Mechanically separated poultry meat - what is it? technical conditions, gost. "mechanically separated poultry meat - what is it? GOST mechanically separated poultry meat" Information about the standard

Recently, unfavorable conditions for human life have been developing in large cities, as the number of toxic substances in the environment increases. Metabolic processes begin to be disrupted in the body, which are also associated with poor, irrational nutrition. Exactly proper nutrition improves the functioning of the immune system. All these problems became the reason for studying food products, in particular poultry meat. Meat products have become very popular all over the world today. It is a source of protein, so it occupies an important place in the human diet.

Currently, raw meat is actively used for the preparation of various products. Poultry meat mechanical deboning(we will look at what this is below) is used to produce semi-finished products with high taste, nutritional value and good presentation. The bones with meat slits that remain after the whole muscle pieces have been separated are sent for further processing to create semi-finished products.

Mechanically separated meat - what is it?

MMO or mechanically separated meat is the main raw material for cooking finished products from poultry. It is made from bones and excess fillets that are forced through a sieve under high pressure, resulting in a paste-like mince. It is interesting that quite recently manufacturers began to include MMO in their products, although they have been using it for quite a long time. They compare it to real poultry meat, but in fact MMO is somewhat fattier and contains bone fragments up to half a millimeter in size.

What should a bird's MMO be like?

Today, what semi-finished meat products will be like is controlled by GOST. Mechanically separated poultry meat, according to the requirements, must have a pasty viscous consistency, pink or red color, and a fresh smell. MMO should not contain bones larger than 0.75 mm, table salt, sodium nitrite, as well as materials of animal and plant origin, except poultry, foreign impurities and other additives. In the territory of the state where such standards have been adopted, there is a law, the norms of which must not be exceeded in the manufacture of raw materials for semi-finished products. Therefore, according to GOST, mechanically separated poultry meat ( technical specifications we will look at below) should not contain toxic elements. In addition, the amount of bone particles should not be more than 0.3%, although in reality up to 3% can be found very often.

Preparing meat for deboning

Before the mechanical deboning process begins, the meat is prepared. To do this, frozen carcasses, halves or quarters are thawed by defrosting, and then cleaned of contaminants on special tables in rooms equipped for this work. Then the bird is weighed and moved directly to the deboning shop, where the soft tissues are separated from the bone.

How is meat deboned?

MMO or mechanically separated poultry meat (we already know what it is) involves the use of chicken or turkey carcasses. They are processed using circular saws and pneumatic tools. Quite often, separators are used that crush bones and divide them into components (soft and hard). The result is a half-dry bone mass and a mass of muscle tissue, which have the appearance of pasty minced meat. It also includes fat, tendons, skin, and connective tissue. This product is used immediately after deboning. Today you can find different types of mechanical deboning devices on the market. The principle of their operation is the separation of soft components from hard components (bones) using high pressure.

Mechanically separated poultry meat: technical specifications

MMO must comply with the requirements of this standard and be produced in accordance with technological instructions. To produce such a product, only carcasses of chickens, hens and turkeys, as well as their frames, dorsal and lumbosacral parts, and necks should be taken. Raw materials should only come from healthy birds that have passed a veterinary examination. Many countries have very strict requirements for the production of mechanically separated meat. One of them, for example, is limiting the shelf life of bones used to obtain MMO - no more than a day at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius or eight days frozen.

What determines the quality of an MMO?

Mechanically separated meat (what it is, we discussed above) will become high quality if certain rules are followed. First of all, the deboned raw materials must be cooled, which makes it possible to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

It is also necessary to monitor the equipment, repair and sharpen it on time. The meat mass must be used immediately or frozen. The process of obtaining MMO is quite cost-effective, as it ensures waste-free production.

Transportation of MMO

According to the rules for transporting perishable products, mechanically separated poultry meat (what it is and how it is obtained was discussed above) can be transported by any transport, observing hygienic requirements. Thus, the meat is transported to the manufacturer’s premises, in accordance with the technological requirements for its production.

Storage of MMOs

Chilled mechanically separated meat is stored at a temperature of minus two and a half degrees Celsius for no more than seventy-two hours from the end of the cooling process. Mechanically separated poultry meat, which is described above, which is previously frozen, should be stored for no more than two months at a temperature not exceeding minus eighteen degrees Celsius.

GOST 31490-2012




Poultry meat of mechanical separation. Specifications

MKS 67.120.20

Date of introduction 2013-07-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the State scientific institution All-Russian Research Institute of Poultry Processing Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GNU VNIIPP Rosselkhozakademii) and Non-profit organization"Russian Poultry Union" (NO "Rosptitsesoyuz")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated May 23-24, 2012 N 41)

The following voted for adoption:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body




Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan








4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 10, 2012 N 479-st was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from July 1, 2013

5 This standard has been prepared based on the application of GOST R 53163-2008


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index " National standards", and the text of changes and amendments is in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". The relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

An amendment was made, published in IUS No. 2, 2015

Amendment made by database manufacturer

1 Application area

1 Application area

This standard applies to mechanically separated poultry meat (chicken and turkey) (hereinafter referred to as mechanically separated meat) intended for industrial processing in food production.

The standard does not apply to mechanically separated meat for infant and specialty foods, or to mechanically separated meat with added ingredients, including water.

Requirements ensuring product safety are set out in 4.2.2, 4.2.3, quality requirements - in 4.2.1, and labeling requirements - in 4.4.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any type during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST ISO 7218-2011 Microbiology food products and animal feed. General requirements and recommendations for microbiological studies

GOST 7702.2.0-95 Poultry meat, offal and semi-finished poultry products. Sampling methods and preparation for microbiological studies

GOST 7702.2.1-95 Poultry meat, offal and semi-finished poultry products. Method for determining the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms

GOST 9794-74 Meat products. Methods for determining total phosphorus content

GOST 9959-91 Meat products. General conditions conducting organoleptic assessment

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications

GOST 13513-86 Corrugated cardboard boxes for meat and dairy products. Specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15846-2002 Products sent to the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 18251-87 Paper-based adhesive tape. Specifications

GOST 19360-74 Film liner bags. General technical conditions

GOST 21784-76 Poultry meat (carcasses of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl). Specifications

GOST 23042-86 Meat and meat products. Fat determination methods

GOST 24104-2001 Laboratory scales. General technical requirements

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Determination methods

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements of mercury

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination methods

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining cadmium

GOST 29299-92 (ISO 2918-75) Meat and meat products. Nitrite determination method

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Methodology for determining toxic elements using the atomic emission method

GOST 31262-2004* Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 51301-99 “Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric methods for determining the content of toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper and zinc)” is in force.

GOST 31479-2012 Meat and meat products. Method of histological identification of composition

GOST 31628-2012 Food products and food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31657-2012 Poultry by-products for food. Specifications

GOST 31466-2012 Poultry meat processing products. Methods for determining the mass fraction of calcium, size and mass fraction of bone inclusions

GOST 31473-2012 Turkey meat (carcasses and their parts). General technical conditions

GOST 31470-2012 Poultry meat, offal and semi-finished poultry meat products. Methods of organoleptic and physicochemical research

GOST 31468-2012 Poultry meat, offal and semi-finished poultry meat products. Salmonella detection method

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

(Amendment. IUS No. 2-2015).

3 Classification

3.1 Depending on the type of raw materials used, mechanically separated meat is divided into chicken and turkey.

3.2 Depending on the temperature in the thickness of the product, mechanically separated meat is divided by thermal state into chilled - with a temperature from 0 ° C to minus 2 ° C, frozen - with a temperature not higher than minus 12 ° C.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Mechanically separated meat must comply with the requirements of this standard and be produced according to the technological instructions for its production in compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.2 Characteristics

4.2.1 In terms of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, mechanically separated meat must meet the requirements specified in Table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name

Characteristics of the indicator and norm of mechanically separated meat




Finely ground pasty mass


From light pink to red without the presence of gray

Characteristic of freshness of this type of product

Broth aroma

The characteristic aroma of freshly boiled broth

chicken meat

turkey meat

Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more

Mass fraction of protein, %, not less

Mass fraction of fat, %, no more

Mass fraction of calcium, %, no more

Mass fraction of bone inclusions:

% by weight of mechanically separated meat, no more

up to 500 microns in size inclusive, % of the total mass of bone inclusions, not less

the size of St. 500 to 750 µm inclusive, % of the total mass of bone inclusions, no more

Amount of volatile fatty acids, mg KOH/100 g mechanically separated meat, no more

Peroxide value, % iodine, no more

Acid number of fat, mg KOH/1 g fat, no more

Mass fraction of total phosphorus, %, no more

4.2.2 Mechanically separated meat is not allowed to contain:

- bone inclusions larger than 750 microns;

- sodium chloride (table salt);

- sodium nitrite;

- raw materials of plant and animal origin (except poultry);

- added moisture;

- foreign objects and impurities;

- additives of any kind.

4.2.3 Microbiological indicators of mechanically separated meat should not exceed the standards established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.3 Requirements for raw materials

4.3.1 To produce mechanically separated meat, the following should be used:

- carcasses of chickens, broiler chickens and their parts, carcasses of chickens in accordance with GOST 21784;

- turkey carcasses, turkey poults in accordance with GOST 31473, gutted, as well as those that do not meet the requirements of the second category in terms of fatness and quality of processing;

- frames, dorsal-scapular and lumbosacral parts that comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, according to which they were obtained when cutting and deboning carcasses of chickens, broiler chickens in accordance with GOST 21784, as well as when cutting and deboning turkeys and poults that meet the requirements of GOST 31473;

- necks without skin according to GOST 31657.

To produce mechanically separated meat, raw materials obtained from healthy poultry that have passed veterinary and sanitary examination and are approved for industrial processing are used; raw materials in the form of gutted poultry carcasses and/or their parts must be obtained directly from an enterprise that cuts and debones chilled poultry carcasses and/or their parts.

Raw materials are used after they are received:

- in a refrigerated state with a temperature in the thickness of the product from 0 ° C to minus 2 ° C with a shelf life of no more than two days;

- in a frozen state with a temperature in the thickness of the product minus (2.5±0.5) °C with a shelf life of no more than five days;

In a frozen state with a temperature in the thickness of the product not higher than minus 8 ° C with a shelf life of no more than one month.

4.3.2 It is not allowed to use mechanically separated meat for the production of:

- raw materials frozen more than once;

- raw materials with a mass fraction of pulpy tissues less than 30%.

4.3.3 Raw materials used for the production of mechanically separated meat must meet the safety requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.4 Marking

4.4.1 Marking must be clear, marking means must not affect the quality of mechanically separated meat and must ensure durability of the marking during storage and transportation throughout the shelf life, and must also be made from materials approved for contact with food products.

4.4.2 Each unit of transport container with mechanically separated meat is marked using a stamp, stencil or sticking a label or in another way, containing data about the product:

- product name;

- name and location of the manufacturer [legal address, including the country, and, if it does not coincide with the legal address, the address(es) of production(s)] and the organization in the state that has adopted the standard, authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers on its territory (if any );

- thermal state (chilled, frozen);

- date of manufacture and date of packaging;

- best before date;

- storage conditions;

- information about the nutritional value of 100 g of mechanically separated meat, given in Appendix A;

- gross, net weight;

Each unit of transport container may additionally include an insert sheet with similar markings.

4.4.3 Marking of transport containers - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs “Perishable cargo”, “Temperature limitation”, and also “Keep away from moisture”.

Labeling of transport containers containing products intended for local sale may contain only information about the product.

4.4.4 Labeling of products shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas is in accordance with GOST 15846.

4.5 Packaging

4.5.1 Transport containers, packaging materials and fastening agents must comply with sanitary requirements, the documents according to which they are manufactured, ensure the safety and quality of mechanically separated meat during transportation and storage throughout the shelf life, and must also be approved for use in contact with similar food products.

4.5.2 Mechanically separated meat is released packaged in transport containers - boxes made of corrugated cardboard in accordance with GOST 13513 with subsequent fixation with adhesive tape in accordance with GOST 18251, polymer with a pre-inserted polymer bag-liner in accordance with GOST 19360, and in its absence the bottom and walls of the boxes must be lined with polyethylene film according to GOST 10354. The protruding ends of the film should cover the top of the mechanically separated meat.

4.5.3 It is allowed to use other types of transport containers, fastening agents and packaging materials that are approved for contact with similar food products, ensuring the safety and quality of mechanically separated meat during transportation and storage throughout the shelf life.

4.5.4 Each unit of transport container is packed with mechanically separated meat of one name, one production date and thermal state, and one type of packaging. The net weight in the box should not exceed 20 kg.

4.5.5 Packaging of mechanically separated meat sent to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

4.5.6 The net weight of the product in one packaging unit must correspond to the nominal weight indicated in the labeling of the product in the container, taking into account permissible deviations.

The limits of permissible negative deviations and the limits of permissible positive deviations of the net mass of one packaging unit from the nominal one are in accordance with GOST 8.579.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Mechanically separated meat is accepted in batches.

A batch is considered to be any quantity of mechanically separated meat of the same name, the same date of production, the same thermal state, obtained at one enterprise and accompanied by one document of the established form certifying quality and safety, as well as one veterinary accompanying document, drawn up in accordance with the procedure in force in the territory state that has adopted the standard.

5.2 The document certifying quality and safety indicates:

- number and date of issue;

- name, address, telephone number of the manufacturer;

- image (if any) of the trademark (with or without logo);

- product name;

- batch number;

- quantity of transport packaging;

- date and hour of production (for chilled mechanically separated meat);

- date of production, date of packaging (for frozen mechanically separated meat);

- best before date;

- storage conditions;

- information that, according to test results, the product meets the requirements of this standard;

- designation of this standard;

- information on confirmation of conformity.

A document certifying the quality and safety of mechanically separated meat is issued and signed by the responsible official enterprise - manufacturer of the product.

5.3 To assess compliance of the quality and safety of the product, labeling and packaging with the requirements of this standard from different places parties select a sample of 5% of the total number of units of transport packaging, but not less than three units. The number of products selected from the total sample for control is adjusted depending on the control methods.

5.4 The quality and safety of products in unclearly marked or defective containers are checked separately. The results apply only to products in this container.

5.5 Organoleptic characteristics and temperature of mechanically separated meat are determined in each batch.

5.6 Test results are documented in a protocol.

5.7 If the test results are negative for at least one quality indicator, the product batch is not subject to acceptance.

5.8 The procedure and frequency of monitoring physical and chemical parameters is established by the product manufacturer in the production control program.

5.9 The procedure and frequency of monitoring microbiological indicators, the content of toxic elements (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium), antibiotics, pesticides and radionuclides is established by the product manufacturer in the production control program, but at least once a quarter.

5.10 In case of disagreement on the composition of mechanically separated meat, as well as at the request of regulatory organizations, histological identification of the composition of the product is carried out in accordance with GOST 31479.

6 Control methods

6.1 Sampling and preparation for testing

6.1.1 Sampling - according to .

Samples of mechanically separated meat are taken from three units of transport packaging, sample 5.3, weighing at least 1.0 kg:

- for chilled meat, mechanically separated randomly;

- for frozen mechanically separated meat, the surface layer with a depth of no more than 10 mm is randomly separated and defrosted to a temperature of 0 °C to 2 °C.

The selected samples are mixed and an average sample is obtained.

6.1.2 Preparation of samples for determination of toxic elements - in accordance with GOST 26929, for microbiological analysis - in accordance with GOST 7702.2.0,.

General requirements for microbiological control are in accordance with GOST ISO 7218.

6.2 Definition organoleptic indicators

Determination of organoleptic indicators (see 4.2.1) - according to GOST 9959.

The color of mechanically separated meat is determined visually in natural light by examining the surface of the block.

The smell of mechanically separated meat is determined organoleptically after thawing the sample to a temperature of 4 °C to 8 °C.

Part of the average sample (20 g) is used to evaluate the smell of the broth - according to GOST 9959.

6.2.1 Temperature determination Measuring instruments

When determining the temperature of mechanically separated meat (see 3.2), use the following measuring instrument:

- portable thermometer TP 5 with a measurement range from minus 35 °C to 45 °C, a permissible error limit of ±0.5 °C, with a scale division of 1 °C.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments with metrological characteristics not lower than those specified in this standard, recommended for food products.

When using other measuring instruments, control is carried out in accordance with the instructions for their use.

The use of mercury thermometers is not permitted. Taking a measurement

The measurement is carried out directly during sampling.

The sensor of the measuring device is inserted into the thickness of the mechanically separated meat. In frozen mechanically separated meat, a hole is first made for the sensor of the measuring device. Processing results

The results of each measurement are compared with the requirements of a regulatory or technical document for a specific type of mechanically separated meat.

6.3 Determination of physico-chemical parameters (see 4.2.1 and 4.2.2)

6.3.5 Determination of peroxide and acid number of fat

From the average sample according to 6.1.1, a sample weighing from 15 to 25 g is selected and fat extraction is carried out according to GOST 23042 (clause 2.2.1), using a volume of the extracting mixture equal to 50 cm. The amount of extracted fat must be at least 2 g. If necessary the extraction is repeated with an increased sample weight.

Peroxide and acid numbers are determined in extracted fat according to GOST 31470 (sections 8 and 9).
- arsenic - by

7 Transportation and storage

7.1 Mechanically separated meat is transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport, subject to hygienic requirements.

Mechanically separated meat is transported at the manufacturer’s premises in accordance with technological instructions for its production.

7.2 Chilled mechanically separated meat with a temperature in the thickness of the product from 0 ° C to minus 2 ° C is stored at a temperature of minus (2.5 ± 0.5) ° C and relative air humidity (90 ± 5)%.

The recommended shelf life of mechanically separated meat is no more than 72 hours from the end technological process cooling.

7.3 Frozen mechanically separated meat with a temperature within the product thickness not exceeding minus 12 °C is stored at a temperature not exceeding minus 18 °C and relative humidity (90±5)%.

Recommended shelf life of frozen mechanically separated meat from the date of production:

- chicken - no more than 3 months;

- turkey - no more than 2 months.

7.4 Transportation and storage of mechanically separated meat sent to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

Appendix A (for reference). Nutritional value per 100 g of mechanically separated meat

Appendix A

A.1 Nutritional value per 100 g of mechanically separated meat is given in Table A.1

Table A.1

Product name

Protein, g, no less

Fat, g, no more

Energy value, kcal

Mechanically separated chicken or turkey meat

Calculation of energy value is carried out according to a document valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.


ISO 17604:2003*

Microbiology of food products and animal feed. Sampling of carcasses for microbiological analysis

* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and further in the text can be obtained by following the link to the website - Database manufacturer's note.

ISO 6887-2:2003

Microbiology of food products and animal feed. Preparation of test samples, stock suspensions and decimal dilutions for microbiological studies. Part 2. Special rules for cooking meat and meat products

ISO 1442:1997

Meat and meat products. Determination of moisture content (reference method)

ISO 1841-1:1996

Meat and meat products. Determination of chloride content. Part 1. Volhard method

ISO 6463:1982

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of butyloxyanisole (BOA) and butyloxytoluene (BOT) content. Gas-liquid chromatography method

ISO 13493:1998

Meat and meat products. Determination of chloramphenicol content. Liquid chromatography method

UDC 637.54:006.354 MKS 67.120.20

Key words: chicken meat, mechanically separated turkey meat, technical requirements, safety indicators, packaging, labeling, acceptance rules, control methods, transportation, storage

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2014

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Recently, unfavorable conditions for human life have been developing in large cities, as the number of toxic substances in the environment increases. Metabolic processes begin to be disrupted in the body, which are also associated with poor, irrational nutrition. Proper nutrition improves the functioning of the immune system. All these problems became the reason for studying food products, in particular poultry meat. Meat products have become very popular all over the world today. It is a source of protein, so it occupies an important place in the human diet.

Currently, raw meat is actively used for the preparation of various products. Mechanically separated poultry meat (we will look at what it is below) is used to produce semi-finished products with high taste, nutritional value and good presentation. The bones with meat slits that remain after the whole muscle pieces have been separated are sent for further processing to create semi-finished products.

Mechanically separated meat - what is it?

MMO or mechanically separated meat is the main raw material for the preparation of finished poultry products. It is made from bones and excess fillets that are forced through a sieve under high pressure, resulting in a paste-like mince. It is interesting that quite recently manufacturers began to include MMO in their products, although they have been using it for quite a long time. They compare it to real poultry meat, but in fact MMO is somewhat fattier and contains bone fragments up to half a millimeter in size.

What should a bird's MMO be like?

Today, what semi-finished meat products will be like is controlled by GOST. Mechanically separated poultry meat, according to the requirements, must have a pasty viscous consistency, pink or red color, and a fresh smell. MMO should not contain bones larger than 0.75 mm, table salt, as well as materials of animal and plant origin, except poultry, foreign matter and other additives. In the territory of the state where such standards have been adopted, there is a law, the norms of which must not be exceeded in the manufacture of raw materials for semi-finished products. Therefore, according to GOST, mechanically separated poultry meat (we will discuss the technical conditions below) should not contain toxic elements. In addition, the amount of bone particles should not be more than 0.3%, although in reality up to 3% can be found very often.

Preparing meat for deboning

Before the mechanical deboning process begins, the meat is prepared. To do this, frozen carcasses, halves or quarters are thawed by defrosting, and then cleaned of contaminants on special tables in rooms equipped for this work. Then the bird is weighed and moved directly to the deboning shop, where the soft tissues are separated from the bone.

How is meat deboned?

MMO or mechanically separated poultry meat (we already know what it is) involves the use of chicken or turkey carcasses. They are processed using circular saws and pneumatic tools. Quite often, separators are used that crush bones and divide them into components (soft and hard). The result is a half-dry bone mass and a mass of muscle tissue, which have the appearance of pasty minced meat. It also includes fat, tendons, skin, and connective tissue. This product is used immediately after deboning. Today you can find different types of mechanical deboning devices on the market. The principle of their operation is the separation of soft components from hard components (bones) by using high pressure.

Mechanically separated poultry meat: technical specifications

MMO must comply with the requirements of this standard and be produced in accordance with To produce such a product, only carcasses of chickens, hens and turkeys, as well as their frames, dorsal and lumbosacral parts, and necks should be taken. Raw materials should only come from healthy birds that have passed a veterinary examination. Many countries have very strict requirements for the production of mechanically separated meat. One of them, for example, is limiting the shelf life of bones used to obtain MMO - no more than a day at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius or eight days frozen.

What determines the quality of an MMO?

Mechanically separated meat (what it is, we discussed above) will become high quality if certain rules are followed. First of all, the deboned raw materials must be cooled, which makes it possible to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

It is also necessary to monitor the equipment, repair and sharpen it on time. The meat mass must be used immediately or frozen. The process of obtaining MMO is quite cost-effective, as it ensures waste-free production.

Transportation of MMO

According to the transportation rules, mechanically separated poultry meat (what it is and how it is obtained was discussed above) can be transported by any transport, observing hygienic requirements. Thus, the meat is transported to the manufacturer’s premises, in accordance with the technological requirements for its production.

Storage of MMOs

Mechanical deboning is stored at a temperature of minus two and a half degrees Celsius for no more than seventy-two hours from the end of the cooling process. Mechanically separated poultry meat, which is described above, which is previously frozen, should be stored for no more than two months at a temperature not exceeding minus eighteen degrees Celsius.

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Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Standards

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Poultry Processing Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GNU VNIIPP Rosselkhozakademii) and the Non-Profit Organization "Russian Poultry Union" (NO "Rosptitsesoyuz")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstan-

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated May 23-24, 2012 No. 41)

2012 No. 479-st entered into force as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1

5 This standard has been prepared based on the application of GOST R 53163-2008


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

©Standardinform, 2014

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Appendix A (reference)

Nutritional value per 100 g of mechanically separated meat

A.1 Nutritional value per 100 g of mechanically separated meat is given in Table A. 1. Table A.1

Calculation of energy value is carried out according to a document valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.


ISO 17604:2003

ISO 6887-2:2003

ISO 1442:1997

ISO 1841-1:1996

ISO 6463:1982

ISO 13493:1998

Microbiology of food products and animal feed. Sampling of carcasses for microbiological analysis

Microbiology of food products and animal feed. Preparation of test samples, stock suspensions and decimal dilutions for microbiological studies. Part 2. Special rules for cooking meat and meat products

Meat and meat products. Determination of moisture content (reference method)

Meat and meat products. Determination of chloride content. Part 1. Volgard method

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of butyloxyanisole (BOA) and butyloxytoluene (BOT) content. Gas-liquid chromatography method

Meat and meat products. Determination of chloramphenicol content. Liquid chromatography method

UDC 637.54:006.354 MKS 67.120.20

Key words: chicken meat, mechanically separated turkey meat, technical requirements, safety indicators, packaging, labeling, acceptance rules, control methods, transportation, storage

Editor N.O. Grach Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector I.A. Koroleva Computer layout A.N. Zolotareva

Delivered for recruitment on 08/18/2014. Signed for publication on 09/08/2014. Format 60x84^. Arial typeface. Uel. oven l. 1.40. Academic ed. l. 1.15. Circulation 130 copies. Zach. 3684.

Published and printed by FSUE STANDARDINFORM, 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. [email protected]

In what place


Must be

To produce mechanically separated meat, raw materials obtained from healthy poultry that have passed veterinary and sanitary examination and are approved for industrial processing are used; raw materials in the form of gutted poultry carcasses and/or their parts must be obtained directly from an enterprise that cuts and debones chilled poultry carcasses and/or their parts.

Raw materials are used after they are received:

In a refrigerated state with a temperature in the thickness of the product from 0 ° C to minus 2 ° C with a shelf life of no more than two days;

In a frozen state with a temperature in the thickness of the product minus (2.5 ± 0.5) ° C with a shelf life of no more than five days;

In a frozen state with a temperature in the thickness of the product not higher than minus 8 ° C with a shelf life of no more than one month.

4.3.2 It is not allowed to use mechanically separated meat for the production of:

Raw materials frozen more than once;

Raw materials with a mass fraction of pulpy tissues of less than 30%.

4.3.3 Raw materials used for the production of mechanically separated meat must meet the safety requirements established by regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

4.4 Marking

4.4.1 Marking must be clear, marking means must not affect the quality of mechanically separated meat and must ensure durability of the marking during storage and transportation throughout the shelf life, and must also be made from materials approved for contact with food products.

4.4.2 Each unit of transport container with mechanically separated meat is marked using a stamp, stencil or sticking a label or in another way, containing data about the product:

Product name;

Name and location of the manufacturer [legal address, including the country, and, if not the same as the legal address, the address(es) of production] and the organization in the state that has adopted the standard, authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers on its territory (if any) ;

Thermal state (chilled, frozen);

Date of manufacture and date of packaging;

Best before date;

Storage conditions;

Information on nutritional value per 100 g of mechanically separated meat is given in Appendix A;

Gross, net weight;

Each unit of transport container may additionally include an insert sheet with similar markings.

4.4.3 Marking of transport containers - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs “Perishable cargo”, “Temperature limitation”, and also “Keep away from moisture”.

Labeling of transport containers containing products intended for local sale may contain only information about the product.

4.4.4 Labeling of products shipped to the Far North and equivalent areas is in accordance with GOST 15846.

4.5 Packaging

4.5.1 Transport containers, packaging materials and fastening agents must comply with sanitary requirements, the documents according to which they are manufactured, ensure the safety and quality of mechanically separated meat during transportation and storage throughout the shelf life, and must also be approved for use for contact with similar food products.

4.5.6 The net weight of the product in one packaging unit must correspond to the nominal weight indicated in the labeling of the product in the container, taking into account permissible deviations.

The limits of permissible negative deviations and the limits of permissible positive deviations of the net mass of one packaging unit from the nominal one are in accordance with GOST 8.579.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Mechanically separated meat is accepted in batches.

A batch is considered to be any quantity of mechanically separated meat of the same name, the same date of production, the same thermal state, obtained at one enterprise and accompanied by one document of the established form certifying quality and safety, as well as one veterinary accompanying document, drawn up in accordance with the procedure in force in the territory state that has adopted the standard.

5.2 The document certifying quality and safety indicates:

Number and date of issue;

Name, address, telephone number of the manufacturer;

Image (if any) of the trademark (with or without logo);

Product name;

Batch number;

Quantity of transport packaging;

Date and hour of production (for chilled mechanically separated meat);

Production date, packaging date (for frozen mechanically separated meat);

Best before date;

Storage conditions;

Information that, based on test results, the product meets the requirements of this standard;

Designation of this standard;

Information about confirmation of conformity.

A document certifying the quality and safety of mechanically separated meat is issued and signed by the responsible official of the enterprise that manufactures the product.

5.3 To assess the compliance of the quality and safety of the product, labeling and packaging with the requirements of this standard, a sample of 5% of the total number of shipping containers, but not less than three units, is selected from different places in the batch. The number of products selected from the total sample for control is adjusted depending on the control methods.

5.4 The quality and safety of products in unclearly marked or defective containers are checked separately. The results apply only to products in this container.

5.5 Organoleptic characteristics and temperature of mechanically separated meat are determined in each batch.

5.6 Test results are documented in a protocol.

5.7 If the test results are negative for at least one quality indicator, the product batch is not subject to acceptance.

5.8 The procedure and frequency of monitoring physical and chemical parameters is established by the product manufacturer in the production control program.

5.9 The procedure and frequency of monitoring microbiological indicators, the content of toxic elements (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium), antibiotics, pesticides and radionuclides is established by the product manufacturer in the production control program, but at least once a quarter.

5.10 In case of disagreement on the composition of mechanically separated meat, as well as at the request of regulatory organizations, histological identification of the composition of the product is carried out in accordance with GOST 31479.

6 Control methods

6.1 Sampling and preparation for testing

6.1.1 Sampling

Samples of mechanically separated meat are taken from three units of transport packaging, sample 5.3, weighing at least 1.0 kg:

For chilled meat, mechanically deboned randomly;

For mechanically separated frozen meat, the surface layer, no more than 10 mm deep, is randomly separated and thawed to a temperature of 0 °C to 2 °C.

The selected samples are mixed and an average sample is obtained.

6.1.2 Preparation of samples for determination of toxic elements - in accordance with GOST 26929, for microbiological analysis - in accordance with GOST 7702.2.0,.

General requirements for microbiological control are in accordance with GOST ISO 7218.

6.2 Determination of organoleptic parameters

Determination of organoleptic indicators (see 4.2.1) - according to GOST 9959.

The color of mechanically separated meat is determined visually in natural light by examining the surface of the block.

The smell of mechanically separated meat is determined organoleptically after thawing the sample to a temperature of 4 °C to 8 °C.

Part of the average sample (20 g) is used to evaluate the smell of the broth - according to GOST 9959.

6.2.1 Temperature determination Measuring instruments

When determining the temperature of mechanically separated meat (see 3.2), use the following measuring instrument:

Portable thermometer TP 5 with a measurement range from minus 35 °C to 45 °C, a permissible error limit of +0.5 °C, with a scale division of 1 °C.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments with metrological characteristics not lower than those specified in this standard, recommended for food products.

When using other measuring instruments, control is carried out in accordance with the instructions for their use.

The use of mercury thermometers is not permitted. Taking a measurement

The measurement is carried out directly during sampling.

The sensor of the measuring device is inserted into the thickness of the mechanically separated meat. In frozen mechanically separated meat, a hole is first made for the sensor of the measuring device. Processing results

The results of each measurement are compared with the requirements of a regulatory or technical document for a specific type of mechanically separated meat.

6.3 Determination of physico-chemical parameters (see 4.2.1 and 4.2.2)

6.3.1 Determination of the mass fraction of moisture - according to , protein - according to a document valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard, fat - according to GOST 23042 6.8 Determination of pesticides - according to a document valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6.9 Determination of radionuclides - according to the document valid in the territory of the state that has adopted the standard.

6.10 It is permitted to use other certified control methods with metrological characteristics not lower than those specified in section 6.

7 Transportation and storage

7.1 Mechanically separated meat is transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for this type of transport, subject to hygienic requirements.

Mechanically separated meat is transported on the manufacturer’s premises in accordance with the technological instructions for its production.

7.2 Chilled mechanically separated meat with a temperature in the thickness of the product from 0 ° C to minus 2 ° C is stored at a temperature of minus (2.5 + 0.5) ° C and relative air humidity (90 + 5)%.

7.3 Frozen mechanically separated meat with a temperature within the product thickness not exceeding minus 12 °C is stored at a temperature not exceeding minus 18 °C and relative humidity (90 + 5)%.

Chicken - no more than 3 months;

Turkey - no more than 2 months.

7.4 Transportation and storage of mechanically separated meat sent to the Far North and equivalent areas - in accordance with GOST 15846.

This product is well balanced in the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, has excellent taste and nutritional characteristics and allows the production of sought-after meat products with high nutritional value and an attractive presentation.

What is an MMO and what does it consist of?

Essentially, it is skin, fat, connective tissue and tendons remaining after cutting the carcass into bone parts. To obtain mechanically deboned poultry meat, bones are passed through pneumatic installations, where soft tissue is separated under high pressure. The main advantage of the technology is that this mechanically separated meat contains virtually no sharp fragments or bone residues, and the resulting minced meat has a uniform consistency.

All parameters and characteristics of the meat product must comply with GOST, technical conditions and instructions adopted in production.

GOST: mechanically separated meat

The state standard strictly regulates the requirements for this semi-finished product. The composition must not contain bone residues larger than 0.75 mm, feather residues, added moisture, salt and other substances not related to poultry. According to organoleptic characteristics, mechanically separated meat according to GOST must have:

  • viscous paste-like consistency;
  • fresh smell;
  • red or pinkish color.

A separate clause in GOST for mechanically separated meat regulates the mass content of moisture, bone particles, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Mechanically separated poultry meat - technical specifications

According to production instructions and technical conditions, mechanically separated meat can only be produced from the frame, keel, neck and back. All components must be taken only from healthy birds that have undergone veterinary control. In addition, bone mass is suitable for use only within 24 hours after cutting carcasses if stored refrigerated, or within 8 days if frozen.

Immediately after production according to GOST and technical conditions, mechanically separated meat can be immediately put into culinary processing or frozen for subsequent storage. After which the products are sent to a cold warehouse, where they are stored at low temperatures.

As with any freezing, MMO is subject to the requirements and conditions for transporting perishable products.