Training on occupational safety issues. Tasks and powers of labor protection service employees at the enterprise Labor protection service employees have the right

8. Employees of the Service have the right:

8.1. At any time of the day, freely visit and inspect the production, office and household premises of the organization, get acquainted, within the limits of their competence, with documents on labor protection issues.

8.2. Submit to heads of departments and other officials of the organization mandatory instructions (the recommended form is the appendix to these Recommendations) to eliminate violations of labor protection requirements identified during inspections and monitor their implementation.

8.3. Demand that heads of departments remove from work persons who do not have permission to perform this type of work and who have not completed preliminary and periodic tests in accordance with the established procedure. medical examinations, labor safety briefings, who do not use the provided tools in their work personal protection, as well as violating the requirements of labor protection legislation.

8.4. Send proposals for prosecution to the head of the organization officials violating labor protection requirements.

8.5. Request and receive from the heads of departments the necessary information, information, documents on labor protection issues, demand written explanations from persons who committed violations of labor protection legislation.

8.6. Involve, in agreement with the head of the organization and heads of departments, the relevant specialists of the organization in checking the state of working conditions and labor protection.

8.7. Submit proposals to the head of the organization to reward individual employees for active work to improve working conditions and safety.

8.8. Represent on behalf of the head of the organization in government and public organizations when discussing occupational safety issues.

V. Organization of work of the labor protection service

9. The head of the organization must provide the necessary conditions for the employees of the Service to fulfill their powers.

10. The organization of work of employees of the Service provides for the regulation of their job responsibilities, assigning to each of them certain functions on labor protection in departments of the organization in accordance with their job descriptions.

12. To carry out a number of functions of the Service (conducting training, instruction, seminars, lectures, exhibitions), it is necessary to provide for the organization of a labor protection office, equipped with the necessary regulatory legal and reference literature on labor protection.

VI. Formation of a labor protection service

14. The structure of the Service and the number of employees of the Service are determined by the head of the organization depending on the number of employees, the nature of working conditions, the degree of danger of production and other factors, taking into account the Interindustry standards for the number of employees of the occupational safety service at the enterprise, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 10, 1995 N 13.

15. In an organization with more than 100 employees, a Service is created or the position of a labor protection specialist with appropriate training or experience in this field is introduced.

16. In an organization with 100 or fewer employees, the decision to create a Service or introduce the position of a labor protection specialist is made by the head of the organization, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities. The head of the organization may assign occupational safety responsibilities to another specialist or other person (with his consent), who, after appropriate training and knowledge testing, along with his main work, will perform the duties of a labor protection specialist.

If there is no Service (labor safety specialist) in the organization, the head of the organization has the right to enter into an agreement with specialists or organizations providing services in the field of labor protection.

17. As a rule, persons who are qualified as labor protection engineers or specialists with a higher professional (technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the position are appointed to the position of labor protection specialist category 1 technician for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational (technical) education for at least 5 years. All categories of these persons must undergo special training in labor protection.

Added to the site:

1. General provisions

1.2. The labor protection service reports directly to [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] or on his behalf to one of his deputies.

1.3. Employees of the Service in their activities are guided by laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, agreements (general, regional, sectoral), collective agreement, agreement on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization.

2. The main tasks of the labor protection service

2.1. Organization of work to ensure that employees of the enterprise comply with labor protection requirements.

2.2. Monitoring compliance by employees with laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, collective agreements, agreements on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the enterprise.

2.3. Organization of preventive work to prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused production factors, as well as work to improve working conditions.

2.4. Informing and consulting enterprise employees, including management, on labor safety issues.

2.5. Study and dissemination of best practices in labor protection, promotion of labor protection issues.

3. Functions of the labor protection service

3.1. Accounting and analysis of the state and causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors.

3.2. Providing assistance to departments of the enterprise in organizing and conducting measurements of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors, in assessing the safety of equipment and devices.

3.3. Organization, methodological management of certification of workplaces for working conditions, certification of labor protection work and control over their implementation.

3.4. Conducting, together with representatives of the relevant departments and with the participation of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions or other representative bodies authorized by employees, inspections and surveys technical condition buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, devices, means of collective and individual protection of workers, sanitary conditions technical devices, operation of ventilation systems for compliance with labor protection requirements.

3.5. Participation in the work of commissions for the acceptance into operation of completed construction or reconstructed production facilities, as well as in the work of commissions for the acceptance from repair of installations, units, machines and other equipment in terms of compliance with labor protection requirements.

3.6. Coordination of design, engineering, technological and other documentation developed at the enterprise in terms of labor protection requirements.

3.7. Development, together with other departments, of plans and programs to improve working conditions and safety, prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases, diseases caused by production factors; providing organizational and methodological assistance for the implementation of planned activities.

3.8. Participation in the drafting of sections of the collective agreement relating to conditions and labor protection, agreements on labor protection of the enterprise.

3.9. Drawing up (with the participation of department heads) lists of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed.

3.10. Assisting department heads in compiling lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which employees must undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which, on the basis of current legislation workers are provided with compensation for hard work and work under harmful or dangerous working conditions.

3.11. Organization of investigation of industrial accidents in accordance with the Regulations on the investigation and recording of industrial accidents; participation in the work of the accident investigation commission, preparation and storage of documents relating to labor protection requirements (acts in form N-1 and other documents for the investigation of industrial accidents, protocols for measuring the parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors, assessment of equipment according to the injury safety factor, materials for certification of workplaces for working conditions, certification of work on labor protection, etc.), in accordance with established deadlines.

3.12. Participation in the preparation of documents for the appointment of insurance payments in connection with accidents at work or occupational diseases.

3.13. Drawing up reports on safety and working conditions according to the forms established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

3.14. Development of training programs on labor protection for employees of the enterprise, including its management; Conducting introductory training on labor protection for all persons entering work (including temporarily), business travelers, as well as students arriving for on-the-job training or practice.

3.15. Organization of timely training on labor protection for employees of the enterprise, including its management, and participation in the work of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

3.16. Providing methodological assistance to department heads in the development and revision of labor protection instructions, enterprise standards of the Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS).

3.17. Providing departments with local regulatory legal acts of the enterprise (rules, norms, instructions on labor protection), visual aids and educational materials on labor protection.

3.18. Organization of meetings on labor protection.

3.19. Organization and management of the work of the labor protection office, preparation of information stands, labor protection corners in departments.

3.20. Conducting propaganda on labor safety issues using for these purposes internal radio broadcasting, television, video and films, small-circulation print, wall newspapers, shop windows, etc.

3.21. Bringing to the attention of employees current laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection of the enterprise.

3.22. Consideration of letters, applications, complaints from employees regarding issues of labor conditions and safety, preparation of proposals [to the head of the enterprise; heads of departments] to eliminate identified deficiencies.

3.23. Exercising control over:

Compliance by employees with the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the enterprise;

Providing and correct use of personal and collective protective equipment;

Compliance with the Regulations on the investigation and recording of accidents at work;

Implementation of measures provided for by programs, plans for improving working conditions and labor protection, the section of the collective agreement concerning labor protection issues, an agreement on labor protection, as well as taking measures to eliminate the causes that caused an accident at work, fulfilling the instructions of state supervision and control bodies for compliance with labor protection requirements, other measures to create safe conditions labor;

The presence in departments of labor protection instructions for workers according to the list of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed, their timely revision;

Certification of workplaces for working conditions and preparation for certification of work on labor protection;

Timely implementation by the relevant services of the necessary tests and technical examinations of equipment, machines and mechanisms;

The efficiency of aspiration and ventilation systems;

The condition of safety devices and protective devices;

Timely provision of training on labor protection, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements and all types of instruction on labor protection;

Organization of storage, issuance, washing, dry cleaning, drying, dust removal, degreasing and repair of special clothing, special footwear and other personal and collective protective equipment;

Sanitary and hygienic condition of production and auxiliary premises;

Organization of workplaces in accordance with labor protection requirements;

Proper spending of funds allocated for the implementation of measures to improve working conditions and labor protection in departments;

Timely and correct provision of compensation to employees for hard work and work under harmful or dangerous working conditions, free provision of medical preventative nutrition, milk and other equivalent food products;

Use of labor of women and persons under 18 years of age in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.24. Analysis and generalization of proposals for spending funds from the enterprise’s labor protection fund (if any), development of directions for their most effective use, preparation of justifications for allocating funds to the enterprise from the territorial labor protection fund (if any) to carry out measures to improve working conditions and labor protection.

3.25. [Enter as appropriate].

4. Rights of labor protection workers

The labor protection service has the right:

4.1. At any time of the day, freely visit and inspect the production, office and household premises of the enterprise, get acquainted, within the limits of their competence, with documents on labor protection issues.

4.2. Present to heads of departments and other officials of the enterprise mandatory instructions to eliminate violations of labor protection requirements identified during inspections and monitor their implementation.

4.3. Demand from the heads of departments to remove from work persons who do not have permission to perform this type of work, who have not undergone preliminary and periodic medical examinations, labor safety instructions in the prescribed manner, who do not use the provided personal protective equipment in their work, and who also violate the requirements of the legislation on labor protection.

4.4. Send [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] proposals to bring to justice, in accordance with the law, officials who violate labor protection requirements.

4.5. Request and receive from department heads the necessary information, information, documents on labor protection issues, demand written explanations from persons who have committed violations of labor protection legislation.

4.6. Involve, in agreement with [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] and the heads of departments, the relevant specialists of the enterprise in checking the state of working conditions and labor protection.

4.7. Submit [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] proposals to encourage individual employees for active work to improve working conditions and safety.

4.8. Represent on behalf of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise] in state and public organizations when discussing labor safety issues.

4.9. [Enter as appropriate].

5. Structure of the labor protection service

5.1. The structure and size of the labor protection service are determined by the head of the enterprise, taking into account the total number of employees of the enterprise, the nature of working conditions, the degree of danger of production and other factors, as well as taking into account the recommendations of government authorities.

5.2. Headcount of employees of the Service is [number] units, including the position of the head of the Service.

5.3. Employees of the Service are appointed to positions and dismissed from them by order of [name of the position of the head of the enterprise].

5.4. The management of the Labor Safety Service is carried out by the head of the Service, who:

Plans and organizes the work of the Service, develops job descriptions for employees, bears personal responsibility for the effective and high-quality implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Service, is responsible for reporting, coordinates the work of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions or the workforce;

Ensures timely consideration of submitted documents, letters, proposals, statements on issues within the competence of the Service;

Submits proposals to the employer regarding the selection and placement of personnel, rewarding outstanding employees or applying disciplinary sanctions to employees for improper performance of their duties;

Provides systematic professional development for Service employees.

6. Relationships (official connections)

6.1. The labor protection service carries out its activities in cooperation with other divisions of the enterprise, the committee (commission) for labor protection, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions or other representative bodies authorized by employees, the labor protection service of a higher level legal entity(if any), as well as with federal executive authorities and the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control bodies over compliance with labor protection requirements and public control bodies.

6.2. The security service interacts with all technical and production departments on the following issues:


Information on compliance with labor protection legislation;

Applications for conclusions on technical projects, technology for maintenance and repair of equipment for compliance with safety regulations;

Technical and production documentation for examination to ensure that it takes into account labor protection and safety regulations;

Information about industrial injuries;

- [fill in what you need].


Information about regulations and standards of labor protection legislation;

Conclusions on technical projects for compliance with safety standards;

Methodological information on ensuring safety, labor protection and industrial sanitation;

- [fill in what you need].

6.3. [Enter as appropriate].

7. Control and responsibility

7.1. Control over the activities of the Service is exercised by the head of the organization, the Occupational Safety and Health Service of a higher organization (if any), the executive authority of [name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation] in the field of occupational safety and health and state supervision and control bodies over compliance with occupational safety requirements.

7.2. The head of the organization is responsible for the activities of the Service.

7.3. Employees of the Service are responsible for fulfilling their job duties as determined by the regulations on the Service and job descriptions.

In 2020, an occupational safety and health worker has the right to certain actions. We will consider them in detail later in the article to understand its goals and objectives. In addition, this employee has official duties, which must certainly be fulfilled. According to Labor Code, it is imperative to ensure that the company has a person responsible for labor protection if the number of employees is more than 100 people. However, this service can also be assembled when fewer citizens work at the enterprise.

Creating a Service

When a service is formed together with a company, it does not require separate documents. However, when it is created when a certain number of personnel is reached, then in this case it will be necessary to issue a special order. This is done by the head of the company, after which he approves a certain position. Other issues related to the activities of these employees are also being resolved.

Please note that the labor protection service is an independent structural unit. She reports to the director of the company, and in some cases to a deputy if an order has been issued. The staff includes specialists in this field, and they may not have experience in this field, however, they must have the appropriate education.

Important! The number of people who are involved in the implementation of labor protection is determined directly by the management of the organization. At the same time, the number may be influenced by how many employees work in production.

For example, if there are more than 700 people, then security magazines labor activity can be carried out by individual specialists. However, if the number is much higher, then a specialized bureau will be needed, which includes 3-6 people. Instead, you can create a special department, and it will employ at least six employees.


The Occupational Safety and Health Service has specific rights and responsibilities. When forming this department, the management must set specific tasks that must be carried out. It will be useful to take certain recommendations into account when setting tasks.

What goals might this department have:

  1. Engage in activities to ensure that employees meet all the necessary requirements for work.
  2. Organize preventive work necessary to prevent the risk of injury at work and occupational diseases.
  3. Improve working conditions.
  4. Monitor that employees comply with the terms of the employment agreement, contract and regulations of the organization.
  5. Consult and inform employees on issues related to this area.
  6. Study of best practices in labor protection and its dissemination.

These are the goals set for this department. However, it happens that the question arises, what right do workers of the labor protection service do not have when exercising their professional activity. To make it clearer, you need to know what powers they have according to the law.

What does he do?

The activities of this service are already clear from the name, but we will take a closer look at its tasks. First of all, we note that these employees must train and test their knowledge of labor protection and monitor the execution of work. They participate in the commission for commissioning of reconstructed facilities and equipment, inspect buildings, mechanisms and devices that relate to the company’s activities.

Specialists are also developing plans and programs that will improve working conditions in the institution. Participate in filling out sections of contracts related to their field of activity. Conduct an investigation if an accident occurs at the enterprise. Organize a meeting or briefing on labor protection.

Naturally, the list of responsibilities does not end there. In general, management can independently determine what exactly specialists in this field will do. But, naturally, the responsibilities will relate to the main activity and not go beyond it. If a person does not fulfill his duties or does not work well enough, then penalties may be applied because of this. We are talking about disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability. If a person does not want to answer to the law, then he should know his rights and conscientiously perform work tasks.


It is worth noting that the rights of occupational safety and health workers are quite extensive. The bosses cannot infringe on them, as is the case with other employees. It doesn’t matter whether a contract was concluded with certain specialists or whether there is an agreement with organizations that provide these services. In any case, you will need to know the rights and not violate them.

Each employee of this service can:

  1. At any time, visit and inspect the production, household and other premises of the organization. They can also read documents that relate to occupational safety issues.
  2. Demand that management remove people who do not have permission to perform specific actions, have not undergone special examinations, have not attended training, do not use protective equipment, and otherwise violate legal requirements.
  3. Provide the employee with mandatory instructions to eliminate identified violations. Monitoring to correct them is also allowed.
  4. Suggest to the director of the organization to bring to justice workers who violated labor protection requirements.
  5. Involve specialists who will check working conditions. In this case, it is important to first coordinate this point with your superiors.
  6. Request documents related to direct work activities. Demand an explanation from people who have broken the law.
  7. Offer management to reward some citizens who actively participated in improving working conditions.
  8. If there is an order from the manager, then it will be possible to represent in government bodies on issues of safety at work.

These employees are personally responsible for ensuring that working conditions comply with those prescribed by law. They control that those employees who do not have the right to carry out activities do not start activities. Speaking about which of the listed actions of an occupational safety service employee are unauthorized, we can answer unequivocally - there are none. And this is the correct answer, because all the points described above are considered legal.

The scope of rights of any employee in an enterprise is determined by his responsibilities. The rights of a labor protection specialist must be specified in job description in direct dependence on the tasks assigned to him. In what case can he bear criminal liability - read the article.

From the article you will learn:

For which occupational safety and health workers are personally responsible

Occupational safety and health workers may be held personally liable for failure to fulfill their official duties. The severity of the offense is the main characteristic when choosing a punishment.

Disciplinary responsibility is imposed in the event of detection of shortcomings in the work by immediate managers supervising occupational safety issues in the organization. Such leaders are chief engineer, technical director, head of labor protection service. Occupational safety specialists are also subject to disciplinary liability for general hazards.

If such an employee is negligent in his labor duties, allows connivance, does not control the state of occupational safety in the organization, he has the right to bring him to administrative responsibility not only the head of the enterprise, but also such an employee.

Rights of labor protection workers

If the responsibilities of an occupational safety specialist are described both in and in, then the rights are regulated only in the regulations on the occupational safety management system and in the job description. must be developed by each employer.

A labor protection specialist has the right:

  • develop draft organizational and administrative documents (orders, instructions) relating to labor protection issues;
  • participate in the development of documentation on occupational safety and work safety;
  • participate in the development of sections of job descriptions for managers and specialists, other employees of the organization relating to the rights and responsibilities for labor protection;
  • take urgent measures to ensure labor safety requirements at the entrusted facilities: not only apply for the suspension of work that poses a real threat to employees, but also suspend such production processes until eliminated by the responsible persons of the enterprise;
  • spend at any time, including during non-working hours, on weekends and holidays checking compliance with occupational safety requirements, if the safety of workers may depend on this.
  • take part in the analysis of the work of the occupational safety service, one’s own work, carried out by the management of the enterprise, and provide arguments in one’s defense;
  • make demands to the relevant officials on issues related to the provision of occupational safety in each structural unit of the organization, submit initiatives to the management of the enterprise, to the representative body of workers;
  • demand from the heads of structural divisions the timely and complete fulfillment of their instructions, and in case of violation of deadlines or incomplete fulfillment, apply for disciplinary action;
  • raise before the management of the organization the question of the inadequacy of officials for their positions, including the head of the organization, due to negligence shown in the performance of official duties.


about the labor protection service

I. General provisions

1. Occupational safety management in an organization is carried out by its head. To organize work on labor protection, the head of the organization creates a labor protection service.

3. The service is organized in the form of an independent structural unit an organization consisting of a staff of occupational safety specialists headed by the head (chief) of the Service.

4. The service carries out its activities in cooperation with other divisions of the organization, the labor protection committee (commission), authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions or other representative bodies authorized by employees, the labor protection service of a higher organization (if any), and also with federal executive authorities and the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection. bodies of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements and public control bodies,

5. Employees of the Service in their activities are guided by laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, agreements (general, regional, sectoral), collective agreement, agreement on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization.

II. The main tasks of the labor protection service

1. The main objectives of the Service are:

1.1. Organization of work to ensure that employees comply with labor protection requirements.

1.2. Monitoring compliance by employees with laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, collective agreements, agreements on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization.

1.3. Organization of preventive work to prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors, as well as work to improve working conditions.

1.4. Informing and consulting employees of the organization, including its manager, on labor safety issues.

1.5. Study and dissemination of best practices in labor protection, promotion of labor protection issues.

III. Functions of the labor protection service

To perform the assigned tasks, the Service is assigned the following functions:

1. Accounting and analysis of the state and causes of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and diseases caused by production factors.

2. Providing assistance to departments in organizing and conducting measurements of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors, in assessing the safety of equipment and devices.

3. Organization, methodological management of certification of workplaces for working conditions, certification of labor protection work and control over their implementation.

4. Conducting, together with representatives of the relevant departments and with the participation of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection, trade unions or other representative bodies authorized by employees, inspections, surveys of the technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms, devices, means of collective and individual protection of workers , the condition of sanitary and technical devices, the operation of ventilation systems for compliance with labor protection requirements.

5. Participation in the work of commissions for the acceptance into operation of completed construction or reconstructed production facilities, as well as in the work of commissions for the acceptance from repair of installations, units, machines and other equipment in terms of compliance with labor protection requirements.

6. Coordination of design, engineering, technological and other documentation developed in the organization regarding labor protection requirements.

7. Development, together with other departments, of plans and programs to improve working conditions and safety, prevent industrial injuries, occupational diseases, diseases caused by production factors; providing organizational and methodological assistance for the implementation of planned activities.

8. Participation in the drafting of sections of the collective agreement relating to conditions and labor protection, agreements on labor protection of the organization.

9. Assisting department heads in compiling lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which employees must undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations, as well as lists of professions and positions, in accordance with which, on the basis of current legislation, workers are provided with compensation for hard work and - working in harmful or dangerous working conditions.

10. Organization of investigation of industrial accidents.

11. Participation in the preparation of documents for the appointment of insurance payments in connection with industrial accidents or occupational diseases.

12. Drawing up reports on safety and working conditions according to the forms established by the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

13. Development of training programs on labor protection for employees of the organization, including its manager; Conducting introductory training on labor protection for all persons entering work (including temporarily), business travelers, as well as students arriving for on-the-job training or practice.

14. Organization of timely training on labor protection for employees of the organization, including its manager, and participation in the work of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

15. Drawing up (with the participation of department heads) lists of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed.

16. Providing methodological assistance to department heads in the development and revision of labor protection instructions, standards of the organization of the Occupational Safety Standards System (OSSS).

17. Providing departments with local regulatory legal acts of the organization (rules, norms, instructions on labor protection), visual aids and educational materials on labor protection.

18. Organization and management of the work of the labor protection office, preparation of information stands, labor protection corners in departments.

19. Organization of meetings on labor protection.

20. Conducting propaganda on labor safety issues using for these purposes internal radio broadcasting, television, video and films, small-circulation print, wall newspapers, shop windows, etc.

21. Bringing to the attention of employees current laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection of the organization.

22. Consideration of letters, applications, complaints from employees regarding issues of labor conditions and safety, preparation of proposals to the head of the organization (heads of departments) to eliminate identified deficiencies.

23. Control over:

Compliance by employees with the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection of the Russian Federation and the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, an agreement on labor protection, and other local regulatory legal acts of the organization;

Providing and correct use of personal and collective protective equipment;

Compliance with the Regulations on the investigation and recording of industrial accidents, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 2, 1999 N 279;

Implementation of measures provided for by programs, plans for improving working conditions and labor protection, the section of the collective agreement concerning labor protection issues, an agreement on labor protection, as well as taking measures to eliminate the causes that caused an accident at work (information from the act on form N- 1), compliance with the instructions of state supervisory authorities and control over compliance with labor protection requirements, and other measures to create safe working conditions;

The presence in departments of labor protection instructions for workers according to the list of professions and types of work for which labor protection instructions should be developed, their timely revision;

Certification of workplaces for working conditions and preparation for certification of work on labor protection;

Timely implementation by the relevant services of the necessary tests and technical inspections of equipment, machines and mechanisms;

The efficiency of aspiration and ventilation systems;

The condition of safety devices and protective devices;

Timely provision of training on labor protection, testing knowledge of labor protection requirements and all types of instruction on labor protection;

Organization of storage, issuance, washing, dry cleaning, drying, dust removal, degreasing and repair of special clothing, special footwear and other personal and collective protective equipment;

Sanitary and hygienic condition of production and auxiliary premises;

Organization of workplaces in accordance with labor protection requirements;

Proper spending of funds allocated for the implementation of measures to improve working conditions and labor protection in departments;

Timely and correct provision of compensation to employees for hard work and work under harmful or dangerous working conditions, free provision of therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk and other equivalent food products;

Employing the labor of women and persons under 18 years of age in accordance with the law.

24. Analysis and generalization of proposals for spending funds from the organization’s labor protection fund (if any), developing directions for their most effective use, preparing justifications for allocating funds to the organization from the territorial labor protection fund (if any) to carry out measures to improve conditions and safety labor.

IV. Rights of labor protection workers

1. Employees of the Service have the right:

1.1. At any time of the day, freely visit and inspect the production, office and household premises of the organization, get acquainted, within the limits of their competence, with documents on labor protection issues.

1.2. Submit to heads of departments and other officials of the organization mandatory instructions (the recommended form is an appendix to these Recommendations) to eliminate violations of labor protection requirements identified during inspections and monitor their implementation.

1.3. Demand that heads of departments suspend from work persons who do not have permission to perform this type of work, who have not undergone preliminary and periodic medical examinations, labor safety instructions in the prescribed manner, who do not use the provided personal protective equipment in their work, and who violate legal requirements on labor protection.

1.4. Send proposals to the head of the organization to bring to justice officials who violate labor protection requirements.

1.5. Request and receive from the heads of departments the necessary information, information, documents on labor protection issues, demand written explanations from persons who committed violations of labor protection legislation.

1.6. Involve, in agreement with the head of the organization and heads of departments, the relevant specialists of the organization in checking the state of working conditions and labor protection.

1.7. Submit proposals to the head of the organization to reward individual employees for active work to improve working conditions and safety.

1.8. Represent, on behalf of the head of the organization, in state and public organizations when discussing labor safety issues.

V. Organization of work of the labor protection service

1. The head of the organization must provide the necessary conditions for the employees of the Service to fulfill their powers.

2. The organization of work of employees of the Service provides for the regulation of their job responsibilities, assigning to each of them certain labor protection functions in the divisions of the organization in accordance with their job descriptions.

4. To carry out a number of functions of the Service (conducting training, instruction, seminars, lectures, exhibitions), it is necessary to provide for the organization of a labor protection office, equipped with the necessary regulatory legal and reference literature on labor protection.

VI. Formation of a labor protection service

1. The structure of the Service and the number of employees of the Service are determined by the head of the organization depending on the number of employees, the nature of working conditions, the degree of danger of production and other factors, taking into account the Interindustry standards for the number of employees of the occupational safety service at the enterprise, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of March 10, 1995 N 13.

VII. Control and responsibility

1. Control over the activities of the Service is exercised by the head of the organization, the labor protection service of a higher organization (if there is one), the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection and state supervision and control bodies over compliance with labor protection requirements.

2. The head of the organization is responsible for the activities of the Service.

3. Employees of the Service are responsible for fulfilling their job duties as determined by the regulations on the Service and job descriptions.