Presentation on the profession of leading economist. Presentation: my profession is an economist

Completed by: 10th grade student Pichkalev Vasily Chernovskoy Secondary School named after. A. S. Pushkina

An economist is a specialist in the field of economics who develops a budgeting system in a company, monitors budget execution and maintains periodic and management reporting.

  • Definition

  • Demand for the profession

In fact, there is no area where the position of an economist would be unnecessary or unpromising. Starting from planning the economic direction of some small department of an enterprise or just a private enterprise and ending with large-scale economic planning of the country's activities. Knowledge gained during training economic profession and work experience can be transferred to opening a successful private business.

  • How to become an economist?

Almost everything an economist needs to know is taught in the economics departments of many universities in the country. It is not difficult to become a student at an economics university; it is more difficult to find a well-paid job later, since the increased demand for such specialists, observed several years ago, led to their oversupply in the labor market. Those who have recently mastered the specialty of economics are recommended not only to gain practical skills, but also to follow modern specialized literature, as well as attend various specialized training seminars.

  • Economist-financier - deals with all financial operations of the company;
  • Accountant-economist - analyzes financial and economic activities, and also maintains accounting and accounting cash and inventory items in the enterprise;
  • Economist-analyst - collects and analyzes economic information important for the company;
  • Labor economist - performs all work related to wages at the enterprise.
  • Categories

  • Robot places

  • A universal profession, a competent person will be able to realize himself without any problems;
  • Professional knowledge and skills will help in starting your own business.
  • Advantages

  • Practice shows that working with numbers is routine and boring;
  • High competition in the labor market is especially noticeable for inexperienced university graduates.
  • Flaws

  • Responsibilities of an economist
  • Financial analysis of the enterprise's activities.
  • Economic planning economic activity.
  • Accounting for accounts payable and receivable.
  • Calculation and control of the cost of goods.
  • Accounting for inventory items and warehouse balances.
  • Work with contracts and primary documentation.
  • Preparation of management reporting.
  • Interaction with external and internal auditors.
  • The functions of an economist, depending on the profile of his work and the specifics of the company’s activities, may differ from those given above.

  • Higher economic education.
  • Knowledge financial analysis and accounting.
  • Experience working with contracts and primary documentation.
  • PC knowledge (basic programs and 1C).
  • Requirements

  • Ability to analyze large amounts of information;
  • High concentration;
  • Good memory;
  • Organizational skills;
  • Communication skills;
  • Patience.
  • Personal qualities

  • Viral carriage (for example, tuberculosis)
  • Dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, rheumatism, severe flat feet)
  • Joint diseases (for example, polyarthritis)
  • Severe speech, vision, hearing defects
  • Neuropsychiatric diseases
  • Contraindications

Wages economist's salary ranges from 25 to 70 thousand rubles per month. The salary largely depends on the amount of work and the list of functions performed by the specialist. Assistant economist, a position often found on large enterprises, usually receives a salary approximately half that of the chief specialist. The average salary of an economist is 45 thousand rubles per month.


An economist is a specialist in the field of economics, an expert on economic issues.
Economists are called both scientists (that is, specialists in the field of economic science) and practitioners who work in the field of research, planning and management of economic activities.
An economist is also a person who writes articles and other materials on economic policy.
In organizations, economists take part in the development of a budgeting system, monitor budget execution, as well as prepare and generate periodic and management reporting. Job responsibilities Representatives of this profession are involved in research, planning and economic support of the financial and economic activities of the company and economic policy.

Economy is the economic activity of society, as well as the set of relations that develop in the system of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.
The word “economics” appears for the first time in scientific work in the 4th century. BC e. by Xenophon, who calls it “natural science.” Aristotle contrasted economics with chrematistics - a branch of human activity related to profit-making. In modern philosophy, economics is viewed as a system of social relations, considered from the perspective of the concept of value. Main function economics is to constantly create such benefits that are necessary for people’s livelihoods and without which society cannot develop. Economics helps meet human needs in a world of limited resources.
The economy of society is a complex and all-encompassing organism that ensures the livelihoods of every person and society.

DESCRIPTION OF TYPES OF WORK: Today, more than ever, firms and companies need the help of a qualified economist, since it is he who specifically deals with macroeconomics, the main factors and trends in the development of the global market, without orientation in which it is impossible to engage in a specific business.
These factors include:
Economic systems and development trends;
Selected sectors of the economy
Productive Factors
Market forms
Growth of national product
Price fixing
International trade
Government funding
Money, banking and insurance systems
Capital and dividends
Income, losses
Cost of living
Labor market
Social system.

Economists daily analyze global changes in stock exchanges and the financial market as a whole. They predict development trends. The essence of an economist's work: a global vision and making specific private decisions. He daily analyzes newspapers, periodicals, radio and television news, information from individual services prepared for companies, banks, national bank statistics, etc.
Economists prepare reports, statistical reviews, graphs, diagrams... Most of the publications in the press on business topics are also prepared by economists.

Personal requirements: accuracy, common sense, hard work, frugality, creativity, flexibility, patience, rejection of corruption.
General professional skills and abilities: self-motivation, qualities of a researcher, ability to persuade, ability to control, presence of professional flair, organizational abilities, excellent knowledge of macroeconomics, proficiency foreign languages, possession technical means, ability to work with numbers, numbers, statistics, graphs, experience in preparing reports and publications. Ability to pose and solve problems, ability to save money for the organization, client, skills business communication and cooperation, willingness to work in extreme situations, experience in productive work, mastery of management techniques.

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Presentation on the topic: My future profession. Economist

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Description of the profession: An economist is a specialist in the field of financial planning, research and management of financial and economic activities. An economist takes part in the organization’s budget planning system and monitors its expenditure, conducts audits, and often does accounting himself.

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Types of activities: collecting, processing, organizing information about economic phenomena and processes (to achieve highest results enterprises and organizations); analysis of progress and results economic activity and assessing its success; improving the process of economic activity; planning the activities of the enterprise; determining the system of remuneration and incentives for all categories of employees of the enterprise; analyzing the reasons for overspending of the wage fund; work related to calculations and processing of large volumes of information expressed in numbers; compilation economic justification, certificates, periodic reports, annotations and reviews

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Places of work: banks; government agencies dealing with economic issues; departments of financial planning and distribution of funds; financial and economic departments; financial organizations (tax inspectorates, pension funds, insurance agencies); consulting companies;research institutesProfessional skills:professional knowledge in the field of macro- and microeconomics, statistics, financial planning and budgeting;proficiency in specialized computer programs for automating the activities of organizations (1C: Enterprise, etc.)knowledge of tax and labor legislation

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Specifics of working as an economist: Advantages of the profession: Economists have been and remain the most sought-after specialists in the labor market. High wages. From $400 to $1,500 and above. Disadvantages of the profession: One of the main employer requirements for candidates is experience in similar positions. It will take more than one year before you become a highly qualified specialist capable of making accurate forecasts and effective recommendations. Jobs for an economist: Graduates find application of your knowledge in production, in business, in the financial sector, and in science. But according to statistics, about 50% prefer banks or consulting companies. Personal qualities: - Ability to analyze a large amount of information, - Good memory, - High concentration, - Patience, - Communication skills, - Organizational skills. Salary and prospects for the profession of an economist: You can start from the position of an ordinary economist, in the long term - become a manager of an enterprise who is responsible for the development of the company, its competitiveness, controls and coordinates the activities of all structural divisions. On average, a beginning economist can count on $700-800. Much depends on the specifics of the industry: in construction industry, food, in banks, salaries can be higher - from $ 1000. With experience, income will increase. In Moscow, the average salary of a specialist who has worked in a certain field for about two years is $1,500-1,800.

Presentation of the profession Economist

Economy(from Greek eikos - house and nomos - law

  • Economy(from Greek eikos - house and nomos - law, literally - rules of housekeeping) - economic activity (production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods).

  • The profession of economist is one of the most popular nowadays.

  • What positions can be classified as an economist? Many people understand by this term not only the profession of economist, but also many other professions (financier, accountant, market specialist, merchant, manager, etc.), but these are all different specialties. Financier, accountant, marketer, etc. become the main people in organizations, companies, and production. Not only the success of the organization depends on them, but often the possibility of its further existence. Therefore, the excitement that exists in relation to these specialists is not surprising. As a result, the specialty began to be in great demand among young people.



  • Today, more than ever, firms and companies need the help of a qualified economist, since it is he who specifically deals with macroeconomics, the main factors and trends in the development of the global market, without orientation in which it is impossible to engage in a specific business.

  • These factors include:

  • Economic systems and development trends

  • Selected sectors of the economy

  • Productive Factors

  • Market forms

  • Growth of national product

  • Price fixing

  • International trade

  • Government funding

  • Money, banking and insurance systems

  • Capital and dividends

  • Income, losses

  • Cost of living

  • Labor market

  • Social system

    Economists daily analyze global changes in stock exchanges and the financial market as a whole. They predict development trends. The essence of an economist's work: a global vision and making specific private decisions. He daily analyzes newspapers, periodicals, radio and television news, information from individual services prepared for companies, banks, national bank statistics, etc.


  • Personal qualities: accuracy, common sense, hard work, frugality, creativity, flexibility, patience, rejection of corruption.

Types of activities:
counting expenses and income;
development of an action plan aimed at stabilizing and improving the company’s economic activity;
complex economic analysis economic activity
Medical contraindications:
The work of an economist is not recommended for people with diseases:
chronic infectious.
List of used literature

- a specialist who analyzes financial and economic activities in order to improve them.

Professional skills:
knowledge of basic economic laws and principles, methods and means of planning;
knowledge of the market segment;
competent accounting and document management;
knowledge of specialized computer programs
The main tasks of the profession:
collection, processing, assessment of primary economic information;
analysis of accounting and reporting information for the purpose of making business decisions and obtaining an assessment of the efficiency of functioning of enterprise facilities;
forecasting economic phenomena and processes;
participation in planning the economic activities of the enterprise;
development of a rational system for organizing accounting and reporting based on the choice of effective accounting policies;
organizing work to account for the presence and movement of assets, liabilities and capital, determining the results of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise;
practical application principles and rules for auditing basic business operations.

Thank you for your attention!!!
"B" class
Frolova Tatyana.
– this is a profession, a lifestyle, and a state of mind.
Today, being an economist is prestigious and profitable. This profession has been one of the most popular in recent years and, it seems, is not going to lose its position in the near future.
Professional qualities:
good factual memory;
analytical mind;
ability to work with large volumes of information;
Places of work:
consulting companies;
accounting, financial planning and fund distribution departments; financial and economic departments;
the field of financial forecasting.

Directions existing in economics
Finance and accounting;
Applied computer science in economics;
Tax and duties specialist;
Economic universities of Novosibirsk
1. Novosibirsk state university Economics and Management - NINH
2. Novosibirsk State Technical University
3. Novosibirsk State University
4. Siberian University consumer cooperation
5. Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking
6. Siberian Independent Institute
7. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University
8. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
9. Novosibirsk Humanitarian Institute
10. Siberian Academy of Public Administration
11. Siberian State Transport University
12. Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics
13. Novosibirsk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy
14. Novosibirsk Institute of Economics and Management
15. Novosibirsk branch of the Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship
16. Novosibirsk branch of the Russian State Trade and Economic University
17. Branch of the St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law in Novosibirsk
18. Novosibirsk branch of the St. Petersburg Academy of Management and Economics
19. Branch of the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law in Novosibirsk
branch of Novosibirsk State Technical University
21. New Siberian Institute
Areas of application of professional knowledge:
government agencies dealing with economic issues
industrial and agricultural enterprises;
educational institutions
hotel and restaurant business;
organizations and enterprises of small, medium and large businesses;
financial institutions
research institutes, Academy of Sciences.
History of the economist profession
The profession of economist arose hundreds of years ago, when the basic economic concepts of “commodity”, “exchange”, “money” began to exist. Over the past centuries, the functions of this specialist have noticeably changed and expanded. Today, an economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then evaluates how successful it is and ultimately prepares proposals to management for improving production and labor technology.
Economist salary
On average, a beginning economist can count on $700-800. Much depends on the specifics of the industry: in the construction industry, food industry, and in banks, salaries can be higher – from $1000. With experience, income will increase. In Moscow, the average salary of a specialist who has worked in a certain field for about two years is $1,500-1,800.