Pedagogy course of lectures presentation. Lecture on pedagogy Topic: Pedagogy: subject, tasks, functions

Plan 1. The range of teaching professions in the modern world. 2. Pedagogical educational institutions. 3. Educational and professional path of a teacher training university student. 4. Professional career.

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1. The range of teaching professions in the modern world Teacher P E D A G O G Preschool educator Production foreman. training Trainer Teacher-psychologist Social teacher Additional teacher education Teacher-defectologist Teacher prof. education 2 Sidorov S.V. -

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Secondary vocational education (SVE) 2. Pedagogical educational institutions Pedagogical College Higher vocational education (HPE) Pedagogical College University Postgraduate education and advanced training Pedagogical University Academy, Institute for Advanced Studies. employees of the educational institution (APKRO, IPKRO) Pedagogical Academy Pedagogical Institute 3 Sidorov S.V. -

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3. Educational and professional path of a teacher training university student Socially valuable motives for teaching activity: a sense of professional and civic duty, responsibility for raising children, honest and conscientious performance of professional functions, passion for the subject and satisfaction from communicating with children; awareness of the high mission of the teacher; love for children, etc. 4 Sidorov S.V. -

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Introduction to pedagogical activity History of education and pedagogical thought Theoretical pedagogy Practical pedagogy Workshop on solving professional problems Pedagogy in the system of specialist training (direction of training: 050100 – Pedagogical education) 5 Sidorov S.V. -

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Time allocated for mastering educational material at a pedagogical university 50% Classroom classes (lectures, seminars, practical classes) 50% Independent work of students 100% 6 Sidorov S.V. -

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Pedagogical practice The main goal is to form a holistic idea of professional activity teacher and practical readiness of students to perform professional functions. 7 Sidorov S.V. -

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The main objectives of teaching practice: - expansion of professional erudition, deepening of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities; - formation of creative thinking, individual style; - development of advanced and non-traditional experience; - development of needs for pedagogical self-education and systematic self-improvement. 8 Sidorov S.V. -

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Educational and research activities of a teacher training university student: - abstract; - course work - final qualifying work - creative competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, tournaments, pedagogical readings and conferences; - group research work (seminars, workshops, clubs, laboratories); - methodological products. 9 Sidorov S.V. -

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4. Professional career Career (Italian carriera - run, life path, field, from Latin carrus - cart, carriage) - moving up the career ladder, success in life. 10 Sidorov S.V. -

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A professional career is the result of a person’s conscious position and behavior in the field labor activity related to official or professional growth. 11 Sidorov S.V. -

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A professional career is associated with the growth of knowledge, skills and abilities. It can follow the lines of: specialization (deepening in one line of movement chosen at the beginning of the professional path) - the “American model” or transprofessionalization (mastery of other areas of human experience, associated, rather, with the expansion of tools and areas of activity) - the “Japanese model " 12 Sidorov S.V. -

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Intra-organizational career is related to the trajectory of a person’s movement in the organization: Execution Decision making 13 Sidorov S.V. -

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1. Vertical career - job growth Decision making Execution 14 Sidorov S.V. -

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2. Horizontal career - promotion within one level of the hierarchy Execution Decision making 15 Sidorov S.V. -

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3. Centripetal career - advancement to the control center, deeper and deeper inclusion in decision-making processes. Execution Decision making 16 Sidorov S.V. -

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“The Peter Principle”: in a hierarchical system, an employee rises to the level of his incompetence. Lawrence Peter 17 Sidorov S.V. -

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Competent ones increase. Incompetents are not demoted. Rejection of a promotion is unlikely. Those who work successfully are those who have not risen to the level of incompetence. If promoted despite competence, a transfer to a formally high, but less responsible position is possible. “The Peter Principle” 18 Sidorov S.V. -

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Terminus syndrome (according to Peter): An employee who has reached incompetence tries to create at least the appearance of competence by replacing productive work with some other, outwardly easily noticeable activity. 19 Sidorov S.V. -

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Syndrome emotional burnout(CMEA) is a reaction of the body that occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to moderate-intensity professional stress and manifests itself in a decrease in overall performance and interest in one’s professional career. 20 Sidorov S.V. -

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Signs of CMEA: - emotional and mental exhaustion; - physical fatigue; - personal detachment, loss of interest in work and decreased satisfaction with its performance. 21 Sidorov S.V. -

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Sources used http://ru.wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BF_%D0%9F%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D1 %80%D0%B0 http :// 22 Sidorov S .IN. -

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Pedagogy as a science was formed much later than education appeared in human society. Compiled by: Shulga A.A.

The essence of the concepts “science”, “pedagogy”. Sources and stages of development of pedagogy. Subject and object of pedagogical science. Tasks of pedagogical science. Functions of pedagogy: scientific-theoretical and constructive-technical.

The pedagogical branch of knowledge is one of the most ancient and has developed along with society

Initially, pedagogy developed as a pedagogical practice: parents, and then the most respected and honorable people in society (elders, leaders, priests) prepared children for life and work. But then elementary pedagogical knowledge began to develop, which was passed on from generation to generation in the form of customs, traditions, games, and everyday rules. This knowledge is reflected in sayings, proverbs, myths, legends, fairy tales, anecdotes (for example, “live and learn,” “repetition is the mother of learning,” “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” etc.). Thus, folk pedagogy was gradually created.

Folk pedagogy could not explain disparate pedagogical facts and phenomena, or develop scientific ways of managing the process of teaching and educating younger generations. The time has come when education began to play a very noticeable role in people’s lives, and a need arose to generalize the existing experience of education. The formation of pedagogy as a science began. For a long time, the formation of pedagogical science was carried out within the framework of philosophy.

The beginnings of pedagogical knowledge were laid in the works of ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine, oriental philosophers and sages (Plato, Aristotle, Democrat, Plutarch, Seneca, Quintilian, Confucius, etc.) The result of the development of Greek-Roman pedagogical thought is the work of the ancient Roman philosopher and teacher Marcus Quintilian "Education of a Speaker."

industrial social spiritual experience Enrichment of Experience Transfer of developed experience Study of experience Scientific knowledge

“paydagogos” childbearing child lead (led) Slaves (teachers) accompanied their master’s child to school.

Primitive system: ? passed on customs, traditions, everyday rules, games. Antiquity: slaves. Middle Ages: civilians, clergy - were engaged in the instruction, education, and training of children. Rus' (12th century): sextons were “masters”, taught at home (reading, writing, prayers). …… .

SCIENCE is a specialized cognitive activity of communities of scientists aimed at obtaining and using in practice new scientific knowledge about various kinds of objects, their properties and relationships. Lebedev S.A. Philosophy of Science: Dictionary of Basic Terms. - M.: Academic Project, 2004. - 320 p.

Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality. The basis of this activity is: collection of facts (natural or social phenomena), systematization of facts, their constant updating, critical analysis and synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations, which makes it possible to build cause-and-effect relationships with the ultimate goal of forecasting.

Theories and hypotheses, which are confirmed by facts or experiments, are formulated in the form of laws of nature or society. Science in a broad sense includes all the conditions and components of relevant activity: division and cooperation of scientific work; scientific institutions, experimental and laboratory equipment; research methods; conceptual and categorical apparatus; scientific information system; the entire amount of previously accumulated scientific knowledge. Science studies is a science that studies science.

For the first time, pedagogy was isolated from the system of philosophical knowledge at the beginning of the 17th century. English philosopher and naturalist Francis Bacon. It was established as a science through the works of the Czech teacher Jan Amos Comenius. Pedagogy (ancient Greek - the art of education) is the science of raising and teaching a person. F. Bacon (English) 01/22/1561- 04/09/1626 J.A. Comenius 03/28/1592- ...11.1670

She is centuries and centuries old. And at the same time, she is born every day. Everyone has experienced it, but not everyone knows it. There is no family where it is not used. Most parents do not assume that they are using it.

(folk pedagogy) centuries-old practical experience of education: lifestyle, customs, traditions, everyday rules, games. philosophical, social science, pedagogical and psychological works; current world and domestic practice of education; data from specially organized pedagogical research; experience of innovative teachers: ideas, work system of Sh.A. Amonashvili, S.N. Lysenkova and others.

Stage 1 Folk pedagogy in the form of traditions, proverbs, sayings, rituals, songs, jokes, myths, tales, legends, nursery rhymes and other folklore forms. Stage 2 The emergence of pedagogical ideas in line with philosophical and religious-philosophical teachings: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch, Seneca, Quintilian, Confucius, Avicenna and others (ancient and medieval times).

Stage 3 Formation of pedagogical views and theories within the framework of philosophical and pedagogical works: T. More, R. Descartes, J. J. Rousseau, D. Locke, I. Herbart, R. Owen, F. Nietzsche, I. Kant, L. N. Tolstoy, etc. Stage 4 Development of pedagogy as an independent scientific discipline. The beginning was made in the 17th century by Y.A. Kamensky’s “Great Didactics”. Subsequently, I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, P.F. Kapterev, N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, V. made their contribution to the development of pedagogy. A. Sukhomlinsky……

Phenomena (pedagogical fact) of reality that determine the development of the human individual in the process of purposeful activity of society. These phenomena are education: the process of education, the process of learning, the process of formation, the process of development, the process of studying programs, the process of studying laws, the process of self-education, etc.

The subject of pedagogy (science) is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions(family, school...) the holistic pedagogical process is aimed at the development and formation of the human personality in the conditions of training and education: - forms, - methods, - techniques, - means, - content of interaction, - pedagogical conditions, etc.

studying the essence, patterns, trends and prospects of the pedagogical process as a factor and means of human development throughout his life, develops a theory, technology for organizing this process, forms, methods for improving the activities of a teacher, various types of activities of students, models and methods of interaction between a teacher and children

studying patterns in the field of training and education; development and implementation of new methods, forms, means, systems of training and education; forecasting the development of education. accumulation and systematization of scientific knowledge about human upbringing; knowledge of the laws of upbringing, education and training; equipping practicing teachers with knowledge of the theory of the educational process: indicating the best ways and means of achieving set goals.

Descriptive (explanatory) study Diagnostic level identification Predictive level research + creation Projective level development Transformative level implementation Reflective level assessment V.A. Slastenin \Pedagogy (P.65)

Scientific and theoretical descriptive (study of advanced, innovative pedagogical experience); diagnostic (identifying the state of pedagogical phenomena, success and efficiency joint activities teachers and students); prognostic (experimental studies of the ped. process and the construction of more effective models of this process). Structural and technical projective (development of methodological materials, curricula, teaching aids); transformative (introducing the achievements of pedagogical science into practice); reflexive and corrective (analysis and assessment of the impact of scientific research results on the practice of teaching and education).

Philosophy Sociology Anthropology Psychology Ethnology Medicine Physiology Anatomy Biology Political Science and V.A. Slastenin \Pedagogy (P76-79)

Creative development and use by pedagogy of ideas, theoretical positions, and conclusions of other sciences. Borrowing research methods used in these sciences. Application of specific research results carried out by science. Participation in complex research (education of six-year-olds, therapeutic pedagogy).

Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Proc. A manual for students. higher textbook institutions / V.A.Slastenin. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. – 576 p. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. Textbook for universities - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 304 p. – (Series “Textbook of the New Century”). Kukushkin V.S., Boldyreva-Varaksina A.V. Pedagogy of primary education/Under general. Ed. V.S. Kukushkina.-M.: ICC “Mart”; Rostov n/d: Publishing center “MarT”, 2005.-596 p. Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy in theses, definitions, illustrations. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000. – 416 p.


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State professional educational institution "Vorkuta Pedagogical College"

The essence of the concepts “structure”, “system”. System of pedagogical sciences. Sections of the basic scientific discipline - general pedagogy. Characteristics of the disciplines of each individual branch in the system of pedagogical sciences.

(from Latin structūra - “structure”), or structure - the internal structure of something.

- a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity, unity.

when it comes to theoretical aspects upbringing and education; when we talk about the pedagogical activities of educators and teachers in translating theoretical principles into practice (teacher = actor - creativity, inspiration, intuition, pedagogical flair).

Pedagogy includes a set of pedagogical branches and disciplines that form a developing system of pedagogical science. The range of branches of “pedagogy” expanded at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. philosophy of education Branches ethnopedagogy (folk) age-related pedagogy special pedagogy social pedagogy general pedagogy sectoral pedagogy pedagogy of common methods history of pedagogy religious pedagogy

– a section of pedagogy that studies the role of philosophical teachings for understanding the essence of education, defining the ideology of teaching and upbringing, analyzing the main conceptual approaches to determining the goals of education and ways to implement them.

General foundations of pedagogy Didactics - theory of learning Theory of education Management of educational systems studies and forms the principles, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing that are common to all age groups and educational institutions; explores the fundamental laws of training and education pre-school (nursery) pre-school pedagogy of school (stage) pedagogy of higher school pedagogy of adults (androgogy)

speech mentally retarded hearing defects typhlopedagogy visually impaired blind deaf people oligophrenopedagogy speech therapy mental retardation. once.

family preventive prevention of social deviations among adolescents and children preventive correctional labor - forced re-education into special labor. institutions develops problems of out-of-school education, the influence of society on the formation and development of personality methods of teaching mathematics methods of teaching Russian. language Methods of teaching literature Methods of teaching natural science Methods of teaching ……………….

Ethnopedagogy (folk pedagogy) – deals with traditional folk methods and techniques of teaching and education. ? explores the patterns and characteristics of folk, ethnic education

military pedagogy engineering pedagogy music pedagogy theater pedagogy industrial pedagogy studies the patterns of special training of people for certain types of activities

Examines pedagogical ideas, theories and practices in various eras. Education in a primitive society Education during the period of decomposition of primitive society. Upbringing and education in the slave system. Upbringing and education in the ancient world. etc.

pedagogy that develops issues of education and training of the younger generation in the traditions of a particular religion: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.

– reveals the features of the organization of education in different countries of the world. See // Pedagogy

I.P. Podlasy. Pedagogy primary school. – M.: Vlados. – 2000. Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy in theses, definitions, illustrations. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia. – 2000. Slastenin, V.A., Isaev, I.F., Shiyanov, E.N. Pedagogy. textbook for students institutions prof. education / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", - 2011, - 496 p. History of pedagogy. “Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy” RAO. [Electronic resource], -Access mode:/


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State professional educational institution "Vorkuta Pedagogical College" Sberbank receipt Details

(from the Greek kategoria - statement; sign) a scientific concept that expresses the most essential properties and relationships of a certain phenomenon of reality

related to the object Interdisciplinary “development” “personal development” “developed personality” “socialization” “formation” related to the subject Pedagogical “pedagogical process”, “teacher. system", "upbringing", training", "education", "teacher. activity," "teacher. technology”, “teacher”, “student”, “teaching”, “learning”, pedagogical task”.

the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, nervous system and human psyche. bigger, smaller, better, worse, narrower, wider. Human Development Int.

the process of becoming a person’s readiness (his internal potential) to implement in accordance with emerging self-development and self-realization or assigned tasks of varying levels of complexity, including those that go beyond those previously achieved. A person who has successfully mastered knowledge, methods of activity (skills and skills), experience in creative activity, and an emotional and sensory attitude to the world. Int.

the process of assimilation and reproduction by an individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, and skills that allow him to function successfully in society. Socialization the intersection of the processes of adaptation, integration, self-development, self-realization Spontaneous Guided Controlled Purposeful Int.

the process of changing personality as a social being under the influence of everyone without exception environmental factors, social, economic, ideological, psychological, etc., the emergence of physical and socio-psychological new formations in the structure of the personality, changes in the external manifestations (form) of the personality. Personality formation Int.

A single, purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and is carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests; Federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation"

Activities aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of sociocultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state in the social sense in the pedagogical sense

a purposeful process of organizing the activities of students to master knowledge, abilities, skills and competence, gain operational experience, develop abilities, gain experience in applying knowledge in everyday life and the formation of students’ motivation to receive education throughout their lives; product of absorption?

Student - individual mastering the educational program. A student with disabilities is an individual who has disabilities in the physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing the acquisition of education without the creation of special conditions.

Intentional contact (long-term or temporary) between the teacher and pupil(s), the consequence of which is mutual changes in their behavior, activities and attitudes. - teacher. influence active perception and assimilation by the pupil’s own activity of the pupil subject-subjective

specially organized interaction between teachers and students (pedagogical interaction) regarding the content of education using teaching and educational means (pedagogical means) in order to solve educational problems aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself in his development and self-development. Educator

a consistent, interdependent system of teacher actions associated with the use of one or another set of methods of education and training, carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Slastenin p. 75.

an interconnected sequence of solving countless problems of varying levels of complexity (with the interaction of teachers and students). a materialized situation of education and training (ped. situation), characterized by the interaction of teachers and students with a specific goal. ?

activities for the implementation of educational programs

student at school; a person who takes advantage of the lessons and instructions of another in any field of knowledge. a socially significant profession that arose as a result of the need to educate and train the next generations for a more successful and rapid entry into social life, and the growth of public opportunities for maintaining individuals performing these tasks.

This is the activity of a teacher in transmitting information to students, organizing their educational and cognitive activities, stimulating cognitive interest, independence, creativity and assessing educational achievements. this is the student’s activity in mastering, consolidating and applying acquired knowledge, skills and abilities; awareness of the personal meaning and social significance of cultural values ​​and human experience.

Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. Textbook for universities. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001 – 304 p. – Series “Textbook of the New Century”. Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy in theses, definitions, illustrations. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia. – 2000. V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev and others. Pedagogy. Study guide. – M.: Publishing Center Academy, 2014. List of sources used


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State professional educational institution "Vorkuta Pedagogical College" Compiled by: Shulga A.A. OP.01. Pedagogy specialty 44.02.02 Teaching in primary grades (lecture-2 hours) Education as a social phenomenon and the pedagogical process

“Education is what remains when what has been learned is forgotten” M. Planck.

Plan Education as a social phenomenon and a pedagogical phenomenon. The role of education in modern Russia. Educational goals. The main result of the educational process.

Education pedagogical process is a social phenomenon

The concept of "education" "image". Education is a unified process of physical and spiritual development of the individual, a process of socialization, consciously oriented towards some ideal images, towards social standards historically recorded in the public consciousness (for example, a Spartan warrior, a virtuous Christian, an energetic entrepreneur, a harmoniously developed personality). Therefore, it is, first of all, a social phenomenon, which is a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society and the state.

a single purposeful process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of the individual, family, society and the state, as well as the totality of acquired knowledge, skills, abilities, values, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purposes of intellectual, spiritual and moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person, satisfaction of his educational needs and interests; Education

education upbringing training

has a historical nature: it arises with the emergence of society and develops with the development of labor activity, thinking and language; it is a means of social heredity, transmission social experience to subsequent generations; this is an objective social value: moral, spiritual, etc. potential depends on the level of development educational sphere; This is the object of study of the science of society - sociology. Education as a social phenomenon

Identified with the definition of education in the broad sense of the word and is understood as the process of transferring knowledge, experience and cultural values ​​accumulated by generations, mastering the totality of social experience Education as a social phenomenon

performs sociocultural functions: it is a way of socialization of the individual and continuity of generations; is a medium for communication and familiarization with world values, achievements of science and technology; accelerates the process of development and formation of a person as a person, subject and individuality; ensures the formation of spirituality in a person and his worldview, value orientations and moral principles Education as a social phenomenon

This is a relatively independent system, the function of which is the systematic training and education of members of society, focused on mastering certain knowledge (primarily scientific), ideological and moral values, abilities, skills, norms of behavior, the content of which is ultimately determined by the socio-economic and political system of a given society and the level of its material and technical development. Education as a social phenomenon

The source is the need for a certain preparation of the younger generations, aimed at their assimilation of social, cultural and historical experience. Education as a PP is a system whose components are in certain structural and genetic connections. Education as a pedagogical process

The commonality of the processes of training and education: the learning process carries out the function of education; the process of education is impossible without training those being educated; both processes influence the consciousness, behavior, emotions of the individual and lead to its development. Education as a pedagogical process Specifics of the processes of training and upbringing: the content of training consists mainly of scientific knowledge about the world; the content of education is dominated by norms, rules, values, ideals; o learning affects primarily the intellect; education - on behavior, the need-motivational sphere of the individual.

Purpose of education Contents of education Educational objectives Procedural components (methods, means, forms) Psychological and pedagogical mechanisms (impact, activity) Results of education Structure of the educational process

Russia has become a country open to the world, a democratic society, building a market economy and a rule of law state, in which the first place should be given to a person who has a significantly greater measure of freedom and responsibility than before. A transition is being made from what was traditional for the end of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. industrial society to post-industrial society to information society The role of education in modern Russia

in creating the basis for sustainable socio-economic and spiritual development Russia, providing high quality life of the people; in strengthening the democratic rule of law and developing civil society; in staffing market economy, integrating into world economy; in establishing Russia’s status in the world community as a great power in the fields of education, culture, art, science, high technology and economics. The role of education in modern Russia is:

It is the ideal or real object of the subject's conscious or unconscious desire; is the end result that the process is intentionally aimed at. “A person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value” (Article 2 of the Constitution). Educational goals

Goals (goal setting) General goals Particular goals - the transfer of culture in the form of social experience of people from one generation to another.

experience knowledge methods of activity abilities skills Experience of creative activity values ​​attitudes

the willingness and ability of young people leaving school to take personal responsibility for their own well-being and the well-being of society. Education: quantity, quality of knowledge, skills, systematic knowledge; ways of thinking (think independently and obtain ZUNs). The main result of the educational process

development in schoolchildren of independence, the ability to self-organize, the formation of the ability to defend their rights, based on a high level of legal culture (norms); willingness to cooperate; development of the ability for creative activity; tolerance for other people's opinions; the ability to conduct dialogue, seek and find meaningful compromises The goal of the entire education system and each teacher

development of personality qualities necessary for her and society to be included in socially significant activities. The purpose of modern education

historical continuity of generations, preservation, dissemination and development of national culture; education of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic social state who respect individual rights and freedoms and have high morality; versatile and timely development of children and youth, formation of self-education and personal self-realization skills; the formation of a holistic worldview and a modern scientific worldview among children and youth, the development of a culture of interethnic relations; The education system is designed to provide

systematic updating of all aspects of education, reflecting changes in the field of culture, economics, science, engineering and technology; continuity of education throughout a person’s life; variety of types and types educational institutions and variability of educational programs that ensure individualization of education; continuity of levels and stages of education; The education system is designed to provide

development distance learning, creation of programs that implement information Technology in education; academic mobility of students; development of domestic traditions in working with gifted children and youth, participation teaching staff in scientific activities; training highly educated people and highly qualified specialists capable of professional growth and professional mobility in the conditions of informatization of society and the development of new knowledge-intensive technologies; environmental education that shapes the population’s caring attitude towards nature. The education system is designed to provide

Education is a social phenomenon Education - a pedagogical process - has a historical nature: it arises together with society, where its own rules, norms, values ​​are established - a spontaneous, complex and continuous process, in the process of life itself - a purposeful process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society, states... - adults are engaged in communicating with children - specialists - teachers, educators are engaged

Education is a social phenomenon Education is a pedagogical process; the goal is the transfer of knowledge, experience and cultural values ​​accumulated by generations; the goal is the implementation of the requirements of society; a way of socialization of the individual and the continuity of generations; - an environment of communication and familiarization with world values, achievements of science and technology; - carried out in specially organized conditions - carried out by specialists (secondary vocational education, university) accelerates the process of development and formation of a person as a person, subject and individuality; - training and education are carried out according to the program, Federal State Educational Standards

Education is a social phenomenon. Education is a pedagogical process that ensures the formation of spirituality in a person and his worldview, value orientations and moral principles.

V.T.Chepikov. Education as a pedagogical process. List of sources used


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State professional educational institution "Vorkuta Pedagogical College" Compiled by: Shulga A.A. OP.01.Pedagogy specialty 44.02.02 Teaching in primary grades (lecture-2 hours) The place of pedagogy in the system of scientific knowledge

Four sources (forms of communication) of pedagogical enrichment. 2. The connection between pedagogy and philosophy, psychology, physiology, etc. Plan

pedagogy is a relatively independent scientific discipline that combines the functions of fundamental applied scientific-theoretical constructive-technical

pedagogy depends BUT!!! from those sciences with which it is connected according to the logic of research work from the general state of scientific knowledge

Pedagogy Philosophy Sociology Ethics Aesthetics Anatomy and Physiology Psychology Economics History Cybernetics

use of data from some sciences, specific results of their research, complex research (all forms), basic ideas, theoretical positions, generalizing conclusions of research methods Sources (forms of communication) for enriching pedagogy

N Pragmatism - bringing education closer to life, achieving educational goals in practical activities; and Neopragmatism is the essence - self-affirmation of the individual; p Neopositivism - understanding the complex of phenomena caused by the scientific and technological revolution, the task of education is the formation of a rationally thinking person); Philosophy is the foundation of pedagogy. Existentialism - recognizes the individual as the highest value of the world, characterized by distrust of the goals and possibilities of education, religious overtones; and Neo-Thomism is a religious philosophical doctrine, according to which education should be based on the priority of the spiritual principle. c Behaviorism - views human behavior as a controlled process.

Methodological (guiding) function of philosophy Develops a system of general principles and methods of scientific knowledge in relation to pedagogy

Considering the learning process, I.F. Herbart identified four stages in its structure: 1) clarity; 2) associations; 3) systems; 4) method. In modern pedagogical science: 1) clarity (presentation); 2) association (understanding); 3) system (generalization); 4) method (application). Pedagogy and ethics (1776–1841)

Interacting with sociology, pedagogy takes into account the influence of the social environment on a person and relationships between people. As a result of the integration of these sciences, social pedagogy emerged. Sociology

The connection between pedagogy and ethics helps solve pedagogical problems in the moral education of students. Ethics

IN early XIX V. German philosopher and teacher Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776–1841) proposed putting ethics at the basis of pedagogical science. At the basis of pedagogical science, ethics (the philosophical doctrine of morality as one of the forms of social consciousness) made it possible to determine the goals of education, and psychology indicated the ways and means of their implementation. Developed by I.F. Herbart's didactic system contributed to the streamlining of the educational process at school. It made it possible to clearly organize, systematize and rationalize the teacher’s activities based on scientific data from psychology and ethics. Pedagogy and philosophy.

The relationship with aesthetics involves solving the problem of developing in students a sense of beauty, an aesthetic attitude towards reality. Aesthetics

This is the basis for understanding the biological essence of a person, the characteristics of the development of the body at each age stage - the development of higher nervous activity and typological features of the nervous system, the first and second signaling systems, the development and functioning of the sense organs, the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Anatomy and physiology

Fundamental works of Russian physiologists I.M. Sechenov (1829–1905) and I.P. Pavlova (1849–1936) in the field of physiology, in particular, the study of human neuropsychic development, had a significant influence on the formation of world psychological and pedagogical thought. Based on the teachings of I.P. Pavlov’s theory of higher nervous activity, which is distinguished by a strict causal explanation of the mechanisms and patterns of behavior of living beings, developed a wide range of pedagogical problems related to the formation of skills, the development of memory and attention, and the identification of features of the dynamics of cognitive and emotional processes. Natural science basis of pedagogy I.P. Pavlov I.M. Sechenov

Psychology studies the patterns of development of the human psyche, and pedagogy studies the effectiveness of those educational influences that lead to intended changes in a person’s inner world and behavior. The integration of these sciences led to the emergence of educational psychology - a branch of psychological science that studies the facts, patterns and mechanisms of personality formation in the educational process. Psychology

The works of the founders of activity psychological theory A.N. Leontyev (1903–1979) and S.L. Rubinstein (1889-1960) showed that the course and development of various mental processes significantly depend on the content and structure of the activity, its motives, goals and means of implementation. The conducted research allowed us to come to the important conclusion for pedagogical activity that, on the basis of external material actions, internal, ideal actions are formed, performed in the mental plane and providing a person with orientation in the world around him. Pedagogy and psychology S.L. Rubinshtein A.N. Leontyev

Pedagogy is closely connected with economics, in particular with the economics of education, the data of which is necessary to solve such pedagogical problems as: determining the cost of education in connection with the rising cost of living; the cost of training in various types of educational institutions; costs for teaching staff, construction, equipment, visual aids, etc. Economics

Education has a historical character. The principle of historicism is the most important principle in the development of any science: studying what has already happened and comparing it with the present helps to better trace the main stages in the development of modern phenomena, warns against repeating the mistakes of the past, and makes the forecast more reasonable. Story

1. Highlight the forms of connection between pedagogy and other sciences: the use by pedagogy of basic ideas, theoretical positions, generalizing the conclusions of other sciences; B) the use of fragmentary ideas about individual aspects of the sciences; C) creative borrowing of research methods from other sciences; D) use of specific research results; D) participation of pedagogy in complex human research.

Use of basic ideas and theoretical principles of other sciences. Creative borrowing of research methods from other sciences. Use of specific research results. creating specific recommendations for teachers will require taking into account the psychological characteristics of students in a certain age group; B) philosophical ideas play a guiding role in the process of developing pedagogical theory; C) as in psychology, outside observation is widely used in pedagogy; D) for a while, the teacher must become a real scientist-psychologist, “enter” the subject of this science and actively master psychological knowledge and methods of psychological research; E) different approaches to the scientific definition and construction of the content of education; E) every day teachers study the products of students’ activities; 2. Correlate the forms of connection between pedagogy and other sciences with their content:

Philosophy Sociology Ethics Aesthetics A) helps solve pedagogical problems of moral education of students; B) as a result of the integration of these sciences, a new profession has emerged, the main activity of which is helping those in need; C) knowledge of science is necessary for constructing a pedagogical theory, since theoretical research is indirectly connected with experience, with pedagogical reality; D) pedagogy takes into account the influence of the social environment on a person and relationships between people; D) helps solve the problem of developing in students a sense of a beautiful, aesthetic attitude towards reality; E) a direction of science that advocates bringing education closer to life, achieving the goals of education in practical activities. 3. Correlate sciences and content that shows a connection with pedagogy:

Anatomy and physiology. Psychology. Economy. Story. A). pedagogy is based on facts, patterns and mechanisms of personality formation in the educational process; B) studying what has already happened and comparing it with the present helps to better trace the main stages in the development of modern phenomena; C) determining the cost of training in connection with the rise in cost of living; the cost of training in various types of educational institutions; costs for teaching staff, construction, equipment, visual aids, etc. D) knowledge of the past warns against repeating mistakes, making the forecast more reasonable; D) this is the basis for understanding the biological essence of man; E) pedagogy uses knowledge of the developmental characteristics of the body at each age stage; 4. Correlate sciences and content that shows a connection with pedagogy:

Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Proc. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenina. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2008. - 576 p. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: 100 questions - 100 answers: textbook. manual for universities / I. P. Podlasy. - M.: VLADOS-press, 2004. - 365 p. The connection between pedagogy and other sciences and its structure: List of sources used


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State professional educational institution "Vorkuta Pedagogical College"

Comparative characteristics of pedagogical science and practice. 2. Pedagogical activities. 3. Structure of teaching activity. 4. Types of teaching activities.

Function - preparing the younger generation to participate in the life of society by introducing each person to culture, developing his personality. Unified system their relationships: the influence of pedagogical science on practice and the role of practice as a source of scientific knowledge. relationship

aspects of science practice object pedagogical fact (phenomenon) child + With means observation, description, modeling, creation of hypotheses, theories, testing them through experiment, material equipment of experiments. work, etc. methods, techniques, organizational forms of education and training, visual aids, technical means etc. the result of pedagogical knowledge is the laws, principles, rules of pedagogical activity, a trained and educated person (trained and educated as personality traits).

knowledge scientific everyday theoretical empirical? ? ? ?

patterns results of observation, description and generalization of experience Pedagogical reality principles of pedagogy. activities rules, recommendations results of theoretical research project methodological system scientific-theoretical function Relationship between science and practice

a specifically human form of active relationship to the surrounding world, the content of which is its purposeful change and transformation. Activity

view social activities, aimed at transferring from the older generation to the younger the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society. Pedagogical activity

harmoniously developed personality development of personality in harmony with oneself and society PD goals strategic tactical

scientific PD theoretical D experimental D. practical PD Training - teaching Education - educational work Goal - obtaining new knowledge about the pedagogical relations of adults and children and the forms of their development Develops recommendations, norms and forms scientific organization practical activities The goal is to transfer the necessary part of the culture and experience of the older generation to the younger

the work of practical teachers: direct communication, teach and educate, convey the cultural heritage of humanity, develop their abilities, contribute to the formation of personality; administrative activities: managers, organizers of the educational process in educational institutions; research activities: employees of scientific and educational institutions: research institutes of pedagogy and departments of pedagogy of universities (where scientific knowledge is produced); RAO, transfer of the results of pedagogical science to practice: institutions of advanced training and additional education(methodological assistance). FIRO, KRIRO and PC, does not come down only to the work of a teacher? ? ? ?

Activities pedagogical activity scientific PD practical PD teaching education theoretical experimental D. teacher D. educator teaching D. student teaching educational work Draw up a logical diagram

Activities pedagogical activity Scientific PD Practical PD Training Education theoretical experimental D. teacher D. educator D. student D. pupil teaching teaching educational work

The result of completed pedagogical activity that has mastered this part of the culture?

Structure (components) Constructive activity Organizational activity Communicative activity constructive-content constructive-material constructive-operational gnostic activity (research) Nina Vasilievna Kuzmina, Ph.D. Structure of the PD component

Structure of PD components According to A.I. Shcherbakov Organizational information development orientation mobilization Research (gnostic) scientific approach heuristic skills knowledge of research methods. analysis of one’s own activity and with others Communicative perceptual actual communication communicative-operational Constructive analytical predictive projective Control-evaluative (reflective)

informant, if he is limited to communicating requirements, norms, rules (to be honest, active); friend, strive to penetrate the soul of a child; dictator, forcibly introduces norms and value orientations into the minds of children; advisor, uses gentle persuasion; a petitioner, asking the student to be as he should be, sometimes even humiliating himself; inspiration, the desire to captivate and ignite the hearts of children through the children’s interests and perspectives. (according to L.B. Itelson) Conclusion: each of the positions can give both positive and negative effects, which depend on the personality of the teacher, the environment, and society.

a type of special activity aimed at managing predominantly cognitive activity; pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various types of activities of students in order to solve the problems of harmonious personal development

carried out in organizational form: lesson, excursion, lecture, practical exercise, laboratory work; carried out on classroom hours, in an individual conversation, etc.; pursues the achievement of specific goals; does not pursue a direct goal; has a strict time frame - 45 minutes; does not have a strict time frame, but depends on the situation and the age of the child;

involves feedback; does not always have the opportunity to organize feedback; training content is programmed; the content of education can be programmed, but ........ must correspond to the terms of the plan; not achievable in time;

results are easily identified through training diagnostics and recorded in quantitative and qualitative indicators; results and prediction are difficult, since the child’s personality is influenced by various factors; success criteria educational activities are ZUNs and mastery of ways to solve cognitive and practical tasks, the criterion for successful problem solving is positive changes in the consciousness of the child’s personality (feelings, emotions, behavior, activities);

management: - planning of your own and students’ activities, - organization of activities, - motivation (stimulation), - control and regulation, - analysis of results. leadership: - planning is possible in general terms (attitude to society, work, oneself), - organization of activities, if this is a purposeful process, - control and regulation are limited, - analysis.

self-education and self-education of the teacher himself; management activities - heads of educational institutions and their deputies; organizational - organizer of the children's and youth movement; methodological – studying modern psychological and pedagogical sciences, disseminating the experience of teachers; out-of-school work - in children's rooms of the police, in out-of-school institutions; scientific - research - teachers, experimenters. Pedagogical activity will be successful if teaching and educational work interact in its activities, with educational work being the leading activity.


the level of development of the employee’s abilities, allowing him to perform labor functions to a certain degree of complexity in a specific type of activity; level of professional preparedness for any type of work

the ability to successfully act on the basis of skills, knowledge and practical experience when completing a task, solving the problem of professional activity, the unity of the theoretical and practical readiness of the teacher to carry out his professional activity V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaeva, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov

think act theoretical analysis judgment theories formulas repeated repetition facts

think general skills the ability to think pedagogically specific skills the ability to act cycle of solving pedagogical problems act think? theoretical analysis of facts and phenomena

organizational analytical communicative reflective readiness projective predictive think-act-think - mobilization - informational - developmental - oriented - perceptual - actual communication skills (verbal) - pedagogical technique

generalized skills of pedagogical thinking analytical predictive projective reflective

highlight the elements of pedagogical phenomena (conditions, reasons, motives, incentives, means, forms of manifestation, etc.); comprehend each element in connection with the whole and in interaction with other components of the pedagogical process; find provisions, ideas, conclusions, patterns in pedagogical theory; correctly diagnose a pedagogical phenomenon; identify the main pedagogical task (problem) and determine ways to optimally solve it. at the preparatory and final stages of the PP

highlight a pedagogical phenomenon, fact; establish the composition of the elements of ped.phenomena; reveal the content of the elements, their role; penetrate into the development process of a holistic phenomenon; determine the location of the phenomenon in educational process goals and objectives content forms, methods, means motives incentives C=P conditions reasons P

personal development: qualities, feelings, will, behavior, deviations, difficulties in relationships; progress of PP: difficulties of students, results of using forms, methods, techniques and means, etc. development of the team (relationships) at the preparatory stage of PP Predictive skills

set specific pedagogical goals; determine the main and subordinate tasks for each stage of the pedagogical process; take into account the needs and interests of students, take into account the possibilities of the material base, take into account their experience and personal and business qualities; select the content, forms, methods and means of PP in their optimal combination; select types of activities that correspond to the tasks, plan a system of joint creative activities; plan a system of techniques to stimulate students’ activity and curb negative manifestations in their behavior; plan ways to create a personal development environment and maintain connections with parents and the public. at the preparatory stage of PP Projective skills

correctness of setting and implementing goals and objectives; correspondence [ Ts=P ] ; the effectiveness of the forms, methods, techniques and means of pedagogical activity used; correspondence of the content of the material to the age characteristics of students and their level of development; reasons for successes and failures, mistakes and difficulties; experience of its activities in its integrity and compliance with criteria and recommendations developed by science. at the final stage of PP Reflexive skills

Organizational skills, mobilization, information, developing, oriented, Communication skills, perceptual, actual communication skills (verbal) pedagogical techniques at the main stage of teaching skills, ability to act, content of practical readiness of the teacher

attract students' attention to the topic; develop a sustainable interest in learning, work and other activities, create a need for knowledge, equip students with skills academic work and the basics of the scientific organization of educational work, rely on the knowledge and life experience of students (updating); to form a creative attitude towards the world around us, to create special situations for committing moral actions; create an atmosphere of shared experience, etc. Mobilization skills

private skills to transform information logically correctly construct and conduct a story, explanation, conversation, problem presentation correctly formulate questions work with sources (search, selection) rearrange the plan and course of presentation of the material

definition of the “zone of proximal development” (L.S. Vygotsky) of individual students and the group as a whole; creating problematic situations for the development of cognitive processes, feelings and will of students; stimulating cognitive independence and creative thinking; asking questions to apply acquired knowledge, comparisons, and one’s own conclusions; application of a student-centered approach to students. Developmental skills

moral and value attitudes and scientific worldview, sustainable interest in educational activities and science, professional activities, skills of joint creative activity - social. significant personality traits formation formation Orientation skills

determine the nature of experiences, a person’s condition, his involvement or non-involvement in certain events based on insignificant signs; to find in a person’s actions and other manifestations signs that make him different from others, to see the main thing in another person, to correctly determine his attitude to social values. the ability to understand others (students, teachers, parents): their personal characteristics and value orientations. Perceptual skills

mentally restore the features of previous communication with the group and individual students, put yourself in their place; establish psychological contact with the group; create an environment of collective search and joint creative activity; manage communication - distribute attention and maintain its stability; apply a person-centered approach; analyze the actions of students, see behind them the motives that guide them; create conditions for students to experience emotional experiences; provide an atmosphere of well-being in the group; manage initiative in communication; timely see the exclusion of individual students from general activities. Communication skills

control your body win over your interlocutor regulate your mental states mobilize creative well-being mastery of words master the technique of intonation

learned to say “come here” with 15-20 shades; learned to make 20 nuances in posing a face, figure, and voice. “A teacher who does not have facial expressions, who cannot give his face the necessary expression or control his mood cannot be a good teacher. The teacher must be able to organize, walk, joke, be cheerful, angry. The teacher must behave in such a way that his every movement educates, and must always know what he wants at the moment and what he does not want.”

mass performer-entertainer, coach-social activist, tourism instructor, tour guide, graphic designer, circle leader, choir-conductor, dance director, film demonstrator, etc.

d p ​​P Overcomes difficulties through proven techniques (algorithms) s s s R

d-1 P Ts R z d-2 P N O V Y O P Y T P P S Reflective activity P o d-N z?

1. V.A. Mizherikov, M.N. Ermolenko. Introduction to teaching: A textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002. – 268 p. 2. Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Proc. A manual for students. secondary education institutions / V.A.Slastenin. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2011. – 576 p.


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State professional educational institution "Vorkuta Pedagogical College" Compiled by: Shulga A.A. OP.01.Pedagogy specialty 44.02.02 Teaching in primary grades (lecture-2 hours) General characteristics holistic pedagogical process

The concept of “process”, “pedagogical process”. Functions of the pedagogical process. The main components of a holistic pedagogical process. Stages of the pedagogical process. Plan

Contribution of scientists Johann Friedrich Herbart 05/04/1776-08/14/1841 on the unity of teaching and upbringing: education without moral education is a means without an end, and moral education without education is an end without means.

Contribution of scientists Diesterweg Friedrich Adolf Wilhelm 1790-1866 on the unity of education and upbringing Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich (1824-1870) Kapterev Petr Fedorovich 1849-1922 “Encyclopedia of family education and training”

An integrative property of the pedagogical process is the ability to implement socially determined functions

A holistic, harmonious personality can only be formed in a holistic pedagogical process

The process is “movement forward”, “change”, sequential change from one state to another. The pedagogical process is a specially organized interaction between teachers and students regarding the content of education using teaching and educational means in order to solve educational problems aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself in his development and self-development. Basic Concepts

Integrity is a synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, characterizing the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating actions and activities of the subjects functioning in it. Basic concepts? ? ?

The essence of a person is manifested in? Activity approach

training education development Essence of software integrity

goal, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of interaction, achieved results. (Yu. Babansky) Procedural components of the CPP

Organizational-activity Content-target control-evaluative emotional-motivational Components of the CPP (structure) 4 1 2 3

mastering and designing (adapting) the content of education and the material base (content-constructive, material-constructive and operational-constructive activities of the teacher); business interaction between teachers and students regarding the content of education, the latter’s mastery of which is the goal of interaction; interaction between teachers and students at the level of personal relationships ( informal communication); students mastering the content of education without the direct participation of the teacher (self-education and self-education). Organizational and activity unity

Emotional-motivational Subjects educators pupils administration parents emotional relationships motives of their activities are characterized

includes: monitoring the student’s activities (summarizing the work at each stage of interaction), assessing the students’ activities (determining the level of development of the students) (S.L. Rubinshtein); self-assessment by the pupil of his successes and shortcomings., self-control and self-assessment by the teacher of his activities and its results, control over its progress and assessment of its results by the state and society as a whole (P.F. Kapterev). Control and evaluation component

Educational – the formation of motivation and experience in educational, cognitive and practical activities, mastering the foundations of scientific knowledge, value orientations and relationships; - formation of scientific ideas, assimilation of concepts, laws, theories, which subsequently influence the development and education of the individual. Developmental – the formation and development of mental processes (imagination, speech, memory, will, perception, thinking), properties and qualities of the individual. Educational – the formation of certain qualities, properties and relationships of a person; - formation of beliefs, norms, rules, ideals, value orientations, attitudes, motives. Functions of the CPP

dominant: function - educational methods - teaching forms - lesson dominant: function - educational methods - educational forms - free training education development dominant: function - developmental methods - education and training accompanying accompanying Specifics

preparatory main final Organization implementation analysis goal setting setting and clarification of goals and objectives pres. active identification of deviations that have arisen, diagnostics of ped. interaction between teachers and students, identification of errors, forecasting, organization of feedback, analysis of the causes of deviations, design, regulation, action. designing measures to eliminate errors plan-summary control, evaluation Stages of the CPP

1. Slastenin V.A. and others. Pedagogy: Proc. for students Institutions environment. vocational education / V.A. Slastenin. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2011. – 496 p. 2. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: New course: Proc. For students higher textbook Establishments: In 2 rooms. – M.: Humanite. Ed. VLADOS center, 2001. – Book. 2: The process of education. – 256 pp.: ill. List of sources used

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Business game 1st year postgraduate student of ASOU Oksana Aleksandrovna Kamenskaya on the topic: “Systematization and classification of pedagogical teachings in the history of pedagogy” For undergraduate students Time 1 hour 20 minutes.

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A business game is an imitation of a work process, a simulation, a simplified reproduction of a real production situation.

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The goal is to summarize and systematize students’ knowledge on this topic. Objectives: To develop in students the ability to comprehend various foundations and approaches to systematization and classification of pedagogical teachings in the historical and pedagogical process; Guide students to understand the dependence of the type of pedagogical teachings.

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Form of implementation: business game Educational methods and techniques: heuristic conversation, analysis of visual images, situation analysis, immersion technique

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Basic concepts “Classification”; "systematization"; “typology”, “basis of classification of pedagogical teachings”; "types of pedagogical teachings".

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Plot of the game Team 1. Thinkers whose pedagogical teachings depend on an understanding of human nature, the possibilities of his learning and educability, the characteristics of the processes of his growth and development. Team 2. Thinkers whose pedagogical teachings depend on the interpretation of the nature of knowledge. Team 3. Thinkers, pedagogical teachings from understanding the nature of society and different groups of people.

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Experts. Experts must evaluate the reliability and truth of the data referred to by team members. At the end of the game, they come up with a conclusion about the teams’ use of various sources. Civil society. After the debate, representatives of civil society express their opinion on which of the teams turned out to be the most convincing, whose ideas were closest to the listener. After this, the representative is given the opportunity to express his opinion on what type of pedagogical teaching he would adhere to.

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Progress of the game: 1. Installation of a teacher for the game. 2. Team performance. 3. Expert presentation. 4. Speech by members of civil society. 5. Evaluation of the teacher of the business game. Summing up.

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Lecture plan Content and relationship of concepts Bases of classification of pedagogical teachings. The dependence of the types of pedagogical teachings on an understanding of human nature, the capabilities of his learning and educability, and the characteristics of the processes of his growth and development. Dependence of types of pedagogical teachings on the interpretation of the nature of knowledge. The dependence of the types of pedagogical teachings on the understanding of the nature of society and various groups of people. Dependence of the types of pedagogical teachings on existing connections with religious and philosophical teachings, ideological doctrines, and branches of scientific knowledge.

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Contents of educational material Classification (from Latin classis - rank, classification), in logic - a system of subordinate concepts (classes of objects) of any field of knowledge or human activity, used as a means of establishing connections between these concepts or classes of objects. Scientific classification expresses a system of laws inherent in the area of ​​reality reflected in it.

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SYSTEMATIZATION (from the Greek SYSTEMA - a whole consisting of parts) is a mental activity during which the objects being studied are organized into a specific system based on a chosen principle. Typology (from the Greek tipos - imprint, form) - 1) the doctrine of classification, ordering and systematization of complex objects, which are based on the concepts of fuzzy sets and type; 2) the doctrine of the classification of complex objects related to each other genetically (for example, the classification of socio-economic formations); 3) the doctrine of the classification of complex objects, between which it is difficult to draw strict dividing lines and which are exemplified by certain typical samples (classification of people according to types of temperament).

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Basis for the classification of pedagogical teachings. There is a need to systematize and classify pedagogical teachings in the historical and pedagogical process. The essence of systematization of pedagogical teachings is to identify groups that are homogeneous according to certain characteristics and reduce these groups to a certain hierarchized unity. The most important type of systematization is classification, that is, the distribution of pedagogical teachings into groups based on establishing similarities and differences.

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Turning to the history of pedagogical teachings allows us to more fully understand the course and results of interaction between society and pedagogy. Systematic ideas emerge about what the mechanism of pedagogical responses to the challenges of the time is, how education and training consolidate acquired cultural values.

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Anthropological type of pedagogical teachings. Pedagogical anthropology is considered as an independent branch of the science of education, as a holistic and systemic knowledge about a person being educated, educated and educating, a person as a subject and object of education, as an integrative science that generalizes various knowledge about a person in the aspect of education, which involves the definition of its subject, object , methods, goals, objectives, specific patterns and content, place in the system of sciences, primarily in the system of pedagogical and anthropological knowledge; Pedagogical anthropology is interpreted as the basis of pedagogical theory and practice, as the methodology of the sciences of education, not as a separate discipline, but as a kind of core of general pedagogy, which absorbs the scientific results of knowledge about a person in the process of education.

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The ideas of anthropologization of pedagogy were reflected starting with the works of Ya.A. Comenius. Actively developing an anthropological approach in pedagogy K.D. Ushinsky, a whole galaxy of pedological teachers: A.F. Chamberlain, S. Hall, D.M. Baldwin, W.M. Bekhterev, P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, M.Ya. Basov, A.P. Pinkevich and many others. These ideas were consistently professed and actively defended by R. Steiner, M. Montessori, S.I. Hesse and others. In the second half of the twentieth century. Soviet scientists B.G. Ananyev, B.F. made their contribution. Lomov, L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov and a number of others.

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Epistemology. The word is of Greek origin (“gnosis” knowledge and “logos” word, teaching). The theory of knowledge answers the questions of what knowledge is, what are its main forms, what are the patterns of transition from ignorance to knowledge, what is the subject and object of knowledge, what is the structure of the cognitive process, what is truth and what is its criterion, as well as many others.

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The essence of cognition lies in the active and purposeful search and acquisition by a person of knowledge, accurate or distorted. Cognitive activity reveals a person’s creative powers and his inexhaustible spiritual energy. The branch of philosophy that deals with general problems of knowledge is called epistemology, or the theory of knowledge. Man's knowledge of the world is studied from his own point of view by some sciences - logic, psychology, cybernetics, sociology.

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Dependence of types of pedagogical teachings on the interpretation of the nature of knowledge. He was one of the first to raise the question of the nature-conformity of education. “Nature and nurture are alike.” He emphasized the huge role of work in education and exercise in moral actions. Democritus, Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, F. Bacon, R. Descartes, D. Locke, I. Kant

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Experimental pedagogy is a direction in reform pedagogy, the basis of which was the experimental (experimental) acquisition of the necessary reliable data on the development of the child, the course of the pedagogical process in order to improve it. The main representatives in foreign pedagogy were: G. S. Hall, V. A. Lai, E. Meiman, E. Thorndike, in domestic pedagogy - A. P. Nechaev, A. F. Lazursky.

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"Man is born for society." F. Aquinas J.J. Russo I.G. Herder G. Hegel M. Weber E. Durkheim

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The decisive role of nature in the development of society was pointed out by the ancient thinker Herodotus and the modern thinkers C. Montesquieu, A. Turgot and others. The latter developed views called geographical determinism. Its essence lies in the assertion that nature, which is interpreted as the geographical environment of society, acts as the main cause of phenomena occurring in society. It determines not only the direction of people’s economic life, but also their mental make-up, temperament, character, customs and mores, aesthetic views and even forms of government and legislation, in a word, their entire social and personal life.

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C. Montesquieu argued that climate, soils and geographical location countries are the reason for the existence of various forms of government and legislation, determine the psychology of people and their character. He wrote that “the peoples of hot climates are timid like old men, the peoples of cold climates are brave like youths.” In his opinion, climate and geographic environment determine “the character of the mind and the passions of the heart,” which inevitably affects the psychology of people, the nature of their art, morals and laws.

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Thoughts on upbringing and education. " Good people become more from exercise than from nature... education rebuilds man and creates nature” Democritus. “He who knows himself knows what is good for him, and clearly understands what he can and cannot do.” Socrates.

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“Educators are even more worthy of respect than parents, for the latter give us only life, and the former give us a decent life.” The principle formulated by Confucius is still relevant: “Learn and repeat what you have learned from time to time.” Pedagogical ideas and instructions. Treatises: Confucius “Conversations and Judgments”, Plutarch “On Education”, Quintilian “Oratorical Education”, Avicenna “Book of Healing”, Averroes “System of Evidence”, “Experiments” of Montaigne.

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Dependence of the types of pedagogical teachings on existing connections with religious and philosophical teachings, ideological doctrines, and branches of scientific knowledge. Pedagogical teachings of antiquity. During the Hellenistic period, they turned into unique higher educational institutions with a duration of study of 1 year, where grammar, rhetoric, philosophy with elements of mathematics, physics, logic, ethics, as well as military physical exercises were taught. (Ancient Greece) Empirical-sensualistic pedagogical concept - a system of philosophical and pedagogical ideas, according to which the results of sensory (sensory) perception form experience and habits, influencing the organization of the learning process and promoting a more conscious assimilation of knowledge, as well as personal qualities necessary for life. The concept was developed by J. Locke regarding the education of a new man - a gentleman.

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The dependence of the types of pedagogical teachings on an understanding of human nature, the capabilities of his learning and educability, and the characteristics of the processes of his growth and development. Experimental pedagogy is a direction in reform pedagogy, the basis of which was the experimental (experimental) acquisition of the necessary reliable data on the development of the child, the course of the pedagogical process in order to improve it. The main representatives in foreign pedagogy were: G. S. Hall, V. A. Lai, E. Meiman, E. Thorndike, in domestic pedagogy - A. P. Nechaev, A. F. Lazursky.

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Bibliographic links: Dzhurinsky, A. N. History of pedagogy and education: a textbook for bachelors [Text] / A. N. Dzhurinsky. 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2016. – 676 p. [UMO stamp] Dzhurinsky, A. N. Comparative pedagogy: a textbook for masters [Text] / A. N. Dzhurinsky. 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 608 p. [Griff UMO] Kanke, V. A. History, philosophy and methodology of psychology and pedagogy: training manual for masters / V. A. Kanke; edited by M. N. Berulava. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 496 p. [UMO stamp] Kornetov, G. B. Pedagogy: theory and history: textbook [Text] / G. B. Kornetov. 3rd ed., revised, additional. – M.: ASOU, 2016. – 472 p. . [UMO stamp] Kornetov, G. B. History of pedagogy: theoretical introduction: textbook [Text] / G. B. Kornetov, M. A. Lukatsky. 2nd ed. reworked and additional – M.: ASOU, 2015. – 492 p. [NMS stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation] Kryanev, Yu. V. History and philosophy of science (Philosophy of Science): textbook / Yu. V. Kryanev, N. P. Volkova and others; edited by L. E. Motorina, Yu. V. Kryaneva - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Alfa-M: Scientific Research Center INFRA-M, 2014. - 416 p. [NMS stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation] – URL:

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Lecture plan Pedagogy, its object and subject. Objectives of scientific pedagogy Main categories of pedagogy System of pedagogical sciences Stages of development of pedagogy 1 4 5 6 Functions of pedagogy 2 3 Pedagogy as the science of human education

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ANCIENT WORLD “The main goal among life should be moral self-improvement” The social function of education is “To make a perfect citizen who knows how to fairly obey or rule” Attached paramount importance to public education Pedagogy as the science of human education

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THE ANCIENT WORLD Marcus Quintilian (35 – 96 BC) Tertullian (160 – 222 AD) Augustine (354 – 430 AD) Democritus (460 – 370 BC) Aquinas (1225 – 1274 AD) .g.) Pedagogy as the science of human education

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RENAISSANCE “A child turns into a personality not so much thanks to the acquired knowledge as by developing the ability to make critical judgments” Declared the need to combine ancient and Christian traditions in the development of pedagogical ideals, put forward the principle of student activity Idealized humanistic education, the center of which is the spiritual and physical development of the individual Pedagogy as the science of human education

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Ya.A. Comenius (1592 - 1670) RENAISSANCE Called for enriching the child's consciousness by introducing objects and phenomena of sensory perception of the world John Locke (1632 - 1704) Argued that human knowledge is a consequence of external sensory experience Pedagogy as the science of human education

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MIDDLE AGES The central point of Rousseau's pedagogical program is natural education. He proposed to rely on knowledge when determining the foundations of education. human psychology The central thesis of Herbart’s reasoning is the formation moral person Pedagogy as the science of human education

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MIDDLE AGES A. Disterweg (1790 – 1886) Proposed to follow human nature in education and training, to take into account the individual characteristics of the child (the principle of conformity to nature) Pedagogy as the science of human education

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RUSSIAN PEDAGOGY “The most important goal of pedagogical reforms in Russia should be the development of honor, rights and citizenship among the people” Revealed the dialectical relationship between the political regime, material wealth and education Criticized the infringement of the right to education on class, religious and national grounds Pedagogy as the science of human education

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RUSSIAN PEDAGOGY K.D. Ushinsky (1824 – 1871) Founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia. The core of his pedagogical concept is the principle of nationality by V.G. Belinsky (1811 - 1848) Defined humanistic and democratic approaches to upbringing and education. He developed the idea of ​​public education. Makarenko A.S. (1888 - 1939) The key point of his theory is the thesis of parallel action, i.e. organic unity of education and life of society V.A. Sukhomlinsky (1918 - 1970) Dealt with the theory and methodology of communist education of children Pedagogy as the science of human education

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is a science that studies the laws of upbringing, education and training. Vidyapina V.I. -e is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions). Slastenin V., Isaev I. Pedagogy Subject of pedagogy Pedagogy as the science of human education

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Pedagogy as its object has a system of pedagogical phenomena related to the development of the individual. Object of pedagogy Pedagogy as the science of human education

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Functions of pedagogy: Theoretical Technological Pedagogy as the science of human education

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Tasks of scientific pedagogy according to prof. V.V. Kumarin Pedagogy as a science of human education Education of a person 1 Identification of the composition and magnitude of natural talents and human needs 2 Creation of conditions and implementation of satisfaction of personal and social needs in education and training. 4 Identifying the composition and magnitude of social needs 3

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Objectives of general professional pedagogy as an educational process Pedagogy as the science of human education Trace the evolution of the most progressive views in the history of pedagogy and reach the modern level of understanding their meaning 1 Familiarize yourself with outstanding teachers of the past, their works, pedagogical views and theories that have stood the test of time 2 Teach future teacher to take an analytical approach to general reforms and particular changes in pedagogical science and practice 3

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The main categories of pedagogy are the process of formation of his personality under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrollable social and natural factors. Development is a purposeful process of forming the intellect, physical and spiritual strength of the individual, preparing him for life, active participation in work. Education is the process and result of mastering a certain system of knowledge. and ensuring, on this basis, an appropriate level of personal development. Education is a purposeful process of bilateral activity between the teacher and students in the transfer and assimilation of knowledge; learning is teaching and learning taken as a unity

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The main categories of pedagogy are the acquisition by a person of new characteristics and forms in the process of development, approaching a certain state; result of development Formation, assimilation and reproduction by a person of cultural values ​​and social norms of the society in which he lives Socialization the process of human development under the influence of external influences Formation Pedagogy as the science of human education In some cases, pedagogical categories can include such quite general concepts, as self-education, self-development, pedagogical process, pedagogical communication (interaction), products of pedagogical activity, social formation, pedagogical technologies, educational innovations, etc.

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Categories of pedagogy As a process As a result Pedagogy as the science of human education Categories of pedagogy EDUCATION: as a process - mastering in institutions of preschool, general, vocational and additional education, as well as as a result of self-education of a system of knowledge, abilities, skills, experience of cognitive and practical activities, value orientations and relationships; as a result - the achieved level in the development of knowledge, abilities, skills, experience and relationships; as a system - a set of successive educational programs and government educational standards, a network of educational institutions and educational authorities implementing them.

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System of Pedagogical Sciences Pedagogy as the science of human education studies and forms the principles, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing; pedagogical science that studies the features of teaching and educational activities, taking into account the age characteristics of a person. studies the patterns of raising children preschool age; explores the content, forms and methods of teaching and educating schoolchildren; studies the features of education and training depending on the nature of the social group or professions: this is family pedagogy, industrial, professional, etc. this is a science that studies the essence, patterns, tendencies of managing the process of development of individuality and personality of a child with disabilities who needs specialized individual methods of education and training. studies and develops issues of training and education of students in vocational schools and secondary specialized educational institutions.

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System of Pedagogical Sciences Pedagogy as the science of human education 8. deals with the issues of re-education of offenders of all ages. 9. A relatively young branch of scientific and pedagogical knowledge. Its object is the state and main development trends in various countries of the modern world, which it analyzes in a comparative manner 10. It studies the features of the education of warriors. 11. develops issues of training and education of university students; 12. revealing the history of the development of the theory and practice of teaching and education in different historical eras, different countries and peoples.