Popular franchises for small businesses. New franchises for small businesses: advantages, choice and scheme of work

The success of a future enterprise is directly determined by the choice of franchise, so the most reasonable thing is to carefully study the existing market of franchise offers before purchasing it. For this purpose, you can read franchise catalogs and opinions of franchisees on the Internet, but often personal reviews do not always provide objective and complete information. On the contrary, the official ratings of franchises in Russia, compiled by Forbes magazine and the portal beboss.ru, allow you to be guided by proven statistics.

What franchises occupy a leading position in Russia today?

Popular Franchise Industries

As a result of the analysis of the top 100 franchises (according to beboss.ru), we come to the conclusion that the largest number of successful franchising projects are concentrated in the retail trade industries (34), catering(18), services and goods for children (14).

Franchises in the fields of fitness and beauty (8) and medicine (6) are quite widely represented. The rating also included companies providing car service, real estate, courier, travel services and services for business.

Let's look at the top five franchises in the most popular areas.

Retail franchises

1. "Pyaterochka"

Grocery retail store X5 Retail Group N.V., which also owns the Perekrestok and Karusel brands. Since 2003, the chain has successfully used a reverse franchising system: the franchisee does not pay royalties and does not spend money on purchasing goods, but is exclusively engaged in their sale for an agency fee of 14-17% of revenue.

2. "Ascona"

Multi-brand store of products for healthy sleep - anatomical mattresses, bedroom furniture, pillows, bed linen and other related accessories. The company has its own production complex and ranks first in Russia in the production of mattresses. There is no royalty in the franchising offer: the franchisee purchases goods from the franchisor at low prices and gets the opportunity to sell them at a markup of 40-100%.

3. Fix Price

A retail chain offering a diverse line of consumer goods at uniform low prices. The company has several distribution warehouses in Russia.

4. Beans

Retail grocery stores METRO Cash & Carry companies, presented in three formats depending on location: “At home” (in a residential area), “Express” (in shopping centers, near the metro), “gas station” (at gas stations). The franchise offers both the opening of a new store and the refurbishment of an existing one. There are no royalties or lump sum fees for mandatory condition that the franchisee monthly purchases goods from METRO Cash & Carry in the amount of 400,000 rubles.

5. Rayton

Retail network of the Ormatek group of companies, which produces mattresses, bedroom furniture and bedding from environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic raw materials. Under the terms of the offer, the franchisee does not pay royalties and makes a profit through a markup of 70%.

Franchises in the catering industry

1. 33 Penguins

An ice cream parlor whose menu includes more than 60 varieties of cold treats, milkshakes and Belgian waffles made from natural ingredients. Various formats of points of sale are offered - ice cream parlors with and without seats, mini-cafes, mobile ice cream parlors, seasonal stationary structures.

2. Dodo Pizza

A network of pizzerias that has reached the international level, equipped with innovative information system, allowing you to efficiently process large volumes of orders and deliver according to the “60 minutes or free pizza” rule. Pizzeria formats include: delivery; pizzeria with a hall for guests; food court

3. Baby Potato

A healthy fast food cafe that uses potatoes as the main ingredient in its dishes. Three franchise options are available: mini-units, pavilions and full-fledged cafes.

4. Stardog!S

The first fast food chain in Russia. The menu is based on hot dogs and sandwiches. Possible points of sale include mini-units, pavilions, drive-thru buffets and food courts.

5. Papa John's

An international pizzeria chain with over 5,000 restaurants in 43 countries. The company ranks first in terms of quality and consumer reviews among US pizzerias. In the technological process, the emphasis is on using the freshest and highest quality raw materials. Franchisees are offered three restaurant options: large (with a spacious hall and delivery), medium and small (pickup and ordering).

Children's franchises

1. Champion

A network of football training centers for children from 3 years old, using proven international methods for training young football players. The franchise includes full operational support for partners, including training for trainers.

2. Orange elephant

Merchandise store children's creativity and development. The assortment includes educational sets, coloring books, board games, materials for modeling and drawing. As part of the offer, the franchisee gets the opportunity to buy goods at prices 20% lower than the wholesale price.

3. Syoma

A network of development centers for children from 9 months to 7 years. The franchisor conducts training for all personnel and provides methodological literature.

4. Baby club

A network of children's clubs and kindergartens, including bilingual ones, focused on the comprehensive development of children's intelligence preschool age. The author's teaching methods are aimed at stimulating logic, memory, attention and imagination. The network uses its own software Baby-IS.

5. Gulliver

Russian store of children's toys and stylish clothes. Collections for children and teenagers are presented in various styles (school, casual, fashion and sports clothing lines) and allow you to choose the perfect wardrobe.

Franchises in the field of fitness, health and beauty


A network of beauty salons from the MONE brand, providing hairdressing, manicure and cosmetology services.


A European network of women's fitness clubs with its own SMART training program, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of each client.


Fitness clubs of the X-Fit Group company, offering training at affordable prices.

4. Salt plus

The largest Russian network of artificial salt caves designed for the prevention of respiratory diseases. The franchisor undertakes the equipment of the salt room.

5. Person

The largest chain of beauty salons in the CIS, working including with show business stars. The brand also operates an image agency, its own school of stylists, and elite closed clubs.

Franchises in the field of medicine


Laboratory service performing over a thousand different laboratory tests for private and corporate clients. There are two options for cooperation: “INVITRO. Gorodok" (suitable for small towns in the regions) and "INVITRO. Standard” (medical office for large cities).

2. Hemotest

A high-tech laboratory diagnostic service with a range of offers for cities of different sizes.

3. Helix

Russian network of diagnostic centers with three large laboratory complexes in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. A franchise allows you to open a Diagnostic Center or several at once; diversify existing business; There is a special offer for small towns.

4. CMD - center for molecular diagnostics

Laboratory service operating under the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. Laboratory diagnostic tests are based on the use of advanced advances in the field of molecular research. Three franchise models are available: “CMD Standard”, “CMD Mini” (for small cities), “CMD Kids” (children’s laboratory center).

5. Genetic-test

An innovative company that conducts a comprehensive personality assessment based on skin pattern analysis and a system of psychological tests.


Based on the results of 2017, when searching for profitable franchises, the following are of particular interest: retail food and products for healthy sleep, fast food market, children's development centers, beauty salons, fitness clubs, as well as laboratory diagnostic services.

The most popular franchises - 9 of the most popular and proven companies that you can join.

Franchising relatively recently came to the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

Some entrepreneurs are wary of this type of business, because sometimes the size of the initial investment can be impressive.

But know when choosing most popular franchises, you can quickly recoup your investment.

What is a franchise?

First of all, let's look at the concept of "franchise", as well as several terms associated with it.

Franchise is an agreement concluded between the franchisor (the owner of the trademark) and the franchisee (those who want to start cooperation) regarding the production of products or the provision of services under this brand.

To put it simply, this is the use of a trademark on a leasehold basis.

With this type of cooperation, both parties benefit:

  • the franchisor expands the scope of its activities and makes a profit;
  • the franchisee saves time on training and promoting the business, receives clear instructions regarding this, and finally in his hands is a promoted brand that will immediately have its own customers.

When an agreement is concluded between the parties, it contains concepts whose meanings you need to know:

  • royalties are payments for using the brand and assistance from the franchisor; can be presented as a percentage of financial turnover, a percentage of margin, a fixed payment;
  • lump sum- This is a one-time payment for joining the franchise network.

The most popular franchises in the catering industry

No. 1. Subway

This company is a leader in the fast food restaurant industry.

It was founded in 1965.

Subway restaurants can be found in 112 countries around the world, and in Russia there are more than 670 of them, the first of which opened in 2004.

The popular Subway franchise offers healthy fast food.

Here you can find fresh vegetables, meat, rolls, salads, desserts and drinks.

The specialty of the restaurant is sandwiches, the filling of which you can choose yourself, as well as bread, which is baked every 4 hours.

If you want to become a member of this particular network, you must know the cost of the franchise provided:

No. 2. McDonald's

If you ask someone: “What are the most popular franchises?”, everyone will definitely name McDonald’s.

This is a fast food classic that probably every person on the planet knows about.

The company ranks second after Subway in terms of the number of restaurants in the world.

Range of popular franchises in different countries may vary, but still it is represented by sandwiches, hamburgers, fries, various drinks and desserts.

If we talk about cooperation with McDonald’s in Russia and Ukraine, then everything is complicated.

Only recently the company began to work on conditions in these countries.

In Russia, the Rosinter company operates as a franchise.

To become a McDonald's franchisee, you need to work hard.

First of all, you need to have an impressive amount of money, then undergo a long and intensive training course related to technological process and marketing strategy.

No. 3. Chocolate girl

Continuing the topic of the most popular franchises, special attention should be paid to domestic companies.

And a striking example is the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain.

Most of the coffee shops, namely 200 Shokoladnitsa, are located in Moscow and the Moscow region, but they also successfully operate in the regions of the country, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

There are 85 outlets operating as franchises.

The coffee shop offers delicious bean coffee, elite tea, other drinks and delicious desserts.

Also, “Chocolate Girls” have a unique and cozy design.

The company pays a lot of attention to personnel training.

Works for this training center, where classes are conducted by qualified trainers and psychologists.

The most popular retail franchises

No. 4. ZARA

This is a company that designs and sews women's, men's and children's clothing and accessories.

The stores of this chain are represented in 70 countries around the world and their number exceeds a thousand.

They began operating as a franchise in 1988 to expand the market.

It is noteworthy that there is no lump-sum fee for joining the network, but there is a so-called “franchise cost”, which is essentially the same thing.

It is also worth noting that the condition for this is the purchase of the first batch for a certain amount.

And for a fee, you can become a monopolist in your city or region.

So, to join the popular ZARA franchise, you will need to spend the following amounts of money:

Type of attachmentSum
Lump sum paymentabsent
Investments40 000 $
Franchise cost for opening a stationary store30 000 $
Franchise cost for opening an online store8 000 - 10 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for a stationary store30 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for an online store10 000 $
Training of employees and opening a turnkey boutique10 000 $
City Monopoly90 000 $
Region monopoly150 000 $

No. 5. IKEA

This is the largest company originally from Sweden for the production and sale of furniture and household goods.

In Russia, this chain is represented independently, but in Ukraine there are no stores at all.

IKEA has been on the market since 1943, and naturally, over such a long service life, it has earned the trust of customers.

The bulk of the stores are represented in Europe; in Russia it operates as its own retail chain.

The company provides a franchise where it is not able to enter the market itself.

Becoming a franchisee of a company is quite difficult.

In addition to large financial investments, which are determined individually, those wishing to join will need to have at least 15 years of successful experience in running a company.

No. 6. Fix Price

One of the most popular franchises in Russia is a chain of grocery stores and non-food productsFix Price.

The format of such trading is that a single fixed price is set for everything.

Here you can buy:

  • food products;
  • cosmetics;
  • costume jewelry;
  • office;
  • household goods;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothes.

There are now more than 2,000 stores across Russia.

And to join them, in addition to financial obligations, you must have at your disposal a premises with an area of ​​250 square meters. m.

It is also worth noting that the locality in which this popular franchise will be located must have at least 25,000 people living in it.

The most popular service franchises

No. 7. Mail Boxes

This American company, which provides express delivery of correspondence and cargo.

To achieve this, Mail Boxes, in turn, cooperates with 9 global delivery services.

They can also print documents and promotional materials.

The network is represented in 70 countries, and on Russian market came out in 2010.

After opening our own branch, 94 franchise centers appeared.

In addition to finances, in order to become a franchisee, you must have sales experience.

Also, a future franchise participant must personally work in an open branch for the first year, and after confirmation, come for special training in Moscow.

No. 8. GeneticTest

The work of this company can be called a popular new product on the market without any evidence.

GeneticTest is a unique technology that allows you to learn about a person’s abilities using fingerprints.

The franchise began operating in 2012, and in 2013 it received the “Best Innovative Project” award.

Many years of research have led to the creation of a hardware and software complex that determines, through a fingerprint scanner, what abilities a person has.

This helps in self-development and self-discovery.

The creators claim that the profit per person checked is 1,000 rubles, so you can recoup your investment in a popular franchise by serving 50 clients.


This is an independent laboratory, which is the largest in the CIS.

It provides medical services in the form of more than 1,000 types of examinations.

Since 2006, more than 300 franchise members have opened.

All rooms are equipped with special equipment.

The collected samples are sent to Moscow for examination.

The franchisee is required to select a premises that will meet the necessary requirements, as well as hire a staff of 5 people.

Since this area is related to medicine, representatives of the main office carry out inspections of franchisees several times a year.

To choose a franchise in the service sector, watch this video:

On this most popular franchises don't end.

This was just a short list.

But remember that even the most popular franchise does not guarantee 100% success.

Much depends on the franchisee himself, on his business skills, ability to lead and adhere to all the rules.

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/ Popular franchise

Popular franchise

Popular franchises are those that enjoy the greatest success among entrepreneurs. Popular franchises collect a large number of requests and businessmen are often interested in them.

Below we have selected for you several business franchises that may be of interest to you. Please check them out.

List of business franchises

Select investments:

Serginnetti franchise

The franchise of the women's clothing store "Serginnetti" makes it possible to open own store with a popular and in demand product. The Serginnetti brand is widely known in Russia and the CIS countries.

The company's products are trendy and convenient women's clothing with a size range from 40 to 54 sizes. Every year, 6 capsule collections are produced, which include a complete list of products for any woman’s wardrobe.

With a franchise, you receive the assistance of a personal manager who will assist in finding premises and help resolve all issues during and after the opening of the store. Comprehensive marketing support will ensure a constant flow of customers to the store. Net income from 350 thousand rubles. per month.

Investments from 3,000,000 rub.

Payback from 12 months

NovoLASER franchise

The franchise of the laser hair removal clinic “NovoLASER” is a highly profitable status business in the beauty industry. Your average monthly income will be from 600 thousand rubles.

The clinic is equipped with modern high-quality laser equipment. You will provide services not only for laser hair removal, but also cosmetic services: laser skin rejuvenation, removal of scars, tumors, treatment of vascular lesions and much more.

The management company provides qualified support on all issues of starting and developing a business, helps with marketing support for the clinic, and also provides a unique system for attracting and retaining clients.

Investments from 4,500,000 rub.

Payback from 15 months

Franchise MirBir

Franchise of a store selling goods for home brewing, moonshine, winemaking and cooking "MirBir" - a sacrament of pleasure own production homemade alcohol.

You receive impressive support from the franchisor to open your own store.

Choose one of three franchise formats that suits you.

Investments from 1,500,000 rub.

Payback from 8 months

Franchise 220 Volt

The “220 Volt” power tool store franchise includes a package of ready-made solutions to support its franchisee partners, assistance in finding premises, equipment and store design, assortment formation, etc.

The 220 Volt company has held a leading position in the power tool market for more than 16 years and has over 200 successful stores opened under the 220 Volt franchise.

The “220 Volt” power tool store franchise offers 5 cooperation formats to choose from to start your own profitable business under a well-known brand.

Investments from 3,500,000 rub.

Payback from 12 months

SUSHI LOVE franchise

The franchise of the Japanese cuisine store SUSHI LOVE is popular business with high demand for products and monthly income of 320 thousand rubles. from one store.

For the convenience of partners, several franchise formats have been developed for cities with different populations. You can open a store with a separate entrance or in the checkout area, a cafe or food court.

The SUSHI LOVE franchise is a fast-starting franchise with a business profitability of 32%. Complete absence of seasonal declines.

Investments from 1,200,000 rub.

Payback from 5 months

Franchise Pedant.ru

Promotion! 28% discount on “royalty + marketing fee” for the first year and personal participation of the company founders in the opening of the first 30 service centers in Moscow.

Franchise of the smartphone repair service “Pedant.ru” - Your opportunity to become an owner own service with an income of 100 thousand rubles per month. The No. 1 network in Russia and the absolute market leader in smartphone repair guarantees a return on investment if the business doesn’t work out.

The franchisor provides assistance in opening an individual entrepreneur, provides detailed instructions on running a business, opening team, training, equipment, furniture and much more. etc.

Starting a Pedant.ru franchise business in just 28 days, payback in 3 months, and operating profit in 1-2 months.

Investments from 490,000 rub.

Payback from 3 months

Franchise School BENOIT

The franchise of the children's center "BENOIS School" provides the opportunity to open a private kindergarten, quests, family cafe or continuing education center.

"BENOIS School" is a recognizable brand with a good reputation. You receive original programs and teaching methods, a system distance learning, detailed instructions on starting a business, as well as training and certification of your teachers at the Flagship School.

It is possible to rebrand an existing educational institution.

Investments from 1,500,000 rub.

Payback from 12 months

Franchise Frade

The Frade chocolate store franchise is a business with low investments and a quick payback of 2 months. The unique assortment of your store is a variety of chocolate self made, sweets with and without fillings, pralines, truffles, chocolate bars, elegant chocolate figures, as well as related products.

The Frade franchise offers you two formats of cooperation to choose from, with discounts and bonuses. Important advantages of this franchise are the absence of royalties and a high markup on goods - 80-100%, etc.

Investments from 450,000 rub.

Payback from 2 months

Franchise NeoJoule

The NeoJoule sports studio franchise provides an opportunity to open a family sports club without investing in expensive equipment.

The franchisor helps with accounting and legal issues, teaches business specifics and provides marketing support. The experience of opening sports studios confirms the receipt of profit from the 5th month of operation.

The NeoJoule franchise is well suited for beginning entrepreneurs, including those without experience in the sports field.

Investments from 1,000,000 rub.

Payback from 14 months

SUSHISHOP franchise

Promotion! A discount of 240,000 rubles on a lump sum payment for all formats except “Delivery”.

SUSHISHOP sushi store franchise - Your opportunity to open your own profitable store in the catering industry under a well-known brand and constantly high demand for products.

SUSHISHOP sushi stores are popular due to their unique style, high-quality Japanese food, affordable prices and a convenient “take-to-go” format for customers.

The franchise of the SUSHISHOP sushi store, with the constant support of the franchisor, will pay for itself after 6 months of operation, and you can open your own enterprise in just 1 month.

Investments from 1,475,000 rub.

Payback from 6 months

Lyceum franchise for kids Cherry

Franchise of the early development center “Lyceum for Kids “Cherry” - Your opportunity to start a business in the field of children's education with a profit of 200 thousand rubles. per month.

A company with more than 20 years of experience, using proprietary teaching methods and well-known, generally accepted methods of foreign and domestic teachers, we invite you to join a successful business.

Your development center will have a large number of training and creative studios; you will receive work algorithms, methods and video instructions, the right to use a registered brand and much more.

Investments from 500,000 rub.

Payback from 6 months

SAPSAN franchise

The franchise of the center for the development of intelligence "SAPSAN" is a franchise offer that has not had a single outlet closed during its entire operation!

You get a unique method of teaching children, which is aimed at developing their memory, intelligence, logical thinking, and attention. Schemes and clear algorithms for opening and running a business, CRM system, as well as the first clients of your center.

The franchisor offers flexible terms of cooperation in three franchise formats, as well as special conditions for existing centers and teachers who want to introduce the SAPSAN teaching methodology into their classes.

Investments from 450,000 rub.

Payback from 5 months

Franchise WOW!

Franchise of the furniture and interior goods store “OGOGO Ostanovochka!” - This comprehensive solution the issue of interior design at an affordable price.

With a franchise you get: a working business model, a personal manager, a non-standard design project and much more.

Most products are manufactured at own factory, whose history began back in 1903!

Investments from 1,415,000 rub.

Payback from 8 months

Burger Club franchise

The fast food restaurant franchise “Burger Club” is a LOFT style restaurant with a perfectly balanced menu. A special feature of the Burger Club restaurant are craft burgers, which are cooked right in front of visitors on a coal oven or electric grill. Burger recipes were developed specifically for Burger Club restaurants.

There is a system for checking the quality of work of the Burger Club chain, which helps to improve and maintain high standards of service for chain restaurants.

Investments from 3,050,000 rub.

Payback from 12 months

Health Pantry Franchise

The franchise is temporarily not sold in Kazakhstan.

The business franchise of the orthopedic goods store “Kladovaya Zdorovya” unites into a network of more than 100 franchise stores throughout Russia.

With the “Health Pantry” business franchise, you can open your own orthopedic store under a well-known brand and an assortment of more than 3 thousand items of goods.

And with the support of the company’s experienced specialists, you can quickly recoup your investment in the Health Pantry franchise.

Investments from 1,000,000 rub.

Payback from 6 months

Franchise WantResult

The WantResult franchise is modern format a business that is based on patented technology, with which you can increase the number of online sales several times.

To work, it is not necessary to have an office and hired staff. Any commercial website is your potential client.

The company provides all the necessary training materials, as well as a personal manager who will help you set up your business and create a constant flow of clients. You work according to our proven instructions and successfully earn money, like all our partners. If not, we will refund your money. Financial success is guaranteed.

Investments from 250,000 rub.

Payback from 2 months

Franchise Personal solution

The “Personal Solution” franchise for rental services for loaders and handymen offers its partners a highly profitable business within 28 days after the launch of the project. And the support of the company’s specialists and training according to the proprietary “Shuttle” program will make doing business clear and easy.

Also, the advantages of the “Personal Solution” outsourcing services franchise include the absence of the need to rent an expensive office, purchase equipment and broth. As well as a unique accounting system labor force HRM 4.0.

Investments from 378,000 rub.

Payback from 4 months

Franchise AromaKo

Franchise of the aroma marketing services agency "AromaKo" - Your opportunity to start own business With minimal investment and high income. Managing a fully set up business takes no more than 8 hours a week.

Aroma marketing is an actively growing area of ​​services for competent room aromatization, which not only removes unpleasant odors, but also attracts customers, encouraging them to buy. Everyone uses scent marketing services large companies: Auchan, Sberbank, Audi, Louis Vuitton, C7, MTS and many others.

Under the AromaKo franchise, you receive support and assistance from an experienced franchisor in business development, modern equipment, high-quality Class A fragrances, algorithms for communicating with clients, etc.

Investments from 95,000 rub.

Payback from 3 months

Champion Football Franchise

Comprehensive education in schools opened under the Championika franchise is built on play and a sensitive understanding of the child’s psychology. Classes are held in small groups of 6-10 people.

After studying at Championika, children can continue playing football - the project cooperates with the main football clubs in Russia: Zenit (St. Petersburg), Spartak (Moscow), Arsenal (Tula).

Open your own football club The Champion franchise is available to many. Investments in the project will amount to about 500 thousand rubles. And the payback period is only 4-5 months.

Investments from 350,000 rub.

Payback from 4 months

Franchise Futlandia

The Futlandia children's football club franchise is an opportunity to become an owner profitable business in just 30 days. Low investments, profit from the second month of the club’s operation, the operating methodology is approved by the Russian Football Union.

Open your own children's football club "Futlandia" in Moscow and the Moscow region. You will receive a personal curator who will help at all stages of work, effective marketing tools and materials, constant methodological support for trainers, as well as our own website to attract clients.

Investments from 450,000 rub.

Payback from 2 months

Franchise Assistance

The franchise of legal services “Assistance” is a wide range legal services for physical and legal entities. The parent company has won more than 90% of court cases.

You receive a business model protected from risks, assistance in searching and selecting employees, ready-made scripts for communicating with clients, a modern CRM system, a guaranteed flow of clients and much more.

The franchisor guarantees the return of the lump sum fee if the business brings in less than 1 million rubles. net profit for the first year of operation.

Investments from 450,000 rub.

Payback from 8 months


Pharmacy franchise "APTEKA-SKLAD" is a unique opportunity to start your own stable business with a profitability of at least 12%.

There are two ways to start a PHARMACY-WAREHOUSE franchise business: open a new pharmacy or rebrand an existing one.

Why the “PHARMACY-WAREHOUSE” franchise? This is a reliable franchisor with its own network of more than 20 pharmacies, a brand with high customer loyalty, a unique automated control system that controls everything production processes and replaces a minimum of three employees, and regular payments of retro bonuses from drug manufacturers.

The “PHARMACY-SKLAD” franchise is sold only in Russia!

Investments from 1,200,000 rub.

Payback from 6 months

Professor SMOKE franchise

The franchise is sold only in Russia

We have compiled the latest ranking of the best franchises in the world. We have selected the top 6 international brands that offer the most profitable programs franchising. The evaluation criteria were good profitability indicators, the size of investments, the total number of franchisees, the speed of network growth and the popularity of products around the world.

Dairy Queen

Dairy Queen is an American fast food chain that operates under seven different lines with separate brands. DQ establishments serve ice cream, hamburgers, grilled burgers, frozen yogurts, milkshakes, juices, and drinks. The company has been in business since 1940 and is a pioneer in the food franchise industry. Dairy Queen increased its market presence from a dozen locations in 1941 to hundreds in 1947, and by 1950 it had more than 1,400 locations.

On the world map: Dairy Queen is represented by 6,700 fast food restaurants in 30 countries, including 4,400 business partners in the United States.

Franchise features:

  • cost from $1,100,000;
  • variety of restaurant types and good franchise packages;
  • obtaining a franchise is divided into 5 simple steps;
  • 65 years of experience in franchising.

Dairy Queen is constantly diversifying its menu, although it started out by making and selling ice cream. One of DQ's top investors is Warren Buffett, who likes to pose for photographers with his signature ice cream. Dairy Queen is the only major eatery that does not have an exclusive beverage contract—most locations serve Pepsi-Cola products, but some locations serve Coca-Cola to customers.

Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches

Jimmy John's is a chain of American burger restaurants. Unlike top competitors, it does not claim that its products are the best on the market. Jimmy John's admits that their burgers are good, but may not taste as good as sandwiches from other eateries. The company keeps the menu almost unchanged and does not organize high-profile promotions. The trick of Jimmy John's is the speed of service - a 20-centimeter burger is prepared in 30 seconds. The Illinois-based business ranks high because it added 350 franchisees over the past year. Over the last three years, the increase was 48.8%.

Anyone can touch the success of business titans if they wish. A franchise provides an opportunity for a young entrepreneur to become a business owner and gain valuable experience without creating anything from scratch, and for the franchisor to expand his business. An illustrative example of such a business: the fast food restaurant chain Subway. The first establishment opened in 1965, and today there are more than 43 thousand retail outlets around the world. Annual turnover exceeds $11 billion. The company itself no longer owns a single restaurant, but young businessmen have the opportunity to gain experience in the entrepreneurial field.

Advantages of franchising for a businessman

Buying a franchise provides many benefits to an entrepreneur. Franchisees can avoid the mistakes of a novice entrepreneur. The businessman receives a proven scheme, principles of personnel training and work rules. An entrepreneur does not need to think through and launch advertising campaign, negotiate rental terms, come up with services and buy materials. It is difficult for a beginner to negotiate favorable terms, and some suppliers only want to work with well-known brands.

A franchise seller quickly expands his business in different regions at minimal cost. The aspiring entrepreneur takes on all the risks; he is also engaged in running and developing the business. The brand becomes more and more popular and recognizable, which increases overall income. In addition, the owner company receives income from the sale of the franchise and monthly income.

Disadvantages of the business model

Of course, there are also disadvantages to franchising. For a beginning businessman, this is a loss of freedom of action, because with a franchise he is obliged to sell goods and services only according to established rules. Purchasing a franchise is a costly matter, and in the future the entrepreneur is completely dependent on the stability of the franchisor.

The owner company runs the risk of disseminating corporate secrets and must strictly monitor compliance with the terms of the franchise so as not to lose its image.

The best franchises in the Russian Federation according to Forbes

According to Forbes, the most popular franchises in Russia are the Helix laboratory service, the online hypermarket for selecting tours and posting offers Sletat.ru, as well as the school of speed reading, calligraphy, development of intelligence and memory for children and adults IQ007 . According to the starting investment, the most best offer from the top three is the Internet business “Sletat.ru”. To open an agency, you need to invest about 200 thousand rubles, while almost every point sells 29 million rubles worth of vouchers per year.

The best franchises in Russia are not limited to three offers. Each entrepreneur can choose a business model to suit their taste and the possibility of initial financial investments. The top 25 list includes GrossHaus (stores stationery), "SDEK" (Novosibirsk company engaged in the transportation of goods, cargo and business documentation), Samura (a store of ceramic and steel Japanese knives high quality in the middle price segment) and others.

Franchise rating in Russia: top 10

The best franchises in Russia (top 10) according to the Internet projects “My Franchise” and franch.biz are as follows:

Restaurant and cafe franchises

KillFish Discount Bar is a network of alcohol bars in which the client, when purchasing a special card, gets access to very low prices: a glass of beer costs 66 rubles, whiskey - 70 rubles. The company works with suppliers in a special way, disseminates information about itself as much as possible and attracts as many clients as possible. The first establishment opened in St. Petersburg in 2010.

“33 Penguins” is a franchise of ice cream outlets. A businessman can buy an island, side, round or corner point, or a mobile mini-cafe. The company operates in Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia. Franchisees are offered to open three retail outlets at once for 1.5 million rubles. The company uses Italian technology and natural ingredients.

One of the most popular franchises is “Chocolate Girl”. The first coffee shop opened in 1964 in Moscow. In 2001, the company began to develop a network in Moscow, then in the regions, and since 2008 it has been operating on a franchising model. The cost of opening one coffee shop is 4 million rubles, an additional 2 million must be invested as a contribution. Experts say that the company has very good management.

Cinema franchise "Kinescope"

This is revolutionary new approach to waiting. One of the most popular franchises for small businesses. Mini-cinemas are located in large shopping centers, airports, and railway stations. The hall has cozy sofas for a maximum of six people. Each visitor is given headphones so as not to disturb others. Snacks and drinks can be ordered. At Kinescope you can organize private screenings for friends and family, and the selection of films is huge: from black and white films to new releases. Franchisees need to buy the Kinescope franchise itself, the most popular film franchises, rent a location (with the support of the owner company) and pay an initial fee.

Pyaterochka supermarket franchise

The company started under the franchising system in 2001. A special system has been developed - reverse franchising - stores near the house. First retail outlets using this technology were discovered in 2003. The reverse system is a cooperation scheme under which the franchisee does not pay royalties to the owner company, but receives a monthly remuneration (from 14 to 17%) for the sale of goods. The store owner does not have to spend large sums on purchasing goods, but receives sales from the company. This scheme of work allows us to significantly reduce costs and risks.

Franchise "Black Star Burger"

“Black Star Burger” does not enter the top most popular franchises every year, which is due to the need for large investments. The company refuses semi-finished products and long-term storage products, buying high-quality raw materials (the key product is marbled Aberdeen Angus beef, raised without hormonal drugs and antibiotics). The main idea of ​​fast food restaurants is to prove that fast food can be healthy food.

"Black Star Burger": attachments

Franchise costs range from $7,500 to $45,000. In addition, a percentage of revenue is paid monthly (6-12%). Trading room must accommodate 130 visitors (its area is from 300 sq. m, utility rooms - from 100 sq. m). The property must be owned or have a long-term right of use. Applicants undergo mandatory training to learn marketing features and cooking technology. The total cost of equipping the point will cost 100-230 thousand dollars.

Laboratory service "Helix"

The most popular franchise and the best according to Forbes. The company has been operating in the market for 19 years; more than 250 centers have been opened in Russia. These are private diagnostic laboratories that perform more than 1,500 studies for public and private medical institutions. The entrance fee ranges from 50 to 90 thousand rubles, and the royalty (paid from the fourth month of work) is 2%.

The businessman is offered several options for cooperation. You can open several diagnostic centers, diversify your existing business, get special offer for small cities. The franchisee receives maximum support both at the stage of opening the center and in the future. A development program is being developed for the partner, which will allow us to achieve full payback and return on investment in the near future. It is important that an entrepreneur does not need to have relevant education in the field of medicine.

Invitro laboratories: for small cities

A popular franchise in Russia, which consistently occupies high positions in ratings. There is an offer for small cities with investments 4-6 times lower than the cost of a standard franchise. Initial investments - from 900 thousand rubles, contribution - 150 thousand rubles + 2% of turnover monthly (after the 25th month of work, but not more than 28 thousand rubles), royalties from the sixth month, subject to achieving the calculated indicators. This format is suitable for cities with a population of 10-15 thousand people. The nearest standard Invitro point should be within a radius of no more than 150 km.

Invitro Laboratories: standard

The “Standard” franchise package involves opening a point that provides laboratory diagnostic services and a package of additional tests (vaccination, examination of drivers, ultrasound, ECG). The business model necessarily includes a doctor’s office and a treatment room. Initial investment: 2-5 million rubles; lump sum payment - 700 thousand in Moscow, 300-500 thousand in the Moscow region and other regions; royalties - 28 thousand rubles for each office per month from the fourth month of work in Moscow or from 25 - in the Moscow region and other regions.