Folder movement on the topic of migratory birds. Intellectual game “Bird Talks” in the preparatory group

CHILDREN'S MANIPULATIONS ATTENTION! Dear group members, it is very important for us to know your opinion about this article! MANIPULATION THROUGH THREAT OR FEAR This behavior is familiar to all of us. For example, we forbid something to a child and then a second later we see how the child’s lips curl and the baby begins to cry loudly. Children's crying often has a very effective effect on adults. Dad or mom would prefer to make concessions rather than listen to the cries of a disgruntled child. As the baby grows up, he can use more complex versions of this behavior. For example, some children may not talk to their loved ones for hours, sulk, and otherwise demonstrate their dissatisfaction and disagreement. This is an attempt to cause fear in an adult - if you don’t do as I said, you will regret it. In this case, there are many options for child influence: in addition to crying or refusal to communicate - demonstrative whims, hysterics, rolling on the floor, scandal in public place (store, transport). MANIPULATION WITH THE HELP OF DISEASE A child can even get really sick in order to “scare” the mother - she didn’t want to do as I said, but now I’m so unhappy, and you treat me. It is clear that a parent’s attitude towards a sick child will definitely change to a more positive one. Options for manipulation with the help of a disease can also be different - from simulating some symptom to the occurrence of a real disease, which will be clearly diagnosed by doctors. MANIPULATION WITH THE HELP OF WEASEL Manipulation with the help of weasel is one of the most invisible and disguised. After all, we, adults, do not want to see anything bad in manifestations of children's love. And yet, quite a few children can use this technique to achieve what they want. Our children behave differently and manipulate us using completely different techniques. Whiners Children use whining as a way to get what they want from us. Naturally, at the initial stage the child does not think about what he will succeed. But then he notices - yeah, mom doesn’t like the way I whine, it’s easier for her to agree with me and give me, for example, an extra chocolate bar or allow me to finish watching my favorite cartoon. Then the child begins to use whining with and without reason. He does this at home and in public places in the hope that he will eventually receive the desired candy, cartoon, or his share of parental attention. After all, very often a child, without realizing it, with such behavior simply tries to attract the attention of a parent who has been talking on the phone for half an hour or sitting in front of a computer. SCANDALISTS If whining no longer helps, then the child can easily move into the “SCANDALISTS” category. Here everything happens more theatrically, much louder, with throwing toys, rolling on the floor and stamping feet. A distinctive feature of such children is that as soon as they achieve what they want, all hysterics and scandals stop instantly. Sometimes it even seems as if someone pressed an invisible button on the child and “turned him off.” IMAGINAL SICK Kids are very observant. Very soon they begin to understand how they can use parental concern about their health to their advantage. Increased attention from parents during illness and lack of it at all other times leads to the development of manipulative behavior. The child does not put away toys, eats what he wants, watches TV five times longer than usual, gets an expensive toy... And if at first this behavior develops during a real illness, then after a while you will hear: “Mom, my stomach hurts.” ! I won’t go to kindergarten today” or “I want that toy, if you don’t buy it, I’ll get sick” and so on. LICKING UP Sometimes a child doesn't throw tantrums or even whine. Due to the characteristics of his character, he can get what he wants through tenderness and affection, for example, by telling his parent how much he loves him, or simply by cuddling with mom or dad. As a rule, a parent’s heart “melts” from such a manifestation of love. “Mommy, you are so kind!” - says the baby. “Dad, I love you so much!” What's wrong with that, you say? But gentle flattery, reasonable persuasion and requests are good only until you understand that your child has easily fooled you. After all, you must admit, often we don’t even suspect what lies behind such “positive” children’s phrases. STRONG PERSONALITIES These are the children who do not suck up, do not throw noisy tantrums, and do not roll on the floor. Quite quietly they achieve their goal, while surprising us adults with their unchildish behavior. For example, they may stop talking to mom or dad until they get what they want. They may refuse to eat or go for a walk, or not go to kindergarten or training, even if they really want to. At the same time, complete calm will be depicted on the child’s face. And, interestingly, it is precisely this behavior that puts us in a very difficult position. We tend to regard children's stubbornness simply as a manifestation of another crisis or a petty whim. But everything is far from so simple. If such behavior persists in a child, then in the near future one can only sympathize with his parents. BLACKMAILERS “If you don’t buy me a toy, I’ll tell daddy that you bought yourself a new dress yesterday,” “If you don’t go for a walk with me, then I’ll tell mom that you drank beer yesterday,” the child declares loudly and looks at our reaction. Most likely, this model of behavior is accepted in the family and the child simply “mirrored” parental behavior. We ourselves sometimes don’t notice how we ask a child not to say something to someone, not realizing that we are putting into his hands a rather dangerous weapon against ourselves. Try to understand the reason for children's behavior Let's start at an early age. The very little toddler refuses to eat, but what do we do? “Look, the bird has flown!” - uses an adult “cunning” distracting maneuver. Sometimes a game called “Eat a spoonful for mom, eat a spoonful for daddy” is used... The child is sick, and we do something that we would never do if he were healthy - we buy a toy, we allow what is usually not allowed. We use threats and punishments, telling the child: “If you don’t do it, I’ll spank you (put you in a corner, deprive you of something).” “Everyone does this,” you will say, and you will be right, because similar techniques are used in almost all families. And there is nothing dangerous in this as long as we act consistently and explain to the child why we are doing this. If the child simply sees all our techniques constantly, without understanding why this happens, then gradually he begins to assimilate the entire technology of “manipulative” behavior, and adults should not be surprised where all this came from in the child. For me, one day a great revelation were the words of one experienced mother, who, seeing that her child sat down on the floor in the middle of the store and began to cry, simply sat down next to him, hugged him by the shoulders and said something like the following: “I understand that you are tired and hungry.” We'll go home now. You are very courageous and will bear with me for another ten minutes. After which the baby wiped his tears and calmly followed her. What happened? Most likely, the child was really tired from shopping, pretty hungry and overtired from the abundance of people in a public place. It was important for him to feel his mother’s hands on his shoulders, to see his mother’s eyes closer and to hear her voice, affectionately addressed to him. Mom praised her son and said that everything would end very soon, that she understood why he behaved this way. Develop a strategy for family behavior in such situations. The point is that the mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, nanny or other person who takes part in raising the child has developed a clear and understandable, SAME strategy. This is necessary so that the child clearly understands that all adults will behave according to the same scenario in case of whims. This will allow you to avoid childish manipulations. Let me give you an example. A child sits near the TV and watches an aggressive cartoon. Mom, who believes that such a show is harmful to her child, says: “Let’s watch something else, for example, a cartoon about Cheburashka,” to which dad immediately says: “Why? Let him look!” What do you think the child will do in such a situation? Of course, it is very convenient for him at such a moment to take advantage of the disagreement of the two parental parties, and he understands perfectly well that such disagreement is very beneficial to him. This means that tomorrow he will try to achieve his goal, taking advantage of the fact that mom and dad cannot agree. The same thing can happen if the opinions of the mother and the nanny are inconsistent. Learn to say “no” to your child And don’t just learn to say “no”. You shouldn't feel guilty about it either. The child demands that they buy him the desired toy, sweets, extend the walk, pick him up, and so on. But you never know what else he can demand. And you, for example, now don’t have the money to buy a toy, or you just haven’t planned it yet, or you have heavy bags in your hands and you just can’t pick up the child in your arms. Do not rudely refuse a child. Even if he is still very small and you very much doubt that he will understand you, still do not be lazy to explain in a calm voice: “I can’t carry you now. But I understand that you are tired. Let’s sit and relax together for a while, and then we’ll move on.” There is no need to say: “Have pity on mom, mom is tired, you’re already an adult, they don’t carry children like that,” etc. “I can’t buy you this toy because we didn’t plan such a purchase today” - this is instead of saying that he already has a lot of toys at home, that his mother has no money, etc. When you communicate with your child, sit down so as not to tower over him like a tower, look into his eyes so that he concentrates on what what are you saying. Talk through everything, and then you can calmly go forward so that the child understands the seriousness of your intentions. So, a few practical advice: If your baby is sick, do not show the seriousness of his illness, do not lament or moan. Behave with restraint and calm. If a child uses flattery to achieve his goals, agree: “Yes, I’m really kind,” “Yes, dad is really the smartest.” But only fulfill those child’s requests that you consider reasonable. If a child uses blackmail as a way to influence adults, then the best cure for this is to pretend that it doesn’t bother you at all. Do you want to complain? Please, I wanted to tell my mother about this myself. There is only one effective technique against brawlers - clearly tell the child that you do not like this behavior, and his demands will not be met. And then leave and leave the child to “finish the performance.”

Bulygina Valentina Nikolaevna

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 12 “Sun”

Project "Migratory Birds"

Relevance of the project: In preschool childhood, the foundations of personality are laid, including the attitude towards nature and the surrounding world.
By developing a humane attitude towards nature, I try to ensure that every child realizes that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature, for example birds, is caring for man and his future.
My task is to, together with parents, bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually is responsible for our little friends.

Project goal: To clarify and expand children’s ideas about migratory birds and their life in the spring.

Project objectives:

– To give children new knowledge about migratory birds, to develop the ability to compare and generalize simple cause-and-effect relationships.
– Analyze the impact of changing seasons on the life of birds, classify birds into wintering and migratory.
– To instill in children a caring attitude towards nature, to teach them to take care of birds.

Predicted results:

During the project, children will develop a positive attitude towards wildlife and birds in particular. During conversations, children learn a lot about their habitat, food, and nesting. Children will learn to independently write short stories about birds and their chicks. Together with their parents, they will show a creative approach to productive activities. The children will become more attentive, kind and caring towards birds.

Project participants: Children 5-6 years old, teachers, parents.

The first stage of the project “Preparatory”

Select visual material, select fiction on the topic to read, didactic games, riddles about birds, information for conversations.

The second stage of the project “Phase of Active Activity”

Types of children's activities:

Social and communicative development

Creation of game and educational situations “Choosing material and tools for work - building a feeder”, “Flying or not arriving”, “Find and describe”, “Spring has come, brought games”

Theatrical activity: dramatization of an excerpt of a work
V. Orlova “Crow”.

Didactic games “Whose beak”, “Complete the drawing”, “Whose chick”, “Who is screaming?”, “Whose nest?”, “What kind of bird?”, “The fourth wheel”.

Outdoor games " Geese - geese"", "Sparrows and a car", "Owl", "Pigeons", "Burn-burn clearly", "Bees and a swallow", "Migration of birds".

Role-playing games “Pet Shop”, “Doctor Aibolit”.

Examination of posters and cards “Migratory and wintering birds.”


Conversations: “How to help birds in spring”, “Who winters where?”, “What not to do in the forest?”

Compiling a story based on plot pictures on the topic “A new home for starlings”

Reading fiction:

Russian folklore. “Nikolenka the gander”, “Knock on the oak tree - a blue swift flies”, “Rooks - kirichi”, “You’re a little bird, you’re a vagrant...”, “Swallow-swallow”.

Fairy tales and stories about birds: “The Frog Princess”, “Geese and Swans”
“Finist - a clear falcon”, “Cuckoo”, G.Kh. Andersen " Ugly duckling", D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck” and others, V. Bianki “Stories” and others

Learning chants and poems about birds:

Dear songbird, dear swallow,
You returned home from your native land.
It hovers above the window with a live song:
“I brought spring and the sun with me.”

Bird over my window
A nest for birds is built,
Then he drags the straw in his legs,
She's carrying fluff.

Reading riddles, proverbs and signs:

All the migrating birds are blacker,
Enemy of larvae, friend of fields,
Jump back and forth across the fields,
And the bird’s name is... (rook).

Like a fox among animals,
This bird is the smartest of all,
Hiding in the green crowns,
And her name is... (crow)

“Every bird is proud of its feather”, “Every bird is full of its beak”, “The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends summer”, “I saw a starling - spring is at the porch”, “The nightingale sings for a month, and the crow croaks all year round”, “The bushes were cut down - goodbye, birds!

Crows bathe in sand and water - a sign of rapid warming; the birds began to sing in the rain - it will soon be clear; if a woodpecker knocks in March, spring will be late; if the sparrow is ruffled - it means frost, if it smoothes its feathers - it means warmth; the pigeons cooed - to clear weather.

Cognitive development

ECD on the topic “How man protects nature”

Viewing the children's environmental magazine "Svirel"

Tour of the territory kindergarten“Are you ready to meet the birds?”

Watch the video: “Bird Calls”

Titmouse sisters, tap-dancing aunts,
Little peasants, well done starlings,
Fly to us from across the sea, bring red spring!
With silk grass, with pearl dew,
With the warm sun, with a grain of wheat!

Birds are dear to us, as a part of the wonderful nature of Russia. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous songs and bright plumage enliven nature and instill joy and vigor in us.

Presentation “Birds of our Motherland”

Visual activity (Productive activity)

Drawing “Migratory Birds”, coloring pictures
"Our feathered friends"

Application “Fairytale Bird”

Designing birds from paper using origami method

Modeling “Birds at the feeder”

Conversation on the content of V. Bianchi’s story “The Foundling”

Conversation with children based on the story by D. Volgin “The Birds of the Curonian
braids" from the magazine "Pipe"

- V. Zhukovsky. "Lark"

– E. Nosov “Like a crow got lost on the roof”

– V. Bianchi “Masters without an axe”

– V. Stepanov “Birds in verse”

– N. Sladkov “Lentil Bird.”

Working with parents

Newspaper for parents “Children about birds”

Folder – movement “Bird Protection”

Consultations for parents: “Child and birds: learn to love”,

“On the need to teach children proper behavior in the forest”,

“So that children are kind.”

Third stage “Presentation”

  1. Presentation of the project “Migratory Birds”
  2. Announcement of a competition for children and parents crafts: “Our feathered friends.”

  1. Conducting an environmental landing “Young ecologists”
  2. Creation of the album “All about birds”.
  3. Direct educational activities with children on the topic.

Don't destroy the bird's nest,

The bird is so happy in its home.

She is calm in the nest and then,

When the storm is angry over the grove. K. Kuliev

Love birds! Protect them!

Folder moving spring for kindergarten helps kids visually see what changes are happening in nature. The child already knows more about spring , and is already beginning to observe all the phenomena. He sees the birds and realizes that they are his friends. Knows the names of flowers and pictures help him associate these names with the appearance of plants.

Folders help little ones find out what else is going on in spring months . If download A number of such visual aids can make activities with little ones more interesting. Junior group and even older toddlers will perceive any information with linear illustrations more effectively; as if we are telling kids about spring in a language that they know and understand much better.

How else can you show the little ones that spring is red ? If you make your story as clear as possible. And what is more clear than pictures? With the help of drawings you can tell the little ones that birds in spring they fly home, that the Sun awakens both plants and insects, that in the spring people become happier (it’s not for nothing that they celebrate the Day of Happiness in the spring).

Folder moving spring for kindergarten about migratory birds

Riddles about migratory birds

  1. I am agile, light-winged,
    The tail is forked, like a pitchfork.
    If I'm flying low
    It means rain is somewhere nearby. (Martin)
  2. Everyone knows her, of course.
    They meet you in their yard.
    This is a naughty bird
    It's called... (Tit)
  3. What kind of bird is this? Never
    Doesn't build nests for itself,
    Leaves eggs for neighbors
    And he doesn’t remember the chicks. (Magpie)
  4. The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird,
    The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
    The soothsayer is white-sided, and her name is... (Magpie)
  5. Who is without notes and without a pipe
    He produces trills best of all,
    More vocal, more tender?
    Who is this? (Nightingale)

Why do birds migrate and how do they do it?

Some birds fly away because the bodies of water where they live freeze. Birds may die of starvation if left over the winter. But many of those who live in fields and forests are also deprived of food: some of the animals they feed on hibernate, and insects hide deep under the bark.

And so entire flocks are forced to fly over vast distances. In the spring, all the birds return. They fly:

  • Wedge;
  • In a twisted pack;
  • A joint;
  • Straight pediment;
  • Arc.

It depends on the breed of bird and weather conditions.

Where do birds settle when they return home?

Many birds that live in forests, fields and ponds return home to their hollows or nests. But there are birds that settle near humans. Among them are starlings and swallows. If swallows prepare their own nests, they sculpt them using natural material. Then we can help the starlings. We can build birdhouses. These are such “apartments” of birds with an entrance hole. These houses are tied to tall trees or poles.

When the starlings move in, they restore order and bring dry grass and feathers. And then the birds begin to sing their songs loudly, calling on their companion to settle with them.

Why do birds fly home?

It would seem that if birds feel so good in the places where they spend the winter, why do they return? In fact, the most favorable conditions for raising offspring are in the homeland of birds. There (before the cold weather) there is enough food. You can live in the “house” that is most suitable for birds: weave nests, live in hollows, settle next to people.

How to help those birds that are returning

Birds are our comrades:

  • They help us by caring for the gardens.
  • The beautiful songs of birds help us enjoy life.
  • Birds know how to be friends with each other and with people.

How we can help our friends:

  • Build birdhouses.
  • Install feeders and add food to them for birds.
  • Protect from cats and guys with slingshots.

We can also help by exploring the fauna of our native land and learning the names of birds.

Folder moving spring for kindergarten on the theme of spring legends about flowers


In France, snowdrops are called snowbells. According to legend, the goddess Flora invited all the flowers to a festive masquerade ball. Snow also wanted to come to the holiday and began to ask the flowers to hide him under his tunic. But the flowers were afraid of the cold, and only the white Snowdrop decided to hide the Snow under his cape and secretly take him to the carnival. Since then, Snow and Snowdrop have become friends and now Snow shelters Snowdrop from the cold.


The legend about the tulip says that it was in its bud that happiness was contained, but no one could get to it, since the bud did not open, but one day a little boy took the flower in his hands and the tulip itself opened. A child's soul, carefree happiness and laughter opened the bud.


Throughout the long winter, the heavenly Lada languishes in captivity of thick clouds and fogs. But in the spring, washed by the spring waters, the goddess of love, sun and harmony appears into the world with generous gifts. Where the first lightning fell, primroses grow to open the bowels of the earth with their keys for the lush growth of grass, bushes and trees.


An ancient Slavic legend says: “...If you drink the nectar from twenty pink and twenty purple lungwort flowers, your heart will become healthy and kind, and your thoughts will become pure...”

Lily of the valley

There are many legends about the origin of lily of the valley. An ancient Russian legend connects the appearance of the lily of the valley with the sea princess Magus. The tears of the princess, saddened by the fact that the young man Sadko gave his heart to the earthly girl Lyubava, fell to the ground and sprouted a beautiful and delicate flower - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.


One day, off the coast of Holland, a Genoese ship sank in a storm. Its wreckage washed ashore. And a few weeks later, children playing on the sandbank noticed, almost at the very edge of the surf, an unprecedented flower: its leaves looked like the leaves of a tulip, and the stem was completely planted with many beautiful flowers, similar to small lilies. The flowers smelled unusual, and no one could explain where such an outlandish miracle came from here.

Folder moving spring for kindergarten about how nature wakes up

Spring comes so quietly, almost unnoticed. And only the calendar says that spring has already arrived.

Who came so quietly - quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And, of course, the hippopotamus

I couldn't go through this quietly.

And none of you heard

Like a leaf coming out of a bud,

And you couldn't hear

Like green shoes

They quietly emerged from the ground.

And the snowdrop quietly came out.

And there is silence everywhere.

This means, this means:

Spring has come quietly.

Signs of spring

Of course, some characteristic signs also appear:

  • The sun is shining brightly
  • The snow begins to melt and thawed patches appear.
  • The birds are returning home.
  • The buds on the trees and bushes swell and turn green.
  • It starts dripping, the icicles melt.
  • Streams appear.
  • Snowdrops, crocuses and hyacinths are blooming.
  • The day is getting longer.

And even people began to smile more.

Proverbs about the coming of spring

“Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring”

"April with water, May with grass"

“In spring, the sun is like a mother, it shines and warms”

“March ends winter, begins spring”

“Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies”

“Everything beautiful on earth comes from the sun, and everything good comes from man.”

Changes in animals with the beginning of spring

What changes in the animal world with the arrival of warm days:

Animals that were hibernating woke up.

Many people change the color of their fur coat: rabbits, squirrels.

Many animals give birth to babies. For example, a bear has babies.

Both animals and insects enjoy the warmth.

How do plants enjoy the warmth?

The earth comes to life. Everything around rejoices and awakens:

  • When the snow just begins to melt, primroses are already peeking out.
  • Leaves of daffodils and tulips make their way through the snow
  • Swollen buds indicate that foliage will soon appear on bushes and trees.
  • The aromas of blooming flowers are floating around.
  • Some trees produce fluffy buds.

And bees are already buzzing around the plants. Even the rains become warmer and bring rainbows with them!

Folder moving spring for kindergarten about the most unusual spring holidays

I will definitely prepare this folder a little later. Your comments will motivate me to make it faster.



Children's parties

And although in the spring there is only one holiday directly connected with children, in fact, a lot can be connected with children, their essence, character, hobbies and their chosen profession.

For example, on March 8 we congratulate all girls, but isn’t March 20 the day of Happiness? children's party? April 1 - April Fool's Day - the most children's holiday!!! Who else but kids love and can laugh sincerely! What about King's Day, celebrated on April 27? Isn't it a children's party?)

Nature holidays

Tatiana Ponomarenko
Folder for parents “Bird Day”

On the eve of the holiday" Bird Day", which took place on April 1, I made folder-moving for parents.

"International bird day»

is an international environmental holiday, which is celebrated annually on April 1. IN Russian Federation he is the most famous of "bird" holidays. International bird day celebrated since 1906, after the signing of the International Convention for the Protection birds. For the first time in the USSR "International bird day» celebrated on April 1, 1927. In 1928 « Bird Day» marched throughout the country of the Soviets, gathering more than 60 thousand participants, who hung about 15,000 birdhouses. Gradually the holiday faded away. And only in 1994, thanks to the efforts of enthusiastic ornithologists from the Conservation Union created in 1993 birds of Russia, the holiday received a second life.

In Russia they have always treated with special love birds, considering them a living symbol of freedom, beauty, and happiness.

Why without we can't get by with birds? Birds friends of our childhood. Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring us spring on their wings. With the arrival of spring, our friends - migratory birds - return to us birds. They attract with their bizarre plumage, singing, movements, flight, and, of course, mysterious way of life. Birds- our faithful helpers, protectors of forests and fields, gardens and vegetable gardens. Birds- this is beauty and mystery. It is not for nothing that beautiful poems and secrets, songs, legends, and fairy tales have been written about them. They are an integral part of Russian nature and culture.

Birds dear to us not only because of the great benefits they bring, but also as an adornment to our wonderful Motherland. We need to protect them and increase the riches of all nature, so that our entire planet becomes a beautiful, huge garden.

Spring is walking through the yards

In the rays of warmth and light

Today is a holiday!

Holiday birds!

And we are pleased with this!