Scenario in the library journey with cartoon characters. Scenario for the holiday “Journey through Cartoons” in the senior group

Good afternoon. Today we have gathered to go on a “Journey through the magical land of Multi-Pulti”. Together we will try to remember the cartoons we know and their names, meet again with our favorite cartoon characters, listen to songs that both adults and children sing with pleasure.

And our journey will be unusual. We will hold it in the form of a competition.

2 teams take part in our competitions:

Team 1: CAT LEOPOLD motto: Guys, let's live together.

Team 2: CARLSON motto: We are friends.

And so we begin. I will tell you riddles about the characters from the m/f, and you will guess them. For each correct answer you will receive a chip.

He's fat and green
A little funny
In love with Fiona.
Well, who is he?
Her fate is complex and difficult,
She was Krota's bride.
They wanted to marry her and Toad,
But she found her happiness with the elf.
You couldn't find a kinder cat in the world,
He can forgive everything to mischievous mice.
In general, there is no need to think for a long time here.
He always says, “Let’s live together!”
(cat Leopold)
And here's another cat - another one,
He doesn't seem to be kind, but he's not evil either.
His whole life is a race for a little mouse,
With whom they weave affairs against each other.
(Tom and Jerry)

2 task Competition “Guess the Cartoon Character” Attention to the screen! Who can tell what the name of the main character of this cartoon is? That's right, Winnie the Pooh, Well, Just Wait, The Adventures of Leopold the Cat, Baby Mammoth, The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends, The Bremen Town Musicians, Three from Prostokvasheno, The Adventures of Pinocchio. Well done! All my riddles were solved.

Task 3 The next task is called"Songs from cartoons." Now songs from the film will be played. You need to answer:. What animated films do they appear in?1. Yam, hello. 2. Little Raccoon. 3. How the lion cub and the turtle sang a song.

4. Well, wait a minute. 5. Umka. 6. Big secret.

4 task Musical competition “Guess the melody”

Guess which cartoon the melody sounds from.

5 task Game "Recognize by Voice"

. Any cartoon is included. Players recognize the character by his voice and call his name and cartoon.
The player who correctly names the hero receives chip .

1. Antoshka. 2. Carlson and baby. 3. Shapoklyak. 4. Bremen Town Musicians. 5. Mowgli.

6. Winnie the Pooh. 7. Crocodile Gena. 8 About the priest and worker Balda. 9. Matroskin. Holidays in Prostokvasheno.

Task 6 "Find a Pair"

The beginning is read by the presenter, the ending is announced by the team.

Baba Yaga

The chicken is a pockmarked chicken.

Koschey - immortal

Geese - swans

Cat – Leopold

Little Red Riding Hood

Carpet - airplane

Flower - seven flowers

Fly - ….(Tsocking)

Mouse -…. (Norushka)

Parrot - ….(Kesha)

Turtle - (Tartilla)

Task 7 "Musical Kaleidoscope"

The guys sing songs from the film.

1. Psychological attitude.

A man without a smile -
This is a kitchen without tiles,
This is a sea without a seagull,
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
AND Have a good day!

2. Introductory word.

Teacher: Guys! Look at the screen. (video clip)

What type of art will our event be dedicated to?

Yes, guys. We will talk about screen art, namely about such a form as animation or animation.

Teacher: Do you like cartoons?

How do cartoons make you feel when you watch them?

What do cartoons teach us?(Friendship, love, respect, good deeds.)

Teacher: Yes. Cartoons evoke in us feelings of joy, admiration, sadness, and worry. They teach you to do the right thing. And, probably, there is no child who would not like to watch cartoons.

Pupils of 1st "B" and 2nd "B" classes read poetry.

I don't know who or how

Invented cartoons

But it’s impossible without them now

We wouldn't be able to live.

Without funny smeshariki,

Hedgehog with a fox cub

No naughty monkeys

And an elephant and a tiger cub.

Cheburashka, Shapoklyak,

The wolf and the nimble bunny,

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet

Kesha the parrot,

Matroskin the cat, Barbos the dog,

Piglet Funtik,

Carlson and Miss Bok,

Nice and kind Luntik...

If only someone had cartoons

Didn't come up with the first idea

I'd have to invent them

Probably myself!

Teacher: Today, guys, we will visit the wonderful land of cartoons, where you will not only meet your favorite characters, but also show how much you know cartoons.

But first, I would like to introduce you to the most significant figures in the field of animation - the directors of our most beloved cartoons.

NameWalt Disney Anyone who has watched cartoons at least once in their life knows. This amazing man as a director made one hundred and eleven cartoons. For his services to animation, he received 25 Oscar statuettes. It was Disney who created the most popular and recognizable animated character - , and also founded an animation studio . Thanks to his work, we have been watching magical cartoons since early childhood, which all, as one, begin with a screensaver with a fairy-tale castle. His most famous works are Steamboat Willie.« », « », « », « », « », « ».

Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin remains one of the favorite animators of Russian viewers. His most famous films are the episodes “Well, wait a minute!”, on which more than one generation was brought up.

Amen Khaidarov is a famous Kazakh artist, the founder of domestic animation.Several generations grew up watching Khaidarov's cartoons. Through his works, Amen Abzhanovich tried to teach the kindest and brightest. “Sunny Bunny”, “Tail”, “Forty Tales”, “Aksak Kulan” - he created all these masterpieces of animation with love and trepidation, putting his soul into every stroke. The master’s most famous creation was the cartoon “Why does a swallow have horns on its tail?” This is the first domestic cartoon that has gained popularity not only among Kazakh but also among foreign audiences.

It is impossible not to mention those directors who delight us with their cartoons in recent years.Konstantin Eduardovich Bronzit -Russian animator, cartoon director: “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray Wolf», « ", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmey" and others.

The directors of the cartoon “Er Tostik and Aydahar” are Zhaken Danenov and Rustam Turaliev. The first is a recognized master of Kazakh animation, working in this genre since 1973. Rustam Turaliev, on the contrary, is a young, little-known animator.

Each animator has assistants: artists, screenwriters, composers, actors. Artists create images, draw, sculpt, and move dolls. Screenwriters come up with the story of the film. Composers write music for the film. Actors voice their roles. And the result of this painstaking work isthose cartoons that we love and watch today.

Teacher: Well, now it's time to check how much you know cartoons. To do this, we will divide into teams.Now every student will receivecard with a picturecartooncharacter.

"Holidays in Prostokvashino": Uncle Fedor, Dog ShArik, Matroskin the Cat,postman Pechkin, calf Gavryusha, little chick Khvataika.

"Musicians of Bremen": donkey, dog, cat, rooster, Troubadour, princess, king.

And now, on my signal, you must gatherI was in one friendly company at that timecartoon,of which you are the heroes.

Teacher: So, we got 2 teams: “Holidays in Prostokvashino” and “Bremen Town Musicians”.

Competition 1: Warm-up

    What was written on the dial of Misha's alarm clock?(spring, summer, autumn, winter, New Year)

    What did Masha ask the goldfish for her second wish?(cockerel on a stick)

    Which of the Smeshariki is an advanced Internet and computer user?(Losyash)

    What did the squirrel always carry with him in the Ice Age cartoon?(acorn)

    Who did the hero of the cartoon "Kitten from Lizyukov Street" turn into?(in hippopotamus)

    Brother Rabbit asked Brother Fox not to throw him away...(into the thorn bush)

    What was the name of the main character of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"?(Uncle Fedor)

    What did the two mice say to Leopold the cat at the end of the episode? ( Forgive us, Leopold )

    Tai Lung from the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda" is...(snow leopard)

    Name the epic hero who is looking for gold stolen from Rostov by Tugarin the Serpent(Alyosha Popovich.)

    What are the names of the American cartoon characters cat and mouse from the cartoon of the same name?(Tom and Jerry)

    What was the name of the princess from the cartoon about Shrek?(Fiona)

    What cartoon character came to us from the moon?(Luntik from the cartoon “Luntik and his friends”)

    Which cartoon character about Prostokvashino shot animals with a photo gun?(dog Sharik)

    In this cartoon, the main character is a superhero. He can save those in trouble, fight evil, climb walls, fly, and weave webs. Going to his next task, he puts on a special suit with the image of an insect, the name of this insect is also in the title of the cartoon.("Spider-Man")

Competition 2: What cartoon are we talking about?

1. “I live well, I have my own house, it’s warm. We recently found a treasure and bought a cow. Our stove is warm. But my health is not very good: sometimes my paws ache, sometimes my tail falls off. And the other day I started shedding, the old fur is falling off, and a new, fluffy one is growing.” (Holidays in Prostokvashino)

2. “These are the wrong bees... And they probably make the wrong honey... And if you don’t shoot, then I’ll be spoiled... It’s not that I didn’t hit the ball at all, but not the ball...”

(Winnie the Pooh)

3. “I saved the device for you, and you ... . Well, don't! I really need your Moon! Well, kiss your Moon!” (Dunno on the Moon)

4. “Do you find it very difficult to carry things? Listen, come on, I’ll carry the things, and you take me in your arms...” (Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena)

Competition 3: Guess the melody

The teams take turns choosing a melody number and listening to it carefully. Task: guess the name of the song. You can earn extra points if you remember which cartoon the song is from.


1 – “I’m lying in the sun” (from the film “The Lion Cub and the Turtle”

2 – “There is nothing better in the world” (from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”

3 – “Chunga-Changa” (from the film “Katerok”)

4 – “Song of Leopold the Cat” (from the film “Leopold”)

5 – “About traces” (from the film “Masha and the Bear”)

6 - “Who are the Fixies?” (from the film “The Fixies”)

Competition 4: Cartoon Friends

II'll give it away nowto youcards with the names of the characters, and you must within a certain timefind who was friends with whom in the cartoon and pair them up.

1. Crocodile Gena - Cheburashka.

2. Malvina - Pinocchio

3.Tom - Jerry

4.Piglet-Winnie - Pooh

5.Leopold - Mice

6.Kitten Woof - Puppy Ball

7.Timon - Pumbaa

8 .Donut - Dunno

9 .Cinderella - Prince

10 .Carlson-Kid

11 .Wolf-Hare

12 .Matroskin-Uncle Fedor

- Now a line from a cartoon will be heard for you, and you will have to say what the name of the cartoon is or which character is speaking. Are you ready? And so, the first remark:

1. “Leopold, come out!” Come out, you vile coward!” (mice)

2. “There’s no one! Well, where are you all?” (Masha)

3. “It looks like it’s going to rain!” (Piglet)

4. “Freedom for parrots!” (Parrot Kesha)

5. “Hare! Can you hear me? (Wolf)

6. “Owl! Open up! The bear has arrived! (Winnie the Pooh)

6 competition: Karaoke

Guys! I will give you envelopes containing pictures of cartoon characters cut into pieces. You need to collect a picture, name who is depicted on it, and everyone sing the song of this hero together. The team that sings the song more friendly, louder, and more emotionally will win.

Picture for 1 team – Crocodile Gena from the film “Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena”

Picture for team 2 – Antoshka from the film “Antoshka”

Summing up

Dear guys!Our quiz has come to an end. You were all great, answered the quiz questions well, and helped each other. I see that you know and love cartoons and know their characters. Let's count the number of points you've earned. The one who has the most of them becomes the winner of the game, he is the best cartoon connoisseur (award).

Cartoon Country - beautiful country. And whoever has visited it at least once will remain a prisoner forever.Continue to watch cartoons. Goodbye.

Scenarios for children's parties - scenarios for children's parties Cartoons come to visit - scenario children's party Characters



Images of cartoon characters: Shrek, Thumbelina, Leopold the cat, Tom and Jerry, Winnie the Pooh,

Leaflets with names of cartoon characters,

DVD with cartoons,

Medals with the name Multi-Pulti.

Multi-Remote enters the room.

Multi-Remote: Hello, children! Hello adults! I

— Multi-Remote. Once upon a time, an artist invented me; he wanted to make me the main character of his cartoon, but, alas... Soon he came up with another character, and forgot about me.

I came into your world by accident. My permanent place residence

- the country of Multi-Militramnia.

We have a lot of fun there. You can meet the heroes of any cartoon... By the way, now you and I will try to meet them. Do you know how? Children: No.

Multi-Remote: I will tell you riddles about cartoons, and you will guess them. Agreed?

Children: Agreed!


He's fat and green

A little funny

In love with Fiona.

Well, who is he?

Multi-Remote hangs a picture of Shrek on the wall. For each correctly guessed answer, the child receives a sweet prize.


Her fate is complex and difficult,

She was Krota's bride.

They wanted to marry her and Toad,

But she found her happiness with the elf.


Multi-Pulti hangs up a picture of Thumbelina.


You couldn't find a kinder cat in the world,

He can forgive everything to mischievous mice.

In general, there is no need to think for a long time here.

He always says, “Let’s live together!”

(cat Leopold)

There is a picture of Leopold the cat on the wall.

Here's another cat

- another,

He doesn't seem to be kind, but he's not evil either.

His whole life

- racing for a little mouse,

With whom they weave affairs against each other.

(Tom and Jerry)

There is a picture of Tom and Jerry on the wall.

He goes to visit in the morning.

Where is the honey? It’s right there,


Well, what's his name?

(Winnie the Pooh)

Well done! All my riddles were solved. And the cartoons are already with us - here they are! (Points to the images hanging on the wall.) In our cartoon country there are evil characters, and there are good ones, there are funny ones, and there are sad ones, there are fat ones, and there are thin ones.

Here is a task from the cartoon Shrek.

Multi-Pulypi turns over the sheet with the image of Shrek and reads the task written on back side: “Play the game “Such different cartoons”.”

Game “Such different cartoons”

The presenter names the character and describes him. For example, “kind. Aibolit."

The next participant must name another character with the opposite characteristic. In this case

- “evil Barmaley.” The game is a knockout game. The one who can't think of an answer


After each game, the winning participant receives a Multi-Multi round medal with his name on it.

Multi-Multi: Yes, you know a lot of characters from Multi-Multi. I'm glad you're so smart. Do you remember “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

Children: Yes, it was written by Pushkin.

Multi-Remote: Correct. And how the evil stepmother pretended to be a kind old woman begging for alms, remember? Children: Yes.

Multi-Remote: In our country, almost everyone has magical powers. And they often turn into one character or another. So you won’t immediately understand who to expect trouble from and who you can trust.

So, to find out if you can turn into cartoons, Thumbelina has prepared the following task for you.

Multi-Pulti turns over the sheet with the image of Thumbelina and reads the rules of the game on the back.

Game “Pretend to be a cartoon character”

All participants receive pieces of paper with the names of cartoon characters. It is impossible to talk about who got what name. Next, everyone portrays their hero. The rest's task

- guess what character is in front of them. Those who guess the hero shown the fastest receive medals from Multi-Multi.

Multi-Remote: It's very good that you can transform. You can become evil if you suddenly need to. Or don't you want to be evil? Children: We don't want to!

Multi-Remote: And rightly so! Because there is enough evil. But goodness must be done constantly, every day. Remember the cartoon where the heroes helped everyone.

Children name several cartoons (“Chip and Dale to the Rescue,” “Bag of Apples,” etc.).

Multi-Remote: Smart girls! And now you will find yourself in a cartoon with me... I won’t say which one. Try to guess.

Winter. An evil stepmother sends her stepdaughter to the forest to buy flowers. A poor girl wanders through a snowy forest and accidentally comes out into a clearing where 12 people are sitting around a fire.

Children guess the cartoon “Twelve Months.”

Multi-Remote: Correct. Do you remember the cartoon about 12 months based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak? But our next guest, Leopold the cat, invites you to travel through the cartoons on your own.

Multi-Remote reads the task from Leopold the cat and plays the game.

Game “Journey through your favorite cartoons”

Using a counting rhyme, a leader is selected. You can choose a “cartoon” counting book. For example, everyone knows from childhood “We sat on the golden porch.”

They sat on the golden porch

Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings

Come out, you will be Ponca.

The presenter comes up with a cartoon. All other players take turns asking him questions about him. But such questions to which the presenter can only answer “Yes” or “No”. The one who guessed the planned cartoon becomes the presenter and receives a medal from


Multi-Remote: Guessed all the cartoons! And the next task is more difficult. You need to guess both the cartoon and its character. By the way, this is the next task from Tom and Jerry.

Multi-Remote reads the task and plays the game.

All participants are blindfolded. Any cartoon is included. Players recognize the character by his voice and call his name and cartoon.

The player who correctly names the hero receives a medal.

Multi-Remote: Well, there's no way to confuse you

- you know everything, you understand everything. And remember all the cartoons. But you’ll never guess what cartoon I’m from. Because my artist never came up with a cartoon for me. So now I want to play screenwriters with you.

And good Winnie the Pooh agreed to help me.

Multi-Remote turns over the image of Winnie the Pooh, reads the task and plays the game.

Game "Write a script"

Within 10-15 minutes they write a cartoon script with the participation of Multi-Pulti. All scenarios are then read out loud and Multi-Pulti determines the winner, who is awarded a medal.

Multi-Multi: Well, we remembered a lot of cartoons, talked to their characters, visited the country of Multi-Multi-Multi-Multi, and most importantly, I finally acquired the script for my cartoon and now I can star in the leading role. Thank you! The cartoons and I are very happy!

And now I suggest everyone watch a new cartoon together!

Multi-Remote includes a new disc with cartoons not yet familiar to children.

Children's party scripts download - children's party scripts download

In the land of "Fairy Tales and Cartoons"
Holiday script for children

Children gather in the music room.
Leading: Hello guys! Today we have an unusual holiday! We will go for a walk through the magical land of “Fairy Tales and Cartoons”! I hope you love fairy tales and cartoons? And do you know them well? But now I’ll check it. We will present awards to the best experts in fairy tales and cartoons. So, it’s time for us to go for a walk through the magical land.

Come up with a team name!
Leading: Well guys, are you ready to go?

The team goes to fabulous stations.

We go to station 1 by car.

1 station “Warm-up”.

Guess which cartoon the songs are from?

(Excerpts of the teacher’s choice are heard)

We fly to the 2nd station by plane.

Station 2 "Quiz".

Teams need to guess whose words these are and what fairy tale character.

1. “We built, built and finally built our house of friendship!” (Cheburashka)

2. “Guys, let’s live together!” (Leopold)

3. “And I won’t write out anything, I’ll save. Previously, cars and fur coats were taken out, but now children” (Matroskin)

4. “Hare, can you hear me?” “I hear, I hear...” (Wolf and Hare)

5. “Calm, just calm. Yes, I have a thousand – a million steam engines on my roof” (Carlson)

6. “I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud. I'm not a bear at all. How nice it is for a cloud to fly across the sky" (Winnie the Pooh)
7. “I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun” (Lion Cub and Turtle)

8. “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” (Thumbelina)

9. “We’ll dial the number, and now we’ll run.”

10. “One daisy, two daisy, three daisy, and I found the fourth.”

We go to station 3 by train.
3 station "Kingdom of Fairy Tales".

Guess riddles about heroes from fairy tales.

1. From the King's Ballroom
The girl ran home
Crystal slipper
I lost it on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again...
Who, tell me, is this girl?

2. Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in a basket,
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it? ...

3. The woman beat her, but she didn’t break her.
Woman power is weak!
Even my grandfather couldn’t break it.
After all, he is a hundred years old at lunchtime.
They called the little girl -
She broke it like a toy
And she ran under the porch.
What did you break? ...

4. Baba beat her but didn’t break her,
Grandfather hit but did not break.
Baba was very sad.
Who helped the woman?
A little girl came running into the house.
Instantly broke an egg...

5. Mom gave birth to a daughter
From a beautiful flower.
Nice, little one!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,
Do you know what my daughter's name was?

6. A house appeared in the field.
We settled in the house:
A mouse named Norushka,
And the frog Kvakushka,
Hedgehog, Fox and Bunny.
And also shaggy Mishka
Later he settled here.
What's everyone's name for the house?
Smoke curls over the chimney.
This house is…

7. She taught Pinocchio to write,
And she helped look for the golden key.
That doll girl with big eyes,
Like the azure sky, with hair,
On a cute face there is a neat nose.
What's her name? Answer the question.

8. Grandmother lives in the forest,
Collects potion herbs,
He sweeps the floor in the hut with a broom.
In a mortar he flies across the sky,
Her leg is made of bone.
This woman's name is...

9. Pies - in a basket.
Rushed along the path
The girl is running.
Dark forest all around.
I met a wolf there.
And he doesn’t really know
How can he get it quickly?
I found myself at the door
And went to bed, you rogue?
What's the girl's name?

10. It’s always like jam day,
Celebrates birthday
There is a button embossed on the pants,
To take flight
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy "in the prime of his life."
Who is he? Give me the answer.

11 . The fly bought a samovar.
She invited fleas to visit.
These guests fled
When I threw a fly into the net
Evil, nasty old man.
The villain's name is...

We sail to the 4th station by boat.
4 station "Pantomime".

Some children will need to portray only the movements, facial expressions of a fairy-tale hero, and the team must try to guess.

(children are given cards with the words: “Cinderella”, “Bear”, “Hare”, “Swallow”, Serpent-Gorynych”).

We will go to the 5th station by car.

5 station "Multi-remote".

I will read you phrases from Soviet cartoons, and you will have to choose one extra phrase.

1 Which phrase is NOT from the cartoons about Winnie the Pooh?

1 Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely!
2 I'm lying in the sun, I'm looking at the sun...
3 It looks like it's going to rain...
4 No airs! That is, dad!

2.Which phrase is NOT from the movie "Thumbelina"?

1 Son! - Dad! - Well, that’s it, otherwise “mom, mom”!
2 Well, we've eaten, now we can sleep!... Well, we've slept, now we can eat!...
3 I don’t want to study - I want to get married!
4 Spin me around, spin me around!

3.Which phrase is NOT from cartoons about Carlson?

1 He flew away. But he promised to return...
2And here, you know, we’re playing around with buns!..
3 I am a man anywhere! Well, in full bloom!
4 A dog can only bite because it lives as a dog

4.Which phrase is NOT from the film “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot”?

1 The talking bird is distinguished by its intelligence and intelligence.
2 - Haven’t you been to Tahiti? -Tahiti, Tahiti...We weren’t in any Tahiti! They feed us well here too!
3 Freedom for parrots! Free-bo-do-pu-ga-yam!
4 And now, based on numerous requests, you will hear the song “Modern Talkings” performed by the Weiner brothers...

5.Which phrase is NOT from the film "Mowgli"?

1 You and I are of the same blood!
2 Akela missed!
3 Shame on the jungle!
4 Those who help people are just wasting their time. You cannot become famous for good deeds!

6. Which phrase is NOT from the cartoons about “Prostokvashino”?

1 Why was I harmful? Because I didn't have a bike. And now I’ll immediately become kinder!
2Guys, let's live together!
3 I can also embroider!...And on a typewriter too...
4 Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents!

7. Which phrase is NOT from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”?

1. Small house, Russian stove! 2. But I don’t want it, I don’t want it by calculation, I want love! 3. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter! 4. Farewell to the earth, good journey!

8. Which phrase is not from the cartoon “Teremok”

1. Knock, knock, knock, who lives in the little house! 2. I, little fox sister! 3. Running bunny! 4. I, postman Pechkin!

We ride a horse until the 6th station.

Station 6 “Visiting a fairy tale.”


Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair there is a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip.

Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

We fly to the 7th station by plane.

7th station "Kingdom of Magic Balls".

Line up 10 people per team, one behind the other. The ball is temporarily passed along the top, then along the bottom (the ball should not fall to the floor), then the ball is passed through the right hand, then through the left hand. Then the team turns around in reverse order and does the same thing.

We sail by boat until the 8th station.
8 station "Pesennaya".

The team chooses a song and sings in chorus (from the cartoon). Song from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians” “There is nothing better in the world.”

Well done, guys! You have traveled throughout the country of “Fairy Tales and Cartoons”.

See you soon!

Journey into the magical world of animation

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary classes MBOU "Zolotukhinsk secondary school", Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Purpose: this material can be used by primary school teachers, educators, counselors to conduct extracurricular activities. The material can be used in working with older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.
Target: Organization of children's leisure time.
- expand children's horizons about Soviet and Russian cartoons and their creators.
- instill a love for Russian cinema, in particular cartoons;
- improve the ability to answer questions comprehensively and coherently;
-develop memory, attention, thinking, oral speech, the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the material studied, and highlight the main thing.
Preliminary work: watching cartoons and reading fairy tales, writing questions.
Animation, cartoons
Adults and children love
The holiday is celebrated today
All the cartoons on the planet,
We are always waiting for new heroes
And interesting stories,
Congratulations to everyone involved
Happy such a wonderful holiday!
International Animation Day is celebrated on October 28th.
This is a relatively young holiday: it was first celebrated in 2002, and the reason for the celebration was the 110th anniversary of the birth of animation technology. On this significant day - October 28, 1892 - in Paris, the artist and inventor Emile Reynaud convened viewers for a new, a hitherto unseen spectacle - “optical theater” (theatre optique).

The talented inventor publicly demonstrated his device for the first time praxinoscope, which showed moving pictures.

Now we would call this event the birth of the prototype of modern cartoons, and it is this date that is now considered the beginning of the era of animated films. In many countries, holiday events begin several days before the designated date. In anticipation International Day animation professionals and fans of animated films from all over the world exchange programs for their films and arrange premiere screenings of bestsellers for a grateful public who has been waiting for this event for a whole year.
Now similar cartoon sessions are held simultaneously in 104 countries around the world! The technical capabilities of animation are amazing - two-dimensional animation (traditional and digital), three-dimensional animation, Flash animation, Stop Motion and VFX.
The first Russian animator (1906) was Alexander Shiryaev, (Still from the animated film by A. V. Shiryaev “Pierrot - artists & choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater,” who created the world’s first domestic puppet cartoon, which depicts 12 dancing figures against a background of stationary scenery.

Soviet graphic animation arose in 1924-1925. In one year, 1924, at the Kultkino studio, a small team of artists produced a number of animated films: “German Affairs and Deeds,” “The Story of a Disappointment” (B. Savinkov), “Soviet Toys” (dir. D. Vertov, animation by A. Bushkin and A. Ivanov), “An Incident in Tokyo”, “Humoresque” (dir. D. Vertov, animation by A. Bushkin and A. Belyakov). One of the first world-famous Soviet full-length animated films was “The New Gulliver” by Alexander Ptushko (1935).
In June 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio was founded in Moscow.

In the summer, June 10, 2016, Soyuzmultfilm turned 80 years old.
More than one generation of children has grown up on kind and smart stories animated on Soyuzmultfilm, such as DoReMi, Winnie the Pooh, The Littlest Dwarf, Hippopotamus and Sunny, Burenka from Maslenkino, The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids, The Kid Who Counted to Ten, The Kitten named after Woof and many others. In 2006, veterans of the Soyuzmultfilm studio opened a unique project, the Museum of Animation.

Initially, the museum did not have its own permanent premises, but only represented a traveling exhibition that introduced visitors to the process of creating animated films, mainly created in the period 1960-1980 at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio. Today the museum is located in Moscow, on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, and its exhibition includes over five thousand exhibits. All halls are equipped with screens on which documentary footage is shown non-stop, a large number of interactive exhibits are presented, and there is a screening room.
In the experimental cartoon workshop, everyone can try their hand at this amazing art form.

Cartoon quiz

I invite you to remember your favorite cartoons and answer the questions:
1. What words did Leopold the cat say to the mice? (“Guys, let’s live together!”)

2. Name Cheburashka’s friend. (Crocodile Gena)

3. Name the number of spotted puppies from the famous cartoon about Dalmatians. (101)

4. In this cartoon, based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen, the evil queen bewitched her brother and separated him from his sister. The little sister searched for him for a long time, passed a series of tests, was able to find her brother and melt the ice (shards of ice, mirrors) in his heart. ("The Snow Queen")

5. Which Soviet cartoon characters sang a song while lying on the sand, with the words: “I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun, I’m lying and lying, and I’m not looking at the lion cub...”? ("Lion Cub and Turtle")

6. Remember and name the name of the cartoon in which the main character is a little girl who appeared from a grain, with whom various adventures and incidents happened: she was stolen by toads, she lived in a hole with a mouse, she was almost married to a mole. A swallow saved her and took her to the land of the elves. ("Thumbelina")

7. Which cartoon character flew to us from the Moon? (Luntik from the movie “Luntik and His Friends”)

8. In which cartoon was Uncle Fyodor one of the main characters? (“Adventures in Prostokvashino”)

9. In what city did Dunno live with his friends? (In Flower City)

10. In which cartoon did the monkey and the parrot measure the length of the boa constrictor with steps? ("38 parrots")

11.What hero are we talking about: lives on the roof, loves jam, a man at the very dawn of his strength? (Carlson)

12. How many nights did Aibolit treat the unfortunate African animals in K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale?
(10 nights)

13. “I don’t want to be a black peasant woman, I want to be a pillar noblewoman!”
What was the wish of the old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (Third)

14.What is the name of the children's TV channel that broadcasts cartoons? (“Children’s”, “Carousel”)
15.When was the Soyuzmulfilm film studio created? (June 10, 1936)
Whatever you say, the best cartoons of our childhood can be safely called the work of the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Over the years of its existence, it has released a huge number of cartoons for every taste, which we show to our children and never tire of watching ourselves. In addition, most cartoons contain many secrets and details that are noticeable only to the most attentive.
Did you know that Soviet cartoons are very popular not only in our country, but also abroad. For example, in 2003, “Hedgehog in the Fog” was called the best cartoon of all time by critics and animators from different countries.

There are, however, opposite examples. For example, “Well, wait a minute!”, the favorite cartoon of all Soviet children, was banned in Finland. Someone decided that the Hare was too cruel and that it was his fault that the Wolf constantly found himself in unpleasant situations.

Cheburashka is known and loved by children from many countries around the world. True, it is called different countries differently. For example, in English-speaking countries his name is Topl, in Germany - Kullerchen, and in Finland - Muksis. But this unusual animal is most popular in Japan.

The funny Winnie the Pooh was voiced by the wonderful Soviet actor Evgeniy Pavlovich Leonov. To make the cartoon character more comical, the actor’s speech was sped up by 30%.

Did you know that the creation of the cartoon “Plasticine Crow” took about 800 kilograms of plasticine.

In the script for the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat,” the mice are called Mitya and Motya. True, in the cartoon itself these mice are nameless.