News agency reuters. News agency Reuters

If we talk about the sphere of information space, then today the largest representative of this segment is the Reuters company, which began its work in the mid-19th century.

The organization was founded in 1851 by Paul Julius Freiherr von Reuter. The agency's headquarters were located in the capital of Britain, London. The location of the main office was not chosen by chance, because stock market reports were directly transmitted from London via telegraph to Paris.

Experts believe that it was the emergence of the largest telegraph line that caused the founder of the company in question to meet the mathematician K. Gauss. The latter, in turn, specialized in the development of the electric telegraph.

However, Paul Julius Reuter did not start in London; seven years before the appearance of the Reuters agency in Germany, he created a newspaper. However, the printed publication soon ceased its activities, this is due to politics, to which most of the material was devoted.

Reuter then held various positions in other German newspaper publications, and was also a member of the French bureau, which provided local newspapers with genuine and up-to-date information.

Reuter's telegraph office was located near the London Financial Exchange. For the first few years, the company exclusively provided the transmission of commercial telegrams. However, later there was a change in priorities.

The reduction of government censorship has allowed Reuters to somewhat expand its range of activities. In particular, political news began to be broadcast in small print publications located in the provinces. Gradually, the business gained momentum, and well-known European press organs became clients.

7 years after its opening, the organization in question becomes the most influential information provider in London. The company's activities were successful because Reuters was able to provide its clients with prompt and reliable delivery of information.

A new round of development for Reuters is the creation of a personal network of correspondents, but at the same time the telegraph line was expanded, which reached the shores of Ireland. Paul managed to conclude an agreement with his French competitors on the distribution of spheres of influence. Therefore, as soon as the transcontinental telegraph line was built, the company entered new markets.


The Canadian company Thomson managed to buy out the news agency once organized by Paul Reuter. Since then, the company has changed its name to Thomson Reuters. Today the organization consists of 14,000 employees (correspondents, journalists, editors, etc.), and operates in 90 different countries. There are almost two hundred information bureaus open all over the world.

Separately, it is necessary to emphasize the public nature of this company; accordingly, the shares of the news agency are traded on the London Stock Exchange. They are also included in the FTSE stock index. The company generates approximately 90% of its profits by providing information to financial market professionals. In addition, important messages are broadcast from commodity and other financial platforms.

During 2014, the organization received a net profit of 12.5 billion US dollars. The position of president and chief executive officer is held by D. Smith, in turn, the owner of the company, D. Thomson, holds the position of chairman.

What does a news agency do?

Reuters is one of the top three liquidity providers for the stock, foreign exchange and commodity markets. Thus, through the efforts of this agency, the production and sale of products for various buyers is carried out, primarily the media and financial markets.

Products for the financial segment

  • Reuters Dealing trading terminal, which is capable of providing access to trading platforms. The platform also allows you to place orders for purchase or sale securities, currencies and other financial instruments.
  • TR Eikon is a terminal that is used to analyze financial indicators. In particular, the user will be able to get free access to the history of quotes and the current value of a financial asset. Regardless of which exchange platform the trade is carried out on. A component for constructing price charts has also been implemented (the program is licensed by Metastock); in addition, a library of the well-known Excel program is used to generate financial models.
  • News feed, updated in English and Russian, The content can only be viewed exclusively through special platforms. Macroeconomic statistics are published on this feed: company profitability, personnel changes, etc.

Products for printed publications, online resources and TV channels

In addition to exclusively financial information, the company is engaged in the creation and supply of materials for various publishing houses and television channels:

  • A news feed that reflects socio-political information.
  • Photos and video materials.

Reuters criticism

Employees of Roosevelt University brought charges against the news agency due to incorrect provision of information. In particular, it is worth noting the coverage of the Free Gaza incident; the charges also relate to the coverage of the Lebanon War in 2006. In particular, experts reproached the company for taking an anti-Israeli position.

Specialists from this University conducted a three-month study, during which more than one thousand so-called ethical errors were identified in fifty different articles published by Reuters employees.

Reuters is by far the largest information organization in the world, which was founded in the middle of the 19th century.

Agency history

This institution was founded back in 1851 by Paul Julius Reuter. His first office was opened in London, since from here it was planned to transmit the latest stock exchange news to Paris using a new telegraph cable.

Many experts believe that the beginning of the formation of the world's largest telegraph agency was laid by Paul Reuter's acquaintance with the physicist and mathematician K.F. Gauss. The latter was experimenting with the creation of an electric telegraph.

In 1844, Paul Reuther opened his first newspaper in Berlin, but it was soon closed by the authorities due to the political orientation of most publications. In the following years, Paul Reiter worked for several more German newspapers and was an employee of the French Bureau for the Provision of Newspapers with Information.

It was in 1851 that he moved to London and opened his telegraph office near the stock exchange. In the first years, this office worked exclusively on the transmission of telegrams, which had mainly commercial content. But a few years later, when the state relaxed censorship a little, the telegraph office significantly expanded its activities and began to transmit political news to a number of small publications in the provinces, and then to some European press organs.

In 1858, the Reuters agency became the largest supplier of information to the main London publications. The activities of this institution were quite successful, since its main advantages were the reliability and efficiency of information transfer.

Over time, Reuters established its own correspondent network and laid a telegraph line to the coast of Ireland. Paul Reuter successfully negotiated with his rivals Wulff in Germany and Havas in France to divide the sphere of influence. After the installation of the transcontinental telegraph cable, the activities of the above agency spread to other parts of the world.

Reuters news agency today

Canadian Thomson bought this company and since then it has become known as Thomson Reuters. Today the agency has approximately 14 thousand employees. 2,300 of them are journalists, video and photo correspondents who actively work in 91 countries of the world. The above agency has approximately 197 information bureaus.

It should be noted that the Reuters news agency is a public company whose shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange and are included in the FTSE 100 Index. The latter is calculated by the Financial Times agency.

The agency receives 90% of its income from providing professionals who work in the market sector with extremely important market information and analytical messages on the topic of commodity and financial markets.

In 2104, experts note, the company's income amounted to 12.6 billion US dollars. The chairman of the Reuters news agency is David Thomson, president and chief executive director- James K. Smith.

Company activities

The Reuters news agency is one of the three leading providers of financial information for financial market participants. The company's activities include the production and supply of products for:

  • financial markets;
  • media.

Products for financial markets:

  • Reuters Dealing. The terminals are designed for access to electronic trading platforms. Placing orders for the sale/purchase of shares, currencies, bonds and other financial products of the network. Available.
  • Thomson Reuters Eikon, which replaced the Reuters 3000 Xtra, is a terminal for obtaining and analyzing financial data. Using the latter, you can get free access to historical and current prices on almost all exchange platforms and many over-the-counter markets. Reuters 3000 Xtra is a terminal that includes a component for building charts (it is licensed from Metastock) and a library of Microsoft Excel components for building financial models.
  • A special news feed, published in English and Russian, is available through terminals. It reflects news and announcements about the financial results of world companies, political and economic news that have important for brokers, investors, dealers and other trading participants.

Media Products

Along with financial information, Reuters actively produces and supplies materials for other media:

  • news feed, which reflects information on socio-political topics;
  • photographic materials;
  • video materials.

Criticism of Reuters

Experts from the American Roosevelt University accused the above-mentioned company of incorrectly providing materials when covering the incident with the Gaza Freedom flotilla (2010) and events during the Second Lebanon War (2006). The Reuters news agency was credited with an anti-Israel stance.

For 90 days, on the territory of the above-mentioned university, experts conducted an academic study, during which they discovered approximately 1,100 “ethical” errors in 50 articles that were published by journalists of the Reuters news agency. The study concluded that the above-mentioned company covers the Middle East conflict from a position of sympathy for the Palestinians.

Main competitors of the Reuters news agency

The three leading providers of financial information for professional participants in financial markets, in addition to the above company, include Bloomberg and Dow Jones (Factivia). The latter are the main competitors of the Reuters news agency.

Bloomberg was founded in 1981 and is headquartered in New York. The main products of the news agency are the Bloomberg terminal, specialized television channels Bloomberg TV, magazines, websites, applications for mobile devices and radio.

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Reuters is one of the largest news agencies in the world

Reuters Information Agency: history of the agency, activities of the agency, Reuters website on the Internet

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Reuters is the definition

Reuters -This one of the largest information and financial agencies in the world, was founded in the mid-19th century by Paul Reuters in London, and now has 197 bureaus around the world. The Reuters agency provides financial information to financial market participants and also provides information to the media.

Reuters is one of the world's largest international news and financial information agencies, has existed since the mid-19th century. In 2008, it was purchased by the Thomson Corporation, which then became known as Thomson Reuters.

Reuters is a major supplier of materials on socio-political topics for other media. Reuters information is the intellectual property of Reuters Limited.

History of the development of the Reuters news agency

The information and financial agency Reuters is now perhaps the largest news agency in the world. Reuters has thousands of regular customers, the largest banks on the planet ask for information, and the agency’s financial information is used by the strongest players in the world exchange. But the Reuters stories were not always rosy; there were dark times. Let's start in order.

Founding of the Reuters news agency

The Reuters news agency was founded in 1851 by Paul Reuter. Paul Reuter was born in 1816 in the small German town of Kassel. From childhood, Paul was forced to earn his own living, since at the age of 13 he lost his father. Paul at that time worked at his uncle's bank as an assistant clerk and at the same time studied at a trade school. On the advice of friends, in 1851 Paul moved to London and re-opened the agency, traditionally called by his own name (Reuters), but here he had to compete with the recognized giant newspaper “The Times” - and fight the stereotypical attitude towards the German outsider. At first, Reuters focused on the transmission of commercial information. The successful conclusion of a contract with the London Stock Exchange to ensure high-speed exchange of information between it and European divisions significantly strengthens the position of the new agency. The accuracy, speed and reliability of the transmitted data helps to win the trust of clients, among whom Rothschild himself soon turns out to be.

Having secured financial support, Reuters expands its scope of activities and moves on to transmitting political news. The talent of the manager, the construction of new telegraph lines and a non-standard approach to business (even bribing people with information) - all together help to bypass the recently unshakable competitors, the same "Times" by 1858 turns from a rival into a client. The events of the Civil War, the assassination of President Lincoln, the speech of Napoleon III and other pressing news are the first to be obtained by Reuters. A wide branch network (all over the world, from Europe to Africa) made it possible to be truly ubiquitous.

"Golden years" Reuters

Paul Reuter opened his agency to transmit telegrams of a financial nature. The next step was the transmission of political news for some newspapers in Europe. Already since 1858, the Reuters agency has become the main supplier of news and information to all major London newspapers, including the Times newspaper.

Speed, accuracy, completeness and impartiality in the provision of information have allowed Reuters to gain an enviable reputation. Taking an 11-year-old messenger boy as his assistant, Reuter opened his bureau in the Royal Exchange building in London, not far from the main telegraph offices. He transmitted stock prices and news between London and Paris over the new submarine telegraph cable laid between Dover and Calais, using his many years of experience. In 1858, branches were opened throughout Europe. The well-known “follow the cable” principle was the basis of Reuters' market strategy.

In 1923, Reuters began using radio communications to transmit news around the world and launched a long-wave Morse code system for transmitting securities rates and currency exchanges across Europe. Over the next few years, this system grew into the main commercial service of Reuters in Europe, and then, using more powerful radio transmitters, throughout the world.

Reuters was the first news agency to report many events that influenced the course of history:

In 1865, a Reuters report about the assassination of President Lincoln was the first to reach Europe after a 12-day journey across the Atlantic. It caused panic in European financial markets

In 1918, information from Reuters about the armistice that ended the First World War appeared in some parts of the world before the message from the British government

In 1956, Reuters was the first to report Khrushchev's exposure of Stalin's crimes.

In 1961, Reuters was the first to report the construction of the Berlin Wall, and in 1989, Reuters was the first to report its fall.

The first international projects of Reuters were the laying of its cable network to the coast of Ireland and the creation of a network of its own correspondents in the United States to cover the class struggle in the country. Taking advantage of the laying of a transcontinental cable under water, Reuters expanded the activities of its agency to the Far East and other parts of the world, agreeing on the division of spheres of influence with competitors - the news services of S. Havas in France and B. Wolf (1811-1876) in Germany. Neither one nor the other retained their trademark. The agency of S. Havas was renamed at the end of the Second World War, and the agency of B. Wolf was expropriated by the Nazis back in 1933.

In 1941, the agency became the property of several news agencies and private associations, which stated that Reuters would not in any case pass into the hands of any one group. The main shareholders are: Newspaper Publishers Association (19 daily and Sunday newspapers, 40 .5% shares), the Press Association agency (owned by the publishers of about 120 small British and Irish newspapers, 40.5%), the Australian Australian Press agency, the New Zealand New Zealand Press Association, employees of the Reuters agency. In fact, the Reuters agency is the official news agency of Great Britain. Reuters supplies over 15 thousand newspapers, news agencies, television and radio stations, government agencies, embassies in the UK and 158 other countries with foreign information. It transmits 5 million 500 thousand words of information daily in English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic languages. The agency has created an electronic information system “Monitor” for processing and transmitting financial and economic information to consumers (has 15 thousand subscribers in 112 countries). Almost 90% of the agency's cash receipts come from the dissemination of financial and economic information, including via the Internet. Reuters has its strongest position in the countries of Africa and the Middle East, where it maintains an extensive network of correspondents.

Agence France-Presse - AFP is also one of the world's news agencies. This commercial enterprise, which is also subsidized by the French government. Subsidies are provided in the form of a subscription fee. The connection with the government is confirmed by the fact that the director of France Press was previously appointed by the French Council of Ministers. Since 1957, it has been a formally independent agency, but its administrative board includes representatives of government circles. The agency was created in 1944 as a result of the merger of the De-Gaulle agency in London that existed during the war and the France Afrique agency, which was located in the territory of North Africa controlled by French patriots. The basis for the creation of France Press was the Havas agency that existed before the war, whose activities were banned for collaboration with the Nazi occupiers. AFP provides subscribers (including the government and government agencies of France, 12 thousand newspapers and magazines, hundreds of radio and television stations, industrial companies, tourist organizations, etc.) political, economic, sports, religious, cultural, trade, financial information. Through its communication channels, France Presse transmits daily over 600 thousand words of information in six languages: French, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Arabic. The agency is fully equipped with computers and uses satellite communications. Exchanges information with all global agencies. It has a network of correspondents in 165 countries and 110 bureaus in France. Regional European offices are located in Paris.

On June 1, 1980, the world's first international 24-hour television news service, CNN (CNN), owned by Robert Edward Turner, began operating. As the vice president of this corporation, Steve Haworth, noted, evidence of its success, among other things, is that the monitors in many offices in the White House are constantly on the channel of this station. CNN news programs are watched by heads of state and government from many countries around the world. Turner did not start out of nowhere. Since 1963, he has been president and chief executive officer of the Turner Advertising Company, which expanded into a system of radio and television companies. He was also chairman of the board of directors and president of Turner Broadcasting Systems (TBS). At the very beginning of CNN, this channel could only be received by 1.7 million American homes. At that time, the corporation had a $30 million annual budget and several hundred young, unknown journalists. Currently, CNN employs 1,700 people, its branches are located in 27 countries, and its annual budget is $130 million. CNN's headquarters is located in Atlanta, which has become one of the world's major information centers . The video news channel is reached by subscribers in 55 million American homes, and its international service, CNN International, is received via satellite in 92 countries.

In the first five years of its existence, the company suffered losses of $77 million. A total of 250 million was invested in it before it began to make a profit. Now CNN's assets are estimated at $2 billion and it is rightfully considered the leader in Turner's information empire. The entire syndicate generates annual revenue of $224.2 million, 60% of which comes from CNN. A special type of reporting introduced into CNN practice was live broadcasts during major political events, tragedies and disasters. The company's motto is efficiency and reliability. CNN's immediate goal is to gain a foothold in the global news market and expand its sphere of influence. Therefore, in 1995, it merged with the Time Warner group, the most powerful information empire in the world in terms of its budget. All world news agencies, including ITAR-TASS, actively participate in international information exchange and, to one degree or another, are engaged in foreign policy propaganda. The globalization of information has generated a number of consequences associated with the modernization of the world community's strategy for its dissemination. If the new international information and communication order assumed a certain counteraction to international press monopolies on the territory of a single country, now this is extremely difficult to implement technically, since satellite television, radio, the Internet and other new technologies make it possible to exert an information impact on recipients regardless of their distance from source of information dissemination. The combination of global information and “regional interest” makes media statements more effective and efficient in terms of shaping and manipulating public opinion. The active expansion of informationally developed countries in the media of Central and Eastern Europe, the former USSR republics and developing countries is deepening the gap between the “rich ” and “poor” states, creating a real threat to freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

In 1871, Prince Ernst II of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha granted Reuther the title of baron. In 1878, Reuters retired, handing over the leadership of the agency to his son Herbert Reuter (1847-1915), who successfully continued his father’s work. After Herbert’s death, the agency ceased to be just a family business, becoming the largest joint-stock information organization. Paul Reuter himself died on February 25, 1899 in Nice, which was immediately reported by the agency of the same name, which still remains one of the most authoritative sources of information.

In the 60s of the 20th century, a period of general computerization began, which made adjustments to the activities of the news agency. With the launch of Stockmaster in 1964, Reuters pioneered the use of computers to transmit financial information internationally. In addition, the agency was transformed in the 1970s with some innovative solutions that led to the creation of significant electronic products for the rapidly growing global financial markets, such as Forex. It was after this “revolution” in global currency trading that dealers were able to receive prompt information about quotes and news through Reuters Monitor terminals. This system enabled traders to view the latest quotes from various banks around the world. Since then, traders have stopped depending on the telephone and telefax.

Information products are the largest group of tools developed for financial markets. In addition to the information itself, it includes analytical software and data management systems. The information supplied by Reuters consists of financial data received from exchanges or directly from clients, and specialized news about events affecting financial markets. The information is transmitted to a dedicated Reuters Terminal or, more often, directly to clients' computers. Reuters financial television makes it possible to receive television programs with sound on the same screens that receive quotes and text news. Information is updated in real time. To conduct analysis, investment fund and portfolio managers can access data stored in electronic archives. They contain information on more than 27,000 companies, 90,000 stocks and 300,000 bonds, as well as economic indicators and market indices. A whole family of decision support software products is available, targeting specific user groups. These applications help develop a forward-looking strategy, as well as analyze the risks associated with a particular position in the financial markets. The need for risk management systems such as Reuters Kondor+ and Deal Manager is constantly growing - due to large trading losses and the upcoming tightening of banking regulations, which requires more accurate and effective risk prediction. Reuters' main competition in this area is from Bloomberg , Dow Jones Telerate and Knight-Ridder.

Reuters today

In 2008, the agency was purchased by the Canadian corporation Thomson, the world's largest media holding. After the transaction, Reuters and Thomson merged into the Thomson Reuters Corporation, which has about 14,000 employees (2,300 of them are journalists, photo and video correspondents) - they work in 91 countries around the world. There are 197 agency bureaus worldwide.

Very soon, the Thomson Reuters news agency will acquire the electronic currency trading operator FX Alliance and, as a result, will enter the Forex market. By combining platforms, Reuters plans to attract more than 1,300 clients. Investors have already valued the site at $620 million, or $22 per share. However, foreign exchange market participants believe that the companies' businesses are incompatible. The official closing of the deal is scheduled for the third quarter of this year. According to Plus and Minus journalists, the FXall trading platform provides access to management companies, financial markets, corporations and hedge funds. Back in February of this year, the company launched an IPO. Through the placement of shares, Fxall planned to raise about $100 million, but managed to earn only $60 million. According to official data, in the first quarter of this year, the currency trading operator's revenue increased by 10% compared to the same period in 2011, to $30 million. and net profit - by 34%, to $3.35 million.

Reuters is a public company. Stock:

London Stock Exchange.

Included in the FTSE 100 Index (London stock index, calculated by the Financial Times).

The Reuters agency produces and supplies information materials for various media outlets. The main products are: news feeds, video and photographic materials. The main activity, generating 90% of the corporation’s income, is providing market professionals with important market information, analytics and messages on the topic of commodity and financial markets. Only exchange members have the right to carry out exchange transactions independently or through their authorized representatives, as well as stock brokers on behalf of exchange members. Therefore, a client who wishes to buy or sell his goods through an exchange must first contact a brokerage house that is a member of this exchange and contact the order taking broker. The client fills out the order form and submits it to the authorized broker. All these preliminary, starting operations can be carried out outside the exchange, in peripheral bodies. Only after the authorized broker transmits the application and gives instructions to the broker executing the accounts, it is received by the central authorities of the exchange. All exchange services and operations are paid. The exchange client is obliged to bear the costs himself. On many exchanges, before the execution of the order, the client must deposit a guarantee deposit (“margin”) into the exchange account, amounting to up to 10% of the estimated value of the subject of the transaction. The margin is not used by the exchange, but serves as a guarantee for the execution of the transaction by the client. If the client has paid the amounts required for the transaction, then he has the right to receive the margin back. The application accepted by the exchange enters the trading section of the operating room, passing through the receiving console and the register, and then is sent to the exchange ring. The exchange may carry out preliminary filtering of orders to eliminate inappropriate ones. regulatory requirements or obviously unrealistic.

The actual trading takes place in the exchange ring, located in the operating room. Stock brokers, members of the exchange who have the right to conclude transactions and have applications from their clients, transmit applications to a representative of the brokerage firm located in the exchange ring, who directly participates in trading. Along with brokers, stockbrokers who are members of the exchange staff take part in trading as leading and fixing transactions. It is customary for bidders to be given cards of different colors. So, brokers usually receive blue or red cards, and brokers - green. Broker assistants most often have yellow cards. Due to the fact that the exchange floor is usually very noisy, during trading brokers and stockbrokers communicate by raising cards or using gestures (there is an established sign language on exchanges). Typically, the lead broker begins the sale by announcing the items for sale. If the broker's message has aroused interest among the brokers present who want to purchase the product, they confirm this by raising their hand with the card. After the entire list has been announced and a short break, a discussion of the proposals of the broker-sellers begins. Ideally, an interested broker-buyer responds to the offer, that is, a counterparty who wants to purchase the entire consignment of goods. And the deal is immediately fixed. If this option does not work, then counter-offers from broker-buyers are discussed on the conditions under which they agree to purchase the product or part of it. In the event of a repeated unsuccessful attempt to conclude a deal, it is postponed and further proposals are considered.

When an agreement is reached between the broker-seller and the broker-buyer (in the form of their verbal agreement on the mutual acceptability of the conditions), the broker records the transaction with an entry in the registration card. Such registration indicates that the transaction has been concluded.

The above description of trading is extremely simplified in order to facilitate the perception of the process as a whole. The actual bidding procedure is much more complex and varied. The procedure for conducting transactions largely depends on the type of transactions, as well as on the traditions established at each exchange, the level of equipment of the exchanges with areas, premises, means of transmitting and displaying information, and computer equipment. Various branches from the main scheme and its variations are possible. In particular, the above applies to newly emerging, emerging exchanges operating in the conditions of emerging market relations.

In 1992, the Dealing 2000-2 electronic broker system was released. This system automatically selects from the available offers on the market those that meet the specified criteria. Traders do not need to negotiate with counterparties. Reuters subsidiary Instinet provides an electronic brokerage system aimed at securities traders. The system is widely used in the United States and has recently grown in popularity in the Far East and Europe. Business product development is Reuters' fastest growing area of ​​activity, accounting for about 28% of total revenue.

The main products are:

Reuters Dealing. Terminals for access to electronic trading platforms. Placing orders to buy/sell stocks, bonds, currencies and other financial products online. Electronic commerce.

Reuters 3000 Xtra. Terminals for obtaining/analyzing financial information. Gain access to historical and current prices from virtually all the world's exchanges and over-the-counter markets. This terminal includes a component for plotting charts and a library of Microsoft Excel components for building financial models.

News feed. Published in Russian and English, accessible through terminals. News and announcements about the financial results of world companies, economic statistics and political news that are important for investors, brokers, market makers, dealers, and Forex market participants.

In addition to all of the above, the agency has published a number of publications for beginning Forex traders, but they can also be used by investors, brokers and other market participants (“Stock market. Course for beginners”, “Bond market. Course for beginners”, “Technical analysis. Course for beginners”, “Derivatives”, “Forex and money market”).

The development of these products and services, based on the principles of speed, accuracy and impartiality, is where Reuters began. Previously, the agency provided only text information, but now clients also receive photographs, graphics and television news. Topping the list is the all-in-one news service Reuters World Service, published in English, French, German and Spanish, offering publishers, broadcasters and local agencies around the world a complete overview of international events.After acquiring the international photo reporting division of United Press International in 1985, the agency announced the Reuters News Pictures Service. The Reuters News Graphics Service was founded in 1990.

Reuters reports are broadcast by television stations around the world. The agency recently began supplying ready-made TV news blocks to GMTV and B-Sky-B in the UK, Fox Television in the US, and the NTV channel in Russia. A multimedia data network is used to transmit high-quality video, images and text.

Media products account for approximately 7% of Reuters' revenue. Among the corporation's main competitors in this area are the Associated Press, France Press and the World Television News Service.

Companies that compete with Reuters

Currently, there is little competition in the information market. Reuters is currently one of the leaders in this segment. The company has to compete with equally eminent rivals: the Bloomberg Advertising and Financial Agency and the Dow Jones Company.


Bloomberg is one of the two leading providers of financial information for professional financial market participants. The main product is Bloomberg Terminal, through which you can access current and historical prices on almost all world exchanges and many over-the-counter markets, the Bloomberg news feed and other leading media, an electronic trading system for bonds and other securities.

The history of Bloomberg is, first of all, the history of the talented administrator Michael Bloomberg, who later even became the mayor of New York. The life and career of Michael Bloomberg is very similar to the story of Ted Turner: both of them achieved the prosperity of their information empires primarily thanks to their personal qualities - entrepreneurship and the ability to not stop in the face of difficulties. As a young man, Bloomberg graduated from Johns Hopkins University and then from Harvard Business School. Successful graduate of these educational institutions, he then enjoyed a spectacular fifteen-year career at Salomon Brothers. During this time, he managed to be the general partner of this company, and the head of the stock trading division, and the manager of the information systems department.

Courage and ambition young specialist led to Bloomberg making a lot of enemies at Salomon Brothers, and he was eventually asked to leave the company. At 39, Bloomberg had to start all over again. However, after working at Salomon Brothers, he had $10 million in his bank account. Bloomberg decided to create his own new type of information company that would make full use of the latest computer and telecommunications technologies. Fortunately, he had everything he needed to start: rich experience, money, and leadership qualities. Bloomberg attracted Merrill Lynch as a partner, and together they created the prototype of the future Bloomberg agency - the company Innovative Market Systems. Michael Bloomberg personally developed a computer analysis system for traders and subsequently opened an online stock trading service. The fierce competition in the field of business information did not particularly frighten him - competitors almost did not use computers in their work (the 80s were just beginning), and most of them had not even heard of computer networks.

Bloomberg L.P. was founded in 1981. is the largest media company today, employing 8,000 people in 108 offices scattered throughout the planet. Bloomberg clients represent 126 countries. Bloomberg offers two types of media services: broadcast communications networks for a wide range of consumers receiving the same information at the same time, and specialized (primarily online) media for narrow groups of clients. This empire, in addition to the “basic” news agency, today includes television companies of the Bloomberg TV network, radio services, magazine editorial offices, a book publishing house and a system of educational projects. All these structures are served by a single computer system, the analogues of which have not yet been created in the world (even the Google data center is much less equipped). But Michael Bloomberg's crowning technological achievement was the creation of Professional Services, a computer network that allows the world's central banks, investment firms, governments, corporations and news services to access Bloomberg's exclusive business information in real time. When recently, due to a powerful earthquake, China was cut off from the Bloomberg information network, the Hong Kong stock exchange - one of the largest in the world - simply stopped operating.

Currently, the main office is located in the Bloomberg Tower in New York.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is one of several stock indices created by Wall Street Journal editor and Dow Jones & Company founder Charles Dow. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is the oldest existing American market indices. This index was created to track the development of the industrial component of the American stock markets.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the premier and oldest index of stock market activity, is named after two people: Charles Henry Dow (1851–1902) and Edward Davis Jones (1856–1920). Charles Dow forever imprinted his name in that section of financial science, which is now commonly called technical analysis of securities. However, early in his life, his relationship with finances was like that of most people: there was never enough. After all, C. Doe was born not into a family of financial oligarchs, but on a farm in Connecticut. The boy had to get involved in hard work very early. When he was six years old, his father died, and the family had to struggle to survive. Therefore, C. Doe never finished high school.

But he was not a stupid village fool, and by the age of 18 he was already working as a correspondent for a famous newspaper. One of the topics that interested the young journalist was business news. Brilliant analytical articles by C. Doe very soon made his name popular both among readers and among business people. In 1882, he moved to New York and a year later founded here, with partners Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser, the first publication devoted to the analysis of American business life. The small, two-page daily newspaper gained popularity, and in 1889, the Wall Street Journal began publishing on its basis. Today this newspaper has successfully completed the second century of its existence. She is a recognized leader in American and global financial periodicals. And for its time it was simply a revolutionary publication. Until then, no one published daily stock reports. Information on the financial condition of companies was also published extremely rarely. The reason was obvious: executives, not without reason, feared that a publication revealing the value of the company's assets could lead to a hostile takeover by larger corporations. The law that required firms issuing securities to publish quarterly and annual reports was adopted quite late in the United States, only in 1934. It was not legislators who changed the rules of the stock market, but journalist Charles Dow and statistician Edward Jones. The average public might find their newspaper deadly boring. No funny stories from the lives of celebrities, no juicy gossip! The main part of each issue was occupied by tables of exchange rates, lines of numbers and nothing more. The articles were dedicated to financial condition companies listed on a securities exchange. Also indigestible reading! But the Wall Street Journal was intended for a completely different reader, who “swallowed” it from the first to the last page, since his financial success depended on it. Or failure. In the same way, the chief of the general staff reads with great interest intelligence reports on the state of the enemy army - also, as a rule, boring tables. Stories about specific skirmishes and adventures of scouts are of little interest to him. A shootout or a chase are the most interesting parts in adventure novels. But they usually mark the failure of the reconnaissance team. C. Dow's newspaper made very important information available to everyone, which until that time was owned by few. Thus, large and small players on the stock exchange were equalized. Everyone became their own field marshal. The publication of the newspaper confronted C. Dow and E. Jones with the need to introduce some global indicator of the activity of the New York Stock Exchange. To do this, they selected the ten largest companies whose shares were listed on the stock exchange at that time, and began to determine the average price of securities of these companies every day.

This was the first Dow Jones index. Naturally, the growth of this index was associated with an increase in the value of indexed companies (and therefore, in a sense, the entire American economy), and the fall recorded a decline in business activity and a decrease in the capital of the main players of the then business. Interestingly, among ten largest companies, chosen by C. Dow and E. Jones to calculate their index, nine were railroad. The 1880s were a time of rapid construction of American railroads. The current Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow Jones Industrial Average, or DJIA for short) is basically calculated the same way. Naturally, among the largest US companies listed today there are no railway companies, but there are Microsoft, Coca-Cola and McDonald’s. The NASDAQ index is also calculated, characterizing the activity of over-the-counter transactions for the purchase and sale of securities. In other countries, the stock exchange activity index is calculated similarly, as the average cost of capital of the largest national firms. But in each country this index is called differently. The activity of the Tokyo stock exchange is indicated by the NIKKEI index, and the business activity of the German economy is characterized by the DAX index.

CQG International has American roots and entered the Russian market quite recently. CQG International's client base in Russia includes Western banks and investment funds that value high-quality and timely information, companies in the fuel, energy and metallurgical sector that monitor global stock market conditions, banks, dealing centers and private investors. The CQG International financial information service has a number of undeniable advantages: a very reasonable price, the possibility of flexible subscription, the whole range FOREX market, personal and network versions software(works in a Windows environment), tools for creating a working and trading environment, minimum delivery times (within 2 weeks), satellite channel, etc.

The main difference between CQG International and other financial information services is that this company has solved the problem of automatic remote recovery of lost information via a satellite channel. The completeness of the data to which the user has subscribed and which is stored on his hard drive is periodically checked (an algorithm for determining completeness taking into account the client’s authorization was developed by specialists from CQG International), and if a failure is detected, the information is gradually restored throughout the day. In addition, CQG International provides automatic remote updating of its software (on average once every 3 weeks - on the night from Saturday to Sunday - or at the request of the client). Finally, CQG International provides a powerful technical analysis unit containing more than 100 standard and proprietary indicators, tools for creating trading strategies, planning and risk and investment management, as well as a system for checking the compliance of a given strategy with the current state of the market, providing audible signals for opening and closing positions, placing orders, etc. In addition, the interface is designed for a professional market participant, for whom there are no trifles, and takes into account the person’s reaction to the trading situation in real time.

Tenfore is a satellite-based financial and economic information system. Tenfore has been operating in Russia since 1993. and adheres to a policy of “information sufficiency”, based on the real needs (and capabilities) of Russian users. The activities of the Tenfore agency are aimed at a wide range of subscribers - from banks to individuals, having a very competitive price/quality ratio and a system of discounts.

The news block of the Tenfore agency is formed on the basis of agreements with news agencies, including Russian ones, and some of the information comes from other financial information services. The basic product of the Tenfore agency is the Tenfore Workstation information system, implemented in the Windows environment, has a Russified interface, tools for creating a working environment (edit windows, etc.) and accumulating and processing information in Excel spreadsheet format, supports the DDE protocol, provides filtering and search tools news by keywords. In addition, for an additional fee, Tenfore supplies the Danalyzer technical analysis package, which allows you to visualize data in the form of histograms, trend charts, Japanese candlesticks, and tic-tac-toe. The package contains about 40 analysis indicators and allows analysis of samples of up to 10 thousand values.

Reuters in Russia

Thomson Reuters will open an office in Kazan by the end of the year. The company confirms its interest in opening an intellectual property center in SMART City Kazan. As part of the 17th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a meeting was held between the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and representatives of Thomson Reuters. During the meeting, a protocol was signed on the current state of cooperation between ThomsonReuters and the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan. The signed document represents the work performed within the framework of the implementation of the memorandum of cooperation between the AIR RT and Thomson Reuters, and also confirms the interest of Thomson Reuters in opening an intellectual property center in site "SMART City Kazan". According to the document, by the end of the year, Thomson Reuters will open its office in Kazan, which will move to the territory of SMART City Kazan after the completion of the first facilities on the site, reports the press service of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Russia is one of the most dynamically developing markets for the corporation. It is a key financial center of the CIS with strong international ties. Russian financial institutions actively use Reuters information and transactional products and services. Among the agency's clients are most large banks (among them the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Sberbank, Inkombank and many others). Using the Reuters network, more than 1,500 Russian subscribers make electronic transactions with counterparties and monitor the situation on global financial markets down to the second.

The Reuters representative office in Moscow opened in 1954, but until 1990 the agency in the USSR was represented mainly by journalists. With the beginning of the rapid development of financial institutions and the emergence of new electronic products and Reuters technologies, the situation has changed significantly. Now the staff of Reuters in Russia is more than 80 people.

Reuters in the financial information market

Reuters is today the world's leading financial information service. The service is unrivaled in the quantity, complexity and overall volume of information it provides to banks, the media and an ever-increasing number of other business subscribers.

The agency uses both satellite communications and dedicated channels, but if information is lost, it can only be restored if there is a dedicated channel. The information flow has a record-oriented structure, which allows the user to filter information and create their own databases. Data archives are updated every 15 minutes. Reuters traditionally has a strong position in Europe, but is inferior to Dote Jones in the United States. In addition, Reuters owns its own global correspondent network. Any client who has purchased the appropriate equipment receives a code in the system and can create their own page where quotes and other information are entered. The largest banks receive the status of market makers, whose quotes form the market.

Financial information

Reuters collects data and financial information in real time around the clock from 180 exchanges, securities markets and 4,000 organizations in 80 countries. The data provided by Reuters covers all the most important markets on the planet - from New York, London and Tokyo to Moscow and other financial centers of the CIS. Below is a block structure of some of the Reuters news services.

This data is divided into the following sections: Money Market - short-term (up to one year) instruments, except for treasury obligations;

Treasury Debt - treasury (federal) government debts in national currencies for all maturities;

Sovereign Debt - domestic debt and government-guaranteed debt; debt of local administrations, municipal and state;

Hypothecary credit/Asset-Backed Debt - debt taken out as security for property debt or secured by a dividend;

Corporate Debt - corporate bonds with a fixed dividend benefit;

Equity Linked negotiable paper - warrants, preferred shares, convertible bonds and shares of investment funds;

Equity - ordinary shares;

Energy - energy resources and derivatives;

Commodities - commodities and derivatives, Precious metals;

Terminal transactions - futures contracts and options listed on exchanges. Other blocks include all derivative contracts, if any.

Information display systems

Renter Terminal (RT) is a standard terminal based on a high-performance personal computer running Microsoft Windows. Multifunctional operating mode allows you to analyze information in real time using one or more application programs, such as Reuter Graphics or Microsoft Excel.

Reuter Terminal can store screen layout patterns in memory, making it more efficient for multiple users. The hint system makes it easier to find the required command. Reuter Terminal is also available in a network version - both as a software package for installation on the user's computer, and as a ready-made workstation. The "twin screen" option literally expands the area of ​​work with information. Triarch is a digital information distribution system for dealing rooms. Gives dealers real-time access to Reuters information and other (including internal) sources. A standard software interface allows users and third parties to develop their own application programs for Triarch. Prism is a video communication system that allows the dealer to control multiple (up to four) screens using a single keyboard and mouse. Setting an individual context and password system provide protection against unauthorized access and work from any dealer location.

The high flexibility of the Prism system is evidenced by switching up to 64 different video sources, including Reuters services, proprietary and other systems, serving up to 64 dealer locations or more when connecting multiple Prism systems, as well as the ability to work together with Triarch.

Making deals

Dealing2000 provides direct access to 20 thousand dealers from more than 5 thousand banks and other organizations in 82 countries for the purpose of receiving and transmitting quotes, concluding transactions and exchanging information. Dealing 2000 supports conversion transactions, attraction, placement of credit resources, as well as FRA, SWAP and other transactions. Establishing a connection takes 2-3 seconds. regardless of location. Users can simultaneously conduct up to four negotiation sessions on one screen and freely exchange data within the dealing room. Built-in negotiation session analysis tools provide automatic preparation of dealer tickets and also provide hints, which increases the efficiency of using Dealing 2000 and protects against errors. Renter Domestic Dealing offers a more economical solution for participants in domestic markets, allowing dealers to connect with 500 banks located in the CIS countries. Otherwise, Reuter Domestic Dealing is no different from Dealing 2000.

Sources and links - Wikipedia the free library - official website of the President of the Russian Federation - information site about money - information site - Great Soviet Encyclopedia - Forex block - official website of Reuters in Russia and the CIS