Parrot is an ordinary cheh. Detailed description of the exhibition Czech parrot

The budgerigar Czech is currently very popular. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that, compared to ordinary wavy pets, they have certain advantages.

Regular budgerigars are familiar to almost everyone, but show budgerigars are a rarity. It is absolutely impossible to purchase a Wavy Bohemian in a regular pet store, because this type of bird can only be sold by specialized breeders.

You can buy a Czech budgerigar only from breeders

The exhibition Czech and the budgerigar have significant differences, which include appearance, behavior, cost and a non-removable ring.

The most important difference between a Czech and a budgerigar is that the former has a simply luxurious crest on its head and a chic beard made of beautiful feathers. The fluffy cap on the head of the Czech appears closer to four months, but despite this, it is possible to distinguish the chicks from each other even at a young age. Another difference between these two parrots is that the show budgerigar folds its wings over its chest, rather than crossing them like a regular budgerigar.

Among other things, the exhibition parrot is distinguished by a longer and more massive body, which gives the parrot a manly appearance. To be more precise, the length of a budgerigar is about twenty centimeters, while in an exhibition Czech the body length varies from twenty-one to twenty-three centimeters; cases were even recorded when Czechs grew even much larger.

Despite the external differences between these two parrots, they are both very sociable and love to live in pairs. In addition, these parrots very quickly get used to a new environment and need constant human attention.

In addition to external differences, these two parrots differ from each other in their behavior. Budgerigars scream all day long, but Czechs, on the contrary, behave quite calmly and balanced. This feature of Czechs allows them to learn words much faster. These parrots are capable of making fairly long speeches and pronouncing many words very clearly.

Another feature of Czech is that this parrot can calmly wait for its owner in the morning, when an ordinary budgerigar will chirp and sing songs at dawn.

Pay attention! Despite their balance and calmness, Czechs are very sociable and love to talk with their owner and also play with him. Therefore, these pets are often purchased for children.

Czechs are calmer and more balanced than the average budgie.

Show Czechs are considered very tame. This can be explained primarily by the fact that from birth they are under the close control and care of the breeder. From their very birth, these parrots are surrounded by close attention, which undoubtedly affects its condition and attachment to humans.

No matter what kind of parrot you decide to buy, it definitely needs a cage. Since Czechs are larger in size, he will need a spacious cage. It is not recommended to keep a parrot in a cage all the time, even no matter what size the cage is, since it, just like a person, necessarily needs movement. This is necessary so that he can stretch his muscles.

If you have pets such as cats in your home, then it is best not to purchase a parrot at all.

Among other things, when keeping a Czech it is worth considering the following subtleties:

  1. The cage of these pets, regardless of whether it is a Czech or an ordinary budgie, should be kept in order. This requires cleaning it daily.
  2. Regardless of what kind of parrot you keep, water and food should be changed daily.
  3. Exhibition Czechs are big fans of chewing on something, so you should purchase a special stand to accommodate them. Budgerigars do not require a stand.

The cage should always be clean and tidy

To feed an exhibition Czech and an ordinary budgie, it is best to use special food that is enriched with vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is worth giving your pets fresh vegetables and fruits. Otherwise, your pet will feel unwell and may also get sick. In this case, everything can end very unpredictably and disastrously.

Undoubtedly, the main difference between a budgerigar and a show parrot is that the former can be easily purchased at any pet store. But in order to become a happy owner of a show pet, you will need to try and seek help from professional breeders and only those who are registered in “ Russian club».

Only in this case will you have the opportunity to order permanent rings, each of which has a specific color depending on the age of your pet, its year of birth, and also has its own serial number and reliable club data.

If upon purchase you are assured that it is a Czech, but there is no ring on the bird, then first of all it means that no one can give you any guarantee. In addition, unscrupulous sellers may slip older birds. In addition, without a ring there will be no opportunity to draw up a pedigree, which leads to the fact that the animal will not be able to participate in exhibitions. Another difference is that representatives of the exhibition Czech breed a much smaller number of chicks compared to budgerigars. That is why it is much more difficult to acquire this breed, since fewer of them are bred.

When purchasing, the bird must be wearing a permanent ring

Since there are very few exhibition Czechs and only professionals breed them, the cost of these parrots is an order of magnitude higher compared to budgerigars. Also on cost pet, is reflected in its larger size and its chic appearance.

It is very simple to answer the question of what is the difference between an exhibition Czech and an ordinary budgie. Just look at the appearance of these two parrots. Most main feature and the difference is that the Czech is a rather spectacular parrot. In addition, the sizes of these two species differ significantly, since an ordinary budgerigar is smaller than an exhibition parrot.

Parrots always remain favorites of almost all adults and especially children. But before you become the happy owner of this pet, you should weigh all the nuances and make a choice in favor of one or another variety.

As practice shows, budgerigars are currently considered the most common. But if you want to buy a small-sized pet, but more unusual than a wavy one, then it is best to give preference to an exhibition wavy Czech.

Common budgerigars are smaller in size than Czechs

These two parrots differ from each other in the following ways:

  • a budgerigar, compared to a Czech parrot, is approximately one and a half times smaller and does not look as courageous;
  • the Czech flies less and gets tired much faster compared to the budgie, this is also explained by the fact that the first one is more massive;
  • the Czech has a looser cap on his head and large beautiful beads;
  • in an exhibition Czech, the chest is more forward and thus the posture seems proud and impregnable;
  • in most cases, Czechs have a calmer character, but this indicator is purely individual in each individual case;
  • If we compare these two parrots in terms of cost, then the cost of the Czech parrot is accordingly much higher than that of the budgerigar. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that exhibition parrots can only be purchased from professional breeders and their numbers are much smaller compared to budgerigars.

When choosing a parrot, you should definitely take into account all the nuances listed above, as they are of great importance. Regardless of the fact that these two birds have noticeable differences, both species require close attention and a loving relationship. Only in this case will your pet be healthy and will be able to delight you with its beautiful singing for a long time.

Immediately after acquisition, it is almost impossible to identify differences, of course, unless it concerns appearance, by which you can immediately distinguish these two parrots. As for behavior, in the process of getting used to it, both parrots will behave warily and calmly at first.

I would also like to note that the exhibition budgerigar is better suited to breeding compared to a regular budgerigar. This can be explained, first of all, by the fact that they are calmer and more reserved. The main differences between the two pets also include the number of offspring produced. Czechs generally give birth to about three parrots, while budgerigars can have significantly more. This is also due to the fact that a limited number of Czechs are currently being withdrawn.

Of course, the final choice of a pet will depend on the person’s individual preferences, as well as his financial capabilities.

We probably won’t be wrong if we say that the budgerigar is in first place in popularity among domestic birds. It has beautiful, bright plumage, is compact in size, is easy to care for, and can be trained to speak up to 100 words.

In our article we will talk about a special variety of budgerigars - Czechs, touching on such topics as the features of their maintenance and care, education and training, reproduction and susceptibility to diseases.

Appearance, character and abilities

This type of budgerigar was bred in Great Britain in the 60s of the last century. Its representatives are called Czechs only on the territory of post-Soviet states. The fact is that they were brought to the territory of the Soviet Union from the Czech Republic, which is why they received such a name.

In Europe they are called differently - show budgerigars. Czechs were bred on the basis of their usual wavy counterparts and have similar appearance, colors, and character traits to them. However, as a result of selection, they still received several differences from their ancestors. We propose to understand in more detail what is the difference between Czechs and budgies.

Did you know? There are schools for parrots in Australia. There they are taught to talk.

Firstly, they are much larger. They look like they are overfed budgies. They reach a height of 25 cm, and birds with a height of 29 cm are also found, while ordinary wavy representatives of the Parrots grow up to 19.8 cm.

Secondly, Czechs have a chic crest in the form of a hat on their heads, and under their beaks there is a lush beard with a characteristic pattern, which is often called beads.

Another difference is that the wings of Czechs fold on the chest without crossing. Birds have a proud posture as they constantly stick their chest forward. They also have longer feathers.

People from England have a calmer character. It is rare that you can catch them fussily rushing around the cage, making noise, chatting, as their wavy relatives do.

There is an opinion that it is easier to teach Czechs human words. Many of them do not require special training, but can independently copy sounds and words and then reproduce them.
Despite a number of advantages and disadvantages, Czechs are more susceptible to diseases and less fertile. A Czech family can produce from one to four chicks, which often suffer from congenital defects or are infertile.

Like Australian budgerigars, Bohemians today come in a variety of plumage colors. Most often there are various shades of green, blue, gray, yellow, purple, and combinations.

Czechs have a cheerful and mischievous disposition. They are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. They love to learn and demonstrate their skills to their owners.

Like ordinary budgies, Czechs are monogamous. They take the loss of their partner hard. They can live alone, but feel better in a couple. If the owner cannot communicate sufficiently with the feathered pet, then it is better to buy him an interlocutor.

Did you know? Zach learned to open 35 cans of soda in a minute, throw a record number of balls into a basketball net, ride a motorcycle, scooter, and skateboard. Thanks to these skills, he came to the attention of the compilers of the Guinness Book of Records.

How to choose the right one and how much does a parrot cost?

For a feathered pet, you should go to a pet store or to a trusted breeder. There is no need to take the bird from your hands, since in this case you can buy a sick or not purebred individual.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the behavior of the chick. He should be active, with well-groomed feathers close to the body, cheerful, sociable, and inquisitive. It is better to refuse to buy a depressed, lethargic bird that constantly sits on a perch. Also, you should not take an overly active individual who constantly rushes around the cage while you are observing him.

When examining a bird, you should first check the beak, carefully examining it for damage and growths. Next, you need to examine the paws - there should be a nail on each toe.

The plumage should not have bald spots - if there are any, then this is evidence of illness or poor psychological condition of the bird. The feathers in the corners of the eyes, on the belly and in the cloaca area should be perfectly clean.
It is best to take a young parrot - between three and five months old. He adapts to the new environment faster.

If you want to teach your pet words, then it is better to purchase a male animal. It is very difficult to teach girls to talk.

Bird traders ask for a Czech parrot at a slightly higher price than for an ordinary budgerigar, but much lower than for large breeds. You can buy them for 20-50 dollars.

Important! Immediately after purchase, the parrot will undergo an adaptation period, during which it may refuse food and water, have diarrhea, and be inactive. Owners need to understand the bird and help it survive the first stressful weeks, disturbing it as little as possible and surrounding it with affection and care.

Before purchasing a parrot, you need to buy everything you need to keep it and create the required conditions. Let's figure out what is necessary for a Czech budgerigar.
In order for the bird to feel cozy and comfortable in the house, it needs to be provided with the following conditions:

  • air temperature - from +20° to +25°С (but not lower than +18°С);
  • lighting that is correctly selected in terms of intensity and duration: in winter, daylight hours should be at least 10-12 hours, in spring and summer - 15-16 hours, full-color fluorescent lamps (90 Ra, 5000-6000 K) are required for illumination;
  • no drafts.

How to choose a home for a parrot

There are some requirements for the size, shape and arrangement of a bird’s home.

Dimensions and shape

The optimal dimensions for one cover are at least 50/40/30 cm. It is better if it is made of metal (but not copper). Wooden dwellings are undesirable for parrots.

The shape of the cell can be different. Typically, budgerigars are kept in rectangular metal houses with a dome-shaped top.

The optimal diameter of the rods is 2 mm, the distance between them is 1.6-2 cm.

Did you know? The most smart parrot in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is considered to be named Alex. He died in 2007. During his lifetime he could pronounce about 400 words, spoke in sentences, and was able to solve simple mathematical problems.

Arrangement of the cage

Cage perches must be purchased with a diameter of at least 2.5 cm. It is important that they are made of wood, since plastic ones are not very convenient for birds and can cause injury to them. You will need two or three of them.

It is necessary to install a tray at the bottom and a net above it so that the bird does not eat the fallen food. It is also desirable to have a retractable bottom that is easy to clean.

The Czech cage should be equipped with three feeders. One is intended for grain, the other for a mineral mixture, the third for vegetables, fruits, cereals, and sprouted wheat.

There must also be a drinking bowl in the cage. It is better to purchase an automatic drinker, as it prevents the water from becoming contaminated with foreign objects. This device must be located so that the bird has access to it at any time. When choosing a drinker and feeder, preference should be given to ones that are deep enough.
Sources of minerals - sepia and mineral stone - should also be easily accessible.

To prevent the bird from getting bored, you need to equip a play corner in the cage, placing two or three different swings and toys in it.

Important! The main thing with toys is not to overdo it: they must be selected depending on the size of the cage. After installing them, the bird should still have plenty of room to move.

You can also purchase fruit holders that attach to different sides of the cage.

It is necessary that all objects are located in places convenient for the bird and do not interfere with it. Examples of successful cage equipment for parrots can be found on the Internet.

If the size of the cage allows, it would be good to purchase a bathing container for the bird.

Feeding and caring for birds

Feeding and caring for Czechs is no different from those recommended for a budgie.
The list of mandatory care measures includes:

  • cleaning the cage twice a day - morning and evening;
  • changing water every day;
  • control of feed availability;
  • removing the bird from its cage every day to let it fly;
  • weekly bathing.
The parrot should be provided with adequate nutrition. The main feed should include a grain mixture consisting of 70% millet, 20% wheat, hemp, flaxseeds, and 10% oats. It can be purchased at a pet store. Additionally, the bird is given fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals, mineral stone, and sepia. A separate feeder should contain mineral supplements, boiled eggs, and cottage cheese.

The daily portion for one individual is two teaspoons of food.

Important! Food and water should always be present in the cage - this is prerequisite for keeping parrots.

Parrots should not be given:

  • sunflower and fruit seeds;
  • nuts;
  • food from a man's table.

Education, training, games

Czechs need constant occupation and passion. When the owner is away, the parrot will entertain himself with toys placed in the cage.

When the owner is at home, he should definitely set aside some time to spend time with the feathered pet or just play with it, for example, hide and seek, ball games, tug of war. You can offer the bird to assemble and disassemble a pyramid, count on special abacus, teach him to put objects in a basket or piggy bank.

One person should teach the bird to repeat the words. At first, you need to spend no more than 15 minutes a day studying. Gradually their duration can be increased, bringing up to 40 minutes. Words must be spoken clearly, distinctly, several times. After each successfully learned word, the pet should be rewarded with something.

Predisposition to disease

Lifespan and reproduction in captivity

Many people, when they get pets, become very attached to them and, since most domestic animals and birds live shorter lives than humans, they have a hard time dealing with the death of a pet. Therefore, it is natural that those who want to have a motley bird will be interested in the question: how long does a Czech parrot live?

The average lifespan of Wavy Czechs is 10-15 years. Although there are long-lived individuals that live up to 22 years. It should be understood that in order for a bird to live in a house for as long as possible, it must be provided with all the necessary living conditions, quality food, care and careful protection from stress and fear. Without the creation of proper conditions, a parrot will not be able to survive even eight years.

Did you know? Parrots do not have vocal cords. They make sounds using their beak and tongue.

As for reproduction, Czechs are generally not good parents. Observing their behavior, poultry farmers noticed that they often abandon their chicks and stop feeding them even before they reach the age of 1 month, when they can already feed on their own and leave the nest. In this case, the person has to feed the chicks on his own.

If a pair of parrots is kept in a common cage, then for mating it is moved to a separate housing. The chicks are born unfeathered and blind. Their vision appears on the 10th day after birth.

So, Czechs, or show budgerigars, will be an excellent choice for those people who do not want to have ordinary birds, like everyone else, but do not have the opportunity (material or housing) to keep a large bird.

Busy workaholics can own such parrots, because they do not require special care and do not require frequent communication. Czechs get along well with children. They are able to learn easily, so they will not require serious efforts from the owner to learn human speech.

The Czech budgerigar, brought from the Czech Republic, is becoming increasingly famous in the world, since it has some advantages over a simple budgerigar. You will find detailed information about the Czech, as well as what other breeds of budgerigar exist in this article.

Despite the fact that Czechs are not fans of long trills, they know how to pronounce words clearly and make long speeches. In the morning, these birds are able to silently wait for their owner. Due to their large mass, they fly rarely and little, as they quickly become exhausted. However, it is possible and even interesting to play and communicate with them. Czechs can still show anxiety, for example, at an exhibition, among noise and many unfamiliar people.

It is worth noting that to keep Czech parrots you need larger feeders and drinkers and stronger perches.

Fixed ring and price

An ordinary budgie can be bought at any pet store without any documents or a ring. After all, they are bought for their own pleasure, and not for an exhibition career.

Anyone who wants to purchase a real show Czech budgerigar needs to know that the purchase can only be made from a breeder. And only one that is officially registered in the “Russian Club”. In this case, he has a personal unique number and the opportunity to order permanent rings for his feathered charges. Each ring has:

  • a certain color according to the age of the bird;
  • year of birth;
  • unique breeder number;
  • serial number of the chick;
  • club data.

Somewhere on the poultry market they can sell a Czech without a ring, which means there is a complete lack of guarantee in determining the age and origin of the bird. Unscrupulous sellers may sell an old bird instead of a young one. Also, without a ring, there will be no way to register a pedigree for a Czech parrot and, accordingly, to take part in an exhibition.

Czechs breed fewer chicks, so there are not as many of them as ordinary representatives of the breed. Being a small species, the Czech parrot is an order of magnitude higher than a simple parrot. The chic appearance and large size also affect the price.

In addition to Czechs, there are other types of budgerigars in the world. Since there are too many of them, we have highlighted the main and most interesting varieties.

Other budgies

Single color

This breed of “wavy birds” has a certain feature - only one color dominates in the color of the birds. For example, green, yellow, white, blue. If the predominant color is green or blue, then the bird has the usual waviness, if yellow or white, then the bird has a pale waviness. Ash-gray (anthracite) parrots have black wavy, while pure white (albino) parrots do not have it at all.


Such parrots are also called rainbow parrots, because this breed has different colors in its color, almost evenly distributed throughout the body of the bird. This species has its own varieties:


The name of the parrot breed comes from the English spangle, which means “bugle bead” in Russian. Birds of this species have an inverted, mirror-like waviness.

Curly (Feather Dusters)

The budgerigar breed, bred in Japan, is similar in appearance to the Parisian trumpeter canaries. These birds acquired their name because their body is completely or partially covered with a large mass of long curly plumage. Because these parrots never stop growing feathers, they have lost their aerodynamic properties and cannot fly.


Many people call this breed of budgerigars Chubby. The birds received this name for the original feathers that grow on the head in different directions, resembling a crest. There are two types of crested budgies: American and continental. In the American species, the base of the crest is located closer to the occipital part.

According to the shape, there are such types of crests as pointed (in the form of a bunch), round and semicircular. And the forelock parrots themselves have the following varieties:

  • with a double round crest;
  • with a triple round crest;
  • with deformed feathers on the back (with or without a crest).

All types of crested "budgies" can have any colors that exist in budgies.

Due to some nuances associated with their breeding and maintenance, this breed should be considered in more detail. The presence of crest in these birds is a little studied property, but scientists have established that the gene responsible for the presence of a crest is dominant.

Unfortunately, it is among the forelocked parrots that such deviations from behavioral norms as poor coordination of movements have been discovered. Nervous system disorders such as neuroses, convulsions, and seizures were also often observed. breeding of crested parrots is very difficult, since most chicks die almost immediately after birth, and some die before they are born.

What do you know about budgerigar breeds? Share with us in the comments - your opinion is very important to us.

The spectacular Czech parrot with a fluffy crest on its head is not an ordinary budgie. It has advantages through which the owner gains money and fame. It is not so easy to keep a show breed bird at home, but the rewards from it outweigh all the difficulties. Where Czech parrots come from, what is special about them and how not to make a mistake when choosing - you will learn from the article.

Hearing the name, you might think that Czech parrots first appeared in the Czech Republic. In fact, birds of this variety were bred in England in the mid-20th century. The breeders enthusiastically accepted the new crested breed and continued their work, crossing blood-related, similar birds. The English Club was founded, in which the best characteristics of show-class birds were consolidated.

In Europe, a special name was found for the Czechs - exhibition parrots, that is, parameters suitable for championships and competitions. There are special standards for them: for example, a large head, a wide forehead, spots on the neck of the same size.

This is interesting! Birds from Eastern Europe were brought into the Soviet Union during the Warsaw Pact through the open border with Czechoslovakia. Including crested budgies, very rare and expensive. The origin of the common noun – Czech – is connected with this.


Czechs come in different colors, like other budgies: green, blue, gray. They are all united by a fluffy cap on their heads, as well as a voluminous feather beard, reminiscent of large beautiful beads. These distinctive features appear in the chick at the age of four months, until then it looks like an ordinary wavy. Well, maybe a little more massive.

Appearance features:

  1. The body size of an adult bird is from 20 to 25 cm;
  2. There is a long keel on the sternum, which is why the bird looks dignified and proud;
  3. The head is large, decorated with elongated feathers on the crown and cheeks;
  4. The crest hangs over the eyes, limiting visibility;
  5. On the beard, in which the beak almost hides, the feathers are marked with symmetrical black spots.

The purity of the breed of the exhibition Czech budgerigar is confirmed by the fluffiness of the cap, the length of the beard and body weight. The higher the indicators, the better the quality of the exhibition copy.


The Czech is a calm, balanced bird. He is characterized by prudence and perseverance. He will not rush around the cage, but rather sit on a perch or play on a stand. However, it is a good flyer, resilient and strong. A real exhibition Bohemian parrot has a dense build, eliminating excessive fidgetiness. But each has its own characteristics. There are phlegmatic people and jumpers, couch potatoes and entertainers, talkers and silent people.

Measured, even behavior in exhibition budgerigars is an advantage. A calm bird thinks better and listens more attentively to its owner. A diligent student learns new words faster. He can be taught to talk in less than short term than a simple budgie. Even if he is not specifically taught, he listens and then copies speech and other sounds.

Note! The Czech is very easy to tame. From birth, the chicks are surrounded by increased attention, and often they are fed by the breeder himself. In such an atmosphere, the birds grow up to be extremely friendly.

  • comfortable temperature 20 – 25 degrees;
  • relative air humidity 50 – 60%;
  • illumination in summer 14 - 15 hours, in winter - 12 hours;
  • absence of drafts;
  • regular ventilation;
  • sunlight or .

Keep animals away and make less noise in the room. In addition to peace of mind, every parrot needs a spacious cage and healthy food.


The size of the cage is selected taking into account the size of the bird and the parameters of the room. For an exhibition budgerigar, including a Czech, the optimal values ​​for the length, width and height of the cage are 60 / 40 / 80 cm. Vertical and horizontal metal rods, the distance between them is from one and a half to two centimeters. It is important that the bird cannot stick its head through the hole and is not injured. The material from which the cage is made must not contain poisonous or toxic compounds.

The removable tray is covered with wire mesh to prevent the parrot from picking up fallen food. There are two or three feeders for different types of food in different corners. The drinker is suspended from the rods at a low height, just like a mineral stone. During nesting, a nest box with free access is installed in the cage.

Attention! When arranging a bird house, we must not forget about devices for games and relaxation: wooden perches 2.5 cm in diameter, ladders, ropes, and a play corner.


Every domestic parrot: both the common budgie and the Czech parrot, needs good food. Perhaps, purebred show birds are especially selective in their choice of food. They scrutinize new food and are afraid to try it. With such wards there is more trouble.

The basic feeding rules are the same as for other small birds:

  • approximately 60–70% of the daily requirement is a grain mixture (hemp seed, millet, oats);
  • Juicy fruits, vegetables, and herbs are required in the daily menu;
  • protein food of animal origin - twice a week (cottage cheese, boiled egg, larvae);
  • vitamin supplement, minerals (chalk, organic sand).

At proper nutrition Czech parrots grow well, their feathers are lush and shiny, their eyes are clear. The birds are cheerful, active, and easily make contact. Suitable conditions and care promote longevity.


Czech budgies are bred mainly to conquer pedestals in competitions. To consolidate the type, breeders obtain offspring from closely related unions. But beauty is not an indicator of health. The genotype is stabilized, Czechs look impressive, but their fertility decreases and multiple developmental defects are observed. The chicks are born weakened, often get sick, and many of them are infertile.

Czechs are by no means exemplary parents. Their reproductive instinct and maternal feelings are poorly developed. Females abandon the clutch or hatched chicks and stop feeding them early. The breeder has to save the helpless chicks from death by feeding them with the mixture through a tube.

The main differences from a regular budgie

The so-called Czech is just a budgie. Each variety has its own characteristics: unlike the budgerigar, the Czech is much larger. This is the first external difference, there are others:

  • voluminous plumage on the head, reminiscent of a hat or crown;
  • thick beard with a characteristic pattern;
  • the wings lie along the sides, without crossing on the back.

Appearance is not all that distinguishes a Czech from ordinary budgies. Habits and calm character, talent for learning, as well as high cost are signs of a rare crested parrot.


A simple “mongrel” wavy can be bought at any pet store or poultry market. But Czech budgerigars are not so accessible. Due to the nature of their content, they are not widespread enough. Expensive show specimens are found, for the most part, among connoisseurs rare birds. They are bought for fame and career.

Real Czechs are sold only in specialized nurseries or from breeders who are members of a professional club. This bird has documents and a permanent ring. The ring contains information about the parrot:

  • age;
  • breeder number;
  • chick number;
  • club data.

Without the ring, the new owner will not have the opportunity to register a pedigree and take part in exhibitions. Therefore, you should not save money by buying poultry from unverified places. They can sell an old, sick “Czech” at the market, explaining its appearance as molting. A purebred show bird costs several times higher than an ordinary budgie or a chick from an amateur breeder. The price of a show-class Czech, depending on the purity of the breed and appearance, is 4,000 – 15,000 rubles.

Currently, not many Czechs are being bred. Selection process slows down due to susceptibility unusual birds to environmental conditions. Frequent illnesses and maintenance difficulties prevent crested parrots from gaining greater popularity.

Most of us know about the existence of budgies, and many even have first-hand experience. This is one of the most popular bird species to keep at home.

They are relatively inexpensive and unpretentious, they chirp cheerfully, they are amused by various toys and mirrors, which they endlessly kiss, which is why such pets are often bought for children.

After all, watching them is a lot of fun, and caring for them is not so difficult. But few people know exhibition variant of this type - Czech parrot.

Appearance of a Czech parrot

Czech- this is the same budgie, only a little “tuned”. The British achieved some success in this - they gradually increased the size of the bird.

First, the parrot became longer, then wider, and later the rest of the body was adjusted to these dimensions so that the bird looked harmonious.

German breeders focused on demonstrating their bright individuality, providing the birds with a beautiful, rich color scheme.

An ordinary budgerigar can be easily found in every pet store, but its Czech counterpart can only be purchased from breeders.

Officially registered nurseries order special foot rings for their birds, which are not removable, and which can be used to determine the bird’s age, serial number and club data.

Such birds are very similar to the usual combinations of colors in feathers, the shape of the wings and tail, but still the Bohemian has several noticeable differences.

The first thing that catches your eye when comparing a Czech and an ordinary budgie is the size.

Czechs are noticeably larger due not only to their actual size (about 10 cm larger than a wavy), but also due to their increased fluffiness.

In the photo there is a Czech parrot and an ordinary budgie

Such birds even look somehow courageous. Of course, they do not reach the size of large birds, but among their wavy counterparts they stand out in size.

Among Czech budgerigars There are also several types of appearance - the larger and fluffier the bird, the longer the feathers on its cheeks, the more purebred, high-quality, and expensive it is considered.

The second difference is that the Czech has a cap on his head. This luxurious decoration appears on the bird when it molts for the first time.

The feathers on the head puff up in the shape of a cap, and on the cheeks they are long and have black spots, which, reaching to the neck, create the illusion that the bird is wearing beads. Even baby Czechs can already be distinguished from an ordinary budgie.

In the photo there is a feather cap, characteristic of Czech parrots

The brightness of the Czech plumage is also a sign of the breed. There are birds of large size, but not brightly colored - these are half-Czechs.

Czech parrot habitat

Budgerigars are originally native to Australia and the surrounding islands. There they live in huge flocks, not tied to specific areas.

Wandering from place to place in search of water and food, they fly very long distances due to their flight speed.

Sometimes they linger on grassy meadows and plains, where they feed on the seeds of various grasses.

The budgerigar is the most numerous species living in Australia. They inhabit every corner of the continent, except for the dense forests in the north.

They try to set up nesting sites in quiet, remote places, where they gather in flocks of millions.

Pictured is a flock of parrots

Currently, budgerigars mostly live in captivity, as humans have artificially changed the landscape of their native Australia.

Population of Czech parrots was originally bred by humans and was never wild. In the 60s, birds began to be imported to the USSR from Czechoslovakia, which determined their name - Czechs.

The issue of maintaining this was not too difficult - the conditions are the same as for an ordinary wavy one.

The only thing that is due to more Czech parrot size, they need a larger cage - at least 50x40x35 cm. A thicker perch is also used - 2.5 cm in diameter.

Lifestyle and character of the Czech parrot

Like everyone else birds - Czechs quite cheerful, cheerful, very sociable. By nature they are flocking birds, so they feel better when they have the opportunity to communicate with their own kind.

On the one hand, it’s nice to look at a Czech couple in love, but on the other hand, if one bird dies, the second one suffers greatly, because they are monogamous and when they lose their other half, the world becomes not pleasant to them.

The Czech's outward noble posture is also combined with his character - he will not rush around the cage, endlessly jump and hang on various toys.

They are much calmer than ordinary budgies. Thanks to this concentration, the Czechs are much easier.

You don't have to sit in front of the cage for long hours for the parrot to pay attention to you and try to repeat the sounds.

Usually Czechs simply hear words that are common in your home and copy them on their own.

Having made a decision buy a Czech parrot, think about how much time you can devote to communicating with the bird.

If you are often not at home, or you don’t always have time for a parrot, then it is better to buy a couple of birds, so they will not be bored.

At first, there is no need to impose your communication on the parrots; you should not frighten them with loud sounds (screams, noise from the TV, vacuum cleaner). During the first month, the birds will get used to their new home, and they don’t need stress.

Czech parrot feeding

Initially, they were fed only fruits, believing that this was their entire diet. Now special balanced feeds are sold for these birds, consisting of several types of millet, flax, canary seed, oats, and wheat.

Birds require special mineral supplements and vitamins, which are usually found in feed boxes in the form of calcium and sulfur granules.

It would also be good to add sprouted grains of wheat and oats, or a grain mixture, to the diet.

In addition to food, parrots need to diversify their diet with fruits, vegetables, boiled eggs, crackers and herbs. Almost all fruits can be given, except avocado, mango, papaya, and persimmon.

Parrots love vegetables and they are useful for them, everything except onions, garlic and eggplant. These products contain harmful essential oils.

Because of these same essential oils, certain herbs such as dill, parsley and others should not be given to the bird.

You can give branches of some trees, but there are many exceptions; it is quite easy to poison a bird with a poisonous plant.

Therefore, in the case of branches, adhere to this rule - branches of almost all trees and shrubs that produce fruits edible for humans can also be eaten by parrots.

You need to be careful with nuts - they are too fatty. Giving walnut or cashews should be eaten no more than 1-2 times a month in small pieces. Naturally, there should always be water in the drinking bowl.

Reproduction and life expectancy of a Czech parrot

At keeping Czech parrots in pairs, they will probably breed. But it cannot be said that the chicks will be easy.

In the photo there are Czech parrot chicks

Usually, out of five eggs, only a smaller part is fertilized, and only 2-3 chicks are born.

But parents don’t have time for those either; most often they stop feeding them. To prevent babies from starving to death, breeders have to replace their parents.

Simplify the task Czech parrot breeding you can place their eggs in the nest of ordinary budgies, in which the parental instinct is much more developed.

The lifespan of Czechs is quite long - with proper care, the bird will live 12-15 years.