Scenario for the Gzhel holiday in elementary school. Scenario of the holiday "Russian Fair"

Tatiana Bandolya
Scenario of the event “Folk crafts through the eyes of children” (Gzhel and Khokhloma)

Purpose of the lesson:

1. Teach children demonstrate the product of your activity (goods for the fair, through conversation;

2. Develop the ability to select adjective epithets when describing products ( Khokhloma rose, curls, petals, mesh, strokes, spiral);

3. Continue to improve technical skills Khokhloma and Gzhel painting;

4. Exercise children in the title distinctive features each of the paintings;

5. Foster respect for work craftsmen, through acquaintance with various types of applied art;

6. Give children joy from interacting with each other and the guests of the fair.

Preliminary work:

1. Painting silhouettes of dishes from tinted paper;

2. Making an album « Folk crafts of Russia» ;

3. Exhibition of drawings by Khokhloma and Gzhel;

4. Examination of patterns and their elements;

5. Learning poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, ditties about Russian folk crafts;

6. Learning words in a round dance “Let’s go to the garden for raspberries”;

7. Considering suits in style Khokhloma and Gzhel;

8. Reading books about craftsmen;

9. Viewing slides about crafts;

10. Didactic game “Assemble dishes from parts”, "Find the right feather for the Firebird";


1. Exhibition of children's works popularly- applied arts;

2. Toys and dishes Khokhloma and Gzhel;

4. Silhouettes of the Firebird;

5. Costumes: clattering flies, Khokhloma sleeveless vests and Gzhel sundresses;

6. Carousel;

7. Samovar;

8. Treat - pancakes, jam.

Progress of the lesson.

Fair music sounds, noise, hum, laughter. Runs in boy:

Hey, honest people, Hello! (bows)

I invite everyone to the holiday - the fair

Fun and good mood Wish

Our holiday opens in the city of masters,

Because the best masters gather here!

If you take a closer look, you will see for yourself!

(Music plays) Children enter.

Educator: Come on, children, come in,

Look at the decoration!

We have a big fair

Yes, how beautiful!

Come on in and take a look

Yes, tell us everything...

(they pass, stop, look around.)

The music sounds, the clattering fly runs in.

Educator: Fly, fly, Tskotukha,

Gilded Belly

The fly went across the field

The fly found the money

A fly went to the market

Buy yourself a product

Nowadays, a fly - a clattering sound - is the birthday girl!

Fly: Today is my name day. These miracles flew to me for a holiday - birds of unprecedented beauty, only them, only them (crying) lost all their tails. Dear children, help, find them tails.

Educator: Don’t cry fly, our children will help you in no time (children pick up the birds’ tails and attach them to the easel)

Painted birds

They flapped their wings

They flapped their wings

The gold was scattered

Yes, from the Russian land,

The herbs were collected

The bowls were decorated.

Craftsmanship with love

They passed it on to us.

Fly: Thanks guys. And also, guys, I need beautiful dishes to welcome guests, but I don’t know where to get them?

Educator: Mukha, let our guys paint your dishes with a beautiful painting.

Fly: Will the guys cope?

(the teacher invites children to their desks.) Children draw one element in the center of the picture. Close eyes and imagine a pattern - a rose that you would like to draw. Stretch your palms and fingers. And the magic ones will help us words:

"Brushes, brushes, help

Start painting the painting"

Independent work children.

After work, children display their work on stands.

Fly: What do I see! This is a miracle!

There is so much joy around.

All the dishes are so beautiful

It's breathtaking!

Educator: Well, Mukha, choose!

"Masters and craftswomen

Good fellows, girls,

Show me your skills

Praise your product!”

The fly comes to the table with Gzhel:

“Blue and white dishes,

Tell me - where are you from?

Apparently she came from afar

And flowers bloomed

Blue - blue,

Delicate, beautiful.

Child: In the quiet suburbs of Moscow

River Gzhelochka runs

Along this river

The village is standing

Willow thickets

They run along the river,

Craftsmen live in this village

They make painted dishes

They work blue on white miracles!

Fly: I want to buy this dishware, but first tell me how you painted this teapot? (child describes his work.)

“Look at my teapot, in the middle I painted a large rose, and in the middle of the rose there was a net, blue, with curls and leaves, also blue. There is a curb at the top and bottom. Only two are used in the painting colors: white and blue. I love to draw Gzhel painting. Gzhelskaya The dishes are very fragile, delicate and beautiful.”

Fly: Your dishes are beautiful, but what are they made of?

(answers children) It would be very interesting to see how they do it Gzhel. View slide about Gzhel.

Educator: It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?

Just two colors? Miracles!

That's how the artists from Gzhel

The skies are applied to the snow.

Hey, girls are laughing,

Sing some ditties,

Sing quickly

To make it more fun!

Child: Put your ears on top of your heads

We are about Gzhel let's sing ditties.

1. I walked across the field

I found three flowers

White, blue, light blue –

I admire the beauty.

2. Soaps Gzhel dishes

Splashes scattered everywhere

I’ll wipe away the splashes – no problem,

Oh, the dishes are good!

3. I found paint at home,

Blue let down my eyes,

Cheeks flushed...

Mom, don't scold me.

4. I put on a white skirt

Braided a blue ribbon

This is how I became

Admire me.

5. Blue clouds

Blue water

I will become an artist

If only I could learn!

6. I look out the window,

On birch and spruce

I’ll invite Matvey with me

On an excursion I'm in Gzhel!

Fly: At the next table I see the painting is also wonderful, I’ll go and have a look, and then I’ll buy it.

Educator: Nice fellow, tell me

What is your product famous for?

How is it different from others?

Where are the dishes from?

Child: Painting Khokhloma,

Like a witch

Into a fairy tale song

She asks herself

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences

The most wonderful of all miracles

Our Khokhloma!

Educator: Guys, have you watched the movie? "How do they Gzhel» . And now I’ll tell you where it came to us from Khokhloma. Art Khokhloma- This is the pride of our culture. Gold patterns Khokhloma absorbed all the beauty of the Russian land. Khokhloma the painting pleases us with bright colors and the shine of gold. With its beauty Khokhloma products, can compete even with expensive dishes made of gold and silver, although they are made from a very affordable material - linden wood. Many years ago there was Khokhloma fishery. They painted wooden utensils with gold paint, coated them with linseed oil, heated them in an oven, and the oil film turned into gold varnish. They took these dishes to a large village called Khokhloma for sale, after the name of this village they began to call dishes Khokhloma. Well, how beautiful and bright this one is Khokhloma.

Fly: Oh, I’m such a picky person, you can’t force me to buy a product with one beautiful word. Can you tell me how your product differs from others?

The child describes his work: “My vase is painted with Khokhloma. On a black background I drew a beautiful berry - a raspberry. I tried to decorate my vase with yellow leaves and curls to make it look bright, with a yellow border at the top. If you look closely, it seems that gold glitters on a black background.”

Fly: You say you drew a raspberry. The raspberries are good, I love them too.

Educator: And you, fly, join us in a round dance, we will sing to you about a delicious berry - raspberries.

Round dance. “Let’s go to the garden along the raspberries”

Fly: Your product is good.

Child: Our dishes,

For cabbage soup and porridge

Doesn't break, doesn't break,

And it is not damaged.

Choose dishes

Yes, happy to buy!

Fly: What do I see? The spoon is chiseled, the handle is gilded. How beautiful!

Child: Painted spoon,

Lacquer foot

Red berries peephole,

Golden curl.

Now it's time to dance

Yes, play on spoons.

Spoon game.

Fly: You know everything, and you can do it. Well done.

Educator: Time is running faster and faster,

The game is inviting us to visit!

I invite everyone to play.

I’ll explain to you now how we’ll play.

When the music starts playing,

You need to wrap a ribbon around a spoon,

And when the music stops playing,

So you’ll have to stop winding the ribbon.

Is this task clear?

Then let's start the competition.

(Game with spoons and ribbons).

Educator: You won’t get enough of games and dancing. Russian is famous people's hospitality, generosity, cordiality. “Peace be to you long-awaited guests who came to us at good hour”. Mukha, I also have a surprise for you (music sounds, a child comes out with a samovar, dances, children with treats).

Fly: Hot tea on the table,

Pancakes and jam

I invite you to taste

Form: literary and musical composition

Participants: pupils of grades 1 – 7 OBJECTIVE:

  • to cultivate interest in folk art, love for the Motherland, its history and culture, to broaden the horizons of children through acquaintance with the wonderful world of Russian culture;
  • to form in children a moral and ethical responsiveness to the beautiful in life and art, to develop fantasy, creativity, and imagination;
  • consolidate children's knowledge of arts and crafts through an overview of the crafts of Khokhloma and Gzhel.

— develop children’s creative abilities and communication skills; - teach children to expressively perform dance movements, convey the cheerful, joyful nature of songs; — develop skills to work collectively in groups; - foster a sense of cohesion.


— computer, multimedia projector; — Russian folk costumes; — musical accompaniment; - tea, pies.


— objects of decorative and applied art; — posters, manuals, books; - drawings and crafts by students.


The creations of Russian craftsmen are more expensive

My soul has all sorts of others.

And somehow special and sonorous they are similar

To those who conceived them.

I. Creations of Russian craftsmen

II. Forget-me-not Gzhel: a) round dance with a tree; b) video presentation; c) ditties; d) Gzhel in drawings.

III. Fairytale Khokhloma: a) round dance with a tree; b) ditties; c) the tale of Khokhloma; d) playing with spoons.

IV. Star of Russia Student 1. Khokhloma is summer and autumn, a scattering of berries and a golden leaf. Gzhel - wondrous blue in January Above the snow in frosty winter. Curl to curl - bright red, To make the soul more cheerful, Khokhloma is joy and holiday, This is the generosity of my Russia! Purity and sophistication of lines - Cold, pale-faced Gzhel - This is a blue uncontrollable downpour, A blue crazy snowstorm. Beauty is both quiet and sad, Inaccessible, like a lady's whim. Here it is - an unsolved secret - a tea set for the Snow Maiden. Borrowing colors from nature, The people are infinitely talented, And since Russia is contrasting, Khokhloma lives next to Gzhel. ROUND DANCE with a tree Presenter 1. Sit down quickly and listen to what miracle I will tell you. Everything around is white, as if there was snow. And on white - the flowers are pure, like the azure of heaven. Blue like a stream. This is Gzhel!

A song about Gzhel is being sung. Again on a winter evening we rejoice at meeting, The Blue Fairy Tale of Gzhel has come to us. From distant times, deep antiquity, she brought her warmth and affection to us. Oh, dear Gzhel, blue fairy tale, where did you get so much tender beauty? To the side of my dear, From the beloved land, Where now, my baby, You are growing up. From the white birch trees, and even from the snow, my porcelain sparkled white. Blue roses, Russian frosts, Gently painted my pattern with a brush. Oh, dear Gzhel. A blue fairy tale, You don’t lose your beauty over the years. To the dear side, to the beloved homeland You give warmth and affection from the heart! Student 2. Blue Roses, leaves, birds. Seeing you for the first time, Everyone will be surprised. Miracle on porcelain - Blue font. This is called Simply painting... (Gzhel). Student 3. Miracle with blue flowers, Blue petals, Blue flowers, Delicate swirls. On white porcelain, Like on a snow-covered field, Blue flowers grow from under a white snowball. Really, really, haven’t you heard of Gzhel? Student 4. The Gzhelka River runs in the quiet Moscow region. There is a village along this river. Carved windows, ridge on the roof. Take a sip of water from a clean well. Willow thickets run along the river, Craftsmen live in that village. They make painted dishes, They create miracles in blue and white. Student 1. The heavenly blue, Which is so dear to the heart, was easily transferred by the master’s brush to the cup. Student 2. Here are blue and white dishes. Tell me, where are you from? Apparently from afar she came and blossomed with flowers: Blue, blue. Delicate, beautiful. Student 3. The inhabitants of Gzhel are proud of the heavenly blue, You will not meet such beauty in the world!

Presentation on slides (12 first slides) Student 1. Blue birds across a blue sky, a sea of ​​blue flowers. Jugs and mugs - fact or fiction? Golden handicrafts! The blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes, like drops in the spring. Affection, care, warmth and patience - Russian ringing Gzhel! Student 2. Grandmother and grandfather sat at the table, Drank tea from Gzhel Often, for many years. The teapot, cups, mugs kept us warm, the cute little animals were pleasing to the eye. But the grandson came to his home with his girlfriend. Walkers with a cuckoo, a tablecloth with fringes, Maybe they are running wild Somewhere in the distance, Only in Gzhel he poured tea for her. No matter how many millions of days fly, We without our Gzhel are like without roots. White and blue Delicate flowers, This is all Russia - Mom, Dad, you.

Continuation of the presentation Student 3. It’s hard to believe: are there really only two colors? Miracles!.. This is how artists from Gzhel paint the heavens on the snow!

(Slides 13 – 18) Presenter 1: Masters use different elements of painting in their work: lines and dots, borders, droplets.

(Slides 19-20) But perhaps the most favorite pattern is the Gzhel rose. Sometimes it is depicted large, with broad strokes. And sometimes, it is written with a thin brush. Either we see a bouquet of several roses, or flowers are scattered across the entire surface.

(Slides 21-22) Sometimes they depict fairy-tale animals and birds.

(Slide 23) You can often see a landscape on large products.

(Slides 24-25) Student 4. What kind of roses and peonies do masters write on cups? And the blue and white buds are as beautiful today as they were yesterday!

(Slides 26-28) Student 5. Blue on white, thin outline of flowers We see in the patterns of our cheerful meadows. Dark blue miracle, nightingale trill. You have sunk into everyone’s soul, Our Russian Gzhel.

Student 6. Each artist has his own favorite pattern And each one reflects a side of her birthplace Her grass is silk, her flowers are spring And her magic craftsmanship is worthy of admiration! Student 7. What could be more beautiful than Gzhel? Her porcelain products And teapots, and samovars, And dishes, the most amusing toys? Stucco crafts, painted pots, wonderful cups? Gzhel crafts: Cats, mice, squirrels... Under the magical brush of our craftswomen, flocks of colorful birds come to life. Magic flowers waving their petals, Gzhel paintings of wonderful beauty!

Presenter 1: Russian painter B.M. Kustodiev said that Gzhel teapots and cups bloom with “magical blue flowers.” Indeed, the famous blue flowers, leaves and buds on a white background are an exceptional Gzhel tradition that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Gzhel masters deeply and sacredly preserve the traditions of their ancestors, creatively develop and multiply them. In the semi-fairy-tale world created by the masters of Gzhel, it is difficult to draw a clear line between the art of the past and the present. The spring that arose centuries ago in the soul of the Russian people does not dry up; Having passed through the thickness of centuries, it still remains a powerful aesthetic force and does not lose its purity. The continuity of the traditions of folk craftsmen and loyalty to them is the seed of success and popularity of Gzhel ceramics in our time. Gzhel masters paint each product only by hand. The history of Gzhel goes back centuries, and its folk art is destined to have a long life. Bluebirds of Gzhel fly to different parts of the planet to decorate people’s lives and cultivate a sense of beauty.

Ditties Put your ears on top of your heads, We will sing ditties about Gzhel. Bluer than blue pattern, Whiter than white porcelain. Gzhel products - Just a sight for sore eyes! A little blue flower, a little blue leaf, This is a Gzhel rose, and not a cornflower. How I’ll start from the curb, I’ll jump onto the grate, Don’t think anything bad - I’m the one drawing the pattern. I put on a white skirt, braided a blue ribbon, This is what I have become - Admire me! There are two flowers on the window, one blue and one white. When, mom, I grow up, I’ll give them to my dear one! I look out the window at the birch and spruce trees. I will invite Kirill with me on an excursion to Gzhel. I was washing Gzhel dishes, splashes scattered everywhere. I’ll wipe up the splashes – no problem! Oh, the dishes are good! What handicraft Gzhel products! We are not just kids, We are masters of Gzhel! The masters of the Moscow region kept traditions. Seven centuries have already passed and Gzhel has not been forgotten.

Presenter 1. It’s unlikely that you will find anywhere in life, so that flowers of unprecedented beauty bloom around. Pause, the student approaches the guests.

Student 1. I see there are craftswomen here. They will draw a pattern for us - the expanse of blue skies. We will ask you, girls, needlewomen-sisters, to draw a pattern for us, to show our Gzhel. The guests were given the task to draw dishes painted to look like Gzhel. The song “Forget-me-not Gzhel” is played. At this time, a slide presentation of Gzhel is shown on the screen.

The presenter collects the guests' works.

Student 2. A simple pattern made from shades of paint, white clay, porcelain - attributes of a fairy tale! Like a child's hand On pieces of clay Painted blue pictures in three strokes. The round sides of the cups are painted into rings, into petals and clouds - Tiles for the stove. Blue lace, Cobalt frost, As if a blizzard had swept Curls of lines. I made blue figures for the game, for the children's amusement, hares and whistles. The secret of miracle clay is hidden in the lightness of the stroke. An ancient craft has lived in Rus' for centuries. Generations of masters of White and Blue Gzhel. Magicians of two colors, Our Botticelli!

Student 3. A gentle pipe plays, And freezes in admiration. The pearl of Russia is Gzhel, where inspiration settled. Here everyone is a master and creator. One paints a vase, Another, a skilled one, takes a chisel and applies a pattern in secret script. The Slavic god, the beautiful Lel, who sang the beauty of the earth, covered the cradle with flowers, breathing into them a completely different life. Interweaving of leaves, herbs, flower, twig, border. I see Russian character in everything. And the bright soul of a child. Such a miracle could be created by a master who loves nature. His calling is to give moments of joy to the people. Here's a cute little shoe shining merrily with azure, On it a tired little man lies down comfortably, resting. The lizard stands gracefully, having deftly climbed onto the box. The back is burning in the sun and the head is proudly raised. Framed in a beautiful blue frame, the clock ticks quietly. Years and moments pass. But Gzhel is alive, the flowers are blooming! A pattern for many years. It will remain the calling of the Gzhel people. And the Pleiad of craftsmen will never dry up!

Before the second part, a video dance about Gzhel is shown, and a song performed by M. Pakhomenko “Khokhloma” is played.

Presenter 2. In the village of Semenovo - In the Russian region. There were huts there when they were there... And the birds sang there, The earth fed. And the yellow rye caressed the fields. The forests there gave birth to Rowan and flowers. And people lived there, Cherishing dreams. To make life more beautiful For the residents of those - They wrote on the bowls a pattern for fun. The patterns were written by their hands and souls. They prayed in cathedrals so that there would be no dry land. And in these patterns of Rowan vines. Cathedrals, Forests and mowing reigned. There the Russian people performed the muse with a brush. And he created a fairy tale, a tenderly inscribed fruit. There the fairy tale was woven into buckets and houses. This is how Khokhloma was born! Round dance around the tree

Presenter 2. Carved spoons and ladles You take a look - but don’t rush, There is grass curling there and flowers of amazing beauty. They shine like gold, as if bathed in the sun. All the leaves are like leaves, Here every one is golden, People call such beauty Khokhloma! Student 1. Like a sorceress, the firebird, does not go out of her mind, a sorceress-craftswoman, Golden Khokhloma! And rich and beautiful, the guest is glad from the bottom of her heart. Cups, cups and ladles, And what is there: Clusters of fiery mountain ash, Poppies of sunny color, And daisies of meadows. The dawn of red rays, And the patterned ornament of Ancient Suzdal brocade! Student 2. Cups, cups, spoons, Russian nesting dolls, All the dishes are painted and almost like gold! The whole world knows this: This is a Russian souvenir. All - ancient writing - Golden Khokhloma!

Student 3. The branch smoothly bent and turned into a ring. Next to the three-fingered leaf is a scarlet Strawberry.

Student 4. She beamed, rose, and filled herself with sweet juice. And the grass is like a fringe, Golden Khokhloma! Children sit down, the presenter remains

Presenter 2. Look! These things have come to visit us today, To tell us the secrets of ancient, wonderful beauty. To introduce us to the world of Russia, the world of legends and goodness. To say that there are miracle people in Russia - masters! Student 1 asks a question, Student 2 answers.

  • I have questions for the master of Khokhloma. Where did the name Khokhloma come from? (Back in the 17th century, in the trading village of Khokhloma, the predecessors of Semyonov’s craftsmen sold painted dishes with an amazing name, which came either from a fiery bird with tall feathers on its head, or from tall grasses, golden from the sunset)
  • How ancient is this craft? (It is already 700 years old)
  • Your dishes are wooden, but they look like gold. How do you do this? (Khokhloma craftsmen had their own method of “gilding”. The dishes were rubbed with tin powder, covered with drying oil and heated in ovens. The drying oil turned yellow from the high temperature, and the tin that shone through it became like gold)
  • In Khokhloma painting I see only three colors. Do artists use other colors? (Khokhloma craftsmen use four colors: red, black, gold and sometimes green. These colors well convey the special Khokhloma grass pattern.
  • Khokhloma is very similar to Gorodets painting. How to distinguish them? (On products from Khokhloma you can only see herbal or floral patterns of four colors, but on Gorodets painting there are people, animals, birds, blue and yellow colors are used, but this special Khokhloma golden color is not present.)
  • Is Khokhloma known in other countries? (Modern Khokhloma has rightfully received wide recognition not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. Brightly painted cutlery sets, cups, spoons, and furniture are exhibited at many major international exhibitions. And this unique, cheerful art always finds love and understanding among people of all nationalities).

Ditties All the leaves are like leaves, but here every one is golden. People call such beauty Khokhloma! Grandfather’s grandmother forced him to draw before lunch - After all, it’s nice to pour cabbage soup into beautiful dishes! Khokhloma and Khokhloma - I’ll decorate all the houses, And then the whole street, Rooster and chicken! I’ll milk the milk and pour it for the kitten, I’ll paint Khokhloma on the Sweet Burenka! My ugly kitten, This is the news, I painted Khokhloma, He became in first place. I saw this yesterday - You won’t tell anyone: A hare sits on a birch tree and draws Khokhloma! I'm running, my legs are tired. What can you do to lift your spirit? It would be nice to draw Khokhloma along the road! I will paint the whole sky, I will paint it with Khokhloma, Let all the pilots fly under such beauty. Oh, share, win, win, do-la-la, Share, win, win, do-la-la!

The Tale of Khokhloma

Student 1. Once upon a time, about 300 years ago, in a small Trans-Volga village, there lived peasants who were rich in labor (I’ll tell you about this later). “Damp linen” was cut out of wood. They dried it with clay and coated it with peahen. They sanded it (removed all the excess clay) and lubricated it with boiling vegetable oil - that means oiled. And they dried it again. Then they rubbed it with silver powder and tinned it. And again they put it in the oven hot. And they wrote on dry soil with flowers. They wrote with flowers. A blade of grass. Just a drop. And the stem - kriul - was allowed to follow the pattern. Green leaves, large and small, And berries, a miracle, were thrown across the field: Raspberries, currants, cherries, strawberries - All scarlet on a golden background. Revive. Drying. Fasteners - A wonderful gift is ready for anyone’s home. Yes, it was a gift. Or to a crowded fair Good product- Khokhloma dishes. I went and flew around the world from here. She went and flew. And now you and I all know the beautiful Khokhloma. And spoons with trays. And cups. And the boards - a fairy tale of nature, where everything is in reality. (A cartoon about Khokhloma is shown simultaneously with the fairy tale.) Student 2. The spoons and those I have are from Khokhloma. I have a constant feeling for them. Since childhood, they have been dear to me, dear! I will arrange them, and the people are happy, And no comments or complaints, One thing can be heard in the conversation at the table: “I wish there was some hot soup, borscht wouldn’t hurt!” Khokhloma brush, thank you very much. Tell a fairy tale for the joy of life. You are like the soul of the people, you are beautiful, you, like the people, serve the Fatherland! Student 3. If I just get bored, As soon as I play them, it will immediately become more fun, My legs want to dance.

Spoon game. Student 1. Khokhloma painting, a scattering of scarlet berries, Echoes of summer in the green grass. Groves-coppices, silky bursts of sunny-honey golden foliage. The chiseled beauty has a brocade sundress, The yachts burn along the waves of patterns. What kind of sorcerers dressed Khokhloma in this unspeakable festive outfit? Khokhloma painting, as if witchcraft. She asks for a fairy-tale song herself. And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences - Our Khokhloma is more wonderful than all miracles!

Children perform the final song “Star of Russia” (at the same time photographs of Gzhel and Khokhloma are broadcast on the screen).

Presenter 1. Our Russia is great,

And our people are talented.

About our native Rus', craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world.

Presenter 2. Our Russian creations,

They do not age for hundreds of years.

In beauty, in Russian talent

It's all a secret!

Presenter 1. Craftsmen enjoyed good reputation among the people and received good rewards for good work

Presenter 2. And we will treat you with tea and pies! They bring out the samovar and pies.

Extracurricular activity fine arts

Subject: Russian Gzhel. Blue fairy tale.



    Expand students’ knowledge about Gzhel painting;

    Introduce the main features of painting;

    Make a Gzhel painting pattern with gouache on a sheet of paper

    Create works for the exhibition of Gzhel painting.

2. Metasubject:

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    mastering the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;

    mastering the ability to conduct dialogue, distribute functions and roles in the process of performing collective creative work;

    use of funds information technology to solve various educational and creative problems in the process of searching for additional visual material;

    the ability to plan and competently carry out educational activities in accordance with the assigned task, to find options for solving various artistic and creative problems;

    the ability to rationally organize independent creative activity, the ability to organize a place of study;

    conscious desire to master new knowledge and skills, to achieve higher and more original creative results.

3. Personal:

    a sense of pride in the culture and art of the Motherland;

    understanding the special role of culture and art in the life of society and each individual;

    formation of aesthetic feelings, artistic and creative thinking, observation and imagination;

    the formation of aesthetic needs (needs for communication with art, nature, needs for a creative attitude towards the surrounding world, needs for independent practical creative activity), values ​​and feelings;

    development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

    mastering the skills of collective activity in the process of joint creative work in a team of classmates under the guidance of a teacher;

    ability to cooperate with colleagues in the process joint activities, correlate your part of the work with the overall plan;

    the ability to discuss and analyze one’s own artistic activity and the work of classmates from the perspective of the creative tasks of a given topic, in terms of content and means of expression


    TCO: computer, screen, projector;

    Materials and tools: White paper A-4, gouache, eraser, pencil, palette, brushes, jar for water;

    Exhibition of products from Gzhel, samples of Gzhel painting on a printed basis.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

Leading. Today, guys, our lesson is dedicated to “Fairytale Gzhel”. You see how our class has changed. This is because the products of Gzhel masters settled in it.

Slide 1

II. Main part

Children read poetry.

1.Simple pattern

From shades of paint,

White clay, porcelain –

Attributes of a fairy tale!

Like a child's hand

On pieces of clay

Painted in three strokes

Blue paintings.

Cups round sides

Having painted it in rings,

In petals and clouds -

Tiles for the stove,

Blue lace,

Cobalt frost,

It's like there's a blizzard

Curls of lines.

Sticky for the game

Blue figurines,

For the kids' fun,

Hares and whistles.

Hidden in the lightness of the stroke

The secret of the miracle of clay.

Lives in Rus' for centuries

The craft is ancient.

Generations of masters

White and blue Gzhel -

Sorcerers of two colors,

Our Botticelli!

2. Blue birds across a white sky,

A sea of ​​blue flowers,

Jugs and mugs –

Fact or fable?

Golden handicrafts!

Yes! This is a blue fairy tale -

A feast for the eyes,

Like drops in spring!

Affection, care, warmth and patience -

Russian ringing Gzhel!

Slides 2-6

Leading. Now we will show you a fairy tale, or rather, not quite a fairy tale, but maybe even a true story. However, see for yourself and decide.

Children show a puppet show.


Granddaughter: Hello guys! there are so many of you! Today, my grandparents promised to tell me a fairy tale about “Fairytale Gzhel”.

Grandmother: Hello guys and granddaughter! Yes, we will tell you, but not a fairy tale, but a true story.

Grandfather: It was a long time ago.

Grandmother: In a certain kingdom, in the Russian state, not far from Moscow, among dense forests stood the village of Gzhel. Brave and smart, kind and hard-working people lived there. For a long time they made dishes from white clay. Even the name of the village was associated with the word “burn”, because clay products were necessarily fired in a kiln at high temperature. And then one day they got together and began to think about how best to show their skills, to please all the people and glorify their land.

Grandfather: We thought and thought and came up with an idea. We decided to sculpt dishes the likes of which the world has never seen. Each master began to show his ability. One made a teapot: the spout was in the shape of a cockerel’s head, and there was a chicken on the lid.

Grandmother: Another master looked and was amazed, but did not sculpt the teapot. He saw a bull on the street and sculpted it.

Grandfather: The third master marveled at such beauty, and he himself came up with an even better idea. He made a sugar bowl in the shape of a fabulous fish. The fish smiles, waves its tail, and shakes its fins. The sugar bowl turned out wonderful.

Granddaughter: and how did they decide to decorate such intricate dishes?

Grandmother: yes you listen, listen and you listen! They went home. They walk along the road and look. And all around there is fabulous beauty, the blue is spreading: a high blue sky with white clouds, a blue forest can be seen in the distance, the blue surface of rivers and lakes, and a white fog spreading over them.

Grandfather: So they decided to transfer this blue to white porcelain. And everything that the brush paints becomes blue and cyan. And flowers, and people, and birds, and grass.

Grandmother: People fell in love with the elegant tableware, and they began to affectionately call it “Gentle blue miracle - fabulous Gzhel.” Gzhel craftsmen glorified their beloved region throughout the world and told everyone what skilled craftsmen live in Rus'.

Grandfather: The ancient town of Gzhel is still alive today. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous masters work there, continue the glorious tradition, sculpt and paint amazing Gzhel dishes

Grandmother: Ah, that was the end, and whoever listened - well done!


It's hard to believe: is it really
Just two colors? Miracles!..
This is how artists from Gzhel
The skies are putting snow on it!

Slides 2-3


Gzhel- one of the traditional Russian production centers ceramics ki.

The broader meaning of the name "Gzhel", which is correct from a historical and cultural point of view, is the extensivearea consisting of 27villages united in the “Gzhel Bush”. "Gzhel Bush" is located approximately sixty kilometers fromMoscow by rail Moscow - Murom - Kazan. Now "Gzhel Bush" is included inRamensky district of the Moscow region. To revolution this area belonged to Bogorodsky and Bronnitsky districts.

Slide 7

Leading. Russian painter B.M. Kustodiev said that Gzhel teapots and cups bloom with “witchcraft blue flowers.” Indeed, the famous blue flowers, leaves and buds on a white background are an exceptional Gzhel tradition that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The distinctive style of painting with cobalt (blue paint) uses thirty different shades: from an almost transparent light blue to a rich dark blue. But shades of color appear only after firing; in its raw form, the cobalt design looks gray-black.

Slide 8-24

Leading. Perhaps the most favorite pattern is the Gzhel rose. Sometimes it is depicted large, with broad strokes. And sometimes it is written with a thin brush. Either we see a bouquet of several roses, or flowers are scattered across the entire surface.

Slides 25-27


What roses and peonies
Masters write on the cups.
And blue and white buds
As beautiful today as yesterday!
L. Kulikova.

Leading. The bird is one of the favorite motifs of Gzhel masters. Masters depicted them in different poses, whether standing, sitting, pecking or fluttering; it is rare to find a landscape in which birds are not depicted.

Kvasnik - a vessel, jug, vessel in which yeast or fruit kvass was stored and served. Since the 19th century, the name “kvasnik” has been fixed in Moscow as a disc-shaped ceramic vessel with a spout, a wide neck and a curved handle, in the middle of the body of which there is a round hollow hole for placing ice, which cools the contents. The earliest known vessel of this shape dates back to 1771 and was made in Gzhel in the 19th century.

Ceramic kvass pots were often decorated with carvings or painted with scenes of battles or hunting, images of people, animals, buildings, and in our time the making of kvass pots has primarily decorative value.

It is believed that kvass is one of the criteria for a potter’s professionalism.

Slides 28-29

Leading. Curls, arcs, meshes, stripes, blades of grass, and dots are used. Fairy-tale animals and birds are often depicted. On large pieces you can often see a landscape.


Porcelain teapots, candlesticks, clocks,
Animals and birds of unprecedented beauty.
The village in the Moscow region has now become famous.
Everyone knows its name - Gzhel.
I. Kadukhina

Leading.The Gzhel masters use an unusual stroke for painting: “a stroke on one side” or “a stroke with shadows”. It shows a gradual transition from light to dark.


1.Dark blue miracle, nightingale trill.
You have sunk into everyone's soul,
Our Russian Gzhel.

2. Oh yes, the dishes, what a miracle, both are good,

All elegant and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!

There is a rose, a chamomile, a dandelion, cornflowers,

With a blue mesh around the edge, you just can't take your eyes off it.

They created this miracle not far away,

Those dishes were painted in Rus', in the town of Gzhel.

The edge of a porcelain miracle, and forests all around it.

Blue-eyed dishes, like the skies in spring.

Vases, teapots and dishes shine on the table!

Eating with painted dishes is tastier and more fun!

Slides 30-31

Physical education lesson “Dishes”

Here is a large glass teapot,

(“Inflate” your belly, one hand on your belt)

Very important, like a boss.

(The other is curved like a spout.)

Here are the porcelain cups

(Squat, one hand on the belt.)

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are the porcelain saucers,

(Spin around, drawing a circle with your hands.)

Just knock and they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

(Stretch, clasp your hands above your head)

Here's a plastic tray -

He brought us the dishes.

(Make a big circle.)

Leading. Let's see what the process of making Gzhel dishes is.

Slides 32-37

Children sing the song " Forget-me-not Gzhel"

1. There is such a place in the Moscow region -
White grove, quiet river.
In this quiet Russian nature
The echo of magical melodies is heard.

Chorus: And the spring water brightens,
And the breath of the winds is fresh.
Gzhel cornflower is blooming,
Forget-me-not Gzhel.

2. Colors swirl in ringing waves,
To make Pansies shine,
The pattern flows under the hand of the craftswoman,
So that it cannot happen again anywhere.

Ex: And the spring water brightens,
And the breath of the winds is fresh.
Gzhel cornflower is blooming,
Forget-me-not Gzhel.

Slides 38-47

Dance "Gzhel dishes"

Leading. Let's see how Gzhel painting has changed to date. Artists show miracles of imagination.

Slides 48-60

Game "Assemble the teapot"

Leading. Let's split into two teams. Each will receive Gzhel puzzles. We will collect teapots. Which team will complete the task faster?

Slide 61

Leading. Let's take a close look at the exhibition of Gzhel products. (They consider what kind of dishes are painted by masters more often, and what patterns they paint with.)

Now each of you will choose a card with a letter. If you come across the letter “H”, then you will paint the teapots, if the letter is “T”, then you will paint the plate, if the letter “K”, then you will paint the kvass. (Children are divided into groups)

Practical work. Painting on paper teapots, plates, kvass.

III. Bottom line.Creation of an exhibition.

Discussion of the results obtained.

ІҮ. Reflection

Dance with candles (melody on an ethnic theme)

Children receive coloring books on the theme “Gzhel Painting” as a reward for their work.

Entertainment script “Gzhel patterns”

To the melody of the song “Autumn” (lyrics by T. Artyukhova)

    What's happened? White all around

Only blue flowers stood in a circle.

Blue and white...

This is Gzhel who came to us (2 times)

    White field, blue flower,

I feel so good next to you.

Blue river birch white...

Oh, how good you are, Rus'! (2 times)

    White clay, white porcelain.

Blue paint, blue pattern.

It’s you, my dear Gzhel,

Thank you for coming to us! (2 times)

1st teacher. Just 30 minutes drive from our kindergarten there is a place known to the whole world called Gzhel! What did she become famous for?

1st child. In Gzhel, dishes are made from white clay.

2nd child. And they paint it with blue and blue paint.

3rd child. Such dishes are not made anywhere else in the world.

2nd teacher. They do a great job in Gzhel, but they also know how to have fun.

Two children stand in the center of the semicircle.

1st child.

Restless boots

They themselves can hear where the accordion is,

They go dancing themselves,

My boots are being carried.

2nd child.

We don't stand still,

Would you let me sit down?

Because of you, because of you

I'm always dancing

Both together

We ask everyone to get up quickly,

Let's dance the polka

Here comes the music

He invites us to dance.

(Perform a polka of your choice)

All the children dance, then sit on both sides of the hall.

1st teacher. In Gzhel they make not only dishes, but also figures of people and animals (shows to children and parents)

2-educator. And one day the master came up with a nesting doll like this.

The sketch “Capriculia” is performed. Then the children read poems about Gzhel (author V.K. Lobanva)

In the quiet Moscow region,

The Gzhelka River runs.

Along this river

The village is standing.

Different windows

There's a skate on the roof,

From a clean well

A sip of water.

Willow thickets run along the river.

Craftsmen live in that village

They make painted dishes

They create a miracle in blue and white

White lump of clay

The master holds in his hands,

Something felt familiar

In the suddenly appeared features

The hostess came out

Give food to chickens

Here the daughter snuggled up to her mother -

Blue on white.

Thin outline with color

We see in the patterns

Our cheerful meadows.

White and blue miracle

Nightingale trill

You have sunk into everyone's soul,

Our Russian Gzhel!

1st teacher

I love Russian birch

Sometimes light, sometimes dark.

In a white sundress

With handkerchiefs in your pocket

Children dance in a circle to the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field”

2nd teacher

Put your ears on top of your heads,

We are talking about Gzhel and singing ditties

Children perform ditties (words by L.A. Lyapina)

I walked across the field

I found three flowers.

White, blue, light blue...

I admire the beauty.

I found paint at home

I let down my blue eyes,

Cheeks flushed...

Mom, don't scold me!

I put on a white skirt,

I braided a blue ribbon.

This is how I became

Look at me!

There are two flowers on the window,

Blue and white

When, mom, I grow up,

I'll give them to my dear one!

I'll look out the window

On birch and spruce.

I’ll invite Kirill with me

On an excursion to Gzhel!

Blue clouds,

Blue water

I will become the captain

You will be proud of me!

I washed Gzhel dishes,

There were splashes everywhere.

If you wipe away the splashes, it doesn’t matter!

Oh, the dishes are good!

We sang ditties for you.

Is it good? Is it bad?

And now we ask you,

for you to clap.

1st teacher.

A swan floats along the river,

Above the bank the head bears

She flaps her wing

He shakes off the water from the flowers.

Girls perform the dance “Gzhel Patterns” to the Russian folk song “The month is shining, the clear light is shining”

1st teacher.

Let's end the holiday with a friendly song!

We'll all sing it together

2nd teacher.

There is no more wonderful country on Earth,

Than the one we live in!

The children form a semicircle and sing a song about their native land and leave.

  • introduce children to folk crafts and traditions of Russian folk holidays;
  • instilling respect for the history of one’s people and patriotism;
  • development of children's creative abilities.

Decoration: the classroom is decorated with children's works done during drawing lessons (using Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting techniques, Dymkovo toys), panels "Russian Village", "Fair", as well as various folk crafts brought by students from home. All children are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

The progress of the holiday

1. The presenters are two buffoons.

1) To the fair! To the fair!
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!

2) Under a bush near the path
The buffoons were sitting.
I am buffoon Troshka.

1) And I am Fedul the buffoon!
Welcome to us, dear guests!
Don't be bored, have fun!

2) There are many different crafts in Rus',
Those that please the eye and bring benefits.

2. A story about folk crafts.

1) What is Dymkovo famous for?
With your toy!
There is no smoky color in it,
What grayness is gray.
She has something of the rainbow in her,
From drops of dew.
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass.
She has a youthful zest,
She has daring and scope.
Shine ocher with red lead
All over the earth in houses!
And anger and gloominess like ice
Without any trace
Let under Dymkov's smile
They will melt forever!

2) The Dymkovo toy is so called because it was born in the settlement of Dymkovo, not far from the city of Vyatka. The toys of Dymkovo craftsmen were the brightest decoration of the fair, where a festive festivities took place with the mischievous and cheerful name of the Whistler. Why Whistler? Yes, because at this folk festival the cheerful whistling of Dymkovo whistles rang out in different voices.

3) About the ancient Dymkovo toy
We'll sing ditties now!
Our hands are like pretzels,
Cheeks like apples.
Have known us for a long time
All the people are at the fair.
We are painted toys,
Vyatka laughter,
Suburban dandies,
Town gossips.
Dymkovo ladies
More beautiful than anyone in the world.
And the hussars are darlings
Our cavaliers.
We are noble toys,
Folding, okay.
We are famous everywhere
You'll like us too.

4) Lace in dragonfly wings
And in the flying through clouds.
In the web of the airy forest,
In the weightless shadow of the carved,
The lace leaf is circling above me,
The grass is woven into lace

5) Rhythms of blue and white wonderful colors
Blue sky and white snowstorm
Moscow region - you are always wonderful,
This is our fabulous Gzhel.
Gzhel, Gzhel, fabulous Gzhel.
The song is soulful, the song is good.
It was as if a white snowstorm had dusted the blue flowers.

6) And we all go, forward and forward again,
The road will lead us to Pavlov Posad.
What a wonderful pattern, what colors all around
This field, flowers, like a sunny meadow!
Everyone is happy to see this Russian fairy tale here.
This fairy tale is called Pavlov Posad!

7) Khokhloma brush, thank you very much!
Tell a fairy tale for the joy of life!
You, like the soul of the people, are beautiful!
You, like people, serve the Fatherland!
Khokhloma, Khokhloma! The whole people were driven crazy!
Bright, radiant, golden patterns!

8) How many fabulous places Russia has!
Russia has countless cities.
Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,
But it won’t be more dear than here!

9) “Matryoshka dolls” (to music). Performed by girls in matryoshka costumes.

Girlfriends walked along the path
There were a few of them
Two matryonas, three matryoshkas
And one nesting doll.
Oh, yes, we are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls!
Although a little clumsy
At our holiday
Let's definitely dance!
Oh yes, we are all, we are all chubby,
Very famous sisters.
We know how to open up
Get out of each other.
Oh yes balalaika, balalaika,
Come on, let's play more fun!
Play around, don't break down
Try your best for the nesting dolls!

3. That’s how many different folk crafts there are in Russia. And all this was created by the “golden hands” of Russian craftsmen.

Children perform the song “Russian Craftsmen” (V. Temnov, S. Abramov)

Small Russian villages,
Glorious big cities
Often surprising
The beauty of ancient work.

Ivanovo is famous for its affectionate calicoes,
Tula - samovars, sonorous button accordions,
Orenburg - famous for its down scarves,
Vologda captivates with its wonderful lace.

Like in a shawl Kostroma, Gus Khrustalny, Khokhloma,
Palekh is also famous, everyone in the world likes it.
There is no miracle in this.
Russia has lived with this for a long time.
The grandson, having seen his grandfather's secrets,
He passes it on to his sons.

On scarves, on wood, on chintz
Everyone will recognize our land.
How can we not be proud of Russia?
By her wise craftsmen!

4 Buffoons.

Skomorokhs ask ancient Russian riddles. The guys and guests guess.

The buffoons play the Russian folk game “The Tsar and the Workers” with the children. The guys unite in groups of 2-3, approach the king and pantomime show what kind of work they can do. If the king guesses right, he takes them as workers. If not, then the workers leave, and everyone says in unison: “I didn’t guess, I’m left without workers!”

5. At our fair you can buy a cow and bargain.

A dramatization of S. Mikhalkov's poem "How an Old Man Sold a Cow."

6. Buffoons tell boring tales and nursery rhymes.

Dear guests, would you like to eat some sweets and listen to some nursery rhymes?

1) - Fedul! Why did you pout?

The caftan was burned.

Can you sew it up?

There is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

2) - Troshka! Why don't you come out of the forest?

Caught the bear!

So bring it here!

He's not coming!

Go yourself!

He won't let me in!

3) - Son, go to the river for some water.

My belly hurts.

Son, go eat some porridge!

Well, since mother says, we have to go.

7. - You can listen to music at the fair.

The boys play musical instruments. They perform folk songs.

8. - What’s a fair without ditties!

Girls perform ditties

1. We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.

2. And in our yard
The frogs croaked.
I'm barefoot from the stove,
I thought they were girlfriends.

3. They say about me:
“He doesn’t know how to bake bread!”
Well, what a curiosity -
To the shovel, and to the oven!

4. For me, for the combat
Suitors - oh-oh-oh!
Grisha, Misha, Senechka
Not enough time.

5. Listen guys,
We will sing awkward things.
A pig grazes on an oak tree,
A bear is steaming in a sauna.

6. I'm from a high fence
I'll fall straight into the water.
Well who cares
Where will the splashes go?

7. I will harness the cat to the droshky,
And the kitten in the tarantass.
I'll take my good one
Show off to all people!

8. There is a cart under the mountain,
Tears are dripping from the arc.
There is a cow under the mountain
Puts on boots.

9. I'm working, working,
I'm not afraid of work.
If your right side gets tired,
I'll turn left.

10. The boys and I danced
Rubber boots.
The whole village was staring
They just opened their mouths.

11. I have a rose in my pocket,
The rose is fragrant.
And I have a character
Like stinging nettle.

12. I don’t have a sweetheart,
And my friend has seven.
I asked: “Where did you find them?”
“I sowed it in the garden!”

13. I walked through the village
And I saw Petrusha.
I sat and cried under the fence
The chicken offended me.

14. Samovar, samovar
Golden leg.
I sowed peas
Potatoes have grown.

15. Giggles and giggles
Our guys are tiny.
Because of the hummocks, because of the stumps
Our boys are missing.

16. We stop singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
If there is nothing to do.

9. Dance "Ring".

First the guys (4 couples) dance. Then each dancer invites a guest. The dance is performed again (8 couples).

10. Dance music is playing. Those who want to dance. At the fair there are tables with refreshments.