Steps to obtaining the profession of "electric train driver". Steps to obtaining the profession "electric train driver" Train driver what items are needed

Becoming a Russian Railways train driver is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. But there are options. Which? Let's find out!

In this profession, just dreams are not enough. There are a number of factors that can prevent you from making your dream come true. So how to become an electric train driver?

First, you must be born a man, because Russian Railways does not accept women as train drivers. The work of a driver is physically and psychologically difficult, associated with heavy loads, long stays in confined spaces, strong vibration, long flights at any time of the day or night, and nervous strain.

All this negatively affects women's health. In addition, there are a number of factors that are taken into account when hiring drivers.

How to become a Russian Railways driver?

Here is a list of requirements that must be met in order to become and get a job as a driver at Russian Railways.

  1. Medical commission - only physically healthy people who have passed a medical commission specifically for workers, with in-depth examination of vision, hearing, and heart, can become a driver. A check is carried out by a psychiatrist and a narcologist and reports are issued.
  2. Education - to become a Russian Railways electric train driver, you need to undergo training at one of the educational institutions, pass exams, undergo metalwork practice, train practice (from 18 years old), simulator training, confirm your qualifications and receive permission to work as an “assistant driver”.
  3. Internship - undergo an internship under the supervision of a mentor for 3-4 months, not only learn how to operate an electric train, but also be able to maintain it, conduct pre-trip checks, quickly find faults and be able to correct them.
  4. Work experience - to become a Russian Railways train driver, an assistant driver must work for at least 2 years without accidents or notices, undergo advanced training, undergo simulator training to learn how to deal with emergency situations (training lasts 3-4 months), then pass a qualification exam and obtain the right to drive an electric train.
  5. Advanced training - becoming an electric train driver is not everything. Such a profession requires constant improvement of the level of knowledge, skills, and qualifications.

According to work experience and qualifications, drivers range from 3rd to 1st class. The highest level is class 1, which allows the driver to work on the most modern electric trains and carry out passenger transportation over long distances. This is achieved through years of flawless, trouble-free operation and high level of knowledge.

In addition, every 5 years, drivers undergo training and retraining. After all, technology is improving every year, and old electric trains are being replaced by modern, comfortable electric trains equipped with the latest technology. The driver's cabin of such electric trains is more like a pilot's cabin - there are so many electronics and instruments. And to work on some electric trains, knowledge of English and training in communicating with passengers via driver-passenger communication is required.

Even after learning to be a machinist and passing all the tests, there is no guarantee of getting a good position and getting a job in the place where you dream.

How to get a job as a driver at Russian Railways?

You can start your job search by viewing vacancies on the Russian Railways website. You can choose for yourself best option, which will satisfy both the salary and qualification requirements, the location of the depot and the direction of movement.

But even with a large number of vacancies, becoming a driver in Russian Railways is not so easy. Having an education, but no work experience, it is difficult to apply for a good position. Even with work experience, they most often hire you on a probationary period or a grade lower. Every applicant wants to find a decent job and become a driver with a good salary.

To get a job as a driver at Russian Railways, you need to be prepared for the following requirements:

  • military service
  • medical commission
  • 100% normal vision and color perception
  • education

Once you get a job as a Russian Railways driver, you will have to undergo a medical examination (blood pressure, heartbeat, alcohol test) before each flight, as well as after the completion of the flight. If any indicators are violated, the driver will be removed from the trip and sent to undergo a medical examination.

However, many people strive to work for Russian Railways, as there are retirement benefits, free travel on Russian Railways transport once a year, provision of uniforms and high salary make the profession of a Russian Railways driver attractive to young people.

You can find available vacancies on various employment sites. But the most proven and safest way is to get a job in the place in Russian Railways that is most known about positive feedback from employees.

You can first communicate with people already working there, find out the real situation, so as not to be deceived and not get what you would like.

First stepmedical examination

In the subway and on commuter trains, they are constantly announcing the hiring of drivers. Quite modest initial requirements (it is enough to be a man under 40 with a secondary education) and a good salary attract many, but the path to the position of “electric train captain” turns out to be long and full of obstacles...

The driver needs to have iron health: driving an electric train is harmful work. This is a large load on vision and hearing, exposure to electromagnetic radiation and vibration, dusty air (including metal dust, especially in the subway). It is no coincidence that a driver’s working day (or night) begins with a mandatory medical examination: checking blood pressure, temperature, cardiac activity, and an alcohol test. Therefore, no matter where you decide to study: in one of the electric depots (if we are talking about the metro) or in college (to work on electric trains), the first thing you will have to face is a harsh medical examination. First, doctors will carefully check your health, then you will undergo psychological testing to find out whether you are ready to be responsible for hundreds of people, to be collected and attentive for a long time, to make decisions literally in a split second.

In some educational institutions, for example, in the specialized Railway College N 52, the requirements are softer: it is enough to bring a regular medical certificate (086). However, before the last - train - practice, you will still have to undergo a full medical examination: over two years of study, your health may deteriorate (vision - due to computers, hearing - due to players, etc.). And if some indicators turn out to be below the norm (most of the candidates are eliminated during medical examinations), then you will not be a driver - you will have to be content with the profession of a mechanic and repair cars.

Main stages of the medical examination:

    vision check (it must be perfect), fundus condition

    audiogram (hearing test)

    bicycle ergometry


    tests, vaccination certificates, medical record extracts

    Examine specialist doctors: surgeon, neurologist, dentist, otolaryngologist, therapist.

If there is a deferment from military service, it should not be related to health. Drivers undergo a medical examination every three years.

The machiniststhrough college

If everything is in order with your health and psyche, you can start training. Electric train drivers in Moscow are trained by two educational institutions: Railway College N 52 and Moscow College of Railway Transport. Here, as part of primary vocational education (PPE), you can learn to become an assistant driver in ten months (after 11th grade) or in two years and ten months (after 9th grade). In principle, this may be enough to start a profession, but it is better to gain more in-depth knowledge and secondary vocational education(SPO), having entered the specialty “Technical operation of rolling stock of railways.” Studying will take two years and ten months after the 11th grade and almost four years after the 9th grade, but college graduates receive a higher qualification as a technician.

To enter Railway College No. 52, after the 9th grade you need to pass an exam in physics and the Russian language (dictation), after the 11th grade - in mathematics and Russian (exposition). At the Moscow College of Railway Transport you will study Russian (dictation) and mathematics (oral).

During your studies, you will receive the rank of mechanic for repairing rolling stock (by passing an exam after on-the-job training), and then begin studying the basic disciplines: maintenance electric trains, automatic brakes, etc.

To study in the underground

Colleges train universal specialists for both commuter trains and the metro, but those who want to work in the metro usually prefer a different path: they choose a depot (metro line), go to the appropriate personnel department and declare their intention to become a driver. The depot sends the candidate for training to the Training and Production Center (TPC) of the Moscow Metro.

The training is intensive: first you need to undergo mandatory plumbing practice and receive a rank, then study the equipment of the electric train, get acquainted with numerous instructions and professional terminology.

Vyacheslav Garanin, Head of the UOC of the Moscow Metro:

– Recently, we have managed to significantly reduce the training time: now we train assistant drivers in one month, and train drivers in six months. This was achieved through the introduction modern technologies: computer programs that allow you to study the equipment of cars in detail, educational films (to see with your own eyes how, for example, cars are assembled, you don’t have to go to the factory), unique simulators, ready-made illustrated notes for each student (they save 70% of the teacher’s time) .

The finale of the first stage of training is train practice. It takes place over several weeks on an electric train along a specific route. Important condition– by this time the student must already be 18 years old. After successfully passing the exam, the graduate is awarded the qualification “driver’s assistant.” He will have to work in this position from several months (in the metro) to two years (on commuter trains): check technical condition trains, monitor boarding, respond to requests via “passenger-driver” communication and, of course, learn from the driver’s experience in driving an electric train.

Here, locomotive control is learned at a new level: future drivers train on simulators that simulate train control and learn how to get out of emergency situations. The training lasts four to six months, after which the graduate receives the right to drive an electric train.

Finally, the “fired” newcomer sits down at the driver’s controller - the main lever for controlling the train. He must gain experience, grow from a 4th class driver to a 1st class driver, and then take the position of driver-instructor. To increase the rank, the driver undergoes training again and passes an exam.

For those who have proven themselves well, the depot can offer free training in Moscow state university communications, and a specialist with a higher engineering education in the railways has significantly more opportunities for growth. Thus, in the administration of JSC Russian Railways or in the Department of State Railway Supervision there are managers who once worked as drivers.

Career and salary

Volume passenger transportation constantly growing, lines developing. therefore, commuter trains and subways are in constant need of drivers and assistants. But before you connect your life with driving an electric train, you should know: this is not a job for a year or two. In order to become “one of the people” on the railway, she will have to devote most of her life. The salary of assistant drivers is from 15 thousand rubles, drivers with experience, receiving bonuses and allowances, earn up to 25-30 thousand rubles.

If your work day begins with the phrase: “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of the Russian Railways company, I and our crew are pleased to welcome you on board the Sapsan train, which means you are the driver of the fastest train in Russia. And your job is to “fly” every day without leaving the ground: after all, in certain sections between St. Petersburg and Moscow, the train reaches a speed comparable to the take-off speed of a modern airliner. And certainly nowhere in Sapsan can you find a better view from the window than in the driver’s cabin. They don't sell tickets there, but you can try to make the driver's cabin your workplace.

1) Experience - at least 5 years, class - not lower than 2nd

You may not be a poet, but you must be a driver. And not lower than 2nd class - in order to get on the Sapsan. For those who are far from the railways, let us explain: to get 2nd class you need to work as an electric train driver for 3 years. The countdown begins with the 4th class, which allows you to control locomotives and electric trains. In the case of Sapsan, in addition to high class, you also need to have experience under your belt - at least 5 years.

2) Health - like astronauts

The path to the driver's seat lies through the medical examination. Requirements for physical condition candidates are harsh. Future drivers will be tested for vision (it must be 100 percent), hearing, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system and other vital organs. Psychological testing is still needed to determine how attentive the candidate is and whether he is ready to bear responsibility for the lives of hundreds of people. And most importantly - no bad habits: Even the drivers don’t smoke at Sapsan!

3) Speak English!

Sapsan drivers are the only ones on domestic Russian trains who talk to passengers on English. Therefore, future candidates should be tested for their basic knowledge during the interview. Of course, no one requires fluency, but you won’t be able to limit yourself to popular expressions and famous words from Hollywood films.

4) “Driver’s license” for “Sapsan”

One specialized education(in Moscow, for example, train drivers at the Railway College No. 52 or the Moscow College of Railway Transport) is not enough. It is also necessary to obtain a special certificate, which gives the right to operate the Sapsan. The first drivers of trains new to Russia were trained in Germany at Siemens. And almost a year ago, such courses appeared in Russia: on February 1, 2010, the Locomotive Crew Training Center opened in St. Petersburg, where future drivers train. First, they practice theory and practice on the Sapsan simulator at the Center, then consolidate their knowledge on a real train at the Metallostroy depot, where the fastest train in Russia is registered.

Machinists are first born, and then become. This truth is also true for Sapsan drivers. Only the very best operate on high-speed trains best shots: drivers of the St. Petersburg junction, Moscow junction and Gorky railway. However, even an ordinary driver can get behind the wheel of the fastest train in Russia if he meets all the requirements. The main thing, as noted in the North-Western Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport, is that the candidate for Sapsan driver not only knows all the instructions, but also knows how to apply them competently and promptly: at speeds over 200 km/h there is not much time to think.

Let us add on our own behalf: drivers are truly the elite of railway transport, whose experience is also in demand in the management of Russian Railways. For example, the director of the Directorate for High-Speed ​​Transport of JSC Russian Railways, Dmitry Pegov, went from being an assistant driver to heading the high-speed line and becoming the head of Sapsan.

By the way, you can ask your questions in the comments. We will forward them to Sapsan drivers and you will receive first-hand answers

Have you decided to train as an assistant driver or driver in the future? Then this article is for you. Here is comprehensive information about who is hired in this field, what types of rolling stock there are.

We will look at the main points regarding the profession of “driver’s assistant”:

  • education;
  • professional selection;
  • medical examination;
  • types of locomotives;
  • field of activity;
  • responsibilities;
  • errors;
  • average salary;
  • work schedule.

Let's stop at each point and consider everything in detail. But still, let’s better start with what kind of profession this is and whether they will hire you.

Medical examination

Why did we suddenly decide to start with it? But because this is how it will be: first you will be sent to the clinic to undergo it. Below we present the most common diseases, due to which, unfortunately, drivers are not hired as assistant drivers. Ten years ago I studied at a railway college. Currently, the education system is completely different. But even then, before the young man took the test, he passed a medical examination. Currently, in almost any depot, a newly hired future assistant driver is first sent to the clinic. So, what are the main doctors? Let's list:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon.

Not all specialists are listed. In addition, you will be sent to the district clinic for a card, to a psychoneurological and drug treatment clinic. It is very important that you are not registered there.

The therapist listens to you and asks if you have any complaints. Next, your blood pressure will be measured. It should be normal. Under no circumstances should you take any medications to pretend to be well. Remember that accidents with transport workers happen precisely for this reason: keeping silent about illness.

You will have your hearing, nose, throat, and mouth checked by an ENT specialist. Slightly reduced hearing in one ear is already grounds for writing in the conclusion: “Unfit.” Therefore, if you have problems in this area or at least regular ringing in your ears, you will not be allowed to become an assistant driver.

Your vision must be one hundred percent. There should be no deviations in color perception. The optometrist examines your eyes very carefully. If you wear contact lenses or have had laser correction, you will not be able to hide it. In any case, you will not pass the medical examination.

The cardiologist should see only ideal cardiometry on the ECG without any deviations.

The surgeon examines you to make sure that all your limbs are intact and there are no problems with your posture. Coordination of movements is also important.

Professional selection

Congratulations if you passed the medical examination! Do you think that you can now count on future position"driver's assistant"? You won't have training tomorrow, believe me. You still need to pass the professional selection process. If you have successfully passed all the doctors, then, unfortunately, you can lose at the psychologist.

You will be seated in front of a monitor, and you must dexterously find the dot that has just appeared on the screen. If you have an excellent reaction and increased attention, then you will succeed, it is important not to be distracted.

You may have to undergo other types of testing. It all depends on the enterprise: metro or Russian Railways. The type of locomotive also plays a big role.

Scope of activity

Choose in advance where you want to work: in the metro or on the railway. Although it is planned to soon completely abandon two-person work on the Moscow metro, that is, there is no need for an assistant driver. Training is currently being conducted with the emphasis that you will then work only as a machinist. In other metros, perhaps they are still working with two people, but not everywhere.

On the railway, on the other hand, both are required. An assistant driver of a Russian Railways electric train undergoes training at the training and production center and directly with the driver to whom he is assigned.

Types of locomotives, electric trains and training features

In the metro there are electric trains, motor locomotives and railcars (utility trains). You choose who you want to study for yourself. You need to contact the electrical depot that is closest to your home.

There are more types of locomotives on Russian Railways:

  • motor-car rolling stock (suburban trains);
  • electric locomotive (passenger or freight);
  • diesel locomotive (passenger, cargo, mainline/shunting);
  • utility trains and restoration equipment.

Almost all of them (except for shunting ones) work is carried out by two people.

Electric train

An assistant electric train driver's training takes about 3-4 months. During this time, he must learn all the basics regarding duties, the structure of cars, learn about possible malfunctions and how to identify them.

Electric locomotive

Don't want to work on electric trains, are you more attracted to an electric locomotive? Then you need to go not to the multiple unit (locomotive) depot, but to the electric depot. Training an assistant driver of an electric locomotive is much simpler. It is worth noting that many railway universities and technical schools send students (volunteers) to work for Russian Railways for summer internships. Time will be spent only on passing the medical examination. Then, if you pass it (and the psychologist too), you are placed as an understudy. That is, there will be three of you in the cab: the driver, the assistant driver and you. Your task is to observe, ask questions about the topic, and learn. If you successfully pass the exam/test to the instructor, then you are allowed to work.


The training system on a diesel locomotive is approximately the same. But I want to warn you that working on this type of locomotive is much more harmful, since diesel fuel is released into the atmosphere. Many locomotive workers who have worked for ten years suffer from diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. An assistant diesel locomotive driver is trained in the same way as an electric locomotive driver.

Responsibilities and Mistakes

It doesn’t matter what type of locomotive you choose, metro or Russian Railways, you must learn the three most important books:

You can be asked any question from these books. Therefore, on the very first day of work, purchase them and start reading and studying. In principle, training to become an assistant driver (RZD) comes down to three tasks:

  • treasured books: PTE, ISI, IDP;
  • the basics of designing and repairing a locomotive (including coupling and uncoupling);
  • attentiveness.

Your task while the train is moving is to monitor the clearness of the track, traffic lights, and speed. You must control the actions of the driver, including checking whether he is speeding where he should not. In emergency situations, the assistant must release the stop valve if the driver does not take any measures.

Mistakes of assistant drivers: Russian “maybe” and “nothing will happen.” Unfortunately, due to the distraction of locomotive crews, major accidents occur on Russian Railways. Quite often, the switch post attendants mistakenly move the switches to the wrong route. The assistant's task is to monitor how the arrow is positioned.

Salary and work schedule

The average salary of an assistant driver at Russian Railways is about 20,000 rubles. Everything will depend on the region and work experience. On the Moscow road the payment is much higher.

As for the schedule, mainline drivers and assistants do not have a stable schedule. They are given a regulated break between shifts (from 16 hours), as well as a monthly standard of hours. The locomotive crew may not even know when they will be called next time. Therefore, if you are a free person in every sense, then feel free to choose this profession. In conclusion, it is worth recalling: the assistant driver of the Russian Railways electric train is trained in training center, while he receives a scholarship.

So we have studied the profession of an assistant driver and considered all the nuances. And all you have to do is answer your questions: do I have good health and do I have a desire?

Among the many working specialties, there are those that have been dreamed of since childhood. They are shrouded in an aura of romance and high professionalism. One of them is the profession of “train driver”. He is the most important person in railway transport, and his activities are related to locomotive control.

A brief excursion into the history of the profession

As soon as the first rails were laid and the first train was released, the question of its management became acute. For a successful trip, you need not only relevant knowledge, but also specific character traits.

In Russia, the profession of “train driver” arose back in 1834. Initially, small trains of only four cars ran on the rails. Their speed did not exceed 33 km/h. But after increasing the power and speed limit to 42 km/h, people were needed to cope with the increasing load. Therefore, training courses were organized to gain knowledge and skills in railway transport management.

Machinists were especially in demand during the Soviet Union. The laying of rails proceeded at a tremendous pace, and various trains for transporting goods and passengers were produced in the country. Qualified people were required, fully trained to manage the train.

Characteristic features of the specialty

The profession of a machinist is often seen as a purely male profession. However, no one will restrict female representatives if they deign to learn this skill. But in order for the choice to be informed, it is necessary to know exactly the description of the profession “train driver”.

The specialty has a number of specific features that you should pay attention to. The activity requires not only endurance, but also excellent health. Therefore, upon admission to the appropriate educational institution A medical certificate of fitness will be required.

The profession of “train driver” implies knowledge of the technical features of the machine and automatic devices located in the locomotive cabin.

The driver is required to have extreme concentration. To prevent an accident, you need to pay attention to road signs, weather conditions and instrument readings. Long-distance trains are always equipped with assistants who provide backup for the chief driver and give him the opportunity to rest.

Main responsibilities of a locomotive driver

When the train is moving, the driver and assistant perform the following main functions:

  • monitor signs and signals on the railway track;
  • monitor the instrument panel readings, which indicate the uninterrupted operation of all rolling stock;
  • monitor the condition of the locomotive and its integrity;
  • give the established signals at the entrance to the station;
  • responsible for the safety of maneuvers;
  • If any malfunctions are detected, they must immediately notify the station duty officers.

The profession of “train driver” requires frequent absences from home. But it gives you the opportunity to see many new places. Therefore, people who crave new experiences and are ready to explore technical specifications railway transport, often choose this specialty.

Children's railway

Those children who, during career guidance lessons, write an essay on the topic “My future profession is a train driver” need to visit the children's railway.

Such organizations already exist in many Russian cities. For those who dream of driving not just a toy, but a real full-fledged train on rails, special training is organized. After receiving the necessary knowledge, the guys can work as real conductors, station attendants, and even help the driver drive a real train with passengers.

The Children's Railway not only provides entertainment services for riding small children, but is also an institution additional education. Children aged 8 to 15 years can study various railway specialties and consolidate their acquired skills in practice.

The profession of “train driver” for children is learned not only in classrooms. On real trains of a slightly smaller format and along a narrower rail track, under the strict guidance of an adult, the teenager masters the basics of a complex skill.

Everything is real on the children's railway. To the extent technically possible, all equipment corresponds to the same on the tracks general purpose. And, although the rails do not have access to a common track, the train fully corresponds to a full-fledged passenger locomotive and the people are real.

Driving skills training

For those who dream of conquering a heavy machine and becoming a manager of a long train, it is useful to know where to get the profession of a train driver. Specialties are taught at railway technical schools; admission is possible after 9 years of secondary school.

The main disciplines that future students will study are related to technical sciences, safety rules for transporting people and goods, and the basics of railway traffic.

In order to competently manage an entire train, it is necessary to study its characteristics and have knowledge in software and the principles of its work.

To make your dream come true, all that remains is to choose the nearest educational institution, the list of which is quite extensive. Among the most famous are: Saratov, Samara, Orenburg, Penza technical schools of railway transport.

To obtain higher education, it is necessary to enroll in state universities of railways, where you can obtain the profession of a train driver and the qualification of a railway engineer. Universities are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov, the Far East and other regions.

Demand for the profession

Before choosing future profession it is important to know its prospects. The locomotive driver specialization occupies a leading position in the list published by " Russian newspaper" a couple of years ago.

The demand is evidenced by requests from employers on labor exchanges, among which 33% of the total number corresponded to the job “machinist”.

Advantages of the specialty and its disadvantages

Like any other, the profession of a driver has its undeniable advantages. One of them is associated with the aura of romance, when a person is constantly on the move and sees many new places. But this advantage also gives rise to disadvantage. The specifics of the profession forces a person to be away from his family for a long time, which may not suit some people.

But the colossal responsibility for the lives of passengers and the safety of cargo also guarantees decent wages. Russian railways, in addition, provide their employees with additional support in the form of bonuses, trips to a sanatorium and long vacations.

The downside is the high load on the body and the impact harmful factors to your health. The driver's shift lasts 12 hours, which he spends in a confined space and extremely concentrating.

The thorny path

After training, all specialists begin their journey as an assistant driver. Depending on basic education and practical skills, an aspiring specialist can hold the position of assistant from several months to two years.

Only after testing by a professional and passing an appropriate interview is a person trusted to independently lead