Advertising policy carried out at the enterprise. The essence of advertising policy

  • a) advertising of consumer goods;
  • b) advertising of goods for industrial or special purposes;
  • c) prestigious advertising aimed at raising the image.

Advertising policy is a system of purposeful actions that should ensure a favorable attitude of consumers in selected market segments towards goods and the organization offering them in order to achieve its economic goals.

In everyday consciousness, advertising is most often associated with publications in the press and showing clips on television. In essence, the advertising complex is a fairly broad concept, which includes, in addition to advertising in the media, sales promotion, personal (personal) selling, the creation and use of video films, public relations, the design and printing of the necessary catalogs, brochures, leaflets, etc.

Promotion is any form of communication used by a firm to inform, persuade or remind people of its products, services, images, ideas, social activities or to influence society.

Give a clear definition advertising policy impossible. This is quite a multifaceted concept. Most likely, these are certain actions to create and place advertising and promotional events in order to create an image and attract customers to sell products. Advertising policy is closely related to the trade and business policies of firms. The concept of advertising policy is also closely related to the concept of advertising strategy and tactics. We can say that the advertising policy -- the mode of action of the company, aimed at achieving certain goals; strategy general guiding line and attitude towards the achievement of ultimate goals; tactics -- a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving the goal, mode of action, line of conduct. In fact, the essence of advertising policy is the choice of advertising strategy and tactics.

Suppose a company is being created. In order to be recognized, she needs to declare herself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to get the maximum possible cost of funds, high score, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.

A certain advertising policy exists for any firm or enterprise, whether it be a bank, a manufacturer of consumer goods, a radio station, a television channel, a travel agency, a store, a restaurant. The difference is only in the scale and means of advertising.

To begin with, the company must clearly understand the purpose of advertising, that is, why the advertising campaign will be carried out. The goal may be to form a name, the prestige of the company, in order to subsequently take a strong position in the market. The goal may simply be to sell the product. In other words, the goals may be economic and non-economic, or advertising may be purely economic or non-economic. It is not always possible to count on the high effectiveness of advertising with economic goals, because almost always such advertising involves the purchase of goods by the consumer almost “instantly”. In principle, advertising of a non-economic nature also achieves economic goals. Another thing is that she does this not directly, but indirectly, then what nature the advertising of a company or enterprise will have depends on many things: on the size of the company or enterprise itself; from the budget (the company's budget may not allow spending money on advertising that creates a name and prestige for the company, in which case the company will produce advertising of an economic nature); from goals in the market in general; from the specific current advertising situation; from the behavior of competitors; from its position in the market.

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Advertising and advertising policy of the firm


1. Basics of advertising
1.1 The concept of advertising
1.2 From the history of advertising
1.3 Psychological aspect advertising
The main types of advertising and means of its distribution
1. Types of advertising
1.1 Informative
1.2 Persuasive
1.3 Emotional
1.4 Reminiscent
2.1 Direct advertising
2.2 Print and souvenir advertising
2.3 Audio and audiovisual advertising
2.4 Press advertising
2.5 Advertising at the point of sale
2.6 Outdoor advertising
2.7 Image advertising
Advertising policy of the company .
1. The essence of advertising policy.
2. Setting goals.
3. Goals of the advertising campaign.
4. Studying the object of advertising.
5. Planning the end result.
6. Identification of the target group.
7. Decision on the development of the budget.
8. Choice of treatment.
9. Decision on the means of advertising distribution.
10. Placement of advertising.
11. Time and frequency of calls.
12. Choice of advertising media.
13. Evaluation of the advertising program.
14. Legal aspects of advertising activities.


The current stage of development of our country (the last 5 years) is characterized by dynamism and qualitative changes in all areas public life. The process of radicalization, renewal has affected all, without exception, political, economic and social institutions. During the transition of the national economy of the country to a market economy, when many manufacturing enterprises, associations, concerns and other organizations have become independent, their normal functioning in such economic conditions It is practically impossible without a well-organized complex marketing activity. Advertising of products and activities of an enterprise is the most important component of a complex of marketing activities, a kind of information outlet to the consumer.

At proper organization advertising is very effective and contributes to the rapid uninterrupted sale of products. At the same time, the return of working capital of enterprises is accelerated, business contacts are established between manufacturers and buyers and consumers of products, demand increases and exceeds supply, which, in turn, is an objective basis for expanding production and increasing efficiency. economic activity.

Advertising products is not a whim. It is a natural tool of the economy and an important regulator of the market system. The adopted course towards the intensification of the economy, the strengthening of market principles, the urgent need to solve social problems, improving the quality and expanding the range of products have set specific tasks in the field of advertising, the solution of which is facilitated by the organization of a complex of promotional events. The organization of a complex of effective promotional activities is a very difficult task, the implementation of which requires a clear and well-coordinated work of qualified specialists of sales, marketing or special advertising departments of enterprises.

Based on the rich experience of foreign countries in the field of advertising, it can be argued that advertising is a special science, which has its own rules and laws. This science uses the knowledge of psychology, sociology and market research to solve the economic problems of the enterprise. And it is possible to extract the maximum benefit from advertising in specific domestic conditions only if deep learning and competent understanding of this science.

1. Basics of advertising

1.1. The concept of advertising

It is generally accepted that the word advertising itself comes from the Latin verbs “reclamo” (shout out) and “reclamare” (respond, demand). Since advertising is a very broad and multifaceted concept, there are many definitions in world practice that characterize it in different ways.

So somewhat outdated, according to modern political concepts, the Great Soviet Encyclopedia considers advertising as: popularization of goods for the purpose of sale, formation of demand, familiarization of consumers with the quality, features and place of sale of goods, explaining the possibilities of their use.

In materials published in the 90s, advertising is defined as:
- information about the consumer properties of goods and types of services in order to create demand for them. one)
- a special form of communication aimed at encouraging people to certain behavior that serves the purpose of marketing. 2)
- the information mechanism of the economy. 3)
- any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services on behalf of a known sponsor. four)
- information designed to help the manufacturer profitably sell their goods, services, and the buyer - to profitably purchase them. 5)

Advertising has many uses. It is used to form a long-term image of an organization (prestigious advertising), to long-term highlight a specific branded product (brand advertising), to disseminate information about a sale, service or event (classified advertising), to announce a sale at a discounted price (advertising). - ma sales), and to defend a specific idea (explanatory and propaganda advertising).

Advertising can include any method of agitation, information, persuasion (within the market), exhibition events, commercial seminars, packaging, printed materials (brochures, catalogs, posters, etc.), distribution of souvenirs, couponing and other means of stimulating trading activities .

There are the following main features that characterize advertising:

2). The ability to persuade.

one). M. Azeinberg - Advertising Management / “IntelTech”, M., -1993 p. 3. /
2). Dichtl, Erwin - Practical Marketing / "Higher School", M., 1995 p. 214 /
3). A. Naimushin - Fundamentals of advertising organization / “Vneshtorgizdat”, M., 1992 p. 7 /
four). F. Kotler - Fundamentals of Marketing / M., “Business Book” 1995 p. 473 /
5). Dictionary market economy/ Moscow, 1993 p. 38 /

Advertising is a means of persuasion that allows the seller to repeatedly repeat his message. At the same time, it enables the buyer to receive and compare the appeals of different competitors. Large-scale advertising is a kind of positive evidence of the popularity and prosperity of the seller.

3). expressiveness.

Through the skillful use of type, sound and color, advertising opens up opportunities for a catchy, impactful presentation of the company and its products.

On the one hand, advertising can be used to create a long-term stable image of a product (for example, a Coca-Cola product), and on the other hand, to stimulate quick sales. Advertising is an effective way to reach many geographically dispersed customers with similar needs.

1.2. From the history of advertising.

Advertising arose from the natural need of some people to inform others of certain information about the brands produced or the services provided. From this we can assume that advertising arose a very long time ago.

Indeed, one of the most ancient examples of advertising can be considered a stone with an inscription stored in the archaeological museum of Cairo, approximately as follows: “I, Rhinos from the island of Crete, interpret dreams.” The age of this exhibit is determined at 2.5 thousand years. There are other ancient advertisements, namely: an ancient Egyptian papyrus on which an advertisement for the sale of a slave is written in hieroglyphs; Numerous hallmarks and seals of ancient artisans are original prototypes of modern trademarks, etc.

In historical documents, there is information that in medieval cities there were guild unions of heralds who praised the goods of various manufacturers in crowded places. And in the Renaissance, a real flourishing of advertising began, associated with the use of printed advertising materials made in a typographical way (early 15th century).

As capitalism develops and strengthens, advertising gradually turns into a separate industry - a huge industry that serves the interests of concerns, corporations, enterprises and firms, and is used by them as the main means of conquering markets and maximizing profits.

So, advertising in the 19th century becomes an organic part of the modern way of life in all developed capitalist countries. It should be noted that in Russia the advertising business developed and flourished. Back in the 10th and 11th centuries, Russian merchants resorted to various methods of advertising their goods: specially hired barkers stood outside the shop and loudly praised the goods, using poems and funny ditties and jokes..

At the end of the 19th century, print advertising was developing rapidly in Russia, and advertising in newspapers and magazines was also developing intensively. Special advertising magazines "Trade", "Trade and Life" (St. Petersburg), newspapers "Commissioner" (Moscow), "Buyer's Companion" ( Nizhny Novgorod), etc. The success of the advertising business can also be judged by the fact that at the end of 1897 the World Trade Poster Exhibition was held in St. Petersburg, which demonstrated more than 700 works of advertisers different countries, including the work of Russian draftsmen.

After the revolution, in the conditions of new social and economic relations The objectives of advertising have also fundamentally changed. A decree was issued "On the state monopoly on advertisements" and a decree on the confiscation of all private advertising establishments. Now advertising served to strengthen the economic base of the dictatorship of the proletariat and create conditions for the strengthening of the socialist economy.

The outbreak of the civil war and the devastation that followed it led to a natural cessation of advertising activities. However, during the NEP, advertising was again paid attention. It was then that the first Soviet advertising agencies "Reklamtrans", "Svyaz", "Promreklama" were organized. Advertising was seen as one of the ways to establish a connection between the workers and the peasantry. The best creative forces of journalists, writers, poets and artists were involved in state advertising activities, for example, V.V. Mayakovsky, who wrote more than 100 verse texts for announcements, including his famous catchphrase: "Nowhere but in Mosselprom."

However, ideology soon affected this sphere of life as well. Advertising was declared alien to the nature of socialism, and in the period from the late 1930s to the early 1960s it was called "the corrupt girl of world imperialism." But life goes on, and from the 70s a new stage in the development of advertising begins in our country. Although even now there is sometimes an opinion that advertising is an unnecessary institution, alien to our way of life. The result of this judgment is the approach to advertising as a secondary matter and the principle, born in the conditions of a commodity shortage, which consists in the fact that a good product will be sold without advertising. Practice shows that not always a high quality product finds its consumer without means of communication, which include advertising.

Currently, since 1992 Moscow has been hosting exhibitions and festivals dedicated to advertising. And it must be said that the development prospects for Russian market advertising business is very high.

1.3. The psychological aspect of advertising

This problem can be looked at from two points of view: from the point of view of the seller and from the point of view of the consumer. Consider first how advertising is perceived by potential consumers.

I was able to interview about 30 people of different ages and professions regarding the perception of advertising. It turned out that most of the respondents do not trust advertising, and if they do, it is far from any and not always. Despite this, advertising pushes them to purchase certain goods, that is, it influences the choice of even incredulous consumers. Advertising is a very subtle branch of psychology. And many do not even think about the fact that advertising affects the subconscious of a person, regardless of his consciousness. Hence the result - the effectiveness of advertising. I would like to explain the connection between advertising and people's lifestyle using a specific example. This material was written by Baltic emigrants who have been living in the USA for over 15 years. Of course, Americans differ from us in many ways: their perception of the surrounding world, the concept of a value system... But this example only illustrates the possible dependence of people's lifestyle on the economy, which is represented by advertising.

  • “Advertising works on a subconscious level, refers to the irrational in human nature. Its influence is deeper and stronger than we naively thought, making fun of some idiotic advertising character. When an American looks in the mirror, he sees a reasonable, civilized, cheerful person. That's what the ad made him do. Advertising psychologists know that inside each of us lies a completely different being - fearful, insecure, reflective. The task of advertising is to match the internal appearance with the external one. The result is goods sold.
  • Let's say cosmetic companies they sell us not a cream for refreshing the skin, but the hope of eternal youth. Car companies do not sell cars, but prestige and a means of self-expression. Brewers don't sell beer, they sell fun. In America, not goods are sold, but a state of mind.
  • In the 50s, advertising promoted things - houses, cars, refrigerators. Her task was to create an idea: freedom, success, a bright future depend on the acquisition of these things. Now such an advertising image does not work in America, as the attractiveness of material abundance has rapidly faded. The richer Americans got, the more obvious became the limitations of a purely material ideal. Then came the hippies, who abandoned the advertising utopia, finding it soulless and boring. Now the concept of “quality of life” is not limited to the simple acquisition of things. Abundance forced advertising to create a new, more spiritual standard of consumption.. The need to sell more and more products forces us to develop tastes, to create a suitable environment for new products.”

Faced with advertising, the consumer is drawn into constant cognitive and evaluative activity. He estimates: it is necessary - it is not necessary, it is affordable - or not, to take - not to take? And the creators of advertising understand that it is necessary to make such an advertisement that could psychologically either convince a person that this particular product will best satisfy the felt need, or call for helping the consumer to realize the very existence of a new need for him.

The foundations of communication theory are expressed by the well-known formula of the American political scientist Lasswell. Advertising is understood today as a special form of communication, so the Lasswell model is suitable for structuring advertising as an object of knowledge.

From a socio-psychological point of view, all components of the model are considered.

  • Communicator: of the many qualities required for a communicator, special attention is paid to persuasiveness, clarity of intention, likability and communication style. (For example, a dynamic, confident style has a greater effect on the consumer than a passive and sluggish style).
  • Handling: a person preparing an advertisement should be aware that by advertising only the positive qualities of the product, he may give the target group the impression of unreliability; negative arguments, on the other hand, can draw attention to the shortcomings of the product that buyers did not notice before. Therefore, “two-way” circulation should be preferred.
  • Means of communication: among the various forms of advertising, the most effective for influencing the consumer is the personal form of agitation. It is followed by visual advertising (eg TV), and sound (radio). Written communication (advertising) is generally considered the least convincing.
  • Receiver: suffice it to say that personality traits affect her perception. And this must be taken into account when creating advertising.

Advertising specialists know a lot of little things that affect the perception of advertising. There are theories of psychological perception (the theory of Sigmund Freud and the theory of Abraham Maslow, the theory of “brand image” and the theory of “empathy”). Experts take into account the specifics of the country (if this advertisement is aimed at export), color (Max Luscher's theory of the influence of color on perception), methods of expression (for example, it has been proven that the avant-garde only attracts attention, but the associations caused by it are unpredictable), with sound advertising the voice is of key importance (for example, nasal voices are not perceived, and baritones, as a rule, intrigue and attract), the influence of individual letters on the subconscious and associations is taken into account (for example, the letter “I” is perceived in words as something small, “O” - gives the impression of softness and relaxation, “A” and “E” are associated with emotional upsurge, etc.) and much, much more. Not without reason in experienced and large advertising agencies there are specialists in advertising psychology. After all, a lot, in fact, depends on them.

The main types of advertising and means of its distribution.

1. Types of advertising

1.1 Informative advertising.

Informative advertising prevails mainly at the stage of bringing the product to the market, when the task is to create primary demand. For example, food manufacturers need to first educate consumers about the nutritional benefits and multiple uses of the product.

  • communication to the market about a novelty or new applications of an existing product
  • informing the market about price changes
  • explanation of how the product works
  • description of the services provided
  • correction misconceptions or dissipating consumer concerns
  • formation of the image of the company

1.2. Persuasive advertising.

Persuasive advertising is of particular importance at the stage of growth, when the firm faces the task of generating selective demand. Some persuasive ads are moving into the category of comparative advertising, which seeks to assert the advantage of one brand by specifically comparing it to one or more brands within a given product class. Comparative advertising is used in product categories such as deodorants, toothpaste, tires and cars. Judgments about the correctness of creating comparative advertising are rather ambiguous.

  • developing brand preference
  • encouragement to switch to your brand
  • change in the consumer's perception of the properties of the product
  • persuading the consumer to make a purchase without delay
  • persuading the consumer to accept the traveling salesman

1.3. Emotional advertising.

Akin to emotional advertising is the so-called reinforcement advertising, which seeks to assure current buyers of the correctness of their choice. Such advertisements often feature satisfied customers and a friendly atmosphere.

  • arousing consumer sympathy for the product
  • creating an image
  • increasing confidence both in the product or service, and in the manufacturer itself
  • drawing consumer attention to certain, elitist behavior

1.4. Reminder advertising.

Reminder advertising is extremely important at the stage of maturity in order to make the consumer remember the product. The purpose of expensive advertisements for well-known products of firms with universal and long-established recognition is to remind people of their existence, and not at all to inform or convince them.

  • reminding consumers that the product may be needed soon
  • reminding consumers where to buy the product
  • retention of goods in the memory of consumers during off-season periods
  • maintaining product awareness

In practice, the boundaries between the above types are often blurred, since one advertisement can be (or combine) both informational and, for example, persuasive. It all depends on the specific advertising situation in which the company is located. For example, a store has received a batch of new products. The company informs the consumer about this (informational advertising) and reminds the addresses of its stores (reminder advertising).

2. Advertising media or means of its distribution

From the advertiser's point of view, the role of advertising carriers can in principle be performed by any person or thing that satisfies two conditions: they must be created in such a way as to be able to convey information to the consumer; contact with them should be of some benefit to the target group.

2.1 Direct advertising

  • direct mail advertising - advantage: with a minimum cost of funds, it has a high selective ability;
  • personally handed promotional materials;

As for personally handed promotional materials, these can be leaflets, job invitations, advertisements for services or goods that are usually distributed in places where people are concentrated (metro, street, etc.); as well as special promotional materials intended for a certain circle of people (invitations).

Direct mail advertising (Direct-mail) is very popular and one of the most effective types of advertising. It is the distribution of promotional messages to a specific group of consumers or potential business partners.

DM includes three stages:

  1. Creation of a population database;
  2. Dividing the population into target groups according to social status, gender, age, income, etc.
  3. Sending letters of advertising content, taking into account the specifics of the target group.

DM methods allow varying the campaign impact on the voter, so they are effectively used in the pre-election campaign all over the world. Specific example: The agency "POSTER-publicity" for the first time in the conditions of Russia sent personal letters in December 1995 by order of the NDR during the elections of deputies to the State Duma.

An interesting example of the use of DM methods is the unprecedented work of "POSTER-publicity" in the election campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation and the Mayor of Moscow (May-July 1996).

One of the stages of the election campaign project was the description of the groups that needed to be targeted - these are groups of young people, pensioners, single mothers, parents in large families, residents of houses intended for demolition, as well as people who have a birthday in June . The content and style of the letters took into account the characteristics of each of the groups. In letters addressed to pensioners, Luzhkov turned to their life experience and wisdom. In letters to young people, he recommended asking parents about all kinds of restrictions of the past. The introduction of 3-6 nominal appeals into the letter enhanced its effect. A similar practice is used when advertising goods (in the practice of our country, this is an advertisement for PHILIPS products - the Philishave 5000 shaving system).

2.2.Print and souvenir advertising

  • brochures;
  • directories - printed editions advertising a large list of goods or services with brief explanations and prices;
  • booklets are special publications dedicated to one company or product. In booklets, it is customary to place photographs and facts from the history of the company, its individual members, along with advertising texts, name sponsorship or other promotions, participation in the political and economic life of the country. Booklets are usually made on high quality paper, multicolored and very prestigious. They are necessarily handed over at presentations, fairs, exhibitions, press conferences or at the conclusion of a contract;
  • leaflets - used at exhibitions, fairs, etc. for distribution to visitors;
  • posters or posters;
  • price lists - a list of goods and prices for them;
  • press releases - a report on the conduct of a particular action used for advertising purposes;
  • calendars, pens, folders, T-shirts, etc. - small products distributed at presentations, exhibitions, fairs as an advertising act;

2.3. Audio and audiovisual advertising

This means of advertising distribution is considered the most effective, as it covers large masses of the population (consumers). The advantage of such advertising lies in its special efficiency. This means gives the most effective results when advertising goods and services of mass demand, designed for consumption by the general population.

  1. Audiovisual advertising
  • promotional films (advertising and technical films, advertising prestige films, promotional express information) are usually short promotional films shown to the general public either in cinemas or at exhibitions and festivals;
  • television - representatives of advertising on television are commercials, as well as TV ads and TV screensavers. The television advertising medium includes images, sound, movement, color, and therefore renders at exhibitions and festivals;
  • slides - as a rule, this type of advertising is common among specialists and is used at exhibitions and presentations;
  • television - representatives of advertising on television are commercials, as well as television ads and television screensavers. The television advertising medium includes images, sound, movement, color, and therefore has a much greater impact on the advertising audience than other advertising media. TV advertising is becoming more and more interesting, informative and at the same time complex and expensive to produce and display. Especially if it is based on computer graphics. The quality of domestic TV advertising is noticeably improving from year to year. This is evidenced at least by the fact that commercials of domestic production occupy a strong position on television and displace Western products, and the participation of domestic advertising on television is also indicative in this respect. international festivals and exhibitions.

The disadvantage of television advertising is that during its broadcast the attention of a potential consumer must be focused on the screen, otherwise the advertising message will not be perceived. In any case, television advertising provides a wide range of opportunities. To increase its effectiveness, a lot of psychological rules and techniques have been established, such as: emphasis on visuality, brevity, originality, proximity to the consumer, etc.

On the other hand, television advertising is the most expensive form of advertising. It reaches its greatest efficiency in the morning air, when the majority of people are going to work, or in the evening air, when the majority of people are at home and resting. It is quite natural that it is profitable for wealthy advertisers to advertise their products at this particular time, for example, during breaks between popular films and programs (accordingly, the price for advertising in the "rush hour" in the evening or morning will be higher than in the daytime). From the point of view of a potential consumer, the saturation of the air with advertising is sometimes very high. For example, in two commercial breaks of the KVN program (beneficial in terms of advertising placement, since a large percentage of the population watches KVN), 16 and 18 commercials were shown, respectively. The most common result of such an abundance of information while watching any films or programs, as my survey conducted again showed, is irritation and a negative attitude towards advertising.

  1. Audio advertising
  • radio ads - advertisements in stores and retail outlets in general, in the subway, at exhibitions;
  • radio reports - reports about any fairs, trade shows or other events may contain both direct and indirect advertising;
  • advertising on radio stations;

The advantage of radio over other media: 24-hour broadcast to many regions and a huge variety of programs. Radio is listened to in residential and industrial premises, in the kitchen, walking outdoors, in cars. Therefore, advertisements are placed in the relevant radio programs. Reach a significant percentage of a given audience of consumers, regardless of where they are located. Radio advertising is fast and generally affordable. At the same time, vision, through which a person receives up to 90% of information, does not participate in the process of perception of advertising messages broadcast on the radio.

As a rule, radio stations have advertising departments specializing in advertising production. It is enough for the customer to indicate the points on which attention should be focused. They develop advertising (compose the text, determine the style of advertising, etc.), it is voiced directly by the specialists of the radio station's advertising department. As a rule, ready-made commercials from the customer are not accepted, and if they are accepted, they are necessarily passed through the advertising department, since if the advertising received from the client and aired is of poor quality, the image (reputation) of the radio station may suffer. An advertising customer can be either an advertising agency or a company directly (order without intermediaries).

The effectiveness of advertising depends on the prestige of the radio station, on the number of regions or cities in which the radio station broadcasts and, of course, on the quality of advertising, as well as on the audience of listeners (social status, age, etc.).

2.4. Advertising in the press.

  • newspapers (city, regional, all-Russian, specialized);
  • magazines (industry or general purpose);
  • company newsletters;
  • reference books

Advertising in the press is widespread and second only to television advertising in terms of costs. The advantage of advertising in the press lies in its high selectivity. People with different interests will read literature on the area of ​​life that interests them. Thus, thanks to newspapers and magazines, advertising messages affect a certain consumer group. The specifics of advertising in the press dictates special approaches to its creation and placement. When creating it, you need to take into account that advertising is perceived purely visually, which means that you need to pay special attention to the visual part. That is, the design should attract attention and interest, and the semantic load should hold and push the consumer to action. In this case, the creators must take into account the color, the size of the letters, the reality of what is depicted, the style of address, and also, for example, that a photograph is better than a drawing; that one big illustration works better than many small ones, and much more.

  • the prestige of a newspaper or magazine;
  • ad format;
  • location (from the strip, cover, rubric, ad unit);
  • the number of colors used in advertising (if it is a magazine or newspapers in color);

2.5. Advertising at the point of sale.

  • showcases;
  • signboards, signs;
  • package;
  • tablets;

The obvious mistake many entrepreneurs make is to rely on out-of-store advertising and consider point-of-sale advertising as a secondary success factor. Refuting this misconception, Western experts believe that it is inappropriate to advertise more than 15% of the goods using out-of-store advertising methods, therefore, the role of advertising at the point of sale increases significantly. The customer who is in the store and sees the product is more likely to buy. But only if he receives the information he needs about the product. The use of in-store advertising allows you to push the consumer to purchase not only the previously advertised product, but also unknown products. It is known that only 3% of buyers do not pay attention to packaging. According to French researchers, 35% of consumers buy a product in a store after reading the text on the packaging and 87% after seeing a familiar name or a well-known brand.

2.6 Outdoor advertising

All advertising on the streets and squares of cities and towns is called outdoor. As a rule, the essence of outdoor advertising is a reminder. Outdoor advertising cannot start an advertising campaign, it can continue it or end it. The peculiarity of outdoor advertising is its simultaneity: it is seen while driving or walking down the street. Hence the requirements of its special brightness and increased size. The advantage of outdoor advertising is that it overtakes a potential consumer unexpectedly and at the moment when he is most disposed to make a purchase, make a commercial decision: energetic, collected, on his feet, or in a car, with money. The issue of advertising is very important. Each section of the city has its own prestigious assessment.

  • oversized posters
  • multivision posters;
  • electrified panels;
  • neon - luminous advertising on the streets of the city using inert gases, fiber optics, laser technology, various types of light guides.
  • advertising on transport (internal and external) is advertising in the subway, the design of buses and trolleybuses, taxis, trams. Recently, there has been a tendency to place outdoor advertising on long-distance trains.

On November 18-22, the "Reklama-96" exhibition was held in Moscow. It presented achievements in the field of outdoor advertising. I would like to note that this particular advertising medium has great prospects, as the quality of technical and printing tools used in the production of outdoor advertising is noticeably improving. HP has a number of qualities that are attractive to the advertiser. Among them: instantaneous wide coverage, very high frequency, flexibility (the ability to provide equally complete coverage of the market or, purposefully, its specific area), quick payback, proximity to the places of goods, flashiness.

To achieve greater effectiveness, HP is developing network advertising. There are several advertising agencies that are engaged in special research and testing necessary for a high-quality advertising campaign using outdoor advertising. With proper and carefully thought-out placement of HP, the effectiveness of this medium can reach an efficiency comparable to that of the press and even television. The participants of my testing gave their preference to outdoor advertising.

2.7 Image advertising.

Image advertising ("Public relations" events) is a set of activities aimed at creating an image, prestige and a positive attitude of the general public towards advertising organizations. Activities of this kind include:

  • presentations;
  • press conferences;
  • financing of public benefit events and sponsorship;
  • exhibitions and some specialized fairs.

It should be noted that events of this kind are a permanent, planned promotional activity based on marketing research. Advertising firms recommend that their customers hold PR events when the advertiser plans to enter the market with a new product; when it is necessary to create proper relationships with workers and employees of cooperating firms and organizations; when there is a danger of hostile actions of competitors, and the advertiser needs to widely inform the public about his reliability; when crisis situations arise (mass claims to product quality, deterioration of relations with various groups of the public, etc.).

3. Advertising policy of the company

1. The essence of the company's advertising policy.

It is impossible to give a clear definition of advertising policy. This is quite a multifaceted concept. Most likely, these are certain actions to create and place advertising and promotional events in order to create an image and attract customers to sell products. Advertising policy is closely related to the trade and business policies of firms. The concept of advertising policy is also closely related to the concept of advertising strategy and tactics. It can be said that advertising policy is the way the company operates, aimed at achieving certain goals; strategy - a general guiding line and attitudes towards achieving final goals; tactics - a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving the goal, a mode of action, a line of behavior. In fact, the essence of advertising policy is the choice of advertising strategy and tactics.

Suppose a company is being created. In order to be recognized, she needs to declare herself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to get the highest possible result at the minimum cost of funds, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.

Any company or enterprise has a certain advertising policy, whether it is a bank, a manufacturer of consumer goods, a radio station, a television channel, a travel agency, a store, a restaurant (McDonald's restaurant is indicative in this case) or a cafe (for example, Russian Bistro, which has recently become increasingly popular.) The difference is only in the scale and means of advertising.

Let's consider what the company's advertising policy is based on and what it depends on.

2. Statement of tasks.

2.1. Goals of the advertising campaign

From the beginning, the company must clearly understand the purpose of advertising, that is, why the advertising campaign will be carried out. The goal may be to form a name, the prestige of the company, in order to subsequently take a strong position in the market. The goal may simply be to sell the product. In other words, the goals may be economic and non-economic, or advertising may be purely economic or non-economic. It is not always possible to count on the high effectiveness of advertising with economic goals, because almost always such advertising involves the purchase of goods by the consumer almost "instantly". In principle, advertising of a non-economic nature also achieves economic goals. Another thing is that she does this not directly, but indirectly.

The nature of the advertising of a firm or enterprise depends on many things: on the size of the firm or enterprise itself, and therefore on the budget (the firm's budget may not allow spending money on advertising that creates a name and prestige for the firm, in this case the firm will produce advertising of economic character); from goals in the market in general; from the specific current advertising situation; from the behavior of competitors; from its position in the market.

2.2. Study of the object of advertising.

The company must clearly understand its object of advertising. The difference between advertising a product and advertising a company is what is the object of the advertising message. The company is engaged, as a rule, both in the advertising of individual products and in the advertising of the company as a whole. In the first case, the special qualities of the product are singled out, in the second, through indications, for example, of the size of the enterprise and its global connections, an attempt is made to gain the confidence of buyers for the whole production program enterprises. You need to know and be able to highlight the uniqueness of your product or service. At the same time, for a systematic advertising activity related to the general policy and strategy of the enterprise, voluminous market and internal information is required, in particular:

  • about the degree of market saturation;
  • about stage life cycle product;
  • about the activities of competitors;
  • on the characteristics of the target group;
  • on the availability and cost of advertising media;

The aspect of competition is very important. On the one hand, competitors pose some obstacles and create some problems. On the other hand, in a market economy, competitors contribute to the struggle for the quality of a product or service and are a kind of incentive for work.

So, the company should build its advertising policy on the ability to somehow stand out among competitors in the general market (if any), providing consumers with a unique type of service or emphasizing in every possible way the high qualification of its employees, the specific properties of the product, the advantage of the product or service over other firms. It is important to find what the consumer is most sensitive to.

2.3.Planning the final result.

It is necessary to clearly understand what action should be achieved, what result the company expects at the end of the advertising campaign. Having a theoretical understanding of this and the practical results of an advertising campaign, it is much easier to analyze the work done, find errors and eliminate them in subsequent advertising campaigns.

3. Selection of the target group.

Before proceeding with the further development of advertising policy and strategy, you need to have a very clear idea of ​​​​your target audience. The target audience is the group of consumers to whom the promotion is directed (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, propaganda). Both the strategy and the effectiveness of promotion depend on the correct definition of the target audience. For example, for advertising washing powders, the target group will mainly consist of women housewives, products of the company "PARKER" - solid business people, and soft plush toys will most likely be of interest to children who can influence their parents. When identifying the target group exposed to advertising, it is necessary:

  1. identify the market we are interested in;
  2. look at the product from a different point of view
  • regarding advantages over competing analogues;
  • compliance with the most important requests of potential buyers (including their habits); the necessary completeness;
  • accessibility for buyers;
  • recognizable appearance (differences from competing products)
  • define the consumer segment of the market;
  • establish whether there are segments of buyers in different markets that can be considered identical;
  • decide if additional marketing research is needed;
  • The target audience has a decisive influence on decisions about what to say, how to say it, when to say it, where to say it, and on whose behalf to say it. It can be in any of six states of buying readiness:

    1. awareness - the audience may be completely ignorant, know one name or know something other than the name. If the majority of the target group turns out to be ignorant, then the task of advertising is to create the necessary awareness, at least recognition of the name.
    2. knowledge - the audience may be aware of the company or its product, but not have any other knowledge. In this case, the task of advertising is to convey to the audience those characteristics of the company or product that can help achieve the goals of the advertising campaign.
    3. goodwill - the target audience, knowing the product, may experience negative or positive feelings towards it. In the case of a negative disposition, the company will have a certain advertising policy aimed at changing the consumer's attitude towards the company or its services.
    4. preference - the target group may have a preference for the product, but not give it preference over others. In this case, the communicator (advertising) must try to shape consumer preferences. He will praise the quality of the product, its value, performance and other properties.
    5. conviction - the target audience may have a preference for a particular product, but not be convinced of the need to purchase it. The purpose of advertising is to create the conviction that the purchase of a given product is the most correct course of action.
    6. making a purchase - some members of the target audience may have the necessary conviction, but are not going to make a purchase. The communicator must guide these consumers to the final step required of them. Among the tricks that push to make a purchase are the offer to try the product for a limited period of time or the hint that this product will soon become unavailable.

    4. Budget development decisions.

    One of the most difficult problems facing a firm is deciding how much to spend on incentives (in our case, advertising). There is nothing surprising in the fact that different industries and different firms spend on advertising amounts that vary greatly in size. Let's take a look at four of the most common methods used to develop master budgets for advertising.

    Calculation method "from cash".

    Many firms allocate a certain amount in the advertising budget, which they, in their own opinion, can afford to spend. This method of determining the size of the budget completely ignores the impact of advertising on sales. As a result, the size of the budget from year to year remains uncertain, which makes it difficult to plan ahead for market activities.

    Calculation method "as a percentage of total sales".

    Many firms calculate their incentive budgets as a percentage of either the amount of sales (current or expected) or the selling price of the product.

    This method is believed to have a number of advantages. First, being calculated as a percentage of sales means that the amount of incentive spending is likely to vary depending on what the firm "can afford." Secondly, this method forces management to take into account the relationship between advertising costs, the selling price of the product and the amount of profit per unit. Third, it contributes to maintaining competitive stability to such an extent that competing firms spend about the same percentage of their sales on advertising.

    However, despite these advantages, the method of calculating as a percentage of the amount of sales almost does not justify its existence. It rests on the roundabout argument that sales are the cause of advertising, not the effect. It leads to the fact that the size of the budget is determined by cash, and not by available opportunities. This method does not provide a logical basis for choosing a particular percentage, except in the case of actions based on past experience or the current actions of competitors.

    Competitive parity method.

    Some firms set the size of their advertising budget at the level of the corresponding costs of competitors. This method has two reasons. One is that competitors' cost levels represent the collective wisdom of the industry. The second says that maintaining competitive parity helps to avoid intense stimulus competition.

    In fact, none of these arguments has any real force, since there is no reason to believe that competitors have a more sane view of how much to spend on advertising (firms differ so sharply from each other in their reputations, resources, capabilities and targets that their stimulus budgets are hardly reliable benchmarks). Plus, there is no evidence in favor of the second argument about curtailing acute competition.

    four). Calculation method "based on goals and objectives".

    This method requires marketers to base their advertising budgets on:

    • development of specific goals;
    • definition of tasks to be solved to achieve these goals;
    • cost estimates for solving these problems.

    The sum of all these costs will give an approximate figure for the budget appropriations for advertising.

    The advantage of this method is that it requires management to clearly state their understanding of the relationship between the amount of costs, the level of advertising contacts, the intensity of the trial and regular use of the product.

    There are a number of things to consider when developing a budget: the costs of different alternatives (the price of TV versus radio ads and magazine ads, for example); how many times you need to repeat advertising in order for it to be effective; How much have the prices of advertising in the media increased in recent years? It should be taken into account at what stage of the life cycle the company's products are, whether they are standard consumer goods or differ sharply from other products, whether there is a constant need for these goods or they have to be sold "under pressure", and so on.

    5. Choice of treatment.

    Having determined the desired audience response, an effective message is developed. Creating a message involves solving three problems: what to say (the content of the message), how to say it logically (the structure of the message), and how to express the content in the form of symbols (the form of the message).

    The first step in developing an appeal is choosing a topic or motif that will evoke the desired response. There are three types of motives:

    1.Rational motives correlated with the personal benefit of the audience. With the help of such motives, they show that the product will provide the promised benefits. Examples include messages demonstrating the quality of a product, its economy, value, or performance parameters.

    A striking example of a rational motive is the system of discounts.

    Almost all large firms or firms that occupy a strong position in the market have their own system of discounts. Usually discounts are given to regular customers.

    Emotional motives seek to evoke some negative or positive feeling that will serve as a rationale for making a purchase. Emotional motives include the motives of fear, guilt, shame, love, humor, pride and joy, with the help of which advertising makes people do or not do something (for example, brush their teeth, do not smoke, do not overeat, look good, and others). examples often related to health).

    Moral motives appeal to a sense of justice and decency of the audience. Moral motives are often used to induce people to support social movements, such as improving the environment, helping to restore monuments or something else, helping the disadvantaged, and so on. When advertising everyday goods, moral reasoning is used less frequently.

    Due to the familiarity for the manufacturer of their product or service, you can lose sight of their properties that can attract consumers and become the basis of an advertising campaign. Based on this, it is necessary to make a list of all those benefits or motives that the manufacturer of the goods can offer and which can induce the consumer to make a purchase. Then you should conduct a motivational analysis, that is, examine the data. The results of this analysis should be periodically checked by interviewing consumers in order to clearly know whether the opinion of advertisers coincides with the opinion of consumers regarding the benefits of the product. It is also necessary to conduct a market analysis, that is, to evaluate the company's advantages and purchasing motives in terms of market requirements (advantages over competitors).

    The second stage is the structure of the appeal. The effectiveness of the appeal also depends on its structure. It is necessary to decide whether it is necessary to draw a clear conclusion in the appeal or leave it to the audience; whether it is necessary to provide arguments not only "for", but also "against"; when to give the most effective arguments - at the beginning or end of the appeal.

    It is necessary to make sure that the consumer remembers at least the name of the product and associates it with the most important quality of the product and with the main motive for buying.

    The final stage in the development of the appeal is to determine the form of the appeal. The main thing is to attract attention and interest the consumer. To do this, advertisers resort to some of the following techniques: the use of captivating illustrations and headlines, slogans, contrast effects, unusual configurations, sizes and locations of appeals, the use of color, shape and movement, the selection of speech tempo, tone, rhythm, pauses and other sound signals, aroma and tactile properties. All these things subtly affect our consciousness. You can also interest the consumer by using an authoritative opinion in advertising. Example: at an advertising exhibition held in Moscow, many printing companies and advertising agencies, presenting their products, indicated the names of their clients - firms with a name (for example, Evra International, a company specializing in outdoor advertising, indicates the names of its clients: CNN international ; Kremlyovskaya; OGONEK; Billine cellular; Radio "Echo of Moscow" and radio "Rocks"; Palmyra; MTV and others). This approach causes potential clients feeling of solidity and reliability. Depending on the ability to handle the techniques of forms of appeal in advertising, one can either reach heights or fail an advertising campaign.

    Still, as a rule, attracts the originality of the idea. Attached is a booklet printing company, which, in my opinion, very clearly demonstrates the capabilities of its company in an unpretentious form (shaped cutting, special coating, product quality, originality of thoughts). The booklet is also convenient from a practical point of view: there is a tear-off business card on the last page. The slogan is also attractive, giving some confidence in the quality of the work performed by the enterprise.

    In concluding this section, I would like to cite as an example the brochure of the LBL Corporation, which represents itself as a group of specialized companies operating in the field of advertising and advertising production with its own facilities. The advertising policy of the corporation is aimed at advertisers. The purpose of the brochure is to convince that cooperation with LBL is the most convenient and effective cooperation. The corporation's clients are immediately indicated in the prospectus: Mars, Bosh, Intel Corp., Pepsico Inc., IBM, Siemens, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Moscow Credit Bank, Bee Line, some advertising agencies (McCann-Ericson), the Maxim group of companies and many others. By listing such well-known firms and banks, the corporation attracts customers and increases their confidence, increases its prestige.

    The prospectus refers solely to rational motives or benefits. That is, the theme of the advertising appeal is convenience and reliability. For example: most advertising agencies, declaring the full range of services provided, are actually intermediaries. Therefore, the benefit of direct cooperation of advertisers with a large advertising producer, which is LBL, is very obvious, capable of both developing and producing the widest range of advertising products and advertising services. The prospectus contains a full list of services provided by the corporation: production of high-quality full-color printing (lists the range of products manufactured by the LBL printing house, types of prepress work, lead times, length of service of the printing house, equipment, number of copies in print runs); development of a client's advertising campaign strategy (creation of slogans, advertising texts, concepts for subsequent design developments, marketing research department services, visual concepts and their implementation in advertising strips and billboards, development corporate identity client, creation of a complex ideology of an advertising campaign in terms of its visual content); production and placement of various types of outdoor advertising (the widest range of types of outdoor advertising is indicated); production of souvenirs; high-quality advertising placement, due to the presence of television, radio and press departments of the LBL advertising agency, exclusive conditions for the production and placement of advertising in the subway.

    It is also important to indicate the service system - a corporate customer service, where a personal manager is assigned to each client. A few more advantages associated with the structure of the corporation, as well as corporate system discounts (a table of basic discounts is given) and free delivery of circulation to the customer within Moscow.

    As for the structure of the appeal, the form of the appeal allows the clients themselves to draw obvious conclusions - the use of certain phrases, as it were, pushes the clients to this, but there are no direct conclusions made by the corporation itself.

    The form of address is also interesting. The brochure contains photographs illustrating the products and equipment of the corporation, the content is built on the principle of "Question and answer", three colors are used (gray and red - the background, white - the color of the letters).

    6. Decision on the means of distribution.

    The main task of the advertising service specialists at this stage is the formation of a set of promotional activities that will ensure maximum coverage of the representatives of the target impact group at the lowest (more precisely, optimal) material costs.

    AT There are three questions that need to be answered in the selection process of advertising media:

    1. where to place an advertisement;
    2. when and how often to advertise;
    3. what specific advertising media to use.

    6.1. Location of advertising.

    Of course, the solution to this strategic question depends on what the company advertises and on the budget of the advertising campaign. In practice, when organizing advertising, for example, consumer goods, the priority means are events in the media, exhibitions and fairs of these goods; of print advertising, mainly inexpensive flyers or booklets and advertising posters are used, hung in trading floors and other crowded places along with various types of outdoor advertising.

    Consider the advantages, disadvantages and priority areas for the use of individual fixed advertising media.

    Press advertising used for almost all types of goods, industrial products and services. Its main advantages are flexibility, wide coverage, a high degree of trust in many publications, and high electoral opportunities for specialized publications. The disadvantages include insufficient efficiency, short duration of existence, relatively high cost.

    Over the past few years, with the development of the economy of our country, the products of the publishing house "Kommersant" (the newspaper "Kommersant daily", the magazines "Komersant", "Money", "Domovoy", "Autopilot", "Stolitsa") have become very popular.

    Consider these publications from the point of view of the advertiser. To begin the analysis of whether these publications are suitable for placing advertising products of a given company or enterprise, it is necessary: ​​1). with a clear idea of ​​what kind of information is printed in the above magazines and newspaper; 2). who reads publications (target audience); 3). release frequency. Already on the basis of this, you can form an idea of ​​which advertising of which goods or services is the most effective.

    Daily, Kommersant, Money - 1). reliable financial and political information, monitoring of changes in legislation, cultural and gossip columns.

    - one). Super-operational information about all the above areas of life (it is also known that in the group of publications with an economic orientation, which is made up of "Financial Newspaper", "Financial News", "Economics and Life", this newspaper occupies a leading position). 2). distinctive features of the audience: 60% of the audience are men; approximately every second regular reader of the newspaper is between 35 and 44 years old; 77% of readers have higher education; the income of every third regular reader exceeds the average Moscow level; more than half of working readers are employed in the state sector of the economy. 3). daily newspaper.

    Money is mainly financial and analytical information, politics plays a secondary role. 2). Target audience - middle class (middle income); mainly the managerial staff of the middle and top management employed in the non-state sector of the economy; a significant part is made up of persons with high official status aged 28 to 45 years; 70% are men; the vast majority have higher education.

    The magazine "Money" is distributed in 75 cities and regional centers of Russia and abroad, is read on the boards of world airlines, in the Government and the State Duma, in the Presidential Administration and in the Government of Moscow, in the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics and the State Property Committee. 3). weekly.

    Conclusion advertiser: should advertise large banks and financial companies, insurance companies, recruiting agencies, consumer electronics companies (Volvo, Daewoo, Mitsubishi) and communication service companies (cordless phones and pagers).

    Kommersant is the most universal magazine for business people. 2). the magazine is designed for active segments of the population with an income above the average level, mainly for managers, and is distributed throughout Russia. 3). weekly.

    Advertiser Conclusion: the most effective in the weekly is advertising of office equipment, computers, audio-video and household appliances, automobiles, security services, training, tourism, consumer goods and real estate.

    Brownie - 1). magazine for home reading (about what is happening in the world, how famous people live, how to arrange a beautiful house, how to raise children, how to spend and save money, how to have fun and really relax, that is, worldly information). 2) 71% of the audience are women; 46% have higher education and incomes above average; 43% of readers have a personal car; 36% have traveled abroad in the last six months; This edition is of greatest interest to people from 20 to 40 years old. 3). monthly magazine.

    Autopilot - 1). illustrated men's magazine with an automotive theme. 2). the regular audience of the magazine is men (59%) aged 16 to 35, with higher and secondary education, with an income above the average level, currently working, about half of them are satisfied with the abundance of advertising with the media. 3). monthly.

    Capital - 1). includes major city news, issues of concern to Muscovites and other city topics, a separate block in the magazine publishes a poster of the main cultural events of the city for the coming week. 2). target audience - urban residents of different ages and professions. 3). weekly.

    As for advertising in these publications at a cost, then, of course, it is expensive, and not all firms can afford to publish their advertising messages even with a minimum frequency. The appendix contains some price lists of the Kommersant publishing house.

    Radio advertising It is characterized by positive features: mass coverage, speed of broadcasting, the possibility of choosing airtime and programs, and relatively low cost. On the other hand, the presentation only by sound means makes the degree of attracting attention lower than that of television, the short duration advertising impact hinders the effectiveness of advertising. A similar means of advertising is used to advertise goods and services of mass demand, effectively as an accompanying event during fairs and exhibitions.

    The decision whether to advertise on a radio or not depends in particular on who the audience of a given radio station is (age, professions, tastes). As a rule, each radio station has its own musical or information specifics, and hence its own specific audience (for example, radio "Maximum" is aimed at young (15-30 years old) segments of the population of Moscow and St. Russian "and business people, etc.). As a rule, this radio station advertises secular and cultural life: messages about exhibitions, nightclubs and discos, restaurants, concerts. As well as about communications, companies providing any services, prestigious stores). It is worth considering where the radio station broadcasts (the number of regions or cities), what is its degree of popularity. The appendix contains price lists of two well-known Moscow radio stations. The only thing I would like to add is that radio "Roks", for example, broadcasts to 35 regions of Moscow, and is also the first radio station to be released in the FM band. Advertisers will take these facts into account as well.

    Outdoor advertising: flexible and operational, with a high frequency of repeated contacts, has a low cost, weak competition. Its disadvantages include the lack of audience selectivity, limited creative possibilities for implementation. Outdoor advertising is used to advertise consumer goods, to advertise trademarks industrial enterprises producing both consumer goods and industrial products.

    TV advertising combines images, sounds and movement, has a sensory impact, a high degree of attention-grabbing and breadth of coverage, there is a possible choice of programs and times of programs, the speed of airing. Its disadvantages include high absolute cost, congestion of the air with advertising, transience of advertising contact, and low selective ability. Although television is a universal means of distributing an appeal, since with the help of television it is possible to advertise almost any product or service.

    Direct mail has the following advantages: high selectivity, flexibility, absence of competitors. However, advertising of this kind has a relatively high cost and the image of "waste paper", which hinders its perception. It is used mainly for advertising industrial products (services) with a relatively narrow group of target impact.

    6.2.Time and frequency of advertising.

    The advertiser should decide when and how many times in a specific period of time the average representative of the target audience should encounter his advertising message, what impact force the contact with his advertising should have. Within a particular type of advertising media, say magazines, the same message in one magazine may be perceived as more credible than in another. If you scroll through newspapers with more than 4 sheets, you will notice that large advertisers place their advertisements more than once. In one newspaper, you can meet from 2 to 5 advertisements of one advertiser (it all depends on the type of newspaper). As for television and radio, it is clear here that advertising messages in the evening and morning broadcasts are most effective with a certain systematicity.

    Very often, when choosing an advertising strategy, one should also take into account the seasonal nature of consumption. certain types goods, products or services; periods of summer holidays, holidays and other similar facts (air conditioners in summer, fur coats in winter, cold remedies in autumn and spring).

    6.3 Choice of advertising media.

    The advertiser needs to choose the most cost-effective means of advertising distribution. For example, if an advertisement is to appear in magazines, the specialist examines the data on their circulation and prices for advertisements of different sizes with printing in different colors and different places location, as well as data on the frequency of logs. Then he evaluates journals on such indicators as reliability, prestige, availability of regional and professional publications, quality of printing reproduction, editorial policy, order duration and psychological impact on readers. Having made such an assessment, the specialist decides which specific journals will provide the coverage, frequency and impact that he needs within the allocated allocations in accordance with his advertising policy.

    7. Evaluation of the advertising program.

    The concept of advertising effectiveness contains at the same time such heterogeneous concepts as the economic effect, the psychological effect (psychological impact on representatives of the target groups) and the social effect, expressed in a certain impact on the whole society as a whole (in particular, the impact on the formation of people's taste preferences). , their views and concepts about various moral and material values ​​- this has already been discussed in paragraph 1.3. – etc.)

    Based on this, comparing and linking together the monetary costs of advertising activities, the profits made, consumer preferences and the prestige of the goods and the favorable opinion of the public about the activities of the advertiser organization is an extremely difficult, conceived almost impossible task.

    To measure the communicative and sales effectiveness of advertising, researchers use several different methods.

    Measurements of communicative effectiveness indicate how effective communication is provided by the ad. This method, called text testing, can be used both before the ad is placed, and after it is published or broadcast.

    To place an ad, an advertiser can conduct a survey of consumers on whether they like the proposed ad and whether the message stands out from the rest. After the ad is placed, the advertiser can measure whether the ad is remembered by consumers or recognizable as previously seen.

    One one of the ways to measure the marketing effectiveness of advertising is to compare sales with advertising spending over the past period. Another way is to develop an experimental advertising program. Another common technique is to compare the economic results of the economic activity of two similar trading or other enterprises, one of which carried out an advertising campaign, and the other did not.

    8. Legal aspects of advertising activities.

    Since 1971, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has been constantly functioning in Paris. Since January 1, 1993, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia has been a member of the ICC.

    Currently, the following international codes developed and adopted by the ICC are in force:

    • the ICC International Code of Practice for Marketing Promotion;
    • ICC International Code of Advertising Practice;
    • ICC International Code on Direct Mail and Direct Mail Sales Practice
    • International ICC Code of Practice for Direct Selling;
    • ICC International Code of Practice for Marketing and Social Research.

    Less important than laws is the formation professional ethics in the field advertising business. The firm must avoid deception and discrimination in its advertising. Here are the main contentious issues:

    False advertising. Advertisers should not make false claims, such as claiming that a product cures something, when in fact it does not. Advertisers should avoid rigged demos.

    Misleading advertising. An advertiser must not create ads that are potentially misleading, even though no one may actually be misled. Floor polish should not be advertised as providing 6-month protection if it does not, under normal conditions. The problem is how to draw the line between misrepresentation and glorification of goods, which is considered acceptable.

    Discounts on incentive measures and services. The firm must provide discounts on incentives and services to all clients on proportionately equal terms.

    Any advertising message must be legally perfect, decent, honest and truthful. Any advertising message must be created with a sense of responsibility to society and meet the principles of fair competition, common in commerce. No advertising message should undermine public confidence in advertising.

    • decency;
    • honesty;
    • truthfulness;
    • comparisons (Article 5. An advertising message must comply with the principles of fair competition. Comparison of the merits of goods must be fair and based on evidentiary factors);
    • protection of the rights of the individual (Article 8. An advertising message must not depict or describe any person in their private life or public activities without their prior permission);
    • security (Article 12. An advertising message must not contain, without good reason, any images of dangerous situations, actions, exercises, customs demonstrating a disregard for danger or security measures);
    • responsibility (Article 14. Responsibility for compliance with the rules of conduct set forth in this code lies with advertisers, executors of advertising messages, advertising agencies, publishers, media owners and, in general, participants in contracts regarding advertising messages).


    Contrary to popular belief, advertising is far from being the only "engine of commerce", but only one of many. In the general system of an extensive complex of marketing activities, advertising is, as a rule, by no means the dominant element. In particular, according to some marketing scientists, in the total amount of factors influencing the adoption of positive purchasing decisions, advertising belongs to only 1/32 to 1/8 of the share.

    Practice shows that the most significant factors determining the increase or decrease in the sale of any product are, first of all, the quality and consumer properties of the goods themselves, their price, the general market situation, the actions of competitors, etc.

    Advertising requires a lot of money, which is easy to waste if the company fails to accurately formulate the problem, makes insufficiently thought-out decisions regarding the advertising budget, circulation and choice of advertising media, fails to evaluate the results of advertising activities. Due to its ability to influence the way of life, advertising also attracts close attention of the public. The ever-increasing regulation is designed to ensure that advertising is carried out responsibly.

    Recently, advertising has firmly established itself in our lives. This area of ​​marketing is actively developing in our country. Various institutions teaching the art of advertising are opened. Most likely, advertising has taken root in the market of our country. It remains only to believe that every year the level of its quality will rise higher and higher, and it will become a real consumer guide in the world of a huge number of goods and various services.


    1. Aizenberg M. - Advertising Management, M., LLP ”IntelTech” 1993
    2. Dichtl E. Hershgen H. - Practical Marketing, M., "Higher School" 1995
    3. Kotler F - Fundamentals of Marketing, M., "Business Book" "Ima-Cross Plus" November 1995
    4. Kalashnikov V.A. – Dictionary of market economy, Moscow 1993
    5. Naimushin A.D. - Fundamentals of advertising organization, M., "Vneshtorgizdat" 1992
    6. Under the editorship of Professor Vlasova V.M. – Basics entrepreneurial activity, M., “Finance and statistics” 1996
    7. Evans J., R. Berman B. - Marketing, M., "Economics" 1993
    8. Also used materials international exhibition“Reklama-96”, Moscow (November 18–22).

    Advertising policy of Pochinkovskoe UPSM LLC

    Pochinkovskoye UPSM does not have a special marketing department where marketing specialists would work. Therefore, the company often uses the services of an advertising agency in the development of specific advertising projects. Consider how decisions are made in the field of advertising (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2 Making marketing decisions at Pochinkovskoe UPSM

    At the first stage, the directors make a decision on carrying out a specific type of advertising, a task is set, an advertising agency is selected to which the company will contact. After that, the selected advertising agency receives an order for advertising. The order usually contains the following information:

    • a means of advertising;
    • its content;
    • the expected volume of the message;
    • · and other information.

    At the third stage, a decision-making center is created at the firm, the purpose of which is to select one of the advertising messages offered by the advertising agency. Usually this center includes 5-6 people: 2 company directors, several sales agents, an accountant. After choosing one of the options, the decision is communicated to the advertising agency and an order for advertising is placed.

    The fourth stage is the release of advertising "into the light". The selected advertising option reaches its “subscriber” and has an impact on him. After some time after the release of the advertisement, its effectiveness is evaluated. This happens by comparing sales volumes before and after advertising.

    The tasks of an advertising company are different depending on the season of the year: in winter, advertising is more of a reminiscent nature, and in other seasons of the year - exhortation. This is due to seasonal changes in demand for products: in winter, demand always drops sharply - you have to remind yourself in the consumer market with the help of constant radio advertising.

    Since the company does not advertise each of its products separately, but in general its name and products, when choosing a product strategy, it was necessary to focus on the stage of the life cycle at which most of the products are located. Currently, this stage is "growth". Accordingly, the company focused on the following marketing policy:

    • reduction or stabilization of prices,
    • an increase in advertising costs,
    • amplification sales promotion,
    • expansion of distribution channels,
    • Penetration into new market segments.

    B ad. \u003d (6000000 * 10) / 100 \u003d 600000 rubles.

    Table 2 Budget allocation

    Participation in exhibitions is a means of advertising practiced by the company for 10 years. The purpose of participation in exhibitions is to demonstrate your products, to attract as many buyers as possible to the side of the company. To achieve this goal, the company turned to an advertising agency to develop a plan for presenting information at the stand. After coordinating the design of the stand with the management of Pochinkovsky UPSM, the advertising agency made a stand for the exhibition.

    In addition to the design and technical level of the stand itself, the image of the company and the interest of visitors in the exhibited products depend on the general level of awareness, correctness and appearance of the employees representing the company at the exhibitions. For these purposes, distributors are selected based on their rating.

    The time of the exhibitions is five days in each city. At the exhibition in the city of Saransk, the Pochinkovskoe UPSM enterprise occupied 6m 2 of the exhibition area on the first floor. In addition to stands made by the advertising agency at the exhibition, customers were offered to familiarize themselves with the brochures of the company, there were samples of products in a wide range, color photographs of already used products of the company were offered.

    In addition, the firm's logo hung at the entrance to the exhibition hall, reminding visitors of their presence even before they "dipped" into the world of the exhibition and then after they left it.

    The management was satisfied with the results of the exhibition in Saransk, as the goal was achieved, and the flow of applications for the company increased immediately after the promotional event. In addition, new useful contacts were made with industry representatives and new opportunities for further cooperation and partnership opened up.

    Expenses for exhibitions occupied the largest share in the advertising budget of the company (300,000 rubles). However, the company's management believes that they justify themselves and plans to continue to participate in such events.

    The cost of advertising on the radio takes the second place in terms of share among other costs of an advertising company. Pochinkovskoe UPSM has placed its commercials on two radio stations: radio Dacha and Europa+. The texts of the videos are played every other day.

    The firm uses television advertising in a small volume, although the funds spent on it (70,000 rubles) occupy the third place in terms of share along with other advertising costs. The management of "Pochinkovsky UPSM" believes that TV advertising is very expensive in absolute terms, advertising contact is too fleeting (compared to newspapers), so it is used only in the period February - March. It was during these months that on the channels "NNTV", "Volga" and "Television of Mordovia" viewers could see the advertising splash screen of the company. This screensaver was developed by an advertising agency and approved by representatives of Pochinkovsky UPSM, consisting of five people (including two directors). The screensaver informed viewers about the goods they could purchase at Pochinkovsky UPSM, and also provided contact numbers and the address of the company.

    The Pochinkovskoe UPSM enterprise resorted to using such a means of advertising as direct mail. This tool has a low cost, selectivity of the audience, flexibility, lack of advertising of competitors in the administration, personal character. The leaflet was made by representatives of Pochinkovsky UPSM.

    The management of the company considers direct mail to be quite an effective means of advertising, therefore, in the future, leaflets will be produced in larger quantities, and their design will be handled by qualified specialists.

    It was decided to place one shield in the company building, and the second opposite the entrance to the company building.

    Newspaper advertising has been used in the company's sales promotion complex for several years. It is newspaper advertising that is flexible, covers the area well, is widely recognized and accepted, and is always timely.

    To place its advertisements, Pochinkovskoe UPSM uses the following newspapers: Construction Empire, Building Materials, Small Business. According to the management, the company's newspaper advertising in these publications can influence potential buyers. Such announcements are developed by the employees of the enterprise, and then, after verification by one of the directors, they are placed in a specific newspaper.

    Usually the responsible center consists of 5-6 people: two directors, several sales agents and an accountant. The issue is resolved in the following order:

    • Multiple accommodation options available advertisements(in various options, the place and frequency of filing or not filing is considered) with the rationale for these options.
    • · Each of the members expresses his opinion on the proposed options, and some changes or additions are made to the proposals.
    • · Each of the options is evaluated in points by each member of the center.
    • · The option that received the highest number of points is selected, in case of equivalence of several proposals, the final decision is made by the directors of the company.

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