Scenario of the propaganda team "for road safety". Scenario of a traffic propaganda team; methodological development on the topic: Harmful advice on traffic rules, almost like Oster’s

lesson on the topic: “Stopping path. Braking distance"

Class: 7

Objective of the lesson:

    create conditions for expanding students’ knowledge on the topic “Stopping path. Braking distance";

    develop a conscious need to comply with traffic rules.

Lesson objectives:


    teach students to realistically perceive the situation on the road, taking into account the stopping distance;

    show students how dangerous it is to cross a road or street in front of nearby vehicles;

    to promote in students a sense of danger and civic responsibility.

    create conditions for the formation of communicative universal educational actions: the ability to work in pairs to jointly solve a problem, the ability to conduct a dialogue, answer questions correctly and clearly;

    create conditions for the formation of computer literacy as a factor in the development of intercultural competence of students;


    create conditions for the development of cognitive universal educational activities: the ability to extract information from video fragments and additional sources;

    develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions and answer questions posed with reason;

    develop the ability to express your own opinion and justify it;


    contribute to the education of law-abidingness, responsibility for one’s life and the lives of people living nearby;

    promote the development of social competence and a friendly attitude towards others;

    promote the ability to work in pairs;

    promote moral education; nurturing communication skills and self-esteem skills.

Teaching methods:problem-search, problem-dialogical; verbal, visual.

Student assessment system:There is no assessment of students during the lesson

Equipment and visual teaching aids:board; computer; multimedia projector; presentation; video fragment “Stopping distance. Braking distance”, video fragments “Finding the stopping distance”, test, sound accompaniment: “Good road of childhood”, V. Leontiev’s song “Traffic Light” for reflection, magnetic board, pedestrian reminder.

Planned results:Students will be able to answer simple questions on the topic “Stopping path. Braking distance,” will be able to draw a conclusion on what indicators the braking distance depends.

Lesson plan:


Teacher activities

Student activity

Organizational moment. Formulating the topic of the lesson with students

Hello guys! (The song “Good Road of Childhood” plays; against the background of the song, the teacher asks questions to the students)

Do you think one second is a lot or a little?

What is one second to a pedestrian?

Sometimes a pedestrian sees that the car is very close, but no, he still hurries to cross the road in front of her very nose. Let's watch the video clip.

Answer teacher questions


View slides about accident statistics

What do you think will be discussed in today's lesson?

Your options for the topic of the lesson.

(The teacher introduces the topic “Stopping distance. Braking distance”) So, today we will talk about stopping distance and braking distance.

View presentation slides about statistics

Formulate the topic of the lesson

Studying the concepts: “stopping distance”, “braking distance”.

Who knows what is the difference between braking distance and stopping distance? Let's look at the fragment. (View video clip “Braking distance. Stopping distance”)

Questions for pinning on the video fragment:

    Why is it impossible to stop a car instantly?

    What does braking distance depend on? What can affect the braking distance?

    What is driver reaction time?

    What is a car stopping distance? What is it made of?

    Why can’t you cross the street in front of nearby traffic?

    Do cyclists and pedestrians have a stopping distance?

Guys, remember - not a single car can stop right away. (View footage of road accidents with casualties, where the culprits were pedestrians).

Watch the video fragment “Braking distance. Stopping distance

Answer questions

View presentation slides

Conducting research.

What do you think determines the braking distance of a car? Braking distance depends on many factors, e.g.

A) on the force of adhesion of the wheels to the ground. If the road is slippery and the tires are worn out, then the traction force between the wheels and the ground decreases and, conversely, increases if the road is dry and the tires are new. In the first case, the braking distance increases, in the second it decreases.

b) depending on the condition of the road. The braking distance can increase by about 30% if the road is wet, and by about 3 times if the road is covered with snow, and by 5 times if the asphalt is covered with an ice crust.

V) on the speed of the car.

Let's do some research in a computer program.

You need to see how the braking distance changes depending on the speed of the vehicle, enter the obtained data into the table.

(Students have tables on their desks)

Conclusion: the higher the speed, the longer it is.

Students work on computers)


Testing is carried out using a computer program or questionnaire

Working with dough

Summing up the lesson.

A reminder is given to students

Working with the memo


There is a traffic light on the board in front of you, and on the desks there is an envelope containing 3 sticker lights (red, yellow, green). Rate your condition at the end of the lesson. Attach to the traffic light (posted on a magnetic board):

    Green– everything was clear, during the lesson I was surprised by facts, events, statistics.

    Yellow color – not everything was clear, but the lesson was interesting.

    Red color - I didn’t understand the lesson, it was boring.

Goodbye. Thanks for the lesson. (During reflection, V. Leontiev’s song “Traffic Light” is played)

Working with stickers

    Dudkin V.L. Learn the rules of the street. – Kyiv: Radyanskaya school, 1970.

    Traffic Laws Russian Federation/comp. A.T. Berg - M.: ATBERG 98, 2007.

    Handbook of the class teacher: extracurricular work at school to study the Rules of the Road / author. – comp. V.E.Amelina, O.L.Fastova. – 2nd ed. corr. – M.: Globus, 2006.

    Forshtat M.L., Dobrovolskaya A.P., Epova A.V., Novikov A.V. Pedestrian on the road. – St. Petersburg: Avtograd, 2001.

    Autoworld – No. 9, No. 36 – 2008.

Appendix 1

Handouts for conducting research work on a computer.











Brake distance on a dry road, m










Vehicle speed, km/h

Appendix 2

Test questions:

1. Why are there restrictions on the speed of traffic in populated areas?

A. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

B. At high speeds it is easy to stop in front of a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection.

Q. At high speeds it is difficult to stop in front of a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection.

2. What places on the roads require special attention from the driver?

A. Yard areas.

B. Places near schools, kindergartens.

B. Unregulated intersections.

3. How does the length of the braking distance depend on the speed?

A. The higher the speed, the shorter the braking distance.

B. The higher the speed, the longer the braking distance.

B. The braking distance does not depend on the speed of movement.

4. Why shouldn’t you cross the road in front of nearby traffic?

A. You can run across if you run fast.

B. No car can stop instantly.

Key for testing: 1 – in

2 – a, b, c

3 – b

4 – b

Appendix 3

Pedestrian reminder

    Be able to not only see, but also hear the street.

    Pay attention to vehicle signals (turn signals, reverse lights, brake lights).

    Control your movements: turn your head to inspect the road, stop to let a car pass.

Appendix 4


Every year, more than 50 million people around the world are killed or injured as a result of road accidents. According to the World Bank, global economic losses amount to more than $500 billion a year. The World Health Organization indicates that road accidents account for more than 30% of deaths from all accidents. In the twentieth century, the car caused the death of about 30 million people. In Russia, losses associated with road accidents are several times higher than losses from railway accidents, fires and other types of accidents. The scale of road accidents threatens national security. (From the report of the working group of the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 100, the federal target program“Improving road safety in 2006-2012”, which talks about measures to reduce child road traffic injuries

According to the World Health Organization, if urgent action is not taken, the death rate on the world's roads will increase by 60% in the coming years. And the Earth will owe this to countries with low and middle income levels, where due to bad roads, old cars and lack of driving culture, the increase in mortality can reach 83%.[

Statistics. At the end of last year 2007, 23,851 accidents occurred in Russia, in which 1,116 schoolchildren and preschool children were killed and 24,707 were injured. 560 thousand protocols were drawn up for pedestrians for violating traffic rules. It turns out that every third Russian, including infants and old people, has violated traffic rules.

Scenario of a traffic propaganda team.

Completed by a primary school teacher

Gatina Guzel Safeevna


A march sounds. We are the UID propaganda team.

/motive "Student"/

Like on our side

On a big planet

We will all learn

At the University

We study traffic rules

We study the signs

And to all the squads everywhere

We educate everyone

Inspectors love us

All without exception

We dance and sing

About traffic rules.

1. Because there is nothing more important

These rules still

For big and little ones

Who cares about life?

2. After all, cross the road

It's safe

Only when the light is green

All : Never go to red!

/a grandmother appears with a basket, wants to cross the road, imitation of car movement/


Heh, well, where is this light?

I stood there and looked and my eyes hurt.

Neither yellow for you, nor green for you.

Where is this damn sweatshirt?

Or at least those stripes on the road?

Just cars back and forth, back and forth.(Imitation of cars by children)

I see godfather Frosya standing on the other side, but how to get to her??

Oh, it's bitter!


Where should you cross the street, grandma?

Remember this simple rule:

Look to the left first,

Look to the right - later!

Grandma: Yeah! From, baby, thank you!

If you go somewhere on the road,

Don't forget to remember the traffic rules,

By strictly observing these rules,

You will take away the hand of trouble.

Chorus: Remember, remember

On the road, on the way

Always a friend to you

There is a traffic light.

If the light is green

It will suddenly flash ahead,

Feel free to go forward and stop the cars!

Well, what if the red one winks smartly?

You must stop.

Don't rush, my friend, please don't rush,

Wait for the green light!

1. The strictest is red light

He says: (That's it:) there is no road!

If the red light is on,

So there is a way for everyone

(Everyone:) Closed!

2. And now at the traffic light

The yellow eye lit up

This means very soon

(All:) The traffic light will let us through.

3. The light is green, but perhaps

It's too early for us to set off on our journey,

It wouldn't hurt to first

(All ) Look around.

(melody "Sailor")

Student :

Not life, but grace, ( Simulation cars)

Along the wide streets

I have fun walking.

Cars are scurrying around,

I don't care about that

I rule the road

I won't comply. (Soundtrack of brakes grinding)

Ildar! Why are you getting under the wheels?

After all, trouble could happen!

You need to study, my friend.

How to behave on the street

To save your life.

On the roadway, children,

Don't play these games!

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the playground.

So that on the roadway

There were fewer children's troubles

With you, dear guys

We had a series of conversations.

We tell the guys:

“There is movement and bustle all around -

Always remember the rules!!!

Bus, trolleybus, car, tram

Don’t run around in front or behind!!!”

Guys! Don't play on the road -

Then your head and legs will be intact!!!

Guys, the road is not a joke, but life. Learn the signs and stick to the rules!

So that such a misfortune does not happen,

Always remember the ABC's of the road!

Road signs

We are road signs.

It's easy to remember!

If you know the signs

You will live and prosper!

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.(Careful, children. Warning.)

We were walking home from school,

We see a sign over the pavement

Circle, inside - a bicycle,

There is nothing else.

What is this sign? (The movement of bicycles is prohibited. Prohibiting.)

What kind of sign is that hanging?

Stop - he tells the cars.

Pedestrian, walk boldly

Black and white stripes.(Pedestrian crossing. Information and signposting.)

You didn’t wash your hands on the way,

But I ate fruits, vegetables,

If you are sick, they will help you

"Medical aid station"(Service mark)

Here's a fork, here's a spoon -

Let's refuel a little,

They fed the dog too

We say “Thank you” to the sign.(Food station. Service sign.)

I am an expert on road rules,

I parked the car here.

My problem is solved

Parking here is permitted.(Parking area. Information and signpost.)

In this place, oddly enough,

They are constantly waiting for something.

Some sitting, some standing...

What kind of place is this?(Bus stop. Information and signpost

You cannot cross the street when the color is red, even if there are no cars.

I roll on two wheels,

I pedal with two pedals,

I'm holding the steering wheel, looking ahead,

And I see soon in – in – the mouth! (Turn sign)

There are many road signs in the world.

It wouldn’t hurt you to learn them all.


In front of nearby traffic

All : Don't cross the road


Because transport

All: You can't stop it right away.

I. The braking distance of a motorcycle is 10 m.

2. Braking distance passenger car 6m.

3. The braking distance of a truck is 11 m.

Inspector: Statistics show that in road traffic accidents:

1. Every fifth person died

All: Child.

2. And every fourth wounded

All: Child.

We performed for you

And they opened their hearts,

And shared a smile

We are with you, our viewer.

Let's be together, friends!

After all, we have one dream:

No accidents on the roads

The whole country will travel

Let's be together, friends,

We know, we know for sure

Everyone really needs traffic rules,

They were not invented in vain!

The world we live in

It makes us sad sometimes.

Make our lives safe

We really need you and me.

Let's respect each other

Obey simple laws

Then they will forget about sadness and pain

And everyone around will laugh.

1. To live without knowing grief.

2. To run, swim and fly

3. You must follow traffic rules.

4 . Always and everywhere comply.

Children go up on stage and perform a song(to the tune of the song “Blue Car”)

We often kick the ball along the roads

And we don’t see the speeding car...

It's scary if suddenly a child's cry is heard,

A moment of carelessness and under the tire.


Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey

And it rests directly on the sky.

Let everyone boldly hope for the best,

If he knows the rules of the road.

We walk, chatting, hearing only ourselves,

Sometimes we don’t notice the stop signal.

And, forgetting, crossing a red light,

We almost get hit by a car


Children, know that life is given only once -

Learn the road rules!

This will save your life more than once

And perhaps save it for others.


The guys leave the hall to the music.


The march "Remember the traffic rules" sounds!

The propaganda team comes out in two columns (13 participants), line up in two lines in a checkerboard pattern, in the first - seven participants, in the second - 6

Together: Good afternoon, Hello!

ED: You are greeted by the Road Patrol detachment of school No. 17

VED: Our motto:

TOGETHER: Let them call us the young generation. –

Let's proudly say every single one:

We serve traffic!

We serve his safety!

VED: We are glad to meet you

In a cozy warm room.

ED: We have a serious conversation

About funny cases.

Rearrangement at an angle (top of the corner at the back of the stage) for 1 phonogram

VED: The city in which you and I live can really be compared to a primer.

ED: The ABC of streets, avenues, roads, The city gives us a lesson all the time.

ED:. Here it is, the alphabet, above your head (they raise signs)

ED:. Signs are posted along the pavement,

VED: Always remember the alphabet of the city,

VED: So that no trouble happens to you.

VED: There are different signs: white, blue, red.

VED: They are round and forbid us everything. (shows sign)

VED: They are triangular and they warn us (shows a sign)

ED:. Then they tell us how to behave (shows a sign)

ALL. And what awaits us along the way.

VED: We seriously declare to you, without a doubt,

EDUCATION: To avoid accidents on the road

VED: We need to learn all the rules of movement

VED: Remember the basic signs and be able to read.

ALL. Learn traffic rules from birth!

Rearrangement in the middle of 7 participants, on the sides - two columns of three under 2 phonogram

VED: Guys, the road is not a joke, but life. Learn the signs and stick to the rules!

VED: So that trouble does not happen to you, always remember the Road ABC!

VED: “Our region is the leader in the number of cars per capita.”

VED: In the city itself, movement will become impossible if everything vehicles will move into the streets at once.

VED: We firmly declare,

Let's say without a doubt:

We really need it in life

Traffic rules.

VED: Let there be no more troubles,

Sadness and anxiety.

Let the green light burn

On your way!

VED: So that there is no anxiety in life,

And no trouble happened to people,

Discipline on every road

Please, people always comply!

Rearranging at an angle (top of the corner at the edge of the stage) for soundtrack 3

VED: In front of nearby traffic

ALL: Don't cross the road

ED: Because transport

All: You can’t stop it right away.

VED: The braking distance of a motorcycle is 10 m.

VED: The braking distance of a passenger car is 6 m.

VED: The braking distance of a truck is 11 m.

ED: Statistics show that in road accidents:

VED: Every fifth person died

ALL: Child.

VED: And every fourth wounded

ALL: Child.

VED: To live without knowing grief.

ED:. To run, swim and fly

VED: You must follow the traffic rules

VED: Observe always and everywhere.

Rearrangement in a checkerboard pattern for phonogram 4

VED: We live in the glorious city of Stary Oskol. Dozens of traffic lights are burning on the city streets.

ED: Pedestrians and cars

Respect the traffic light.

After all, there is order on the road

He provides.

VED: Going out to any intersection,

Adults and teenagers know:

You need to quickly walk the entire roadway,

Don't linger

And don't yawn on the way!

ED: Every pedestrian should

Find a road crossing.

VED: We see many signs on the road,

But everyone has the same goal:

So that children don't suddenly have to cry,

So that adults don’t suddenly have to cry,

Always follow their laws!


They warn, they forbid.

They keep us informed along the way.

CHORUS: All signs are needed, all signs are important,

People must comply with them.

VED: Dear dads, moms

We repeat to you stubbornly

Morning evening and afternoon

You are an example for us in everything

VED: Therefore, tell yourself: STOP! When you cross the road with us in the wrong place!

VED: STOP! When you tell us about how reckless you were on a bicycle as a child!

VED: STOP! When you buy a scooter if we are under 16 years old!

VED: STOP! When you ignore the rules of the road!

Everyone steps forward in one line


Rebuilding in one column, under 6 phonogram

VED: Are you a pedestrian or a driver?

Businessman, leader -

You are always an example for us,

And now listen to us.

1st child: Take care of people on the road!

2nd child: If you don’t know the rules, then trouble will come!

3rd child: Guys, playing on the road is dangerous!

4th child: Drive without violating the traffic rules!

5th child: We tell you: “Drive carefully through the stopping zone.

6th child: And never drive a car while drunk!

7th child: Comrade drivers and pedestrians! Let's make our roads safer together!

8th child: If you are 14 years old, your transport is still a bicycle!

9th child: Don’t drive, drivers! You are parents too!

10th child: Everyone should know the ABCs of the road!

11th child: We follow the rules - we cross correctly!

12th child: We will grow up and promise to become disciplined road users!

Together: We promote Road Safety among children, as well as their parents.

Two steps back to soundtrack 7

2 participants come forward

Together: Parents, buy flickers for your children!
VED: Wearing a flicker reduces the risk of hitting a pedestrian in the dark by 6.5 times!

5 more participants come forward

VED: Flicker is visible in the light of car headlights from a distance of 400 meters.
Together: Buy a flicker - become more visible!
VED: Parents! Fasten your children's seat belts,
If you don’t want to know sadness and grief.

VED: And now, we are asking the drivers of our city with the following request:

VED: Follow traffic rules carefully. Keep peace in our city...

VED: Don't drive like formula racers, don't rush around forgetting about everything

VED: Don't drive drunk, it's better to walk.

Together: And most importantly! Attention! Brake early!

VED: Sun!

VED: Forest!

VED: Rainbow!

VED: Flowers!

Together: All this is life!

Everyone lines up in one line

The sound of a heartbeat, the sound of a heart stopping

Rebuilding in a checkerboard pattern

VED: But at any moment life can end...

VED: Drunk driver

VED: Inattentive pedestrian

VED: Ignorance of traffic rules

Together: All this can lead to dire consequences.

VED: Remember! Road safety is in our hands!

VED: Remember! Not a single thing, even the most important one, is worth your life!

TOGETHER: We choose life!

Phonogram 8

VED: Remember - there are so many difficulties on the road

VED: Remember - there are thousands of cars on the roads

VED: Remember - there are many intersections on the roads

VED: Remember - and learn all the rules.

ALL: Together - for road safety!

VED: When going out on the road, remember:

ALL “Mutual respect on the road is the key to safety.”

Changing into one line

VED: May the sun always shine,

May we always hear laughter!

There are roads in our city

They will become safer for everyone!

Final song

  1. The city is full of traffic
    and thousands of cars are rushing,
    in a sea of ​​music and engines,
    We are in a hurry to take a plunge!
    Pedestrian, according to the law of streets and roads,
    find an island of safety.
    We know from A to Z,
    the ABC of movement.
    Good childhood journey,

    We know from A to Z,
    the ABC of movement.
    Good childhood journey,
    with the adult life next door.
    So many signs on the way
    don't let me down!
  2. On the roads without a doubt
    young traffic inspectors,
    everything is quite serious for us,
    helping people without question.
    Ahead, green traffic light, wink,
    These are young traffic police assistants.

We know from A to Z,
the ABC of movement.
Good childhood journey,
with the adult life next door.
We know from A to Z,
the ABC of movement.
Good childhood journey,
with the adult life next door.
So many signs on the way
don't let me down!

MAOU Ilyinskaya Secondary School

Scenario of a traffic propaganda team.

Completed by a primary school teacher

Khrushkova Natalya Vasilievna.


A march sounds. We are the UID propaganda team.

/motive "Student"/

Like on our side

On a big planet

We will all learn

At the University

We study traffic rules

We study the signs

And to all the squads everywhere

We educate everyone

Inspectors love us

All without exception

We dance and sing

About traffic rules.

1. Because there is nothing more important

These rules still

For big and little ones

Who cares about life?

2. After all, cross the road

It's safe

Only when the light is green

All : Never go to red!

/a grandmother appears with a basket, wants to cross the road, imitation of car movement/


Heh, well, where is this light?

I stood there and looked and my eyes hurt.

Neither yellow for you, nor green for you.

Where is this damn sweatshirt?

Or at least those stripes on the road?

Just cars back and forth, back and forth. (Imitation of cars by children)

I see godfather Frosya standing on the other side, but how to get to her??

Oh, it's bitter!


Where should you cross the street, grandma?

Remember this simple rule:

Look to the left first,

Look to the right - later!

Grandma:Yeah! From, baby, thank you!


Let's contact the city council

If there is no traffic light.

Let them at least designate it as a zebra

Transition to our Ilyinka!

/grandmothers come out and sing ditties/

1. If you suddenly come from Ilyinka

Yes, you will go to Moscow,

Don't forget the traffic rules

As they taught you at school.

2. Noise, movement, hum of engines

You'll immediately get confused

Kohl in traffic lights

You don't understand.

3. Traffic light teacher is strict,

He says to the pedestrian:

"Stop! Attention! Get out of the way!

Get ready, the way is open!"

1. The strictest is red light

Speaks:( All :) there is no road!

If the red light is on,

So there is a way for everyone

(All:) Closed!

2. And now at the traffic light

The yellow eye lit up

This means very soon

(All:) The traffic light will let us through.

3. The light is green, but perhaps

It's too early for us to set off on our journey,

It wouldn't hurt to first

(All ) Look around.

(melody "Sailor")


Not life, but grace, ( Simulation cars)

Along the wide streets

I have fun walking.

Cars are scurrying around,

I don't care about that

I rule the road

I won't comply. ( Soundtrack of brakes grinding)

Artyom! Why are you getting under the wheels?

After all, trouble could happen!

You need to study, my friend.

How to behave on the street

To save your life.

On the roadway, children,

Don't play these games!

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the playground.

So that on the roadway

There were fewer children's troubles

In the most important, first class,

We had a series of conversations.

We tell the guys:

“There is movement and bustle all around -

Always remember the rules!!!

Bus, trolleybus, car, tram

Don’t run around in front or behind!!!”

Guys! Don't play on the road -

Then your head and legs will be intact!!!

Guys, the road is not a joke, but life. Learn the signs and stick to the rules!

So that such a misfortune does not happen,

Always remember the ABC's of the road!


In front of nearby traffic

All : Don't cross the road


Because transport

All: You can't stop it right away.

I. The braking distance of a motorcycle is 10 m.

2. The braking distance of a passenger car is 6m.

3. The braking distance of a truck is 11 m.

Inspector:Statistics show that in road traffic accidents:

1. Every fifth person died

All: Child.

2. And every fourth injury

All: Child.

Song "Don't Forget Me"

We performed for you

And they opened their hearts,

And shared a smile

We are with you, our viewer.

We are all a nice family,

They look so much alike

It is impossible without UID.

This is reality, not a mirage.

Chorus: Let's be together, friends!

After all, we have one dream:

No accidents on the roads

The whole country will travel

Let's be together, friends,

We know, we know for sure

Everyone really needs traffic rules,

They were not invented in vain!

1. To live without knowing grief.

2. To run, swim and fly

3. You must follow traffic rules.

4. Always and everywhere comply.

/march sounds/

Propaganda on traffic rules.


2. Hello friends!

3. He, she and I are glad to welcome you!

4. I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!

5. Five cheerful, kind and intelligent!

1. Energetic, young, pretty, punchy!

2. Mischievous, skillful, humorous and brave!

3. You are greeted by the UID propaganda team

In chorus: “Hitchhiking!”

4. . Pushkin School, class 6 c, –

Let's get to know each other!

In chorus: Let's get to know each other!

5. There are quite a few traffic rules in the world!

1. It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all!

3. Traffic signs

4. Know how to do multiplication tables!

In chorus: we are for road safety!

1. Our century is gaining momentum

And it’s not for nothing that they say

What from edge to edge

Everyone is in a hurry, in a hurry, in a hurry.

2. Moms, dads, uncles, aunts

No matter how much they teach us,

You set an example for us

We are looking forward to seeing you!

3. Are you a pedestrian or a driver,

Businessman, leader,

Adult, you are always a parent!

In chorus: your example is science for us!

The sound of the brakes...

DRIVER: - I'm a driver, help me,

Explain to the pedestrian -

I drove without touching anyone.

Suddenly I look across the road

The pedestrian rushed -

The people are completely insolent!

If I'm already on my way

Can he go?

Inspector: (addressing the pedestrian):

Tell me, pedestrian

Is there a transition indicated?

PEDESTRIAN: - Yes, of course! Zebra sign!

Inspector:: - Well, the driver! Yes, yes, yes!

Well, there was a traffic light there,

Did I forget to ask you?

PEDESTRIAN: - There is no traffic light in that place!

Inspector:: - And this means for the driver

Never forget

Let pedestrians pass!

(Second car, driven by a blonde girl)

GIRL: -Okay, comrades, just a minute!

What kind of joke is this?

Who said he was driving?

What about the phone, what about the fire?

I'm a business man

Constantly busy -

Must always be in touch

I have clients in my database!

Inspector:: - You are a business man,

Well, the steering wheel with one hand

Were you taught to hold?

Or have you already forgotten everything?

Talking on the phone

You might get into an accident.

(A little boy comes out with a pacifier and a car on a rope)

BOY: -I don’t understand something,

What are the traffic rules?

Explain why

Am I not allowed to be in the seat?

Inspector:: - For you, baby, it is known,

There is a special chair!

Both reliable and convenient,

By the way, very fashionable!


1. If you're sitting in a car, buckle up!

If you don't fasten your seat belt, watch out!

There, ahead, on the bend -

Danger, you will understand already!

2. Here's the twist: it's very cool,

And there are pedestrians here!

Driver, you are responsible for them,

Don't step on the gas when the light is red!

3. When you drive, don’t smoke,

And don't pick up the phone!

Anything can happen on the highway -

Cars are flying into the ditch!

4. Save yourself from danger

Seat belts!

In chorus: . Be careful, driver!

The road is smooth! Good luck!

1. And for pedestrians on the road

You can't go out carelessly

Always to a sad outcome

It's a habit to wander there!

2. Hurries to traffic participants

Kindly help traffic light,

He is the best friend of pedestrians,

And for drivers - the law!

3. May the sun always shine,

May we always hear laughter!

There are roads in our city

They will become safer for everyone!

Song: (make signs one by one)

5. Having fun walking together (pedestrian crossing)
1. Through the open spaces across the open spaces across the open spaces (PUSHKINO)
2. And of course it’s better to sing in chorus (Sound signal)
3. Better in chorus, better in chorus (Children)
4. Sing with us quail quail (low-flying plane)
5. Once a needle, two needles, there will be a Christmas tree (resting place)
1. Once a plank, two planks will be a ladder (railway crossing)
2. Once a word or two there will be a song (customs)
3. It’s fun to walk together (Living area)
4. Through the open spaces across the open spaces across the open spaces (Rough road)
5. And of course it’s better to sing in chorus
1. Better in chorus, better in chorus
2. In the sky of dawn, a stripe will fill (Entry is prohibited)
3. Once a birch tree, two birch trees will be a grove (Wild animals)
4. Once a plank, two planks will be a ladder (underground passage)
5. Once a word, two words, there will be a song (STOP)
1. It’s fun to walk together (Children)
2. By expanse by expanse by expanse (beginning of the settlement)
3. And of course it’s better to sing in chorus
4. Better in chorus, better in chorus
5. We need to choose a happy path (the main road)
1. Once there is a rain, two rains there will be a rainbow (wet coating)
2. Once a plank, two planks will be a ladder
3. Once a word, two words, there will be a song (Student at the wheel)
4. It’s fun to walk together (jam)
5. By open spaces by open spaces by open spaces (distance indicator to the city in km.)
1.And of course it’s better to sing in chorus
2. Better in chorus, better in chorus (all with little men)