Plasticine modeling is a fun and interesting activity. DIY plasticine crafts Plasticine modeling for adults

From a very early age, parents try to engage in creativity with their children, using all kinds of available materials. Crafts made from plasticine are especially popular. Colorful products can decorate a child's room or be used in games, which is why they arouse special interest among children. And for adults, the modeling process will be a fascinating activity.

Crafts made from plasticine are especially popular.

Both children and adults enjoy sculpting plasticine figures. Even the smallest ones can cope with this task. The main thing is to first choose simpler figures so that the desire to create does not disappear. For beginning craftsmen, you should choose the easiest but most beautiful patterns.

House: step by step instructions

Even a child can make a plasticine house. He will need very little time to build an entire city. To do this, you just need to arm yourself with everything you need:

  • red, brown, green and white plasticine;
  • special plastic knife;
  • pen;
  • toothpick.

Even a child can make a plasticine house

The sculpting process is as follows:

  1. The white block is kneaded and given a square shape, pressing it with the palm of your hand to a flat surface.
  2. A kind of pyramid is made from a brown block - a roof and a lot of balls, which are then pressed down a little and laid on an already made workpiece, you get a roof covered with tiles, each part is pressed down a little with a stack.
  3. Connect the base to the roof.
  4. Thin strips are made from the brown mass and framed with them the corners of the house and the joints of the roof with the base.
  5. A window and a door are made from the same strips, and the texture is drawn with a toothpick.
  6. At the bottom, grass is made from the green mass and given the required shape with a ballpoint pen.
  7. All that remains is to decorate the composition with red flowers.

Gallery: crafts from plasticine (25 photos)

How to make a beautiful frog

The frog is actually very simple. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • green plasticine and white;
  • toothpick;
  • special knife.

How to sculpt:

  1. Cut off half of the green block using a stack and roll a couple of balls out of it, their size should be slightly different.
  2. These balls are connected to each other.
  3. They make two smaller balls of the same shape and size and attach them to the top of the animal’s head.
  4. Small white cakes are molded onto these circles to create eyes.
  5. Use a toothpick to draw the mouth and nostrils.
  6. Now they roll up thin strips, bend them a little and press them on the edges, forming flippers, and attach them to the bottom to form paws.

The front legs are made shorter than the hind legs, but according to the same principle, they are also attached to the body.

Green flower made of plasticine (video)

Crafts from plasticine: sculpt a person step by step

Children's crafts can be very different; they don't necessarily have to be animals or flowers. It's easy to blind a person or a loved one fairy tale hero. Moreover, in the future you can not only look at such a product, but also play with it, like with an ordinary toy.

Cool and simple people

The creative process occurs in just a few stages:

  1. The plasticine is kneaded well and given a cylindrical shape.
  2. Press the upper part with your fingers, thus forming the head.
  3. Squeeze the cylinder a little and extend your arms on both sides of the body.
  4. Using a knife called a stack, a longitudinal cut is made in the lower part. This is how the legs are made. All that remains is to round the edges.
  5. The little man can remain in this form, but he will be more beautiful if he also does his hair, draws on his eyes, nose and mouth, fingers and even nails with a toothpick.

You can make such a little man very simply

How to make an iron man

In order to make such a craft, you will need plasticine of only two colors: yellow and red.

The entire workflow boils down to the following steps:

  1. An oval is made from the red mass and an oblong yellow cake in the shape of a diamond is glued to it.
  2. The stack makes small slits for the eyes and mouth.
  3. Round slits are made on both sides.
  4. A trapezoidal part is made from the red mass and diamond-shaped stripes are drawn on it.
  5. A small yellow triangle is sculpted in the center.
  6. A small rectangle is cut out at the bottom.
  7. Shoulders are formed from red balls, extended with yellow cubes and stripes are drawn.
  8. Using this principle, the forearm and hands are made and all the parts are connected.
  9. Another part is attached to the body to form a belt.
  10. Make two oblong pieces of yellow and two red, from which you get legs, put some things in your hands.

How to make an animal or bird from plasticine: lessons

In order to sculpt a snake or a little chicken, you don’t even need instructions, and everything is clear and understandable. If you need to make other animals or birds, then it is better to find out in advance what subtleties this process may include. After all, you want the product to be as realistic as possible and the animals to be immediately recognizable.

How to make an eagle from plasticine

You only need three colors of plasticine to sculpt a real eagle.

You need to prepare black, white and yellow blocks and you can safely get to work:

  1. A small ball is rolled out of the black mass.
  2. From white they make a piece similar in shape to a peanut and pull it out a little with your fingers, making something like a skirt.
  3. The two parts are connected to form a neck and a head.
  4. Make a yellow beak and attach it to the white part.
  5. Two flat triangles are made from black plasticine to form wings. Stacks of slits are made on them.
  6. Attach the wings to the body and slightly straighten them to the sides and lift them up.
  7. Eyes are made from small black circles, and eyebrows are made from thin white stripes.
  8. They make black paws for the bird and attach them to the body.
  9. All that remains is to add the massive lower part of the yellow limbs and attach the black tail.

You only need three colors of plasticine to sculpt a real eagle.

Crafts from plasticine: making a scorpion

In the process of making such a scorpion, you can use either ordinary plasticine or a more modern one - “Play-doh” in black. When the material has already been prepared, you can begin the creative process:

  1. In order to sculpt the body and head, roll up several balls, each of which is slightly smaller than the previous one.
  2. Glue these molds together and make a small cut in the largest one.
  3. The remaining circles need to be flattened a little.
  4. To form the tail, small plasticine portions are also made, but smaller than those needed for the body.
  5. The balls are fastened together, making a bend, like a real scorpion.
  6. A pointed brush is made at the tip of the tail.
  7. Attach the tail to the base.
  8. At the next stage, three thin sausages are formed.
  9. Limbs are formed from these parts, attached to the body and slightly bent.

Even thinner strips are needed for the front claws; they are also attached to the body.

Plasticine crafts for adults: how to make complex figures

Only adults can make interesting but complex crafts. Children are often given an impossible task, asking them to mold not only cartoon characters, but also computer games, out of plasticine. It’s quite difficult to immediately figure out how to make a whole Minecraft world or Chica the chicken from animatronics, but it’s also quite possible. But making a transformer is a real art.

Bumblebee made from plasticine

During the sculpting process you will need the following materials:

  • wire;
  • plasticine;
  • stack;
  • loops;

Interesting but complex crafts can only be made by adults

When everything you need is at hand, you can get to work:

  1. The wire is cut into three parts. The torso and one lower limb are made from one, and the upper limbs from the second. The third is twisted in the form of a spiral in the area of ​​the torso and arms, and when reaching the torso the second leg is formed.
  2. To prevent the frame from falling apart, it is secured with plasticine.
  3. Prepare the parts for the body and string them on wire.
  4. In this way all the parts are attached.
  5. They give the necessary pose to the fantastic hero.
  6. They sculpt a head and draw a face in a stack, make eyes from blue plasticine.
  7. All that remains is to make a yellow suit for the future toy, and use a knife to correct every detail.

Crafts from plasticine on paper

You can also create real masterpieces from plasticine on a sheet of cardboard or plain paper. In this case, the result will no longer be a simple picture, but a real work of art. Incredible patterns are created from simple materials. It could be a mermaid, a knight, or even winter or autumn landscapes. All you have to do is start imagining.

Space painting made of plasticine

Children are incredibly interested in everything unknown, especially space. That is why they will be especially interested in creating this particular picture. Before starting work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • plasticine;
  • stacks;
  • cardboard;
  • matches;
  • tubes;
  • toothpicks.

Children are incredibly interested in everything unknown, especially space.

After all the materials are already on the table, you can start working:

  1. A semicircle is sculpted at the bottom of the sheet to create a planet.
  2. They make a flying saucer at the top.
  3. On the planet itself they “paint” aliens with plasticine.
  4. If desired, they can be equipped with weapons, an intergalactic telephone and other fantastic details.

Decorate the picture with shells, beads or any other material.

Small plasticine objects

Parents often set impossible tasks for their children. They ask you to immediately make a rooster or a turtle, but it is much easier to start with smaller and simpler objects, which will then be used in various games. An exciting activity will be sculpting an Easter egg or a barbecue grill on which kebabs are fried.. For children, picnics and Easter always bring joy; naturally, they will be in a great mood when sculpting their symbols.

Brazier made of plasticine: step-by-step instructions

To make a small barbecue, you need to arm yourself with plasticine, a small box and matches or toothpicks, after which you can start creating:

  1. Cover the entire box with gray plasticine and smooth it with your fingers so that the surface is even.
  2. Small slits are made in the upper part of the stack, into which skewers will later be placed.
  3. They take four matches and also hide them under the gray mass, making stable legs from them.
  4. Small pieces (meat) are made from the brown and white mass, strung on matches and placed in the slits.
  5. Small pieces of black paper are placed inside the finished grill, thereby simulating coals.

Brazier made of plasticine (video)

Modeling from plasticine is a fascinating activity that every child can handle. It is absolutely not necessary to rely on the famous Aunt Masha, who talks about all the intricacies of this process on TV. You just need to decide what exactly you want to do, think through every detail and get to work. Without a doubt, everything will work out in the end.


Happy child 07.11.2017

Dear readers, today I want to introduce you to a very interesting type of painting - plasticineography. Plasticine painting comparatively new look creativity, which is very accessible and understandable to both children and adults. The process itself is very fascinating, makes you immerse yourself in creativity, feel free from everyday everyday worries and troubles. A young mother, artist and teacher Anna Pavlovskikh, who is already well known to you, will introduce you in more detail to drawing with plasticine. I am pleased to give the floor to her.

Hello, dear readers! I noticed that reviews of various creative activities with children resonate among readers of Irina’s blog, so today I decided to talk about another very interesting technology– plasticineography. Plasticine painting is a very relevant and modern type of painting that can be practiced even with the smallest children. Plasticineography allows you to create a relief or even image on a solid base, most often on cardboard. In children's crafts, beads, beads, sequins, and cereals are also used to decorate plasticine paintings.

Kneading plasticine, pinching, rolling small balls, sorting out small decorative details not only trains fine motor skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is especially valuable that in plasticine painting you can easily correct a mistake, which is important for children who have a hard time with their personal failures and take them to heart. Using plasticine paintings as an example, it is very easy to show that there are no hopeless situations, everything can be corrected and changed.

Painting can be done either according to a preliminary drawing or without it, in addition, you can use printed coloring pages and ready-made contour images.

Materials for drawing with plasticine

  1. Plasticine, wax is best suited, it is softer, easily kneaded and smeared, and has a rich, bright palette.
  2. Basis for drawing. It can be cardboard, thick paper, plastic and even glass.
  3. All kinds of stacks, sticks, toothpicks.
  4. Decorative elements: beads, seed beads, sequins.
  5. Medical syringe for squeezing out sausages.
  6. Damp cloth for hands.
  7. A modeling board for rolling out sausages and making small balls.

To avoid the appearance of greasy stains from plasticine on a cardboard base, you can first cover it with transparent tape.

Dear readers, I invite you to consider the basic techniques of plasticineography that you can use in joint creative activities with children.

It is most convenient to smear plasticine with your index finger, and you can smear it in different ways: the mark from smearing can remain longer or shorter, depending on what we want to depict - a flower petal, a long blade of grass or the mane of a lion.

Invite your child to smear the plasticine alternately with different fingers of different hands. This will additionally stimulate the baby’s brain activity.

Flattening the rolled peas onto the base

By flattening small plasticine peas with your fingers, you can get very decorative works. Try using this technique in combination with others or fill the entire plane with such plasticine dots. This type of painting will already be similar to pointillism - a type of painting in which planes are filled with colored dotted strokes.

By spreading plasticine over the base, you can fill quite large spaces. In this case, not only the selected colors will play a role, but also the thickness of the plasticine layer. An additional way to add picturesqueness is to mix the colors of plasticine, as on a piece of watermelon and apple.

If the plasticine is hard, you can warm it in your palms while reading a funny poem about plasticine:

It's hard to wrinkle
It bends tight
He can't mold himself!
Here's the absurdity for you -
Plasticine does not mold!

A. Orlova

Decorate surfaces filled with plasticine with patterns made by scratching. Tools can be stacks, toothpicks, pen pastes. So in the photographs presented, the fins of the fish are decorated with a toothpick.

One of the most interesting plasticine techniques for children is rolling sausages. In plasticine painting, these sausages simply need to be pressed to the base. You can use them to lay out snowflakes, ornaments, make snail twists, or twist one sausage out of two different colors.

Painting with plasticine from a syringe

If you decide to do creative work from a variety of even sausages, then for a faster and more accurate craft, try using an ordinary medical syringe. To work, you need to cut off the thin tip at the base and prepare a mug with hot water. Place a piece of plasticine in a syringe and immerse it in hot water. After about a minute, start squeezing the plasticine onto the paper.

Let the plasticine cool a little so that the strands become more solid. Now you can shape the shape of the sausages depending on the pattern. Thin strands make very beautiful spirals; they can be used to fill in the details of a drawing, or you can simply lay plasticine strands side by side in the shape of the drawn objects.

Dear readers, today I introduced you to several techniques for plasticine painting. I showed the works of my daughter Svetlana for illustration and inspiration. Using various decorative methods of plasticine painting, you and your children can create your own masterpieces. Try, put these options together, experiment, use additional elements decor in the form of beads and sequins. I'm sure everything will work out!

Let plasticine become a favorite toy for you and your child. By spending a little time engaging your child in this amazing activity, you can always keep your baby occupied when you need a free minute. Master these basic techniques yourself and teach them to your children. Through an interesting activity, your child will learn about the world, the joy of creativity, and develop self-confidence.

Plasticine appeared about a hundred years ago, and it is still relevant today. How many figures, animals and people have been made since then. Not many people know, but most sculptors often use plasticine, making sketches of their creations from it, which are then cast in metal. How difficult it can sometimes be to tear yourself away from sculpting, because everyone knows how malleable, soft it can be, and can take on absolutely any shape.

Surely, many have noticed that without using plasticine even for a year, when you accidentally discover it, you notice that it is just as soft.

Frankly speaking, having acquired such wonderful material, it is probably difficult to throw it away, since they always want to create and experiment. Even if you sculpt something unusual out of it every day for a year, you will still have a lot of fresh ideas.

You can come up with and make different ones from plasticine, both simple and complex. With the help of your rich imagination, you can sculpt a bunch of different figures that you want, because here you are given freedom for creativity!

Each craft made by your hands will bring you and the people around you only joy, and a great desire to create something new. If you have never sculpted before and are afraid to start, thinking that you will do poorly, then all doubts should disappear!

Sculpting from plasticine is quite easy; you only need to remember a small technique that will help you perform the basic elements. Are you ready? Then let's get started!

TIP: The material you are going to work with should always be clean and should not be stored in a dirty or dusty place. Using pure plasticine, you can use it many times, even if it is mixed with another color and takes on a new shade.

Everyone who appreciates plasticine knows that the greatest advantage of plasticine is that it never hardens!

A little about plasticine

It goes on sale packaged, the box comes in different sizes and different colors. You can buy it in stationery and children's stores, as well as in art salons.

It is best to sculpt on a flat, hard surface; for example, a kitchen table can be perfect for sculpting. If you don't want to work on a table, you can purchase a small piece of hard cardboard, preferably polished.

You can move this piece of cardboard from one place to another, which is its huge advantage. In the artist store you can purchase a special board for modeling.

If you notice that the plasticine sticks to the board, then you just need to moisten it with water, and also wet your hands.

Everyone has long known that it comes in absolutely any color. If you mix several colors together, you can get a new color. This is good because if you are missing some color, you can make it yourself.

For example, you can take a piece of yellow and blue and knead them together until you get green. In the same way, you can combine other colors and get new colors.

But this does not mean that you can only mix two colors; there can be many more. A new door to creativity opens before you.

It is also worth noting that it is best to mix the plasticine not entirely, but using small pieces.

After some time, you will notice that your piece of plasticine contains several colors and it looks so beautiful, like marble! If you want one color, then you should connect all the pieces together and start kneading them until it becomes one color.

You already know that plasticine does not harden, but it can get dirty. Fuzz, animal hair, and various fibers often stick to it, and because of them, not only does the appearance of the material deteriorate, but it becomes simply inconvenient to work with it.

It is for this reason that you should store used play dough in its own box, or in an empty container, such as a yogurt container. Thanks to your care, it will remain in good condition and will always be ready for use.

If you have small pieces left after work, do not rush to throw them away immediately, as they can be useful to you for other crafts.

Plastic knife - stack

As mentioned above, plasticine is quite soft, and that is why it can be easily cut with a plastic knife. If you don't have such a knife, you can use a ruler or a nail file.

Most often, a knife is used to cut out a figure or remove excess plasticine from the surface.

Round pencil

Thanks to the sharp tip of the pencil, you can easily make unusual patterns on the surface of your craft; in other words, you can design the craft as your soul desires.

Since your pencil is round, you can use it as a rolling pin and thereby create flat elements. You can also crumple, puncture, and trim the clay using items such as a paper clip, wire, and toothpick.

Other sculpting tools

If you have soft plasticine, then you can easily make relief patterns on it using imprints. For example, buttons, burlap, etc. are well printed.

A ballpoint pen cap can also serve as an idea for your creativity. For example, you can use it to make a smile on a little person; you just need to tilt the cap towards the head and imprint a smile.

You can also draw a smile using a plastic knife.

The plasticine sticks well to the other piece. But, if you want to connect a man’s head to his body, then you can use a match or a toothpick, then nothing will fall off of your craft.

To decorate your craft in an unusual way, you can use foil, beads, plastic bottles, twigs and more. Don’t know how else you can make an unusual figurine? Use a comb, garlic squeezer and toothbrush to make new patterns.

The most useful tools in working with plasticine are the hands of the person who sculpts. After all, it is your hands that can make whatever you want - a wide variety of figures and patterns!

Basic elements of modeling

When starting to sculpt, you should take a small piece, because if you take a large piece, it will be difficult for you to knead it. First of all, you should warm it up with your own hands and knead it for a couple of minutes. After which you will notice that it has become soft, and it will become easier for you to work with it.

You should gradually add new pieces to the finished piece and also crush them until you are sure that this piece is enough for you. Now you and your plasticine are ready to sculpt!

Photo of frog crafts made from plasticine

To get a general idea of ​​what you can do with plasticine, first of all you must learn how to sculpt basic shapes. If something didn’t work out for you the first time, then under no circumstances should you be upset, since you can crumple it at any moment and start sculpting again.

Perhaps this is the easiest figure, and you should start with it. Take a small piece of material in your hands and make it round. To make your ball even and smooth, you need to roll it in a circle between your palms.

First make a ball, then roll it between your palms, not in a circle, but back and forth. You will notice that it has taken an oval shape, and with your fingers you should round its ends and you will get the shape of an egg.

Again, make a small ball, after which you should simply squeeze it with your index finger and thumb. The edge of the pancake may crack slightly, but don't worry as you can easily smooth out these tears. The size of the pancake and its thickness depends entirely on you.

If you want to make a drop, then you need to make a ball, then take one tip of the ball and pull it up.

You can easily turn the same drop into a cone. To do this, you just need to press the figure against the board with the blunt end of the drop and your cone is ready!

An element such as a snake is used quite often in modeling, and it is done quite simply. Take a piece of plasticine and roll it on the board until it takes a long and thin shape.

If your snake turns out to be too thin and even breaks in the middle, then don’t be upset, as you can easily connect the pieces together.

Sausage is easy to make. The principle of this craft is exactly the same as that of a snake. Roll out a piece of oblong plasticine on the board, but do not squeeze it too hard, as the sausage should be thick.

Now, using all these elements, you can easily sculpt a wide variety of shapes, for example, animals. It is better to start with the simplest animals and slowly make more complex animal figures. And even if everything won’t be perfect for you at first, over time you will see wonderful results!

TIP: If you need to connect two parts of figures together, for example, these figures can be a leg and a torso, then you must first press them tightly together, then smooth the joint with your fingers.

In addition to the fact that modeling from plasticine is a fun activity for adults and children, it is also useful! A child who is engaged in modeling develops imagination, thinking, creativity well, he also develops his fingers and gets acquainted with the delights of the world around him.

Traditionally, modeling from plasticine is perceived as an activity for children, but in this hobby people of all ages can find not only pleasure, but also benefits.

If you still think that only short-lived trinkets are made of plasticine, look at this material in a new way. You can sculpt souvenirs, decor and even paintings. After studying the theory, be sure to move on to practice. The cost of a box of multi-colored plastic bricks is more than reasonable; you won’t lose anything if you don’t like it.

The benefits of modeling for children and adults

In many countries, modeling classes are compulsory in the programs of kindergartens and schools. It has been proven that working with plasticine:

  • promotes the development of fine motor skills;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • teaches both hemispheres of the brain to work simultaneously;
  • develops imaginative thinking;
  • reveals creative abilities;
  • makes an active child more diligent;
  • increases attentiveness;
  • introduces colors and the possibility of obtaining new shades;
  • normalizes the emotional state, which is especially important for;
  • improves speech;
  • helps in the future to quickly learn to write and draw.

Creative experiments with plasticine do not reduce self-esteem, since any failed craft can be easily corrected or turned into a new, no less beautiful figurine. Modeling teaches you to achieve goals and achieve results.

There are also indirect benefit– children are distracted from TVs and computers, which means their eyes are rested during classes. If you teach your child to sculpt with plasticine in the evenings, he will calm down before bed and sleep peacefully at night.

For adults, modeling is no less useful. Doctors recommend kneading plasticine and sculpting simple figures for people who have suffered a stroke and have noticed memory impairment and impaired coordination of movements. It is known that there are many reflex zones on the fingertips, massage of which improves the condition of the body and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Adults automatically begin to fiddle with something in their hands during stress, crumple paper or clench their fists. To combat outbursts of anger, they came up with “chewing gum for hands” - an alternative that does not stain your palms.

Types of plasticine for children's and adult creativity

Don’t rush to go to the store for a package of plasticine, so as not to get confused in front of the display case, study what types there are and how they differ.

What is classic plasticine made from?

Classic plasticine, well known to the older generation, appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. As often happens, the material for modeling was invented at the same time different people in Germany and Great Britain. The composition of the mass was based on natural clay, wax and fats.

The composition of classic modern plasticine for children includes:

  • kaolin (white plastic clay);
  • paraffin or wax are natural plasticizers, thanks to which the mass softens from the warmth of the hands and hardens into the craft;
  • fats of animal or mineral origin (hence the greasy stains on paper and clothes);
  • ceresin – a waxy substance from a mixture of solid hydrocarbons;
  • coloring pigments.

The composition of different manufacturers differs depending on the brand: M(soft) and T(solid). To obtain the desired properties, zinc white, sulfur, rosin, and machine oil are added to the mass.

Modeling plasticine kits come in a different number of colors. To begin with, you can buy a package containing twelve multi-colored bars. For complex crafts, you need kits that include at least sixteen shades.

Clay-based plasticine is relatively hard. To make the mass plastic, the piece needs to be kneaded in your hands for some time. It is at this stage that modeling brings the most benefits, but it is difficult for children and people with poor health to achieve results.

Wax mass for modeling

For children's modeling from plasticine, it is better to choose soft and safe wax-based materials. Plastic wax plasticine does not require long kneading and is ready for use almost immediately. It is also easier to fasten parts made of wax mass together; just press them against each other.

In addition to wax, the composition includes paraffin, stearin, dyes, plasticizers, and other additives. If the manufacturer did not use harmful substances, such a product will not cause allergies or skin problems.

However, wax plasticine is capricious in storage and is afraid of warm air and sun. Such crafts are less durable. For kids it’s an ideal choice, but for adults it’s better to take a different type of plasticine so that the painstakingly created beauty will please you for as long as possible.

Sculptural plasticine for durable crafts

Sculptural plasticine for modeling is chosen not only by amateurs, but also by professionals, including art school students and future sculptors. The main difference between the material is its plasticity; it can be used to create miniature parts with high precision and clarity.

This type of product is created on the basis of beeswax, natural clay, talc, and plasticizer oils. As a rule, the mass is not painted in bright colors, but natural shades are left. Thanks to this, you can sculpt realistic sculptures, masks, and figurines. If you need bright crafts (culinary miniatures, toys, decorations), it is not difficult to paint them.

Bright balls for children's creativity

Plasticine balls look like small multi-colored peas or millet groats. The material is based on miniature foam balls glued together with invisible polymer glue. During the sculpting of the figure, the ball structure is preserved. Children really like to sculpt with bright balls. The mass easily takes the desired shape.

Ball plasticine can be fine-grained and coarse-grained(diameter of one ball is more than 1 mm). Depending on the adhesive, the material is divided into hardening and reusable. The first one gradually hardens and is suitable for souvenirs and decorations. If desired, a figurine with non-hardening glue can be easily disassembled and created something else.

Foam balls can be used in combination with other types of plasticine. The result is original toys, delicious miniature food and much more.

Unusual new items with different properties

Manufacturers continue experiments, as a result of which new materials for modeling appear on the shelves:

  • Fluorescent plasticine crafts glow in the dark, gaining light during the day. This material makes interesting figurines for the interior of a children's room and New Year's toys.
  • Mother-of-pearl plasticine is convenient to use for highlighting individual details. For example, for sculpting a dress for a doll or a parrot's tail.
  • Rubber plasticine is very elastic, stretches and bends in any direction without breaking. But if you bake the finished craft, it will become durable and monolithic. Suitable for practical toys and decorations - not afraid of water and does not break. You can make flexible and monolithic crafts - the question is baking.
  • The polymer mass for modeling is created on the basis of polymers and plasticizers. The material does not require baking; the products harden in air and become durable.
  • Plasticine soap was invented for creative people. Essentially, this is a soap base from which you can sculpt using the usual technique. Water is used to connect parts. The finished soap can be used for its intended purpose.

  • Edible plasticine is ideal for children's creativity because it is absolutely safe. Main ingredient – ​​confectionery marzipan. This is the best material for sculpting culinary miniatures, fruits, and exotic food.
  • Self-hardening gypsum-based plasticine is a professional modeling mass from which you can create sculptures, souvenirs, panels, stucco moldings, and decorative dishes. The products do not need to be baked; they harden in air.

If you want to try different types of clay in modeling, look for kits that include several materials and tools for working with them.

How to make modeling mass with your own hands

If you don’t have the opportunity to buy plant-based plasticine, make your own modeling clay. Available homemade material is salt dough. Hardening of crafts takes a long time; to speed up the process, use oven drying at low temperatures. Dough recipe and process basics.

Play dough can easily be colored by adding food coloring or the juices of colorful vegetables and fruits, such as beets and spinach. Finished products are painted and varnished, making them durable and resistant to moisture. Salt dough makes beautiful toys and refrigerator magnets.

Another simple homemade plasticine can be made from starch and hair balm. Just mix half a cup of potato starch with ¾ cup of balsam, knead well, add coloring. Of course, it’s not worth spending an expensive conditioner on this, and if the new balm doesn’t suit your hair, then dispose of it.

Modeling technique and tools

If you just give your baby a package of plasticine, a miracle will not happen. You will have to spend a little time for the young master to fall in love with creativity that is unfamiliar to him.

Basic techniques and general rules

Experts recommend introducing children to modeling from the age of one and a half years, but only under adult supervision and choosing safe plasticine. For the smallest sculptors, wax is suitable - it is on a natural basis and is easy to knead without requiring effort.

Don’t rush to show your child crafts - even the simplest ones will seem difficult to him. Start by mastering the basic techniques. Show how to tear off pieces, roll sausages, balls, buns and flat cakes. Tell me how to connect them. Learn how to get a different shade from two different colors.

Later, move on to recognizable figures, choosing the simplest ones. Let it be the simplest flower, the sun, grass, a donut, a ladybug. Gradually complicate the task, teach how to use molds and tools for reliefs. At this stage, step-by-step lessons with photos will be a good help. Take our or as a basis.

Adults and elderly people who have forgotten with age how to sculpt from plasticine should also not immediately take on complex work. If we are talking exclusively about the therapeutic effect, for example, after a stroke, then let the person simply work with the mass, kneading it in his hands.

If you decide to learn a new hobby not only for the sake of benefit, but also for aesthetic pleasure, start with simple figures or panels. After practicing with children's instructions, try creating. There is no shame in hanging this one in the living room.

What tools are needed for sculpting?

To create beautiful crafts from plasticine, just your hands are not enough; you need special tools. The most necessary manufacturers can be included in the kit, but additional ones must be purchased separately.

Modeling board protects the table from soiling materials and simplifies flattening, rolling out sausages, and forming various shaped parts. The boards are made of plastic and silicone. Some are completely smooth, and some have a partially corrugated surface to create texture. Regular cutting board will not work, since the special material does not stick to it.

Knives for working with plasticine, they are designed to separate the block into pieces and remove excess. You can also use them to give reliefs to crafts and apply simple patterns. Knives are made of plastic, wood, and metals. The blades are smooth and curly, linear and disk (like for pizza). Sharp blades are not needed here, the main thing is that nothing sticks to them.

Ruler useful for measuring parts. Not everyone can determine proportions by eye. A regular plastic ruler 10-20 cm long is suitable for the job. You may need a compass and a protractor to get an even circle and the desired angle.

Stack– an important assistant, without which it is better not to start modeling from plasticine. Reliefs and recesses are formed in stacks, material is applied to surfaces (for appliqués), and designs are created. Stacks come in different forms:

  • for pinpoint dents you need a tool with a ball at the end;
  • for smoothing the surface - with a spatula;
  • for patterns - with a thin sharp tip;
  • for relief - with saw-type teeth.

For children's creativity, it is better to purchase plastic stacks; although they can break, they are safer and lighter.

rolling pin– a very useful tool for sculpting in more complex techniques. A rolling pin is needed to roll out the plasticine into an even and smooth layer. Such details are relevant when creating panels, paintings and postcards. To start, you can use a small glass bottle. If you pour warm water inside, the material will soften faster.

Molds- These are tools that make it easier to create textures. By pressing the mold onto the plasticine blank, it is easy to get a neat figure. Molds are convenient for modeling small flowers, leaves, and berries from plasticine in large quantities. To make the perfect tree leaf by hand, you will have to not only painstakingly remove the veins, but also study the structure of the leaf.

Texture sheets needed to quickly add texture to plasticine pieces and rolled out layers of different sizes. With the help of textured surfaces it is easy to obtain both a small detail for applique and the background of a painting. For example, sea waves or a sandy shore.

Besides special tools For modeling from plasticine, you can and should use improvised means. Look at home for beautiful textured buttons, perfume bottles with a grooved surface, and coins. Cookie cutters, stencils and other unexpected things will come in handy.

Subtleties of modeling and useful tricks

Classic plasticine is tricky to work with. Its plasticity depends on ambient temperature and freshness. Before sculpting, the piece must be kneaded well in your hands until the mass becomes moldable and sticks well.

To soften plasticine that is too hard, place it in a waterproof container and place it in warm water. For example, you can put the pieces in a glass jar, which you then place in a pan of hot water.

Another problem is that it is difficult to cut out small parts from a plasticine sheet that is too soft. Here you need to do the opposite - place the bar in the refrigerator for a short time or put it in cold water in a waterproof bag.

Despite all their plasticity, plasticine parts cannot always be firmly connected to each other. To prevent the head of the puppet theater toy from falling off, use matches or toothpicks to secure it. If the part is curved, you can strengthen the fastening with thread or fishing line. Only don't use needles! It's dangerous!

Plasticine goes well in crafts with other materials, including natural ones. Add pine cones, acorns, pasta, small toys. See what you can make with your own hands from sea stones.

Most types of plasticine are afraid of contact with air. To prevent drying out, store leftover product from the master class in tightly closed plastic boxes. Stores sell boxes with compartments for different colors.

Even if your hands seem clean after sculpting, they must be washed with warm water and soap. Do not forget that the composition contains not only plant components.

What to mold from plasticine: step-by-step MKs for children and adults

So that you don’t have time to “cool down”, we suggest that you immediately move on to our master classes on plasticine modeling for children of different ages and adults. We have prepared instructions of varying levels of complexity so that everyone can find a craft that suits their strengths and talents.

Plasticine is a universal material for children's and adult creativity and the development of older children. From it you can create not only crafts in kindergarten or club, but also gifts for family and friends, and real sculptural masterpieces. A little imagination and patience, and a small shapeless piece of plasticine will turn into a cute animal, flower or other figure.

Plasticine is used in art therapy, sculpture and early childhood development techniques. Modeling is incredibly useful for kids, as they:

  • develop the child’s fine motor skills;
  • stimulate the baby’s imagination and fantasy;
  • improve hand coordination;
  • prepare the hand for writing;
  • contribute to the activation of creative thinking and creativity.

You can also use this material to make small surprises for your family and friends with your own hands. For example, one of the options for a plasticine gift is a vase for real or artificial flowers.

There are several options for master classes on how to make a plasticine vase with a child. They involve both the use of only ordinary children's plasticine and the use of improvised means - shells, a plastic or glass jar for the base, beads or leaves.

How to make a classic vase from plasticine - a simple master class?

For a simple vase you will need several colors of material. One shade is for the base, the other for decoration. You also need a simple pencil, a toothpick or a cocktail straw.

First of all, they form vase body. To do this, you need to roll two balls with different diameters - a large one and a smaller one. After the balls connect to each other, smoothing the joints with your fingers. Then make a hole inside the vase using a straw or pencil. The formation of the vase is completed with a molded neck and wide margins. When the body of the product is completely ready, you can start decorating the vase.

One of the decoration options is creating a border at the top and bottom of the product. Roll two thin sausages and attach them evenly to the neck and base of the product. In the same way, you can apply a pattern to the base of the vase - make a wave or stripes.

As decoration there can be small flowers made of plasticine, which can be molded separately. Or clusters of pomegranate berries. Or viburnum, rowan. If desired, decorate the vase with additional natural and artificial materials - shells, pebbles, dried flowers or leaves, beads, beads, feathers, threads, ribbons, multi-colored clay, etc.

Another technology is painting a vase with a toothpick. Using a sharp edge, you can create unusual reliefs and patterns.

Decor of a plasticine bottle or glass vase, decorated with multi-colored material

To make a vase from a glass jar or bottle you will need:

  • packaging of multi-colored plasticine;
  • base - jar or bottle;
  • decor - beads, stones, threads, etc.

First of all, for the master class you need to prepare a glass base. Clear the bottle of labels, wash it well and dry it dry. Then the surface is covered with a uniform thin layer of plasticine. Then they begin to decorate the vase step by step. You can decorate the product with additional decor, flowers made from plasticine or colored polymer clay.

For example, make a half-opened bud of a scarlet rose or a chamomile. Or attach leaves made from green plasticine and vines. To ensure that the decor sticks well, it is recommended to fix it with a thin layer of toothpaste or varnish.

This product would be an excellent gift for Women's Day, Autumn or Teacher's Day. Plasticine crafts go well with bouquets of lush dry leaves, dead wood or bright autumn flowers.

Master class on creating a vase from plasticine sausages

Another option is to mold your own vase and decorate the glass base, decorating the jar with multi-colored plasticine sausages. They can be attached evenly horizontally or vertically, making a striped rainbow vase. You can decorate with small waves, which can be made ribbed using a regular dinner fork.

There are many master classes. For example, such a product can be made multi-colored, single-colored or striped. For example, make your product in a marine style, decorating a jar with blue, white and red stripes.

In order for the plasticine to last for a long time, it is necessary to attach it evenly and firmly to the surface of the jar. To create a vase from a bottle and plasticine, finger movements must be strong and uniform, and the edges of the sausage must be thoroughly smeared.

How to choose plasticine for creativity in a group of children?

To sculpt crafts, it is better to choose high-quality, soft material. It is perfect for decorating glass or creating a separate vase.

It is worth buying classic children's plasticine, which does not have an acidic color or fruity odor. And also It is not recommended to take too cheap plasticine. It can dry out quickly, turning to stone.

Play dough or super soft material for kids will not be suitable for such crafts either.. These materials have a different composition, they dry quickly, shrink, and do not stick to the glass.

Before starting work, it is better to store your material in a warm place. If the pieces are too hard, first knead them with your hands, dividing the piece into several parts. And then they form flagella or sausages.