Production of trailers as one of the startup options. Business with minimal investment - production of trailers for passenger cars Operating instructions

Production of trailers: requirements according to GOST + what kind of premises are needed + equipment for the production of trailers + selection of workers + profitability and additional services + profitability of production and expenses at the start.

Automotive business Since its inception, it has undergone some transformations. Now this area means the totality of everything related to vehicles - from the production of car stickers to the production of gasoline and service in service centers.

If you have been thinking about doing this, you should try yourself in a business such as the production of trailers for passenger cars.

Today on the roads of Russia you can see thousands car trailers. But are there many places where you can buy them?

According to statistics, this is one of the least competitive auto businesses in the Russian Federation. But with the increase in the number of cars, the demand for the production of caravans is also growing.

Statistics and dynamics of sales of car trailers in the Russian Federation

If you are interested and plan to work in this direction - now best time in order to invest in business. But, like any entrepreneurial endeavor, the production of passenger trailers has its pros, cons and special requirements. Let's look at them.

OST and GOST requirements for the production of trailers

Before you start making car trailers, you should carefully study what requirements must be met during their production.

The legislation of the Russian Federation, especially the industry standard 37.001.220-93, specifies all the necessary requirements for car trailers. For example, the total weight of the trailer should not exceed 50% of the curb weight of the vehicle. Trailers equipped with a brake system cannot weigh more than 1.8 tons.

Clearly regulated and ultimate loads which the vertical coupling mechanism of a car trailer must experience:

  • The minimum value should not be lower than 250 Newtons, the maximum – 1000 N.
  • It is mandatory to have an emergency clutch mechanism - be it a cable or additional carabiners, coupling mechanisms.
  • The trailer drawbar must be double-beam and the rotation must be within a radius of 160°.
  • The coupling mechanism must have a ground clearance of at least 24 cm.

There are clear criteria for the dimensions of each trailer. The height of any type of trailer should not exceed 3 meters, while the height to track width ratio of 1.8 to 1 must be observed, the maximum trailer width is 2.3 meters.

Moreover, in technically justified cases, the trailer can have a height of 435 mm.

An example of a drawing for the manufacture of a single-axle trailer

The length of the trailer should not exceed 8 meters, while the maximum allowable ratio is 1.5 of the length of the car.

It is desirable that the trailer's ground clearance be equal to that of the towing vehicle. Under no circumstances should the ground clearance of a trailer be lower than that of a car.

When registering, each trailer must have its type assigned to it. There are three types in total:

  • uniaxial;
  • biaxial;
  • triaxial.

A single-axle trailer, as the name suggests, has one pair of wheels. Moreover, it must withstand a maximum load of up to 700 kg. A two-axle one can withstand much greater loads, but in terms of cost, such a trailer will be superior to the previous type.

There are no clear regulations for a three-axle vehicle, but in the traffic police documents for passenger cars it is classified as a two-axle vehicle. The requirements for it also correspond to biaxial.

To avoid having to obtain certification for every trailer you produce, you must obtain a certificate for the entire production. To do this, you should either LLC, then contact the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and pass all the necessary tests to ensure compliance with trailer production standards.

Paperwork can then be eliminated and each trailer no longer needs to be certified.

Trailer design and material requirements

When assembling the cargo body of a trailer, metal profile pipes square section, while the pipe material must withstand high loads. When covering the body, metal sheets made of steel or aluminum are used.

At the same time, for greater structural strength, corrugated steel is used for lining the outer casing. The quality of materials must be appropriate. The minimum operating life of a trailer is 50 thousand km before major repairs under normal operating conditions.

When registering trailers, the following requirements must be met:

  • presence of mudguards,
  • Parking lights must be installed on the trailer,
  • presence of reflective stickers,
  • an automatic coupling mechanism is installed.

At the same time, the cost of a two-axle trailer is estimated at $400-650. Most of this amount is spent on materials, the rest is payment for the work of employees.

Of course, you can do without them by assembling the trailers yourself. But in that case this business will take a significant amount of time, and the monthly production of trailers will be reduced to a minimum.

Premises for the production of trailers for passenger cars

Like any other business, trailer manufacturing requires a dedicated workspace.

The selection of premises for production should be based on several parameters:

  • the total area of ​​the workroom must be more than 80 square meters. meters;
  • convenient transport links, the ability to manufacture and service 3-4 units of auto trailers and semi-trailers;
  • availability of all necessary communications.

For this type of production, hangar premises, large boxes, former warehouses. Depending on the location of the building, rent will vary.

It is also worth considering that the room you choose should have a place for staff to rest, a place for storage finished products and materials used for the manufacture of trailers.

If you plan in the future not only to expand production volume, but also to provide additional services, including repairs, you should select premises from 140 sq. m. m.

This space will be enough to accommodate additional equipment, and to work on 5-6 trailers at once.

Equipment for the production of passenger trailers

Without necessary equipment No company will be able to do its job. If you already have some necessary tools, whether it's a hammer or a screwdriver, that's good. However, obviously, this is not enough to assemble high-quality and reliable trailers.

Necessary equipment to get started:

Welding machine. Either a professional or a powerful industrial one is suitable for the job.
Without it, high-quality trailer assembly is impossible.

A grinding machine will provide a final finish to the surface and will also allow you to cut parts of parts to size according to the markings.

Drill – allows you to drill and drill holes for fastening bolts, and do point turning work. For the production of trailers, a household one with a power of 700 W or more is also suitable.

Toolbox – necessary thing. Contains everything that can be useful in the manufacture of trailers.

Purchasing high-quality equipment for production is one of the main costs when starting out. If you are having difficulty purchasing a complete set, you should try to find used tools; the price of these can be half that of new ones.

A new set of equipment will cost you the following:

  1. Professional argon arc welding machine - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. At the same time, industrial will cost more.
  2. Grinding machine - from 2000 to 10,000 rubles.
  3. Impact drill - from 20 thousand rubles.
  4. A set of tools - a minimum set of high-quality tools will cost 10-12 thousand rubles.

Total, minimum costs for professional equipment– from 42 thousand rubles.

It's worth keeping in mind: if you do not plan to work alone, then some sets of equipment will need to be duplicated.

Recruitment of personnel for trailer production

You can start producing trailers for passenger cars yourself. However, when scaling your business or processing more than 2 orders per month, you will in any case be faced with a choice - to hire new staff and expand, or continue to work independently.

The workers will help you not only save time, but also speed up the process of manufacturing new trailers, and also relieve you of your daily duties.

Trailer production is one of the few businesses that does not require any special skills. If you hire a worker, he must be able to operate a drill, a welding machine, and have some experience in assembling metal structures.

In general, as you expand your business, you will need to hire the following personnel:

  • Workers for assembly and repair. This is the “backbone” of your enterprise, the people who will assemble and maintain the trailers.
  • Accountant. A person who will take on the accounting of papers and all expenses, as well as, if possible, accounting of incoming materials.
  • Supply Chain Manager/Marketing Manager. This is an important person who will be involved in placing goods on various sites, looking for a sales market, and so on.

For workers, you can set an approximate salary of 300-360 dollars, for an accountant and a marketer - 500. Accordingly, with a staff of 4 people, salary costs, on average, will amount to 100 thousand rubles.

Of course, in the initial stages you can get by with just one assistant.

Product sales and advertising campaign

The most important thing in your own business is to find stable channels for selling manufactured products.

A car trailer is not a product that is purchased every day. It is worth paying considerable attention to advertising your products, because without it no one will know that you make trailers, no matter how good they are.

There are several ways to advertise, and they all exist parallel to each other. For example, you can easily advertise your products on radio and newspaper advertisements - publishers often provide a column for free advertisements. It wouldn’t hurt to advertise using improvised means – bulletin boards are still popular.

In addition, there is local television and the Internet. In the first case, advertising will be paid, but you should not miss this opportunity. Advertising through the media is one of the most popular and effective methods.

Advertising through the network has its advantages - it is not only popular, but also functional. For example, you can add a link to own online store, where the future customer will immediately view the entire available range.

If you plan to sell your products not only via the Internet, you should make sure that your production has a demonstration site. It is advisable that you can view the entire available range of trailers on it. If some of them are missing, or are made only to order, it is advisable to have “live” photos.

Cost-effectiveness and additional maintenance services

Before starting production, it is important to study the sales market and the presence of competing enterprises. You need to understand what type of trailers will be in greatest demand. These can be tent trailers, refrigerated trailers, tanker trucks, as well as kiosk trailers.

After market research, it is necessary to draw up production plan. It should cover all areas of production - from the number of employees to the monthly supply of trailers to the market. This will also include the calculation of the start-up investments required to start production.

With an average trailer cost of 60-120 thousand rubles. the cost of their production will be up to 40 thousand, including rent for the premises, employee salaries and expenses for consumables.

By the way, the process can be simplified if you buy ready-made chassis for trailers. Such “skeletons” are assembled so that the future owner can independently install all the necessary structures on them. If you are not going to make a chassis, you can use the ersatz trailer option.

Buying a “constructor” will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. Accordingly, with the installation of additional equipment, the cost of the trailer will drop to 30 thousand. In addition, the use of blanks can significantly save time, which will be useful in the initial stages of production.

Among other things, it is possible to implement additional production of trailers. For example, if the size of your premises allows, then you can try to make trailers for agricultural and other working equipment. This also includes special trailers - this is another opportunity to generate additional income.

Changes in the range of trailers in 2014

Auto business. Trailer production, sales and rental.

How to set up your production? Advice for beginning businessmen.

Profitability of light trailer production and startup costs

strong The production of passenger trailers is an extremely popular and profitable business. Finished goods rarely stay in the warehouse for a long time; the production of trailers itself quickly pays off. With an average product cost of 25 thousand rubles. you will recoup your investment after selling 20-25 trailers, which will take up to 18 months.

With the provision of additional maintenance services (for example, repairs or replacement of running parts), the payback will be even faster.

But, like any other business, it has its own nuances and problems. For example, the most difficult thing here is production certification and obtaining a license, since the requirements for the production process and the final product are strictly regulated by law.

To avoid this, you should seek help from lawyers. Good specialist will help speed up the preparation process for everyone necessary documents. Of course, this will require additional investments. But, as mentioned earlier, apart from these problems, nothing hinders business development.

In total, at the initial stage the following expenses are expected:

  • Rental costs – 20,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment for production – 42 thousand rubles.
  • Certification of an individual entrepreneur or LLC – from 12 thousand rubles.
  • Personnel costs – at least 20 thousand.
  • The initial cost of material for one trailer is 16 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising expenses – 30 thousand rubles.

In total, organizing the business will cost 210 thousand rubles, including the insurance amount (30-50% of the starting capital). When calculating the return on investment of an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account monthly expenses for salaries, utility bills, as well as taxes and expenses for the purchase of raw materials.

Trailer production- a highly profitable business, income here depends on the quantity of goods manufactured and sold. At the same time, there is the possibility of producing products “to order”.

Availability of additional niches for expansion, in particular, the production of trailers for agricultural

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Trailer production as one of the startup options

In trying to create their own startup, many reach a dead end at the initial stage - searching interesting ideas. One attractive option is the production of trailers. This niche in the market is not yet oversaturated and a novice entrepreneur will feel comfortable in it, subject to a number of rules, which will be discussed below.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:1.2 – 1.6 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 50 thousand
Industry situation:the production sector is developed
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 8 – 12 months

Where to start

Manufacturing trailers for cars is one of the profitable business options with the right approach. At the same time, income can be received not only from production, but also from further maintenance trailers and semi-trailers. This will also provide tangible profits even when the necessary materials are unavailable. Therefore, it is not necessary to start with production. Repairs will help to obtain start-up capital, which can be invested in the development of production capacities.

What will you need first?

If you go in order, then the first thing you will need when forming your own business, regardless of whether it is repair or production, is premises. After all, assembling the trailer on the customer’s premises is not at all an option. Having our own production area where the production of semi-trailers, trailers or spare parts for them will take place is a definite plus. Here technical and service units.

If you don’t have your own premises, you can rent it, because... buying real estate at the initial stage of a startup is not always profitable. The area of ​​the room must be at least 50 square meters. Ideally, it will be a large garage or hangar, in which you can work on 2 or 3 pieces of equipment simultaneously. The room will also require additional space for tools and auxiliary equipment. Without suitable premises there is no point in starting a business. Assembly of trailers is not a seasonal income, despite the frequency of demand.

The price of real estate depends on many factors, in particular, location and usable area, and other factors that often depend on the landlord. A property in the city will naturally differ in price from one located on the outskirts or in the suburbs. If you wish, you can find a building of not modern construction, for example, a warehouse from the times of the USSR, renovate it and save a lot of money.

Without which it is impossible to start work

The next most necessary element is equipment for assembling trailers. Without it it is impossible to start work, because... With bare hands you can only assemble some spare parts. You can try to find the bulk of the tools from your own supplies. These could be:

  • screwdrivers;
  • keys;
  • hammers;
  • drills.

If you try to buy everything at once, such little things add up to a round sum of up to $1,000. But it's not just the little things that matter.

A welding machine will be indispensable in production. It must be of good quality. Average price such equipment can cost up to $500. In addition to it, you will need a high-quality grinder costing about $300 and a drill, preferably electric, of a similar cost. Don't forget about consumables required to use the tool. These are electrodes, grinding discs and everything else that craftsmen may need, which, by the way, need to be found.

Raw materials for production can be purchased after the premises and equipment are ready. Most of the necessary auxiliary materials can be found on car markets from wholesale suppliers or ordered in online stores directly from the spare parts manufacturer. The base of the product, which is usually metal, can be made from recycled materials after it has been reanimated. Part of its purchase can be carried out from scrap metal buyers or from construction and other materials depots. Personnel who are familiar with the manufacturing technology will help you understand what exactly will become the future raw material.

How to search for personnel

You can work independently only in the first stages of a business, but in the future it will simply be too labor-intensive to carry out production and manage the enterprise, so you will definitely need an assistant. This could be an employee or a relative when organizing a family-type business. However, accelerating the pace and increasing capacity will lead to an increase in orders for manufactured products. Therefore, hired labor will be required sooner or later anyway.

Hiring a new master into production is a big responsibility, because... The success of a startup depends on how the work is carried out. Accordingly, the selection of foremen and other personnel must be approached especially carefully. It's better if they are people with experience professional qualities which are beyond doubt. It is worth noting that at high rates it is difficult to train employees from scratch. Therefore, attempts to start with employee training may not be successful.

Production losses can be caused by unskilled workers, and they are completely useless when starting a trailer manufacturing business. At the initial stage, at least 1 highly qualified specialist will be required who already works, or has worked, with trailers in terms of production or maintenance. Paying for his labor is also part of the costs, which will cost quite a bit. It is better to choose a piecework payment method, because... It doesn’t make sense to pay shift workers in production. Thus, the salary amount will not only be compensated by the profit received, but will also be able to stimulate the assistant.

Where to find investors

All the costs described above will add up to the bulk of the required investment. These will also include the costs of materials and operating expenses not related to production. It’s great if you have all the necessary amount on hand, but most often you only have a part of it on hand. Therefore, it is necessary to look for investments. Some of the funds can be borrowed from the bank, however, the interest that will have to be paid regularly will hit the startup’s budget hard. How to get a bank loan to start a business can be found at this link.

The payback of the project is a matter of time. If the whole process is implemented correctly, to reach 0, you will need to sell up to 20 finished trailers. Only after this will the startup begin to make a profit. Depending on the pace of production, this can happen, according to various estimates, within 4-6 months. You should not release a large batch of trailers at once.

In the first month it is advisable to release 1-2. After selling them, you can move on to increasing the batch. After the sale of an increased batch, sales and production can be carried out simultaneously. Attracting new investments and proper organization process will help accelerate the pace of enterprise growth and development.

The most important thing

Product sales are the most important stage. Without sales opportunities, a startup has no meaning and will not be able to make a profit. To sell trailers, you will need a site to display the product. At the initial stage there will be few models, but even they will have to be displayed.

The demonstration site may be located on the production site. At the same time, you can display products on online platforms. High-quality goods will not stagnate in the finished goods warehouse.


You can and should promote a product yourself, but marketing and advertising are still much more effective. Advertising costs can be minimal with a little effort. In order for people to start buying trailers, they need to spread the word about them. It is not necessary to play videos on local television. For a startup, promoting trailer advertising in other media is quite enough.

They can be local radio stations and city newspapers with free advertisements. In some cases, you can place advertisements in them using available means - the Internet or telephone. Using your own computer, you can make a simple video and post it on social networks. Advertising on the radio should be remembered by the buyer of the trailer, so scrolling should be quite frequent 3-4 times a day at least for the first 2-3 months.

We invite you to consider one more business with minimal investment– production of trailers for passenger cars. Modern people prefer to buy their own cars, despite traffic jams, the high cost of fuel and the need for regular car repairs. That is why in our country the number of cars is growing literally every month.

Naturally, entrepreneurs have long understood this trend, and did not fail to create many different options for making money in the automotive sector, in addition to trading in the transport itself. These include service services, assistance from craftsmen, sale of parts, as well as tuning, acoustics, creation of various lighting and body kits, and much more. The main thing is that it is in this industry that you can find something that will bring good income to your organizer. For example, let’s consider a necessary, in-demand item that is in great demand among vehicle owners.

It is enough to install a trailer on any, even small, car, and it can already perform the functions of a van, namely transport cargo that reaches a ton in weight. Each trailer has its own characteristics and carrying capacity; here the car owner himself chooses the product, depending on its characteristics. If a trailer is needed by a summer resident, then you won’t have to buy a very spacious and large-scale product, but builders, installers, and other workers in such professions often need to transport large, heavy loads.

Considering that towbars have been popular among our citizens since ancient Soviet times, one should not expect that a newcomer to the market will not encounter a number of competitors. Many businessmen know that they can bring tangible profits, so they will have to fight for their place in the sun.

Production of trailers for passenger cars

Making a car trailer is, in principle, quite simple, the main thing is to assemble all the components of the structure in a high-quality manner, regarding wheels, chassis, traction and coupling devices, axle with suspensions, as well as electrical wiring. In the center of the entire assembly is a cargo body, for the manufacture of which you will need not only square pipes, but also a preliminary drawing. Production of car trailers includes covering the floor and sides with any sheet materials, it can be galvanized metal sheets or chipboard. A simple garage may be suitable as a production workshop, but it is advisable to involve a mechanic and welder to carry out the work. But to start like this business with minimal investment The entrepreneur himself can do it, but it can take a month to make one trailer.

Very important points is that production of trailers for passenger cars cannot work without special documentation, namely certified passports for each product, which are filled out in accordance with government standards. This is explained by the fact that each trailer is listed as part of a car, therefore, it cannot take part in public traffic in the absence of a special permit for operation. This permit can be obtained from your local traffic inspectorate. Here trailers undergo the registration procedure as new vehicle, after which they are assigned a separate license plate. It follows that in order to use a trailer, every citizen must have documentation for it, as well as a state registration plate, but how can one acquire them?

Production of trailers for passenger cars: registering the trailer

The standard process for registering a car trailer is a two-step process.
  1. After the assembly of the trailer is completely completed, the entrepreneur must report this to the traffic inspection authorities located in the area of ​​his residence. Employees will issue a document directing the trailer owner to undergo examination in a special laboratory area. It is here that a series of certified tests will be carried out that each trailer must pass before it can be used on public roads. You will have to pay a certain amount for the tests. If production of trailers for passenger cars is carried out using ready-made parts, then the authorities have the right to request certified documents for each such unit or part. It is advisable to immediately prepare all the papers according to the drawings and other documentation that service employees may be interested in. A complete list of such papers is available in the departments of the road patrol service. Trailer certification only applies to new vehicles that are put into service.
  2. Upon completion of all checks and examinations, the entrepreneur will receive a document stating that the certification of the trailer was successful, and the vehicle actually complies with all standards and requirements. Once a businessman has this kind of paper in hand, he has the right to register his trailer with the traffic inspectorate. Don't forget that trailer certification is a paid procedure that will cost the entrepreneur fifteen to twenty-five thousand rubles, and its duration does not exceed fifteen days.
It is these two stages that make up the registration of trailers made independently, and for each unit it is necessary to undergo a separate approval procedure and receive separate documents. Some entrepreneurs do this, especially if they complete more than one order for a trailer per month, etc. Naturally, they regularly pay the required amount for registration. But if production of trailers for passenger cars planned to be put on stream, businessmen are trying to find an alternative solution, minimize bureaucratic issues, and bypass the regular certification process. This is quite possible if the certified production of car trailers.

How to certify the production of trailers for passenger cars

On the territory of our country trailer certification prerequisite their use, since without the approval of vehicles they cannot take part in traffic. All trailers have a special category - O1, and it is for this category that approval will be issued. After trailer manufacturing will be carried out on the basis of the received approval document, each new unit assembled at the enterprise will have its own unique number, as well as a product passport. Numbers are applied to trailer frames. The main thing is that the application is reliable and durable. Some manufacturers prefer to use engraving, stamping and other techniques.

How can a car trailer manufacturer obtain a VIN number for its vehicle?

And again, the whole procedure begins with collecting documentation. The entrepreneur must have in hand an application drawn up in accordance with the established template, a document indicating the technical characteristics of the product, as well as a list of marked parts: tires, headlights, a photo of the trailer and the drawing according to which it was assembled. In addition, employees will likely request information about technical specifications, as well as instructions for using the product. Only with all these papers in hand does it make sense to go to the testing and certification process of the vehicle. Such a test is called a preliminary test, which is why it costs several times more.

After this product has been tested, you can proceed to the next step, but first you will have to collect the documentation again. Trailer manufacturing must be carried out on the basis of the international manufacturer code, which can only be obtained legal entity. Otherwise, it will not be possible to mass produce trailers without going through a separate certification procedure for each product. To obtain this international code value, you will need to provide:

  • Technical application to issue an international code for the manufacturer of type O1 vehicles;
  • A technical inventory of the production workshop, the trailer manufacturing process itself, the system for checking quality characteristics, technical specifications trailer;
  • OGRN and identifier production organization;
  • Other papers, which can be discussed in more detail directly at the code issuing office. Most often, it is these offices that provide a whole range of services, including registration, testing, and issuance of documentation.
Each vehicle can be approved for a specific period of time with the possibility of subsequent renewal. Even though production and sale of trailers- this is a business with minimal investments, it is quite difficult to correctly build the business strategy itself, and the amount of documentary work can really frustrate the entrepreneur. Start working in status individual entrepreneur practically meaningless in this industry. Besides, production and sale of trailers has its limitations depending on the size of the enterprise. Thus, a small enterprise cannot produce more than five hundred units throughout the year, and in order for the business to become profitable, it will be necessary to undertake active development of several types of products. Each of them requires approval from regulatory authorities, certification and documentary support.

From the financial side, certifying the production of trailers is not so simple; not every entrepreneur has the necessary amount on hand from the very beginning, so many start by regularly going through the procedure for each vehicle.

Sale of trailers using franchising

For example, a large manufacturer already has approval to manufacture caravans. The company can then start selling the necessary documents on a franchising basis to those who need approval to legally manufacture vehicles in their own garages. Thus, a small enterprise will produce products, but use the brand of the owner of the approval. Business with minimal investment, organized in a garage environment, involves the assembly of no more than twenty-four technical units per year. But the benefits from using franchising are tangible for both parties. An entrepreneur will be able to bypass bureaucratic issues, get rid of the need to go through authorities and collect papers, and a large supplier will relieve its production capacity. But as a franchisor, he has the right to set certain requirements for small industries and their products.

Production and sale of designer trailers

For one trailer, consumers are willing to pay a fairly large sum - from forty to one hundred thousand rubles, but the products are reliable and have a high load capacity. Trailers with lower specifications are sold for less low prices. But, despite the fact that the owner pays almost a hundred rubles for a quality product, he often still tries to adapt it to his own needs. Some make the frames stronger, others change the suspension and make changes to the electrical system, and this can go on and on. In order to make the task easier for buyers, modern manufacturers have decided to take a simpler approach - reduce the price of a trailer to fourteen thousand, but at the same time offer a set of frame and suspension. The buyer attaches and creates everything else himself, as he sees fit. By the way, such a design must also be registered.

It is precisely these designs that small entrepreneurs often acquire, creating full-fledged goods on their basis, and selling them at full price. At the same time, the documentation issued to the designers is quite suitable for the sale of the vehicle. Of course, it will be much more difficult for the entrepreneur himself to develop a business for the production of prefabricated bases than to buy already ready-made base, only complementing and collecting it.

Business with minimal investment in the repair of trailer equipment

To create such a repair shop, you will need a garage space and simple tools, as well as a desire to work. As for clients, there will be them in any case, because such work is not only dirty, but also dusty. Which forces even the most thrifty citizens to resort to the services of craftsmen. You can focus on replacing side structures, straightening axles, repairing shock absorbers and much more, because each problem is individual. After an entrepreneur has worked for a certain time in the repair industry, he will be able to expand his activities by purchasing old equipment and restoring it. Broken trailers are cheap, but a restored one can be put up for sale for many times more. But here, too, a problem arises with documents; without them, it will be impossible to sell even a well-functioning trailer. But usually the seller provides the buyer with the necessary papers, and he does not have to collect documents from authorities.

Parameters, dimensions and general technical requirements for trailers.
OST 37.001. 220-80

This standard applies to all types of trailers intended for towing by cars and minibuses on public roads.


1.1. The total design weight of the trailer must not exceed that permitted by the manufacturer of the towing vehicle, must not exceed the curb weight of the towing vehicle, and must not exceed 1800 kg.
1.2. The total structural weight of an unbraked trailer must not exceed that permitted by the manufacturer of the towing vehicle and must not be more than half the curb weight of the towing vehicle.
1.3. The vertical static load in the center of the towbar ball joint for any weight condition of the trailer must correspond to the value permitted by the manufacturer of the towing vehicle, but must not be less than 240 N (25 kgf) and more than 980 N (100 kgf).
1.4. The length of the trailer should not be more than 1.5 times the length of the main towing vehicle or more than 8 m.
1.5. The width of the trailer must not exceed the width of the main towing vehicle by more than 200 mm on each side and must not be more than 2.3 m.
1.6. The height of the trailer should not be more than 1.8 times the trailer track width or more than 3 m.
1.7. The center of gravity of a loaded trailer must be located in such a way that the ratio of the height of the center of gravity to the track of the trailer wheels is no more than 0.725.
1.8. The ground clearance of the trailer should not be less than the ground clearance of the main traction vehicle.


2.1. General requirements
2.1.1. Trailers must be single-axle, but a tandem axle can be used.
2.1 2 A trailer with a horizontal inner floor, mounted on a horizontal surface, must have a load of no more than 55% of its total weight on the tire(s) of one side.
2 1.3. The design of the trailer must be designed for movement as part of a road train of the full structural mass with maximum speed permitted by the manufacturers of traction vehicles.
2.1.4. The design and dimensions of the trailer drawbar (frame) must ensure the possibility of its deflection relative to the coupling ball installed on the vehicle at the angles specified by OST 37.001.096-77.
2.1.5. Trailers must be equipped with two non-removable safety chains (cables), which in the event of an emergency breakage (breakage) of the towbar should not allow the drawbar to touch the road surface, while ensuring control of the trailer.
2.1.6. Trailers must have two wheel chocks ("shoes").
2.1.7. Trailers must have space for a jack.
2.1.8. The control for the parking brake system of trailers must be removable and located on the right side in the front of the drawbar (frame).
2.1.9. Trailers must be equipped with wheel protective devices (fenders, mudguards) if body parts do not perform the functions of this device.
2.1.10. The materials used for the manufacture of trailers must have resistance to fire from exposure to water, fuel and oils no lower than the resistance of materials of parts and assemblies for similar purposes of the main traction vehicle.
2.1.11. Painting of trailers and control of the appearance of the coating in accordance with GOST 7593-80.
2.1.12. The trailer must have a climatic design in accordance with GOST 15150-69, corresponding to the climatic design of the main traction vehicle, and must be designed for storage conditions in open areas.
2.1.13. The service life of the trailer in accordance with its purpose and operating conditions are regulated by regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
2.2. Requirements for trailer systems, components and assemblies
2.2.1. Trailer brake systems must comply with the requirements of OST 37.001.016 70.
2.2.2. The locking device for coupling with a traction vehicle must comply with the requirements of OST 37.001.096-77.
2.2.3. The electrical equipment of the trailer, external lighting and signaling devices must comply with the requirements of GOST 3940-71. GOST 8769-75, GOST 10984-74 and GOST 20961-75.
2.2.4. Trailers must have brackets (or space) for attaching a license plate in accordance with GOST 3207-77.
2.2.5. To connect to the vehicle's electrical system, the trailer must have a plug in accordance with GOST 9209-76 with a connecting cable.
2.2.6. Trailers must have support legs that ensure the stability of the trailer when uncoupled and do not impair the cross-country ability of the road train.
When the vertical static load from the trailer locking device is more than 390 N (40 kgf), the front support leg must be equipped with a lifting-lowering mechanism that ensures installation of the locking device in the position required for coupling (uncoupling). When the mechanism is manually driven, the force on the handle should not exceed 118N (12 kgf).


3.1. Trailers equipped with tires that are not unified with the main traction vehicle must have a spare wheel and a device for securing it.
3.2. Trailers must be supplied with the necessary tools and accessories if the set of tools and accessories of the main towing vehicle is insufficient to service the trailer.


4.1. Trailers must have a nameplate and markings in accordance with industry regulations and technical documentation.
4.2. Trailers must have an additional sign near the locking device in accordance with GOST 12971-67 indicating the total structural weight of the trailer; the value of the maximum static load on