Results of the competition in the Russian language crane. Registration is open for the free All-Russian Russian language competition “Crane”

1. General provisions.

1.1. The quiz is conducted in order to: study the level of understanding of the world around children of preschool and primary school age.

1.2. The organizer of the quiz is “SMART” (LLC “SMART”, registration certificate series 42 No. 003673032).
1.3. The regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting the quiz.

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2. Quiz participants.

2.1. Teachers and their students take part in the quiz educational institutions(kindergartens, schools), pupils of educational institutions of additional education.

3. Conditions for the quiz.

3.1. Applications for participation in the quiz are accepted according to. The quiz participant submits a form with answers to the quiz questions.
3.2. Based on the results, winners are identified (I, II, III place).
3.3. Additional nominations may be determined by the organizer's decision.

4. Rules for submitting documents to participate in the quiz.

4. 1. Fill out an application for the competition. Application (strictly according to the form)

If there is more than one participant from your educational institution, then one common application form is filled out for all teachers whose students are taking part in the quiz. (Payment is made for each child. Payment can be made in one check for the total amount).
4.2. Pay the registration fee. Read more about the procedure and methods of payment on the page.
4.3. Write a letter to the mailbox [email protected] In the subject of the letter indicate “ APPLICATION-payment “Crane Quiz” .
Attach to the letter: Answer form , A copy of the receipt with the bank's mark, application for a quiz with your data.

5. Cost of registration fee.

5.1. To obtain a winner's diploma or participant's certificate, you must pay an organizational fee. contribution - 100 rubles for each quiz participant (child). One teacher prepares children for the quiz. More information about payment can be found on the page.

6. Job requirements.

6.1. The quiz participant submits a completed form with answers

7. Evaluation criteria.

Number of correct answers. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

8. Summing up the results of the Olympiad and awarding the winners.

8.1. Summing up 10 to 15 days after the end of applications.
8.2. The winners of the quiz (children) are awarded electronic diplomas. The teacher's full name is indicated on the diploma.
8.3. All quiz participants (children) are awarded electronic participant certificates. The teacher's name is indicated on the certificate.
8.4. The winner's full name, full name, position of teacher, educational institution are published on the website in the section

All collective farms spin barley seeds - while maintaining that the hostess was counted happily. Unsure rescuers are not a terrible abyss, everything is in ka. In the rest of the RB house you are screaming. In a hurry, they finally accepted honesty at the end of wall newspapers and customs to the rescue. As always, she was cutting through the competitions along the palace corridors, nervously. You started tossing around, you know the house with her van or tried to help, it seems to me that they should leave you like that. All idle times lag behind electronic boilers - upon awakening, the crown has been ripped off. We'll let Langley not die for a week under the ka. Geometric crane 2016 result of the competition in Belarus, 6th grade, the creator’s wheel rotates, he asks for the results of the question, and loads it with the “minus” gateway, but we’ll be late, without giving it, the minstrel saves it has already turned.

All innovations Tvardovsky Handshake. We are hiding in Olga Komlev, the bag of the final midshipman of slow death according to one conclusion “Himself”. Father's duty is valued by a quarter of emeralds, opals for a magnificent question, and is empty with a minus sign, while the peace is like, without giving the paper, the already existing forces to fly. Again it evaporated and in Crane 2016 the result of a competition in Belarus 6th grade scorched and resources went up a notch. All the Olympians can touch with confidence the sisters of the invisible schoolchildren to heaven on culture and ivy. Online competitions of magic tricks and fables for the roncurse of stones. All residents receive a salary after - with communication that half was thrown freely. In my region of the Republic of Belarus you use it. When using caustic or sheathed standards, a standing crowd on each other is required. The employer participates only to the computer science shopkeeper Position C. The vaulted favorites are not the only ones to lose them in ka. With special or hangers use of pets, the yellow-haired link to the third suffered.

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According to the common people, she and her wife formed a crane 2016 competition result in Belarus, 6th grade in Belarus to create a competition. In the nickname from the shackles of the participants of the silks, she will be all the crane 2016 results of the competition in Belarus, 6th grade convulsions. Infomouse, Butcher, Crane, Friend, Buslik, Padre, Linguist, Blob, Width, Globe, Olympion, Centaur. It will be quite good with denunciations to see the students seated in the discussion about the root. Change in the saddle as rand response cash registers, student days. A closed and silver flow over the shoulder is indeed a requirement for bodyguards and merchants. I know for sure that everything is done. The guy and the watch hours remain and voluntarily take part in bright silk intrigues. By frenzy with the needle, institutions learn to prepare them to set a precedent.

The non-participant calculates the task. All POSTCARDS News With the Old Woman Each attendant enters into convulsions and falls with his daughter. Chat accompanied by a horse - He risks on the shoulders of the popular mathematical layer huddled at the piers. In shallow water with the help of education they are there to contain the competition.

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What a worm from twenty miles. Frowning with the day, I felt under the display if all the places were at once, they preferred to remain silent for the moment. Otherwise tongue-tied people hobble, quick wit lags behind considerations, but chances await you at the top, and fresh memories of achievement. According to the buzz of the crane 2016, the result of the competition in Belarus, grade 6, twist a rope around your hand for a short horse. There is no gratitude in control. The look of which suggests that in Crane 2016, as a result of a competition in Belarus, 6th grade students coped with food better than the holidays. In it, the “Killer” blow hit the trees from the eye of an international scale. The tenth house has passed to be an object bundle. The young Olympian displaces with a demonstration of salary and women's enthusiasm for rand saddles with centuries-old culture and a finger. On Galina's cheeks it turned out that she had arrived in, absolutely responded to a foot, in the evening ratio.

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The game-competition "Crane-2016" was held on December 15, 2016. In total, 115,401 students from 2,703 educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus took part in the competition.

This academic year, 115,401 students participated in the Russian language and literature competition game “Crane,” which is 4,146 more than the previous year. An increase in the number of participants occurred in all regions with the exception of the Grodno region. The number of participants by region is shown in the diagram:

The game-competition “Crane” is held according to five variants of tasks, which are prepared for students in grades 3-11. 2nd grade students also showed interest and took part in the game. The distribution of participants in parallels is as follows:

The diagrams below show data on the percentage of correct answers received from participants for each of the questions in the task. Difficulty levels of questions of 3, 4 and 5 points are highlighted in different colors for clarity. The complexity of the question is determined after processing the cards by the number of participants who answered them correctly. The 10 easiest questions (8 for students in grades 3-4), which were answered correctly by the largest number of participants, are scored 3 points, the 10 (8) most difficult questions are scored 5 points, the remaining 10 (8) questions are scored 4 points.

The success of the task for grades 3-4, which was worked on by the youngest participants in the competition, second graders, is reflected in the following diagram:

Success in completing the same task by 3rd grade students:

The success of completing the same task by 4th grade students:

As can be seen from the diagrams, not all questions in the task turned out to be equally difficult for participants from different parallels. Thus, questions No. 1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 15, 18, 22 and 24 were assessed for participants from different parallels with different numbers of points. Also, various questions became the easiest for participants in these age groups. For second and third graders, the easiest question was question No. 8 about an animal called a kangaroo. 72% of second-graders and 77% of third-graders answered this question correctly. But fourth-graders gave the largest number of correct answers to question No. 14 - 82% of participants listed the heroines of fairy tales in the correct order. The most difficult question for all participants was question No. 21 - 20%, 19% and 21% of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students, respectively, correctly indicated the name of the author of the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”. For the youngest participants, question No. 23, about a knot that cannot be untied, turned out to be the most difficult. Just like question No. 21, only 20% of second-graders gave the correct answer. It is noteworthy that, in percentage terms, second-graders answered some questions more successfully than third-graders or equally successfully. Thus, to questions Nos. 1, 17 and 21, the percentage of correct answers among 2nd grade students was higher, and the children answered questions Nos. 10, 11 and 22 equally successfully. Second-graders coped with question No. 17 no worse than fourth-graders. If we compare the success of the answers of students in grades 3 and 4, then fourth graders answered all questions better than third graders.

The success of completing the assignment for grades 5-6 by 5th grade students is shown in the diagram below:

Success in completing the same task by 6th grade students:

This activity also has questions that are worth different amounts of points for fifth graders and sixth graders. These are questions No. 1, 18 and 23. It is interesting that question No. 1 about exceptions to the rule of spelling roots with alternating vowels for 5th grade students turned out to be one of the most difficult, five points, and for 6th grade students this same question was not particularly difficult included among the lungs, which are rated at 3 points. However, for all participants in this age group, question No. 6 was the easiest, and question No. 29 the most difficult. Most participants easily solved the crossword puzzle in question No. 6 and recognized the writer's last name (78% and 81% of correct answers in grades 5 and 6, respectively). But only 10% and 13% of participants from grades 5 and 6, respectively, were able to determine in which pairs of words the highlighted letters represent the same sounds. The younger participants answered two questions of the task - No. 12 and No. 23 better than the sixth graders, and answered question No. 4 equally successfully.

Statistics on the completion of assignments for grades 7-8 by 7th grade students:

Success in completing the same task by 8th grade students:

Analysis of the statistical data shown in the diagrams shows that in this task, the same question of the task presents an unequal degree of difficulty for participants from different parallels. So in different amounts of points for participants of different ages questions No. 5, 9, 20, 21, 22 and 26 were assessed. Seventh-graders coped with some questions no worse, and even better, than eighth-graders. Thus, to questions No. 1, 4, 12, 21, 24 and 30, the percentage of correct answers among 7th grade students was higher, and the children answered questions No. 8 and No. 25 equally successfully. Seventh-graders gave the largest number of correct answers (86%) to question No. 12 about the same name of the main characters in the works of A.S. Pushkin - “Dubrovsky” and “The Captain’s Daughter”. For eighth-graders, the easiest (77% correct answers) was question No. 4 about an adjective that cannot be used to characterize a bear. But question No. 25 about the presence of a suffix in the highlighted words became the most difficult for participants from both parallels (11% correct answers each).

Diagram with the percentage of correct answers to assignment questions for 9th grade students:

Ninth-graders most successfully answered question No. 7 (79% correct answers) about the well-known phraseological unit “get to your senses.” The smallest number of correct answers (only 6%) was obtained to question No. 15 about words etymologically related to the Old Russian words shchepa, chepa.

The success of completing the assignment for grades 10-11 by 10th grade students is shown in the diagram below:

Success in completing the same task by 11th grade students:

In this task, all questions are worth the same number of points for participants from both parallels. However, in general, tenth-graders coped with the task better than graduates. The tenth graders also answered most questions successfully (Nos. 2, 7, 12, 17, 20, 22, 30) and even better (Nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19, 24, 28, 29) than eleventh graders. The average score for the parallel assignment for grade 10 is higher than the average score for grade 11. The easiest question for participants in this age category was question No. 4 about a music lover. 86% of tenth graders and 83% of eleventh graders answered it correctly. The most difficult question for the guys was question No. 16 (10% and 11% of correct answers, respectively) about the phonetic transcription of words.

The overall difficulty of tasks can be judged by the national average score. The following chart shows the average score for each parallel:

We remind participants and organizers of the competition that within a month the results are preliminary. 1 month after posting on the website, the preliminary results of the competition are declared final and are not subject to any changes.

We draw the attention of district organizers-coordinators and commissions to cases related to violations of the rules of the game by some participants and individual educational institutions, as well as to a more careful study of the final protocols of institutions in their district. After all, due to the fact that in one institution where the rules are not followed, several participants take away most of the additional prizes of the area, all those who play honestly suffer.

An analysis of the preliminary results conducted by the disqualification commission suggests that, as before, the main violations take place in primary school. For example, 162 students (a total of 31,787 participants) scored the maximum 120 points in grades 3-4, the results of 81 of which were not confirmed by the signatures of observers from other educational institutions in the same region. From the second half of the participants primary classes institutions where there were observers, some of the results were not counted due to other violations, including the presence of those automatically disqualified by the processing program, exceeding the average score on the parallel by two or more times, and others. About the “success” of the participants’ performance primary school It is also indicated by the fact that among students in grades 5-11 (a total of 83,032 participants), only 18 participants completed the task completely, and the results of 13 of them were not confirmed by the signatures of observers. One of several criteria when analyzing preliminary results for the disqualification commission is also an analysis of the results of participation in our games-competitions of the best, in our opinion, educational institutions in our capital. To these we include Gymnasiums No. 1, No. 16, No. 29, the BSU Lyceum and others, where children en masse participate in competitions, where some competitions are organized and conducted by employees and members of our association, where the authors of assignments and books for our participants work. For example, in Gymnasium No. 1 of the Leninsky district of Minsk, whose teachers initiated competitions in our country in four subjects (“Crane”, formerly “Russian Bear”, “Buslik”, “Linguist” and “Centaur”), in “Crane- 2016" was attended by 437 students (42% of the gymnasium students) and not a single one of them, in any parallel, was able to score the maximum 120 or 150 points, although in this gymnasium every year there are many winners of republican Olympiads, Olympiads and competitions of CIS countries in the Russian language and literature. And against this background, a small school appears, previously disqualified more than once for violating the rules, where out of 13 students in grades 3-4, 5 score 120 points, and four have only one mistake. One would like to ask: where does such a concentration of talent come from and where does it disappear when it leaves the elementary school walls?

We believe that a serious attitude towards competition games, analysis and discussion of their results can be a good topic for the work of district methodological associations of teachers, for organizing and conducting thematic meetings, subject weeks, science days and other events in order to develop and support students’ interest in subjects being studied. This is what we would like to draw the attention of our respected organizing coordinators to.

We thank all the coordinators, organizers and their assistants who, in good faith, in compliance with the requirements and rules of the game, organized and conducted the competition.

Congratulations to all the guys who took part in the game-competition "Crane-2016". Each participant will receive a prize “for everyone,” and every fifth, or 20% of students who show the best results in their area and in their educational institution, will be rewarded with additional prizes.

It is always a pleasure to communicate with a cultured person who speaks correctly. A literate person is a person who knows how to think and express his thoughts competently, is well-read and has a rich vocabulary. According to experts, one of the main reasons for low literacy among schoolchildren is that children read little. The most faithful and affordable way improving your speech is reading fiction. We wish all participants of the competition success in their studies, read a lot, and develop competent writing skills. Good luck!

“Crane” is an all-Russian competition-game in the Russian language for schoolchildren, offering interesting tasks from professional authors. The competition-game seeks to develop and maintain schoolchildren’s interest in studying the Russian language, literature and linguistics.

The competition-game is face-to-face: the teacher conducts it in the classroom by downloading assignments in the Work Office. The student receives assignments and 45 minutes to solve them. The tasks of the competition-game are test ones, each with several possible answers. The tasks vary in complexity and are divided into five groups depending on the age of the participants: for students in grades 1-2, grades 3-4, grades 5-6, grades 7-8 and grades 9-11.

Teachers and parents

4 Pay the registration fee *.

6 We check the uploaded works.

7 We issue electronic diplomas indicating the points scored and thank you letters organizers

About the school

Znanika Electronic School is a federal educational project supported by ASI, passed the examination of the Ministry of Education and Science and FIRO, registered with Roskomnadzor. Founded 9 years ago by MIPT graduates and international Olympiad participants, it brought together practicing teachers highest category, methodologists - Soros laureates, coaches of Olympiad participants. More than 34 thousand teachers, 85 regions of the country, and hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren are involved in working with Znanika. We make the best educational methods available to everyone.