Obtaining a grant for agricultural development: features, requirements and recommendations. Rules and procedure for receiving a grant for agricultural development How to get money for farming development

The agro-industrial complex is the most important component of the Russian economy, producing products vital for the population and having enormous economic potential.

Agriculture, which requires government support, is identified as the main link of the system as a whole.

Legislative framework

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2012 No. 717, a state program was adopted aimed at supporting farming activities and methods of implementation finished products. Duration: 2013 – 2020

Execution will be controlled by the Ministry agriculture Russian Federation, as well as Rosselkhoznadzor and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The program should:

Lead to the financial stability of agricultural producers, to effective use any natural resources, to ensure environmental safety of production, as well as to sustainable development rural areas.

Priority directions

Over the past 15 years, Russian agriculture has changed significantly. Thus, systemic regulation of development by the state attracted a flow of investment into the industry, effective managers And latest technologies. Proof that positive results have already been achieved is the stable growth of the main types of agricultural products - potatoes, grains, meat and vegetables.

The presence of such development dynamics and significant natural resource potential inevitably suggests that the main point of growth of the agro-industrial complex in the long term will be associated with exports.

Implementation of this task involves the direction of targeted monetary support. The state is committed to the development of logistics, processing, infrastructure, land reclamation and insurance.

This approach should provide diversification rural economy, increase its competitiveness and the standard of living of peasants.

It is planned that by 2020 Russia will be able to provide foreign countries with grain, poultry and pork - products characterized by high added value.

This will significantly strengthen Russia’s position in the global agricultural goods market, improve the quality of Russian products and significantly increase the income of agricultural producers.

The state plans that infrastructure and logistics will be improved through the construction and reconstruction of facilities related to the processing, storage and transshipment of agricultural products, as well as expanding the capacity of the logistics chain.

It is obvious that the processing industry and the domestic agri-food market must develop in parallel. Therefore, new enterprises will be built and existing enterprises will be modernized. Government assistance is mainly expressed in the provision of subsidized loans.

According to state program It is necessary not only to increase production potential, but also to sustainably develop rural areas. Particular attention is paid to small forms of business. Thus, peasant (farmer) and personal subsidiary plots are able to cope with such important tasks as: social control over the territory, preservation of rural life, as well as stable environmental sustainability of agriculture.

Farmers produce products in large quantities: grain and sugar beets - about 20% of the total, meat - 48%, milk - 56%, and vegetables - up to 80%. Over the past 10 years, there has been a steady increase in production, so the Ministry of Agriculture is trying in every possible way to provide systematic, comprehensive support to private farming.

General selection criteria

Who exactly are the farmers? will receive a grant is decided by the commission, whose duty is to sum up the results of the competition.

A complete list of documents required for participation can be found on the website of the ministry or organization that supports every aspiring entrepreneur, otherwise called business incubator. The responsibilities of the competition commission include reviewing all submitted documents, especially the business plan, and making a decision on whether to provide the farmer with a grant or to refuse it. At the end, the ministry and the winner of the competition sign an agreement, according to which the peasants must receive funds.

The agreement assumes the following content:

  • the purpose of spending the allocated grant;
  • a description of the results that the farmer strives to achieve;
  • procedure and deadline for submitting expense reports;
  • under what conditions will the grant be returned;
  • level of liability for violation of at least one essential condition for the use of state assistance.

Among general criteria selection The following points can be highlighted:

Business plan must contain so much information and of such quality that the expert commission could find answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the goal of a farmer - a beginner or an existing entrepreneur?
  2. Ways to achieve your goals?
  3. What resources are needed for this?
  4. What results will the proposed project achieve?

The above criteria form the basis for the selection of the expert commission in favor of the most worthy farmer.

There are several more mandatory requirements to participants applying for a grant:

  • The entrepreneur's work experience must be at least 6 months;
  • The subsidy can be used for 18 months, and if we are talking about a livestock farm, then for 2 years;
  • a beginning farmer, 3 years from the moment he has fully utilized the allocated funds, has the right to receive financial support for organizing a family farm;
  • a subsidy for the development of livestock farming will not be allocated if the head of the peasant farm is the founder of a commercial organization;
  • Only those farmers and entrepreneurs who have paid all insurance premiums and are not subject to penalties and fines can count on the grant.

Types of grants

The state plans to achieve a complete replacement of imported meat and dairy products within 7 years, and vegetables and fruits within 5 years.

For these purposes, the Russian government developed several special measures, supporting and developing beginning farming, namely:

  1. Grant for peasant farming, providing for communication equipment, acquisition of land and construction of a facility necessary for agriculture. The farmer who received such a grant must report where the allocated funds, determined by budget limits, were spent.
  2. Subsidizing loans received for the purpose of development and modernization of the economy.
  3. Compensation of financial resources spent for the construction of a peasant- farm.
  4. Down payment financing for the purchase of agricultural machinery through leasing.
  5. All-Russian competition “Best Farmer”.

This year, as in previous years, the grant helps the peasant to realize his own capabilities and organize a successful farm.

Supporting rural areas involves supporting beginning and family farmers. Any peasant who meets the established criteria (professionalism, availability of a business plan and own start-up capital, sales channels, as well as the level of social significance of the product) can apply for help.

The state program aimed at developing agriculture includes 11 sub-items. Yes, support can be expressed V:

Each region adheres to its own approved action plan, as well as its own target program, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. The conditions for participation in the competition for a grant, and others for beginning entrepreneurs, can be found on the website of the local administration.

Not only peasant farms, but also other representatives of the agro-industrial sector can count on financial assistance: entrepreneurs, agricultural cooperatives.

Money amount may be spent to:

  • construction (modernization, reconstruction) of an industrial building, workshop;
  • purchase of equipment for the purpose of independently conducting veterinary examinations and quality control of agricultural products;
  • for equipping and modernizing premises in which meat, fish, milk or vegetables are processed and stored;
  • for the purchase of a unit of agricultural transport: a wagon, van or trailer, providing the possibility of transporting goods (including on leasing terms).

List of documents that must be provided to participate in the grant program

A farmer hoping to receive a grant must find a Program Coordinator at the local level and provide the following: package of documents:

In general, to organize a peasant farm you need: perseverance, a carefully thought-out business plan and government support.

For information on the conditions for receiving a grant for the development of farming in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, see the following video:

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has adopted a state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013 - 2020.

Within the framework of this program, a subprogram “Support for small businesses” is provided, aimed specifically at supporting small start-up companies in the field of agriculture.

1. Grants for beginning farmers

If YOU are a beginning farmer, then YOU can receive a special grantfor the creation and development of their own peasant (farm) economy.

Grants can be used by beginning farmers to:

· acquisition of land plots from agricultural lands;

· development of design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises intended for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;

· acquisition, construction, repair and reconstruction of production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions, utility networks, barriers and structures necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products, as well as their registration;

· construction of roads and access roads to production and storage facilities necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;

· connecting production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions and structures necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products to utility networks - electrical, water, gas and heat networks, road infrastructure;

· purchase of farm animals;

· purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment, cargo road transport, equipment for the production and processing of agricultural products;

· purchasing seeds and planting material for planting perennial plantings;

· purchase of fertilizers and pesticides.

To receive a grant, YOU need to contact the regional competition commission to support beginning farmers. Grants are distributed on a competitive basis. The regional competition commission annually, before January 15, publishes the conditions for the competition for grants. To participate in the competition, YOU need to submit an application to the commission in the prescribed form. The regional commission reviews applications from beginning farmers and identifies applicants.

Contacts of regional competition commissions can be obtained from state agricultural authorities in the regions. Contacts: http://www.mcx.ru/documents/document/v7_show/13044..htm

For information: The number of peasant (farm) households receiving grants is determined based on the limit of funds allocated from the federal budget and the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for these purposes in the current year.

YOU can receive a grant for the creation and development of a peasant (farm) enterprise only 1 time. In this case, the grant must repay no more than 90 percent of YOUR costs for the acquisition of material resources for the development of a peasant (farm) economy.

2. Providing grants for home improvement for beginning farmers

Purpose of the event – providing one-time assistance to beginning farmers for housing construction and household improvements.

Grant funds can be used to build housing, purchase furniture and other furnishings for a farmer’s home.

However, this event does not provide for the purchase of housing on the secondary market. It is assumed that the beginning farmer is constructing or purchasing a new building.

Procedure for providing grants. The timing and conditions of the competition vary in each region, so to participate you must carefully monitor the information on the websites of relevant regional departments that provide support to small and medium-sized businesses, as well as regional ministries of agriculture. As a rule, competition announcements are issued in the form of resolutions of the relevant regional ministries of agriculture.

3. Development of family livestock farms on the basis of peasant (farmer) farms

If YOU are planning to open a business related to running a livestock farm, then YOU can receive a grant for its development.

For information: A family livestock farm is a production facility intended for raising and keeping farm animals, owned or used by a peasant (farm) enterprise.

The development of a family livestock farm is the construction or modernization of a family livestock farm, including its design, construction, repairs, equipment and farm animals.

With the help of the grant, YOU can:

· development of design documentation for the construction, reconstruction or modernization of family livestock farms;

· construction, reconstruction or modernization of family livestock farms;

· construction, reconstruction or modernization of production facilities for processing livestock products;

· supplying family livestock farms and livestock processing facilities with equipment and machinery, as well as their installation;

· purchasing farm animals.

The amount of the grant issued from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation cannot exceed 60 percent of YOUR costs.

To receive a grant, YOU must submit an application in the prescribed form for a grant for the creation or reconstruction of livestock farms to the commission under the governing body of the agro-industrial complex of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The commission reviews submitted applications and determines the winners.

If YOU receive a grant, you will then need to systematically submit a report on the costs incurred and the required subsidy amounts.

Contacts of government bodies governing the agro-industrial complex in the regions: http://www.mcx.ru/documents/document/v7_show/13044..htm

4. State support for lending to small businesses

If YOU are a beginning farmer and have taken out a loan to develop your business, then YOU can reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on bank loans and loans by receiving special government subsidies.

Subsidies are provided:

1. For citizens running private farming:

for a period of up to 2 years - for the purchase of fuels and lubricants, spare parts and materials for the repair of agricultural machinery and livestock buildings, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, feed, veterinary drugs and other material resources for seasonal work, materials for greenhouses, young animals farm animals, as well as for the payment of insurance premiums for insurance of agricultural products, provided that the total amount of the specified credit (loan) received by a citizen in the current year does not exceed 300 thousand rubles per farm, as well as for other purposes in accordance with the list , approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

for a period of up to 5 years - for the purchase of farm animals, small-sized agricultural equipment, tractors with a power of up to 100 hp. and agricultural machines aggregated with them, cargo vehicles with a gross weight of no more than 3.5 tons, equipment for livestock breeding and processing of agricultural products, for the repair, reconstruction and construction of livestock buildings, as well as for the purchase of gas equipment and connection to gas networks, provided that the total amount of the specified credit (loan) received by a citizen in the current year does not exceed 700 thousand rubles per household, as well as for other purposes in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

2.For peasant (farm) farms:

for a period of up to 2 years - for the purchase of fuels and lubricants, spare parts and materials for the repair of agricultural machinery and equipment, mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, feed, veterinary drugs and other material resources for seasonal work, young farm animals, as well as for the payment of insurance premiums for insurance of agricultural products, provided that the total amount of the specified credit (loan) received in the current year does not exceed 5 million rubles per farm, as well as for other purposes in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

for a period of up to 8 years - for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment (Russian and foreign production), including tractors and agricultural machines aggregated with them, machines for livestock farming, poultry farming and feed production, equipment for converting trucks, tractors and agricultural machines to gas engine power fuel, storage and processing of agricultural products, for the purchase of breeding farm animals, breeding products (material), construction, reconstruction and modernization of storage facilities for potatoes, vegetables and fruits, greenhouse complexes for the production of fruits and vegetables in closed ground, livestock complexes (farms), livestock breeding facilities and feed production, flax and flax fiber processing enterprises, as well as for the planting of perennial plantings and vineyards, including the construction and reconstruction of grafting complexes, provided that the total amount of the specified credit (loan) received in the current year does not exceed 10 million rubles per one farm, as well as for other purposes in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

3.For agricultural consumer cooperatives:

for a period of up to 2 years - for the acquisition of material resources for seasonal agricultural work, young farm animals, spare parts and materials for the repair of agricultural machinery and equipment, materials for greenhouses, including for supplying them to members of the cooperative, the purchase of agricultural raw materials for primary and industrial processing, the purchase of agricultural products produced by members of the cooperative for their further sale, as well as for the organizational development of the cooperative and the payment of insurance premiums for the insurance of agricultural products, provided that the total amount of the specified credit (loan) received in the current year does not exceed 15 million . rubles per cooperative, as well as for other purposes in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

for a period of up to 8 years - for the purchase of machinery and equipment (Russian and foreign production), including specialized transport for the transportation of compound feed, hatching eggs, chickens, replacement young stock and parent flock of poultry, tractors and agricultural machines aggregated with them, livestock machines , poultry farming and feed production, equipment for converting trucks, tractors and agricultural machines to gas engine fuel, purchasing specialized technological equipment, refrigeration equipment, farm animals, breeding products (material), including for supplying them to members of the cooperative, construction, reconstruction and modernization of warehouses and production premises, storage of potatoes, vegetables and fruits, greenhouse complexes for the production of fruits and vegetables in closed ground, livestock and feed production facilities, flax and flax fiber processing enterprises, construction and reconstruction of agricultural markets, trading platforms, points for acceptance, primary processing and storage of milk and meat , fruits and vegetables and other agricultural products, as well as for the establishment of perennial plantings and vineyards, including the construction and reconstruction of grafting complexes.

Condition: the total amount of the specified credit (loan) received in the current year must not exceed 40 million rubles.

Also YOU ​​can get government subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received for a period of up to 5 years for the development of non-agricultural activities in rural areas (rural tourism, rural trade, folk arts and crafts, household and socio-cultural services for the rural population, procurement and processing of wild fruits and berries, medicinal plants and other non-timber raw materials) in the amount of two-thirds of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

More information about the conditions for providing subsidies can be found on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation:


5. Providing collateral fund guarantees

If there is insufficient collateral when applying for a loan in commercial banks YOU can contact special guarantee funds, which today operate in almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation under the Departments for Support of Small and Medium Businesses. To obtain a guarantee, YOU independently contact the bank with which this guarantee fund has signed a cooperation agreement. And then you provide all the necessary documents in accordance with the procedure established by the bank’s internal regulatory documents. The bank reviews the application, analyzes the submitted documents, financial condition and makes a decision on the possibility of lending. If the security provided by YOU is not enough to obtain a loan, then the bank informs YOU about the possibility of attracting a guarantee from the guarantee fund to ensure the fulfillment of YOUR obligations under the loan agreement. In case of YOUR consent, the bank sends a signed and agreed upon application for a guarantee to the subject’s guarantee fund.

You can obtain complete information about the operating conditions of the guarantee fund, as well as a list of banks with which a cooperation agreement has been signed by contacting the regional business support departments.

6. Registration of land plots in the ownership of peasant (farm) farms

As you know, when creating or expanding an agricultural business, the first thing you need is land. Registration of land plots is a separate expense item for entrepreneurs.

YOU can receive full compensation for the costs of cadastral work in relation to land plots from agricultural lands.

Requirements for receiving grants

It should be noted right away that not everyone can receive help from the state - for this it is necessary to meet a number of criteria established by the conditions for participation in the Beginning Farmer program. Conditions for providing a grant to a beginning farmer the following:

  • specialized agricultural education or work experience in agriculture for at least 3 years - if you are just planning to start farming, have not previously worked in this field and do not have the appropriate education, you will not be able to take part in the grant program;
  • the position of the head of a production association (farm or peasant enterprise, cooperative, etc.), which was registered no more than 2 years before submitting the application - thus, only beginning agricultural producers and newly created farms are stimulated;
  • Russian Federation citizenship and working age - foreigners cannot apply for grants, as well as people who have not reached working age or are retired.
  • The applicant has not previously received similar grants as part of another farm.

In some regions, additional requirements may be put forward, for example, mandatory registration in the locality where the activity will be carried out, lack of business experience in other areas in the last 3 years, etc. More detailed information about the requirements can be obtained on the websites of the relevant regional departments.

In addition, there are conditions that must be guaranteed by the applicant after receiving the grant:

  • creation of at least three new jobs in a cooperative or farm (excluding the head), and only permanent employment of employees is taken into account; seasonal work is not considered such employment;
  • spending the grant funds in the first year after receipt - all funds received must be spent (and exclusively on the needs of the economy and its development) within 12 (in some cases - 18) months from the date of allocation by the state;
  • the enterprise must carry out its core activities for at least 5 years from the date of receipt of the grant. If the legal entity is re-profiled within this period or ceases activities, the grant will be considered wasted.

If these conditions are not met, the state has the right to demand the funds back, as well as impose additional sanctions on the recipient of assistance.

List of documents for a beginning farmer to receive a grant

In order to take part in the Beginning Farmer program, you will need to prepare a number of documents, namely:

  • application in the form of a completed standard form;
  • a business plan is the main document for obtaining a grant. It describes all future activities of the enterprise, including the profile of work, the expected volume of products received and its cost, income and expenses by year, time frames for reaching break-even and self-sufficiency, etc. The business plan must be sufficiently detailed, realistic and take into account at least 3 (and preferably 5) years;
  • expenditure plan – this describes for what purposes the grant funds and other funds raised by the farm (for example, loans, investments, etc.) will be spent. The acquired assets (agricultural machinery, seed, fertilizers, chemical agents, livestock, etc.), quantity, cost, as well as sources of financing for each asset are listed;
  • document about specialized education(diploma) or extract from work book indicating at least 3 years of experience in agriculture;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on registration legal entity– farm, confirming that the farm was created no earlier than 24 months before the application;
  • an extract from the bank where the legal entity's accounts are serviced, confirming the availability of funds in the amount of at least 10% of the grant amount ( standard size grant - from 1 to 3 million rubles);
  • a certificate of existing assets in the enterprise - equipment, livestock, arable land, buildings, product processing workshops, etc.;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, TIN.

If at the time of submitting the application the enterprise already has hired employees and is conducting business, additional documents are provided - a certificate of the number of employees, the volume of products produced, etc. These documents, although not required, can improve your chances of receiving a grant.

The procedure for providing grants to beginning farmers

Grants are provided on a competitive basis. A special commission, which is created under the regional department in charge of agriculture, analyzes applications and determines the most worthy applicants. The procedure for providing grants to beginning farmers next:

Submitting a package of documents for consideration by the commission

All papers listed above are submitted along with the completed application to the commission. It is necessary to monitor application deadlines as they are not fixed and may vary from region to region.

Signing a grant agreement

Those applicants who were selected by the commission must sign an agreement. It indicates the amount of financial assistance, the purposes for which it should be spent (based on the documents provided by the applicant), the format for reporting the funds spent, the expected results, and the conditions for repaying the grant.

Reporting for funds received

After the period of use, the grant recipient must account for its use, taking into account the conditions imposed (intended use, job creation, etc.).

The procedure for obtaining a grant looks quite simple, but due to the large number of applications, not every beginning farmer can receive the desired assistance. To increase your chances, it is recommended to follow these recommendations:

  • pay special attention to the preparation of documentation - the commission is not familiar with you and your business, it will rely only on the documents provided and make a decision based on them;
  • do not use dubious sources of income in documents, do not indicate false or unrealistic indicators - most likely, the fraud will be exposed, and the applicant will never be able to apply for grants again. Similar sanctions also await those who intend to use allocated funds for inappropriate spending;
  • take care of legal support - a large number necessary documents, knowledge of all procedures is required legal assistance. Participation in preparation for the competition by an experienced specialist in the field significantly increases the chances of winning a grant.

If you meet all the requirements and follow these recommendations, you can safely count on help for a novice farmer.


The state program “Beginning Farmer” allows new agricultural producers to receive funds for development. But to receive a grant, you need to meet a number of conditions, prepare a thorough package of documents and be selected by a specialized commission. When preparing for the competition, the assistance of a specialized lawyer will be important.

The development of agriculture, especially in times of crisis and sanctions on products from abroad, is becoming a priority. Since 2013, the Ministry of Agriculture has been implementing a program whose goals are to increase the profitability of agricultural producers and develop cooperation. As part of this program, a subprogram to support beginning agricultural producers has been developed. A beginning farmer can receive a free grant or a one-time payment from the state to develop his own business in the field of agriculture.

Grants for beginning entrepreneurs: what is it?

The program to support beginning farmers involves two types of payments:

  • grant for creating a farm;
  • a one-time payment for the farmer's living arrangements.

The size of the grant can reach one and a half million rubles, and a one-time payment for arrangement can be 250 thousand rubles.

Grants are subsidized by the federation, but each region has its own program to support farmers, which may provide additional payments.

A grant is a sum of money that can be spent on specified purposes, for example:

  • land acquisition;
  • development of projects and construction of various utility and utility premises;
  • construction of roads on farm territory;
  • summing up communications;
  • purchase of agricultural machinery and transport;
  • purchase of animals and planting material;
  • purchase of fertilizers and chemicals.

A one-time payment is made to:

  • acquisition of equipment;
  • purchase or renovation of housing;
  • connection to communications.

Who can receive a grant

Not every agricultural entrepreneur can apply for a grant, but only a beginning farmer - a person who meets the following requirements:

  • citizen of the Russian Federation of working age;
  • being the head of a peasant farm (peasant or farm) registered for less than 24 months;
  • having appropriate education or experience in agriculture for at least three years.

To receive a grant, the head of a peasant farm must have:

  • business plan;
  • an expenditure plan indicating the property or services planned for acquisition (with prices and sources of financing);
  • own funds in the amount of at least 10 percent of the grant amount.

Mandatory conditions for receiving a grant are:

  • creation of three or more jobs (these are not seasonal workers and not the head of a peasant farm);
  • When receiving a grant, the peasant farm must operate for at least five years;
  • the grant must be spent within a year after receiving it and only for the purpose of developing the farm.

How to get a grant for a beginning farmer

The grant is provided based on the results of the competition. To participate in the competition, you must provide the relevant documents to the regional Ministry of Agriculture, which creates a commission to review applications. The full list of documents can be found on the ministry’s website or in organizations supporting start-up entrepreneurs (business incubators). The competition committee reviews all submitted documents, especially the business plan, and decides whether to provide a grant to the farmer. The ministry enters into an agreement with the winner of the competition and pays the money within five days.

The grant agreement specifies:

  • the purpose of spending the grant funds;
  • the results that will be achieved with the help of the grant;
  • the procedure and timing of reports on the expenditure of grant funds;
  • conditions for the return of grant funds;
  • liability in case of violation of the essential conditions of use of the grant.

Grants for beginning farmers are a great help. It is relatively easy to obtain such support from the state. The main thing is to provide everything necessary documents, and then report on the use of funds for the purposes specified in the agreement. If the terms of the contract are violated, the grant will have to be returned. A beginning farmer is given a grant only once in his life.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in 2018 - 2020 is implementing a targeted federal program “Beginner Farmer”

This program is financed from the Federal budget and is aimed at providing assistance for the development of young rural specialists in this area, as well as for them to open their own business.

Subsidies (grants) to beginning farmers for the purchase of land, construction of premises, purchase of agricultural machinery, equipment, livestock, feed in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2018

Conditions of the program "Support for beginning farmers" in 2018

The procedure for providing grants and (or) one-time assistance for state support for beginning farmers

(approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan "On measures of state support for the agro-industrial complex in 2018")

Recipients of grants and (or) one-time assistance are peasant (farm) enterprises registered in the prescribed manner on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, engaged in the production of agricultural products.

Grants are provided to beginning farmers for the following purposes:

  • acquisition of land plots from agricultural lands;
  • development of design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises intended for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;
  • acquisition, construction, repair and reconstruction of production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions, utility networks, barriers and structures necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products, as well as their registration;
  • construction of roads and access roads to production and storage facilities necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;
  • connection of production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions and structures necessary for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products to utility networks of electricity, water, gas and heat supply, road infrastructure;
  • purchase of farm animals;
  • acquisition of agricultural machinery and equipment, trucks, equipment for the production and processing of agricultural products;
  • purchasing seeds and planting material for planting perennial plantings;
  • purchase of fertilizers and pesticides.

The condition for the provision of grants is victory in the competitive selection for grants in accordance with the regulations on the interdepartmental competitive commission to consider applications from beginning farmers for grants for the development of a peasant (farm) economy and (or) one-time assistance for household improvement, approved by order of the Ministry (hereinafter - Position).

To participate in the competitive selection, the heads of peasant (farm) enterprises submit to the Ministry documents confirming compliance with the conditions established by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated March 22, 2012 No. 197 “On the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2012 No. 166.”

A grant and (or) one-time assistance can be provided to a peasant (farm) enterprise only once. The grant and (or) one-time assistance have a specific purpose and cannot be used by the grant recipient for purposes not provided for in this Procedure.

Maximum sizeprogram grant"Beginner Farmer" is:

  • for breeding Cattle for meat or dairy directions - no more 3 million rubles ,
  • when breeding others types of agricultural animals, birds, during development vegetable growing(open and closed ground, greenhouse farms) and cultivation fruit And berry cultures - no more 1.5 million rubles

The amount of the grant provided to a particular beginning farmer is determined by the competition commission based on the Regulations created by the Ministry, taking into account the beginning farmer’s own funds and his spending plan.

The grant is provided on the basis of a grant agreement concluded between the Ministry and the winner of the competition (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) within a five-day period, calculated in working days, from the date of conclusion of the Agreement, subject to funding limits.

The Agreement provides for the following provisions:

  • target purpose of the grant and (or) one-time assistance;
  • grant size;
  • values ​​of grant performance indicators;
  • commitment to carry out agricultural activities for at least five years after receiving the grant;
  • the procedure and deadlines for submitting reports on the implementation of expenses, the source of financial support for which is a grant, as well as a report on the achievement of the values ​​of performance indicators for the provision of a grant in the form approved by order of the Ministry;
  • a condition prohibiting the acquisition by the head of a peasant farm of foreign currency at the expense of received funds, with the exception of operations carried out in accordance with the currency legislation of the Russian Federation during the purchase (supply) of high-tech imported equipment, raw materials and components;
  • consent of peasant farms to the implementation by the Ministry and government bodies financial control checks of farm compliance with conditions;
  • liability for violation of the provisions of the Agreement.

The Ministry transfers grants and (or) one-time assistance from a personal account opened in the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan to the grantee's bank account within the time limits established by the Agreement.

The grant recipient submits to the Ministry a report on expenses, the source of financial support for which is a grant and (or) one-time assistance, as well as reports on the achievement of performance indicators for their provision in the forms and within the time limits established by the Agreement.

To participate in the Program, the applicant submits the following documents ():

1. application;
2. questionnaire;
3. at least one of the following documents:
a) a copy of the applicant’s education document confirming the presence of secondary specialized or higher agricultural education;
b) a copy of a document confirming that the applicant has completed additional vocational education courses in an agricultural specialty;
c) a copy of the work record book confirming the applicant’s work experience in agriculture for at least 3 years;
d) an extract from the household register, certified by the local government body regarding the applicant’s personal management subsidiary farming for the last 3 years and sales of agricultural products of at least 30 thousand rubles per year;
4. business plan for organizing your own business;
5. an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs received no more than three months before the date of filing the application;
6. copy of the Certificate of state registration peasant farm;
7. copy newsletter on registration in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (letter from the Territorial Authority Federal service state statistics for the Republic of Tatarstan with OKVED codes);
8. a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
9. plan of expenses proposed for co-financing through a grant for the development of peasant farms;
10. A bank statement from the current account confirming the funds raised in the amount of at least 10% of the cost of each grant and one-time assistance.
11. a certificate of the average number of employees, confirming the compliance of the beginning farmer with the parameters of a micro-enterprise in accordance with the requirements of Art. 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”;
12. agreement on the sale of agricultural products worth more than 30 thousand rubles;
13. an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the rights of an individual to the real estate objects that he/she has, certified by the authorized body and issued no earlier than 30 days before the date of submission of the competitive application;
14. summary estimate with the attachment of a local estimate and a diagram of the facility (when using a grant for construction or reconstruction);
15. a certificate from the tax authority confirming the absence of overdue debts on tax and other obligatory payments to budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds;
16. a certificate from the territorial employment center about the lack of state support for unemployed citizens to organize self-employment in the form of entrepreneurial activity;
17. Consent to the processing of personal data.
18. certificate from a rural settlement or municipality of the fact of residence and conduct of activities of a peasant farm at the place of registration and residence
19. certificate of availability of machinery and equipment, livestock and poultry from the head of the peasant farm
20. Certificate from the applicant regarding the availability of production premises, machinery, equipment, livestock of farm animals
21. Passport technical means, confirming his ownership of the peasant farm

Requirements for participants (applicants) of the Program

The right to receive targeted budget funds, in the form of grants, is granted to a beginning farmer - an applicant who meets the conditions specified below:
1. The head of the peasant farm is a citizen of the Russian Federation, carrying out production activities, based on his personal participation;
2. The period of activity of the peasant farm as of the date of filing the application does not exceed 24 months from the date of registration;
3. The peasant farm is registered and carries out production activities in the rural territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, the head of the peasant farm permanently resides or undertakes to move to permanent place residence in the municipality at the location and peasant farm registration and this farm is the only place of employment for 5 years from the date of disbursement of the grant;
4. The applicant did not carry out entrepreneurial activity(wasn't individual entrepreneur, founder or manager of business companies) over the past three years.
5. The applicant has not previously been a recipient of grants for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, including a grant for the creation and development of a peasant (farm) enterprise, grants for the development of family livestock farms, payments received to promote self-employment of unemployed citizens, financial support in the form subsidies received in accordance with Federal law dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”, as well as one-time assistance for household improvements.
6. The applicant has a secondary specialized or higher agricultural education, or has received additional vocational education in an agricultural specialty, or has at least three years of work experience in agriculture, or was a member of a personal subsidiary farm;
7. The peasant farm, the head of which is the applicant, falls under the criteria of a micro-enterprise established by Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007 “On the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Russian Federation”;
8. The applicant has a business plan for the creation and development of a peasant farm in the area of ​​activity (industry) defined by the Program, increasing the volume of agricultural products sold (hereinafter referred to as the business plan).
9. The applicant submits a cost plan, indicating the names of the property being purchased and the work being performed. The plan indicates the quantity, price, amount and sources of financing (grant funds, assistance, raised funds).
10. The head of the peasant farm undertakes to pay from the funds raised at least 10% of the cost of each item specified in the Expenditure Plan.
11. The head of the peasant farm undertakes to use the grant and assistance within 18 months from the date of receipt of funds into his account and to use the property purchased through the grant exclusively for the development of the peasant farm.
12. The head of the peasant farm undertakes to create at least one permanent job for every 1 million rubles. grant support.
13. Conclusion of agreements on the sale of agricultural products worth more than 30 thousand rubles.
14. The applicant undertakes to carry out the activities of the peasant farm for at least five years after receiving the grant.
15. The applicant agrees to the transfer and processing of his personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.