Presentation in dhow what beauty is. Presentation on art "what is beauty"

  • Author Martynova S. N. art teacher ns(k)osh №75 Tatarstan. Naberezhnye Chelny
What is beauty?
  • It is impossible to give a clear definition to this concept. For each person, beauty lies in different things. For some it is a scattering of diamonds, for others it is a string of pearls. A branch of sakura or a whole tree of blossoming plum... A spring dawn or a starry summer midnight...
  • Or maybe these are roses, pink or white, tight unopened buds, many buds... Or one single one, the one whose wonderful life just beginning...
  • Rome and Venice, Leonardo and Raphael, Louvre and Hermitage...
  • ... Or the quiet rustle of waves, a palm tree on pink sand, a moonlit path with the shadow of a cypress tree... A seagull on a rock or a quiet river framed by lush greenery... And those eyes that reflect either transparent amber or the rays of the sun... And the face of a loved one. In the morning. Nearby on the pillow, with the first smile of the day...
  • All this is beauty! She is everywhere! You just have to look around more carefully, leaving behind all the prose of life with its black and white stripes. And then you will definitely see everything beautiful, something that will not allow your soul to harden and turn into stone.
  • We just need to notice this and admire everything that surrounds us: streets, trees, patterns of branches against the sky, the beauty of people and crowds.
BEAUTY - everything beautiful, wonderful, everything that gives AESTHETIC and MORAL pleasure; full of inner content, highly moral.
  • BEAUTY - everything beautiful, wonderful, everything that gives AESTHETIC and MORAL pleasure; full of inner content, highly moral.
  • BEAUTIFUL, pleasing to the eye, pleasing in appearance, HARMONY, harmony.
  • Harmony is the proportionality of parts, the merging of various components of an object into a single ORGANIC whole. In the history of aesthetics, harmony was considered as an essential characteristic of beauty.
The specific function is aesthetic (art as the formation of the creative spirit and value orientations).
  • 1) Nature itself appears in the eyes of the poet as an aesthetic value, the universe becomes poetic, becomes a theatrical stage, a gallery, an artistic creation non finita (unfinished). Art gives people this sense of the aesthetic significance of the world;
  • 2) value-orientate a person in the world (build a value consciousness, teach to see life through the prism of imagery). Without value orientations, a person is even worse off than without vision - he cannot understand how to relate to something, nor determine the priorities of activity, nor build a hierarchy of phenomena in the surrounding world;
  • 3) awaken the creative spirit of the individual, the desire and ability to create according to the laws of beauty. Art brings out the artist in a person. When making even purely utilitarian objects (a table, a chandelier, a car), a person cares about benefits, convenience, and beauty. According to the laws of beauty, everything that a person produces is created. And he needs a feeling of beauty. To awaken in a person an artist who wants and knows how to create according to the laws of beauty - this goal of art will increase with the development of society. The aesthetic function of art (the first essential function) ensures the socialization of the individual and shapes his creative activity; permeates all other functions of art.
General beauty formula:
  • Beauty is a single HARMONIOUS whole, full of internal content, delivering AESTHETIC and MORAL pleasure
  • Since the time of Socrates, beauty begins to be viewed as a category of reason and consciousness. For Socrates himself, beauty was one of the most important categories of the universe.
  • Aristotle's concept of beauty as the personification of goodness and perfection belonged to a purely moral, non-rational category.
  • According to Plato, before birth a person resides in the sphere of beauty and pure thought. The perception of beauty and good (good) as the highest idea is the main motive of his philosophical work.
Eros and physical beauty
  • Men and women are beautiful when they are liked by the opposite sex. By perceiving a woman/man as our possible partner, we are never mistaken about which gender needs what.
External beauty
  • This is not only the beauty of the body, but also the beauty of its “packaging” - clothes, makeup, jewelry, together representing a single and harmonious whole
Spiritual beauty
  • In addition to physical beauty, human culture has formed the idea of moral, spiritual beauty. This category applies to people regardless of their age and gender and determines the attitude towards a person’s wisdom, honesty, balance, and decency. For children, adolescents and young adults, this concept also includes such characteristics as “innocence”, “unspoiled” and others.
Inner beauty
  • This is, first of all, the beauty (high morality) of the feelings experienced by a person and their harmonious combination (absence of contradictions) with thoughts, words and deeds, since this is where the harmony of the human soul lies and is consistently manifested.
Healthy Mind
  • this is a harmoniously and multilaterally developed human soul, its multifaceted life program, which can be most fully realized by the body given by GOD to a given person, and not by the soul, “off scale” fanatically on only one idea or goal, which, moreover, sometimes goes against universal laws (as was the case with the fascists).
Beauty is also health
  • moreover, physical and spiritual, since illness and harmony are not compatible. A healthy body is a harmoniously developed body, and not the hypertrophied development of its individual organs, which we now see in professional sports and among many of those whose “victories” are included in the Guinness Book of Records.
What is the basis of a woman’s beauty?
  • A woman is honored by God to ensure the harmonious development of a fertilized cell and the trouble-free birth of a healthy child, and then she must ensure good “weather in the house,” since it is the woman who is primarily responsible for the moral climate of the family. And this (today) is still an undeniable reality of our World, which should be the basis of a woman’s beauty..
Formula for the beauty of the female soul
  • true love for everything that exists, wisdom, gentleness and flexibility of character combined with a strong (unshakable) will to create.
  • It is precisely such WOMEN that are able to “manage” their men (and through them the state), or rather, gently, unobtrusively, with love, but with a firm hand, to direct the actions of men towards creation rather than destruction.
What is the beauty of a man's soul?
  • A man, as a builder of the home “hearth” and his protector, must be endowed with good logical abilities, allowing him to find quick and correct decisions, be a reliable (faithful) protector for his family, and also be able to direct the great physical strength given to him by God not towards aggression and destruction , but for creation and protection. Not abusing physical force is possible only if the man is kind and noble. Therefore, the formula for the beauty of the male soul can be formulated as follows:
  • The formula for the beauty of the male soul: nobility, good nature, loyalty, the ability of logical thinking.
  • It is these properties of the soul that will help a real MAN fulfill his main purpose - to build a warm and bright home “hearth” and provide reliable protection for his family.
What can be beautiful
  • God's creation
  • Objects (human creativity)
  • Faces of loved ones
  • Relationship
  • good, beautiful relationship
  • for life
  • faces of loved ones
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Art. 8th grade.

Lesson topic:

What is beauty!

What is beauty
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky

The beauty of the world around us
will become a powerful source
faith in kindness.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Beauty in art and in life.


1. Educational: to give an idea of ​​how the ideals of beauty changed in different eras among different peoples; consider what is the measure of beauty; expand students' vocabulary.

2.Developmental: promote the formation of general cultural and linguistic competencies of students; develop associative thinking.

3. Educational: to promote the development of aesthetic taste, the formation of high moral and emotional qualities of students;formation of ideas, views, beliefs, personality traits, assessments, self-esteem

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Huge moment.
  2. Section topic message.

Over the course of a number of lessons, you looked at how Art opens up new facets of the world, helps to communicate, learn about the world around us, our history.

Topic of the new section III quarters – Beauty in art and life.

Ø What aspects can we consider while studying this section?

Beauty in different types of art, beauty in ordinary human life, the relationship of beauty in art and life.

3. Updating knowledge.

· How do you understand the meaning of the word “beauty”?

Beauty - aesthetic category denoting perfection, harmonious combination of object , in which the observer experiences aesthetic pleasure.

Beauty is one of the most important categoriesculture.

The opposite of beauty isdisgrace.

· What associations do you have when you hear the word beauty? (selection of synonyms)

Beauty, grace, elegance, harmony. miracle, splendor, beauty, magnificence, picturesqueness, elegance, picturesqueness, comeliness, elegance, charm, prettiness, artistry.

· In what cases do we use these words in our everyday life? What phenomena and objects of the world around us are they related to?

When we talk about nature, about works of art, about people...

4. Formulation of lesson goals.

Ø So, the topic of the lesson is clear to you. "What is beauty"

Ø Let's formulate the goals of the lesson. Let's look at the presentation slides.

Ø By what principle are the image data combined?

Ø Which image matches your idea of ​​beauty? Should your opinion really be the measure of beauty?

Ø Goals: find out what is the measure of beauty, how the idea of ​​beauty changed in different eras, whether this idea is the same among different peoples.

5. Consideration of new material.

I bring to your attention a short excursion into history. Think about the question: What is the measure of beauty at different times among different peoples?

Paleolithic figurine.

Nefertiti. Legends say that Egypt has never given birth to such a beauty before. She was called "Perfect"; her face adorned temples throughout the country. Nefertiti played an extremely important role in the religious life of Egypt at that time, accompanying her husband during sacrifices, sacred rites and religious festivals. She was the living embodiment life-giving power the sun that gives life.

Cleopatra. The true appearance of Cleopatra is not easy to discern due to the romantic flair surrounding her and numerous films; but there is no doubt that she had a sufficiently courageous and strong character to bother the Romans. There are no reliable images that accurately, without idealization, would convey her physical appearance. But some historians note a lack of feminine beauty in her. The profiles on the coins show a woman with wavy hair, large eyes, a prominent chin and a hooked nose. On the other hand, it is known that Cleopatra was distinguished by powerful charm and attractiveness, she used this well for seduction and, in addition, had a charming voice and a brilliant, sharp mind.

In the Middle Ages earthly beauty was considered sinful. The figure was hidden under a layer of heavy fabrics, and the hair was hidden under a cap. Now the ideal of a medieval woman was the Blessed Virgin Mary - an elongated oval face, huge eyes and a small mouth.

The ideal of beauty of the Renaissance.During the Renaissance, the canons of beauty became a pale complexion, a beautiful mouth, white teeth, scarlet lips and long silky strands of blond hair. A slender “swan neck” and a high, clean forehead were elevated to the rank of standard. To follow this fashion, to lengthen the oval of the face, women shaved the front hair and plucked their eyebrows, and to make the neck appear longer, they shaved the back of their heads. The ideal becomes calm, “healthy” beauty, which can be seen in the paintings of Titian or Rembrandt, where young beauties with curly hair and a charming blush on their faces are depicted. Leonardo da Vinci depicted the standard of a medieval beauty - “La Gioconda”. The main mystery of the portrait is in the inexplicable facial expression, in the incomprehensible “elusive” smile. Some consider her a sublime ideal of femininity and charm, while others find her unpleasant.

During the Rococo era The main emphasis is on the hairstyle; this is a time of miracles in hairdressing. They tried to preserve the expensive pleasure for as long as possible: they did not comb their hair or wash their hair for weeks. Queen Isabella of Castile of Spain once admitted that she washed only twice in her entire life - at birth and on her wedding day.

Ø What is the measure of beauty in different eras among different peoples? Discuss with your neighbor. Draw a conclusion.

And external beauty

And intellectual level

And charm, grace

And objects

And motherhood

And piety

Ø What manifestation of beauty did we not talk about at the beginning of the lesson?

Inner beauty is the beauty of the human soul.

Ø Why is internal beauty more important than external beauty?Read the article containing statements of great people - writers, poets... What is the standard of beauty?

Beauty will save the world

The greatest psychologist, a subtle expert on the human soul, Dostoevsky was right. Beauty will save the world. In our life, not everything is perfect. This imperfection leads to wars and family strife, suicide and environmental disasters.

...Beauty will save the world... But what kind? No, of course, Dostoevsky did not have in mind the owners of beautiful faces from bright magazine covers. He meant the harmony of human relationships, the human soul.

The beauty of true love, sung by Shakespeare, Remember: “ love, like the sea, is limitless. The more I give, the more remains."

The beauty of a man who sacrifices his life for the salvation and happiness of people. Bulgakov's Yeshua and Aitmatov's Avdiy are wonderful because they spare neither strength nor energy, they go to death in the name of God-Tomorrow - the future renewal of humanity.

And if we talk about beauty, then how can one not remember the swift gusts of Chekhov’s The Seagull and Gorky’s Falcon! Isn’t it true that there is nothing more attractive, more graceful and more defenseless at the same time?

Extraordinary personalities, heroes, daredevils are always beautiful. The best legends are about them.

And who, at least once in their life, has not stood in awe of Raphael’s Madonna? The beauty of motherhood, the willingness to go to any lengths for the sake of your child will not leave, and I think, hearts indifferent.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” These, which have become textbook, lines of Chekhov apply not only to the people of his time. They are also addressed to us. We must be beautiful, and not only when we want to be considered so. Always. Then, perhaps, humanity will finally stop being afraid of wars, hunger, and environmental disasters. Because these are ugly phenomena, because everything in the Universe is interconnected, and, therefore, human beauty gives birth to the harmony of the Universe. And then, of course, beauty will save the world.

Ø Think about it, what kind of relationships between people can be called beautiful?

(honest, trusting, fair, understanding, agreement)

Ø What is the standard of beauty?


Willingness to perform heroic deeds for the sake of other people (altruism)

Love is sacrificial, giving

Soulful beauty.

Ø How do you understand the statement of F.M. Dostoevsky “Beauty will save the world”?

The beauty of the soul gives rise to harmony in relationships between people - and this will save humanity from wars, strife, and murders.

6. Summing up.

Ø Let's return to the question asked at the beginning of the lesson.

Ø What is beauty?(it’s different for each person)

Ø Is there a standard of beauty?They are the same for everyone. There is no exact standard

“Times change, and we change with them,” as one of the ancient sages said. Time passes, and tastes change along with it: today I like one thing, tomorrow I like something else. It is very difficult to find a standard that would be relevant at all times.

Just as there is no absolute truth, there is no absolute beauty.. We can only be surprised, looking at portraits of beauties of bygone times, and shrug our shoulders: what is “so” about them? But if there is no standard of external beauty, then there are those qualities that have been valued at all times among all peoples: kindness, mercy, love... These are contextual synonyms for the word “beauty”.

What is beauty
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky

7. Reflection.

Ø Complete the sentences

The closest concept to the concept of “beautiful person” is...

I cannot call a beautiful person who...

The most important thing for a beautiful person...

8. Homework:

Essay on the topic: “What beauty is for me”

Beauty in literature:
L.N. Tolstoy and the novel “War and Peace”

In one of the chapters of the epic novel “War and Peace,” L. N. Tolstoy expressed the idea that all objects and phenomena of the surrounding life can be divided into two categories, depending on what predominates in them: form or content.

The writer did not like people and phenomena in which the main thing is form. He did not like high society with its once and for all established rules and norms of life, and he did not like the “generally recognized beauty” Helen Bezukhova. They were of no interest to him, because in their luxurious shell there was no life, there was no movement.

In the writer’s favorite heroes, on the contrary, content always prevailed over form. Emphasizing the imperfection of Natasha Rostova and the external ugliness of Marya Bolkonskaya, Tolstoy admired them and made readers fall in love with his heroines and believe that they would definitely find their happiness.

To the question “What is beauty?” the writer has already given his answer. Today we have to talk about what true beauty is, what it is born from, and how it manifests itself.

Often in our lives we say the words “beauty”, “beautiful”, “beautiful”. Whether we are talking about an object, a work of art, or admiring the beauty of the nature around us, or characterizing a person, this multifaceted word applies equally to many phenomena. But what do we mean by this concept? Is the understanding of beauty the same? different people, different nations and generations?

I think most of us have asked this question at least once in our lives. This is the same as asking: “What is good and what is bad?” - the answer will be complex and ambiguous. Because there are clear ideas about good and evil, and at the same time there are controversial issues, different opinions. There are things that one person will say is “good” and another will say “bad”. The same applies to beauty.

In my opinion, wild flowers in the field are beautiful. And a clear stream flowing among rocky mountains. And a snow-covered forest sparkling with millions of sparkles in the rays of the winter sun. And a small fluffy kitten, amusingly rubbing its surprised, sleepy eyes in the morning. And a little yellow duckling, among the tall grass, rushing after its mother duck to learn the first lessons of life. All this is the natural beauty of nature, in which everything is beautiful and harmonious.

Priceless works of art have the same harmony - paintings by outstanding artists, architectural monuments, great musical masterpieces. Their beauty is appreciated and confirmed by history, centuries, life. It is beauty - true, undeniable - that is the main criterion for the significance of such works.

After all, mediocre and “lifeless” pictures or songs will not live for centuries; in a year or two no one will remember about them. And those works into which the author puts his whole soul are truly beautiful and therefore immortal. They may or may not be understood, they may be argued about, interpreted and assessed differently, but it is impossible to treat them indifferently; they touch the deepest strings of human souls.

Of course, each person has his own understanding of beauty. One may like summer, another may like winter. Some people admire the portraits of Leonardo da Vinci, while others admire the landscapes of Shishkin.

There are connoisseurs of ancient art and the classical school, and there are adherents of modernism. People have different tastes, and it is not customary to argue about them. But one thing can be said for sure: those who do not themselves have inner beauty, in whom the understanding of beauty does not live, will not be able to appreciate it in any area of ​​life, because art is designed to elevate a person, to bring out the most in him. best sides, to show his own spiritual beauty.

What is human beauty? What is true harmony that attracts everyone's attention and admiration? The wonderful Russian writer A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts...”

Agree, it often happens like this: we see an outwardly beautiful person, but after taking a closer look, we think: “No, there is something repulsive, unpleasant in him,” and it is not always possible to understand what exactly. We just don't like this handsome man.

And everything is very simple: one cannot be beautiful in whose heart there is anger, cruelty, envy, meanness, greed or hypocrisy. All these low qualities will definitely leave their mark on even the most ideal and beautiful face. We cannot call beautiful a lazy person who spends whole days “doing nothing”, whose life is absolutely aimless and useless. In my opinion, an indifferent person cannot be truly beautiful. No thought is reflected on his face, there is no sparkle in his gaze, there is no emotion in his speeches. A person with a blank look and a trace of boredom on his face is unattractive.

And vice versa, even the most modest, inconspicuous person, who does not naturally have ideal beauty, but is endowed with spiritual beauty, is without a doubt beautiful. A kind, sympathetic heart, significant deeds, useful deeds decorate and illuminate inner light any person. Everything in a person should be perfect. This means that there must be harmony between body and soul, thoughts and actions, aspirations and lifestyle. This is the kind of person that others will call truly beautiful.

“Beauty will save the world!” I think true beauty is harmony. And if it exists always and in everything, then it will really not allow our complex and ambiguous, seething with passions, crazy and so beautiful world to perish!

What is beauty?

Everything in a person should be perfect:

And the face, and the clothes, and the soul, and thoughts. A.P. Chekhov.

The service of the muses does not tolerate fuss;

The beautiful must be majestic... A.S. Pushkin

Beauty, beautiful... And what is beauty? Humanity has always tried to answer this question. But is it possible for a person to understand this?

One of the greats said that art lies in finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.

And in the extraordinary there is the ordinary. This is what the ancient philosopher Diderot said.

Presentation for the lesson

completed by a MHC and Fine Arts teacher

Vasilyeva N.A.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

Ugly girl

Among other children playing

She resembles a frog.

A thin shirt tucked into panties,

Rings of reddish curls

Scattered, long mouth, crooked teeth,

The facial features are sharp and ugly.

To two boys, her peers,

The fathers each bought a bicycle.

Today the boys, in no hurry for lunch,

They drive around the yard, forgetting about her,

She runs after them.

Someone else's joy is just like your own,

It torments her and breaks out of her heart,

And the girl rejoices and laughs,

Captivated by the happiness of existence.

No shadow of envy, no evil intent

This creature doesn't know yet.

Everything in the world is so immensely new to her,

Everything is so alive that for others is dead!

And I don’t want to think while watching,

What will be the day when she, sobbing,

She will see with horror that among her friends

She's just a poor ugly girl!

I want to believe that the heart is not a toy,

It is hardly possible to break it suddenly!

I want to believe that this flame is pure,

Which burns in its depths,

He will overcome all his pain alone

And will melt the heaviest stone!

And even if her features are not good

And there is nothing to seduce her imagination, -

Infant grace of the soul

It already shows through in any of her movements.

And if this is so, then what is beauty?

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

  • Do you think ideas about beauty have changed throughout human cultural history?
  • What was this connected with?


(from ancient Egyptian - “Beautiful are the perfections of the solar disk”) - the “main wife” of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty Akhenaten, whose reign was marked by large-scale religious reform.

Legends say that Egypt has never given birth to such a beauty before. She was called "Perfect"; her face adorned temples throughout the country. Nefertiti played an extremely important role in the religious life of Egypt at that time, accompanying her husband during sacrifices, sacred rites and religious festivals. She was the living embodiment of the life-giving power of the sun, giving life.

Cleopatra VII Philopator - the last queen of the Hellenistic

Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic (Lagid) dynasty.

There are no reliable images that accurately, without idealization, would convey her physical appearance. But some historians note a lack of feminine beauty in her. The profiles on the coins show a woman with wavy hair, large eyes, a prominent chin and a hooked nose. On the other hand, it is known that Cleopatra was distinguished by powerful charm and attractiveness, she used this well for seduction and, in addition, had a charming voice and a brilliant, sharp mind.

The ideal of a medieval woman was the Blessed Virgin Mary

MOTHER OF GOD OF VLADIMIR - icon painted at the beginning of the 12th century. in Constantinople, one of the most ancient shrines of the Russian land. Refers to the Byzantine type of Eleusa (Greek Eleusa - “Merciful”), or Tenderness (Merciful

In the Middle Ages, earthly beauty was considered sinful. The figure was hidden under a layer of heavy fabrics, and the hair was hidden under a cap. Now - an elongated oval face, huge eyes and a small mouth.

The Renaissance Ideal of Beauty

The Madonna's face is the embodiment of the ancient ideal of beauty combined with the spirituality of the Christian ideal.

During the Renaissance, the canons of beauty became a pale complexion, a beautiful mouth, white teeth, scarlet lips and long silky strands of blond hair. A slender “swan neck” and a high, clean forehead were elevated to the rank of standard. The ideal becomes calm, “healthy” beauty, which can be seen in the paintings of Titian or Rembrandt, where young beauties with curly hair and a charming blush on their faces are depicted.

Rafael Santi.

Sistine Madonna

Some consider her

a lofty ideal

femininity and charm,

others find her unpleasant.

At the beginning of the 18th century. The Rococo era begins. Now the woman should resemble a fragile porcelain figurine. The solemn pomp of Baroque is replaced by grace, lightness and playfulness.

At the same time, theatricality and unnaturalness do not go away - on the contrary, they reach their peak. Both men and women take on a doll-like appearance.

The Rococo beauty has narrow shoulders and a thin waist, a small bodice contrasting with a huge round skirt. On their heads they wear entire still lifes of flowers, feathers, boats with sails and even mills. Special black silk patches – “flies” – also came into fashion. Some believe that the appearance of the "flies" was caused by the smallpox epidemic, and at first they hid the scars caused by this terrible disease.

Marquise de Pompadour -

legendary official

favorite of the French king Louis XV.

She has long passed, and those eyes are no longer there And that smile is gone that silently expressed Suffering is the shadow of love, and thoughts are the shadow of sadness, But Borovikovsky saved her beauty So, part of her soul did not fly away from us. And this look and this beauty of the body will attract indifferent offspring to her,

Teaching him to love, suffer, forgive, dream.

Ya. Polonsky

Portrait of Maria Lopukhina

Symbols of beauty




Church of the Ascension

in Kolomenskoye

  • The ancient village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow, which became part of Moscow almost half a century ago, has been known since the beginning of the 14th century. For the first time it is mentioned in the spiritual letter of Ivan Kalita. Since ancient times, this village, located on a high bank above the floodplain of the Moscow River, served as the summer residence of Moscow princes and tsars, but Vasily III especially loved and developed it. Under him, a vast wooden palace was built here, and in 1532 - the famous Church of the Ascension, which marked the beginning of stone hipped-roof architecture in Rus'. The completion of the construction of the Church of the Ascension was marked by three days of celebrations and feasts, which were attended by Grand Duke Vasily III himself and the Metropolitan. Despite careful research, unfortunately, it has still not been possible to find the name of the brilliant architect who built the temple. There is no information about him in historical documents. The temple was built on the model of Russian tented wooden churches - “the top of the woodwork.” This suggests that it was built by a Russian master. On the other hand, many techniques, elements of construction and decoration indicate a strong influence of Italian Renaissance architecture. Perhaps the temple was built by an Italian master invited by Vasily III? Well, maybe someday the mystery of the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye will be solved, and the world will know the name of the brilliant architect who built this amazing structure. In the meantime, the white stone temple silently keeps its secret.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

called a masterpiece of world architecture, the pinnacle of creativity of Vladimir masters

heyday of Vladimir-

Principality of Suzdal.

This is a small elegant building

stands on a small hill in a riverside meadow, there

where the Nerl River flows into the Klyazma.

The Cathedral in Reims became a masterpiece of mature Gothic for medieval masters. This city in the heart of Champagne has long been the site of the coronation of French kings, and since 1179 this ceremony has been performed there constantly. The first king to be crowned in Reims was the Frankish leader Clovis. This happened in 481. Tradition tells that on the eve of the coronation a miracle happened: a dove sent from heaven brought in its beak a vial full of oil necessary to anoint the king as king. The cathedral was built around 817. The cathedral, which was rebuilt several times, died in a fire on the night of May 6, 1210. Construction of the new building began the following year, 1211, and continued until 1481. Funds for construction came from the clergy and private individuals

In the 13th century, the citizens of Cologne, one of the richest and most powerful cities of the Holy Roman (German) Empire, were faced with the task of building a new city cathedral. Cologne was experiencing its heyday at that time, and, according to the plans of the city fathers, the scale of the new cathedral should have eclipsed all other churches.

“Cologne Cathedral will not be completed!” - Goethe exclaimed bitterly in his poem “Germany”. But the poet was wrong: construction of the cathedral resumed and was completed on October 15, 1880,... six hundred and thirty-two years and two months after it began!

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Slide captions:

Beauty in art and in life. What is beauty? Each of us has experienced admiration for beauty at least once in our lives. winter forest, a blooming garden, the rising sun over the sea, enchanting folk tunes, paintings and sculptures. V. Van Gogh. Blooming tree

Why do we understand what is beautiful and what is not? You can say without hesitation: “I see that this is beautiful” or “I feel that all this is beautiful.” Then no one can answer for sure what beauty is. After all, the understanding of beauty extends to objects, phenomena, a person’s appearance and to his inner and moral essence.

When we say “beautiful person,” what do we mean? Correct facial features, slender figure? Or spiritual beauty, kindness, nobility? Or maybe both together? What is more important in life and art - form or content?

What is beauty? And why do people deify her? Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness, or a flickering fire in the vessel? N. Zabolotsky

At all times, people have sought to capture their attitude to life in various forms of art. All life impressions are refracted through the artist’s inner world and addressed to the experience of every viewer, reader, and listener.

The miracle of art is catharsis. Catharsis is overcoming ordinary feelings, enlightenment, purification, elevation of the human soul. “Art encourages you to search and find the main thing, to think, to worry again and again about the fate of the heroes, relating them to your own life.” psychologist L. Vygotsky

Aphrodite, Greek goddess of love

The spiritualized face of the Mother of God and the face of the mysteriously smiling Mona Lisa, they are all different, but each of them is a symbol of beauty at all times.

There is no image in world art equal in power to the image of the Vladimir Mother of God Compiled by Koptilkina Yu.S. Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium" Kirishi, 2015

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of an art lesson in 8th grade "Beauty in art and in human life"

The lesson gives an idea of ​​how the ideals of beauty changed in different eras among different peoples, and examines what is the measure of beauty. The lesson is accompanied by a multimedia presentation....

Plan - outline of an art lesson in 8th grade "Beauty in art and life"

On this lesson We are talking about how the ideals of beauty changed in different eras, among different peoples...

Expand the meaning of the concept ''beauty'';

To foster physical and spiritual harmony of the individual;

Develop expressive speech, interest in poetry;

Beauty will save the world

What is real beauty?

As they say in the poem by N.P. Ashurova:

The Lord did not offend with beauty,

Neither wise man nor scoundrel

But to see the beauty of the soul,

Always more difficult than faces.

What is beauty?

Neither perfect makeup nor a new hairstyle can change our lives, but they may well make us happier. Ask any woman what makes her feel beautiful? And in response you will probably hear a whole story about what makes her happy, calm, and self-confident. And our heroines agree that beauty is not only an impeccable appearance.

Beauty is... harmony

For me, beauty is largely determined by a person’s spiritual qualities. The first impression depends on his facial features, physique, posture or gait, clothes, and finally. But I always pay attention to the eyes and smile. A person with regular facial features, but a cold gaze or unpleasant facial expressions immediately loses attractiveness to me. Inner qualities are necessarily manifested in a person’s appearance, and even more so in the expression of his eyes.

White winter

Overnight, the tops of the mountains turned white with snow. Red fires lit up in the sun among the green cedars. The larch was scorched by frost.

White winter

Beauty is... pleasure

I enjoy harmony - in nature, in music, in communicating with people, from contemplating talent, from art. I recover best when I just walk and breathe. I try to focus on what is around me, and this makes me feel peace and tranquility. Fields, forests, shores, seas can bring harmony to the soul.

My dream is to achieve inner harmony, a state where there is no reason for self-criticism. And, of course, I want to be healthy and beautiful

Beauty is... children

Yes, it is important for me to be beautiful. And if my own reflection in the mirror is not pleasing, then my mood, of course, deteriorates. I must like myself first, otherwise I won’t be able to please others.

It seems to me that it is children who make a woman beautiful - at any age.

Beauty, true happiness and true heroism do not need big words.

Wilhelm Raabe

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart.

Gibran Khalil

Beauty affects even those who do not notice it.

Jean Cocteau

To create beauty, you yourself must be pure in soul.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

Beauty will save the world.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Integrative task

1.Multiply the serial number of April by the number of vowels in the word dastarkhan.

2. Multiply the number of letters in Pushkin’s full name by the third digit of Abai’s date of birth.

3. To the number of letters in the name of the capital of Kazakhstan, add the number that needs to be measured so many times before cutting.

4. Multiply the number of heroes from the famous fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin by the number of the day of Nauryz celebration.

5. Multiply the number of consonants in the name of the capital of France by the number of vowels in the name of the capital of Germany.

6.Multiply the number of wonders of the world by the number of labors of Hercules.

7. Multiply the number of cases in the Russian language by the number of cases in the Kazakh language.

8. From the number of days in a year, subtract the sum of the numbers of the year of your birth.



One word noun

Two word adjectives

Three words verb

My attitude

One word noun

Two word adjectives

Three words verb

My attitude

Vocabulary work

Harmony - consistency in the combination of something

Beauty is a set of qualities that bring pleasure to the eye and ear, everything beautiful, beautiful

Contemplation is the initial stage of knowledge

Peace - complete peace, satisfaction