden of individual entrepreneurs has been decoupled from the minimum wage, and the amount of contributions has become fixed. The amounts of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance (OPI) and compulsory health insurance (CHI) until 2020 are indicated.

By general rule, individual entrepreneurs are required to pay insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds:

  • for your own compulsory medical insurance and compulsory medical insurance;
  • for compulsory social insurance (OSS) of employees, if the entrepreneur has them.

Also, individual entrepreneurs can voluntarily pay insurance premiums to OSS for themselves if they want to receive benefits from the Social Insurance Fund (for example, maternity benefits, child benefits, temporary disability benefits). To do this, you need to register with the Social Insurance Fund yourself. How to do this is described in the article “”. The amount of insurance premiums that an individual entrepreneur needs to transfer to the Social Insurance Fund if he enters into a voluntary legal relationship with him under OSS, in 2019 is 3,925.44 rubles.

The essence of the risk is that the GPC agreements, which actually regulate labor relations, can be reclassified as labor (). There are a number that courts pay attention to when recognizing the relationship as an employment relationship.

The consequence of recharacterization of the contract is the accrual of arrears, fines, penalties, liability for violation of labor and labor protection laws, etc.

Registration of employees as individual entrepreneurs

This is another option to minimize employee costs. For example, if you take an individual entrepreneur using the simplified tax system “income”, then the amount of payment of the actual salary will be 6%, you also need to take into account contributions to compulsory pension insurance - 29,354 rubles. and contributions for compulsory medical insurance - 6,884 rubles. If the income of an individual entrepreneur exceeds
300,000 rub. per year, then plus 1% of the excess amount is paid.

In order to save money, employers even compensate the necessary amounts within 6%, which is also beneficial for individual entrepreneurs - in fact, the entrepreneur receives the full amount. In this case, the individual entrepreneur is deprived of all guarantees provided for by the Labor Code.

An agreement with an individual entrepreneur, as in the previous case, may be recognized as an employment contract if it contains signs that the individual entrepreneur is in fact involved in production process, performs the same duties every day as regular employees, and also works at the company's location and uses its equipment. The tax office takes into account the totality of signs and testimony of witnesses. If it turns out that the company really “hid” the employment relationship in contracts with individual entrepreneurs, the tax office will go to court, and then additional taxes will be assessed.

“Transfer” of employees into self-employed

This scheme became known as soon as the professional income tax came into force, which allowed people who work for themselves to become officially self-employed.

From January 1, 2019, those who registered as self-employed pay a tax of 4% on income from transactions with individuals and 6% on income from transactions with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Some employers have decided to transfer some of their employees to professional income tax payers, that is, to fire them and re-register relations with them using GPC agreements.

Employers have realized that the benefits from this are quite large: they cease to be tax agents for personal income tax in relation to an employee who has become self-employed, and get rid of the obligation to pay insurance premiums. Accordingly, they are also not required to comply with any guarantees under the Labor Code. Self-employed employees remain without severance pay, paid leave and benefits in case of temporary disability.

However, it is worth considering that in addition to obvious signs that may indicate the real status of a “self-employed” (for example, the daily presence of a former employee in the office and his use of a specific workplace), there are also provisions of the law itself on the self-employed. They indicate that tax exemption and the use of a special regime in the form of a tax on professional income is possible no earlier than two years later.

Are you paying your workers too much? Or too little?

If you have a small construction or finishing business, then you have thought about how to pay your employees for their work (regardless of whether they are on your staff or “for one site”).

In this article, you will learn about the four types of workers found in the construction and finishing industry and how to pay them.

First you need to figure out who can work for you.

Four types of workers in construction and finishing

I roughly divide workers into four types: terrorist, student, hard worker and professional.


The terrorist knows how to work, what you expect from him, and what he gets money for.

But doesn't do this out of principle.

He will harm you because he will always find a moral justification for this, will steal at every opportunity and will never admit his guilt.

You cannot work with terrorists, and if you realize that your employee belongs to this type, you need to fire him immediately.


The fact that we call such an employee a student does not mean that he is studying at a university or technical school. This means that he still knows and knows little.

He is energetic and considers his main advantage to be quick learning. I’m ready to take on any task, because I don’t really know how to do anything, but I hope to learn quickly.

As a rule, I am ready to work for pennies.

Everyone starts out as students, but some live in this state for many years. These are harmful workers because they are unproductive and require a lot of attention from experienced workers.


The most common type of worker.

Knows what to do and how. Ready to work if he knows why. Often lacks ambition, and therefore does not take initiative.

Perfectly matches the principle of the average employee. Enjoys the awards.

As a rule, he is quite honest and expects the same from you or his immediate superior. Although, in small things he can steal, without considering it a sin. By the way, here it is.

If he is dissatisfied with something, he will endure it until he explodes.

In any stable construction company, the largest percentage is hard workers.


There is no point in adding anything to the article here, everything is as it is.

Methods of payment for work in construction and renovation of premises

Based on your knowledge of the types of workers, you can choose one of the payment methods for construction or finishing labor from the following.


The most common and reasonable way to pay workers in construction and finishing. “As much as I worked, I earned as much.”

For piecework payment, you need to have clear prices and the work must be measurable numerically: so many cubes of concrete, so many squares of gypsum board.

When you calculate a detailed estimate for an object, you have all this data, and you can use it when negotiating with workers.

When we were renovating apartments, my partner simply gave the workers an estimate with the volumes and types of work, removing prices by item from it, leaving only the resulting amount. Or he put down prices that we considered reasonable in order to agree on them with the workers.

For simple types of work, such as siding installation, this is even easier to do: there is an agreed price per square, there is a calculated area.

The deal is clear to everyone, so hard workers and professionals respond well to it.


The salary has a number of disadvantages that make it unreasonable in most cases.

If you pay a person a fixed salary that does not depend on how he works, then this will corrupt the person.

There are, however, exceptions.

Firstly, there are people who always work the same way. This often applies to people over 50, of the old school. Their upbringing and ideological core do not allow freeloading and hack-work. Conscience will then seize.

The second exception is auxiliaries, which may well be students (see description of this type above). They don't know how to do anything, so it makes sense to put them in types of work that cannot be assessed numerically.

In most cases, if the worker is on your salary, then this salary cannot be large. Unless he is a very good and stable employee, which is rare.

Salary + bonus

A bonus is a great way to add motivation. In addition, it can improve salary efficiency.

If your workers are officially registered, then according to Russian law you cannot fine them for anything. But if you pay them according to the “salary + bonus” system, then this gives you a tool for financial influence.

The salary is the base that you pay in any case, so it should be minimal.

The bonus is calculated based on the implementation of the plan. It can have three meanings:

  • not fulfilled - no bonus;
  • completed - bonus 70%;
  • overfulfilled - bonus 70-100%.

An employee who has not received a bonus for three months in a row will most likely leave on his own. And if he doesn’t leave, then it’s better to say goodbye to him.

By the way, if we talk about encouragement, it should be conscious and thoughtful. I wrote about this in this article:

Fix from object

If all the objects in your business area are the same, then you can agree on a fixed payment for one object.

In general, such a system is more suitable for wages for a foreman at a small construction site, but this can also be applied to workers. Especially if you have stable teams that work the same way.

Fix is ​​somewhat similar to a deal, but easier for you. Especially if you have your own production.

For example, you make change houses or house kits for several projects: you know what types and volumes of work are included in the production, and you can pay for the final result.

Total amount per object

This method is suitable for experienced workers and professionals. You agreed with the customer on the amount of work and subtracted the profit you want to receive from this amount. What remains is what you are willing to pay the workers.

How much does a construction foreman earn?

If the foreman or foreman knows his business, then he will ask all the necessary questions about how to achieve the result sold to the customer. This will let him know whether he is ready to take on the money offered.

If he sees that there is a lot to be done and not enough money, he will either refuse or offer to raise the payment. And he will tell you how much.

This form of payment does not work well with inexperienced workers: they will most likely agree right away, but then they will peck at your brain with complaints about the payment being too low and offers to increase this payment. And the formula “you knew what you were getting into” will not work with them; moreover, it may push them towards terrorism.

A professional will think through everything, and if he fits in, he will do it right. An experienced worker may try to move you along as you work, but without tearing your shirt across your chest or making loud statements.

It makes no sense to discuss the amount from the object with a student.

Percentage per object

I think this approach is stupid, but some people do it.

You negotiate with the workers: I look for orders, organize, purchase, deliver and extract money from the customer, and you work.

And you agree to divide the money in a fair ratio. Often it is 70% for the workers, 30% for the organizer.

Why is this form of calculation unreasonable?

As you develop as a marketer and salesperson, you learn to sell at higher prices.

And if your workers take a fixed percentage of the cost of the object, then you, in fact, work for them. They get rich at the expense of your development, without doing anything for it.

Because the average market prices for work do not change, and the money they receive for this work grows as your development. Not their development, mind you.

This will reduce your motivation for development, because development should bring the greatest benefit to you first, and then to those who work with your hands.

The advantage of this approach is that it is very simple and transparent. An approach for lazy people.


This method is the most rare. It usually involves the use of equipment that is not permanently located on site. For example, an excavator.

Sometimes this method of payment is practiced by installation supervision specialists.

I can hardly imagine the use of time-based construction in construction and finishing in other cases.

Time workers usually employ either super-professional workers with precisely specified and guaranteed labor productivity, or operators of rented equipment.

Update 2.11.2017.

Time payments can be used to pay for work that is not measurable in meters, tons and square meters. For example, minor improvements when renovating an apartment.

It’s a pity to assign a brigade to such work, especially if there are signed projects where the brigade will bring more money. Therefore, some companies employ a special person for finishing touches, experienced and attentive to details.

Such a person can be paid on time. It is better if it is a professional, absolutely autonomous.

You can do this:

  • show the object to the customer;
  • collect a list of complaints and improvements;
  • send a technician to fix it;
  • remove payment for the foreman’s time from the team that worked before him.

In this situation, you do not pay out of profit for the correction, and the team that works on site is motivated to work as efficiently as possible.

In addition, temporary workers can be paid. Usually it is paid not by the hour, but by the day of work (per shift).

Which payment method should the owner of a small construction or finishing company choose?

How to pay workers will depend on what kind of facilities and workers you have.

The main thing you must understand: the payment must be such that bring you maximum profit, while retaining the people you need.

Of course, you won’t achieve retention with money alone, and methods of non-financial motivation will be required. I even have an article about this: .

How much to pay, how to properly build relationships with hired workers, contract workers, and domestic staff. (10+)

How to hire an employee, household staff and get the result you need - Pay level, right relationships

Respect your employee

You are a professional in your field, he is a professional in his, otherwise why did you hire him? If you are not satisfied with his work, let him know immediately. Do this in a calm tone, without emotion. For you, it is a mechanism that performs certain functions. There's no point in getting angry at the mechanism. The mechanism either works or is replaced. If the comments have no effect, fire the employee immediately. There is no point in using your own money to educate and promote a person who is a stranger to you. If the work is done well, be sure to note this and thank the employee. But do this also calmly, without unnecessary emotions, without familiarity. You shouldn’t pour a glass or give a tip, it’s rude and impolite. Enough to say thank you.

By the way, it is best when your employee also perceives you as a mechanism that gives out money in exchange for good work, makes comments in response to bad work, and may stop giving out money if there are too many comments. All this - without any emotions or personalities.

A common mistake is lack of feedback. Roughly speaking, the employee is not doing something the way you want. But you don’t tell him about this because you don’t like pointing out people’s shortcomings. Most people don't like to do this. You accumulate dissatisfaction in yourself until the red line is crossed. Then you scold the person, and, of course, in the process of scolding you say a lot of unnecessary words. Often during a delivery, an employee simply does not understand what they want from him, he simply listens and nods his head. In fact, he really had nothing to do with it. He didn’t even know that you were unhappy with something. Making comments to hired workers and correcting their work is completely normal., after all, you pay them money and should get quality work for this money.

Train yourself to calmly, without emotion, point out shortcomings to staff as soon as you notice them, and praise them for good work. It's important here regularity. If in a week you have not made a single comment and have not praised even once, something is wrong. Either you are satisfied - then the employee deserves praise, or you are unhappy - then you need to point out the shortcomings.

Pay attention to this fact. People have their own specific psychological characteristics, which a person cannot change at his own discretion. If an employee suits you, then determine for yourself whether you are ready to put up with his psychological characteristics. If not, the employee will have to be fired. It is impossible to re-educate an adult.

Each person has personal time, which you have no right to claim if everything goes according to your agreements and plan. Respect a person's personal time, do not disturb him, give him a rest.

Discipline of hired employees

If you do not want problems, immediately warn the hired employee that he must maintain discipline. For example, show up at work (at your home) on time, be sober, and not use psychotropic drugs or drugs. You may have any additional requirements. Immediately upon hiring, warn the person about your discipline requirements. Inform him that for violation of discipline, dismissal will follow immediately, without payment of any compensation or payment for work already performed. If this does not suit him, then let him refuse the hire. By making such a statement, you will immediately dot all the i’s and make it clear that you will insist on your demands. Slackers who have mustaches, know everything themselves, plan everything, don’t work for six months, then do everything in a week, “like professionals,” won’t come to work for you, but you don’t need them.


Do not create conditions where your hired employee will have contact with your valuables, money, secret documents, passwords, data. You need to have a safe in your house where you can store money, jewelry, and secret information. In publicly accessible places you can keep things that are of no value to you or your employees. There is absolutely no need to expose people to temptation.

Payment of hired labor

The level of payment must be maintained slightly above the market average. If you are looking for a worker through an agency, then they will tell you an acceptable level of payment, if according to advertisements, then just call several people and understand what money they are willing to work for. You need to add 20 percent to this amount to make your offer interesting and attractive.

If this is a design work, then, of course, you need to decide on the cost of the entire project. Project work can be divided into stages with stage-by-stage payment. But agree to this option only if you are absolutely sure that each stage is complete, and the work at the next stage can be continued by other people without loss of time, money and quality. For example, pouring the foundation is a good separate stage. Another team can build on the finished foundation. No prepayment is required.

If the job is more or less permanent, then you need to agree on how long the employee agrees to work for you on the agreed terms. Of course, a person can quit at any time. Your circumstances may also change, and the need for an employee may no longer exist. But make it clear to your employee that you will be ready to discuss and change the conditions of his work only after the specified period has expired. If the conditions do not suit him at all, then let him leave. In this way, we will protect ourselves from constant talk about salary increases. If it is immediately stated that this issue will be discussed once every six months to a year, then at the right time it will be inconvenient for a person to immediately ask for a doubling of the salary. So indexation will have to be carried out, but at a very moderate pace. And if this is not done, then the issue of raising wages will always arise.

It is better to pay your salary weekly. This will make it easier for your employee to plan their expenses. There are different opinions on this matter. Discuss the payment schedule with your employee.

For good work on paydays, you can pay a bonus (up to 10% of the salary). This has a positive effect on the quality of work. Additional work can also be paid separately if it is not part of the employee’s duties and is performed on your instructions.

Congratulations on significant dates for a person, small monetary or non-monetary gifts for these dates work very well.

Unfortunately, errors are periodically found in articles; they are corrected, articles are supplemented, developed, and new ones are prepared.