Organizational potential and organizational culture of the enterprise. Organizational potential. Text of the scientific work on the topic “Organizational potential as a means of managing the sustainable functioning of production organizations.”

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kostroma state university»

them. N.A. Nekrasov in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region.

Specialty: 080507 “Organization Management”

Department: full-time

Abstract on the discipline “fundamentals of management”

on the topic: “Organization potential”

Completed by a student

groups 3 MEN

Nesterova E. S.

Checked by: Koptyaev A. M.

Introduction 3

1. The concept of “potential” 4

2. Law of synergy 5

3. Total potential 6

3.1. Production potential 6

3.2. Labor potential 7

3.3. Innovation potential 8

3.4. Organizational capacity 10

Conclusion 12

References 13


A characteristic feature of the modern economy is not only the numerous factors, both external and internal, that influence the organization, but also the dynamism of their change. In such conditions, the management system must quickly respond to all changes and ensure maximum use of the organization's full potential.

Questions effective management potential of the organization are especially relevant for Russian enterprises, the main problem of which is the lack of resources. If in a planned economy the main direction of growth was the accumulation of resources, then in market economy the main objective is to increase the utility of resources. Thus, the transition from a planned economy to a market economy forced managers to re-evaluate the potential of their enterprises and begin to search for new opportunities to use existing resources. Increasing the efficiency of the resources used is inextricably linked with increasing production efficiency, which allows for the development of the enterprise and increases competitiveness.

All this gives reason to talk about the need to study the potential of organizations, the influence of external and internal environment and capacity management.

Over the past two decades, quite a lot of work has appeared abroad and in Russia on the potential of organizations. Most authors consider potential as a complex of resources and their effective use. At the same time, despite the fact that the term potential is used quite widely not only in management, but also in economics, the essence of an organization’s potential as a factor ensuring the existence and functioning of socio-economic systems is still unrevealed. The reasons influencing the change in potential and its role in the life of the organization have not been studied.

1. The concept of “potential”.

Economic science has not yet developed a clear definition of the concept “potential of an organization (firm, enterprise).”

The basic term for the concept of “potential” is “potency”. Potency - (potential - strength) - a hidden possibility, ability, strength that can manifest itself under certain conditions.

In the Russian Explanatory Dictionary, potential is understood as a set of means and capabilities in some area.

In the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova it is given following definition potential: “...the degree of power in some respect, the totality of some means, capabilities...”.

The Soviet encyclopedic dictionary provides the following definition: “Potential - sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve a problem, achieve a certain goal; capabilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area."

There is much in common between the above interpretations of the term “potential”. They talk about the totality of any opportunities in some area.

By turning to an explanatory dictionary, you can find out that “opportunity” is a favorable condition, circumstance, situation under which something can be done; internal resources, strength, ability. And ability is natural giftedness, talent; skill, as well as the ability to perform any actions. That is, no distinction is made between capabilities and abilities in a particular context.

Summarizing the above, we can say that potential is a set of opportunities to achieve certain goals in any area (for example, in an organization). An organization's potential is a product of strategic management.

2. Law of synergy.

Any organization is characterized by the following elements: productivity, interest, scientific potential, attitude to the external environment, microclimate in the team, personnel potential, technical potential, development prospects, image. They determine the potential of the organization, its ability to operate. The process of significant strengthening or weakening of potential material system called synergy .

The law of synergy: for any organization there is a set of elements in which its potential will always be either significantly greater than the simple sum of the potentials of its constituent elements (people, computers) or significantly less.

The manager's task is to find a set of elements in which the synergy would be creative. It is quite difficult to design the conditions for achieving synergy in advance. It is also difficult to estimate the possible increase in the overall capacity of the organization. The synergistic effect has not yet been measured. However, statistical data on the influence of synergy is being accumulated, and the simplest models of the conditions for achieving it are being formed.

There are a number of methods for the successful implementation of the law of synergy. The “questions and answers” ​​method is the simplest in organizational implementation; its implementation can be partially formalized using a computer by creating an information base of possible questions, answers and the consequences of their implementation. The “conference of ideas” method, which is based on stimulating the thinking process at the level of consciousness, is very promising. All methods should be aimed at strengthening the action of the law of synergy.

3. The total potential of the organization.

Organizations develop through their total potential, the potential of their constituent units and other elements.

The total potential of the organization includes:




Organizational potential.

Managing an organization requires a variety of approaches and ways to use the total potential of the organization.

3.1. Production potential.

This potential reflects readiness for stable production activities and includes:

Various areas of activity;


The production potential of an organization is determined by:

The equipment used (its capacity, capabilities);

The technology used;

Level of production organization, etc.

Moreover, if the result of production is products (services), then in the context of production potential, not any product (service) is included in its composition. This is explained by the potential profitability inherent in the product. If the product is based on latest technologies, using high-quality materials, etc., then it is part of the production potential and will be in demand in the market. Products (services) are the result obtained. At the beginning of the process, various resources enter the organization:






3.2. Human potential.

From an economic point of view, the main element of human potential is labor potential.

Labor potential is a personalized workforce, considered in the totality of its qualitative characteristics. This concept allows, firstly, to assess the degree of use of the potential capabilities of both an individual employee and their totality, ensuring in practice the activation of the human factor, and, secondly, to ensure a qualitative (structural) balance in the development of personal and material factors of production.

It is necessary to distinguish between two levels of potential: the labor potential of the organization and the labor potential of the employee.

The labor potential of an employee (LTP) is the total ability of the physical and spiritual properties of an individual worker to achieve certain results of his production activity under given conditions, on the one hand, and the ability to improve in the labor process, to solve new problems arising as a result of changes in production, on the other hand. another.

The employee’s labor potential includes:

1) psychophysiological potential - a person’s abilities and inclinations, his state of health, performance, endurance, type of nervous system, etc.;

2) qualification potential - the volume, depth and versatility of general and specialized knowledge, labor skills and abilities, which determine the employee’s ability to perform work of a certain content and complexity;

3) personal potential - the level of civic consciousness and social maturity, the degree to which an employee has assimilated norms of attitude towards work, value orientations, interests, needs and requests in the world of work, based on the hierarchy of human needs.

The labor potential of an organization is, on the one hand, a set of

conditions ensuring the implementation labor potential employee, on the other hand, a new quality that arises with purposeful joint activities workers and groups.

3.3. Innovation potential.

Innovation potential is the degree of readiness of an organization to perform the tasks necessary to achieve its goals (for example, the readiness of the organization to implement a project). Based on the results of assessing the innovation potential, the organization's innovation strategy is selected.

Innovative potential depends on the parameters of organizational management structures, professional and qualification composition of industrial and production personnel, external conditions economic activity and the like. Therefore, assessing innovation potential is a necessary component of the strategy development process.

The structure of innovation potential covers those elements of the organization that determine its readiness for change: decentralization in decision-making, low level of formalization and regulation of management work, the ability of organizational structures to flexibly restructure in accordance with changes in tasks and operating conditions. Centralized hierarchical organizational structures that contradict the creative nature of innovation activity have a negative impact on innovation potential: stable relationships and management procedures provide active resistance to any innovation.

The organization's readiness for change involves a detailed assessment of innovation potential using the “resources - functions - projects” scheme. This scheme is used at the justification stage innovative project. It covers:

1. description of the problem of enterprise development and definition of the task that is included in the program for solving the problem;

2. description of the environment for solving the problem (state of the internal environment, external environmental factors that influence innovative activity);

3. assessment of resource potential in relation to a specific innovation task (providing the project with the resources necessary for its implementation);

4. assessing the ability of personnel to achieve certain performance results (resource support for management functions);

5. assessing the level of provision of the project with the functions necessary for its implementation (functional support of the project);

definition integral assessment the organization’s potential, its readiness to solve an innovative task;

6. determination of the main activities necessary to achieve a certain potential regarding the implementation of an innovative project (Lapin E.V. Economic, 2002).

Another way to assess the innovative potential of an organization is SWOT analysis, which makes it possible not only to assess the organization’s ability to implement innovations, but also to determine how the innovative climate of the external environment influences this ability. The standard SWOT analysis methodology is conceptualized in terms of the innovative opportunities that the business environment and the potential of the organization itself can provide. During the analysis the following is recorded:

1. strengths the potential of the company, which will ensure its use of opportunities that have appeared in the external environment; this helps determine the appropriate strategy for their use;

2. weaknesses potential of the company, which deprive it of the chance to take advantage of new opportunities or create threats to its existence.

Thanks to its high innovative potential, an organization can quickly respond to changes in the external environment, conduct innovative searches and implement organizational changes. Low potential does not provide such an opportunity; Innovations under these conditions are rarely introduced and only when the company begins to experience difficulties in selling its products. However, developing innovative solutions in response to a problem is ineffective. The innovation policy of a mass enterprise should be the result of in-depth market research, constant monitoring of the actions of competitors, should be responsive to modern scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and efficient use intellectual and creative potential of employees. This will enable top management to develop optimal innovative strategies that will form the strategic advantages of the enterprise in the long term (Lapin E.V. Economic, 2002).

3.4. Organizational potential.

Organizational potential is a connecting link for the implementation of management processes and part of the total potential of the organization. Elements organizational capacity are independent and serve as objects of study of management science. Elements of organizational capacity include:

Organizational structure management;

Organizational system and management style;

Leadership potential;

Functional potential of the organization;

Organizational (corporate culture).

The organizational structure of management is a form of separation and cooperation of management activities, within which the management process takes place aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. The management structure is a set of elements, levels of management and connections, the functioning mechanism of which allows the organization to achieve its goals. The organizational structure is a reflection of the division of labor existing in the organization between departments, groups, and employees.

The organizational system and management style consist of an object, a subject, a management process and social resources, and also include accepted methods and methods of management.

Leadership potential includes characteristics such as:



Loyalty to the organization;

Learning ability, etc.

The functional potential of the organization includes activities in all functions throughout the entire life cycle product, as well as production, sales and consumption.

Organizational (corporate culture) - as part of the organizational potential, it is formed “at the output” of the organization in the form of a system of rules and norms of social behavior (artifacts), accepted (basic) values ​​and ideas, which contributes to the achievement of the organization’s goals.


Managing an organization requires a variety of approaches and ways to use the total potential of the organization. The potential of an organization consists of the resources and sources of their replenishment that it has, its connections, position and the organizational system as a whole. The potential of the organization itself represents the source of formation competitive advantage organization and that is why it needs constant development and improvement. The potential of an organization is a strategic resource of the organization, which ensures its stability in inadequate conditions of the macroenvironment, allows it to neutralize negative influence external factors. The potential of any organization has the greatest impact not only on the final results of any of its activities, but also on the limits of growth and structural development of the entire organization.


1. Lafta J.K. Organization Theory: Textbook. allowance. - M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2003

2 Modern dictionary of foreign words. About 20,000 words. - M: Rus. lang., 1993. - 740 p.

3. Lopatsh V. A, Lopatina L. E. Russian explanatory dictionary / Ed. 7th, rev. and additional - M.: Rus. lang., 2001. - 882 p.

4. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Russian Language named after. V. V. Vinogradova / Ed. 4th, add. - M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. - 944 p.

5. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. Ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov / Ed. 4th. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1987. - 1600 p.

6. Shafikov M. T. Potential: essence and structure // Social and humanitarian knowledge^ 2002, No. I, p. 236-246

7. Lapin E.V. Economic potential of an enterprise: Monograph. – Sumy: ITD “University Book”, 2002

Enterprises that include various structural divisions, in order to achieve sustainable economic condition must assess their organizational potential, the assessment tools of which will allow them to expand the analytical arsenal of enterprise management when developing a strategy for their development. The organizational potential of an enterprise should be considered as an organizational process, considered as a set production processes, the value of which is determined as the sum of all its constituent elements, since any organization, defining its development goals, identifies opportunities for their implementation based on its potential.

The organizational potential of an enterprise should be considered as an organizational process, considered as a set of production processes, the value of which is determined as the sum of all its constituent elements. The question of the organization’s potential arises whenever they talk about readiness to introduce innovations in different areas activities, implementing new strategies and entering new markets, etc. According to the authors, organizational potential should be considered as the totality of the capabilities of management staff to carry out the planned amount of work.

The organizational potential of an enterprise is a set of various (extended in time and space) objective and subjective factors that ensure the implementation of assigned tasks and its rather complex structure is determined not only by the high professionalism of management, but also by a set of various organizational factors. In our opinion, the organizational potential of an enterprise should be considered as a strategic component of its overall potential based on the use modern methods management, including program-target and system approaches.

It is necessary to identify the main resource components of the organizational potential of the enterprise, which include:

· resources of management potential;

· level of technical equipment of managerial work;

· level of information support;

· organizational culture.

The implementation of these resources will ensure the implementation of the enterprise’s plans, since their totality is characterized by adaptability, efficiency and reliability,

Today there is various ways on assessing the elements of organizational potential for enterprises operating in the market. Considering that data on the size of an enterprise's potential is used to improve the efficiency of resource use, there is a need to create tools for its measurement and assessment. Work practice domestic enterprises and experience foreign enterprises showed that improving the use of the organizational potential of complex production and economic systems is a real reserve for the development of their business. To increase the efficiency of an enterprise, it is necessary to create a mechanism for managing the process of using organizational potential, based on assessing the effectiveness of its use. First of all, it is necessary to select the units for measuring the magnitude of organizational potential, taking into account that a big problem is taking into account qualitative changes when assessing it in the corresponding natural indicators. Assessing such elements of organizational potential as technology, information and labor resources using natural indicators is also very difficult, since these elements have significant differences, both in form and content. It is necessary to develop a mechanism for assessing organizational potential using one equivalent indicator, and the most universal and unified measure of the organizational potential of an enterprise is the indicator of their valuation, since it ensures comparability, allowing one to determine its dynamics and structure.

· develop a systemic classification of organizational potential and justify the elements of its components;

· determine the features and role of the strategic organizational potential of an industrial enterprise, its place in the system of the complex concept of “enterprise potential”;

· identify and classify the main approaches to the formation of the structure of organizational potential;

· to determine the tools for forming the organizational potential of an enterprise, which makes it possible to build a model of the strategic organizational potential of an enterprise, taking into account the innovative component;

· develop a structure of strategic organizational potential for its formation and implementation as an essential component of the management mechanism modern enterprise;

· develop methodological recommendations to assess the strategic organizational potential of an enterprise, allowing to determine and measure the characteristics of the strategic organizational potential of enterprises of a particular enterprise and industry.

Assessing the effectiveness of organizational potential and the tools for its formation, evaluation and implementation will ensure the economic sustainability of the enterprise for the long term.

Laws of organization

Every organization has a room technological equipment, personnel, materials, components, etc. These resources constitute the organization's potential, its ability to operate. The word “potential” comes from the Latin poten-tia - strength and denotes sources, opportunities, means, resources and reserves that can be put into action or used to solve any problem. The potential depends on each of the employees and their placement, technological equipment and professionalism of managers. It can be property and intellectual, tangible and intangible (Figure 8).

Figure 8 – Components of the company’s overall potential

Tangible potential includes everything that is included in the company’s property complex or reflected in any documents - in the form of reports, methods, rules, etc. For example, fixed and working capital, accounts receivable, cash on the current account and at the company's cash desk, job descriptions, innovative and scientific groundwork, professionalism of personnel, production technology, production and management system. Intangible potential includes the technical, scientific, production and information aura created by employees in the internal and external environment, including: image, openness, honesty, high technical and social demands, reliability.

The company's potential can be presented in ten complementary types: production, organizational, economic, social, technological, psychological, legal, environmental, ethical and political. Let's look at some of them.

Production potential determined by the company’s technological capabilities for producing products (volume, quality, image, prospects, etc.). Organizational capacity is associated with the ability of company personnel to realize the needs and interests of employees and society in organization, safety, management, stability and order. Thus, in some characteristics presented by candidates for a position, organizational abilities are noted. Economic potential determines the presence or ability of a company to operate in conditions of simple or expanded reproduction of products. This is the main potential that characterizes the stability or liquidity of the company and determines the pace of achieving the main goal - obtaining maximum profit. Social potential can also be considered as an opportunity for company personnel to realize the needs and interests of employees and society in information, knowledge, creative work, self-expression, communication, and recreation. Technological potential determined by the ability of the company’s personnel to achieve the results planned in the business plan. Ecological potential is associated with the ability of company personnel to realize the environmental goals of the company and society as a whole, as well as with the implementation of human needs for safety, health, organization sustainable development life. Political potential is determined by the ability of the company’s personnel to achieve results in the field of satisfying the needs and interests in faith, patriotism, self-display and self-expression, management.

Examples of organizations with high potential include: Moscow State University (RF), Association of organizations for the construction of the Moscow ring road.

Each company resource has its own quantitative and qualitative characteristics, volume, weight, productivity, price, technical or professional level, and the impression made on other participants in organizational relations. The set of key characteristics determines the potential of a specific company resource. In the real activities of a company, what is important is the potential not of an individual resource, but of their totality. In this case, there are three possible results of their joint use:

– resources are basically compatible with each other and their total potential will be equal (slightly less or slightly more) to the sum of the potentials of all component resources (Figure 9).

Figure 9 – Scheme for the formation of the general potential of P to 3 with compatible resources used in the company (P to 3 = P1+P2+PZ)

– resources are well selected or interfere with each other’s activities and their total potential will be 50-60% greater (Figure 10 a) or less than the sum of the potentials of all resources participating in the company’s activities - effect emergence(Figure 10 b).

Figure 10 – Options for building the company’s potential

a) the total potential of the company P k 3 is less than the simple sum of the potentials, the resources P1, P2, P3 included in it, b) the total potential of the company P k 3 is greater than the simple sum of the potentials, the resources P1, P2, P3 included in it;

– the resources used significantly enhance or weaken each other’s potential by two or more times. The total potential of the company will be either significantly less or significantly greater than the sum of the potentials of the resources that make up the activity - effect synergies.

Thus, different combinations of resources used in a company can create different levels of possible organizational potential: from very low to very high.

Low potential may be due to the purchase of incomplete equipment; weak professional level of personnel working on new equipment; hiring an employee who is incompatible with the team. High potential can be created through the organization's acquisition of equipment with adequately qualified personnel; staff development; carrying out work to communicate the goals of the organization to all employees. Even one new resource together with existing ones can create a synergy effect. Thus, the discovery of a gold-bearing area in northwestern Canada in the Klondike River basin in 1897 caused a “gold rush” that lasted until 1963. It was characterized by extraordinary enthusiasm and efficiency of miners, builders, road workers and workers in other specialties.

An increase in the overall potential of the company is equivalent to the formal acquisition of new resources, and a decrease in the overall potential is the actual withdrawal of part of the resources from the production process.

There is no need to spend money on a formal acquisition, but the actual withdrawal is an additional direct cost to the company. Thus, the total potential of the company can decrease by the amount P1 when acquiring three resources or increase by the amount P2: P1 = (P1 + P2 + P3) – P k3, P2 = P k3 – (P1 + P2 + P3).

The process of a sharp increase or decrease in a company's potential (synergy effect) is similar to resonance, that is, a sharp increase or decrease in productivity. Thus, synergy can cause both sharply positive and sharply negative consequences. Positive synergy is realized due to the coincidence of a set of resources and the optimal combination of their characteristics (Figure 26 a). In Christian philosophy, positive synergy appears interaction between the grace of Divine energy and the energy of human will.

Negative synergy results from a completely unprofessional or criminal approach to the assigned activity (Figure 11 b).

In Figure 11a, the third resource, in interaction with the first and second, caused a positive synergy effect. In Figure 11 b, the second and third resources are incompatible not only with each other, but also with the first resource, as a result, the overall potential of the company has become negative.

Company managers are, of course, more interested in the synergy effect, since knowledge of the mechanism of its action can significantly help them. This mechanism is the objective law of organization theory - law of synergy. The law of synergy follows from the properties of systems.

Figure 11 – Options for building the company’s potential

A) the total potential of the company P k 3 is significantly greater than the simple sum of the potentials included in it resources Ш, П2, ПЗ (positive synergy), b) the overall potential of the company is P to 3 significantly less downtime the sum of the potentials included in it are the resources P1, P2, PZ (negative synergy).

It is known that strategic management industrial enterprise provides for the creation and application of its potential based on the resources available to the enterprise. In the conditions of complexity and dynamism of modern economic life, organizational potential takes on a leading role among the potentials of an enterprise.

The essence of organizational potential is determined by the essence of organizational activity, which in general terms consists of selecting and combining compatible components based on the developed order of construction, establishing the nature of the connections that ensure interaction between them, and forming a set of criteria for assessing the rationality of the constructed structure or process. Consequently, organizational potential reflects the enterprise's ability to perform organizational activities. A. Chandler defined the direction of this activity as meeting market requirements through the production of tangible and intangible products that are in demand on the market.

Consequently, organizational potential characterizes the “viability” of an enterprise, otherwise its ability to exist, develop, and adapt to life in a certain environment. This is what determines its dominant role among the potentials of the enterprise. The ability to act means a system of methods of action for organizing and carrying out work. In relation to an enterprise, the ability to operate is a set of methods of action to change the internal or business environment to achieve compliance between them.

Comparing the essence of organizational activity, the connection with organizational potential, taking into account its focus and approaches to achieving a balance between an enterprise and its business environment, we propose a definition of organizational potential. The organizational potential of an industrial enterprise (OPPP) is its ability to form a structured design of resources, united by a focus on meeting the business environment or changing it. These abilities are presented in the form of knowledge and skills of the enterprise, which are embodied in procedures and action algorithms, but also in ways and means of creating procedures and action algorithms. The ability to perform certain actions is formed by repeatedly repeating a combination of purposeful actions while observing the conditions arising from the general principles of building systems: complementarity of components, their interaction with each other and compliance with their values ​​or goals of the enterprise. Consequently, a necessary component of organizational potential is a structure that determines the principles of combining actions and ensures the development, replication and control of a combination of actions.

The sources of organizational potential are organizational resources of a static and dynamic nature, which form the organizational framework and organizational mechanism of the enterprise, which largely determines the attraction and use of other resources. Organizational resources are of an informational nature and are presented in the following composition: intellectual property, management system, corporate culture, information Technology, relationships with clients and other partners.

The compliance of the enterprise with the state of the business environment is ensured by the functions of organizational potential, which can be distinguished based on the purpose and definition of organizational potential: structuring, integrating, stabilizing, communicative, adaptive and developing. According to the first, organizational potential acts as a structurizer of monetary, material and property labor resources, which makes it possible to ensure their complementarity as a condition for integration and interaction during the creation of products. The communicative function complements the integrating function and consists of establishing connections between all company resources and the business environment. Thanks to the stabilizing function, a certain order of resource use is formed and maintained. The adaptation function is responsible for establishing the current compliance of the enterprise with the state of the business environment. In comparison, the development function is aimed at achieving strategic external compliance. Thus, organizational potential must ensure, on the one hand, the flexibility and agility of the enterprise, and on the other, stability, ensuring the preservation of the qualitative certainty of the enterprise.

Organizational potential has general economic and characteristic properties for the potential of an enterprise. General economic properties include a high level of integration of components, focus on the future, complexity of measurement and the predictive nature of assessing the state and use of potential. The characteristic properties of organizational potential are determined by its intangible nature and orientation and are presented in the following composition: interaction and system-forming impact on other resources of the enterprise, different forms of manifestation of organizational potential (system of organizational resources, behavior, state), as well as specificity, flexibility and polystructurality.

System-forming character. Organizational potential, according to the above definition, not only acts as a kind of matrix, a structurizer for the resources available to the enterprise, but in the process of interaction sets them in motion for the production of tangible and intangible products.

The objectivity of organizational potential is determined by its significance for the viability of the enterprise.

The specificity of organizational potential is determined by the predominance in its composition of resources that have enterprise-specific features associated with the values ​​and priorities of management. The organizational structure, management technologies and organizational culture have specific features to the greatest extent.

The flexibility of socio-economic systems is the ability to move from one working state to another with the least cost by redistributing resources. Since information is the most flexible resource of an enterprise, organizational potential, all components of which are of an informational nature, has maximum flexibility in comparison with other potentials. Polystructurality. Organizational resources differ in a number of characteristics important for management, including maturity, flexibility, affiliation with the enterprise, and role in adaptation to the business environment. This leads to many connections that form organizational potential, and, accordingly, the possibility of identifying different structures depending on management goals.

Summarizing the above characteristics of organizational potential, we believe that it can be used as an enterprise management tool, especially in a changing business environment. The use of this tool creates a number of important analytical and management capabilities.

First of all, it makes it possible to establish connections between internal organization enterprise and models of its interaction with the business environment, develop a productivity chain linking indicators of the state and application of organizational potential with the state of the business environment. In addition, a methodological basis arises for identifying incompatibility and imbalances between the components of organizational potential, assessing the rational use of organizational resources, identifying unused organizational opportunities in order to concentrate efforts and resources on problems, the solution of which will improve the activity of the enterprise at minimal cost. The development of basic (normative) indicators and monitoring the state of organizational potential provides reasonable information for making decisions on adjustments or radical revisions of the foundations for the construction and functioning of an industrial enterprise. As a result, the opportunity opens up to develop a technology for managing an industrial enterprise by managing its organizational potential.


1. Ozhegov, S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. – M.: Azbukovik, 1999. – 944 p.

2. Orlova, T. Intellectual capital: concept, essence, types / T. Orlova //Problems of theory and practice of management – ​​2008. – No. 4. – P. 109–119.

3. Organization theory: a textbook for universities / ed. V.G. Alieva. – M.: ZAO Publishing House “Economy”, 2003. – 431 p.

4. Tretyakova, E.P. Methodology for forming the organizational potential of a company / E.P. Tretyakov. – Chelyabinsk, SUSU Publishing Center, 2012. – 150 p.

5. Tretyakova, E.P. Organizational potential of the company: nature and significance / E.P. Tretyakova //Problems of printing and publishing: News of universities. – 2011. – No. 5. – P. 200 – 206. – 0.48 pp.

Innovative potential depends on the parameters of organizational management structures, professional and qualification composition of industrial production personnel, external conditions of economic activity, and the like. Therefore, assessing innovation potential is a necessary component of the strategy development process.

The structure of innovation potential covers those elements of the organization that determine its readiness for change: decentralization in decision-making, low level of formalization and regulation of management work, the ability of organizational structures to flexibly restructure in accordance with changes in tasks and operating conditions. Centralized hierarchical organizational structures that contradict the creative nature of innovation activity have a negative impact on innovation potential: stable relationships and management procedures provide active resistance to any innovation.

The organization's readiness for change involves a detailed assessment of innovation potential using the “resources - functions - projects” scheme. This scheme is used at the stage of justification of an innovative project. It covers:

1. description of the problem of enterprise development and definition of the task that is included in the program for solving the problem;

2. description of the environment for solving the problem (state of the internal environment, external environmental factors that influence innovation activity);

3. assessment of resource potential in relation to a specific innovation task (providing the project with the resources necessary for its implementation);

4. assessing the ability of personnel to achieve certain performance results (resource support for management functions);

5. assessing the level of provision of the project with the functions necessary for its implementation (functional support of the project);

determining an integral assessment of the organization’s potential, its readiness to solve an innovative task;

6. determination of the main activities necessary to achieve a certain potential regarding the implementation of an innovative project (Lapin E.V. Economic, 2002).

Another way to assess the innovative potential of an organization is SWOT analysis, which makes it possible not only to assess the organization’s ability to implement innovations, but also to determine how the innovative climate of the external environment influences this ability. The standard SWOT analysis methodology is conceptualized in terms of the innovative opportunities that the business environment and the potential of the organization itself can provide. During the analysis the following is recorded:

1. the strengths of the company’s potential, which will ensure that it takes advantage of the opportunities that have appeared in the external environment; this helps determine the appropriate strategy for their use;

2. weaknesses in the company's potential that deprive it of the chance to take advantage of new opportunities or create threats to its existence.

Thanks to its high innovative potential, an organization can quickly respond to changes in the external environment, conduct innovative searches and implement organizational changes. Low potential does not provide such an opportunity; Innovations under these conditions are rarely introduced and only when the company begins to experience difficulties in selling its products. However, developing innovative solutions in response to a problem is ineffective. The innovation policy of a mass enterprise should be the result of in-depth market research, constant monitoring of the actions of competitors, should be based on modern scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the effective use of the intellectual and creative potential of employees. This will enable top management to develop optimal innovative strategies that will form the strategic advantages of the enterprise in the long term (Lapin E.V. Economic, 2002).

3.4. Organizational potential.

Organizational potential is a connecting link for the implementation of management processes and part of the total potential of the organization. Elements of organizational potential are independent and serve as objects of study for management science. Elements of organizational capacity include:

Organizational management structure;

Organizational system and management style;

Leadership potential;

Functional potential of the organization;

Organizational (corporate culture).

The organizational structure of management is a form of separation and cooperation of management activities, within which the management process takes place aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. The management structure is a set of elements, levels of management and connections, the functioning mechanism of which allows the organization to achieve its goals. The organizational structure is a reflection of the division of labor existing in the organization between departments, groups, and employees.

The organizational system and management style consist of an object, a subject, a management process and social resources, and also include accepted methods and methods of management.

Leadership potential includes characteristics such as:



Loyalty to the organization;

Learning ability, etc.

The functional potential of an organization includes activities across all functions throughout the entire product life cycle, as well as production, sales and consumption.

Organizational (corporate culture) - as part of the organizational potential, it is formed “at the output” of the organization in the form of a system of rules and norms of social behavior (artifacts), accepted (basic) values ​​and ideas, which contributes to the achievement of the organization’s goals.


Managing an organization requires a variety of approaches and ways to use the total potential of the organization. The potential of an organization consists of the resources and sources of their replenishment that it has, its connections, position and the organizational system as a whole. The potential of the organization itself represents the source of the formation of the competitive advantage of the organization and that is why it needs constant development and improvement. The potential of an organization is a strategic resource of the organization, which ensures its stability in inadequate macro-environmental conditions and allows it to neutralize the negative impact of external factors. The potential of any organization has the greatest impact not only on the final results of any of its activities, but also on the limits of growth and structural development of the entire organization.


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