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Presentation on the topic: Organization of activities of a tourism enterprise

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Presentation on the topic: Organization of activities of a tourist enterprise

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Concept, goals and functions of tourism. Travel and tourism tourism is temporary trips (travel) of citizens Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as persons) with permanent place residence for medical and health, recreational, educational, physical education, sports, professional, business, religious and other purposes without engaging in activities related to generating income from sources in the country (place) of temporary stay

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Temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from their permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary residence. Temporary departure of people from permanent residence place of residence for vacation, recreational, educational or professional and business purposes without engaging in paid activities in a place of temporary stay (Recommendatory legislative act “On the basic principles of cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of tourism”, 1994). Activities of persons who travel and stay in places outside their usual environment for a period not exceeding one year, for recreational, business and other purposes (UN Statistical Commission, 1993). A special form of movement of people along a route for the purpose of visiting specific places or satisfaction specialized interest. A type of travel undertaken for recreational, educational, business, recreational or specialized purposes.

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Movement (relocation), being away from a permanent place of residence and the aspect of temporary stay in an object of interest. The Manila Declaration on World Tourism (1980) declared: “Tourism is understood as an activity that has important in the lives of peoples due to the direct impact on the social, cultural, educational and economic areas of life of states and their international relations.” A form of mental and physical education implemented through the social and humanitarian functions of tourism: educational, educational, health and sports. A popular form of organizing recreation , leisure activities. The sector of the economy serving people who are temporarily outside their place of permanent residence, as well as the market segment in which enterprises of traditional sectors of the economy converge in order to offer their products and services to tour operators. The totality of all types of scientific and practical activities on the organization and implementation of tourism - excursion, resort and hotel business.

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tourism is a large economic system with various connections between individual elements within the national economy of a particular country, connections between the national economy and the world economy as a whole, as well as the sphere economic activity, including the production and sale of tourism services and goods by various organizations with tourism resources.

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Tourism is an interpersonal activity of a special kind, which, under the conditions of internationalization of life, has become a form of using free time, a means of interpersonal connections in the process of political, economic and cultural contacts, and one of the factors determining the quality of life.

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tourism is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or locality within their own country in their free time from their main work in order to meet the needs for recreation, entertainment, knowledge, health, as well as to solve professional or any other problems, but without paid work in the place visited.

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Experts propose to formulate the following postulates to define tourism: a tourist is one who strives to satisfy his natural need to travel. The desires and needs of the tourist will determine the destination that he decides to visit and the activities in which he is going to take part; tourism business - involves activities for the purpose of making a profit in the production and sale of products and services that satisfy the needs of tourists; for the hospitality industry, tourism in mainly acts as a positive factor that allows opening new jobs and increasing the income of the region, but it can have a negative impact on the environment; tourism is considered by national administrations as a factor in economic development, often without taking into account possible negative consequences (direct and indirect damage).

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Five important signs that separate tourism from travel and other actions and processes. Temporary movement, visiting a destination and inevitably returning back. Destination is another locality (country), different from the place of permanent residence of a person. Goals of tourism, distinguished by purely humanistic content and orientation. Making a tourist trip in free time from work or study. Prohibition for tourists to engage in destination activities paid for from a local financial source.

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The purpose of tourism is one of its main and defining features. The classical theory of tourism recognizes only six goals for which tourism is distinguished from travel in general: health (restoration of a person’s spiritual and physical strength, as well as treatment); educational (improving and deepening knowledge about the nature of natural phenomena, the past and present of humanity, history and culture other countries and peoples); sports (preparation and participation in competitions and games at professional and amateur levels, accompanying athletes, as well as participation as spectators); professional and business (business trips, participation in conferences, congresses, seminars, exchange of experience , vocational training); religious (pilgrimage, religious, cultural and historical studies of religion and cults); guest and nostalgic (visiting relatives, places of historical residence).

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restorative - freeing a person from the feeling of fatigue through a contrasting change of environment and type of activity; developmental - providing opportunities for personal development (broadening horizons, creative and organizational activities); entertaining - providing vacationers with the opportunity to have fun; this also includes getting to know the area, its inhabitants, organizing concerts, sports and other events, active recreation; economic - manifested through the demand and consumption of tourists, and the needs of tourists are divided into basic, specific and additional; this function ensures restoration of working capacity, employment of the population, profit; social – growth in the standard of living of the population, distribution of the time budget and rational use of free time.

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Tourism: a special mass type of travel with clearly defined goals, carried out by tourists themselves, that is, the activity of the tourist himself; organization and implementation (support) of such travel is a tourist activity. It is carried out by various enterprises in the tourism industry and related industries. Travel is the movement of people in time and space, and a person making a trip, regardless of goals, directions and means of transportation, time intervals, is called a traveler.

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Classification, types and forms of tourism Classification of tourism is the identification of internally homogeneous taxa of tourism activity on accepted grounds. Taxon (lat. taxon, plural taxa; from taxare - “to feel, to determine the price by feeling, to evaluate”) is a group in the classification, consisting of discrete objects, united on the basis of common properties and characteristics. This concept is used in geography, linguistics and other sciences, but, above all, in biology, namely in biological systematics.

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UN WTO proposed a classification of tourism into the following types: domestic, inbound (active) and outbound (passive). The main classification criterion is crossing state borders. Domestic tourism – travel around the country by persons permanently residing in it; Outbound tourism is travel of persons permanently residing in Russia to another country, and inbound tourism is travel within Russia of persons permanently residing in other countries. These types of tourism are combined in different ways to form categories of tourism.

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Motivational factors can also be used as a feature that allows you to classify travel by type of tourism. Tourism for recreational purposes. Tourism for the purpose of studying culture. Community tourism. Sports tourism. Economic tourism. Congress (political) tourism.

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At first glance, it may seem that there is not much difference between the forms and types of tourism. In both cases, journeys are grouped based on certain points of view. But types of tourism differ in the motivation of travelers, that is, in internal factors, and forms of tourism - for external reasons and influences, which is very important for tourism theory and practice.

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Forms of tourism, distinguished by the number of participants. Family tourism Forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists. Forms of tourism depending on its organization Forms of tourism depending on the length of stay Forms of tourism depending on the age of travelers Forms of tourism depending on the means of transport Forms of tourism depending on the time of year

The company "Arabeska XXI" works on tourist market for more than 8 years, Travel Company Arabesque XXI During this time, the company has become direct operators of such popular tourist destinations as Italy, Great Britain, France, Norway, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, and Holland. For all other tourist destinations the company is one of the largest agents.

Travel company Arabesque XXI domestic tourism The Irkutsk branch of the company owns a hotel complex on Lake Baikal. We invite everyone to visit this picturesque place in the village of Listvyanka, 50 kilometers from Irkutsk, where the Angara begins at Lake Baikal.

We were one of the first to work in the field of servicing corporate clients. In 2000, a separate department in our company began to work in this area. We take care of a lot of issues, ranging from visa support, hotel reservations, issuing air tickets, scheduling meetings and negotiations, organizing transport and translators when company management travels abroad, to organizing meetings at airports, booking VIP rooms and services, organizing, if necessary, armed security for your guests. We have extensive experience in organizing various forums, seminars and conferences for many of our clients, both in Russia and abroad. Travel company Arabeska XXI

For the second year we are the only representatives in Russia best school language education in the UK – L.E.T.S. Ipswich. Travel company Arabesque XXI Getting a classic English education opens up the opportunity for a child to build a career almost anywhere in the world.

School L.E.T.S. Ipswich School L.E.T.S. Ipswich is located on the east coast of England, 112 km from London, in the quiet, cozy town of Ipswich. You are traveling across a vast ocean English language, rediscovering it for yourself. And the school staff help you discover yourself. You don’t even know that you can be so cheerful, open, and sincere. The school staff live the same life with you, together they stage a Shakespeare play, select costumes and music, and celebrate holidays.

School L.E.T.S. Ipswich Most of the center's staff are from Russia or Eastern Europe, so they all show understanding of our problems. Thanks to their sincere help, all our children and teachers adapt well to their families. Families for our stay are selected taking into account all wishes, and many keep in touch even after returning to Russia. The host families are attentive and caring, giving you the opportunity to feel independent in a foreign country, accepting you as you are. Don’t be intimidated by different levels of knowledge of the English language. Families try to patiently and a lot talk with you in the evenings, helping you improve your language skills.

Specifics and methodology for presenting tourism services. Preparation technology and features of conducting a tourism presentation. Development of a project for the presentation of a tourism product - an individual tour of the Dominican Republic "Paradise Island".

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Travel agency "Geography" Company structure Federal travel network retail sales Individual and group tours, event, business and VIP tourism. MVT operator registration number Training of specialists tourism sector, increasing the level of qualifications of employees. Reservation and sale of air tickets, train and bus tickets.

Travel agency "Geography" Product Travel agency Geography offers organization of any requested type of vacation. Programs for mass and individual recreation: beach, excursion, cruises, treatment and exclusive: luxury, expeditions. All programs are purchased from trusted partners, a list of which allows you to choose and receive increased commissions.

Travel agency "Geography" Work standards Unified pricing policy; Quality of customer service; Organization of work; Personal sales algorithm; Personnel training and assessment; Hiring standard; Single standard software; Technical requirements for workplace organization; Unified promotion standard; Unified financial control; Unified standard for registration of tourists; Unified document standard; Unified standard for workplace design; Corporate leisure standard; Reporting Standard and Marketing; Quality control and employee incentives.

Travel agency "Geography" Corporate style Interior design of the office The office should be: Positive; Light with bright accents, like everyone else corporate identity. This is achieved by: Good lighting; Light and monochromatic wall color; Light furniture; Upholstery of chairs in bright corporate colors.

Travel agency "Geography" Conditions for joining the network Today, Geography franchise offices are already operating, and we hope for more active entry into our network. For this purpose, more attractive conditions are created. Financial conditions for 2012 All cities of Russia: no entrance fee; flexible amount of monthly payments (royalties) depending on the implementation of the plan; For beginners, we can provide a business plan for creating an entry into the network.

Travel agency "Geography" Advantages A well-known trademark in the region. Increased commission (up to 14%) on the operator product of leading tour operators. Tour booking services. Participation in educational programs. Free (as part of the Geography media plan) and individual (paid) advertising support. Posting information on the website Training, participation in country seminars, trainings, managerial training programs and advanced training. Booking system, connection and operation. Unified External and Internal design of offices, as well as standard of work. Participation of tourists in all promotions conducted by "Geography". United marketing policy on the market, the tourism network also provides operational information on the market, providing uniform technologies. Thus, a significant part of the problems for those wishing to develop is removed own business.

Travel agency "Geography" Requirements No entry fee, you invest your funds in your own business. A franchise is a brand (company name) + developments in promoting the brand. When concluding a franchise agreement, we offer three folders: interior and exterior office design, advertising. company operating standard. document flow. Also technical equipment: financial program, company website.

Travel agency "Geography" For the opening of the office, you need to prepare the external design of the office (signs, signs); Interior design of the office; Level of training of managers and employees. Employees must undergo training at the Travel School; Connect to the Geography booking system; Enter the required package of documents; Post information on the Geography website; Security advertising products(as part of the "Geography" media plan) Royalty - monthly payments depend on the implementation of the plan. Calculated in the number of people sent per month. If you fulfill the plan, you don’t pay royalties.