Project of a game room at an enterprise. Step-by-step business plan for a children's playroom to open from scratch

Step 1. Decide on the audience and range of services that you will provide in the field of children's leisure and entertainment.

Who do you want to open a games room for? A playroom for children can be very small and consist of soft play modules, rocking chairs, a dry pool with balls and a plastic slide. Such a room also needs a soft floor - a bright floor covering on which children will feel warm, soft and comfortable. If you are counting on a more adult audience, then you can purchase one of the most popular attractions for children - a game labyrinth. Game labyrinths can be themed, interactive, in the form of a pirate ship, a palace, a fairy tale with a variety of contents, tunnels, three-slope slides, air cannons with foam balls, etc. The labyrinth attraction is suitable for children from 4 to 10 years old. The area for the labyrinth is required from 10 sq.m.

Step 2. Analyze competitors in the city and area where you want to open a gaming room.

Before choosing an area, you need to search and study competitors. Come to them with your children, study the cost, the range of services provided, the level of service and hygiene, the level of competence of the administrator, her attitude towards visitors and advertising. Google your competitors. Are they posted on the Internet and on social networks, what positions do they occupy? Evaluate the level of their placement, traffic, and sign design. Having received this information, analyze your strengths in relation to their advantages and disadvantages.

Step 3. Decide on location and area.

This is perhaps the most difficult of all the steps. The larger your area, the more opportunities there will be to include additional paid services. The minimum area should be 50 sq.m. At the same time, if you purchase a labyrinth and a soft play area for kids, you will have very little space left to organize birthday celebrations. Literally a reception desk and a small sofa for waiting parents. If you are interested in achieving self-sufficiency as quickly as possible, take a larger area! A large area is an opportunity to organize paid events, matinees, holidays, birthdays, theatrical performances, master classes and all kinds of shows. As for the location, the ideal location is either in a large shopping center on a floor with a food court or cafe area, or in a residential area in the middle of a large number of kindergartens, where you can find regular customers.

Step 4. Select a manufacturer-supplier of gaming equipment.

Everything is simple here. According to the experience of many organizers of the children's gaming business, the ideal supplier is a domestic manufacturer of gaming equipment, large and with a large number of implemented projects. From such a manufacturer you can purchase everything at once, from a labyrinth to modules and plastic, plus there is a guarantee and the documents are in order. You can be sure that you will not deceive, will deliver everything on time and will also offer marketing promotion. Some manufacturers will even write you an individual business plan when purchasing gaming equipment.

Step 5. Select personnel.

Let's say right away that this is not easy, but it is real. The administrator must be able to communicate with children, amuse, distract, and have a sparkle. If you hire a boring or tired woman with a perpetually sad expression on her face, this will directly affect your business. A neat, smiling girl, a kind of “Mary Poppins”, will be much more useful. If the administrator also knows how to be an animator, this is an additional big bonus. Sometimes you can dance with your children, tell a fairy tale, and braid your hair. Ideally, there should be two such wonderful administrators, replacing each other.

And the strategy is as follows. You must have attractive, in the same style: sign, work schedule, discounts, business cards, avatars, menus and everything that you will not skimp on. Flyers and Internet Marketing and social media in this business one of the main tools. Good manufacturer, gives primary tools and recommendations for promotion, because it is beneficial for him that you come again. You should always advertise. If you start fiddling, your competitors will beat you to it.

Step 7. Decide on pricing and services.

So. Have you studied your competitors? Have you looked at their prices? Now compare your undeniable advantages with their advantages and find a middle ground. Do not dump under any circumstances! Don't indulge your visitors with unnecessary freebies. People quickly get used to good things, but they don’t rush to get used to price increases after dumping. Describe the services you will provide. Decide whether you will charge for entry without a time limit or for an hourly stay. Will you celebrate birthdays, organize master classes and other services?

Step 8. Make yourself known and start working.

It is important to start distributing invitation leaflets to your playroom a couple of weeks before the opening and open brightly and memorablely, throwing a party for your little guests. To do this, find all the animators in your city and study their proposed holiday programs. Choose the best! Do not forget that the ticket amount should not be cheaper than the cost of entry to the game room.

Good luck in business!

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Young mothers, both full-time and part-time, often have to face the problem of who to leave their child with. The site of our building can help solve this problem, since student psychologists and student teachers will cope well with the tasks of an educator.

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Kurgansky building state university №2.

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Clothes hangers and shoe racks; Toys and shelves or baskets for them; Dry pool; Tables and chairs; Plasticine; Books; Stationery; Floor covering;

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Description of activity

Age category of children: 3-6 years. Approximate opening hours: from 7.50 to 18.30 hours. The children's room can also be open on Saturday. Payment: hourly, approximately 70 rubles per hour. Children's activities. Most of the time is spent in the form of play, since the child can be brought and taken away at any time. A specific weekly schedule of training sessions is possible, primarily aimed at the comprehensive development of children. Sample activities could be: modeling; finger games; applique; reading a book aloud.

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The initial amount of investment is 200,000 – 300,000 rubles; Required room area - 30 sq.m; The largest load in terms of the number of children is 20 children; Entrance fee for visitors - 70 rubles per hour; Monthly expenses - 50,000 rubles; Monthly income - 100,000 rubles; Monthly profit - 50,000 rubles.

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Positive aspects

Additional income for the university; Additional income for students; Additional practice for students; Help for young mothers; Self-development and self-improvement of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities; Children's development and expansion of social circles; Lots of positive emotions; An opportunity for parents to do their own thing on the weekend.

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Which game room to choose and buy what to include in it, where to place it depends on the wishes and imagination of the administration shopping center, water park, sports complex, etc. Everything that is intended for children has a common property - a bright color scheme. But that's probably where the similarities end. There can be a huge number of options. Soft modules allow you to design playrooms as you like, for different role-playing games, for any fabulous action. Thematic solutions are an area that knows no limits.

As an alternative to game rooms, great success enjoy game labyrinths, which can be placed both indoors and outdoors - in a park area, in a public recreation area. They are thought out to the smallest detail, so that children have fun from the heart and do not disturb each other: gable slides, a dry pool with soft plastic balls, tunnels made in cheerful colors, hanging elements and other fantasies guarantee that children will always have fun here . The main thing is that the children are safe, and the labyrinth is clearly visible from all sides. Outdoor play labyrinths are protected from wind and rain by durable and bright awnings and sides, which do not interfere with the view of the entire perimeter. At the same time, the thematic variety of labyrinths can be compared only with children's fantasies: it can be a fairy-tale action, a trip to Africa, to the moon, or whatever you want.

Using plastic play equipment, you can realize the most interesting fantasies in the game room in almost any area. If necessary, you can place the playing space on 20-30 square meters. A happy little mansion for kids will perfectly accommodate a pool with colored balls, rocking chairs, slides and other fun things that have become an indispensable attribute of playrooms.

It is pleasantly surprising that it is now customary to think about children not only in trade or entertainment centers, but also in any institution where there is a large number of visitors. Thus, you can often see details of a playroom, for example, houses, or small rocking chairs, funny rugs and other attributes in banking institutions, train stations, and airports. Again, this is not just a tribute to fashion, but a concern for people. In addition, this is a way to remove any obstacles to attracting as many clients as possible.

Of course, a self-respecting institution will, first of all, think about the safety of game rooms, which includes the selection of high-quality, certified modules for play area, as well as their professional assembly and maintenance. This requires close cooperation with the manufacturer, who guarantees the quality and safety of its products, as well as delivery and installation.

When designing children's playrooms in residential premises or in preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to take into account an important factor. Play occupies a very important place in a child's life. Through the gameplay, the baby acquires new skills and masters the world around him. Starting from one year and ending with primary school age, children, through games, receive the information they need for the correct development of personality and subsequent socialization.

The modern design of a playroom for children must meet all the requirements set by doctors and psychologists for the room in which children spend most of the day. Professional designers always take into account all these nuances and at the same time harmoniously combine them with unique solutions that allow each child to create an individual play space that allows their creative abilities and childhood fantasies to develop.

Playroom design for children

When creating a playroom for children, it is necessary to combine an individual approach to the personality of each child with the safety and comfort of his stay in the playroom. Therefore, children's playrooms should be:

Brightly decorated;



Zoned if they are combined with a place for sleeping and studying;


Well lit;

Equipped with a good ventilation system;

Designed with individual consideration for the age, gender and psycho-emotional characteristics of the child.

Choosing materials and colors for children's play areas

In houses and apartments, children's playrooms are often combined with the child's sleeping area. The baby spends most of his time in such a room in the first years of his life. He sleeps here, does crafts and active and educational games. Therefore, such a room should be decorated only with environmentally friendly materials.

When choosing the design of a playroom for children, a professional designer always takes into account the safety of finishing materials that will be used to decorate the nursery. A specialist with an architectural education knows what colors will need to be used to solve specific problems related to the design of the children's premises and play area in it. Children's playrooms, which are developed by designers with extensive experience, always meet all necessary safety standards. Only in a room designed by an experienced designer will a child be completely safe and receive everything he needs for development during games. A properly designed children's playroom, the design of which is tailored to the individual preferences and characteristics of a particular baby, should also be furnished with safe furniture. Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of specialized furniture for children of various age groups. The designer will help you choose suitable safe structures for children's playrooms, which will not have sharp corners, metal elements, glass and other parts that are dangerous for the baby.

You can also order the development of the design of special furniture for children's playrooms. This will allow you to decorate the room as required for its safe and full development, and at the same time get a unique design for the nursery. Today, the manufacture of high-quality children's furniture according to individual sketches is very popular among parents, as this allows them to create an original design for the children's room, taking into account the specific layout of the room. Even in a small room, with the help of such functional furniture you can create space for a playroom.

Advantages of our services

Our company offers design services for children's playrooms to private and corporate customers. Experienced designers who are well versed in the specifics of designing children's playrooms.

They will help make the child's room functional, colorful and safe. A professional designer will be able to create a magical world for your child, in which he will be able to master all the skills he needs.

Good afternoon, dear friends! I remember two years ago in the National Library of the Chuvash Republic there were attempts to create a children's playroom, where children aged 3 to 8 years, under the supervision of professional educational psychologists, could spend time usefully. The play space was planned to be filled with a variety of toys and educational aids: dolls, cars, balls, construction sets, mosaics. But good idea quietly withered under the weight of bureaucracy.

And today we are witnessing the birth of a new children’s playroom “Intellectuarium”, where children will find not only exciting books, but also

but also the best educational toys from such famous brands as LEGO, DJECO, LARSEN and others.

Children (age of young visitors - from 1 to 6 years) will receive a huge boost of energy here,

all the furniture is environmentally friendly, parents have the opportunity to keep their children occupied,

using the available methodological material.

And this is just the beginning. After the official opening of the children's room, which will take place March 6 at 11.00, classes are planned with the participation of educational psychologists, scientists, and representatives of creative professions.

The children's room “Intellectuarium” is a joint project of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic and the Chuvashia Youth Voluntary Association, which is being implemented within the framework of an allocated state grant to SONKO (socially oriented non-profit organizations).

In 2013, the project was supported by the Ministry economic development and trade of the Chuvash Republic, for which 286 thousand rubles were allocated.

Well done! This is a great idea, which, I am sure, will be implemented under the strict leadership of the Bykov family couple - Galina and Mikhail. Visiting the children's room is free, which is good news in our troubled times.

The decor is chic, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, the toys and interior are suitable for small children. I've always dreamed of sitting on ottomans like these)) I just want to sit on them, pick up a book and turn into some fairy-tale character.

Lisa enjoyed sitting on the red ottomans (now she asks for the same ones to take home)

Have you ever seen such a cake in the form of an invoice? You can't eat it, but you can learn a lot from it.

What about the tape recorder? And it still works)

We really enjoyed it. I think your children will find their toys here too. The room is available for visiting from Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 16.00, Sunday is a day off, Monday is a sanitary day.

In order to ensure convenience and comfort, no more than 8 children with their parents can visit the room at the same time.

You can view the schedule and sign up for classes on the library website or by phone. 62-38-12.

Free admission. Come!