Inexpensive and high-quality machines for corrugated sheeting. Manual machine for corrugated sheeting - manufacturing technology Manual sheet bending machine for the production of corrugated sheeting


Corrugated sheeting is the most versatile and modern coating. Today you can easily make corrugated sheeting for a facade or roof. Our article will tell you about the installation of profiled sheets and the technologies for producing the material.

Corrugated sheets can be used as:

Stages of production of profile sheets:

  • project development taking into account parameters;
  • production on rolling equipment;
  • transportation and delivery of products.
Requirements and production of material

The metal profile for the roof is made from steel using the cold method. Corrugated sheets come with or without a protective coating (polymer, enamel).

Each type of corrugated sheet has its own thickness. When using high-quality raw materials (for example, steel), the material is produced with a zinc coating of 26 microns.

If the thickness of the coating is reduced by half, then wear of the material increases. Therefore, it is very important to use both first-class raw materials and high quality equipment.

Requirements for designing the production of corrugated sheets:

  • the presence of a concrete floor with a flat surface in production premises;
  • use of equipment with a carrying capacity of more than five tons;
  • the minimum room temperature should be 4 degrees;
  • the presence of special gates for unloading and loading finished material;
  • availability of premises for storing steel coils;

Requirements for equipment placement:

  • convenient location of machines for their unhindered maintenance and repair;
  • installation of unwinding devices near raw material storage areas;
  • if there is not enough space in the premises, place the warehouse in a neighboring building.
Technology and process of manufacturing profiled sheets

The first step is to draw up a design sketch and make mathematical calculations. After this, the color and thickness of the future material are selected.

Stages of corrugated sheet production:

  • Installation of rolled steel into the unwinding device of the machine.
  • Movement of corrugated sheeting along the machine to special scissors. They cut off the excess sheet.
  • Adjustment of parameters of length and number of sheets using the control panel.
  • Automatic rolling of steel sheets.
  • Their further cutting in accordance with previously established parameters.
  • Marking and packaging of finished sheets in film.

  • Rolling machines for the production of corrugated sheets

    The production equipment includes in its structure the cold rolling method and the hot method of processing metal sheets. The most common method is cold processing. It does not require complete heating of the raw material at the beginning of work.

    Thanks to special lines, the material is rolled and cut. perhaps in the form of profiling, that is, the material takes on a profile shape.

    Profiled sheets come in various modifications. The machine equipment is responsible for this. After the production of corrugated sheets, the type is determined.

    In accordance with the stages of mechanization, the machine for metal profiles varies:

    • automated equipment;
    • manual machine for rolling corrugated sheets;
    • removable and mobile equipment.

    Mobile equipment is used for the production of arched corrugated sheets. It is advisable to produce such sheets directly on the construction site. Arched corrugated sheets are used in the construction of hangars, grain storage rooms or airfields.

    Composition of the profile production line:

    • roll unwinder;
    • rolling mill to form a profile;
    • guillotine-shaped scissors;
    • receiving device;
    • automation.

    Equipment workflow stages:

  • Placing the galvanized sheet on a special unwinder;
  • Receipt of strip feedstock into a special machine for rolling corrugated sheets, which contains a certain number of pairs of stands. This affects the quality of the product.
  • After passing through the stands, the steel sheet acquires the previously planned geometry.
  • It is worth noting that today the demand for corrugated sheets is growing every year. Therefore, many experts believe that investments in the production of rolled steel quickly pay off. Large selection construction companies provides a wide range of similar services.

    However, it is worth noting that when starting to work in this area of ​​business, you need to take into account the level of competition in each specific region. This is due to the fact that the production of corrugated sheets is available not only to large factories, if any, but also to small firms with the necessary funds, and even individual entrepreneurs.

    As for the material itself, corrugated sheeting is actively used in construction or repair work, be it the construction of a roof, or cladding the walls of garages, utility rooms, warehouses, most often non-residential premises. The material is well suited for the rapid construction of fences and all kinds of fencing, canopies and other structures.

    This line consists of three main components and includes:

    • Unwinding center
    • Table including roller blade
    • Rolling mill

    Organization of mini production of corrugated sheets.

    Corrugated sheeting, depending on the purpose of its use, comes in different types.
    The main ones are: roofing and wall, load-bearing corrugated sheeting or in the form of a sandwich panel. The average width of corrugated sheet rolls varies between 980-1850 mm, the length may vary depending on the purpose of use.

    If there is one in your area large factories Those involved in the production of this building material, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a certain and often considerable amount of money to attract your own customers in a highly competitive environment.

    In addition, in the presence of serious competition, at first you should not hope for a full profit, since often beginning entrepreneurs have to lower the price for own products to conquer a certain niche in the building materials market.

    Things will be much easier if there is not a single plant producing corrugated sheets at a great distance from your production.
    Another positive point is the developed metallurgical production, which will allow you to purchase the necessary materials at an affordable price, which does not include a surcharge for long-distance transportation.

    When drawing up a business plan, also take into account the quality and types of products produced by competing firms, the promotions they organize and special offers.

    In addition, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the region in which you are going to sell corrugated sheets. How much demand it will have can be predicted by taking into account, for example, the number of private houses in cities and beyond, buildings under construction, etc.

    Business practice.

    Statistics show that one of the most popular sizes of corrugated sheets are 1.5 m, 1.8 or 2 meters. Popular colors remain galvanized, wine red, chocolate, and moss green. As for thickness, most often it is about 0.5 mm.

    As some private entrepreneurs note, in order for the business of manufacturing and selling corrugated sheets to generate significant income, it is necessary to sell at least 100 square meters per day, which is not so much if there are regular customers.

    It should be taken into account that the sale of building materials is largely a seasonal activity. Most often, orders for the purchase of corrugated sheets are received from April to November, since in cold times construction and renovation work are suspended.

    It will be a good help if you can find a corrugated sheet production line at an affordable price and fairly cheap materials. This will allow you to save money and spend it, for example, on wages workers or electricity payments.

    Experience in marketing corrugated sheet products.

    A few more tips. In winter, as has already been said, building material for sale, to put it mildly, it doesn’t matter. To improve this matter a little, you can offer customers more favorable conditions. For example, good discounts on goods and various promotions and offers to purchase corrugated sheets in installments or, for example, take out on credit.

    At the same time, it is advisable to limit the validity of discounts to a time frame, in particular, before the arrival of warming and the start of the main sales season. As some entrepreneurs note, the method is quite effective, and you can get a good profit even during a period of reduced product sales.

    Also, regardless of the time of year, do not forget about advertising your products. High-quality and well-constructed advertising will allow you to significantly increase the number of your regular customers.

    After the business begins to generate good profits, you can think about investing money in additional equipment, which, in turn, will help to establish production and increase the number of products produced.
    Business development prospects.

    A promising direction to develop the business for the production of corrugated sheets there will be production garages pencil cases, warehouses and of course fences. Additionally, for this area you will have to purchase welding equipment and hire installers.

    Production of corrugated sheets using manual equipment.

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    Today, the leader among products made from thin-sheet rolled steel is undoubtedly corrugated sheeting. It is used for constructing fences, fences, roofs and wall structures. Due to such popularity, the production of corrugated sheets has increased manifold. Let's look at some of the features that characterize the production of corrugated sheets and equipment for the production of corrugated sheets.

    In the industry it is known as profiled or corrugated sheet. Main function What the equipment for making corrugated sheeting must perform is giving the metal a certain shape when mechanical impact pressure on the workpiece.

    To put it more simply, a machine for making corrugated sheets makes a profile from a smooth sheet.

    Machine for corrugated sheets

    There are hot and cold industrial metal forming. A rolling machine for corrugated sheets operates at ambient temperature and does not require heating of the source material, i.e. uses cold method processing of raw materials.

    Lines and machines for the production of corrugated sheets perform 2 main operations: rolling and cutting. In production, the rolling operation is also called profiling, since the metal blank receives a profile shape.

    Manufacturers produce corrugated sheeting of various modifications. The scope of its application also depends on the type and type. For each model, depending on the profile height that characterizes the corrugated sheet, the equipment for its production will develop different pressure forces.

    Equipment for the production of corrugated sheets can be classified according to the degree of mechanization of production. There are manual, mobile and automated equipment for corrugated sheeting.

    Manual machines for corrugated sheeting are used for the production of corrugated products that are small in size and quantity. All technological operations are performed using the physical strength of the operator without the use of electricity. A manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets, the price of which is relatively low, is used mainly in the manufacture of additional elements from galvanized material in metalworking workshops and in construction organizations. Application for raw materials with polymer or paint coating is not recommended. If you have the technical capability, some of these mechanisms can be made independently, especially since drawings of machines for manually driven corrugated sheets are easy to find on the Internet.

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    Manual machines for corrugated sheets

    Mobile equipment is designed to organize the production of corrugated sheets directly at the construction site. Thus, equipment for the production of arched corrugated sheets is actively used in construction storage facilities, airfield hangars, grain storage facilities and other structures that have arched elements in the design. Mobile equipment and arched corrugated sheets make it possible to carry out the construction of large-area arched structures at a fairly high pace, while significantly saving on the supporting frame of the building.

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    Equipment arched corrugated sheeting

    Automated equipment for the production of corrugated sheets, the price of which consists of the cost of its individual components, is an automatic or semi-automatic line consisting of a set of machines and mechanisms mounted in a certain order.
    Myself process looks like this:

  • Thin-sheet hot-dip galvanized steel in the form of a roll is fixed on a cantilever unwinder.
  • The source material in the form of a strip is sent to a profiling rolling mill, which includes several pairs of stands. The quality of the resulting profiled sheet directly depends on their quantity. Each individual cage has 2 sets of rollers of a given geometry, which are mounted respectively on the upper and lower shaft.
  • The corrugated sheet, when successively passing through the stands, gradually approaches the intended geometry of the product.
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    Corrugated sheet production equipment

    Equipment for the production of profiled sheets can be equipped with electromechanical cutting shears, roller tables or stackers, as well as an automatic control system equipped with a touch panel. Some manufacturers of equipment for corrugated sheets complete the kit with a measuring clamping device, a table and scissors for cutting edges, and a device for collecting and disposing of waste.

    The standard corrugated sheet production line includes:

  • Cantilever unwinder of a roll of raw material - galvanized sheet with coating (the load capacity of this mechanism can reach 10 tons).
  • Rolling mill for profiling smooth sheets (it is optimal to have a simultaneous rolling scheme at a speed of at least 22 m/p per minute).
  • Guillotine shears with knives shaped like a sheet profile.
  • Receiver for finished products.
  • An automated system that controls production processes.
  • In addition to the above equipment, to organize the production of corrugated sheets, you will need a heated room, which has a crane beam and a smooth industrial floor covering.

    Cantilever coil unwinder, with a lifting capacity of up to 10 tons, is designed to unwind metal from the strip and feed it to the rolling mill production line. The device is equipped with automation that allows you to control the sagging of the material loop between the rolling mill and the unwinder itself.

    The rolling mill is the main element and main mechanism in the set of equipment for the production of corrugated sheets. It is with its help that a given profile is obtained from a smooth workpiece. The mill includes working rolling stands, which perform sequential bending of profiled sheets. In addition to the working cages, there is a filling cage, control cables, power cables and electric drives on a common frame.

    Guillotine shears are designed to cut the resulting profiled sheet to the size specified by the operator. The geometry of the scissors' knives completely matches the geometry of the product, which ensures a high-quality cut without bends or burrs. To ensure high rigidity of the entire structure, the shears are mounted on a single frame with the rolling mill.

    The receiving device is designed to form bundles of finished products. The length of this line element depends on the type of corrugated sheet.

    The automated control system connects all line devices into a single network, controls its operation, the occurrence of abnormal and emergency situations, and provides control of the entire complex from a central operator console.

    In general, investing financial resources in the production of corrugated sheets, according to many experts, is quite economically justified. Since the demand for this material will grow steadily in the coming years. Consequently, the sales market for these products will only increase. But in order to compete adequately in this market, it is necessary to use only high-quality production equipment, which will be able to produce material that meets all established standards.
    Of course, in order to save money, you can purchase equipment for the production of used corrugated sheets, but in this case it is worth carefully studying the offer and its technical condition, since many manufacturers, updating their production fleet, put up for sale machines that are on the verge of exhausting their service life.
    The same recommendations apply to equipment for the production of corrugated sheets from China. Among the noteworthy examples, there are sometimes outright imitations of well-known brands that have nothing in common with the original machines.

    Making a sheet bending machine with your own hands is not so difficult, but craftsmen, both amateur home-made workers and individual entrepreneurs who live by their labor, still use it little. Meanwhile, the price of only ready-made additional roofing elements - valleys, ridges, eaves strips - and drainpipes with gutters is several times higher than the cost of the material. The same applies to paintings (roofing sheets, completely ready for laying) with double-seam edging. And that's just roofing work.

    Meanwhile, many craftsmen still prefer to either buy ready-made parts, losing money, or make do with a punch the old fashioned way, losing money. potential clients– modern products should not have a bad look. What's wrong here: economics, technology, prejudices? Or maybe just ignorance? Maybe you just need a clear drawing of a sheet bending machine that you could build yourself in a shed, and use it for a long time and successfully? Let's try to figure it out.

    Among the main indicators (efficiency, productivity, simplicity of design), it is also necessary to determine durability, subject to stable performance results. At the height of the season, when the day feeds the year, there is no time to bother with repairs or adjustments, and with occasional use once a month, not every month you can do without special equipment, see below.

    The minimum requirements are for a jack-of-all-trades who does roofing and tin work on a case-by-case basis when there are orders; Buying an industrial machine like this is expensive and won’t pay off. But then a homemade sheet bender must withstand at least 1200-1500 working cycles per season without deteriorating the quality of bending. There are more important point– corrugated sheet. More precisely, its independent production. It is worth special mention.

    Qui prodest?

    Translated from Latin - who benefits? Producing corrugated sheets yourself, at least for yourself, is a very popular material. Let's try to figure it out.

    Manual sheet bender the pass-through type (see below) costs about $2000. It seems that in a day or two a ton of 0.55 galvanization worth $1000 can be converted into 250 square meters. m of corrugated sheets, which would cost $1,400 to purchase. It would seem a direct benefit; especially if you don’t wait for a sale (the market is full of offers), but put it into action yourself. Yes, but not so.

    Corrugated sheeting is not rolled in one pass - the corners sometimes end up being overtightened. Intercrystalline bonds in the metal are broken; The rough area of ​​the bend cannot always be identified by sight or touch, but soon a crack will spread from it. Who will give an order now without a guarantee? Please correct it. For our own, of course.

    You can reduce the pressure, but then the wave will be non-standard. The customer may not know the standards, but he will immediately see that the material is not the same. Put it, be as polite as everyone else, or - goodbye, I’ll turn to someone else. And I’ll tell my friends and acquaintances. Should I roll each sheet in several passes, changing the clamp or rollers? What kind of productivity and profitability are there?

    A line (actually a rolling mill) for corrugated sheeting is a complex unit, see fig. Pay attention to the number and configuration of rolls. The purpose of such a system is to disperse residual stresses across the sheet so that they do not go beyond acceptable limits. Therefore, the wave is formed gradually.

    Such equipment costs at least $20,000 and is made in China. Stable quality of finished products is guaranteed only for specific grades of steel from a specific manufacturer. Power consumption – from 12 kW. Those. a specialized production area is needed with an appropriate limit on electricity consumption and, although one operator is sufficient for maintenance. Is there an unsatisfied demand for corrugated sheeting in your operating area (simply, in the surrounding areas available to you) that allows you to pay for it all in an acceptable time frame? And are you ready to start completely serious business with tough competition?

    Note to masters

    Of course, it’s not easy to “recapture” $2000 for an individual master. Therefore, let’s try to figure out how to make a sheet bending machine yourself. Not for corrugated sheeting, but for a variety of roofing and tin work, on which you can also make a good living and raise some money to start something more serious. Non-standard little things fundamentally cannot be unified, but are always needed. And a homemade sheet bender can be a very good help here.

    About purchased handbrake

    To put an end to the “company” (the article is not an advertisement) and move on to homemade products, let’s briefly look at what you can buy if you still need it. The market is clearly dominated by TAPCO and VanMark. And the domestic SKS-2, produced in Orsk, is almost unknown. In terms of price, they are all about the same; The width of our working area is 2.5 m versus 3 m for foreigners, but this is not a defect. 3 m is designed for the inch system of measures (10 feet = 3.05 m), and in metric 2.5 m is just more convenient.

    But the Uralian is a passing type; you can, for example, pull gutters up to 90x90 mm. The traverse is raised/lowered using eccentrics, no need to turn the flywheels. Supplied with cutting knife. User reviews are not only favorable, but enthusiastic. The general tone is “an irreplaceable hard worker.”

    History repeats itself. Nikita Khrushchev spoke about similar situations live on Central Television after his trip to America (when he was there hitting the UN podium with his shoe and threatening to make everyone’s motherfucker). They say that in the States they know how to sell any obscene rubbish, but here we cannot properly serve the necessary good things.

    Designs of press brakes Drive

    Bending and pressing equipment with a mechanical drive (a flywheel with a clutch and a crank or a falling load with a system of blocks, cables and levers) has high efficiency, but is still becoming a thing of the past. The mechanics give a sharp impulse (blow) at the beginning of the working stroke, and towards the end it weakens. For bending/pressing, just the opposite is needed.

    The efficiency of an electric drive decreases rapidly as the size of the workpiece decreases. To form corrugated sheets on the mill described above, 12 kW is enough. To make a flange on a roof picture, you can’t get by with less than 1.5-2 kW. The point is that external characteristic AC electric motors (except for three-phase ones with a wound rotor - complex, expensive, requiring regular maintenance) are quite tough. Due to the resistance of the bending metal, the engine does not increase the torque on the shaft, but on the contrary, the rotor slip increases and the torque decreases. And energy consumption increases.

    The hydraulic drive, in theory, is ideal - the hydraulic cylinder itself automatically adjusts its force to the resistance of the part. But precision hydraulic systems are complex and expensive. Even an experienced designer would not undertake to distribute the force of, say, a car jack evenly along the entire length of a meter-long bend, nor would he be able to synchronize the work of two or more using improvised means.

    The handbrake remains, and this is not so bad. If you design a sheet bender in such a way that, as in swing rowing or powerlifting, the strongest and most enduring muscles work (biceps, latissimus dorsi, thighs, calves), and the reaction (recoil) of the machine presses the feet to the floor, then the work, due to its cyclical nature, will not will be exhausting. But a skill will be developed that will give accuracy and productivity.

    For example: The average person running up a flight of stairs can develop about 1 hp in 1-2 seconds. But already on the third flight, the muscles will switch from oxygen to glycogen, lactic acid will begin to be released, and fatigue will hit the body. You need to take a break to move on.

    Note about sports: The rowers are lean, because the “kendyukh” makes it difficult to give a full push with the body. But for weightlifters, the “callus,” on the contrary, helps them maintain balance when jerking. But the muscle function of both is largely similar.

    Schemes and purpose

    Listogib is a rather general concept. The design of a sheet bender depends on its purpose. According to the nature of the work, you need to choose a homemade scheme, see fig.

    At pos. A - a method familiar to everyone who has done at least a little plumbing. This way you can simply bend sheets up to 0.5 m wide by hand. If the bend length is no more than 200-250 mm, then the base can not be attached to the workbench, but together with the pressure beam and the part can be clamped in a vice. The bend turns out well if you press the traverse lower, as shown in the force diagram, and move it slightly forward, as if smoothing the bend. Most designs of homemade sheet bending machines are based on this principle; we'll get there yet.

    Due to the elasticity of the metal, it is not possible to bend the sheet exactly 90 degrees, so spacers made from a strip of metal are used, as shown in the inset. Why are there channels on the cut and not corners? Next we will consider this issue; The seemingly simple design has significant nuances.

    Pos. B shows how a press brake works. Press like a press: bed-die-punch-hydraulics-impact-ready. These are used only in industrial production with a developed labor protection system: complex, expensive, require qualified care and are extremely dangerous. A sheet that slips due to improper filling or equipment malfunction can cut off a person’s arm or head.

    At pos. B – broaching (pass-through) sheet bending machine. By changing the relative position of the rolls, you can set the bending radius of the sheet. The walk-through sheet bender can be either manual or electrically driven. Those that go on general sale are usually multifunctional:

  • Smooth rolls are intended for tinsmithing work - bending blanks for casing shells, sections of wide pipes, etc.
  • The rollers can be replaced with complete profiled sheet-bending rollers designed for pulling roof extensions - ridges, valleys, gutters and flanges.
  • Also, many models are equipped with a support, a clamp and a traverse for manual bending of sheets.
  • These are the kind of sheet metal benders that sell for $2000 or so. Many are equipped, or can be purchased later, with shaped rollers for corrugated sheeting, but, as has already been discussed, you cannot “drive a shaft” for sale on them. You can roll a piece if you need it now, but there is no point in buying a whole sheet.

    Note: There is another interesting type of sheet bending device, but due to its high usefulness and relatively low cost, a separate section will be devoted to it.

    Let's take on the sheet bending machine

    Let's start making our own sheet bending machine by developing the simplest specifications. And we will calculate the latter, in addition to the longevity criteria described above, based on the expenditure of muscular energy that an average-sized adult man is able to produce day after day without deterioration in health. Of course, simplicity and low cost of design are also not in last place. Also, in terms of weight and dimensions, the machine must allow transportation in a passenger car and use directly at the work site. It turns out:

    • The width of the bendable sheet is up to 1 m.
    • The thickness of the bendable sheet is up to 0.6 mm galvanized; up to 0.7 mm aluminum and up to 1 mm copper.
    • The number of operating cycles without readjustment and/or repair is at least 1200.
    • Bending angle – at least 120 degrees without manual adjustment; This is necessary for folds.
    • The use of special steels or non-standard workpieces is extremely undesirable.
    • Welding - as little as possible; parts/assemblies lead from it, and the welds are fragile and quickly tire from alternating loads.
    • Metalworking on the side (turning, milling) is also as little as possible, it costs money.

    Let's face it: drawings of finished structures that meet all these requirements are not found in publicly available sources. We will try to improve one, widely known, and, in principle, very successful.

    Finishing up the cut

    The design principle of this sheet bender is clearly visible in the cross-section (see the figure on the right and the list of items). Its main advantage is good ergonomics. With such a working stroke, the muscles work as they should and the feet are pressed to the floor, which will give a stable result even for an inexperienced operator. And the maximum bending angle is 135 degrees, which has a large margin for any conceivable and inconceivable elasticity of the sheet being bent.

  • wooden pillow;
  • support beam – channel 100-120 mm;
  • cheek - from a sheet of 6-8 mm;
  • workpiece;
  • pressure beam (clamp) – welded from angles 80 and 60 mm;
  • traverse axis – 10 mm pin;
  • rotary traverse – angle (?) 80-100 mm;
  • handle – 10 mm rod.
  • The material of all parts is ordinary structural steel. But already here it is conditionally shown that it is better to replace the traverse from the corner with a channel of the same standard size. Why? Let's take a closer look, this is important for what follows.

    The reaction (recoil) from the sheet being bent to the traverse (and the clamp, but more on that later) is uneven across the width. In the middle, where each elementary (tiny; this is a hint of differentiation and integration) section of metal is surrounded on all sides by the same metal, it is maximum. At the edges, where there is no side support, it is minimal.

    The second point is that the sheet, although thin, is of finite thickness. Stresses in the workpiece will spread and be reflected on the edges. As a result, the diagrams of the load on the traverse and the clamp will take the shape of a bow with a string. On the free (distant) edges of the corner shelves, such a load will produce a tensile force, but metal does not work well in tension - it quickly gets tired of it. A DIYer who has built such a machine soon discovers that the corner in the middle is bent and the fold in the middle is swollen.

    The side flanges of the channel are wedge-shaped, and it has fillets that are more developed than in the inner corner of the corner. This, firstly, smoothes out the diagram - the bow string is barely taut. Secondly, the seemingly extra side flange of the channel absorbs tensile stresses, which are converted into compression at its free edge. And the metal holds compression - wow!

    The result of the calculation is impressive: if a traverse from a corner can withstand at most a couple of hundred bends, then a channel of the same width can withstand more than 1200! What is 200 bends? One or a little more roofing at best. At the height of the season, when customers are standing in line, the machine gets damaged and the work stops. And 1200 operations means the season will last. In winter, there will be time to straighten it, or replace the traverse, or, after calculating the proceeds, buy a “company” with a guarantee of service life.


    The next figure shows details with a list of positions. Here, not only do some shortcomings need to be eliminated, but some things can be further improved.

  • clamp – corner 40-60 mm; M8-M10 screw with knob and heel;
  • cheek;
  • support beam;
  • bracket – corner 110 mm;
  • pressure beam;
  • traverse axis;
  • traverse
  • Pressure beam

    First of all, about milling the lower surface of the clamp onto a plane. It is needed for any design, and the permissible unevenness is no more than half the thickness of the sheet being bent (minimum! We will consider it equal to 0.2 mm). Otherwise, the sheet will creep (flow) under pressure - and again there will be a pot-bellied fold.

    So for anyone who has ever done anything with metal, advice on smoothing the clamp with a file or grinder will only cause a grin. It needs to be sent for milling. Moreover, AFTER the welding of the entire assembly, when everything that could have happened has already happened. Otherwise, the work and payment for the router will be in vain.

    Further, everything that was said above about the load on the traverse is also true for the clamp. And its most loaded part - the leading edge - is not supported by anything. It is impossible to reinforce or replace the entire assembly from a corner with a channel: the bend angle will be no more than 90 degrees.

    As a result, after the same 100-200 operations, the machine will “open its mouth” (or “smile”, if you prefer white rather than black humor) and the same swollen bend. The clamp will not bend upward; in this respect it is well fortified. But the metal on the leading edge will simply flow from fatigue.

    A cross-section of the clamp design, which is equal in durability to the traverse, is shown in the inset at the top right. The base is a steel strip 16x80 mm. The front edge is milled at 45 degrees, and a chamfer of at least 2.5-3 MAXIMUM thicknesses of the steel sheet being bent is removed using the same milling cutter, i.e. 1.5-2 mm. From the upward deflection, the clamp is reinforced with a six-point angle for welding. Milling, again, after all welding work.

    The idea is this: if in the previous design the leading edge worked half in bending (which for metal is even worse than tension), then in the new one it works only in compression. At the same time, the general support on the edge will not allow it to leak soon.

    Note: if somewhere nearby in a landfill an ancient ruined lathe– the problem of the traverse with the clamp is solved once and for all. From the frame you can cut pieces of the desired configuration, made of special steel and excellent precision.

    In terms of the number of working operations for manufacturing, both clamps are equivalent: cutting, drilling, welding, milling. The material consumption of the new clamp is higher than the old one; Three standard sizes of workpieces are required for both. But the durability ratio is the same as for the two types of traverses described above.

    Table mount

    The next point is clamps. The author of the design, of course, clearly understands the role of the stiffeners, but fragility and rapid fatigue welds seems to have been overlooked. And the working stroke of the traverse gives a variable tensile force on the clamps with lever arms of 10:1 or more. If the clamp breaks, the work is over, even if everything else remains perfectly straight. The machine will lift itself, not bend.

    Why not give up clamps altogether? And then cheeks will not be needed, and welding is for both. How to do this?

    • Extend the support beam laterally beyond the table.
    • Select U-shaped eyes at its ends.
    • Fasten to the table with bolts somewhere around M10 with shaped nuts - claws.

    The second option is holes in the legs without threads. The bolts are turned over and tightened with wing nuts. A little more expensive, but more convenient to use.

    Cross-beam fastening

    Here the question arises: how to attach the traverse, since the cheeks are no longer there? And they are not needed. Firstly, the design is non-removable, and the traverse will have to be changed once a year. Secondly, remember, we need an accuracy of about 0.1 mm, otherwise the fold will swell. How soon will the pin break a simple “hole” in the cheek by a large amount? The question is rhetorical. And at the same time I apologize to my fellow engineers: I, of course, know that someone has a hole somewhere, and in metalworking there is a hole.

    But how then to attach the traverse? Butterfly door hinges; lower right inset in Fig. They do not require insertion (they were designed specifically for metal doors), and two of these hinges hold the door armored against a burst of Kalash or F-1 grenades. It takes six healthy men to put one on.

    As for accuracy, most butterfly loops easily pass the “choke” test. If you quickly separate the loop, you can hear a smacking sound from the air replacing the vacuum formed when the pin was pulled out. That is, the fit of the parts is very tight, but they rotate easily.

    The butterflies are secured with countersunk screws. If you put it on a red lead, the traverse will stand indestructible. Opening angle – 160 degrees. Probably, the inventor of butterfly hinges once made a homemade sheet bender. It's a joke.


    Finally, in front of you is an assembled sheet bending machine:

  • support beam;
  • threaded (M10) flywheel;
  • pressure beam;
  • processed sheet;
  • clamp (see previous);
  • traverse
  • Just one remark can be made here. Perhaps the author of the design had flywheel nuts lying around somewhere in his stash, that’s why he installed them. In fact, in order to place the next sheet, you only have to raise the clamp by 2-3 mm. Well, by 30 mm, if you need to remove a picture with a fold already molded on the other side. Do you remember the M10 thread pitch? That is, you don’t need to turn the flywheels for a long time, like a gun when aiming. Wing nuts or even ordinary ones with welded collars are enough.

    Note: after welding the knobs, it is necessary to drive the threads “completely” - holding the nut in a vice, and using the first and then the second tap, or a single-pass machine tap. The welding makes the thread look so bad that oh...

    Video: example of a finished homemade sheet bender

    Zig machine

    A Zig machine is, of course, not a robot in the form of a screaming Hitler with an outstretched hand. A creasing machine (see figure) or a zigging machine is a device for creasing, or zigging. And zigovka is the pulling out of flanges or special potholes - zigs - on sheet metal blanks. Have you seen the rigid edges on buckets and basins? These are zigs. The actual machines are also often called zigovkas for short.

    Sealing machines, as follows from the definition, also belong to the category of sheet-bending equipment, only special ones. They can be electric or manual. The latter are desktop stationary (in the figure) or portable (mobile), with a clamp. You can carry these with you in your tool bag.

    Zigmashina is an indispensable assistant in tin roofing work. You can zig not only round shell blanks, but also sheets. Try using the best manual sheet bender to make a bend for the already mentioned double fold. This kind of zigging is achieved in one pass; with some skill - right on the roof. What else can be achieved by zigging using standard pairs of rollers can be seen in the following figure. Letter designations are standard; they correspond to the type of operation performed. The bevel machine costs three to five times, or even ten times less than a factory manual sheet bender.

    Video: working on a zig machine

    What to whom?

    Let's summarize - which sheet bending machine is best for whom:

    • For an amateur DIYer - bending with improvised means, as described, or homemade by hand, if you have a supply of scrap metal and a desire to tinker.
    • For a general-purpose craftsman on the job, who from time to time receives orders for sheet metal or roofing, a homemade manual one like the one described plus, if there is some excess funds, a zig machine.
    • A roofer or tinsmith - a professional who has a stable flow of orders - a branded manual one with a zig machine.

    Today, corrugated sheeting is increasingly becoming popular among those who build modern buildings, erect fences, reliably strengthen partitions, and renew the appearance of old buildings. Also, with profiled steel, wide possibilities for constructing an original roof for a residential building or office building become available. Thanks to high quality Rolled steel sheets can be used during the construction of structures such as warehouses and hangars.

    Creating a high-quality building coating by rolling a strip through guide rollers is quite simple. Thanks to technology and equipment, it is possible to organize production in available areas.

    Sheets of corrugated sheets can be used as a material for the following purposes:
    construction of walls of various types of structures;
    roofing for buildings for various purposes;
    production of formwork;
    installation of partitions and fences.

    Do-it-yourself assembly of a machine for making corrugated sheets

    An automatic line for producing corrugated sheets is a very difficult task to assemble with your own hands. However, it is quite possible to independently create a manual machine on which blanks can be bent to the desired angles and thus make sheets of corrugated sheets.

    Here you should take into account that on a home manual machine it will not be possible to produce profiled sheets of too large a thickness - the possible maximum is approximately 5 mm.

    Drawings of machines for working with corrugated sheets

    How to prepare supports and a table for feeding workpieces To make it yourself rolling machine, first of all, you should assemble the frame to accommodate all the equipment components. In this case, it is enough to install reliable supports. They need to be secured to a solid foundation - preferably a concrete floor.

    Next you need to start assembling the table, along the surface of which the workpiece will be fed into the machine. The table should have a length that is several times longer than the length of the finished product. There must be enough free space on the surface to accept the finished product. The optimal table surface material is aluminum sheet.

    You need to place a special bar on the table, which will fix the workpiece on the table using bolts. In the same way, a manual lever will be attached, thanks to which sheets of material are fed along the table into the machine for corrugated sheeting and the desired feed angle is set. How to install rolling shafts and start the device Such a part of the design as rolling shafts is quite difficult to assemble with your own hands, so the easiest way is to buy ready-made ones . Today it will not be difficult to do this - you will find them at least in the market.

    Using brackets made from metal angles, the shafts are fixed to the machine frame near the hand lever.

    We do not tighten all the bolts to full strength - now our homemade manual machine for making corrugated sheets can be used for the first running-in of the material. If the corrugated sheet produced by the machine has the required shape, we fix the parts in place and tighten all the bolts firmly. If the shape of the corrugated sheet does not meet our requirements, we adjust certain details and repeat the procedure.

    It must be remembered that a machine for producing corrugated sheets is equipment that is dangerous to operate. This machine is equipped with a large number of cutting and stabbing elements, which, if safety precautions are not followed, can cause injury to the operator. Therefore, it is allowed to work on the machine only in protective clothing and safety glasses.