An open integrated lesson in the spiritual and moral direction “The Beauty of God’s World” in the preparatory group. International competition of children's creativity "The Beauty of God's World" - presentation Presentation of the beauty of God's world Sunday school

CONDITIONS OF THE COMPETITION Students of general education (secondary) and secondary special schools can take part in the Competition educational institutions, institutions additional education, Sunday schools, pupils of preschool and other children's institutions in Russia and foreign countries. All rights to works submitted to the Competition belong to the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church. The topics, nominations of the Competition and the number of prizes in each category are approved by the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church annually and published on its official website before September 1 of the year in which the Competition is held. WORKS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED AND WILL NOT BE RETURNED.

Requirements for competition works Works sent to the Competition must meet the following requirements: works are performed in graphic (pencil) or painting (watercolor, gouache, pastel, oil, ink) techniques; the size of the work is no less than 30x40 cm and no more than 50x70 cm; works have margins of at least 0.5 cm wide; works are not decorated with mats or frames;

Requirements for competition entries must be indicated on the reverse side of the work: - last name, first name, age of the author, - telephone number for contacting parents or official representatives of the author (indicating the country code and locality), - title of the drawing, - last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher (in full), - full name of the educational institution, its address. WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN THE YEAR IN WHICH THE COMPETITION IS HELD.

Each work must be accompanied by an Agreement of the parents (parent) or a person replacing him (official representative) on the transfer of rights to use the work to the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is advisable to place this agreement on back side work. WORKS THAT DO NOT MEET THE SPECIFIED REQUIREMENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR THE COMPETITION!

Nominations and prizes of the competition in 2013 1.1. “MAIN TOPIC”: Christmas; Biblical stories; The spiritual world and the earthly world; Christ and the Church; Favorite temple; The beauty of native nature; My home, my village, my city; My family and friends, 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov “ORTHODOX ICON”: Only students of icon painting schools or workshops who have reached the age of one year can take part in this nomination. The work must be carried out in compliance with the canons of Orthodox icon painting “PORCELAIN PAINTING”: The nomination involves the participation of children of the age, mainly students of art secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (has additional requirements for the design of the work).

How to take part in an international competition children's creativity“The Beauty of God’s World” (regional round) For the convenience of conducting the regional stage of the Competition, it is divided into three stages: Conducting the stage of the competition at the level educational institution(OU) and Sunday schools of the municipal district (deanery): Each educational institution/Sunday school that wishes to take part in the competition determines the person responsible for conducting the stage of the competition in the OU and establishes a school jury for this stage at its discretion. During the period from September 14 to October 6, 2013, the educational institution/Sunday school organizes an exhibition of works, at which the jury determines the winners in three age categories based on: I place - 1 work; II place – 2 works; III place – 3 works.

The educational institution/Sunday school independently awards the winners of this stage. A model of the winner's diploma can be downloaded from the website of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis. Upon completion of the stage, the work of the winners (no more than 18) is transferred to the organizing committee municipal stage competition for participation in the selection exhibition. The coordinators of the municipal stage are the assistant dean for religious education and catechesis and a representative of municipal services (education department or department of culture of the MR). Dates for this stage: from September 15 to October 6, 2013.

The stage of the competition in the regional center of the municipal district of the deanery involves the following events: An exhibition of the works of the winners of the competition stage at the educational institution/Sunday school level, the result of which should be a choice best works participants of the exhibition to be sent to the regional stage of the competition in Yaroslavl. The distribution of prizes at this stage coincides with the previous one: 1st place – one winner; II place – two winners; III place – three winners (in each age category). The exhibition is organized by the dean together with municipal services (education department or department of culture of the MR). The Chairman of the Competition Committee is the dean. The winners of this stage are awarded by the dean together with municipal services. A model of the diploma is presented on the website of the OROiK of the Yaroslavl Metropolis. Upon completion of this stage, the dean must provide the winning works to the OROiK of the Yaroslavl Metropolis, accompanying them with a register in the form presented on the website of the OROiK of the Yaroslavl Metropolis. Dates for this stage: from October 7 to October 15, 2013.

The stage of the competition in the regional center (Yaroslavl) is conducted by the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Yaroslavl Metropolis among the works of participants who took prizes in the deaneries of the Yaroslavl Diocese. The selected works will be sent to Moscow to participate in the federal stage of the International Children's Art Competition “The Beauty of God's World.” The works of the winners of the regional stage will be published on the website of the Yaroslavl Metropolis (and on the website of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Yaroslavl Metropolis (Awarding the winners of the regional stage of the competition will be held at the Christmas holiday in January 2014. Dates of the regional stage: from October 16 to November 1, 2013 .

Sample of filling out an application for participation in the International Competition of Children's Creativity “The Beauty of God's World” Last Name Name Title of the drawing Region, city/village Institution (FULL) Age Diocese Teacher (Full name) Teacher’s phone number ( landline and cell phone MANDATORY!) Parent's phone number (landline and cell phone MANDATORY!) Nomination IvanovaMaria “Noah's Ark” Moscow region, Istra district, village of Glebovo. Children's art school years Moscow diocese Lebedeva Irina Sergeevna 8 (812) Icon

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all of the presentation's features. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Objective of the lesson:

  • Introduce students to works of religious art.
  • Find out the Orthodox meaning of concepts on the topic of the lesson.
  • Development of aesthetic perception of “beauty” in schoolchildren as a phenomenon of spiritual significance.
  • To form moral consciousness on the basis of Christian moral concepts.
  • To develop students’ speech, teach them to speak out and reason.
  • To promote the development of one’s own opinion and thinking, to develop children’s creative abilities.
  • To cultivate a sense of respect for Orthodox culture and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, textbook “Orthodox Culture” by L.L. Shevchenko, 2nd year of study (2 hours), individual sheets for creative work, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Subject message:

Guys, please read the topic of the lesson. ( Slide 1)

What do you think will be discussed in class today? What beauty did the author of our textbook have in mind when giving us this topic?

(Answers: beautiful icons, temples, cathedrals, etc.)

(Slide 2, 3, 4)

What surrounds all these objects? (children's answers)

3. Work on new material.

Teacher's story:

We live in home, our house is in our country, and our country is part big, round land. There are many forests, high mountains and deep seas on our land. Not only people inhabit the earth, many animals live next to us. These are dogs, cats, rabbits, as well as cows, horses, and sheep. You know these animals well. But there are also wild animals, you’ve probably seen some of them too.

In addition, birds live on the ground. Fish live in the water. And our entire earth is covered with various plants and trees.

Our land is beautiful, isn't it? But do you know who created our land, all this beauty? (Lord)

What did the Lord do? Let's remember by looking at the slides.

(Slide 6) The whole world was once in darkness. Then there was no grass, no trees, no beautiful flowers, no birds, not even sky and earth, but the whole universe was darkness and chaos. There was only one Merciful GOD.

He wanted peace to appear, or, as they say more simply, light. On the first day GOD created light. (Slide 7)

And it became light and light on the earth. And the Lord divided light and darkness. And God called the light day and the darkness night.

On the second day GOD created the firmament. (Slide 8) At the word of God, the vast blue vault of heaven that you see above you when you walk was opened.

(Slide 9) On the third day, the Lord GOD commanded that the water on earth be collected in special places. Where there was no water, there was dry land on which large and small mountains arose. But if there was bare earth everywhere, if you didn’t see a single green leaf, a flower, or a tree anywhere, what do you think: would it be beautiful? - Yes, that would be very ugly and boring. And on the third day the Merciful God said: let the earth grow herbs, vegetables and flowers. (Slide 10) And at His command, tender herbs, beautiful flowers, a variety of bushes and trees grew from the ground.

Now you can understand that the earth has become more beautiful and more fun than it was at first.

On the fourth day, God said: “Let luminaries appear in the firmament of heaven that would illuminate the earth and by which people could distinguish day from night, count months and years and notice spring, summer, autumn and winter.” And countless luminaries immediately shone in the firmament. (Slide 11) Among many luminaries, two seem to us greater than others. The Creator commanded that one of them should shine during the day, and the other at night. (Slide 12)

Now it was very beautiful on earth. Flowers bloomed below and streams gurgled. Clouds floated across the sky above, and a huge sun shone above them. But not a single living creature has ever lived on earth. Not a single bird has ever flown in the air. There were no butterflies on the flowers, no ladybugs on the leaves. Not a single worm crawled on the ground, and not a single fish swam in the lakes and rivers. Therefore, everything was quiet and dead.

Behold, on the fifth day God said: “Let fish live in the water, (Slide 13) and birds fly through the air." (Slide 14)

On the sixth day, God created animals and beasts of the earth - those that cannot live in water and cannot fly. (Slide 15)

So now there were plants and animals. But one more creation was missing. Who else do you think was missing? What was the last thing in God's creation? (There were no people yet) (Slide 16)

So in six days the whole world was created. And when GOD once again examined everything that he had created, he saw that everything was beautiful. (Slide 17)

Can a person create beauty? (Yes)

(Slide 18)

In Orthodox culture, such beauty is called MAN-MADE.

And the beauty that is created by God is NOT MADE BY HANDS.

Open the textbook on p. 67, read the text.

Question: - Who did the Orthodox masters glorify in their works? (Saints, angels, Mother of God, Jesus Christ:..)

4. Physical exercise with musical accompaniment (P.I. Tchaikovsky. From the cycle “The Seasons”).

Working with a book.

Let's look at the frescoes.

Let's look at the illustration in the textbook on p. 68. Read the titles below the images.

Now let’s figure out where what event takes place?

Flagellation is one of the most cruel, the heaviest punishment. Not everyone survived after it.

Scolding is an action, an act that causes a gross insult, has

purpose to humiliate or disgrace.

What happened after the Ascension to the Cross? (Answer: Jesus died on the Cross, they put him in a cave, but on the 3rd day he resurrected)

What holiday is associated with this event and are we celebrating it now? (Easter)

What is the beauty of this holiday? (Ringing bells, Easter cakes, eggs)

Can everyone see beauty? (no, only the one who is pure in soul, who has no hatred, envy: who has a good heart)

6. Working with textbook text.

Let's read the story of V.I. Sukhomlinsky, which is called “A Man with a Warm Heart.” Open with. 70.

7. Consolidation of the text read.

Answer the question:

Why did one person find beauty and another not?

Was it easy for a person with a warm heart to get to the flower in the gray stone?

What helped? (Perseverance, perseverance, kind heart:)

Teacher: - Do it task number 4. Choose words that are similar in meaning:

Heart:..(warm, kind:.) And what else?

(Slide 23)

Heart (cold, indifferent:) What else?

8. Work in pairs.

Task No. 5.

Think and say: is a man-made flower a work of religious art? Explain why you think so?

(Answers: he reflected the beauty of God’s world, he was a Christian, his soul was pure, he was not angry at the world:)

Not only great people can be people with a “warm heart”. It could be each of us who does something well. For example: in our class there are children who are good at crafts, solve problems, write poetry, sing, and draw.

9. Creative work. (Slide 25)

The next stage of our work is to draw an unusual flower.

10. The final stage of the lesson.

What is the beauty of the Orthodox world?

What did you like about today's lesson?


Complete task No. 1 on page 69 of the textbook.

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Slide captions:

Travnikov Fedor Dmitrievich Age: 10 years. Topic: The beauty of God's world. Rainbow. Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 5", Yubileiny, Moscow region Teacher: Egorova Maria Sergeevna

The Beauty and Complexity of God's World R A D U G A

There are seven colors in my rainbow... Red is my love, and torment is in the reflection of orange candles, Yellow is a sad separation, Green brings me peace, With it spring descends to the earth, Blue calls me to fly, And with it I joyfully I accept. Blue is the color of my sea... Now it seethes, now it quietly splashes, And the wing of the night descends - The violet stars shine... Seven colors of my rainbow, Seven shades of joy and turmoil, Seven days in a week lived through Until the last minute, it seems! My rainbow has seven colors...

A fire rainbow is one of the relatively rare optical effects in the atmosphere, expressed in the appearance of a horizontal rainbow, which is located against the background of light, high-lying cirrus clouds. Fire rainbow

A hazy rainbow is a wide, brilliant white arc. So wonderfully the sunlight is refracted and scattered in very small droplets of water in a light morning fog. Misty Rainbow

Lunar Rainbow At night, when there is a moon, the light is too weak, so it is difficult to see the colors of the lunar rainbow. She appears white. But in this photo you can see the colors. A lunar rainbow (also known as a night rainbow) is a rainbow created by the moon. A lunar rainbow is paler than a normal one. This is because the Moon reflects less light than the Sun.

What a wonderful beauty! Painted gates appeared on the way! You can’t drive into them, You can’t enter them. The painted rocker hung above the river. The sun ordered: stop, the Seven-Color Bridge is steep! A cloud hid the light of the sun - The bridge collapsed, and there were no chips. Someone built multi-colored gates in the meadow. That master tried, he took paints for the gates, not one, not two, not three - seven, just look. What is this gate called? Can you draw them? After it rains, it sometimes covers half the sky. A beautiful, colorful arc Appears, then melts Riddles about the rainbow

Rainbow is a bridge connecting earth and sky. Rainbow is one of the phenomena that is difficult to describe in words. This is an amazing and unforgettable miracle that Mother Nature gave us. How beautiful our Earth is! There are so many beautiful and unique things in our world! Let us try to see, notice and enjoy the natural phenomena that God has given us. In the summer I try to visit my grandmother in the village. One day, the boys and I went swimming in the lake. Suddenly the summer rain suddenly began, and after a while we saw a rainbow. It stretches across the entire lake like a huge multi-colored bridge. We all shouted: “Hurray!” Rainbow!". From what they saw, everyone’s soul became lighter and more joyful. And sometimes I wonder what word “rainbow” comes from, probably from the word “joy.” So let's smile and enjoy the life that God has given us. The beauty of God's world. Rainbow.

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all of the presentation's features. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Objective of the lesson:

  • Introduce students to works of religious art.
  • Find out the Orthodox meaning of concepts on the topic of the lesson.
  • Development of aesthetic perception of “beauty” in schoolchildren as a phenomenon of spiritual significance.
  • To form moral consciousness on the basis of Christian moral concepts.
  • To develop students’ speech, teach them to speak out and reason.
  • To promote the development of one’s own opinion and thinking, to develop children’s creative abilities.
  • To cultivate a sense of respect for Orthodox culture and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, textbook “Orthodox Culture” by L.L. Shevchenko, 2nd year of study (2 hours), individual sheets for creative work, colored pencils.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

2. Subject message:

Guys, please read the topic of the lesson. ( Slide 1)

What do you think will be discussed in class today? What beauty did the author of our textbook have in mind when giving us this topic?

(Answers: beautiful icons, temples, cathedrals, etc.)

(Slide 2, 3, 4)

What surrounds all these objects? (children's answers)

3. Work on new material.

Teacher's story:

We live in home, our house is in our country, and our country is part big, round land. There are many forests, high mountains and deep seas on our land. Not only people inhabit the earth, many animals live next to us. These are dogs, cats, rabbits, as well as cows, horses, and sheep. You know these animals well. But there are also wild animals, you’ve probably seen some of them too.

In addition, birds live on the ground. Fish live in the water. And our entire earth is covered with various plants and trees.

Our land is beautiful, isn't it? But do you know who created our land, all this beauty? (Lord)

What did the Lord do? Let's remember by looking at the slides.

(Slide 6) The whole world was once in darkness. Then there was no grass, no trees, no beautiful flowers, no birds, not even sky and earth, but the whole universe was darkness and chaos. There was only one Merciful GOD.

He wanted peace to appear, or, as they say more simply, light. On the first day GOD created light. (Slide 7)

And it became light and light on the earth. And the Lord divided light and darkness. And God called the light day and the darkness night.

On the second day GOD created the firmament. (Slide 8) At the word of God, the vast blue vault of heaven that you see above you when you walk was opened.

(Slide 9) On the third day, the Lord GOD commanded that the water on earth be collected in special places. Where there was no water, there was dry land on which large and small mountains arose. But if there was bare earth everywhere, if you didn’t see a single green leaf, a flower, or a tree anywhere, what do you think: would it be beautiful? - Yes, that would be very ugly and boring. And on the third day the Merciful God said: let the earth grow herbs, vegetables and flowers. (Slide 10) And at His command, tender herbs, beautiful flowers, a variety of bushes and trees grew from the ground.

Now you can understand that the earth has become more beautiful and more fun than it was at first.

On the fourth day, God said: “Let luminaries appear in the firmament of heaven that would illuminate the earth and by which people could distinguish day from night, count months and years and notice spring, summer, autumn and winter.” And countless luminaries immediately shone in the firmament. (Slide 11) Among many luminaries, two seem to us greater than others. The Creator commanded that one of them should shine during the day, and the other at night. (Slide 12)

Now it was very beautiful on earth. Flowers bloomed below and streams gurgled. Clouds floated across the sky above, and a huge sun shone above them. But not a single living creature has ever lived on earth. Not a single bird has ever flown in the air. There were no butterflies on the flowers, no ladybugs on the leaves. Not a single worm crawled on the ground, and not a single fish swam in the lakes and rivers. Therefore, everything was quiet and dead.

Behold, on the fifth day God said: “Let fish live in the water, (Slide 13) and birds fly through the air." (Slide 14)

On the sixth day, God created animals and beasts of the earth - those that cannot live in water and cannot fly. (Slide 15)

So now there were plants and animals. But one more creation was missing. Who else do you think was missing? What was the last thing in God's creation? (There were no people yet) (Slide 16)

So in six days the whole world was created. And when GOD once again examined everything that he had created, he saw that everything was beautiful. (Slide 17)

Can a person create beauty? (Yes)

(Slide 18)

In Orthodox culture, such beauty is called MAN-MADE.

And the beauty that is created by God is NOT MADE BY HANDS.

Open the textbook on p. 67, read the text.

Question: - Who did the Orthodox masters glorify in their works? (Saints, angels, Mother of God, Jesus Christ:..)

4. Physical exercise with musical accompaniment (P.I. Tchaikovsky. From the cycle “The Seasons”).

Working with a book.

Let's look at the frescoes.

Let's look at the illustration in the textbook on p. 68. Read the titles below the images.

Now let’s figure out where what event takes place?

Flagellation is one of the most cruel, the heaviest punishment. Not everyone survived after it.

Scolding is an action, an act that causes a gross insult, has

purpose to humiliate or disgrace.

What happened after the Ascension to the Cross? (Answer: Jesus died on the Cross, they put him in a cave, but on the 3rd day he resurrected)

What holiday is associated with this event and are we celebrating it now? (Easter)

What is the beauty of this holiday? (Ringing bells, Easter cakes, eggs)

Can everyone see beauty? (no, only the one who is pure in soul, who has no hatred, envy: who has a good heart)

6. Working with textbook text.

Let's read the story of V.I. Sukhomlinsky, which is called “A Man with a Warm Heart.” Open with. 70.

7. Consolidation of the text read.

Answer the question:

Why did one person find beauty and another not?

Was it easy for a person with a warm heart to get to the flower in the gray stone?

What helped? (Perseverance, perseverance, kind heart:)

Teacher: - Do it task number 4. Choose words that are similar in meaning:

Heart:..(warm, kind:.) And what else?

(Slide 23)

Heart (cold, indifferent:) What else?

8. Work in pairs.

Task No. 5.

Think and say: is a man-made flower a work of religious art? Explain why you think so?

(Answers: he reflected the beauty of God’s world, he was a Christian, his soul was pure, he was not angry at the world:)

Not only great people can be people with a “warm heart”. It could be each of us who does something well. For example: in our class there are children who are good at crafts, solve problems, write poetry, sing, and draw.

9. Creative work. (Slide 25)

The next stage of our work is to draw an unusual flower.

10. The final stage of the lesson.

What is the beauty of the Orthodox world?

What did you like about today's lesson?


Complete task No. 1 on page 69 of the textbook.

"The Beauty of God's World"

Senior mixed age group


Formation of moral consciousness and behavior;

Development of moral experiences and feelings.

Main tasks:


Begin to reveal to children the basic ideas of Orthodoxy about the structure of the world and its Creator;

Introduce children into the circle of the main Orthodox holidays and the spiritual and moral way of life of their people;

Give an initial idea of ​​the Orthodox church, familiarize children with the rules of conduct in the church;

Continue to introduce Russian folk songwriting;

Develop and expand understanding of the meaning of folk proverbs; etc.


To cultivate a sense of integrity, belonging to the living world, intimacy, openness and trust in its Creator;

Teach caring attitude towards plants and animals, respect for the environment;

Cultivate patience and organization; feelings of the beautiful and sublime, a sense of reverent attitude towards shrines;

To promote the desire of children to imitate the saint in the virtues of obedience to parents, humility, love for God, people and the Motherland;

To instill in children attentiveness and caring towards their families; etc.


To promote the development in children of imaginative perception, a sense of the beautiful and sublime;

To promote the formation of a spiritual and moral personality with an optimistic outlook on life, with a focus on knowing God, forming higher feelings;

Develop teamwork skills, teach children to do things together, amicably, harmoniously;

To promote the development in children of habits of study, useful activities, and leisurely spending of time;

Develop in children the ability to give in, negotiate, and get along with other children and adults; etc.

The task of forming moral consciousness and behavior is implemented and integrated with all educational areas, especially: “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Music”, “ Physical culture", "Artistic creativity".

Materials and equipment: computer, projector, presentation “Creation of the World”, globe, illustrations “forest, sea, field, mountains”, recording “The Sound of the Forest, Birdsong”, album sheet, gouache, brushes.

1.Six days of the creation of the world

So, how is the creation of the world described in the biblical books? Let's look at each day step by step:

  • Day 1: In the book of Genesis, the beginning of creation represents God's creation of the earth. The earth was empty, lifeless, lying in bottomless darkness, but on its surface there was water, over which the Spirit of God hovered. Seeing that darkness covered everything around, God created light and separated it from darkness, thereby creating day and night.
  • Day 2: Since the earth was lifeless, God needed to create the sky, which is called the “firmament” in Genesis. According to God’s plan, the air space was supposed to separate the water that is under the firmament from the water that is above the firmament, that is, in this way God demarcated the near-earth and near-heaven space. The atmosphere of the planet was created.
  • Day 3. The following creations of God are usually called land, seas and flora. Having collected all the water in certain places, God created the seas, and called the dry land that appeared earth. The earth bore its fruits: greenery, grass that produced seeds, fertile trees, the seeds from the fruits of which fell to the ground and grew again.
  • Day 4. On this day the sun, stars and moon were created by God. These “lamps” were needed to control day and night, as well as to determine days, years and times. “Lamps” were also supposed to be conductors of various signs, according to God’s plan.
  • Day 5. To see how God created the world, just read the description of the fifth day in Genesis. It was marked by the creation of the kingdom of fish, reptiles and birds, which God commanded to be fruitful and multiply, filling the water and sky.
  • Day 6. The last day of the creation of the world was given to the creation of the animal world and man himself. When God created “cattle, creeping things and beasts of the earth,” he decided to place his crown of creation over all this - man. How did God create man? He made him in his own image and likeness from the dust of the earth, blowing into his face the Breath of Life. Having created Paradise in the east, he settled a man there and ordered him to cultivate and maintain the Garden of Eden, to give names to all animals and birds. How did God create woman? When a man asked God to create a helper for him, God put him to sleep and, removing a rib from his body, created a woman. The man clung to her with his soul and has never left since then.

Thus, within six days, God conceived and created the earth, animals and people. God blessed the seventh day as a day off, on which, according to Christian tradition, one should not engage in physical labor, but should devote it to God.

The whole Earth is a huge garden:

Here the grass caresses the eye,

There are trees here, bushes there.

And, of course, flowers.

2. Journey to the meadow. Game "Who's Hidden in the Grass?"

Children pass the ball around and name insects and flowers.

3. A walk in the forest. Game "Forest Wonders".

Children pass the ball to each other and name trees, animals and birds.

4. Physical education minute.

Hands raised and shook -

These are trees in the forest.

Arms bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands to the sides, smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We’ll also show you how they sit down -

Arms crossed back.

(Children stand freely on the carpet. Movements are performed in accordance with the text).

5. Dive underwater. Game "Underwater World".

IN deep sea dive -

You won't find anyone there!

You could easily find

Jellyfish, shrimp, crabs, fish.

Children name sea creatures.

6. We climb the mountains. Children look at photographs of mountain vegetation and animals.

7. The circle of the sun turns golden….

Field... The forest is green.

How beautiful the world is around

Created by God.

Children draw their impressions, pictures of nature.

8. Summary.

Good and Evil

In our world there is.

The kindness of everyone

We can't count it enough.

But all the best

God is Good!