Presentation on the topic “Nikolai Nosov “Living Hat””. Summary of a literary reading lesson and presentation by N.N. Nosov “Living Hat” Primary school teacher

Slide captions:

N. Nosov “Living Hat”

Why do you think N. Nosov called his story “The Living Hat”? Which proverb best suits this text? What other works have we read that fall under these proverbs? Russian folk tale“Fear has big eyes”, Mordovian fairy tale, E. Charushin “A Scary Story”, S. Mikhalkov “Willpower”.

How did you understand the title of the story? Who were the heroes of the story? -brave -playful -curious -resourceful -insightful -kind -cowardly

What new did you learn in the lesson? What would you praise yourself for in class? Did you like/dislike the story? Why? Homework: Expressive reading pp. 54-58


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Slide captions:

N. Nosov “Living Hat”

Lesson objectives: Retell the text based on the plan; Improve role-based reading skills; Express your attitude to what you read; Summarize your knowledge of the story using a test.

Plan: Kitten Vaska was catching flies. Is the hat alive? The boys throw potatoes at the hat. A gray tail poked out from under the hat.

Anagram - changing the order of letters and recognizing a word. Natamok Torkashka Domok Cherogak Notyokok

Test: 1. What was the Kitten's name? a) Tishka b) Vaska c) Murzik d) Vanka; 2. Where was the hat? a) on the table b) on the chest of drawers c) on the shelf;

3. The hat fell because: a) the cat grabbed onto it b) the wind blew c) the guys hit it; 4.Where did the guys run from the room? a) to the corridor b) to the kitchen c) to the balcony; 5. What kind of tail did the kitten have? a) white b) gray c) black

6. What did the guys use as weapons? a) carrots b) beets c) potatoes 7. Who was the first to reveal the secret of the “living” hat? a) Volodya and Vadik b) Volodya c) Vadik

Answers to the test: 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.b

Reflection: What tasks were you able to accomplish in the lesson? What did you learn in the lesson? What did you find interesting in the lesson? What would you praise yourself for? How would you rate yourself: excellent good satisfactory.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Subject: literary readingGrade: 2a...

Familiarize children with N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat.”

Develop the skill of reading silently and out loud;

Develop memory and attention.

Instill an interest in reading.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of Nikolai Nosov, you will learn its name later. During the lesson we will perform exercises that will help develop reading techniques.

2. Warm up.

1 Articulation gymnastics.

Pull your lips out with a hamut, teeth and lips closed, stretch into a smile. Repeat 4 times.

Teeth and lips are closed, with the tongue we perform circular movements clockwise, then counterclockwise. Repeat 4 times.

2. Working with tongue twisters.

Little cat on the window,

I ate the porridge bit by bit.

Read the tongue twister slowly, in a low voice.

Read the tongue twister faster while exhaling.

Read the tongue twister with a joyful mood.

Read the tongue twister to express sadness.

Read the tongue twister offendedly.

3. Reading the syllabic table (Bottom to top)

Tank Without Bid Boch Boom Bull Bureau Calico
Var Weight Visa Waters University Call Vyal
Gas Ger Guide Year Gus Gul Gyau
Gift Del Div Duty Shower Smoke Dune Uncle
Heat Zhel Press Zhot Bug Jur
Zar Zem Zim Angry Tooth Zyb Chilly
Kar By whom Kin Number Cube Shoo Cure Kyam
Varnish Forest Fox Scrap Meadow Ski Luke Lay down
Poppy Sword World Urine Much soap Music Ball
Nag Nez Nick Nor Nud Nyr Nyur Nyan
Steam Dog Peel Floor Pur Fervor Puree Friday
Ram Speech Rice Genus Hand Ryn Rum Ryab
Garden Ser Whitefish Som Bitch Cheese Sur Sit down
So Tez Type Top Ace Tych Tulle Traction
Fae Fes Finn For Food Fyr Fuse
Har Hake Predator Choir Hood
DAC Central Committee Cir Clack Tsup Chick
Thicket Cher Chip Chuk
Shap Shes Shif Seam Shub Shute
Schav Shchel Tweezer Shchub

4 Correction test.

Take some pieces of paper, cross out the letter “y”, make up from the remaining letters the surname, first name, patronymic and the title of the work that we will read today.



In his stories, as you have already noticed, Nikolai Nikolaevich does not miss an opportunity to tell his readers something interesting and useful. He very simply, easily and with humor tells us about human strengths and weaknesses.

2. Vocabulary work.






Read the words in chorus and explain their meanings.

Look at the drawing

Explain the meaning of the words kamod and poker

IV. Working with text.

1. Read the first paragraph to yourself.


What was the cat's name?

Where was Vaska sitting?

Who did Vaska see on the hat?

What was he doing at the beginning of the story?

2. You will read the second paragraph out loud from the cards, starting from the end of the text.


Lop an olapu-ysolunhyulp ot-otch idazop kak, ilashylsu oklot ino. Upyalsh additional lapop aksaV kak ilediv en i iknitrak ilavisharksar ino. KidaV i yadoloV iledis etanmok in a.


What were the names of the boys in this story?

3. Reading part III (pp. 54-55).

I read, and you follow me, trying to keep up with my reading pace, you read only with your eyes.


How did I convey the boys’ state of mind while reading? (Trembling voice, whisper, scream, horror in the voice).

Why weren't we scared? (They knew that Vaska was there).

Exercise for the eyes

1) Close your eyes tightly (counting to three), open your eyes, look into the distance (counting to five). Repeat 4-5 times.

2) Starting position– sitting on a chair, 1-2 move your head back, tilting it, 3-4 tilt your head forward, without raising your shoulders (the pace is slow). Repeat 4 times.

4. Reading part IV (aloud by children).


What weapon did the boys choose to fight the hat?

What happened to the hat?

5. Reading part V (p. 57).

Read the text silently, counting the number of words.


What feeling did the guys have?

What did Vadik suggest?

6. Reading silently, exercise “Reconnaissance.”

Read the text until the words “The hat will jump to the top.”


What did Volodya suggest?

Who hit the potato in the hat?


1) Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4 times

2) Working with the Schulte table.

2 17 5 20 9
21 14 3 10 25
6 15 1 8 11
19 4 24 16 22
7 12 13 23 18

We look at the middle of the table and try to see the numbers that I will name.

7. Reading the text to the end (by the teacher).

Who did the boys see?

What was the mood of the guys?

What do you think the kitten felt throughout the story?

Did you find this story funny or sad?

What feelings did you experience?

V. Lesson summary.

What is the name of the story we read?

Why was the hat alive?

What would you do if you were the boys?



  • Expressive reading of text, preparation for role-based reading. Mark the words of Volodya and Vadik with a thin pencil.
  • Complete the tasks on the cards.


Reconstruct the words by adding vowel letters

Literary reading lesson on the topic:

N.N. Nosov "Living Hat"

3rd grade

Prepared and carried out

Teacher primary classes

Dyukareva L.Yu.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school in the village of Lipovsky"

Target: introduce students to the content of N. N. Nosov’s work “The Living Hat”.


    To form a primary school student as a conscious reader who demonstrates

interest in reading, with strong reading skills (at the level of the given

age), ways independent work with readable text and children's

a book with a certain level of erudition.

    Bring children to realize that fear of the unknown can turn

comic situation.

    Develop the ability to make assumptions, compare, and argue your opinion.

4. Develop critical thinking, memory, imagination, speech.

5. Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards each other, mutual cooperation.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment: media projector, screen, presentation.

Pedagogical technologies:

    explanatory and illustrative teaching;

    verbal productive and creative activity;

    pedagogy of cooperation (educational dialogue, educational discussion);

    information and communication technology.

Expected results:

    increasing activity in lessons;

    improving learning outcomes;

    development of creativity in students.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment. Psychological mood of students.

Let's smile at each other. Let the lesson bring us all the joy of communication, and let your helpers be: attention, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

2. Goal setting.

(Slide No. 2)

Look carefully at the photo and try to understand what the person depicted on the slide was like. The face reflects life. Pay attention to the eyes, smile. What are they?

Do you have books by Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov at home?

(Slide No. 3-4)

There are writers whose works outlive the authors themselves. I want to read and reread these books. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is one of these authors. Despite the fact that the writer has been gone for many years, he remains one of the most popular and beloved authors by children. Pay attention to his works. I think you have already met some of them.

(Slide No. 5-6-7)

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in 1908 in Ukraine in the family of an actor. After graduating from school, he worked as a factory worker. But he was strongly attracted by art, but he entered the art institute, then transferred to the cinematography institute, after which he worked as a director of animated, scientific and educational films. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov became a writer as if by accident: when his son was born, he had to tell him a lot of fairy tales. The son grew up and demanded more and more fairy tales. At the center of N. Nosov’s works are visionary guys, restless, irrepressible inventors, your peers, who often get punished for their ideas. The most common life situations turn into unusually funny instructive stories in Nosov’s stories.

Do you understand everything in my story?

Actor– artist – performer of roles in theatrical performances, cinema, television

Institute– higher educational institution.

Cinema- the art of reproducing moving images captured on film on a screen that create the impression of living reality.

Director - creative worker, director of theatrical and entertainment programs.

Peer- a person of the same age as someone, peer.

Funny stories make people smile and laugh. But laughter is a serious matter. It’s not funny at all if a child laughs at a friend who is in trouble, or at a fallen old woman. It is important to learn to see the truly funny in life, to understand the jokes of people around you, and to be able to tell yourself about some funny incident. We will learn this in class, using the stories of Nikolai Nosov as an example.

(Slide No. 8-9)

Animated films have been created based on his works.

(Slide number 10)

Read the sentence. What combination of words arouses interest or seems unusual? Do you believe that there are living hats?

But the author believes that it can. Nikolai Nosov wrote a lot of funny children's stories that could happen to each of you. Today we will get acquainted with one of them. It happened to guys like you when they were sitting at home.

Where do we start working?

What needs to be done for this?

What am I learning in class today?

3. Predicting content by title.

Can you tell from the title of the story what the story is about? (write down suggested answers on the board)

Vocabulary work

There will be words in the text, let's clarify their meaning

(Slide No. 11)

Dresser- a low closet with drawers for linen and various small household items.

Poker- an iron rod with a rounded end for mixing fuel in the stove.

crack- hit.

Plop down - hard to sit down, fall.

4. Physical exercise


Here is a big pyramid (reach up)

And a cheerful ringing ball (jumping in place)

Soft bear with club feet (steps in place, on the outside of the foot)

Everyone lives in a big box (show big square)

But when I go to bed (hands under cheek, close eyes)

Everyone starts playing (image any movement)

5. Reading by the teacher + forecasting the development of the plot.

(The teacher and children who read well read, the rest of the students follow the text. During the reading, the teacher makes stops, the children think about how events will develop further.)

Reading part 1 (before the words “they saw a hat near the chest of drawers”)

Reading part 2 (up to the words “Vovka is behind him”)

What will the hat do next?

Will the guys be able to overcome their fear?

Reading part 3 (before the words “well, go and look”)

Is there a difference in the meaning of the words: get scared, shake with fear. What expression does the writer use?

Will the guys return to the room?

How will they defend themselves if the hat attacks them?

Reading part 4 (up to the words “the hat will jump up”)

How will the work end? What is the secret of a living hat?

(Slide No. 12)

Part 5 (teacher tells)

6. Analysis of the work, selective reading.

Did you like the story? How? How did the boys' moods change?

Did the boys know who was hiding under the hat? Prove with words from the text.

What impression do you have about the characters in the story?

What kind of character were they?

To understand the character of the characters and the author’s attitude towards them, let’s look at how Nosov portrays the boys’ actions, what and how he talks about them.

What scared the boys?

Did they understand that hats are not alive? Find words in the text that talk about this.

Have you ever experienced fear? When? Have such unusual stories ever happened to you where it was scary and then funny?

How can you overcome your fear?

Which proverb best suits the content of the story?

(Slide No. 13)

    If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.

    Measure seven times and cut once.

    Fear has big eyes.

Determine the idea (the main idea of ​​the story).

This means that they were afraid that an ordinary, familiar object was behaving strangely and incomprehensibly.

How did the children behave at the first moment when they saw the “live” hat?

Find words that describe their behavior.

Write on the board: 1. Scared

Why were they afraid at first, even ran into the kitchen, and then began to attack the hat?

Once in the kitchen, did they change their behavior?

Let's read the dialogue in the kitchen.

How did the boys feel when they found out the “secret” of the hat?

Write on the board: 2. We became emboldened.

Why did Vadik begin to hug the kitten and caress it?

Writing on the board: 3. We were happy.

What would you do if you were in the place of the heroes of the work?

This is a fun, humorous story; together with the author, we laugh at the characters who find themselves in a funny situation.

7. Lesson summary. Reflection

What is the name of the story we read? Who wrote it?

Let's return to your statements and see if there are any coincidences in your answers with the author's intention?

There are also minor discrepancies. But we are all different, we cannot think alike, everyone has their own opinion.

Do you think it is easy to be a good reader?

Continue the sentence:

I was wondering...

I wanted...

I found out that….

I did it...

In the next lesson we will continue working on this piece. Thank you for your cooperation in class.

Smolina N.A.

Item: Literary reading

Lesson type: Consolidation of what has been learned

Lesson topic: N.N.Nosov “Living Hat” Lesson 2

Class: 2

Objective of the lesson:

    Continue to introduce students to the works of N. Nosov; develop memory, speech, and the ability to present in detail what you read and hear.

Planned result:

    Students should be able to predict the content of some words based on the textbook's vocabulary and explanatory dictionary; express your opinion; talk about the heroes, expressing your attitude towards them; draw up an outline of the work, retell the text in detail based on the outline, picture plan.

Methods and techniques used: dialogue, practical work, problematic presentation of the material. The use of multimedia, visual material, a combination of various forms of work (frontal, group, individual).

Equipment: portrait of N. Nosov, exhibition of his books, cards (text for speech warm-up)

Lesson progress:

Lesson steps


Teacher activities

Student activities

Formation of UUD

Organizational moment



Speech warm-up


The master's work is afraid.

Fear has big eyes.(read the proverbs highlighting each word with emphasis)

Setting lesson goals



Attention! Important task: cross out all the letters P and E. Read the word.

Guess who it is? (Nosov) (slide 1)

Why? (We read his stories)

What stories of Nikolai Nosov are familiar to you?

– Look at our exhibition of books by the writer N.N. Nosov. Books that I took from our school library, do not look new, they are the most shabby, well-read. Why do you think?

- That's right, they are read, they never sit on the shelves.

We will continue to get acquainted with them in the next lessons. And today we will continue working on the story “The Living Hat.” You read it at home, but now let’s check how carefully you read it.

Fluency in past material. The ability to work independently, in a chain, in pairs and groups using previously studied material and mastered tools.

Checking understanding of the work.


(Pictures are posted on the board: car, hat, potatoes, kitten, skis, hockey stick, sled, ski pole, guys)

– Find those objects and those characters that appeared in the story. Name the extra items

Regulatory: set new learning objectives in collaboration with the teacher:

Checking homework


1. Test based on the story “The Hat Lives” by Nikolai Nosov. (Slide 3)

1) The name of the cat in the story is:

a) Borka; b) Vaska; c) Quiet.

2) The cat fell under:

a) scarf; b) coat; c) hat.

3) To escape, the boys took from the hat:

a) ski pole; b) poker; c) board.

4) What did the boys shoot at the hat with:

a) carrots; b) potatoes; c) cucumbers.

5) Who was under the hat:

a) puppy; b) kitten; little mouse.

Let's check if you completed the task correctly. Swap leaves. (Slide 4)

2. Developmental tasks. Anagram - changing the order of letters and recognizing a word.

Solve anagrams. Not all words from this list were encountered in the story “The Living Hat”. Find the “extra” word. (work in pairs)

natakom (room)

tokarshka (potato)

modco (chest of drawers)

zicorna (basket)

chergako (poker)

watkro (bed)


Working on cards. Peer review

Cognitive UUD

1. Convert information from one form to another: retell small texts in detail.

2. Draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher.

3. Focus on the spread of the textbook.

4. Find answers to questions in the text and illustrations.

Physical education minute


Exercise for the eyes.

Before we start reading, let’s do a warm-up with our eyes.

Raise your eyes “up - down”, “right - left”.

Make circular movements with your eyes.

do lazy eights

Do the exercise.

Learning new material


– Open the textbook on p. 54

– Why do you think the writer called his story the living hat?

-What was the kitten's name?

– What were the names of the boys - the heroes of this story?

What were the guys doing?

- What suddenly happened?

– What weapon did they choose to fight the hat?

– What happened when the guys started throwing potatoes at the hat?

– Who were the guys really afraid of?

– Which proverb is suitable to describe the behavior of boys?

– How many parts can this story be divided into? Remember that each part must contain the main idea. (For four). Let's create a story plan together.

Why do we plan a story?

– What is this part of the story about?

– How can you title this part?

– Did the boys know who was hiding under the hat? (No). What about the readers? (Yes)

- So, he wanted readers to know that fear was in vain, so he began his story with how the kitten got under the hat. This part of the story is very important, it is called the introduction.

What impression do you have about the characters in the story?

Are they brave boys or cowards? (Children give different answers).

– How many characters are there? (Vadik, Vova, author)

– Prepare the reading (After 1-2 minutes of buzzing reading, children read the second part in roles). (Children read to the words “ Jumped off the couch and ran out of the room”.)

– What is this part of the story about? (About how the boys got scared)

- Come up with a title for this part. (Fright)

– Read the third part of the story by person, i.e. dialogue. How many participants in the dialogue? (Two) Look at what words each character in the story says. (After 1-2 minutes of buzzing reading, children read with dialogue) (Children read until the words “...ran into the kitchen.”)

– What is this part of the story about? (About how boys throw potatoes at a hat)

- Come up with a title for this part. (Guys' decision)

– Read the fourth part in sequence.

– What is this part of the story about? (About how a gray tail poked out from under the hat)

- Come up with a title for this part. (The boys revealed the “secret” of the living hat)

What did the boys feel when they learned the “secret” of the hat? (Relief).

1. The kitten is playing.

3. Guys' decision.

4. The boys revealed the “secret” of the living hat.

- Now compare the story plan that we have drawn up with the one given in the textbook, question No. 6 p. 59. Well done, are we?

– Participate in dialogue in accordance with the rules of speech communication.

Together with the teacher they make a plan.

Communicative UUD

1. We develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others.

3. Express your thoughts orally and in writing.

4. Ability to work in pairs and in groups.

Regulatory UUD

1. Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

2. Talk through the sequence of actions in the lesson.

3. Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations.

4. Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Personal results

1. We develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters and express emotions.

2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.

3. We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

Physical education minute

for the eyes

2 min

Perform physical education

Consolidation of the studied material.


– This is a fun, humorous story; together with the author, we laugh at the characters who find themselves in a funny situation.

The action here develops very quickly, events follow one after another. We said in previous lessons that it is very difficult to depict an action in a picture. But look how the artist got out of a difficult situation. To do this, look at the illustrations for the story. (Children look at the illustrations).

– The artist created a series of pictures, each of which corresponds to one moment of the ongoing action, and together they tell the story of what happened.

What is shown in the first picture?

– Which of the guys do you think is Vadik and which is Volodya? Prove your opinion with words from the text.

Explanation of the expression “were shaking with fear” (were afraid).

– How does the artist convey that the boys were “shaking with fear”?

Compare how the boys are sitting in the second picture.

Does the story say what position the characters are sitting in? (No).

And the artist was able to convey in the drawing the mood of the children at that moment. The artist’s task is to “translate” the writer’s language – the word – into his own language, the language of colors. It becomes clearer to us what the author wrote by looking at the illustrations.

Guys, we looked at the pictures and made a plan for the story. Now let’s play a little game “Blitsopoll”. I want to check if you know the content well.

Game “Blitsoporos”.

– Tell me, this is how everything was in N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat” (Children answer questions quickly):

1. Was the kitten Vaska sitting on the floor or on the closet?

2. Did Volodya and Vadik see or not see how the kitten got under the hat?

3. Who wanted to raise his hat: Volodya or Vadik?

4. Did the hat crawl towards Volodya or towards Vadik?

5. Did Vadik hit the hat or Volodya with a potato?

6. Did Vaska snort and squint from the light or tremble with fear?

Well done! And now the next task.

Game “Recover the word”

- All these words came across in the story, restore them by adding vowels. (Slide 9,10)

k m d V l d V d k

sh l p s t l d v n

k x n k m n t k r z n

k t n k k r t sh k N s in

- Let's check how attentive you are to the words you read. The very beginning of the story is written on the board. Some letters are missing. What letters should I insert? (Slide 11)

K...tenk Vaska s...doing on the near the and l...kicked flies. And in fashion, on the very edge... the hat stings...

Check (slide 12)

The ability to answer teacher’s questions based on the text and argue your point of view.

Showing attention to the opinions of comrades, the desire to find and “unravel” the author’s clues in the text.

Working with cards. Self-test

Peer review



What would you praise yourself for?

What did you do best?

Evaluate their work using flashcards

Summing up the lesson


– Which writer’s story did we work with in class today?

– What is this story about?

– Which part of this story do you remember most? Why?



Prepare a retelling according to plan

Lesson 58 Literary reading 02/02/2018

Subject. N. Nosov “Living Hat”

Goals: stimulate the formation of thoughtful reading skills using the example of the work of N.N. Nosov “Living Hat”; instill interest and love of reading through the use of gaming and information and communication technologies; contribute to the formation of the ability to analyze a work of art, improve monologue and dialogic speech; expand the horizons and vocabulary of students, the ability to reason, draw conclusions, and correctly formulate their thoughts; stimulate the development of speech, memory, creative imagination, promote interest in reading, moral qualities of the individual (kindness, courage, determination).

Equipment: N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat”, projector, screen, computer, cards for independent work, portrait of N. Nosov, excerpt from the cartoon “Dunno to Learn”, video “Dunno and His Friends” (for physical training), hats, colored pencils.

Organization of space: front work, individual work, group work.


I .Organizational moment

The bell has already rung.

The lesson begins.

Don't talk in class

Like an overseas parrot.

The book is a faithful friend of children,

Life is more fun with her!

II .Updating background knowledge

1.Checking homework.

2. Speech warm-up.

Read the proverb, highlighting each word with emphasis.

Fear has big eyes.

3.Work with proverbs.

The timid even fears the shadow.

All's well that ends well.

III .Motivation and goal setting

Where will we go -

You will find out soon.

In the famous cartoon we will find

A cheerful assistant.

Watching an excerpt from the cartoon “Dunno Is Learning”

So who turned out to be our cheerful assistant?

What conclusion did Dunno come to? (Every task needs to be learned. Things need to be completed.)

Do you know who invented Dunno and all his friends? This is the writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. But he wrote books not only about fairy-tale people, but also about guys like you.

IV. Learning new material

1. Facts from the biography of N.N. Nosov

Nikolai Nosov was born in 1908 into the family of an actor. After school he studied at the Institute of Cinematography. He fought at the front and was awarded the Order of the Red Star there. Nikolai Nikolaevich himself said that he began writing for children completely by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends. I directed several cartoons.

Interesting fact

Guys, do you know that to create a cartoon that lasts 5 minutes, a cartoonist needs to draw 420 drawings.

Read the title of the story we are going to learn about today. What combination of words arouses interest or seems unusual? Do you believe that there are living hats? Today we will get acquainted with one story that happened to guys like you.

2. Vocabulary work.

There will be words in the text whose meaning needs to be clarified.

Dresser - a low closet with drawers for linen and various small household items.

Poker - an iron rod with a rounded end for mixing firewood and coal in the stove.

Ski pole - sports equipment used by skiers for balance and pushing while skiing.

Shake with fear - be very frightened.

3. Preliminary work with the text before reading.

In the story we will encounter long words. To make it easier for us to read them, let’s read them together (choral reading).


V .Working with text

1. Read the first paragraph to yourself.

What was the cat's name?

Where was Vaska sitting?

Who did Vaska see on the hat?

What was he doing at the beginning of the story?

2. You will read the second paragraph out loud.

What were the names of the boys in this story?

3. Reading of Part III by the teacher.

I read, and you follow me, trying to keep up with my reading pace, you read only with your eyes.

How did I convey the boys’ state of mind while reading?

Why weren't we scared? (They knew Vaska was there).

Physical exercise for the eyes “Dunno and His Friends”

4. Reading part IV (aloud by children).

What weapon did the boys choose to fight the hat?

What happened to the hat?

5. Reading part V.

Read the text silently, counting the number of words.

What feeling did the guys have?

What did Vadik suggest?

6. Reading to yourself, exercise “Intelligence”.

Read the text until the words “The hat will jump to the top.”

What did Volodya suggest?

Who hit the potato in the hat?

7. Reading the text to the end (by the teacher).

Who did the boys see?

What was the mood of the guys?

What do you think the kitten felt throughout the story?

Did you find this story funny or sad?

What feelings did you experience?

Physical education minute

VI. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Game "Blitz Poll".

– Tell me, one way or another, everything happened in N.N. Nosov’s story “The Living Hat” (Children answer questions quickly):

1. Was the kitten Vaska sitting on the floor or on the closet?

3. Who wanted to raise his hat: Volodya or Vadik?

4. Did the hat crawl towards Volodya or towards Vadik?

5. Did Vadik hit the hat or Volodya with a potato?

6. Did Vaska snort and squint from the light or tremble with fear?

2. Solving spelling problems. (on cards)

Well done! And now the next task. To complete it, you need to divide into 2 groups. In our story, a hat suddenly came to life. We will try to revive the words (1st group) and the text (2nd group).

Assignment for the 1st group.

- All these words came across in the story, restore them by adding vowels.

k m d V l d V d k

sh l p s t l d v n

k x n k m n t k r z n

Assignment for group 2.

- Let's check how attentive you are to the words you read. The very beginning of the story is written on the card. Some letters are missing, fill them in.

K...tenk Vaska s...doing on the near the and l...kicked flies. And in fashion, on the very edge... the hat stings...

Checking the work.

3.Testing.(the teacher reads the questions and answers, students choose the correct answer and write it down on pieces of paper)


1. What words express the boys’ condition?

a) The guys are watching and have already guessed.

b) The guys watch with great interest.

c) The guys look at the hat and shake with fear.

2. How did you decide to fight the hat?

a) Vladik and Volodya decided not to leave the room. Volodya sat quietly...

b) Vladik and Volodya wanted to scare. Vladik began knocking.

c) Vladik and Volodya started screaming and calling for help.

3. What objects were in the boys’ hands?

a) Volodya took the poker, and Vladik took the ski pole

b) Vladik took the poker, and Volodya took the ski pole.

c) Vitaly took the poker, and Valera took the ski pole.

4.What is a chest of drawers?

a) The cabinet on which the TV is placed.

b) Cabinet for storing books.

c) Low cabinet with drawers for things.

5. Who was under the hat:

a) Puppy. b) Kitten. c) Mouse.

Test execution check.

VII . Reflection. Lesson summary.

- Guys, each of you has a hat in front of you. If everything was clear to you during the lesson, you worked actively, you felt confident and comfortable, you were interested - then you will paint over the ribbon on your hat in green.

If you made small mistakes, but quickly corrected them, take yellow.

Well, if something remained unclear, difficulties arose in the lesson and you felt insecure and uninterested - red.

– Which writer’s story did we work with in class today?

– What is this story about?

– Which part of this story do you remember most? Why?

– In his stories, as you have already noticed, Nikolai Nikolaevich does not miss an opportunity to tell his readers something interesting and useful. He very simply, easily and with humor tells us about human strengths and weaknesses.

Thank you guys for your work,
They didn't let me down this time either,

With great pleasure, of course,

I'll give you ratings now!

VIII . Homework

Our Dunno is sad for some reason. Apparently because our lesson is ending and we will soon have to say goodbye to our cartoon assistant. You already know that creating a cartoon takes a lot of time, so we will try to create a filmstrip. You will be divided into groups, each group will illustrate a certain point of the plan. To draw frames for a filmstrip, you need to know the text well. And for this you need to re-read it. The cartoon characters cannot talk. Such a filmstrip will be boring and incomprehensible. Therefore, in the next lesson we will voice it, and for this at home you need to practice retelling the text.

    add your own frame to the filmstrip,

    prepare a retelling according to plan.

Think about the story

Without memorizing phrases.

And think about this:

What's being said? About what?

What happened why?

And what did it all lead to?

Tell me again -

And remember the story.