Equipment for the production of semi-finished products. How to start a culinary convenience food business: tips and business plan

Food is essential for human life. People will never stop buying food. Neither can affect this financial position nor the economic situation in the country. Sometimes, it happens that you need to cook something in a short time. In such situations, ready-made products come to the rescue, which do not require much time to cook. Therefore, a ready-made business plan for the production of semi-finished meat products will be relevant among experienced and. We can use this project not only as an aid for the implementation of our plans, but will also contribute to obtaining a loan from a banking institution or attracting investments.

Business plan for the production of semi-finished meat products

aim ready business the plan for the production of semi-finished meat products is to open our own workshop. This direction can rightfully be considered profitable. This can be explained by the fact that the demand for this type of product is constantly growing. Since, in most cases, many do not have time for elementary everyday things, we can easily find regular loyal customers. Our meat products will allow you to cook a delicious dish in a short period of time.

Even though this market is crowded with competitors, products at affordable prices are still lacking. This is the position we plan to take.

If we consider this project from an economic point of view, then, according to preliminary data, the annual net profit can reach 1 million 536 thousand. If we sell ready-made or semi-finished meat production, then its full payback will occur in 8 months.

The production of semi-finished meat products is a profitable and quickly payback business

Stages of starting your own business

In order to make this business a reality, we need to have about 1 million rubles on hand. Owner of the future meat business will invest part of the funds in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. We plan to issue the missing amount as a subsidy, which is allocated to support small businesses.

If we consider this project from the social side, then:

  • A new type of business will be registered.
  • We will help reduce unemployment by creating additional jobs. In total, we plan to hire 12 employees.
  • We are beneficial to the local budget. Since we will make contributions to the tax fund.

Amount of funds to open

This will require the purchase of a large amount of equipment. Namely:

  • Equipment for the production of dumplings - 88 thousand 350 rubles.
  • Freezing chamber finished products- 153 thousand 500 rubles.
  • SPLIT system - 70 thousand 600 rubles.
  • Freezer - 53 thousand 450 rubles.
  • Meat grinder - 34 thousand 750 rubles.
  • Flour sifter - 22 thousand 990 rubles.
  • Equipment for kneading dough - 43 thousand rubles.
  • Refrigerator - 48 thousand 540 rubles.
  • Chest - 24 thousand 307 rubles.
  • Carrying out repair work in the rented premises - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of clothing for employees and the necessary equipment - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Communication wiring - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of products for the preparation of semi-finished products - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 60 thousand 513 rubles.

Thus, in order to open our own meat workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products, we need to have 1 million rubles on hand.

Choosing a taxation system

We will register our future organization as a company with limited liability. The business owner will act as the director of the organization. As a taxation system, we choose a simplified system - USN.

List of required documents

At present, the business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products has begun to be implemented as follows:

  1. Our organization has gone through the process of registration with the tax office.
  2. The building, which is necessary for the location of the workshop, we acquired in the property. Its total area is 1,168 square meters. In this room, all construction works. Ultimately, it fully complies with the requirements of regulatory authorities.
  3. We have begun the process of concluding an agreement with a reliable and trusted equipment supplier.
  4. We also began to conclude contracts for from different cities in order to supply finished products to them for sale.

Consider the example of a business plan for the production of semi-finished products with calculations of the estimated cost of the assortment:

Assortment of semi-finished meat products
  • Homemade dumplings - 130 rubles per kilogram.
  • Amateur dumplings - 110 rubles a kilogram.
  • Russian dumplings - 90 rubles a kilogram.
  • Homemade cutlets - 110 rubles a kilogram.
  • Amateur cutlets - 90 rubles a kilogram.
  • These prices are given taking into account bulk purchases.

In the future, when our organization develops and makes a profit, we plan to increase the range of other products. According to our calculations, every day we will sell about 150 kilograms of finished products. On average, the cost per kilogram will be 106 rubles.

Not every person now can spend an hour or two preparing a meal from raw foods. The way out for him is the use of meat culinary preparations, which are now very popular. Experts believe that this is due to the improvement in the financial situation of people, their sufficient income. A business in the production of semi-finished meat products promises high dividends to a determined entrepreneur.

The advantages of semi-finished products produced on the scale of a specialized business center are clear: this is a reduction in the time for preparing large batches of ready-made meals for enterprises Catering, which means an increase in the productivity of the enterprise as a whole.

Products in a semi-finished state and in retail disperse from the counter very quickly. They successfully replace full-fledged dishes prepared by oneself. Already due to these circumstances, you can think about how to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products. This business will bring a decent profit with a wide range of goods and their high quality.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment 1,500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

Types of semi-finished products and their storage

Semi-finished products are called products that are prepared in separate portions from minced meat with various food additives. They are available for sale both in their natural form and after primary heat treatment. Considering that about half of the meat that is imported from abroad or produced in Russia is in a raw state, the role of the production of minced semi-finished meat products can hardly be overestimated.

The entire list of semi-finished products can be divided into types:

  • crushed and natural;
  • frozen or chilled to a certain temperature;
  • beef, pork, lamb, etc.

Storage of meat semi-finished products should be carried out at a stable temperature, necessarily less than 8 ° C. To increase the duration of their storage, various packaging is used that maintains a vacuum in the volume of the product and is completely sealed. Polymer film serves as a material for such packaging. The technology for the production of meat semi-finished products provides for the speed of meat processing, which allows to increase the time of their further storage.

Semi-finished products significantly save the time that a housewife has to spend on cooking. Indeed, until fully cooked, it is enough to fry them in a pan or boil for ten to twenty minutes. All flavoring and flavoring additives are included in the products, the proportions and ratios of the ingredients are observed, they have already been given the appropriate form, convenient for final processing. photo1

Small Scale Enterprise Planning

You can organize such a business only in a specially selected room. It must have a heating and water supply system. In addition, the premises must comply with all the requirements that fire inspectorates and Consumer Supervision authorities impose on manufacturers.

A great success for a businessman can be considered if he was able to buy or rent the area of ​​​​the former catering center. This building is already equipped with everything necessary, it has an electric line supply. And sewerage, and the supply of hot and cold water is also present in it. The approximate area for the mini-workshop is 60 m2. When production is planned on a large scale, then the area should be selected large. Consideration should also be given to good lighting throughout the workshop.

It is important that the semi-finished products workshop is located within the city or near it. In this case, there will be no need to arrange access roads to it. A warehouse with refrigeration units should be equipped nearby, in which both raw materials and finished products will be stored. Only with these requirements in mind, an enterprise for the production of semi-finished meat products will be full-fledged and capable of profitable work.

Technical base of the enterprise

Apparatus and devices for equipping a mini-shop for the production of semi-finished products is a very important matter, which in the future will determine not only labor productivity and the scale of activity, but also its range.

The main equipment is typical for enterprises of this profile and includes:

  • crushing machine;
  • machine for mixing finished minced meat;
  • apparatus for kneading dough;
  • dumpling machine;
  • device for molding finished products;
  • fridge;
  • breading machine;
  • laying equipment;
  • shock-freezing block;
  • chest-refrigerator;
  • automatic packaging machines;
  • separate devices for accurate weighing of meat raw materials and finished products.

It is very important! When purchasing equipment and equipping the workshop, the greatest attention should be paid to the reliability of this equipment, its feedback on work at similar enterprises. It should be easy to use and have an appropriate repair base in a given territorial zone, spare parts for it should be readily available.

Before buying equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products, you should finally decide on the future range of products and the scale of production. Absolutely not bad option maybe buying used equipment for a mini-shop of semi-finished products. The main thing is that experienced mechanical and electrical specialists inspect it before buying it. For the specified area of ​​placement, the mini-price of the cost of equipment can range from 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 rubles.

Technological features of production

The features of the manufacture of meat semi-finished products are not very complicated, but they must strictly take into account all sanitary requirements for human food.

Frozen raw materials delivered to the line are not thawed, but crushed with special crushers. Then, salt, spices, water, bacon are added to the resulting volume of minced meat and mixed thoroughly. The processing of this raw material in the meat mixer continues until the mass becomes completely homogeneous.

The formation of semi-finished products in the finished form takes place in a special rotary or screw machine. Meat products that have received the desired shape undergo control weighing. Then they move along the conveyor to the laying plant and into the equipment for breading.

A very important step that contributes to the long-term storage of meat products is shock freezing. This reduces the time spent by the products in the thawed state, which ensures an increase in safety. After freezing, semi-finished products are placed in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.

Until the moment of sale to customers, the products of the production of frozen meat semi-finished products are stored in large freezers. It is very important for the stable quality of products to strictly observe technological scheme and stages of production. If at least once the client receives low-quality products, then the company will immediately have problems with the implementation. It is not worth mentioning once again that intermediaries constantly share information about the quality and price of purchases with each other.

Business plan for the opening of production

The structure of annual costs for the organization of small-scale production of semi-finished products in typical business plan as follows

The lion's share of the costs of the semi-finished meat production line is taken by the purchase of raw meat for the manufacture of semi-finished products - 67%. But already the cost of wages to employees is only 19%. Much smaller figures are the cost of renting space, paying for water and electricity, etc.

We will try to systematize the items of expenses and income during the operation of a mini-workshop with an area of ​​​​60 square meters. meters for the production of semi-finished meat products:

  1. With careful calculation, depreciation deductions for the operation of equipment will amount to approximately 50,000 rubles per month.
  2. The cost of renting production space will be at least 20,000 rubles per month.
  3. The payroll fund for the shop workers, approximately, starting from the director and ending with the employees, will amount to 42,000 rubles per month.
  4. Purchases of raw materials for a month of work, including pork, beef and additives, will require at least 200,000 rubles.
  5. Payments for water, sewerage, heat and electricity will amount to about 20,000 rubles.

Total monthly expenses: 332 thousand rubles.

An average mini-enterprise in the conditions of central Russia for the production of meat semi-finished products gives a monthly revenue of at least 500,000 rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the monthly net profit of the enterprise - 168,000 rubles. The profitability of the enterprise is 50%. This is a very high figure, but it is not tied to specific business conditions. In reality, the profitability of similar industries is just over 20%. But even with such an indicator, the payback period of primary costs is no more than 2 years.

Whether this profit is large or small is for the entrepreneur to judge. There is no doubt that this business is highly profitable, and in order to increase profits, it is necessary to create a larger-scale business and invest much more money in it.

The ultra-fast pace of life does not leave us a chance to enjoy the comfort of home, and even more so - home-cooked food. This is where a variety of products come to our aid, which have already passed all the stages. technological process, except for the last - cooking. The production of semi-finished products as a business, based on this need, is a rather profitable direction, although it requires certain investments of funds and efforts.

Varieties of semi-finished products

In general, these products can be divided into food and industrial. We, as consumers, of course, are more interested in the former, since they are the ones that get to our stove from store shelves.

From the name, we can conclude that this product has already passed the production process by half and requires only final processing - frying, boiling, stewing.

Semi-finished products can be vegetable, meat, fish, dairy, cereals, combined.

In more detail, the classification looks like this:

  • natural meat;
  • breaded meat in pieces - chops, rump steak, schnitzel, beef steak, chops;
  • pieces of meat, cut into pieces and packaged in bags - langets, entrecote, escalopes, cutlets, schnitzels;
  • shashlik;
  • meat sets of small pieces - azu, goulash, beef stroganoff, stew;
  • meat by-products;
  • chopped semi-finished products - minced meat, cutlets from it;
  • fish semi-finished products;
  • dumplings;
  • peeled potatoes;
  • frozen vegetables;
  • cutlets from vegetables;
  • semolina, rice, millet cutlets;
  • vegetable mixes;
  • syrniki;
  • vareniki.

This list, of course, cannot be complete. You can continue it indefinitely, because the conditions of modern life force technologists to come up with more and more new recipes.

The production of semi-finished products implies another classification, which is based on the principle heat treatment. Here produce frozen and chilled products. Speaking specifically about semi-finished meat products, they are also divided into different types according to the type of meat used - pork, beef, chicken and others.

Registration and documents

At the initial stage, it is necessary to decide in what form your enterprise will be clothed. There are two options - individual entrepreneurship or LLC. In the first case, you have to go through a simple registration procedure, but the second one will open the doors for you to many supermarkets and large stores, since with legal entities such enterprises work much more willingly.

As equipment you will need:

  • rolling pin;
  • meat grinder;
  • home scales;
  • bowls;
  • packaging materials;
  • freezer.

The only condition is that there should be enough space in your kitchen, especially when production starts to grow and additional hands are needed to manage to process all orders. AT home business you will be able to succeed if you strictly observe the issue of the quality of your products. It will cost an order of magnitude higher than store semi-finished products, but the client will also expect more from her. Minced meat should be tasty, most importantly - meat, and in a normal amount.

Sale of semi-finished products own production should be planned at an early stage. At first, acquaintances, neighbors, relatives, all those who do not have time to produce cutlets and dumplings themselves can become your customers. These are the people who will make you good advertising through word of mouth. You yourself will not have time to look back, as the number of orders will increase dramatically.

Don't forget about regular discounts for loyal customers. Next, try to make contact with nearby cafes and restaurants. From products prepared at home, and even with a soul, hardly anyone will refuse.

Production of semi-finished products: Video

The article discusses the main aspects of organizing the work of a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products. Particular attention is paid to the selection of equipment used to obtain a different range of this type of product, and the analysis of its characteristics.

The presented scheme of the technological process for the preparation of semi-finished products allows you to better imagine the sequence of its stages.


Raw material

  • fat;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt, spices.

Required Equipment

  • band-saw;
  • meat grinder;
  • meat mixer;
  • cutlet-forming machine;
  • slicer;
  • meat loosener;
  • packing machine;
  • refrigerators compartment.

Meat grinder MIM-80

Meat mixers

Farshemes FM100A

Patty molding machines

meat looseners

Meat loosener INT 90E



Technological cycle

Premises and communications

Normative documents

Example of a complete set of a workshop

Minced meat production technology

Dear readers and subscribers!

In today's article, you will get acquainted with the technology for the production of meat and meat-containing minced meat for sale in chilled and frozen form.

In retail and large chain stores, ready-made minced meat is very popular among buyers. Since housewives can quickly prepare a large set of various products and dishes from it with a minimum of effort.

Minced meat assortment:

The range of prepared minced meat in different thermal states (chilled, frozen) is quite wide, and can be produced both from pure meat raw materials and from raw materials using vegetable components.

In this article, two types of minced meat will be considered:

— Minced meat at home (made from pure meat raw materials);

– Special minced meat (from meat raw materials using vegetable components).

Raw materials used for the production of minced meat:

For the production of minced meat, all types of meat raw materials are used (beef, pork, poultry, lamb, meat mechanical deboning), as well as herbal supplements such as soy and dietary fiber.

Minced meat production technology:

Raw material preparation:

Meat raw materials intended for the production of minced meat must be of high quality without the presence of foreign tastes and odors, stigmas, large bruises, lymph nodes and large blood vessels must be removed from it.

Raw materials of plant origin must comply with regulatory and technical documentation.

Minced meat recipes:

To provide a more detailed presentation of the technology, I will give examples of working minced meat recipes:

Preliminary grinding of raw materials:

In order to obtain high-quality minced meat with beautiful pattern, it is recommended to pre-grind the raw materials to pieces with sizes of 16-20 mm on a top or cutter. The most acceptable option for the production of minced meat is a cutter, since it is in the cutter that it is best to introduce components of plant origin, technological moisture, and table salt.

Secondary grinding:

The secondary grinding of the resulting semi-finished product is ground on a top or on an automatic / semi-automatic line for the production of minced meat with a hole diameter in the cutting grid of 3 mm.

Ready minced meat is evenly placed directly from the grate of the top into the gastronomy container (in case of sale in retail trading network) or in sealed plastic trays in a modified atmosphere for sale and transportation to remote retail outlets. outlets both chilled and frozen.

In the production of minced meat according to this technological chain, very beautifully designed structural minced meat is obtained.

Sincerely, Evgeniy Gorbunov.

Tags: technologies, recipes, additives, portfolio, processing, production, semi-finished products.

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Equipment for the production of semi-finished products from meat, cutlets

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The subject of production is natural large and small pieces (entrecotes, steaks, meatballs, frying, azu, shish kebab), as well as chopped meat semi-finished products (meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs). Natural semi-finished products are released for sale in the distribution network in a chilled form, chopped - in a frozen one.

Raw material

The main types of raw materials for the manufacture of semi-finished meat products are:

  • meat of pork, beef, poultry;
  • fat;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt, spices.

Required Equipment

Most of technological operations for the production of semi-finished meat products is mechanized and carried out using specially designed types of equipment, which include:

  • band-saw;
  • meat grinder;
  • meat mixer;
  • cutlet-forming machine;
  • slicer;
  • meat loosener;
  • packing machine;
  • refrigerators compartment.

Each of the listed types of production equipment has its own functions, advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when equipping the enterprise.

Band saws for bones and meat

Band saws are machines used for cutting animal carcasses or frozen meat briquettes into portions of a certain size, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the further processing of raw materials. Their use guarantees the complete preservation of the weight of the product and ensures the receipt of neatly cut, without bone fragments, pieces.

The design features of the belt plates allow you to adjust the height and thickness of the cut. All parts in contact with the product are made of stainless steel, and are easy to use and safe.

There are many models of band saws from various manufacturers on the market. The cost of the proposed equipment is in the range from 45 to 270 thousand rubles. and largely depends on its productivity, which in most models is 300-500 kg / h. For small enterprises, taking into account their capacities, the choice of saws of Russian companies MM PRIS, RostPishMash will be the best solution.

Band saw for meat or bones PLN-225

More expensive models from SIRMAN (Italy) or Mainca (Spain) are an excellent option for large food production.

Meat grinders are designed to grind meat

The machines are equipped with a set of interchangeable knife grids with different hole diameters. By installing the appropriate set of them, the degree of grinding of raw materials is regulated: for example, minced meat for natural chopped semi-finished products should consist of larger pieces. Equipment of this type is available in floor and desktop versions, has devices that ensure safe operation.

The minimum cost of industrial meat grinders is about 10 thousand rubles. Its upper limits are not limited - individual firms sell cars at a price of 400 thousand rubles. When choosing a model for a small business, first of all, you should be guided by the planned number of products. The best option- traditional MIM meat grinders, producing from 80 kg of minced meat per hour, produced by the Belarusian company Torgmash.

Meat grinder MIM-80

Powerful meat grinders of the KT LM model with a capacity of up to 1150 kg / h from Koneteollisuus (Finland) are suitable for large-scale production.

Meat mixers

To obtain a uniform consistency, all the products that make up the minced meat are mixed with the help of minced meat mixers. During this process, the mass is saturated with oxygen from the air, becomes lush, and the products prepared from it after heat treatment become juicy and appetizing. The recommended mixing time for one portion is 60 seconds; with a longer process, fat begins to separate from the meat and stick to the internal walls of the machine, which worsens the quality of finished products and makes them dry.

The cost of meat mixers is in the range of 50-300 thousand rubles. Like the rest of the equipment, it is directly related to the performance of the machine.

Technology and equipment for the workshop of semi-finished meat products

For small businesses, the widest range of models with a working chamber volume of 50 liters or more is presented by RostPishMash.

Farshemes FM100A

Foreign manufacturers, for example, the Italian companies La Minerva and SIRMAN, offer more powerful and expensive equipment, oriented for use in large food production.

Patty molding machines

Cutlet molding machines are necessary for shaping products. Some models have a replaceable molding table with holes of various configurations, which makes it possible to alternately cook several types of semi-finished products, for example, cutlets and meatballs. This type of equipment has a high productivity and allows you to get products of a given weight and size.

The cost of patty-forming machines depends on the number of attached interchangeable dies and productivity and ranges from 24-450 thousand rubles. The most expensive and high-performance (up to 2500 pcs / h) - Gaser - are designed for large-scale production.

Cutlet machine for minced meat, fish, vegetables

Their Russian counterpart, RostPishMash, with a capacity of 2,000 pcs/h, is more affordable and ideal for small businesses.

Slicing machines

For the production of natural portioned and small-sized semi-finished products, slicing machines are used. They are characterized by high productivity and provide products that have a neat shape and uniform weight. Meat can be cut frozen, chilled or fresh, while the quality of its processing remains consistently high, and the percentage of waste is minimal.

Machines for portion cutting have a high cost: from 700 to 1500 thousand rubles. Russian manufacturers are not produced, and from foreign countries the German company Treif Maschinenbau GmbH is the most famous, offering models of various capacities, from 180 to 400 cuts / min, among which you can choose a machine for both small and large enterprises.

Portion cutting machine JAGUAR 700

meat looseners

Meat looseners are used for loosening portioned pieces of meat intended for frying, as well as for their “stitching”. With the help of special knives, cuts are made on the surface of the product on both sides so that during the heat treatment the piece of meat is not deformed, and the finished dish is soft and juicy. At its core, the loosening operation is a mechanized analogue of beating. This type of equipment is equipped with safety systems to ensure safe operation.

Meat looseners on the equipment market have different productivity (from 1000 to 2500 pieces / hour) and cost (from 30 to 180 thousand rubles), which are directly dependent. For small businesses, machines manufactured by OMAS (Italy), which are optimal in terms of price and quality, will be an excellent option.

Meat loosener INT 90E

Prepared semi-finished products are packaged and packed in trays. For this, automatic or semi-automatic tray sealers are used, which ensure the tightness of the packaging, which significantly increases the shelf life of products.


Tray sealers feature different levels of performance and automation and allow the simultaneous packaging of 1 to 4 trays with semi-finished products. The cost of such equipment is in the range of 150-1000 thousand rubles. for small businesses, semi-automatic machines are an excellent option Russian company CAS, which are not inferior in their characteristics to foreign counterparts.

Tabletop Tray Sealer CAS


To store semi-finished products before implementation, it is used refrigeration equipment- chambers or cabinets, best of all - combined or low-temperature. For small businesses, it is desirable to purchase 2 chambers: for storing chilled and frozen products. It can be both cameras with a combined mode or, one at a time, with low temperature and medium temperature. The recommended internal volume is from 10 m3.

Technological cycle

Technological cycle of semi-finished meat production

Premises and communications

The workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products must meet the following requirements:

space requirements and communication systems production shops are set out in various types of regulatory documentation: SNiP, SanPiN, etc. Their observance guarantees the release of products that are safe for the health of the consumer, and minimizes the risk of contamination with pathogenic bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

Normative documents

Example of a complete set of a workshop

Interested in starting a business in this area? We recommend that you study our material on how to open your own business in 5 steps.

Workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products as a business

The article discusses the main aspects of organizing the work of a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products. Particular attention is paid to the selection of equipment used to obtain a different range of this type of product, and the analysis of its characteristics. The presented scheme of the technological process for the preparation of semi-finished products allows you to better imagine the sequence of its stages.


The subject of production is natural large and small pieces (entrecotes, steaks, meatballs, frying, azu, shish kebab), as well as chopped meat semi-finished products (meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs). Natural semi-finished products are released for sale in the distribution network in a chilled form, chopped - in a frozen one.

Raw material

The main types of raw materials for the manufacture of semi-finished meat products are:

  • meat of pork, beef, poultry;
  • fat;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt, spices.

Required Equipment

Most of the technological operations for the production of semi-finished meat products are mechanized and carried out using specially designed types of equipment, which include:

  • band-saw;
  • meat grinder;
  • meat mixer;
  • cutlet-forming machine;
  • slicer;
  • meat loosener;
  • packing machine;
  • refrigerators compartment.

Each of the listed types of production equipment has its own functions, advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when equipping the enterprise.

Band saws for bones and meat

Band saws are machines used for cutting animal carcasses or frozen meat briquettes into portions of a certain size, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the further processing of raw materials. Their use guarantees the complete preservation of the weight of the product and ensures the receipt of neatly cut, without bone fragments, pieces.

The design features of the belt plates allow you to adjust the height and thickness of the cut. All parts in contact with the product are made of stainless steel, and are easy to use and safe.

There are many models of band saws from various manufacturers on the market. The cost of the proposed equipment is in the range from 45 to 270 thousand rubles. and largely depends on its productivity, which in most models is 300-500 kg / h. For small enterprises, taking into account their capacities, the choice of saws of Russian companies MM PRIS, RostPishMash will be the best solution.

Band saw for meat or bones PLN-225

More expensive models from SIRMAN (Italy) or Mainca (Spain) are an excellent option for large food production.

Meat grinders are designed to grind meat

The machines are equipped with a set of interchangeable knife grids with different hole diameters. By installing the appropriate set of them, the degree of grinding of raw materials is regulated: for example, minced meat for natural chopped semi-finished products should consist of larger pieces. Equipment of this type is available in floor and desktop versions, has devices that ensure safe operation.

The minimum cost of industrial meat grinders is about 10 thousand rubles. Its upper limits are not limited - individual firms sell cars at a price of 400 thousand rubles. When choosing a model for a small business, first of all, you should be guided by the planned number of products. The best option is traditional MIM meat grinders, producing from 80 kg of minced meat per hour, produced by the Belarusian company Torgmash.

Meat grinder MIM-80

Powerful meat grinders of the KT LM model with a capacity of up to 1150 kg / h from Koneteollisuus (Finland) are suitable for large-scale production.

Meat mixers

To obtain a uniform consistency, all the products that make up the minced meat are mixed with the help of minced meat mixers. During this process, the mass is saturated with oxygen from the air, becomes lush, and the products prepared from it after heat treatment become juicy and appetizing. The recommended mixing time for one portion is 60 seconds; with a longer process, fat begins to separate from the meat and stick to the internal walls of the machine, which worsens the quality of finished products and makes them dry.

The cost of meat mixers is in the range of 50-300 thousand rubles. Like the rest of the equipment, it is directly related to the performance of the machine. For small businesses, the widest range of models with a working chamber volume of 50 liters or more is presented by RostPishMash.

Farshemes FM100A

Foreign manufacturers, for example, the Italian companies La Minerva and SIRMAN, offer more powerful and expensive equipment, oriented for use in large food production.

Patty molding machines

Cutlet molding machines are necessary for shaping products. Some models have a replaceable molding table with holes of various configurations, which makes it possible to alternately cook several types of semi-finished products, for example, cutlets and meatballs. This type of equipment has a high productivity and allows you to get products of a given weight and size.

The cost of patty-forming machines depends on the number of attached interchangeable dies and productivity and ranges from 24-450 thousand rubles. The most expensive and high-performance (up to 2500 pcs / h) - Gaser - are designed for large-scale production.

Cutlet machine for minced meat, fish, vegetables

Their Russian counterpart, RostPishMash, with a capacity of 2,000 pcs/h, is more affordable and ideal for small businesses.

Slicing machines

For the production of natural portioned and small-sized semi-finished products, slicing machines are used. They are characterized by high productivity and provide products that have a neat shape and uniform weight. Meat can be cut frozen, chilled or fresh, while the quality of its processing remains consistently high, and the percentage of waste is minimal.

Machines for portion cutting have a high cost: from 700 to 1500 thousand rubles. They are not produced by Russian manufacturers, and the German company Treif Maschinenbau GmbH is the most famous among foreign ones, offering models of various capacities, from 180 to 400 cuts / min, among which you can choose a machine for both small and large enterprises.

Portion cutting machine JAGUAR 700

meat looseners

Meat looseners are used for loosening portioned pieces of meat intended for frying, as well as for their “stitching”. With the help of special knives, cuts are made on the surface of the product on both sides so that during the heat treatment the piece of meat is not deformed, and the finished dish is soft and juicy. At its core, the loosening operation is a mechanized analogue of beating. This type of equipment is equipped with safety systems to ensure safe operation.

Meat looseners on the equipment market have different productivity (from 1000 to 2500 pieces / hour) and cost (from 30 to 180 thousand rubles), which are directly dependent. For small businesses, machines manufactured by OMAS (Italy), which are optimal in terms of price and quality, will be an excellent option.

Meat loosener INT 90E

Prepared semi-finished products are packaged and packed in trays. For this, automatic or semi-automatic tray sealers are used, which ensure the tightness of the packaging, which significantly increases the shelf life of products.


Tray sealers feature different levels of performance and automation and allow the simultaneous packaging of 1 to 4 trays with semi-finished products. The cost of such equipment is in the range of 150-1000 thousand rubles. for small businesses, semi-automatic machines of the Russian company CAS, which are not inferior in their characteristics to foreign counterparts, will be an excellent option.

Tabletop Tray Sealer CAS


For storage of semi-finished products before sale, refrigeration equipment is used - chambers or cabinets, best of all - combined or low-temperature ones. For small businesses, it is desirable to purchase 2 chambers: for storing chilled and frozen products. It can be both cameras with a combined mode or, one at a time, with low temperature and medium temperature. The recommended internal volume is from 10 m3.

Technological cycle

Technological cycle of semi-finished meat production

Premises and communications

The workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products must meet the following requirements:

Requirements for premises and communication systems of production shops are set out in various types of regulatory documentation: SNiP, SanPiN, etc. Their observance guarantees the release of products that are safe for the health of the consumer, and minimizes the risk of contamination with pathogenic bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

Normative documents

Example of a complete set of a workshop

Interested in starting a business in this area? We recommend that you study our material on how to open your own business in 5 steps.

The article discusses the main aspects of organizing the work of a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products. Particular attention is paid to the selection of equipment used to obtain a different range of this type of product, and the analysis of its characteristics. The presented scheme of the technological process for the preparation of semi-finished products allows you to better imagine the sequence of its stages.


The subject of production is natural large and small pieces (entrecotes, steaks, meatballs, frying, azu, shish kebab), as well as chopped meat semi-finished products (meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs). Natural semi-finished products are released for sale in the distribution network in a chilled form, chopped - in a frozen one.

Raw material

The main types of raw materials for the manufacture of semi-finished meat products are:

  • meat of pork, beef, poultry;
  • fat;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt, spices.

Required Equipment

Most of the technological operations for the production of semi-finished meat products are mechanized and carried out using specially designed types of equipment, which include:

  • band-saw;
  • meat grinder;
  • meat mixer;
  • cutlet-forming machine;
  • slicer;
  • meat loosener;
  • packing machine;
  • refrigerators compartment.

Each of the listed types of production equipment has its own functions, advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account when equipping the enterprise.

Band saws for bones and meat

Band saws are machines used for cutting animal carcasses or frozen meat briquettes into portions of a certain size, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the further processing of raw materials. Their use guarantees the complete preservation of the weight of the product and ensures the receipt of neatly cut, without bone fragments, pieces.

The design features of the belt plates allow you to adjust the height and thickness of the cut. All parts in contact with the product are made of stainless steel, and are easy to use and safe.

There are many models of band saws from various manufacturers on the market. The cost of the proposed equipment is in the range from 45 to 270 thousand rubles. and largely depends on its productivity, which in most models is 300-500 kg / h. For small enterprises, taking into account their capacities, the choice of saws of Russian companies MM PRIS, RostPishMash will be the best solution.

Band saw for meat or bones PLN-225

More expensive models from SIRMAN (Italy) or Mainca (Spain) are an excellent option for large food production.

Meat grinders are designed to grind meat

The machines are equipped with a set of interchangeable knife grids with different hole diameters. By installing the appropriate set of them, the degree of grinding of raw materials is regulated: for example, minced meat for natural chopped semi-finished products should consist of larger pieces. Equipment of this type is available in floor and desktop versions, has devices that ensure safe operation.

The minimum cost of industrial meat grinders is about 10 thousand rubles. Its upper limits are not limited - individual firms sell cars at a price of 400 thousand rubles. When choosing a model for a small business, first of all, you should be guided by the planned number of products.

Organization of production of semi-finished meat products

The best option is traditional MIM meat grinders, producing from 80 kg of minced meat per hour, produced by the Belarusian company Torgmash.

Meat grinder MIM-80

Powerful meat grinders of the KT LM model with a capacity of up to 1150 kg / h from Koneteollisuus (Finland) are suitable for large-scale production.

Meat mixers

To obtain a uniform consistency, all the products that make up the minced meat are mixed with the help of minced meat mixers. During this process, the mass is saturated with oxygen from the air, becomes lush, and the products prepared from it after heat treatment become juicy and appetizing. The recommended mixing time for one portion is 60 seconds; with a longer process, fat begins to separate from the meat and stick to the internal walls of the machine, which worsens the quality of finished products and makes them dry.

The cost of meat mixers is in the range of 50-300 thousand rubles. Like the rest of the equipment, it is directly related to the performance of the machine. For small businesses, the widest range of models with a working chamber volume of 50 liters or more is presented by RostPishMash.

Farshemes FM100A

Foreign manufacturers, for example, the Italian companies La Minerva and SIRMAN, offer more powerful and expensive equipment, oriented for use in large food production.

Patty molding machines

Cutlet molding machines are necessary for shaping products. Some models have a replaceable molding table with holes of various configurations, which makes it possible to alternately cook several types of semi-finished products, for example, cutlets and meatballs. This type of equipment has a high productivity and allows you to get products of a given weight and size.

The cost of patty-forming machines depends on the number of attached interchangeable dies and productivity and ranges from 24-450 thousand rubles. The most expensive and high-performance (up to 2500 pcs / h) - Gaser - are designed for large-scale production.

Cutlet machine for minced meat, fish, vegetables

Their Russian counterpart, RostPishMash, with a capacity of 2,000 pcs/h, is more affordable and ideal for small businesses.

Slicing machines

For the production of natural portioned and small-sized semi-finished products, slicing machines are used. They are characterized by high productivity and provide products that have a neat shape and uniform weight. Meat can be cut frozen, chilled or fresh, while the quality of its processing remains consistently high, and the percentage of waste is minimal.

Machines for portion cutting have a high cost: from 700 to 1500 thousand rubles. They are not produced by Russian manufacturers, and the German company Treif Maschinenbau GmbH is the most famous among foreign ones, offering models of various capacities, from 180 to 400 cuts / min, among which you can choose a machine for both small and large enterprises.

Portion cutting machine JAGUAR 700

meat looseners

Meat looseners are used for loosening portioned pieces of meat intended for frying, as well as for their “stitching”. With the help of special knives, cuts are made on the surface of the product on both sides so that during the heat treatment the piece of meat is not deformed, and the finished dish is soft and juicy. At its core, the loosening operation is a mechanized analogue of beating. This type of equipment is equipped with safety systems to ensure safe operation.

Meat looseners on the equipment market have different productivity (from 1000 to 2500 pieces / hour) and cost (from 30 to 180 thousand rubles), which are directly dependent. For small businesses, machines manufactured by OMAS (Italy), which are optimal in terms of price and quality, will be an excellent option.

Meat loosener INT 90E

Prepared semi-finished products are packaged and packed in trays. For this, automatic or semi-automatic tray sealers are used, which ensure the tightness of the packaging, which significantly increases the shelf life of products.


Tray sealers feature different levels of performance and automation and allow the simultaneous packaging of 1 to 4 trays with semi-finished products. The cost of such equipment is in the range of 150-1000 thousand rubles. for small businesses, semi-automatic machines of the Russian company CAS, which are not inferior in their characteristics to foreign counterparts, will be an excellent option.

Tabletop Tray Sealer CAS


For storage of semi-finished products before sale, refrigeration equipment is used - chambers or cabinets, best of all - combined or low-temperature ones. For small businesses, it is desirable to purchase 2 chambers: for storing chilled and frozen products. It can be both cameras with a combined mode or, one at a time, with low temperature and medium temperature. The recommended internal volume is from 10 m3.

Technological cycle

Technological cycle of semi-finished meat production

Premises and communications

The workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products must meet the following requirements:

Requirements for premises and communication systems of production shops are set out in various types of regulatory documentation: SNiP, SanPiN, etc. Their observance guarantees the release of products that are safe for the health of the consumer, and minimizes the risk of contamination with pathogenic bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

Normative documents

Example of a complete set of a workshop

Interested in starting a business in this area? We recommend that you study our material on how to open your own business in 5 steps.

With a high pace of life in modern world people often do not have enough time to prepare food, studies show a constant increase in demand for ready-to-cook foods. This state of affairs indicates that the workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products as a business is a promising area that allows the owner to make a significant profit. The opening of such an enterprise is of great social importance, as it allows you to create new jobs and give additional money to the regional budget.

What are semi-finished products?

Semi-finished products are products that are converted into ready-made food through simple manipulations. Their preparation is characterized by high speed, which is why this type of product has recently become increasingly popular. Production can be carried out from meat or other raw materials, that is, a natural or processed product is obtained. A distinctive characteristic of the product is its division into portions in the factory.

Finished goods are classified according to the following criteria:
- according to the applied production process (natural, chopped);
- for animal meat (rabbit, pork, beef, lamb);
- according to the characteristics of the temperature state (chilled, frozen).

Semi-finished products can be sold at retail and wholesale, when concluding contracts with shops, cafes, etc. The production of dumplings is currently a fairly busy niche, but the production of pancakes with meat or other fillings, cabbage rolls, sausages for frying and other meat semi-finished products of various degrees of readiness is growing demand and such products are in great demand among the consumer. A separate area in the business of semi-finished products can be considered the production of ready-made meals, using shock freezing of raw materials and the sale of sets of products and spices with instructions for preparing dishes of various cuisines.

Today's business for the production of semi-finished products, using modern equipment, allows you to produce high quality products with the preservation of all nutrients, quickly reconfigure your production for the production of a particular product.

Consider the business of semi-finished products based on the production of cutlets. Someone will say that cutlets are nonsense. You can supply your products to schools, institutes, canteens, cafes and various eateries. So the market for this product exists and requires cheap and high-quality raw materials for its development.

Description of the enterprise

When choosing an organizational form of doing business, it is better to open an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. It is cheaper and faster to open an individual entrepreneur, so for our enterprise we choose this organizational form. To pay taxes, it was decided to choose a simplified system of taxation "income-expenses". Such a system will avoid a number of problems that novice entrepreneurs usually face. Before starting production, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with GOST R 52674-2006 and GOST R 51187-98, you can search for other standards on the Internet.

OKDP codes:

1511400 - semi-finished frozen meat products;

1511410 - quick-frozen ready-made products;

1511420 - portioned natural semi-finished products.

Future products are subject to conformity certification, production room should receive an epidemiological conclusion.

Workshop space.

To be able to produce food products, it is necessary that the premises comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire safety. The best choice would be a place where work has already been carried out in this area (cooking, a confectionery shop), otherwise a fairly high-quality repair is required. You should not consider the option of selecting premises for production in the basement, located in a residential building, with low ceilings, where it is impossible to bring the necessary communications, including supply and exhaust ventilation.

The logistics component is important, the building must have convenient access ways so that raw materials can be unloaded and finished products can be loaded without any problems. The cost of real estate in the center reaches high values, for starters entrepreneurial activity is not the best choice, so you can consider the available options on the outskirts, in close proximity to the resource base.

The premises for the production of semi-finished products should be divided into the following zones:
- acceptance and cutting of raw materials;
- direct production of semi-finished products, in the form of minced meat;
- packaging and labeling operations;
- stock.

Separately, a room for the employees of the workshop should be equipped; a convenient location for the shower and toilet will be a big plus. The administration requires a separate room for comfortable work.

For our calculation, we assume that we have rented a room of 100 sq. meters, the cost of the rent is 300 rubles / m2. This area will house the production itself, warehouses for storing products and amenity premises for employees.

The cost of the initial investment in equipment and repairs to organize a semi-finished business.

We remind you that at our enterprise we are going to produce homemade cutlets from minced meat. The functioning of the enterprise cannot be imagined without the purchase of specialized equipment, this will be the main line of expenses for starting a business. In total, the purchase of equipment in the amount of 828,500 rubles is required, such costs consist of the purchase of the following things:

SPLIT-System - 70,000 rubles. (the temperature when cooking minced meat should be no more than 14C);
- meat grinder - 40,000 rubles;
- apparatus for molding cutlets - 150,000 rubles;
- a freezer for storing raw materials and finished products (2 pieces) - 200,000 rubles;
- meat mixer - 160,000 rubles;
- packaging machine - 88,500 rubles;
- other production equipment and improvised means (cutting tables (2 pieces), hooks for carcasses, knives, bowls, buckets, etc.) - 50,000 rubles;
- organization of household premises for the manager and employees - 50,000 rubles;
- computer and printer - 20,000 rubles.

The costs are not limited to the purchase of equipment, the following costs should be taken into account:
- carrying out repair work in the premises - 200,000 rubles;
- connection of communication networks - 300,000 rubles;
- purchase of additional equipment and special clothing - 50,000 rubles;
- other associated costs, including product certification - 60,000 rubles.

The total initial investment in the business for the production of cutlets is 1,438,500 rubles. Also, at the initial stage, working capital will be needed to start production. In our case, it took 1430 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

working capital

Repair work

Organizational expenses

Total expenses

The technological production process is divided into separate stages:
- reception of raw materials;
- primary processing;
- cutting;
- sorting operations;
- cooking individual products (grinding the main ingredients, kneading minced meat, molding cutlets and freezing);
- packing work.

To gain credibility, it is required to use the highest quality raw materials that meet the highest standards. For certain types products have their own GOST standards. It is preferable to work with farmers or established large producers. All purchased meat must pass the maximum control by the veterinary service.

Marketing plan.

The high demand for quality semi-finished products shows that opening a workshop in this moment is a profitable investment. There is some competition in this area, but the lack of relevant products in retail shows that there is a necessary place for development in the niche. Promotion of products is carried out by advertising in local newspapers, bulletin boards and specialized Internet resources, debugging personal relationships.
To achieve maximum efficiency, the sale of manufactured products will be carried out in three directions:
- retail outlets;
- wholesale sales to large suppliers;
- Wholesales directly in the network of stores.

Staff for business organization.

The full operation of production involves the work of a staff of 4 employees, which includes:

Preparation of raw materials - 1 employee;
- accountant - outsourcing services;
- preparation of products - 2 employees;
- cleaner - 1 employee.

As production develops, wage indicators can be increased. In some cases, the use of the work of an accountant is not efficient, the services of outsourcing companies are more economically viable.



Cleaning woman



Enumeration of the let out production.

The profitability of the enterprise largely depends on a successful start, it is important from the very first stages of the functioning of the business to start making tangible profits. To solve this problem, it is necessary to decide on the goods offered, as the initial product of our workshop will be the production of homemade cutlets, the cost of 200 rubles per kg. or 15 rubles apiece.
For wholesales, such prices are quite natural. As income increases, the list of products offered can be replenished with new positions.

For our calculations, every day we will produce and send 500 kilograms of products to stores, with an increase in productivity up to 1000 kilograms per day in six months. If the manufacturer can prove himself from the best side due to high quality, a worthy demand for his products is guaranteed.

Immediately after the start of activities, reaching such a volume is a problematic task; initially, as many semi-finished products will be produced as it is possible to provide buyers. Building connections, finding sales outlets will gradually increase production capacity, characterized by the amount of goods produced.

Our business costs consist of the following:

fixed costs


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable costs

Food cost

Communal expenses


Insurance IP

Packaging cost

Other variable expenses

Total cost

The cost of raw materials for the production of cutlets.

The cost of production of cutlets.

price, kg/r.


article, rub/kg

meat beef

Raw beef fat

wheat bread



Ground black pepper


drinking water

Total consumption per 1 kg of minced meat

Meat yield rate after deboning,%

Payback of business and its financial results.

More clearly, the profitability of a business is demonstrated by performance indicators, which, according to the calculations, acquire the following values:
- profit for two years - 13,842 thousand rubles;
- profitability of the enterprise - 17%;
- payback period - 10 months.

Determination of the net profit of the enterprise.

We will determine the profitability and payback of the business.

According to the results of the planning horizon, the profit will be slightly less than 14 million rubles, and the profitability indicator will be 17%. If these values ​​are accurately reflected in practice, then all investments will pay off in 10 months, which is an excellent result.

To start the operation of the enterprise, an amount of about three million rubles will be required. If possible, you can take advantage of various small business support programs that will cover part of the costs for starting a business.

Conclusion. The market for the production of semi-finished products is interesting, there are many niches for development that are currently not occupied. Since this business employs quite technological equipment, it is worth paying special attention to debugging production so that goods of exceptionally high quality are produced. Such products can easily win the competition in the market and bring you to a leading position. Good luck in business!