Profile: “Financial management. Profile «Financial management Profile - State and municipal management

Profile "Finance and Credit"

A graduate of the “Economics” major with a “Finance and Credit” profile can work professionally in state and municipal authorities; banks, stock exchanges, financial and insurance companies; investment funds and financial services ah organizations of all forms of ownership, engage in scientific, analytical and pedagogical activities.
After studying in the direction of “Economics” with the profile “Finance and Credit”, the graduate will have the following professional competencies:

  • knowledge of the basics of organizing monetary regulation, the relationship between different elements of money turnover, the basics of banking and stock exchange, the basics of organizing taxation and insurance, the basics of state and municipal finance;
  • readiness for professional activities in organizations of the financial and credit system, including foreign economic sphere, ability to work independently in positions that require an analytical approach in non-standard situations;
  • ability to solve current financial tasks, predict economic processes in the field of monetary, financial and credit relations;
  • the ability to formulate prospects for the development of financial and credit relations and the prospects for one’s professional activities;
  • the ability to be competitive and have knowledge in related fields.

Profile "Banking"

Profile « Banking" direction "Economics" prepares specialists who know the basics of the theory and practice of modern banking, who are proficient in tools for analyzing the banking market, develops in students practical skills of control, analysis, planning and decision-making in the field of banking operations, as well as skills of effective interaction manufacturing enterprises(organizations) and commercial banks. Particular attention in the learning process is paid to studying the specifics of the banking sector and the financial system of Russia.
Graduates of the “Economics” major with a “Banking” profile can work in the banking sector, in financial departments commercial organizations as economists, credit specialists, financial analysts.

Profile « Financial management" Forms in future bachelors of economics a system of professional knowledge in the field of finance, money circulation and credit, financial calculations, as well as professional skills in the field of economics, including financial analysis, planning and budgeting at the level of organizations in various fields of activity. This profile allows students to develop skills in making financial and investment decisions that help increase the value of the company and increase the efficiency of its activities.
A graduate of the “Economics” major with a “Financial Management” profile will have the following professional competencies: readiness to develop and implement an organization’s financial policy using various financial instruments; readiness to make decisions on financial issues, their specification and development of implementation methods; mastery of information support methods management decisions through compilation and analysis financial statements organizations; ability to evaluate investment projects and form a portfolio of investments; estimate the cost of capital; the ability to carry out financial planning and control over performance results. Graduates in the direction of “Economics” with a profile of “Financial Management” can work in economic analysis services, in the financial departments of commercial organizations as financial economists, economist-analysts, and financial controllers.

Profile "Accounting, analysis and audit"

Profile « Accounting, analysis and audit"directions "Economics" is focused on training specialists in the field of accounting, applied economic analysis and auditing to work in organizations of various forms of ownership, consulting and auditing firms, banks, investment and insurance companies.
Students study such disciplines as: accounting theory, theory of economic analysis, financial accounting and reporting, management accounting, audit theory and practical audit, accounting commercial banks, computer technologies in accounting and auditing, tax system, civil law etc.
A graduate of the “Economics” major with the “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” profile will have:

  • skills comprehensive analysis results economic activity organization, problem identification and development optimal options their decisions;
  • ability to maintain accounting and tax records, prepare accounting (financial) statements;
  • knowledge of international financial reporting standards and the ability to apply them in practice;
  • ability to form necessary information to resolve financial issues;
  • skills to work effectively in the environment of special software used in accounting and auditing.

Graduates of a bachelor's degree in Economics in this profile can work in commercial organizations and budgetary institutions in the positions of deputy chief accountant, leading accountant, internal controller, auditor, financial analyst.

Profile "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations"

By mastering the profile “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations” in the “Economics” direction, students receive a complex of knowledge in the field of economics and rational organization of enterprise activities, legal framework production and economic activities of enterprises, financial and economic analysis and monitoring of enterprise activities, production technology in the industry and at the enterprise, economic assessment investments, assessing the value of real estate and business, ensuring competitive advantages of enterprises, effective management of a modern enterprise.
Graduates of the profile “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations” are specialists who have universal and subject-specific knowledge that allows them to successfully work in small and medium-sized businesses. They are well versed in the theoretical issues of enterprise economics, master the methods and techniques of economic analysis and financial and economic planning and forecasting of production activities, trade organizations, as well as service sector enterprises, are able to read and analyze the accounting and management reporting of the organization.
The versatility of this profile allows graduates to find application for their knowledge in almost any organization; graduates are invariably in high demand from employers, and therefore have virtually no problems in finding employment.
Graduates of the “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations” profile can work in economic analysis, diagnostics and activity planning services in organizations; deputy heads of organizations for economic issues, economists-analysts in organizations various industries national economy, as well as in state and municipal authorities; conduct individual business activities.

Direction of training - Management

Graduate qualifications: bachelor.

. Project.

includes the following types of work:

Information and analytical includes the following types of work:

- preparation of reports.

Design includes the following types of work:

Profile "Management of Organizations"

Training in the “Management of Organizations” profile provides students with a complex of up-to-date knowledge in the field of management: modern concepts and management methods, technologies for developing and making management decisions in a real and changing business environment, management tools and management consulting in the conditions of informatization of society, innovative economy, etc.
Field of professional activity of the bachelor

  • organizational and managerial - participation in the development and implementation of the corporate and competitive, functional strategy of the organization;
  • information and analytical - collection, processing and analysis of information about external and internal environment organizations for making management decisions;
  • entrepreneurial - development of business plans.

Objects of professional activity of a graduate - management processes in organizations of various forms of ownership.
Graduates of this profile can work:
- performers or heads of services of organizations;
- managers of small businesses;
- sales managers;
- specialists of analytical, economic, financial, controlling services, human resources departments;
- entrepreneurs.
The proposed direction of bachelor's training is one of the most popular in the labor market. You will learn to effectively manage a company and people, understand statistical and financial information, and make optimal management decisions.

Profile "Anti-crisis management"

The purpose of the “Anti-Crisis Management” profile in the “Management” direction is to analyze the factors causing a crisis situation in an organization, to develop and practically implement a mechanism for prompt assessment and analysis of the financial condition of the organization and to identify the likelihood of its insolvency (bankruptcy) with the subsequent implementation of economic measures to overcome the crisis situation.
After studying in the direction of “Management” with the profile “Crisis Management”, the graduate will have the following professional competencies:

  • understanding and managing the processes of developing an effective development strategy and formation marketing policy organizations (enterprises);
  • the ability to conduct a comprehensive financial analysis of an organization (enterprise) based on financial reporting data in order to identify the causes of insolvency and insolvency;
  • readiness for professional activities when implementing bankruptcy procedures, searching for optimal sources of financing the activities of organizations (enterprises) in the process of restructuring and financial recovery.

Graduates of the “Management” direction with the “Anti-crisis management” profile have a complex of knowledge in the field of: the legal basis for the execution of bankruptcy procedures and the arbitration process, anti-crisis management and financial rehabilitation of enterprises, anti-crisis management, financial analysis and monitoring of an enterprise’s activities, its diagnosis and prevention of insolvency and insolvency.
Objects of professional activity of graduates directions "Management" profile "Anti-crisis management" are: joint stock companies, state unitary enterprises, financial and industrial groups, joint ventures, consulting firms.
Demand for crisis management specialists in the labor market is due to the fact that the scope of their activities is quite extensive and covers not only enterprises and organizations that are at the stage of crisis, but also stably operating enterprises that have an objective need for effective development, expanding or changing the specifics of its activities.

Profile "Financial Management"

Financial management is one of the key elements of the entire system modern management. The main thing in financial management is to ensure effective management financial resources of the organization. The purpose of training bachelors of “Management” in the profile “Financial Management” is to form in students a system of knowledge and skills necessary for accepting effective solutions in the field general management, as well as in the field of financial management of organizations. Special training for bachelors provides a complex of knowledge and practical skills in the field of managing the financial resources of organizations, banking and insurance.
A graduate of the “Financial Management” profile in the “Management” direction is a specialist who can carry out the following types of activities:

  • organization of operational management system financial work;
  • participation in the development of the organization’s financial strategy;
  • preparation and analysis of financial, management and tax reporting;
  • development and implementation of business plans, investment projects;
  • collection, analysis and processing of information about internal and external environmental factors for making financial management decisions;
  • solving problems related to planning and effective use financial and credit resources.

Graduates of this profile carry out professional activities in economic and analytical departments of commercial organizations and state enterprises. Graduates can work as managers and specialists in financial services of organizations, analytical departments of banks, insurance companies, consulting and auditing firms.

Direction of training - State and municipal administration
Standard period of study: 4 years
Graduate qualifications: bachelor.

Profile - State and municipal administration

Management systems of state and municipal authorities are constantly developing and striving to improve the efficiency of their activities. To implement these tasks, specialists with professional competencies in the field of management, public management of socio-economic development of territories, assessing the efficiency of using budget funds and implementing budget planning are required.

The purpose of the profile “State and municipal management” is to train qualified specialists capable of accept, implement and bear responsibility for management decisions in economic, social, political, cultural, legal and other spheres of life of a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity.

Basic general professional disciplines: management theory, marketing, logistics, project management, management human resources, strategic management, innovation management, economics of organizations, accounting and analysis, civil law, management systems research, fundamentals documentation support management.

The special disciplines of the profile include: economics of the public sector, budget system, system of state and municipal government, administrative law, public management of socio-economic development of territories, management of state property, management of municipal services, ethics of state (municipal) employees, etc.

Areas of professional activity:

Civil service in bodies public administration;
. Municipal service in local governments;
. Management in government and municipal institutions, budgetary organizations;
. Management in public sector organizations, non-profit organizations;
. Management in organizations for relations with state bodies and local governments;
. Management in consulting companies, specializing in providing services to state and municipal authorities.

Types of professional activities:
. Organizational and managerial;
. Administrative and technological;
. Consulting and information-analytical;
. Project.

Organizational and managerial includes the following types of work:
- participation in the development and implementation of the organization’s strategy;
- participation in the development and implementation of a set of operational measures in accordance with the strategy;
- planning individual and joint activities;
- organization of work according to goals, resources and results;
- rational control of the activities of employees and groups.

Administrative and technological includes the following types of work:
- participation in the organization and functioning of state and municipal government systems;
- improving the system of state and municipal management in accordance with the trends of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;
- organization of the execution of powers of state administration bodies and local self-government, development and implementation of state and municipal management decisions;
- development of management decisions and measures for the implementation of national projects and programs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

Information and analytical includes the following types of work:
- collection, processing and analysis of information about factors of the external and internal environment of the organization for making management decisions;
- creation and maintenance of databases;
- assessment of the effectiveness of management decisions;
- preparation of reports.

Design includes the following types of work:
- research and diagnosis of problems;
- development and implementation of projects;
- organizing the work of project teams;
- assessment of project effectiveness.

As a result of training, a graduate of the profile “State and Municipal Administration”:
. Analyzes, designs and optimizes management processes in state and municipal authorities;
. Develops and implements projects and programs financed from budget funds;
. Increases the efficiency of interaction between state and municipal authorities with the population, academic and business communities.

Upon completion of training, graduates of the “State and Municipal Management” profile can occupy positions of heads of departments, projects and programs, analysts, consultants, and public relations specialists.


in the area of ​​training

38.03.02 Management


full-time, correspondence forms of education

Recruitment year – 2016


Learning outcomes

Scope of discipline (module)

Place of discipline (module)

Table 1

No. Name of topics (sections)
Total SR TO
Topic 1 T
Topic 2 E
Topic 3 R
Topic 4 D
Topic 5 R
Interim certification test
Topic 1 Fundamentals of Financial Management T
Topic 2 Financial management strategy E
Topic 3 Financial decisions and financial risks R
Topic 4 Management of current costs and current assets D
Topic 5 R
Interim certification test

Topic 5. Assessing the effectiveness of an organization's financial policy

Examples of test tasks

Content test:


1) The optimal balance between strategy and tactics of financial management.

2) Strategy for financing the investment project.

3) Key competencies of a financial manager.

4)Strategic aspects pricing policy enterprises.

5) Tactical aspects of the enterprise’s pricing policy.

6) Management of the crisis state of the organization.

7) Development pricing strategy enterprises.

8)Analysis and decision-making under risk conditions.

Grading scales

Methodological materials

Features of the essay

Essay are offered by the teacher as written independent homework With practical application of the received theoretical knowledge when mastering any disciplines or specialties. Target essay- show level of development analytical material, as well as skill apply theoretical knowledge in the study real situations from the practice of organization management and which is carried out So:

- justification a theoretical model that determines the solution to the problem;

- practical aspect activities that implement the theoretical model;

- grade And analysis effectiveness of the selected model.

In practical economic and social aspects, innovative models are implemented through:

- neuromodeling, allowing you to determine concept models under study;

- creation of a mechanism interactions within the innovation (strategic) structure and specifics behavior its elements.

One of the most original varieties of essay models can become creative homework self-decided student, bachelor's degree or master's degree situations on a given course topic, which should interpret results obtained using theoretical knowledge and implementation practical skills in the form of graphs and tables, which let me t monitor the effectiveness assimilation knowledge of the course and evaluate real degree understanding of the studied aspects of the discipline in criteria:

- disclosure relevance of the situation;

- analysis theoretical components;

- efficiency practical solution;

- grade new situation;

- understanding her decisions;

- definition result - correspondence to the topic.

Internet resources.

1. (official website of the Ministry of Economic Development Russian Federation).

2. (official website Federal service state statistics).

3. – official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.


B1.V.DV.2.2 Introduction to the profile Financial management

in the area of ​​training

38.03.02 Management

Profile: "Financial Management"


full-time, correspondence forms of education

Recruitment year – 2016

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Management I.N. Nesterenko

1. List of planned learning outcomes for the discipline (module), correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program………………………………………………………...... ........................................................ ..4
2. Scope and place of the discipline (module) in the structure of the educational program…………………………………………………………………………………...
3. Content and structure of the discipline (module)………………………………………………………....
4. Materials of current monitoring of students’ progress and fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification in the discipline………………………………………………………...
5. Guidelines for students to master the discipline (module)……...
6. Educational literature and resources of the information and telecommunication network "Internet", educational and methodological support for independent work of students in the discipline (module)…………………………………………………………………….
6.1. Basic literature……………………………………………………..…………...…………
6.2. Further reading………………………...…………..…………
6.3. Educational and methodological support for independent work………………….
6.4. Regulatory legal documents………………………………….……..………..
6.5. Internet resources……………………….……………………………………..……...
6.6. Other sources………………………….……….…………………………….……..
7. Material and technical base, information technology, software and information help systems…………………...…..………..

1. List of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the program

1.1 Discipline B1.V.DV.2.2 Introduction to the profile “Financial Management” ensures mastery of the following competencies:

1.2. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must develop the following knowledge, skills and abilities:

OTF/TF (if there is a professional standard) Competency development stage code Learning outcomes
Develop long-term and current financial plans, forecast balances and budgets, plans for resource support of activities / Methods of technical and economic analysis of financial, economic and production activities. PC-4.1 know: basic principles of financial reporting, methods and methods of financial accounting
be able to: use fundamental concepts of financial management, sources of financing, financial market instruments.
possess: skills of the basic principles of financial reporting; quantitative and qualitative methods analysis when making management decisions

2. Scope and place of the discipline in the structure of EP HE

Scope of discipline (module)

To study the discipline, 2 credits are provided. (72 hours). Students are allowed to work in contact with the teacher:

Full-time education - 72 academic hours (36 hours - lectures, 36 hours - practical classes);

Correspondence course - 8 academic hours (6 hours - lectures, 2 hours - practical classes);

On independent work allocated for students:

Full-time education – 36 academic hours;

Part-time study – 60 academic hours;

Interim certification is carried out:

For full-time study in the 1st semester - in the form of credit;

For distance learning in the 2nd semester - in the form of credit;

Place of discipline (module)

Discipline B1.V.DV.2.2 “Introduction to the profile “Financial Management” refers to the disciplines of the choice of the variable part curriculum preparation of bachelors in the direction 38.03.02 “Management” profile “Financial Management”.

The discipline is studied in the 1st year in the 1st semester - full-time study; 1st year - correspondence course.

Studying the discipline affects the student’s qualifications and professional competencies in the field of management. The discipline forms the knowledge necessary for studying such disciplines as “Financial Management”, “ Strategic management", "Business planning", "Corporate finance", "Effective management technologies", "Analysis of economic activities", "Development of management decisions", "Anti-crisis management", etc.

Mastering the discipline is based on the minimum required amount of theoretical knowledge in the field of financial management and learning to apply knowledge and practical skills when making management decisions, as well as previously acquired skills in the application of financial management and methods for calculating indicators for assessing the effectiveness of an enterprise, taking into account a combination of group and personal interests, through a knowledge system of vision for the development of an organization in a specific situation.

List of disciplines that are studied in parallel: “Theory of Statistics”, “Microeconomics”, etc.

Table 1

No. Name of topics (sections) Volume of discipline (module), hour. Form of ongoing progress monitoring*, intermediate certification
Total Contact work between students and teachers by type of training sessions SR TO
Full-time study 1 semester
Topic 1 Fundamentals of Financial Management T
Topic 2 Financial management strategy E
Topic 3 Financial decisions and financial risks R
Topic 4 Management of current costs and current assets D
Topic 5 Assessing the effectiveness of an organization's financial policy R
Interim certification test
Part-time study 2nd semester
Topic 1 Fundamentals of Financial Management T
Topic 2 Financial management strategy E
Topic 3 Financial decisions and financial risks R
Topic 4 Management of current costs and current assets D
Topic 5 Assessing the effectiveness of an organization's financial policy R
Interim certification test

*Note – forms of ongoing progress monitoring: survey (O), testing (T), test(KR), colloquium (K), essay (E), abstract (R), debate (D), etc.

Topic 1. Fundamentals of financial management.

The content of financial management and its place in the organization's management system. The purpose and objectives of financial management. Subjects and objects of financial management of enterprises. Financial institutions and their tasks. Basic concepts of financial management. Special issues of financial management. Financial management in conditions of inflation. International aspects of financial management.

Financial manager: role, tasks, key competencies, career. Financial instruments. Financial leverage. Financial methods. Financial flows, composition of counterparties, assessment methods. External environment: legal and tax. Information support for financial management. Financial information and its users. Classification of types of information for financial management. External and internal sources of financial information.

Topic 2. Financial management strategy

Cost of capital. Estimation of the cost of equity and debt capital.

The concept of weighted average cost of capital. Market capitalization of the company.

Capital structure management based on two main approaches: traditional and Modelliani-Miller theory. The concept of dividends and dividend policy. Factors determining dividend policy. Types of dividend payments. The concept of “strategic” and “long-term” planning. Stages of financial planning. Budgeting and budget regulations. Business plan: definition and structure. Assessment of possible bankruptcy of an enterprise

Topic 3. Financial decisions and financial risks.

Sources of financial resources and their classification. The company's borrowing policy. Factors influencing the structure of sources of funds. Concept of financial decisions. Methodological basis for making financial decisions. Technologies for making and conditions for implementing financial decisions. Financial risks of an enterprise: definition and classification. Main types of financial risk. Bankruptcy as the main manifestation of financial risks. Quantitative and qualitative risk assessment. Risk assessment methods. Objectives of financial risk management. Production and financial leverage. Basic methods of risk reduction.

Topic 4. Management of current costs and current assets.

The concept of current costs, their classification. Concept and essence operational analysis. Key indicators of operational analysis. The concept of current assets and the company's policy regarding their management. Basic issues in inventory management. Accounts receivable management. Cash asset management.

Topic 5. Assessing the effectiveness of an organization's financial policy

Definition of performance criteria financial indicators. The effectiveness of financial policy based on the achievement of set goals.

4. Materials for ongoing monitoring of student progress and a fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification in the discipline

4.1. Forms and methods of ongoing progress monitoring and intermediate certification.

4.1.1. During the implementation of discipline B1.V.DV.2.2 “Introduction to the profile “Financial Management”, the following methods of ongoing monitoring of student progress are used:

4.2. Materials for ongoing progress monitoring.

Topic 1 Fundamentals of financial management

Examples of test tasks

This is financial resource management and financial activities of an economic entity, aimed at achieving its strategic and current goals. Walter Bagehot, British economist “Doing business, like practicing, say, medicine or law, requires vocational training and knowledge, but, in addition to this, business also requires money.”

Financial management of an enterprise Operational decisions Investment decisions Financial decisions Management working capital Cost and profit management Current planning and budgeting Financial diagnostics and control Operational risk management Long-term asset management Search and assessment of investment opportunities Development of a capital investment budget Investment portfolio management Investment risk management Determination of the structure and price of capital Attracting sources of financing Issue securities Dividend policy Financial risk management

CFO Treasurer Controller Investment Management in cash Financing Dividend policy Analysis and planning Insurance Risk management Accounting Management accounting Internal audit Reporting Financial control Cost management Taxes

Formation of competencies that allow you to successfully cope with social and professional adaptation, to be socially mobile, sustainable and competitive in the labor market, to engage in intercultural interaction, to solve project, financial and economic, organizational and managerial, scientific and research problems in the field of economics.

Organizations of any organizational type - legal form(commercial, non-profit, state, municipal), in which graduates work as performers or junior level managers in various services of the management apparatus; structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs who create and develop their own businesses.

Basic part History Philosophy Foreign language Law Institutional economics Variable part Business foreign language Regional economics Political science Psychology Culturology Elective disciplines Modern corporate culture History of economic teachings Russian language and speech culture Geographical foundations of management Rhetoric

Basic part Mathematical analysis Linear algebra Probability theory and mathematical statistics Statistics Methods for making management decisions Information technologies in management Variable part Computer science Fundamentals of financial calculations Elective disciplines Elements of discrete mathematics Technologies for preparing economic documents Elements of combinatorial analysis and mathematical logic Development of accounting applications in MS Office Electronic document management Mathematical Basics macro - and micro - economics System analysis in management

Management theory (history of management thought) Management theory (organization theory, organizational behavior) Marketing Accounting and analysis (financial accounting, management accounting, financial analysis) Financial management Human resource management Strategic management Corporate social responsibility Life safety Business communications Business planning Financial markets and institutions

Cash flow management International standards financial reporting Taxes and the tax system of the Russian Federation Anti-crisis management Capital structure management Financial strategy, planning and budgeting Investment strategy Business law Corporate governance Strategic business performance management

Variable part of the university Accounting Economic analysis Finance, money and credit Economics of a company Disciplines determined by the choice of profile Fundamentals of economics and finance of a company Fundamentals of investment activity Psychology of conflicts in an organization Disciplines of students' choice Competitive advantages modern company Business financing Innovative economics Methods of making financial decisions Managerial finance Corporate financial control Business reorganization: mergers and acquisitions Fundamentals of financial risk management Risk management of investment projects Insurance of business risks Working capital management Financial risks of portfolio investments Financial management in small businesses Anti-corruption fraud Management of a portfolio of financial assets Long-term and short-term financial policy Analysis of the sustainability of a company Introduction to international financial management

The main professional competencies of a bachelor's graduate, formed as a result of mastering the "Management" program of the "Financial Management" profile, are able to use the basic methods of financial management for asset valuation, working capital management, decision-making on financing, formation of dividend policy and capital structure; is able to assess the impact of investment and financing decisions on the growth of the value (cost) of the company; knows methods and software for processing business information, is able to interact with services information technology and effectively use corporate information systems; knows how to find and evaluate new market opportunities and formulate a business idea; is able to develop business plans for the creation and development of new organizations (lines of activity, products).

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1 Federal state budget educational institution higher education“RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF NATIONAL ECONOMY and CIVIL SERVICE under the PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” SOUTH RUSSIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT APPROVED Chairman of the educational and methodological commission E.Yu. Zolochevskaya 201_g. SAMPLE TOPICS OF GRADUATE QUALIFICATION WORKS IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAINING “MANAGEMENT” (profile “Financial Management”) Reviewed and approved at the meeting of the Educational Committee Minutes dated 201_. Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the graduating department, Protocol 3 dated October 15, 2015. Head. graduate department of management V.V. Nekrasova, Rostov-on-Don 2015

2 2 Graduation topics qualification works in the direction of training "Management", profile "Financial Management" 1. Business strategy as a tool for anti-crisis development of an organization: 2. Business planning as a tool for improving management in an organization: 3. Development and implementation of a business plan for an investment project as a factor in increasing the efficiency of modern management 4. Diagnostics of the financial condition of the enterprise as an element of the anti-crisis management system: 5. Anti-crisis management and bankruptcy prevention as a factor in increasing the efficiency of modern 6. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the organization as a factor in increasing its efficiency. 7. Budgeting as a financial planning tool modern organization: 8. Development strategy for the financial and economic activities of the organization: 9. Formation of an effective system strategic management in a modern organization: 10. Development of a strategic plan for the development of the organization as a tool for effective management. 11. Strategic management in the conditions of anti-crisis management of an organization: 12. Investment policy in the strategic management system as a factor in increasing the efficiency of modern

3 3 13. Strategic plan for the development of an organization as a factor in increasing the efficiency of its activities. 14. Features of organization and financial management in small businesses: 15. Features of financial management of problem organizations: 16. Assessment of the financial condition of the organization and ways to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy): foreign experience and Russian 17. Assessing the effectiveness of investing in human capital to improve the organization's activities: foreign experience and 18. Modern mechanisms of mergers and acquisitions of companies: forms, methods, performance assessment. 19. Management of current assets of organizations: foreign experience and 20. Improving the management of receivables and payables in modern organizations. 21. Managing the organization's cash flow: foreign experience and 22. Improving product cost management in a modern organization to improve the efficiency of its activities. 23. Management own capital organizations: foreign experience and 24. Management of own and attracted financial resources as a factor of operational efficiency 25. Development of a strategy for attracting foreign investment into the organization:

4 4 26. Improving information support for financial decisions in an organization as a factor in increasing its efficiency. 27. The use of information technology in planning and investment design as a factor in the efficiency of activities 28. Improving pricing policy as a factor in increasing the profitability of modern 29. The use of innovative management to ensure the efficiency of modern activities 30. Improving the system of recruitment and selection of personnel of an organization as a factor in increasing its profitability. 31. Analysis of the quality and effectiveness of the organization’s financial management in modern conditions. 32. Improving the personnel incentive system as a factor in increasing the efficiency of organization management. 33. Methods for increasing competitiveness as a factor in business efficiency 34. Mechanisms for regulating credit relations and banking in the financial market in modern conditions. 35. Improving methods for managing credit risks of commercial banks. 36. Managing the risks of investing in real estate: 37. Managing the profit and profitability of a modern organization: 38. Modern forms and methods of increasing the efficiency of managing the marketing service of an organization: foreign experience and Russian

5 5 39. Improving the management of marketing activities as a factor in increasing the efficiency of activities 40. Financial planning and budgeting in the enterprise. 41. Financial risk management in the enterprise. 42. Development of a business plan for an investment project. 43. Development of a financial strategy for an organization in a crisis. 44. Assessing the financial condition of an organization and ways to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy): foreign and Russian experience 45. Features of organization and financial management in small businesses: 46. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of an organization as a factor in increasing the efficiency of its activities. 47. Management of current assets of organizations: foreign experience and 48. Financial management in the conditions of anti-crisis management of an organization: 49. Assessing the effectiveness of investing in human capital: 50. Development of a strategy for attracting foreign investment in an organization: 51. Managing the financial potential of an organization: foreign experience and Manager Department of Management V.V. Nekrasov Approved at the meeting of department 3 from



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List of topics for final qualifying works in the field of bachelor's training 080200 “Management” Profile “Production Management” 1. Improving the management of the production process

MOSCOW FINANCIAL AND LAW UNIVERSITY MFUA VOLGOGRAD BRANCH “APPROVED” Director of the VF MFUA O.I. Kolomok 20 AGREED BY: Chairman of the NMS A.N. Ustinova Topics discussed and approved at the meeting

SAMPLE TOPICS OF DIPLOMA THESIS FOR 5TH COURSE STUDENTS OF THE SPECIALTY “FINANCE AND CREDIT” for the 2010-2011 academic year Specialization “Finance” 1. Ways to increase the efficiency of using your own and borrowed funds

ACCEPTED BY THE Decision of the Academic Council Rector OCHU IN NINII OCHU IN NINII Protocol 26 L.A. Stepanova from December 25, 2015 2015 Approximate topics of final qualifying works in the direction

Topics of final qualifying works in the direction 38.03.01 “Economics” Profile: “Accounting, analysis and audit” 1. Accounting for the movement of receivables and payables and the formation of its indicators


ABSTRACT of the program of the state interdisciplinary exam Direction of training 03/38/02 Management Profile of training - financial management Qualification (degree) - bachelor Form of study -

Approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Economics, Minutes 8 of 02/24/2010. Subject of final qualifying work in specialty 080105.65 Finance and credit for full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time

Topics of graduation (bachelor's) theses for the 2018/2019 academic year 1. Directions for the development of the Russian financial market in times of crisis 2. The role of the Bank of Russia in ensuring the stability of the monetary system 3.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chuvash state university named after I.N. Ulyanov" (FSBEI HE "CSU named after I.N. Ulyanov") Alatyrsky

ANO VO "Russian New University" Faculty of Economics, Management and Finance Department of Management LIST OF TOPICS OF GRADUATE WORKS Bachelor's works in the field of preparation 03/38/02 "Management",


Approximate topics of final qualifying works in the field of study 38.03.01 “Economics” profile “Finance and Credit” (bachelor’s level) for the 2017-2018 academic year 1. Modern monetary system

PRIVATE INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION “INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION” AGREED BY Dean Nikonorova O.S. 2014 APPROVED by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Gedulyanova N.S. 2014 in the direction

Subject of master's theses (projects) in the specialty 6M050900-Finance for the 2018-2019 academic year Name of the topic of the dissertation (project) 1 Analysis of the effectiveness of traditional and modern methods

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" Kaluga branch APPROVED by the Educational and Methodological Certificate

Approved by the minutes of the Academic Council dated 08/30/2016 1 Topics of final qualifying works in specialty 05/38/01 “Economic Security” 1. Contemporary issues at the local government level

1. Depreciation policy of the organization (based on materials from any organization 2. Currency transactions of commercial banks. 3. Dividend policy of the organization and the main directions for its improvement (based on materials


JSC "UNIVERSITY OF NARKHOZ" Profile master's degree/scientific-pedagogical master's degree Approved by the Minutes of the meeting of the "FiS" department of October 2016 by the head of the "FiS" department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Full name of the head of the department Examination

Direction 38.03.01 “Economics”, profile “Finance and Credit” 1. Organization of finance of small businesses (using the example of 2. Financing of budgetary organizations (using the example of a budgetary organization). 3.

Approximate topics of theses for students of the specialty “Finance and Credit” 1. Financial resources of an enterprise, association. 2. Profit as a source of financial resources for the organization. 3. Financial

TOPICS OF GRADUATE WORKS for students of the specialty “ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT IN THE ENTERPRISE (IN CONSTRUCTION)” Block 1. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of enterprises (organizations)

Topics of final qualifying works in the field of study 38.03.01 Economics, profile “Finance and Credit” (academic undergraduate program) for the 2015-2016 academic year. year 1. Medium-term financial planning

APPROVED by the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Law O.I. Pisarenko September 3, 2012 Approximate topics of final qualifying works for specialty 080507.65 Organizational Management (specialization Financial

The Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute protocol of 2016 was approved at a meeting of the Department of Accounting and Finance. SAMPLE SUBJECTS OF GRADUATE WORKS (BACHELOR'S WORKS) in the field of study

Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) Institute of Economics, Management and Law Faculty of Economics Department of Finance and Credit APPROVED Head. Department of Finance and Credit, Doctor of Economics, Professor

96 97 17. State property in the Russian Federation, its role, forms, management organization. 18. Subject and sources of financial law. 19. Monetary system. Concept, basic elements. 20. Cashless system

21. State financial support for small businesses in Russia and ways to increase its efficiency 22. State (municipal) finances and their role in the Russian financial system

Topics of final qualifying works in the field of study 38.03.01 Economics, profile “Finance and Credit” (academic undergraduate program) for the 2016-2017 academic year. year 1. Medium-term financial planning

APPROVED Dean Faculty of Economics N.B. Morozova September 20, 2012 Approximate topics of final qualifying works for specialty 080105.65 Finance and credit (specialization Financial management)

NANO IN "INSTITUTE OF WORLD CIVILIZATIONS" AGREED BY: Graduate Department "Theoretical and Applied Economics" Head. Department Panasyuk A.A. 201 Approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the IMC Protocol 201

APPROVED by the Dean of the Faculty of Management and Law O.I. Pisarenko September 20, 2012 Sample topics for final qualifying projects for specialty 080507.65 Organizational Management specialization Financial

Approximate topics of final qualifying works in the direction of "Management" All topics of diploma works in this direction should be considered using the example of a specific organization profile: "Logistics

Diploma theses in the specialty “Finance and Credit” for the 2014/2015 academic year 1. Analysis (or: efficiency) of the loan portfolio. 2. Analysis of the activities of commercial banks in providing credit services

ANO VO "Russian New University" Faculty of Economics, Management and Finance Department of "Management" LIST OF TOPICS OF GRADUATE WORKS Bachelor's works in the field of preparation 03/38/02

Approximate subject of the course 38.03.01 Economics 1. Optimization of production volume and financial results in the direct cost accounting system. 2. Planning the enterprise development strategy in the system

Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" (Financial University) Yaroslavl branch of the Financial University

MOSCOW FINANCIAL AND LAW UNIVERSITY MFUA VOLGOGRAD BRANCH “APPROVED” Director of the VF MFUA O.I. Kolomok 2015 AGREED BY: Chairman of the NMS A.N. Ustinova Topics discussed and approved at the meeting

1. The function of management is planning. Principles of strategic, operational and tactical planning. 2. The role of financial analysis and control in planning activities. 3. Organization as a function


Abstract of the section “Finance” Scope of the program 18 hours of lectures 6 hours of practical classes 8 hours The essence, functions and links of finance. Finance in social reproduction and the system of monetary relations.

Approximate topics of final qualifying works in specialty 080502 “Economics and management in enterprise” specialization “Trade and catering"(abbreviated basic educational

Topics of final qualifying works for undergraduate students in the direction of "Economics" (profile "Economics of an organization") 1. Authorized capital, property of an enterprise (organization, company): formation,

Topics of the thesis in the field of preparation 03/38/02 Management: 1. Business planning in the activities of the organization (using an example). 2. Organization of an intra-company planning system. 3. Strategic planning

Approximate topics of bachelor's work in the direction of preparation "Management" 1. Organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the efficiency of production management. 2. Improving organizational

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICE under the PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" Perm branch

SAMPLE TOPIC OF GRADUATE QUALIFICATIONAL WORKS (BACHELOR'S WORKS) 1. Marketing activities enterprise and ways to improve it 2. Organization of a financial planning system at an enterprise

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Examples of topics for coursework and dissertations (the final wording of the topics is clarified together with the supervisor) PRIMARILY FOR THE 3rd YEAR Academic supervisors