Presentation on teaching literacy on the topic: Sound and letter Zh,zh. Presentation on the topic "secrets of the sound" Even lions are afraid

Olga Koroleva
Presentation “Sound [Zh], letter “Zh” for children preparatory group

Brief summary of the summary for presentations:

1. Organizational moment: game “Without which this word does not exist” (Children name the last syllable of the word named by the speech therapist. The word “Moon” cannot exist without “na.”)

2."Getting to know sound"Children are offered a series of pictures, after looking at which they must guess which one sound came to visit today.

3. Brief description sound

4. "Clap, don't yawn." Selection sound Zh from sound and syllabic sequence by ear.

5. “Repeat” Children repeat the syllable sequence (like zha-zhi-zho) (black slide on screen)

6. "Find where he hid sound". The children are given sheets that duplicate the task on the screen; the children circle the pictures that contain sound Zh.

7. "The third one is extra" (4 slides)

8. "Eye exercise"

9. "Turn on the light." The children are given sheets duplicating the task on the screen, the children put crosses in the windows (beginning - serezina - end, under the pictures that contain sound Zh.

10. Physical education minute.

11. "Change the Word".(Black screen)

Children must change the words so that they contain sound [zh]: friend - friend, pie - pie, boot - boot, snow - snowball, horn - horn, meadow - meadow, cottage cheese - cottage cheese, flag - flag.

12. "Let's write together". (Black screen)

The speech therapist reads the story, and the children complement it with words that are appropriate in meaning and contain letter w.

"A girl named (Zhenya) there is a dog named (Bug). One day they went into the forest. Zhenya collected under the oak tree (acorns). The bug was chasing the flying (by a beetle). Suddenly Zhenya heard barking. It was the Bug who noticed the big prickly one (hedgehog) with the little ones (hedgehogs). Zhenya called Bug, and the hedgehog and the hedgehogs ran under the tree. V. Volina"

13. Getting to know letter.

14. Work in notebooks (drawing a pattern, printing large and small letters LJ, syllables with letter Z).

15. "Letter eater"Restoring integrity letters in a sentence and then read it.

The following are taken as a basis materials:

1. Limanskaya O. N. "Notes of speech therapy classes." Second year of study. - M.: TC Sfera, 2009. - 176 p. - (Speech therapist at preschool educational institution).

2. Kosenko Yu. A. “Learning to read and write” A manual and workbook on the development of phonemic processes and preparing for literacy.

Publications on the topic:

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Subject: Sound [zh]. Letter w

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge


    Cognitive: create conditions for familiarization with the new sound “zh” and the letter by which it is denoted; consider the features of the new sound;

    Educational: promote the development of phonemic hearing; cognitive processes: perception, thinking, memory and attention; speech development;

    Educational: contribute to the development of sustainable cognitive interest in the subject.

Forms of organization of students’ cognitive activity: frontal, individual, group.

Methods and techniques: creating a situation of success; methods of verbal and visual transmission of information, practical work, partial search method, problem method.

Learning Tools: multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard

Lesson progress

I STAGE: Organizational

Stage objectives: preparing students for work (motivation); creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

a) Counting table:

The bell rang and fell silent,

We are starting the lesson.

Smiled, pulled up,

They looked at each other

And they sat down calmly and quietly.

b) Teacher’s words (to the class):

I think that today's lesson will bring us the joy of communicating with each other. I wish you to rise one step higher during your work. Success and good luck to you!

II STAGE: Updating basic knowledge.

Stage objectives: updating the knowledge necessary to master new knowledge.

    Make sentences from the words. Draw an outline of the proposal.

    Marina had a doll.

    The doll's name was Lara.

    Game "Do you know fairy tales"

    Reading text from a primer

STAGE III: Formulating the theme and purpose.

Stage objectives: ensuring students understand the purpose of educational and cognitive activity.

1. Definition of a new sound in a word. Formulating the topic and purpose for the lesson.

Say the word “BUG” to yourself. Find a sound in it that we are not yet familiar with. Pronounce it (“zh”).

State the topic of the lesson by completing the sentence written on the board. (Sound… (“zh”) and the letter that denotes it).

Starting from the topic and relying on the beginning of the sentences written on the board, formulate the objectives of the lesson:

Get to know ... with the sound “w”;

Learn to distinguish ... the sound “zh” from other sounds;

IV STAGE : “Discovery” of new knowledge. Introducing a new sound.

Stage objectives: ensure the discovery and assimilation by students of new knowledge about the sound [zh] and the letter that denotes it.

1. Isolating a new sound from the words BEETLE, TOAD, PUDDLE, PUDDLE. SKIS, WALVUS, KNIVES, GARAGES. Observation of sound.

What do you need to know about sound? (Is it a consonant or a vowel; if it is a consonant, then it is hard or soft; voiced or voiceless).

The “Word Workshop” opens before us./sound characteristics/

F - consonant, hard, sonorous.

Say the word “BUG”, highlighting the new sound. Name this sound. Watch his pronunciation in the mirror.

What position are your lips in?

In what position are the teeth - closed or open?

Where is the tip of the tongue? (The tip of the tongue is raised upward, but does not touch the upper teeth). What does the tongue resemble? (The tip of the tongue and the lateral edges are curved and cup-shaped).

Sound analysis of words: GIRAFFE, BEETLE

- Discuss in pairs what sound is it and why.

Conclusion: The sound “zh” is consonant because the air meets an obstacle.

Children name different words with a new sound.

Were you able to come up with words with a soft sound? (No).

What can be concluded?

Conclusion: The sound “zh” is always hard.

The sound “zh” is sonorous because we pronounce it with voice and noise.

Let's summarize the first part of the lesson. Give a full description of the sound “zh”.

Conclusion: The sound “zh” is consonant, hard, sonorous.

5. Introducing a new letter.

6. Reading syllables in the ABC.

What vowels does the letter “z” go with? How are we going to read it? Why? (“Zh” is friendly with the vowels “a”, “u”, “o”, “i”).

Read the syllables yourself; in chorus. What syllables should you pay attention to? Why? (Zhi).

This is the traditional spelling. The letter z is capricious, lazy, and means only one sound.

Which letter is a danger signal? Which letter is a dangerous place? Formulate spelling rules.

Write zhi with a vowel and

Remember other “dangerous” combinations similar to these. (Write shi with the vowel i.).

Find in the “ABC book” the syllables written in reverse order. Read it yourself; in chorus; as we say. What did you notice? What happened to the last sound? What other discovery can be made?

Conclusion: F - W doubles.

And one more secret. How do we call the sound “sh” depending on its pronunciation? (Hissing).

The sounds “zh” and “sh” have become so friendly that both bear this name.

Conclusion: F – Sh sizzling

Summary: - What do letter combinations have in common? Tell us about the letter “zh”.

7. Physical exercise.

STAGE V: Primary consolidation of knowledge.

Stage objectives:

    Reading the story ZHUK according to the ABC book - in chorus

2. Selective reading

STAGE VI: Lesson summary

Stage objectives: conduct an analysis and assess the success of achieving the goal and outline the prospects for further work.

1. Game “Gate of Discovery”

What discoveries did you make in class?

Let's return to our goals. Do you think we were able to achieve all our goals?

Who else can the letter “w” be friends with?

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.

And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle

Makes a buzzing sound.

STAGE VII: Homework.

Stage objectives: motivate children to search and read.

If you want to learn something interesting about the beetle and his friends, find and read in other books and magazines. Tell us in the next lesson what interesting things you learned about them.

MO primary classes high school

6 named after J. Balasagun



1st class

Subject: Sound [zh]. Letter w

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Teacher: Kulaeva S.Kh.

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Slide captions:

Look - the letter Z

ZH UK BEETLE - starts with the letter Z, the beetle buzzes - ZHZHZHZHZH, let's hum together

Here it is - the letter ZH

F F F F F Look how many letters there are!!! And these are all letters G

A beetle is an insect. Iron is a metal; I use it to make various equipment and things. For example, an iron car, iron scissors, Yellow is a color. Yellow sun, yellow banana Beetle Iron Yellow

Let's make the letter Z from sticks. Look! First, let's put one stick on the table like this.....and on top of another stick like turns out F F

ZHA-ZHA-ZHA-ZHA-ZHA-ZHA-ZHA We saw a hedgehog ZA

SAME-SAME-SAME-SAME-SAME A fly sits on a hedgehog

ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI Fly, fly, don't buzz! F I

JO-JO-JO-JO-JO-JO-JO It became fresh in the evening J O

ZHU-ZHU-ZHU-ZHU-ZHU-ZHU Very loudly I buzz ZH

ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI-ZHI Eat the candy, don't lick it! F I

ZHA-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZHA All about the fly and the hedgehog! ZH A ZH E ZH I ZH O ZH U ZH I ZH A



Letter Zh, sound [zh] Zh

Remember! Zh I, Sh I write with I

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson topic: "CONSONANT VOID SOFT SOUND [h']. LETTERS CH, h" 3. Lesson type: "Lesson on discovering new knowledge" 4. Form of lesson organization: group 5. Subject - literary reading (literacy teaching) 6. Class: 1 7.Author

· Lesson summary 2. Lesson topic: “CONSONANT VOID SOFT SOUND [h’]. LETTERS CH, h” 3. Lesson type: “Lesson on discovering new knowledge” 4. Form of lesson organization: group 5. Subject - literary reading(training...

Literacy lesson. Vowel sound u. Letters u, u. Presentation.

The presentation for a literacy lesson contains slides that reveal the essence of the new material. A new sound and letter are introduced in a playful way. A problem is posed and two ways to solve it have been identified. During the lesson I will warn...

Slide 2


When establishing the correct pronunciation of the sound Ш, targeted work is carried out on speech movements that were not formed in the child during the process of speech development. Each articulation exercise has its own name in accordance with the action performed. The image-picture serves as a model for imitation of the object or actions of the selected object. REMEMBER! It is not the quantity that is important, but the correct selection and quality of articulation exercises.

Slide 3

Criteria for assessing the quality of articulation exercises

Clarity Smoothness Differentiation Accuracy Uniformity Stability Switchability

Slide 4


smile, open your mouth slightly, place your wide tongue on your lower lip, bending the tip of your tongue and the side edges upward, stretch your tongue upward. To make the sound beautiful, make the tongue wider and higher. Let's make a cup out of the tongue by raising the sides. We will press this cup on the sides to the top with our teeth. Now we can blow beautifully, carefully over the cup, so that the breeze runs, so that the “W” rustles like silk.

Slide 5

Delicious jam

To cheer us up, Let's eat delicious jam. Open your mouth slightly with the wide front edge of your tongue and lick your upper lip, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Slide 6


Here is a swing in the alley, Tongue sat on the swing. Open your mouth wide. Alternately stretch your tongue out to your nose and chin.

Slide 7

PAINTER It's time to paint the rooms, We invited a painter. We lower the jaw lower, raise the tongue to the palate, Let's lead back and forth - Our painter is happy to work!

Smile; open your mouth; raise your tongue to the tubercles; move, stroking the tip of your tongue, like a brush, across the palate back and forth; Make sure that the tip of your tongue does not protrude from your mouth, and that your lips and lower jaw do not move.

Slide 8

And on Venka’s stairs we’ll count the steps. Smile, open your mouth, place your tongue in the shape of a cup on your upper lip, move the “cup” to the upper teeth, and then hold the upper teeth in each position for 3-5 seconds). steps

Slide 9

Name the pictures by filling in the missing letters


Slide 10

Slide 11

e..ik sne...inka ly...nick

Slide 12

ice cream...fruit but...but...nits

Slide 13

Automation of the sound "Ш"


Slide 14

Speech therapy rhymes

Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha here is a hedgehog. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu somehow already came to the hedgehog. Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi, show me the hedgehog. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I’m not friends with snakes. Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha is already leaving the hedgehog.

Slide 15

zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi There are floors in our house. zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha There are two floors below me. zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha There are two floors above me. same-same-same, same-same-same What floor am I on?

Slide 16

Guess the riddles, name the answers

I'm sitting on a branch. I keep repeating the letter F. Knowing this letter firmly, I buzz in spring and summer. With his long neck he became taller than all the animals.

Slide 17

Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts. Short legs, afraid of cats On a walk, runners are the same length. These horses are red, and their names are...

Read the syllables and compounds.

Read quickly. Make no mistake!





Compose with one of the syllables 14 words

Guess the riddle

Black, not a raven,

A horn, not a bull,

With wings, not a bird.

Sound [zh] –









[ AND ]

[ and ]

Letter zhe -

sound [zh] –




is always hard [ and ]

ly and And


Look: the letter Z

Looks like a beetle

Because she has

Six beetle legs.

What does the letter look like?

This - AND, And this is K, a whole beetle and half a beetle.

(A. Shibaev)

Learn a tongue twister

I met a hedgehog in a thicket:

-How is the weather, hedgehog?

  • Fresh.

And we went home, trembling,

Hunching, cowering, two hedgehogs.

I really like GIRAFFE -

Tall stature and gentle disposition.

Giraffe - he is taller than everyone else -

Even lions are afraid.

But I wasn’t blown away by such success

Giraffe heads.

Easily breaks a lion's back

The blow of his hoof

And he eats leaves and grass -

And not always enough...

I really like Giraffe

Although I'm afraid he's wrong!

The letter Z made jelly. There was enough food for everyone: Two giraffes, a foal, Yellow-mouthed chicken.

PRINT - letter z - letter z (coloring book) / vkusnaya-azbuka.htm - letter z (coloring) – beetle

www. raskraska. ru / tale / usacheva / u .../ us 8. htm - beetles – really – toad - little insect / read /article.php%3...d%3D1410 – a picture from the fairy tale “The Tsokotukha Fly” by K. Chukovsky – giraffe, hedgehogs, ladybug, beetles with musical instruments, hares, umbrella, star,

Snake, strawberry.

Audio files for the videos are taken from the site

Slides with writing letters from the presentation of Chulikhina E.A.

"Animated poster Written letters of the Russian alphabet."

On slides 4 and 11 there is a poem by B. Zakhoder. / – letter z (winter) – letter z – bizet - castle – gold

www. liveinternet. ru/community/le ...8776156/ - castle – mirror

dentmy. ru / vybor - zubnoj - shhetki / - clove - hare - hare