Planet of good mood. Scenario of the game program “Good mood Day of good mood scenario

Scenario game program"Good mood"

Target: Activate children's existing knowledge about fairy tales.



    Strengthen your knowledge of fairy tales.

    Teach children to identify types of fairy tales.

    Draw children's attention to the authors of the books they read.


    Development of children's cognitive abilities.

    Developing the ability to work in a group and interact with friends.

    Development of attention, imagination, thinking.


    Cultivate a sense of teamwork, diligence, and patience.

    To instill in children a love of folk tales.


    Laptop, music

    Balloons, 2 buckets, hockey sticks, brooms

Dear guys, hello!

Today we will take an unusual journey...

Behind these curtains is a magical room of fairy tales. But to get into it, you need to solve literary riddles:

Quiz (presentation) based on Andersen's fairy tales.

Leading: Well done, guys! And now we are going on a journey “to the land of good mood.”

The fairy-tale world is great and varied. It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and merman, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. And whose heart will not tremble at these enchanting and alluring words: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, they lived…”

Who among us has not flown into the sky in a dream, not the Little Humpbacked Horse, who has not tried to reach the magical feather of the Firebird.

A journey game will help us continue this wonderful dream, on which we will go on a magical Booklet.

Close your eyes tighter

We're flying high! UUUUUU-----And now, crew, let's get acquainted. (Pick up a ball or toy, pass it around, everyone who picks it up says their name).

Questions for children:

Everyone loves fairy tales, why do you think?

What fairy tales are your favorite?

What fairy tale would you like to play a role in?

What fairy tales have you read?

General warm-up.

Doctor Aibolit's sister? (Varvara )

Crocodile Gena's strongest desire? (find a friend )

How many piglets outwitted the evil wolf in S. Mikhalkov's fairy tale? (Three )

What were the names of the three bears in L. Tolstoy's fairy tale? (Mikhailo Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka )

Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle )

The name of Papa Buratino in A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Buratino”? (Papa Carlo )

What was the name of Matroskin's cat's cow? (Murka )

What words usually begin Russian folk tales?(“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there lived..." )

1 competition game: After the leader’s words, if the players agree with him, they must say “And we too”

I went to the fairy forest

I was very happy

I walked along fairy-tale alleys

I saw little bunnies

I rode in a hut on chicken legs

I ran after Baba Yaga

I was going to have lunch

I ate Ivanushka

I defeated Zmey-Gorynych

I love fairy tales!

2 competition: What magic words do we know and use all the time? (question for everyone)

3 competition game: Well, since you are all so familiar with polite words, then in my opinionpolite team, complete tasks. Are you ready? Please raise your right hand up, and now your left hand, please clap.....pinch the person on your left. (Shout, please sing C, jump, etc.)

4 competition: Now, let's remember some more words:

Only kind ones

only alarming ones

only sweet ones

air only

only cold ones

only loved ones

5 competition : “island”

Rules of the game. 6-8 people stand on a piece of paper on the floor, dance to the music, when the music stops, occupy the islands, the loser leaves and takes 1 island with him, etc.

6 competition: " Answer me please"

What types of fabulous transport do you know? (A stove, a hut on chicken legs, walking boots, Sivka-burka, Gray wolf, Little Humpbacked Horse, self-propelled sleigh, flying ship, flying carpet, mortar, broom, etc. )

Name the fairy tales where grandmothers participate (“Little Red Riding Hood”, “Ryaba Hen”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Snow Maiden” )

Name the films that were based on fairy tales(“Finist – Clear Falcon”, “Vasilisa the Wise”, “Cinderella”, “Puss in Boots”, “Golden Key” )

Name the numbers most common in fairy tales. Name these fairy tales as well.(“Three Fat Men”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “12 Months”, “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs” )

7 competition: "Riddles fairy-tale heroes" Guys, let's try to guess who they are based on the stories of the fairy tale heroes themselves?

“I decided to just travel around the world and didn’t know that everything would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as my Grandmother and Grandfather. But it turned out that evil, cruel, and cunning people live in this world...” (Kolobok )

“I knew it would end like this. I’m too shabby and old, I’ve been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone had settled inside me... But there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed..." (Teremok )

“What a tail this mouse has! Can't compare with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this Mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment. Now everyone would admire me..." (Egg from the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” )

“It feels good to be on this girl’s head. I like to go with her to visit my grandmother. But here’s the problem: my mistress is very, very trusting. Because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her..." (Little Red Riding Hood )

“Honestly, it’s unpleasant when the Cat puts you on your feet. He has claws! Of course, I understand that all this running around is for the sake of the owner, but it hurts..." (Boots, fairy tale "Puss in Boots" )

“We didn’t want to let her down. We could have fallen behind, and the whole story would have ended there, at the ball. But we have no right to rush or lag behind.” (Clock, fairy tale "Cinderella" )

“It’s very harmful for me to be in the water. Thanks to this curious boy. If it weren’t for him and the Turtle, how long would I have lain at the bottom?” (Golden key )

“I am, of course, ready to fulfill any of her wishes. After all, her husband saved my life. But the more you give to a person, the more he wants. So such people have to stay with nothing.” (Fish, "The Tale of the Goldfish" )

“I stayed alive only thanks to this little, fragile girl. She warmed me, fed me, gave me water. What a wonderful life! Enjoy the sun and warmth!” (Swallow, fairy tale "Thumbelina" )

I also suggest turning into fairy-tale heroes yourself. Shall we try?

8. “Fairytale relay race” (children are divided into teams)

First: Green Melancholy.

Participants bend at the waist. Place a ball or inflated balloon on your back. To prevent the ball from falling during movement, it must be held with your hand, while remaining in a half-bent state.

Second: Baba Yaga.

Question: what did Baba Yaga use to fly?

Each participant stands with one foot in a bucket and holds a mop with the other. In this position, you need to cover the entire distance. (Option: run the distance “riding a broom”)

Third: Little nasty thing

Participants with a broom and dustpan walk the distance, collecting candy wrappers or specially “scattered” pieces of paper along the way.

At the end of the event, an improvisational performance is staged.


(based on the fairy tale “Hedgehog in the Fog” by Sergei Kozlov)

Roles are distributed among the children: mosquito, moon, cow, dog, hare, hedgehog, star, grass. The presenter reads the text, the children portray the heroes of the fairy tale.

Komarik ran out into the clearing and played a squeaky violin. The moon came out from behind the clouds and, smiling, floated across the sky. “Mmm-oo-oo-oo,” sighed the cow across the river.

The dog barked and the hare ran along the path. The hedgehog sat on a hill and looked at the moonlit valley. It was so beautiful that from time to time he shuddered: was he dreaming of all this. And the mosquito never tired of playing his violin, the hare danced, and the dog howled.

“I’ll tell you, they won’t believe it!” - thought the Hedgehog and began to look even more carefully in order to remember all this beauty. “The star has fallen,” he noted, and the grass tilted to the left. The hedgehog went and fell into the river. He began to beat with his paws in all directions. Then he took a deep breath and went with the flow. When he got ashore, he thought, “This is the story.” He shook himself off and went into the fog.

Presenter: Well done guys! Thank you for your attention.

A fairy tale is a lie

Yes, there is a hint in it,

Good fellows - a lesson!

Only he is beautiful

Who is kind at heart

In whom there is no anger.

And let it always be like this in the world:

Only kindness rules the whole world!


Do you want to spend children's party but don't know how to entertain little people, use a script planet of good mood, the plan consists of numerous competitions, games, can be used in a children's amusement park, children's camp, birthday party.

Planet of good mood - the beginning

Presenter: Hello everyone, friends, my name is _______! Have you seen my girlfriend _______? (Answer) Presenter: Oh, there you are! Look how many guys are visiting us today!

Presenter: There really are a lot and I want to play with everyone.

Presenter: Take your time, let’s get to know the kids first. Presenter: Come on!

Presenter: So, Masha, Sasha, Misha and Natasha clap their hands! Presenter: Vitya, Petya, Lesha and Seryozha stomp their feet! Presenter: Lena, Yulia, Tanya and Gali Look around!

Presenter: Grisha, Kolya, Sveta, Olya shout: “Ta-ra-ram!” Presenter: Well, those whose names we have not named, according to our command 1,2,3, say your name - shout what your name is. Are you ready?

TOGETHER: One! Two! Three! Say your name!

Presenter: So we met!

Presenter: I just love games, fun and children's laughter. It's autumn outside the window. For some, this is a sad time, but when there is an opportunity to get together and come up with something interesting, the mood can certainly lift. Do you agree with me? (Answer)

Presenter: Do you know how an elephant sneezes? (Answer)

Presenter: But now we’ll find out. To do this, we need to divide everyone sitting in the hall into three parts, each part, I offer my word, which the audience that makes up it must learn to speak in unison and loudly.

The word for the first part is “Boxes!”, for the second - “Gristles!”, and for the third - “Dragged!”. (Each group, under the leadership of the leader, rehearses pronouncing their word several times, then, at the leader’s command, they all pronounce their words loudly together).

Presenter: Well, my little friends, we heard an elephant sneezing, so let's wish him good health.

Presenter: Friends, do you like to have fun? (Answer)

Presenter: I suggest you go to the planet of good mood. Do you agree? (Answer)

Presenter: And since you agree, I suggest everyone stand up, you must have been sitting too long.

Presenter: Now the music will start playing. You dance to the music, as best you can. As soon as the music ends, you freeze in your seats in some interesting position. As soon as the music starts playing again, you continue dancing. Are you ready? Let's begin! (playing)

Presenter: By the way, our guys are the smartest.

Presenter: I don’t doubt it at all. And I even know that now they will prove it. We're having a quiz! But answers are accepted according to the following principle: “If you want to answer, don’t shout, just raise your hand!”

Riddles: There is a red chest, You can’t touch it - it’s silent. But as soon as you turn the handle, He will speak and sing. (Radio receiver.) *** Last time I was a teacher, The day after tomorrow I am a driver.

He must know a lot, Because he... (Artist.) ***

He has a rubber trunk and a canvas stomach. As its engine hums, it swallows both dust and litter. (Vacuum cleaner.) ***

Thirty-three sisters, written beauties. They live on one page, And are famous everywhere. (Letters.) ***

We will open a wonderland and meet the heroes, in lines, on pieces of paper, where stations are on dots. (Book.) ***

Under New Year he came to the house such a ruddy fat man. But every day he lost weight and finally disappeared completely. (Calendar.) ***

Round, not a month, Yellow, not butter, Sweet, not sugar, With a tail, not a mouse. (Turnip.) ***

There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees. She lay there quietly, then suddenly ran away. (Hedgehog) ***

I didn’t look out the window - There was only Antoshka, I looked out the window - There was a second Antoshka! What kind of window is this, Where was Antoshka looking? (Mirror.)

Presenter: Well done, guys! (Guys get a chip for the correct answer)

Presenter: Guys, an incident happened at Grandma Zina’s. It began to get colder outside, and Grandma Zina decided to knit a warm sweater for her beloved grandson for the winter, and the naughty kitten took it and untangled the ball. Shall we help Grandma? (Answer)

Presenter: In this case, we will ask the guys who have chips to go on stage. (Exit) (The presenter gives the 1st participant a crumpled piece of paper and the end of the rope, as soon as the music starts playing the participant begins to wind the rope around the piece of paper, after shaking it a little, the 1st participant passes the ball to the next participant).

Presenter: We can’t be sad, come on, let’s clap, friends!

Presenter: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray! A beautiful ball is ready! Applause to our participants!

Presenter: Surely the guys stayed in their places too long. I suggest you dance the “Seated Polka.” Are you ready? (Answer) I show, and you repeat after me. Scissors on the knees... Scissors on the knees...

Maracas, maracas, piano... Bunnies, bunnies... Bowed, bowed... Got up, sat down... Got up, sat down...

Presenter: Can we do it even faster? (Conducts) Presenter: Well, since you are such good fellows, let’s try our seated pole even faster. (Conducts, rewards the most attentive and careful during the dance with chips).

Presenter: Those guys who received chips, we ask you to come up on stage. Get into a circle.

Presenter: I have a favorite game and it’s called forfeits. I have a toy in my hands. Now the music will start playing and you will start passing it around to each other. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the toy in his hands draws out the task. Are you ready? (Answer) Presenter: Let's begin!

2.Sing this phantom your favorite song (excerpt)

3. This phantom meow the song “From a smile...”

4. This phantom gather a friendly circle and dance the catchy “Macarena” dance with the guests.

5. This phantom gather a friendly circle and dance with the guests “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

6. This phantom, together with his friends, will depict the dance of little swans (Ballet “Swan Lake”)

Presenter: Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Answer)

Presenter: Now you and I will check this. Instead of the title of a fairy tale, we have shapeshifters. And we must guess the real name of the fairy tale. Fairy tales-reversals

Fairy tale titles: Black Sock - Little Red Riding Hood Square - Gingerbread Man Skyscraper - Teremok One Bee - Three Bears Radish - Turnip Mouse without Slippers - Puss in Boots Humpless Camel - Edik the Little Humpbacked Horse in an Ordinary Village - Alice in Wonderland

Presenter: Well done! Tell me, do you like surprises? (Answer)

Presenter: Then we invite you to a friendly circle.

“Surprise” dance for you! (Dancing) Presenter: Dear friends, we have another musical surprise for you, called “Good Mood”

Presenter: Your day is wasted. And it’s your turn to play the game “in reverse.” I will say the word “high”, and you will answer………………... (“low”).

I will say the word “far” - And you will answer close………………….(“close”). I’ll say the word “ceiling”, And you will answer…….(“floor”),

I will say the word “lost”, And you will say:……… (“found!”)! I will tell you the word “coward”, You will answer:……….(“brave”) Now I will say the beginning, - Well, answer:…….. “THE END”.

Material provided by: Lesya

Dramatization of a song

Duration of the performance: 2 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.



Nyasha leaves the house and goes outside.

Nyasha (to the audience)

I shine like the sun,
Like a spinning top, I dance and spin.
I love everyone, I help everyone
And I’ll make friends with everyone.
The world will become kinder and more beautiful,
If you do everything like Nyasha!

Nyasha walks down the street past gray high-rise buildings.

Nyasha (singing)

Identical houses in the city
I'd like to color them myself
The brightest paint,
To be like in a fairy tale,
There are royal palaces and towers everywhere.

Nyasha spins and the houses turn into bright fairy-tale mansions.

Nyasha (singing)

So that everything dances with me,
Sang and did not lose heart,

A sad Pedestrian with a sad Dog is walking towards Nyasha.

Nyasha (singing)

A very sad pedestrian meets me
WITH sad dog walking down a sad street.
I will warm them with a smile,
Let them have more fun
They will smile back at me, and the sadness will pass.

Nyasha is spinning. The pedestrian smiles. The dog also smiles and wags its tail.

Nyasha (singing)

Like a crystal bell I laugh
Like the sun, I glow with joy,
So that everything dances with me,
Sang and did not lose heart,
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning.

The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming. Large beautiful butterflies sit on the flowers.

Nyasha (singing)

How beautiful and magical the world around is.
In it, anyone I meet is a good friend.
If we spin around together,
You can make strong friends
And then a miracle will happen suddenly.

Nyasha is spinning. Butterflies fly up from flowers and circle around Nyasha.

Nyasha (singing)

Like a crystal bell I laugh
Like the sun, I glow with joy,
So that everything dances with me,
Sang and did not lose heart,
I'm spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning.

See also:

Song performances. Funny skits and songs about everything in the world.

Clips about chapikov. Collection of music videos about Chapiks.

Chapik Uma

Chapik Puzya. A business card poem for the presentation of a carnival costume.

Chapik Tepa. A business card poem for the presentation of a carnival costume.





The song performed by L. Gurchenko “And a good mood” is played. 1 comes out for chorus

2 Presenter: Hello, dear friends!

1 Presenter : Everyone, good afternoon!

2 Presenter: Oh, I see you’re in a good mood!

Presenter 2: Interesting, interesting...

1 Presenter: You just need to create a Recipe for a Good Mood! Invent a new dish, so to speak! First we need to create a festive atmosphere!

2 Presenter : Nothing could be simpler. Is fanfare and loud applause from the audience appropriate?

1 Presenter: They will do!!!

2 Presenter: Then please - FANFARE!!


2 Presenter: And now, applause from the audience!!!

Applause from the audience

1 Presenter : We have wonderful, kind spectators in our hall today.
And now we will check who claps louder and more friendly - the right or left half of the hall.

Presenter2 : So now the audience on the left is applauding! Great!
Presenter1 : And now the audience on the right! Well done!
Leading : 2. But when our artists take the stage, we are sure you will make it even louder!

Vocal number

Presenter 2 : What will be the next component in our recipe for a Good Mood?

Presenter 1 : We need something bright and colorful, similar to summer, because in winter we miss it so much...

Presenter 2. Bright and summer-like?.. Then these are sunflowers!!!

Presenter 1 : Meet!!! Sunflowers!

Dance "Sunflowers"

Presenter 1: Vetch, have you already decided what you will add to our recipe?

Presenter 2: Well, since we are talking about the seasons, then we can’t do without spring.

Moreover, the spring mood will give our dish very delicate and touching notes!!

Presenter 1: A vocal duet sings for you!

Vocal number

(2 presenter goes on stage alone, 1 presenter is in the hall among the audience, claps the audience’s palms “gives greetings”)

Presenter 2. I’m alone on stage... have you seen my assistant?

( the audience responds)

Presenter 1. I'm here! I'm collecting greetings for our recipe.

Collecting greetings (gives 1 spectator his palm)
I say hello ( 2 spectators slap their palms)
I'm composing hello
(goes up on stage)
I just love them.

Presenter 2: And I love noisy greetings, so let it be like this: let’s clap 3 times, stomp 3 times, shout “Catch!” and send our greetings! Let's try it!

(the presenters play with the audience in throwing imaginary greetings)

Presenter 1. Well done, guys! Our recipe has been replenished with your noisy greetings! And our artists are looking forward to the opportunity to give you a lot of pleasant impressions and emotions that are so necessary for a good mood.

Presenter 2. So, meet the dance group “Accent” on stage!

Dance number

Presenter 1: What do you think will happen if you invite nice guys on stage who can speak French?
Presenter 2: It’s clear that it will turn out to be a wonderful number!!!

Presenter 1: "The Little Prince"! Your applause!

Theatrical sketch "The Little Prince"

Presenter 1: Our concert is gaining momentum, the artists are working in good spirits, and the grateful audience is applauding from the bottom of their hearts!

Presenter 2 : Yes, of course, it’s great here, but meanwhile, it’s already getting dark, and the first star has already lit up

Presenter 1 : ( Dreamily) Yes, if the stars light up, it means someone needs it...

Presenter 2: Eastern stars on stage!

Oriental dance

IN riding2 : “Shine always, shine everywhere, shine and no nails!”
Presenter1: What are you talking about?
Presenter2 : Well, about the stars!
Presenter1 : And what about nails?
Presenter2 : Moreover, the next highlight of our program will be the performance

Creative number

Presenter 1: Vika, I hope you haven’t forgotten that today we are developing a recipe for Good Mood?

Presenter 2: Of course I remember this! AND To make our dish attractive to the viewer, we definitely need to add a little fun.
Leading. 1 Yes. After all, fun and good mood are one and the same.
Leading 2. No problem. We can add a drop, and not just one, but several at once. Meet the ballroom dance studio “Charm”!
Dance number

Presenter 2 . Our recipe is almost ready. It remains to add one more thing.

Leading. 1. Dear children, the governing council of our school, students, parents, teachers congratulate you on the upcoming new year!

Presenter 2 . Guys, please accept these gifts from all of us!

Presenter 1. Do you think our recipe is ready now?

Presenter 2. Of course ! Look into the audience: how many smiles shine on the faces of our spectators! This means that we have achieved our goal and created...

Presenter 1 . If you are sad and anxious,
If the days are boring
You can light up with a smile
All the dark corners.
Presenter 2. Come on, adults and children,
Smile quickly
To make it happen on the planet
And warmer and more cheerful.

Final song “I, You, He, She”

Presenter 1 Goodbye!

Presenter 2 See you again!