Presentation "Adaptive physical culture" - project, report. Presentation: Adaptive physical culture in Russia General methodological principles of physical culture

Adaptive physical culture and sports: the need of society and the state, development strategy of Kostroma. Round table “Adaptive sport as a way of socialization of persons with disabilities Speaker: Vice President of the Russian Paralympic Committee A.V. Tsarik 1

Less than three decades ago, the participation of disabled people in sports was perceived by a significant part of our society as something incomprehensible, often as nonsense. Today it is generally accepted that AFC is a real and effective means of rehabilitation, social adaptation and integration of disabled people into life 2

IN modern world, including in Russia, the number of disabled people is approximately 10% of the population. There are from 10 to 13 million disabled people in Russia. Number of persons recognized as disabled for the first time in Russia Years First recognized as disabled (thousand people)

In recent years, the attitude towards people with disabilities on the part of the state and society has a clear tendency to improve. In the international sports arena, we have reached the forefront of both the Paralympic and Deaflympic Games - thanks to advanced and progressive regions and, above all, adaptive sports enthusiasts in them, people who are not indifferent, with a kind heart. But, unfortunately, the matter did not go deeper. 5

The gap between sporting achievements at the international level and the mass participation of sports for people with disabilities, as well as between the rate of its growth and the requirements of the 2020 Strategy for the development of mass participation in sports for people with disabilities, is deepening. Years Number of participants in sections and groups physical culture and sports (all disabled people) 211.3 thousand people 221.0 thousand people 267.1 thousand people The number of disabled people involved in physical education and sports over the past 4 years, although it increased by 56 thousand people and reached 267 thousand, but the growth rate averaged only 14 thousand people per year. 6

7 The situation with participation of disabled children in sports is especially unfavorable. Of every 100 sports schools in the country, 93 have neither departments nor groups for children with disabilities. For every 230 children involved in sports in sports schools, there is only one disabled athlete (according to the ratio of the number of disabled children to the number of all children in the country, there should be at least 20 times more of them).

Number of disabled people involved in physical culture and sports in educational institutions (as of January 1, 2011 - Form 3-FK) Institutions working with disabled people Number of institutions, enterprises, organizations (total units) Number of people involved Total including: Sports for the blind Sports for the deaf Sports for people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system Special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with developmental disabilities Primary, secondary and higher institutions vocational education

The number of disabled people involved in physical culture and sports in institutions additional education children, Olympic reserve schools, physical education and health clubs for the disabled and sports training centers Institutions working with disabled people Number of institutions, enterprises, organizations Number of disabled people involved in physical culture and sports Total including: Sports for the blind Sports for the deaf Sports for people with disabilities m ODA from them: -Youth Sports School SDYUSSHOR DYUSASH SDYUSASH DOOC Olympic Reserve Schools Physical Education and Health Clubs for the Disabled Sports Training Centers

The number of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders involved in Paralympic sports (according to statistical reporting as of January 1, 2011, Form 3-FC) Paralympic sports Mass sports High performance sports Rowing 4116 Wheelchair basketball 25931 Boccia 4664 Sitting volleyball Alpine skiing 6526 Equestrian sport Athletics Skiing racing13240 Table tennis Sailing75 - Powerlifting Swimming Bullet shooting Wheelchair curling6730 Sledge hockey9852 Wheelchair tennis19331 Football for persons with cerebral palsy Archery22047 Wheelchair dancing19039 Tennis992 Fencing

The number of visually impaired people involved in Paralympic sports (according to statistical reporting as of January 1, 2011, Form 3-FC) Paralympic sports (sports disciplines) Sports for the blind Mass sports High performance sports Cycling - tandem17 - Goalball Alpine skiing 5620 Judo Athletics Cross-country skiing Swimming Football 5x5 (B1)

Some problems that have led to the current situation 1. Low accessibility of disabled people to sports facilities Today, out of 248 thousand sports facilities in the country, only 31 thousand are more or less adapted for activities by disabled people. This means that 80% of the total number of sports facilities remain, even according to statistics, inaccessible to our citizens with one or another disability. There is a direct violation Federal Law"ABOUT social protection disabled people in Russian Federation", which was adopted more than 15 years ago. 12

2. Insufficient motivation of disabled people themselves to play sports and the role of the media Low motivation of disabled people themselves to engage in physical education and sports is directly related to insufficient lighting Paralympic and Deaflympic movements in the media, especially on television. The silencing and semi-silencing of adaptive sports in the media continues to grossly hamper its development. At the same time, today more than 40 million Russians follow the successes and failures of our Paralympians and Deaflympics. 13

3. The attitude towards the mass character of adaptive physical culture and sports, as well as towards the preparation of reserves for national teams of Russia and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the “residual principle” dominates in a number of regions of the country. If today we do not radically reconsider this attitude, then we will not only fail to fulfill the tasks, set in the 2020 Strategy, but after just one Paralympic cycle we may lose our leading position at the Paralympic Games. 14

1. We must convince the media, primarily television companies, and, at the same time, demand from their leaders to change their attitude towards covering sports for people with disabilities, as is the case in other civilized countries. This cannot be done without the help of the authorities. 2. The development plans of municipalities must provide for the creation of at least one children's and youth sports adaptive school or at least a sports department for the disabled in existing sports schools. In all special educational institutions for children with disabilities, must work sports groups and sections for disabled children Proposals (recommendations) 3. All sports facilities should be accessible to disabled people. This eliminates the need to create a local sports base just for them. 15

Modern world theory and practice of social adaptation of disabled people and Paralympism does not accept the isolation of disabled people from the rest of the population (in Western Europe in this case the word “reservations” is used). Because this contradicts both the very goals of social adaptation of disabled people and the goals of inclusive education. 16



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Adaptive physical education is a new direction in the rehabilitation system for persons with disabilities. The work was performed by a physical education teacher at MAOU Secondary School No. 27, Balakovo, Saratov Region, Andrey Yuryevich Myasnikov, 2016.

The concept of “HIV” HIA is limited health capabilities. Persons with disabilities are people with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development, that is, deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, and others.

Adaptive physical culture is part of general culture, a subsystem of physical culture, one of the areas social activities, aimed at meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in physical activity, restoration, strengthening and maintaining health, personal development, self-realization of physical and spiritual strength in order to improve the quality of life, socialization and integration in society.

AFC as a means of comprehensive rehabilitation Adaptive physical culture (APC) is a type of physical culture for a person with health problems (disabled person) and society. These are activities and results to create a person’s readiness for life; optimization of its condition and development; process and result of human activity

Adaptive - this name emphasizes the purpose of physical education for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity. For the first time at the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after. P. F. Lesgaft opened the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture

Relevance of the work For disabled children with mental retardation due to irreversible damage to the central nervous system, physical and mental development proceeds on a defective basis, while the bone, muscle, endocrine, sensory systems, higher mental functions are underdeveloped: speech, thinking, attention, memory, emotions and personality in general.

Purpose: to consider adaptive physical culture as a new direction in the rehabilitation system for persons with disabilities.

In a person with disabilities in physical or mental health, adaptive physical education forms: a conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person; the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life; the ability to overcome the physical stress necessary for full functioning in society; the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead healthy image life; awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to society; desire to improve your personal qualities; desire to improve mental and physical performance. AFK objectives:

is to promote the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in students in adaptive physical education. Thus, during classes, it is necessary to inform students about the importance of systematically performing physical exercises in a person’s life (health-improving and applied), what types of exercises there are, about the technique of performing them, about standards, about the hygienic features of performing some of them, and much more. . The main functions of an adaptive physical education teacher are that, along with the cognitive abilities of those involved in one form or another, it is necessary to develop intellectual abilities that contribute to the speed and accuracy of orientation in the information received, associated with the organization of: physical education lessons; physical education minutes (physical education breaks) and seminars on their conduct with teachers primary school and subject teachers; outdoor games during dynamic changes; sports hours in after-school groups; school sports and physical education festivals; walks and hiking trips are aimed at educating personal qualities students These are feelings of collectivism, hard work, courage, determination, responsibility, discipline, etc. Their upbringing is facilitated by the very content of classes in AFC and the pedagogical skill of the AFC teacher: mastery of methods of persuasion, the ability to use the educational power of personal example, as well as use the method of practical training, which ensures the development of specific behavioral skills, positive habits in communicating with others Educational Developmental Organizational Educational

Basic pedagogical principles of working with children with developmental disorders Unity of diagnosis and correction. The principle of differentiation (unification of children in relatively homogeneous groups) and individualization (taking into account the characteristics inherent in one person) The principle of taking into account age-related characteristics The principle of the adequacy of pedagogical influences (solving correctional, developmental, therapeutic and rehabilitation problems, the selection of means, methods, methodological techniques) The principle of the optimality of pedagogical influences (reasonably balanced amount of psychophysical load) The principle variability (an endless variety of not only physical exercises, but also the conditions for their implementation, ways of regulating the emotional state) The principle of the priority role of the microsociety is the unity of correctional work with the child and his environment, primarily with parents

MEDICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL OVER THE ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES FOR STUDENTS WITH HEALTH DISABILITIES Methodological recommendations Methodological recommendations are recommended by the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on improving the physical education system in educational institutions of the Russian Federation for use in educational process general educational institutions (2012) For physical education, students are divided into 4 medical groups. The main medical group for physical education includes students without deviations or with minor deviations in health. The preparatory medical group for physical education includes students: with minor deviations in health. state of health, often ill, after illnesses and injuries. The special medical group “A” (health-improving) and group “B” (rehabilitation) for physical education include students with severe deviations in health.

PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL OVER THE ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES FOR STUDENTS WITH HEALTH DISABILITIES Physical education classes for students of the main medical group are conducted in accordance with training programs physical education in full; It is allowed to attend sports sections, clubs, participate in competitions, prepare and pass PT standards according to age, and pass the practical part of the exam in the subject “Physical Education”. Physical education classes for students in the preparatory medical group are conducted in accordance with the physical education curricula, subject to a more gradual development of a set of motor skills and abilities, especially those related to the imposition of increased demands on the body. In the absence of contraindications, with the permission of a doctor, training and passing PT standards according to age, visiting sports sections with a significant reduction in the intensity and volume of physical activity can be carried out. Physical education classes for students of special medical group “A” are conducted in accordance with the physical education programs for students with health problems. Physical education classes for students of special medical group “B” are held in medical institution(children's clinic, medical and physical education clinic, etc.).

Features of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities The assessment of physical development is based on: parameters of height, body weight, proportions of development of individual parts of the body, as well as the degree of development of the functional abilities of the body (vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength of the hands; muscle development and muscle tone, condition posture, musculoskeletal system, development of the subcutaneous fat layer), which depend on the differentiation and maturity of the cellular elements of organs and tissues, the functional abilities of the nervous system and the endocrine apparatus.

General principles and rules of correctional work: Individual approach to each student. Preventing the onset of fatigue using a variety of means. The use of methods that activate the cognitive activity of students, develop their oral and written speech and form the necessary learning skills. Demonstration of pedagogical tact. Constant encouragement for the slightest success, timely and tactical assistance to each child, developing in him faith in his own strengths and capabilities.

Corrective and developmental orientation in the AFC: correction of basic movements in walking, running, swimming, throwing, jumping, skiing, exercises with objects, etc.; correction and development of physical fitness; correction and development of coordination abilities; correction and prevention of somatic disorders; prevention, correction and development of mental and sensory-perceptual abilities; development of cognitive activity; formation of the child's personality.

Methods and forms of conducting physical activity; method of forming classes; method of teaching motor activity; method of developing physical abilities; method of personality education; method of organizing interaction between teacher and student; a method for regulating the mental state of children.

Rehabilitation and pedagogical methods include: compensation - a method of forming substitutes, correction - a method of eliminating violations, reinforcement - a method of maintaining the achieved level.

The main functions of an adaptive physical education teacher: it is necessary to develop intellectual abilities that contribute to the speed and accuracy of orientation in the information received; associated with the organization of AFC lessons; is aimed at nurturing the personal qualities of students.

Conclusion Along with special exercises, a general motor regimen is necessary. In all classes, children develop a sense of posture and direction of movement, the position of body parts. When practicing, you need to make good use of sound and speech accompaniments. Important have words and phrases that normalize the child’s psychological activity, improve understanding of speech, and enrich his vocabulary. It is important to remember that a child with mental retardation usually has little idea of ​​the diagram of his body and the scheme of holistic movement, so you need to fix his attention on that part of the body that is currently at work, in motion.

International Sports Information Library

LIST OF SOURCES USED 1. Begidova T.P. Fundamentals of adaptive physical culture: Tutorial. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2007. 2. Medical and social foundations of independent life for disabled people: Textbook / V.S. Tkachenko. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2010. 3. Fundamentals of adaptive physical culture: Textbook. Benefit. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2007. 4. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: Textbook. In 2 volumes. T.1. Introduction to the specialty. History and general characteristics adaptive physical culture / Under general ed.. prof. S.P. Evseeva. - M.: Soviet sport, 2003. 5. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: textbook. In 2v. T.2: Contents and methods of adaptive physical culture and characteristics of its main types / Under the general editorship. prof. S.P. Evseeva. - M.: Soviet sport, 2005.


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Adaptive physical culture (abbr. AFK) is a set of sports and recreational measures aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to the normal social environment of people with disabilities, overcoming psychological barriers that impede the feeling of a full life. Ovtsinova Elena Borisovna, physical education teacher, Secondary School No. 3, Art. Giaginskaya Presentation “ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL CULTURE”

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Adaptive - this name emphasizes the purpose of physical education for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity. For the first time at the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after. P. F. Lesgaft opened the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture

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In a person with disabilities in physical or mental health, adaptive physical education forms: a conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person; the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life; the ability to overcome the physical stress necessary for full functioning in society; the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead a healthy lifestyle; awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to society; desire to improve your personal qualities; desire to improve mental and physical performance. AFK objectives:

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is to promote the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in students in adaptive physical education. Thus, during classes, it is necessary to inform students about the importance of systematically performing physical exercises in a person’s life (health-improving and applied), what types of exercises there are, about the technique of performing them, about standards, about the hygienic features of performing some of them, and much more. . The main functions of an adaptive physical education teacher are that, along with the cognitive abilities of those involved in one form or another, it is necessary to develop intellectual abilities that contribute to the speed and accuracy of orientation in the information received associated with the organization of: physical education lessons; physical education minutes (physical education breaks) and seminars on their conduct with primary school teachers and subject teachers; outdoor games during dynamic changes; sports hours in after-school groups; school sports and physical education festivals; walks and hiking trips is aimed at nurturing the personal qualities of students. These are feelings of collectivism, hard work, courage, determination, responsibility, discipline, etc. Their upbringing is facilitated by the very content of AFC classes and the pedagogical skills of the AFC teacher: mastery of methods of persuasion, the ability to use the educational power of personal example , and also use the method of practical training, which ensures the development of specific behavioral skills, positive habits in communicating with others Educational Developmental Organizational Educational

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Basic pedagogical principles of working with children with developmental disorders Unity of diagnosis and correction. The principle of differentiation (uniting children into relatively homogeneous groups) and individualization (taking into account the characteristics inherent in one person) The principle of taking into account age characteristics The principle of the adequacy of pedagogical influences (solving correctional and developmental, treatment and rehabilitation problems, the selection of means, methods, methodological techniques) The principle of optimal pedagogical influences (reasonably balanced amount of psychophysical load) The principle of variability (an endless variety of not only physical exercises, but also the conditions for their implementation, methods of regulating the emotional state) The principle of the priority role of the microsociety is the unity of correctional work with the child and his environment, primarily with parents

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MEDICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL OF THE ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES FOR STUDENTS WITH HEALTH DISABILITIES Methodological recommendations Methodological recommendations are recommended by the expert council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on improving the physical education system in educational institutions of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process of general education institutions (2012 d) For physical education classes, students are divided into 4 medical groups. The main medical group for physical education classes includes students without deviations or with minor deviations in health. The preparatory medical group for physical education includes students: with minor deviations in health status, often ill, after illnesses and injuries suffered The special medical group “A” (health-improving) and group “B” (rehabilitation) for physical education include students with severe deviations in health.

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PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL OVER THE ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES FOR STUDENTS WITH HEALTH DISABILITIES Physical education classes for students of the main medical group are conducted in accordance with the physical education curricula in full; It is allowed to attend sports sections, clubs, participate in competitions, prepare and pass PT standards according to age, and pass the practical part of the exam in the subject “Physical Education”. Physical education classes for students in the preparatory medical group are conducted in accordance with the physical education curricula, subject to a more gradual development of a set of motor skills and abilities, especially those related to the imposition of increased demands on the body. In the absence of contraindications, with the permission of a doctor, training and passing PT standards according to age, visiting sports sections with a significant reduction in the intensity and volume of physical activity can be carried out.

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Physical education classes for students of special medical group “A” are conducted in accordance with the physical education programs for students with health problems. Physical education classes for students of special medical group “B” are held in a medical institution (children’s clinic, medical and physical education clinic, etc.).

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Each student’s medical group for physical education is entered in the “Health List” of the class journal. The second copy of the “Health Sheet” must be given to the physical education teacher. When organizing classes for students of special medical group “A,” their age and forms of the disease should be taken into account. It is recommended to distinguish the following subgroups: - students with diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems; - diseases of the digestive and urinary system; - diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organs of vision. It is advisable to staff medical groups according to classes (I-II, III-IV, V-VIII, IX-XI). If there is an insufficient number of students, students from three to four grades (I-IV, V-VIII, IX-XI) should be combined. The occupancy of the special medical group “A” can be 15-20 children. If the indicators have positive dynamics, it is possible to transfer from the special medical group “A” to the preparatory group and from the preparatory medical group to the main one. Features of the methodology of physical education for students of special medical group “A”.

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Features of the methodology of physical education for students of special medical group “A”. The main objectives of physical education for students of special medical group “A” are: health promotion; promotion functionality body; gradual adaptation of the body to physical activity; mastering sets of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the student’s health, taking into account diseases; development of physical qualities and mastery of vital motor skills; breathing control when performing physical exercises; training in ways to monitor physical activity, individual indicators of physical development and AF; formation of strong-willed personality traits and interest in regular physical education; formation of a culture of health among students. Physical education of students of special medical group “A” is a pedagogical process based on generally accepted principles and teaching methods.

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Contents and organizational and methodological features of constructing a physical education lesson with students of special medical group “A”. In the physical education of students of special medical group “A”, various forms of organizing classes are used: physical education lessons, physical education and health activities during the school day, independent physical exercises on the instructions of the teacher (performing a complex of health-improving and corrective gymnastics, walking, skating and skiing, low-intensity games, visiting the pool, etc.). The main form of classes is the lesson. Each lesson must have a clear target orientation, specific and clear pedagogical objectives that determine the content of the lesson, the choice of means and methods of teaching and education, and ways to organize students of the special medical group “A”. During the lessons, a complex of interrelated health, educational and educational tasks are solved.

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Physical education lessons with students of special medical group “A” should be aimed at improving health, increasing physical performance and functional capabilities of the body, and developing physical qualities. The duration of the lesson is 40-45 minutes (in lower grades 30-40 minutes). Each lesson includes preparatory, main and final parts. In contrast to the physical education lesson for students of the main medical group, the duration of the preparatory and final parts increases, and the main part decreases. Physical exercises are selected individually in accordance with indications and contraindications for specific diseases. Contents and organizational and methodological features of constructing a physical education lesson with students of special medical group “A”. At each physical education lesson, sets of physical exercises of health-improving and corrective gymnastics should be performed, with the number of repetitions of each exercise increasing from lesson to lesson from 4 to 12 times.

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Complexes of physical exercises must contain at least 20 exercises in the following ratio: general developmental exercises - 50%; exercises aimed at preventing and correcting musculoskeletal disorders – 30%; exercises aimed at preventing and correcting visual impairments – 10%; breathing exercises – 10%. The greatest healing effect is observed when performing aerobic exercises of a cyclic nature, therefore, at each lesson it is recommended to perform dosed walking, slow jogging in combination with walking or slow running, gradually increasing their duration from a few seconds in the first lessons to 6 minutes. In this case, the heart rate during running should be in the range of 130-150 beats/min. During the lessons, students must master the basic skills and abilities included in the physical education program for students of the special medical group “A”, as well as learn to use self-monitoring data to assess their health.

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Physical activity is regulated by the teacher by appropriate selection of exercises, changes starting points, number of repetitions, sequence. In contrast to the general education school curriculum, the sections include general developmental exercises and breathing exercises, because they help correct breathing problems. Exercises to strengthen the hands - contribute to the successful mastery of writing. Posture exercises help the child to properly hold his head and body while sitting, standing, walking and running. Due to difficulties in the spatio-temporal situation, violations of the accuracy of movements, exercises aimed at correcting and developing these abilities are included (exercises with gymnastic sticks, flags, small and large hoops, balls). To develop strength and dexterity, coordination - exercises in climbing and climbing. Balance exercises contribute to the development of the vestibular apparatus, the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space, correct shortcomings in mental activity (fear, high self-esteem, fear of heights.....) A special place is given to throwing a ball (skating), during which the development of dexterity, eye, accuracy , correct grip.

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Assessment and final certification of students of special medical group “A” The main emphasis in assessing educational achievements in physical education of students with health problems should be placed on their persistent motivation to engage in physical exercise and the dynamics of physical capabilities. With the most minor positive changes in physical indicators, which must be noticed by the teacher and communicated to the student and parents (legal representatives), a positive mark is given. A positive mark should be given to a student who has not demonstrated significant changes in the formation of skills and abilities, in the development of physical qualities, but regularly attended lessons, diligently completed the teacher’s assignments, mastered the skills available to him for independent practice of recreational or corrective gymnastics, and the necessary knowledge in the field of physical education . When assigning a current mark, it is necessary to observe special tact, be as attentive as possible, not to humiliate the dignity of the student, use the mark in such a way that it contributes to his development, stimulates him for further physical education. The final grade in physical education for students in the special medical group “A” is given taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills, abilities to carry out physical education and recreational activities), the dynamics of the functional state and physical fitness, as well as diligence.

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Principles are an integral basis of the methodology, representing basic theoretical principles that reflect the essence and patterns of training, education, comprehensive development of the individual, and society’s attitude to this process.

There are three types of principles of AFC: social, general methodological and socio-methodological.

1. Social principles - reflect the determination of cultural and spiritual development individuals including the patient with limited functionality.

2. General methodological principles - features of the implementation of didactic principles: consciousness, activity, clarity, accessibility, systematicity, strength in the formation of knowledge, motor skills, development of physical qualities and abilities in patients with mental, sensory and motor disorders.

3. Social - methodological principles - built on the basis of integration of the principles of related disciplines and

laws of ontogonistic development, the dominant features are the biological and mental characteristics of the object of pedagogical influence, which are interconnected with the motor sphere and significantly influence its development.

Social principles of AFK

1. The principle of humanistic orientation - current trends The humanization of physical education involves a change in state policy guidelines from “training a healthy and physically developed population” to training the individual. The humanistic attitude of society towards the personality of a disabled person is in a transitional stage.

This concerns education, employment, socialization, the creation of conditions for equal personality, and economic independence.

2. The principle of continuity of physical education

– maintaining the need for physical activity throughout life, which is the key to continuous physical education.

3. The principle of socialization is the process of mastering social and cultural experience, preparing for independent life in society, and active participation in useful activities. Socialization begins at birth and continues throughout life.

4. Principle of integration: a) social integration – active inclusion of disabled people and persons with disabilities in the life of society;

b) pedagogical integration - teaching children and adults with disabilities in educational institutions together with healthy ones.

The purpose of integrated learning is to prepare people with disabilities for this convergence, and healthy people to accept them.

5. The principle of the priority role of microsociety - a defect in its essence is a biological phenomenon, but its result is always social, since it affects not only the fate of the person himself, but also the fate of his loved ones. Educational work, the creation of correctional and health programs and methodological recommendations, parent training, advisory assistance to families with problem children.

General methodological principles of AFC

1. The scientific principle presupposes knowledge of problems, theories, concepts, basic laws, strategic ideas and trends, and AFC methodology:

a) knowledge of the biological and psychological patterns of functioning of an organism with pathological disorders;

b) the ability to apply knowledge in practice, ensuring a reasonable choice of content, forms and methods, based on the laws and principles of training, education and development, achieving the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

2. The principle of consciousness and activity - persons who acquired a disability during their life have the opportunity to consciously and actively use the means of AFK.

3. The principle of visualization - the integrated use of all senses when perceiving physical exercises and the activation of intact functions in the process of their implementation.

4. The principle of accessibility – compliance with feasible measures of difficulty in order to avoid physical, moral, and emotional overload.

Accessibility depends on the difficulties in the process of completing tasks: coordination complexity, duration and intensity of physical exercises, methods used, communication difficulties, conditions external environment, adaptability of sports facilities, inventory, equipment, equipment. Everything should be applied taking into account the motor abilities of those involved.

5. The principle of systematicity and consistency

gradual and systematic formation of motivational beliefs in the need for physical exercise for health, self-confidence, and self-affirmation. The requirements of systematicity and consistency are maintained in each lesson, allowing you to control and manage the pedagogical process - timely start and duration

Specially - methodological principles of AFK

1. The principle of diagnosis - for any type of AFC means taking into account the main defect, time of injury, medical prognosis, indications and contraindications for physical exercise, as well as taking into account concomitant diseases and secondary deviations.

2. The principle of differentiation and individualization

differentiated and individual

the approach means taking into account the characteristics inherent in a person (gender, age, physique, motor experience, character traits, temperament, volitional qualities, state of intact functions - motor, sensory, mental and intellectual).

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Rules of behavior in the gym for kindergarten children. Presentation prepared by S.A. Usenkova. (physical education instructor) Bely Yar village, Verkhneketsky MADOU kindergarten» Branch No. 3

When getting ready for class, don't forget about your uniform! After all, working out in it is easy, pleasant, and you feel more energetic somehow... It’s always comfortable in it!

I want to warn everyone: do not enter the hall without a teacher! Calm down, don't run, wait for the teacher.

The rule is simple to remember: Line up everyone in the hall according to their height!

Pull your bellies in and straighten your backs!

Look at the picture and remember, friends! Lines under line 1, column under number 2

Repeat the exercises after the teacher without delay. You will listen, do it, and you will be able to become strong and dexterous!

Don’t shout at each other, but all remain silent together. If there is silence, you will understand everything without difficulty!

To avoid getting bumps, you need to walk correctly. Do everything together and don’t push each other!

And walking together in a circle, you keep an eye on each other. Do the exercises, don’t overtake anyone!

Remember, friends, you can’t joke with physical education! If you don't follow the rules, you can get seriously hurt!

Don't disturb your neighbor, keep your distance!

If you pick up sticks or long jump ropes, move away from your neighbor, don’t hurt your friend!

You need to watch your step, overcoming all obstacles. Don’t rush and don’t push, don’t be distracted by others!

After physical education, everyone will take water treatments!

If you want to be strong and agile, develop your dexterity, attend physical education and do all the exercises!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

certificates of testing of sports equipment and equipment, certificates of permission to conduct classes in the gym and on the walking area

This is a sample (example) of writing a test report for sports equipment and equipment located in the gym and on the street of a preschool institution. The act contains a list of equipment and inventory, as well as...