Presentation for the open event “Live healthy or the main commandments of a healthy lifestyle” presentation for a lesson (7th grade) on the topic. Presentation for the open event "Live healthy or the main commandments of a healthy lifestyle" presentation for the lesson (grade 7

Life is great! One of the laws of life says that as soon as one door closes, another opens. But the trouble is that we look at the locked door and do not pay attention to the opened one. André Gide - (1869-1951) - French prose writer and playwright, author of the famous “Diaries” and literary critic

Wise thoughts about life The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live in accordance with the internal law that you recognize Aurelius Marcus Antoninus - (121-180) - Roman emperor, philosopher We find in life only that that we ourselves put into it Emerson Ralph Waldo - (1803-1882) - American philosopher For a person, life is dearer than anything, because all our joys, all our happiness, all our hopes are connected with it Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich - (1828-1889) - Russian writer, publicist, literary critic Life is given to a person once. And we need to live it in such a way that N.A. does not experience excruciating pain for the aimlessly lived years. Ostrovsky - (1904-1936) - Soviet writer

We invite high school students to try to answer this question themselves and help others answer it by working in the project: “Living is Great!” We invite high school students to try to answer this question themselves and help others answer it by working in the project: “Living is Great!”

While working on the project, we will try to answer the following questions... What is life? What difficulties do you encounter on your life's journey? What challenges does modern society face? How to solve them effectively? What qualities should you have? modern man?

You are the master designer of your life, whether you realize it or not You are the master designer of your life, whether you understand it or not Anthony Robbins - (b. 1960) - American author, entrepreneur, and self-development entrepreneur, professional speaker

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Presentation for the lesson

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  • Introduce the concept of “healthy lifestyle”.
  • Develop the ability to work in groups.
  • Cultivating a respectful attitude towards your health.

Event stages:

  1. Organizational moment, problem statement.
  2. Definition of the concept "healthy lifestyle".
  3. Proper nutrition.
  4. Full sleep.
  5. Active activity and good rest.
  6. "No!" bad habits:
    • Alcohol
    • Drugs
    • Long work on the computer
    • Smoking

    7. Summing up.

Required materials: multimedia projector, screen; developed presentation on the topic: “Live healthy! Or the main commandments of a healthy lifestyle”; handouts for spectators, a large basket of vegetables and fruits; a bottle of Pepsi-Cola, chips and crackers, a pack of cigarettes.

The scenario is written according to the roles between the students of the class that is preparing this event. The audience are students in the teenage age category, for whom the most pressing question is about a healthy lifestyle, or more precisely, the question about the emergence of bad habits at this age.

1. Organizational moment, problem statement.

Introduction (slide 1)

Many people ask themselves the question: “How to live without growing old?” And they answer themselves: “It doesn’t happen.” Every person is sick in some way. But why does one end up in the hospital twice in his entire life, and the other almost every month? It has long been established that health should be monitored from childhood.

Children are the main thing the country, and indeed the whole world, has. After all, you live in the future and create. But only a healthy and happy person can create. This is what our conversation today is about - about a “healthy lifestyle”.

2. Definition of the concept of “healthy lifestyle”.

Valeology is the science of a healthy lifestyle (slide 2). What affects health?

  • lifestyle - 50%;
  • environment - 20%;
  • medical care -10%;
  • heredity - 20%.

50% suggests that a lot depends on ourselves.

So what is a healthy lifestyle? Let's highlight the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle: (slide 3)

1. Proper nutrition;

2. Good sleep;

3. Active activity and active recreation;

4. "No!" - bad habits.

Let's look at each point separately.

3. Proper nutrition (slides 4-8).

Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Let's talk a little about what are we drinking?

It is important to know that carbonated drinks can actually cause harm.

  • So, for example, a small bottle of Cola contains 8 pieces of sugar, and this contributes to the development of diabetes.
  • Soda contains phosphoric acid, which eats away tooth enamel and promotes tooth decay.
  • Coca-Cola successfully replaces household chemicals. For example, in 1 hour, it can be used to remove rust in a toilet bowl, corrosion on a car; in 4 days it can dissolve your nails.

Still want a bottle of Coke?

Now let's talk about what do we eat?

The problem with our school is that there are always bags of chips and crackers lying around. Different flavors of chips and crackers are obtained through the use of various flavors and artificial chemical additives. They sell chips and crackers with added cheese, bacon, mushrooms, and caviar. But needless to say, there is actually no caviar there. The familiar letters “E” indicated on the packaging will help you verify this.

There are known codes of food additives that are dangerous to the human body. (slide 6). At the end of the holiday, we will distribute pieces of paper with codes to each viewer so that you can control what products you buy and eat. So do you still want chips and crackers?

From what the guys said, we can conclude that poor nutrition can lead to: obesity, tooth decay, high blood pressure, heart disease.

Food should be varied. It should contain: vitamins, fiber, minerals, calcium, iodine.

Let's try to compose "health basket" (slide 8):

Lettuce, dill, parsley - rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C and B.

Garlic - has a strong bactericidal property, contains up to 20 g of ascorbic acid.

Potatoes are called II bread. Necessary for the prevention of anemia and gastritis.

Cabbage - they call it III bread, because it has high nutritional value. This vegetable removes cholesterol from the body.

Carrots - in terms of carotene or vitamin A content, they are second only to sweet peppers. Very good for vision.

Beetroot - improves intestinal function, lowers blood pressure.

Eggplant - this vegetable is low in calories. Removes cholesterol from the body and lowers blood sugar levels.

Pumpkin is a dietary vegetable that contains a lot of vitamin C, carotene, iron, fiber and pectin.

Apples, pears - these fruits are a storehouse of vitamins. They improve metabolism and, in addition, are also very tasty.

4. Get a good night's sleep.

Adequate sleep has a very beneficial effect on the human body and its health. There is a lot of controversy around how much sleep a person needs? Previously, it was stated that a child needs to sleep 10-12 hours, a teenager - 9-10 hours, an adult - 8 hours. Now many people come to the conclusion that this is all individual: some need more, some need less. But the main thing is that a person should not feel tired after sleep and be alert all day.

Let's remember the proverbs about health and sleep. I start the proverb and you finish it (slide 10).

5. Active activity and good rest.

Statistics (slide 11). Why do you think some guys can do any physical work for a long time, while others get tired quickly?

Long-term training develops and strengthens muscles, but not everyone has the opportunity to participate in sports clubs, and everyone wants to be strong, resilient, and have beautiful posture. This can be achieved by engaging in any type of physical activity.

A simple example: a hare raised in a cage will die the first time it runs fast. This can happen to a person if an untrained person participates in a running competition.

Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle, which is dangerous because it leads to weakening of the muscular system and heart disease.

Types of physical activity include (slide 12): physical education, sports, outdoor games, morning exercises, tourism and walking, physical labor.

Stadium, swimming pools, courts,
The hall, the skating rink - you are welcome everywhere.
Reward for efforts
There will be cups and records,
Your muscles will become hard.
Just remember: athletes
Every day is yours without fail
They start with physical exercises.
Don't play hide-and-seek with sleepyheads,
Quickly throw off the blanket
We got up and there was no sleep.

Let's summarize. The first step to health is morning exercises. The second step is physical education and sports. The third step is work in the fresh air and outdoor games.

6. "No!" bad habits (slide 13):

Long-term work on the computer (slides 14-15):

We list the main harmful factors affecting humans (slide14).

While working, do short physical exercises and eye exercises (slide 15). Work properly on your computer and be healthy!

Alcohol (slides 16-19):

Alcohol is a substance harmful to health that is found in beer, wine, champagne and vodka.

Drunkenness also occurs among teenagers. Why are our peers drawn to alcohol? (slide 17)? From melancholy? No, most often because of the desire to look older, to keep up with the company. An English poet sarcastically lists reasons for drinking Robert Berne. His words remain relevant today.

There are the following reasons for drunkenness:

Funeral, holiday, meeting, farewell,
Christenings, weddings and divorce,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
Recovery, housewarming,
Success, reward, new rank
And just drunkenness for no reason.

The consequences of alcohol abuse are worse the younger the drunkard. (slide 18).

Think about it. And if you agree with us, break the first glass!!! And then there will never be a second one! (slide 19)

Drug addiction (slides 20-23):

"Drug" means soporific. A synonym for this term is the concept of "dependency" (slide 21). The drug addict's body is poisoned and depleted. The most common diseases among drug addicts are hepatitis and AIDS.

Growing up is not an easy process (slide 22). But if you try to escape your problems with drugs, you will not become a mature person with a developed sense of responsibility. Learn to face problems with courage! And if you feel that you cannot cope with them alone, do not resort to the help of chemicals. Talk to your parents or other adults who can help you find a solution. Never let others shake your determination and independence! Never indulge in drugs! You will pay for this for the rest of your life!

Smoking (slides 24-34):

Tobacco is harmful to health. This was known in ancient times. They saw that smokers were tormented by a strong cough, they knew that it was difficult to breathe in a smoky room, that tobacco interfered with mental work. Experiments have shown that animals die under the influence of nicotine. The phrase “a drop of nicotine kills a horse” was born. To be precise, a drop of pure nicotine can kill not one, but three horses.

Schoolchildren name the main reasons for smoking: (slide 25).

There is such a joke. A cigarette seller praises his product at a fair: “Buy cigarettes, wonderful cigarettes. My cigarettes are not simple, with a secret. My cigarettes won’t make you an old man, a dog won’t bite you, a thief won’t break into your house.”

One guy bought cigarettes and started asking the seller: Why won’t I be an old man? Because you won't live to old age. Why doesn't the dog bite? So you will walk with a stick. Why doesn't a thief break into the house? Because you'll be coughing all night.

Let's take the following facts as an example: (slides 26-27). Check out these pictures! (Slides 28 and 29). They speak for themselves!

Let's play the game "What's encrypted here?" (slide 30). We invite you to guess the words denoting the consequences of smoking. We also propose to solve the problem (slide 31).

Balance the arguments in favor of smoking (or rather, myths) and the arguments against smoking (slide 32). Decide whether you need a cigarette? (slides 33-34)

7. Summing up.

Teacher: now let's summarize. Let's remember the rules again healthy life. Remember, health is the most valuable thing a person has. Take care of him! Remember - you live and create in the 21st century, the future of our planet depends on you. In this world full of dangers, everyone must take care of their health. You should not only avoid things that harm your body, but also be able to take care of yourself. You must eat right, maintain personal hygiene, exercise and exercise, and get enough sleep to lead an active lifestyle.

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Slide captions:

Life is great! or the main commandments of a healthy lifestyle

What affects health? lifestyle – 50% environment – ​​20%; medical care – 10%; heredity – 20%. 50% indicates that a lot depends on ourselves. Valueology is the science of a healthy lifestyle.

Proper nutrition

Drink green tea.

Codes of food additives that are dangerous for the human body Prohibited - E103, E105, E111, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E152 Dangerous - E102, E110, E120, E124, E127 Suspicious - E104, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E180, E241, E477 Casserifting-E131, E210-217, E240, E330 causing intestinal disorder-E221-226 harmful to the skin-E230-232, E239 causing pressure violations-E250, E251 provoking the emergence of rashes-E311, E312, E312 Raising cholesterol - E320, E321 Causing stomach upset - E338-341, E407, E450, E461-466

Proper nutrition

Rules for a healthy diet Food should be varied (plant and animal) Maintain a normal weight Eat low-fat foods, be sure to use vegetable oil Eat more fruits and vegetables Eat less sugar and salt Follow your diet: (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

Get adequate sleep Lack of sleep affects life expectancy; leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.

A person is born to create, to dare - and nothing else, to leave a good mark in life and to solve all difficult problems. A person is born for what? Look for your answer.

Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking “NO!” - bad habits

alcohol - “NO!”

Consequences: suffer internal organs: the liver, kidneys, heart and brain of a person are destroyed, the person loses his will, the meaning of life becomes idleness and the use of alcoholic drinks affects the psyche: oppression, aggression, depression appear, character suffers, the personality gradually degrades, the person loses friends, quits study or work

drugs - “NO!”

Drugs = “addiction” For physical dependence to occur, 3-7 days of taking any drug is enough. After 20 days of use, addiction occurs in 100% of cases. After the onset of addiction, a person develops depression, panic attacks, psychosis, severe memory loss…… brain damage syndrome. Drugs = hepatitis and AIDS