You pour water into a kettle, it becomes a kettle. “Be like water,” or Why business growth is about eliminating friction? Growth – reduction of conversion friction

We have selected 30 statements by Bruce that will make you think: about love, marriage, personal development, freedom, death, memory and much more. Read and absorb.

  • Love hard and love wisely . I loved like a madman, but I had enough common sense not to love like a fool. Loving too deeply is difficult, but loving wisely is even more difficult.
  • A marriage rooted in the everyday is more durable. . Our happiness was built on everyday life even before we got married. A marriage that starts in everyday life is stronger. It is like a coal that burns slowly and evenly. Happiness based on vivid impressions is like a bright fire that quickly dies out. Couples in love often live with rich experiences, and when they get married, their lives become boring and monotonous. A feeling of powerlessness comes, and the bowl family life brings only bitterness.
  • About yin-yang balance. In the yin-yang symbol, there is a white dot on the black half and a black dot on the white half. This is an allegory of the balance of life: after all, nothing can exist by tending to only one of the extremes, be it pure yin (only passivity) or pure yang (only activity). The hardest tree is the easiest to break, but bamboo or willow survive by bending in the wind. Extreme heat kills, as does extreme frost; no extreme lasts long, unlike healthy moderation. So the positive (yang) can be hidden in the negative (yin) and vice versa.
  • Adapting is wise . Wisdom does not lie in snatching good from the clutches of evil by force, but in being able to ride these forces and move forward, like a cork on the crests of the wave that carries it.
  • Be ready to change when change begins . Be flexible to change when the time comes for change. Empty yourself. Open up. Remember: the benefit of a cup is that it is empty.
  • . Be like water. It is the most malleable substance on earth, but it sharpens even the hardest stone. Having no form, water can take any shape: in a cup - the shape of a cup, in a vase - the shape of a vase, bending around the stems of flowers. In a teapot it becomes a teapot. Watch how the water adjusts. If you squeeze the waterskin tightly, the water will flow out of it quickly; if you squeeze it weakly, it will flow slowly. It may seem that water sometimes goes against nature and flows uphill, but in fact it chooses any path open to it to the sea. Whether moving quickly or slowly, water is unyielding, its purpose and destiny unchanging.

  • Bend and survive . This Chinese wisdom concerns a problem common to all humanity. They say that the oak is mighty. But he resists the forces of nature, and a strong wind can break him. But the bamboo stem bends in the wind and survives.
  • Disappointments as a means of growth . Moderate disappointments also help people grow. Otherwise they would not have the motivation to develop own ways interaction with the world.
  • Don't get attached to one point of view. To know wholeness means to follow the present. After all, the present is constantly moving and changing, and if you adhere to one point of view based on partiality, you will not be able to follow the rapid movement of the present.
  • The disease of philosophy . Philosophy itself is a disease that it supposedly cures. A wise person does not strive for wisdom, but simply lives his life. This is precisely where his wisdom lies.
  • Continuous self-exploration . It seems to me that my whole life is dedicated to learning about myself: it’s like I’m peeling off layer after layer of myself, day after day. And the more I study myself as a person, the easier it is for me to do this. More and more questions are emerging. I see everything more clearly. My goal is not to develop what is already developed, but to find what is missing. At the same time, what was missed is always with me, inside me, never lost or distorted, except perhaps from inept use.
  • The value of stupid questions. An intelligent person learns more from a stupid question than a fool from a wise answer.
  • Live here and now. Listen. Can you hear the wind? What about bird sounds? They need to be truly heard.
  • A abstract analysis is not the answer . Nowadays it is too fashionable to listen to inner moods and try to evaluate them. Standing outside and trying to look inside is a pointless exercise: everything that was inside will disappear. The same can be said about the ephemeral concept of happiness. Trying to define it is like turning on a light to see the darkness better. Break it apart and it will disappear.
  • Stillness in motion. I am in motion, but at the same time I am still. I am like the moon reflected in the waves that are constantly running somewhere.
  • Buddhism is effortless . In Buddhism, effort is unnecessary. Live as usual. Eat your food, satisfy your natural needs, and when you get tired, lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand.
  • Meditation builds inner equanimity . To meditate means to realize the equanimity of your true essence and free yourself from everything that is perceived by the senses. Calm is a state of inner equanimity. By freeing yourself from everything external and material, remaining equanimous deep within, you can achieve true peace.
  • Take care of what's inside. The pursuit of pleasure dulls the mind. The love of wealth perverts behavior. Therefore, the sage turns to the inner self, and not to the outer.
  • . Loneliness - best way leave everything to the mercy of fate and find yourself. When you are alone, you are the least lonely. Use it wisely.

  • Age and discovery . Even if your body slowly deteriorates as you age, it doesn't change anything for the daily process of discovery. As you age, you become wiser, not better.
  • You control your own mind . Previously, I received blows from life, considering myself a person created by circumstances. Now I realized that I myself am a force that commands the feelings of the mind and creates circumstances.
  • You cannot clear disturbed water with your hands. How to clear troubled water? If you leave it alone, it will settle and become clear again. Is it possible to be in constant rest? Be calm, wait a while - and then this state will take hold.
  • Wise simplicity = common sense . The wise simplicity of common sense is the most direct and logical path.
  • About truthfulness . If you don't want to stumble tomorrow, tell the truth today.
  • The path of the simpleton . The simpleton does not expect anything in advance and accepts everything as it comes. Simplicity is characteristic of truly wise people.
  • What attitude, such exaltation . You won't get more out of life than you expect. Each of us is the result of the thoughts that come to our minds.
  • Anger and truth. A person in whom truth lives does not know anger.
  • Acceptance of death . The alternation of winter and summer becomes a blessing when we give up the dream of eternal spring.
  • On the urgency of memory . Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled 16. Pleasure is a flower that will soon wither, but memory is its scent that lingers for a long time. Memories last longer than anything else. For many years I remember a tree at the time of flowering, but not its fruits 17.
  • The end is the beginning. So, the beginning and the end live next door. If you think of a musical octave, you start with the lowest note and gradually move towards the highest. Having reached the highest note, you find that it is adjacent to the lowest note of the neighboring octave. The height of wisdom is to know it, but act as if you don’t know it.

Based on materials from the book

Business development is driven by the market, not you. Your job as an entrepreneur is to allow it to happen and then “move” out of the way. Like any startup, you are hungry - but it is a combination of several factors that triggers it. The disruptive value of a product that appeals to users motivates them to invite friends, who invite their friends, and so on. In other words, the product needs viral potential.

But most businesses don't achieve truly explosive growth. User attention is a limited resource; all brands lack it. Therefore, only single products will be able to “break through” to the top. But even those who catch the wave of “unbridled” growth suffer from serious obstacles on the path to success. Here's a three-part process for product growth and development, as outlined by Tyler Hayes of

  • Growth is the elimination of friction
  • Growth is retention.

Growth – reduction of conversion friction

A formula that should be engraved on the door of all startup accelerators:

Startups = growth, and growth = eliminating friction.

The main problem of young companies is that they forget that “the market comes first,” and they need to do what users want. As Sam Altman, President of Y Combinator, said:

“The goal of a startup is to create something that people will like. Once you've done this, figure out how to increase your number of users. But the first component is critically important - remember really successful companies modernity. They all started with a product that made their audience fall in love with it and motivated them to tell others about it. If you don't achieve this, you will fail. And self-deception will not help. The startup graveyard is full of projects that neglected this step.”

So, you need to first understand what people want and then give it to them as often as necessary. - this is not an elimination, but an increase in friction. This does not mean that adding new features and functionality is prohibited. But do this when innovations allow you to perform actions requested by people without the corresponding functionality.

The audience already needs certain tools (whether they understand it or not) - and you are simply satisfying a ready-made desire. You don't create it, you define it. Find a key user need and make satisfying it as easy/fast/fun as possible.

In an interview with Wired, the founder of Blogger, Twitter, and Medium, Ev Williams, shared his strategy for creating a billion-dollar business:

“Take a desire that has been relevant for a long time. Then define this desire and through modern technologies motivate the person to take steps towards his satisfaction.”

Growth is like water. It takes any form, taking into account limiting factors. It depends on you how successfully you remove the restrictions.

“Become amorphous, formless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. When water is poured into a bottle, it becomes a bottle. Water can flow, or it can destroy. Be water, my friend,” Bruce Lee once said.

Determine growth areas based on your product. Then remove everything unnecessary that the user encounters along the way.

Growth is a process, not an end goal.

Your startup's growth is likely limited by friction. Most products don't explode in popularity right away; it's extremely difficult to achieve. Even Facebook was stuck at the 100 million user plateau, and it took a conscious effort to break through. At that time, the concept of “growth hacking” and “growth specialists” did not exist in Silicon Valley, so Facebook was forced to open them up. The hard work that led to growth to one and a half billion monthly visitors seems less difficult in retrospect. But someone had to walk this path first and collect all the “bumps” so that the next generations of growth hackers could follow the beaten path.

Former Facebook vice president Chamath Palihapitiya says the company grew while creating its current growth team concept.

Chamath argues that growth is a simple and elegant understanding of product value and consumer behavior, rather than an attempt to instill new user habits.

In a nutshell, Facebook has attracted a billion users (and angered a lesser known 100 million) without any secret tactics or crazy tools. The company simply went back to basics and carried out a ruthless “recapitulation.” Chamath created a work environment where employees could quickly test and measure the 3 most important aspects consumer products:

  • How to attract users to the first contact?
  • How to get them to the Aha! moment as quickly as possible?
  • How to convey the core value of a product as often as possible?

Growth is a process, not an end goal. Try, test, measure, try again. And so - constantly.

Growth is retention

Growing the number of users is a closed cycle. Most startups mistakenly believe that growth is just about acquiring customers. This reduces the process to the top of the funnel, when in fact, business development depends just as much (if not more) on the bottom of the funnel - that is, repeat purchases and customer retention.

The most valuable customers are those who consistently use your product. In the SaaS industry, this is called “retention,” which is the most important metric in online marketing.

Why is it so valuable? Simply, retention measures the number of your most loyal users—people who love the product and recommend it to others, which has a beneficial effect on the development cycle.

Alex Schultz, Facebook's VP of Growth, asks, "Where is your retention asymptote?"

Let's rephrase: after a few weeks, what percentage of your customers are still using the app regularly?

If you end up with a retention curve that is asymptote to a line parallel to the X-axis, then you have built a viable business with Product/Market Fit. Simply put:

  • If the retention rate is 0%, then even all the customers in the world will not save you, because they will soon abandon the product.
  • If the rate is greater than 0% (at least 1%!), find new users similar to those already between the X-axis and the retention asymptote - and encourage them to use the product!

IN agriculture There is a saying: “Cattle graze where the grass is greener.” Of course, we don't consider our customers to be cattle :) But ask yourself: who uses the product (eats grass) most often? Where do they do this? The answers will show you product-market fit and help you identify your most loyal users.

Great startups are built by founders who developed products they themselves lacked. But they were lucky - the problems of these loners coincided with the interests and tastes of an ocean of clients. Growth comes from the market, not from you.

Your job as an entrepreneur is to effectively reduce friction. Engage a team that: reduces friction in the core value of the product, and increases awareness. These are the steps that lead to growth.

I say empty your mind, be amorphous, formless, like water. You pour water into a cup, it becomes a cup, you pour water into a bottle, it becomes a bottle, you pour water into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. Water can flow, or it can destroy. If my friend were water... You should have seen how he used to behave on tour. Mountains of grass plus a sea of ​​alcohol. After the concert, the whole crowd go to my room, and the next day in another city to perform with a binge. Now people don’t understand what it is. When I refuse the pipe, why is he chasing? I'll tell you a secret, it's not willpower. I, so to speak, switched to something else. So my police can sleep peacefully. Lesha no longer smokes, in general, in kind. Better give me a kettle with hot water. Or let me do it myself, just show me where the cooler is. And damn, now I have nothing forbidden in my suitcase. Just a good supply of tea. And when I fly to other cities, I only need an outlet; so far there has always been water. It's not drugs, he's not high, is he? Well, yes, but tea comes in different varieties, and there are dangerous varieties. I compiled the top three for some reason and decided to draw some parallels. I can compare Pu-erh to an amphetamine. I don’t drink it often, but it gets me going too much. I brew a thermos and take it with me in the car And little by little throughout the day, the day can be long. In second place I have Tie Guan Yin, it’s like a plank. It goes as it should, a glass after a glass. He speaks so kindly and gently even to girls, but it’s better in the presence of a boy. So, I boldly give the first line of my hit parade to the big red robe. What I like is this - yes hong pao The tea drunkard is here, Vasya, get the poison. I love tea like a panda loves bamboo Just like Le Truk loves to blow grass. In tea powder without deception, no, this is not a trick. Put the kettle on the stove. I always have a dozen grams with me, trust the stuff from my hands, like boiling water. Packaged weight or pressed circle. This is a tea drinker. Well, Vasyanya, shall we sit down? There is maleha da hong pao, puerchika and shuixiana. Do you smoke? Don't smoke? Beautiful I'm quitting too. Kidding. It just... into the stall, and it stuck pretty hard. How many tea drunks have spread across the country? Is staff brewed without gaiwan? In some nailed-down hut, a tile, a saucepan, a charge and a full blast. Our brother is not very popular at food outlets. Waitress, dear, can I have a decanter of boiling water? More boiling water, more boiling water. Are you going to order anything? No, just boiling water. I'm going through security at the airport. Your backpack, so what do you have here? Witnesses, search, in short, everything is muddied. The captain reports on the radio: We found drugs. This whole story gathers a crowd, the Captain takes the grass out of his backpack, and there you go, TGshka, puerchik, yes hun And I have nothing to say to this sucker. (Marijuana) I feel like I’m drowning. If you want, smoke it. I’ll pour it out and break it off. I’ll put this poison into your cigarette myself. Just smoke, captain, why ask? He did not share my mood, and we proceeded to the line department. A whole council of people gathered there, sniffing and chewing. They want to close Vasily. Yes it grows. Yes it dries. Yes it is packaged. Special containers are used for consumption. Do you want to make this case jurisdictional? Article 228 on special tea sub-clauses? Confiscation of poison, poison and burg Thank God, there are people there who have stirred up the pressure of the circle. In Moscow, upon arrival, I went to the line administration. Che captain, did you taste the poison? And he’s on a light dry spell, his eyes look like he’s been smoking Tashkent all day (smoking Tashkent). I'm talking about tea, or rather about its return. And he whispers to me: There's no tea, it's gone somewhere. I love tea like a panda loves bamboo Just like Le Truk loves to blow grass. In tea powder without deception, no, this is not a trick. Put the kettle on the stove. I always have a dozen grams with me, Trust the stuff from my hands, like boiling water Packaged weight or compressed circle This is a tea drinker, keep in mind I love tea, like a panda loves bamboo Just like

You will never get more out of life than you expect. Focus your thoughts on what you want and what you don't. Be a calm witness to what is happening inside you. No one can hurt you until you allow them. Inside yourself, on a psychological level, be nobody.

By recognizing that my emotions can be both positive and negative, I will develop the habit of experiencing more positive emotions and help myself transform negative ones into some useful activity.

Recognizing willpower as the supreme court of all departments of my mind, I will use it daily when I need a push to take action for any purpose; and I will develop the habit of using willpower at least once a day.


Cinema is a combination of commercial creativity and creative commerce.


Spontaneity always wins in battle. Cramming always loses.

(improvisation, spontaneity)

I am not afraid of the one who studies ten thousand different blows. I fear the one who studies one blow ten thousand times.


Don't think, feel! It's like pointing your finger at the moon. Don't concentrate on your finger, or you'll miss this divine beauty.

(path to victory)

Get all the great teachers together in one room and they will agree on everything. Gather their disciples together and they will argue with each other on everything.

(teacher, student)

Bruce Lee plays table tennis with nunchaku:

A good fighter is not the one who is tense, but the one who is ready. He doesn't think or dream, he's ready for anything that might happen.

(fighter, path to victory)

Even the strongest tree is easier to break than bamboo or willow shoots bending in the wind.

(flexibility, path to victory)

Mistakes are always forgiven if you have the courage to admit them.

(mistake, courage)

If you love life, do not waste time - time is what life is made of.

(time, life)

Bruce Lee lights a match to the nunchaku:

Empty your mind. Become amorphous, formless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. When water is poured into a bottle, it becomes a bottle. Water can flow, or it can destroy. Be water, my friend.

(path to victory)

My choice is martial arts, my profession is actor. My main role is the artist of life.

At all times, the end of heroes was the same as the end ordinary people. They all died, and memories of them gradually faded from people's memories. But while we are alive, we must understand ourselves, understand ourselves and express ourselves.

To control myself, I must first accept myself, not acting against my nature, but following it.

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee (Li Zhenfan) is not just a film actor, director and martial artist. He combined physical strength with metaphysical philosophy. He is a legend whose name is passed down with reverence from generation to generation.

Lee began training kung fu in the mid-1950s. His first teacher was Ip Man, who preached the Wing Chun style.

In 1959, Lee left Hong Kong and went to America, first to San Francisco, then to Seattle. In the USA, he opened a martial arts school and began teaching his own style of kung fu - Jeet Kune Do ("The Way of the Leading Fist").

The simple way is the right way. In a fight, no one cares about beauty. The main thing is confidence, honed skills and accurate calculations. Therefore, in the Jeet Kune Do method, I tried to reflect the principle of “survival of the fittest.” Less empty movements and energy - closer to the goal.

In 1971, at the peak of his film career, Bruce Lee starred in the TV series Longstreet. In one episode, Lee uttered a phrase based on the Chinese philosophy of wu wei (contemplative passivity) and which became very popular.

Become formless, incorporeal, like water. When you pour water into a cup, it becomes the cup; you pour water into a teapot, it takes the shape of a teapot. Water can flow or destroy. Be water, my friend.

However, the famous aphorism does not explain Bruce's entire philosophy of water and how he came to it. In 2001, John Little, who has written many books about Lee, published a collection of previously unpublished letters, notes and poems by the actor - Bruce Lee: Artist of Life. This is an invaluable resource for understanding Bruce Lee's views on life, love, parenting and martial arts.

Apparently, the philosophy of water came to Lee after disappointment: he could not comprehend the “art of detachment” that Ip Man taught him. Here's what Bruce writes about this.

When the acuteness of my self-awareness reached what psychologists call a double bind, the Teacher came to me and said: “Keep yourself, follow the natural curves of things, be detached. Remember: never go against nature, never directly resist problems, but control them by turning where they lead. Leave training for a week - go home and think about it."

Bruce did just that.

After spending many hours in meditation and spiritual practice, I finally gave in and set off on a solo junk voyage. At sea I thought about my training. This made me angry - I hit the water. And at that moment one thought struck me. Doesn't water represent the essence of kung fu? I hit her, but she didn't feel any pain. I struck again, with all my strength, and she was again invulnerable. Then I tried to hold her. But this turned out to be impossible. However, water, the softest substance in the world that can be placed even in a tiny vessel, only seems weak. In fact, it can destroy the hardest matter on earth. I wish I was water.

Suddenly a bird flew by, casting a reflection on the water surface. Then I absorbed another lesson, another hidden mystical meaning was revealed to me: in battle, in the face of the enemy, your thoughts and emotions should be like the reflection of flying birds on the water. This is exactly what Teacher Yip meant when he said “be detached.” This did not mean not having feelings - it meant not being burdened and not suffocating them alone. To control myself, I must first accept myself, not acting contrary to my nature, but following it.

Quoting a famous saying of Lao Tzu, Li wrote:

The natural phenomenon that most closely reflects the essence of wu wei in kung fu is water.

Water is the softest and weakest creature in the world, but in overcoming the hard and strong it is invincible, and there is no equal in the world.

This is an excerpt from the Tao Te Ching. He reveals the being of water. The water is so beautiful that it is impossible to squeeze it into a fist, hit it, it knows no pain. Pierce it with a knife - you won't hurt it. Tear it apart and it will remain intact. It has no shape - water takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured. If you heat it up, it becomes an invisible vapor, but it has so much power that it can split the thickness of the earth. Freezing, the water crystallizes and turns into powerful blocks. The water can be as fast as Niagara Falls or as calm as a pond. It is terrifying in a raging stream and refreshing on a hot summer day. This is the principle of wu wei.

Rivers and seas are the rulers of hundreds of valleys. This is because their strength is in humility; they are kings over everything. Want to conquer them? Follow them.

In other words, if you transfer the philosophy of martial arts to everyday life, before you fight with circumstances, you should try to adapt to them. You need to be soft, like water, susceptible to rapidly changing circumstances. The flow of life itself will lead you to happiness. Only really strong storms are worth resisting. If you row against the current all the time, you will quickly become exhausted and go to the bottom.

Do you share Bruce Lee's water philosophy?