International Accreditation Day. What kind of holiday is International Accreditation Day? June 9 is accreditation day

The holiday was based on a global initiative supported by general decision International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) in order to draw attention to accreditation-related work.

ILAC and IAF are organizations that deal accreditation testing laboratories and, accordingly, certification bodies. Therefore, this holiday, first of all, should be considered as a holiday of those who carry out accreditation to recognize the technical competence of testing laboratories (certification bodies).

Accreditation helps you make an informed decision when choosing a laboratory because it is through accreditation that the competence, impartiality and capabilities of the laboratory are demonstrated.

Established over 30 years ago, ILAC's international community includes accreditation bodies from more than 70 countries. Accreditation bodies around the world have signed an Agreement that promotes the expansion of products and services beyond national borders.

The purpose of this Agreement is to create an international framework for maintaining international trade by reducing technical barriers. As a result, one of the goals of free trade can be realized: product tested once and accepted everywhere.

Accreditation is also required in other areas of activity.

Accreditation, accreditation (from Latin accredere- trust), in international law - the procedure for appointing a diplomatic representative (or permanent representative of a state to any international organization).

Representatives of funds are also subject to accreditation mass media when they are appointed to work in another country, when covering international conferences, meetings of heads of state, as well as representatives of foreign companies working in another state.

Journalists are accredited by the press services of parliaments, congresses, forums, other events or international organizations or official government press services of the host country. During the accreditation process, they are issued certificates entitling them to participate in press events. Trade and commercial representatives are accredited at chambers of commerce and industry or associations, as well as at relevant exhibitions and fairs.

And every year on June 9, Accreditation Day is celebrated around the world in countries where such services exist, and each year it takes place under a specific theme related to accreditation.

Today is May 12

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The production of products and provision of services must comply with standards. They are developed by experts in specialized fields and approved by government agencies. To obtain a conclusion (certificate) on the compliance of a product or service with standards or approved requirements, it is necessary to go through a labor-intensive process of research and analysis. There are organizations that accredit testing laboratories and certification bodies to recognize their technical competence. To express gratitude and respect for their work, an international professional holiday was created.

When it passes

International Accreditation Day is celebrated annually on June 9. It is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. In 2019, the date is celebrated for the 12th time.

Who celebrates

The international holiday is celebrated by accreditation specialists, metrologists, and employees of specialized government agencies. People who develop standards and monitor their implementation, as well as employees of enterprises that service laboratory equipment, join the celebrations.

History and traditions of the holiday

The idea of ​​the event belongs to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). In October 2007, at a meeting in Sydney, they adopted a resolution that set the date for the annual celebration of International Accreditation Day. The first events took place in 2008.

The purpose of the holiday is to show appreciation for the activities of specialists who carry out accreditation. He draws the attention of governments and manufacturers to the problems of the sector.

On this day, experiences are exchanged at seminars, conferences, lectures, and forums. Participants discuss current problems accreditation and certification. The best employees are awarded certificates of honor and diplomas. Exhibitions demonstrate the work of new inventions.

ILAC was created in 1977 with the aim of strengthening international cooperation and trade development.

On November 2, 2000, 36 Accreditation Bodies from 28 countries signed the ILAC Mutual Recognition Agreement in Washington. It came into force on January 31, 2001.

In Russia, accreditation of testing laboratories and certification bodies is carried out by Federal service on accreditation.

This holiday was established in 2008 at the initiative of international accreditation organizations - the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) with the aim of raising public awareness of the role of accreditation in all spheres of economic and social life.

In 2018 it will be celebrated for the eleventh time.

Accreditation of organizations to carry out a particular activity is proof of the impartiality and competence of their assessment of the conformity of products or services. IN modern conditions, when goods and services are supplied anywhere in the world, accreditation is intended to provide confidence in on a global scale and promote the removal of technical barriers to international trade.

Motto world day accreditation – 2018: “Accreditation: making the world safer.” It is intended to reflect the role of accreditation in ensuring the safe use of goods and services, as well as safe conditions labor and life.

Each of us uses everyday life electrical goods, gas, public transport, medical services, etc. At the same time, we do not think that to ensure the safe use of these goods and services, a huge infrastructure operates in our country and at the global level.

Important elements of this infrastructure are conformity assessment bodies, which carry out a number of necessary procedures (testing, measurement, calibration, certification, inspection, etc.) to confirm the conformity of goods and services with established requirements before they are placed on the market. Confidence in the performance of these conformity assessment bodies is ensured by accreditation, which confirms their competence in accordance with the requirements international standards and carries out its continuous monitoring during the validity period of the accreditation certificate.

The Republic of Belarus has its own National Accreditation System, which fully meets international requirements. Currently, its register includes 2,796 testing, verification, calibration laboratories, 116 bodies for certification of products, services, management systems, personnel and 3 inspection bodies. Of these, 416 laboratories and 21 certification bodies operate in the field of safety.

The national accreditation system of the Republic of Belarus is in constant development in accordance with international requirements and rules in this area. So, new Law of the Republic of Belarus dated October 24, 2016 No. 437-Z “On assessment of compliance with technical requirements and accreditation of conformity assessment bodies,” which entered into force on July 30, 2017, expands the legislative basis for this activity. In its development, changes were made to the Accreditation Rules, the Rules for maintaining the register of the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the Accreditation Council of the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus and the Regulations on the procedure for certifying accreditation experts were approved.

The accreditation body of the Republic of Belarus, which is the Belarusian State Accreditation Center (BSCA), has been carrying out targeted work for several years to ensure international recognition of protocols and certificates issued by entities accredited in the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus.

Over the past two years, BSCA has passed two expert assessments of the European Accreditation Organization (EA) in accordance with the main legislative act of the European Union (EU) in the field of accreditation - Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No. 765/2008.

The EA assessment stages took place in January 2016 and November 2017. During the last visit to the accreditation body of the Republic of Belarus, experts from 8 countries (France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic, Turkey and Ukraine) assessed the equivalence of the accreditation system Republic of Belarus with accreditation systems in the EU. Based on the results of the assessment, the experts prepared a positive conclusion on the possibility of the accreditation body of the Republic of Belarus joining the Recognition Agreement with the EA. This agreement is planned to be signed in October 2018 at a meeting of the EA General Assembly. This will allow you to automatically join the Multilateral Recognition Agreements with ILAC and IAF without going through any additional procedures. In this way, conditions will be created for international recognition of protocols and certificates issued by entities accredited in the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus.

Thematic events will be held for World Accreditation Day in our republic, as in other countries of the world. According to tradition, the results of the competition “Competence - 2017” will be summed up and awarded. It has been conducted by the BSCA annually since 2012 with the aim of identifying and encouraging those laboratories and certification bodies that are the standard of professionalism and leadership in a specific field of conformity assessment services. The winners of the competition are those entities that demonstrate a high level of competence, competently strengthen their professional reputation, and most importantly, strive to increase the trust of consumers of their services.

This year, the competition has 13 nominations (covering testing, calibration/verification, certification of products, services and management systems).

The competition was held in two stages. At the first stage, a special working group identified 29 applicants based on the scoring of accreditation results for 2017. At the second stage of the competition, an independent commission studied the conclusion of the working group, analyzed additional materials submitted by the applicants, and determined the winners in each category.

During the competition, attention was paid not only to accredited entities, but also to accreditation experts. In keeping with the theme of World Accreditation Day 2018, a special category has been created for technical experts in safety accreditation for both laboratories and certification bodies. The competition commission determined the winners in this category - they were experts who took an active part in accreditation work in 2017 and consistently demonstrated good results of its activities.

The holding of this competition inspires accredited certification bodies and laboratories to dynamically develop, self-improvement and achieve new successes.

This month our country celebrated a holiday that appeared relatively recently. Eight years ago - in 2008. Then the General Assembly of ILAC and IAF (ILAC - International Laboratory Accreditation Organization, IAF - International Accreditation Forum - ed.) decided to celebrate June 9 as World Accreditation Day - ed. The Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation, - ed.) officially congratulated the participants in accreditation activities on the holiday. If we talk about its meaning, it is intended as an opportunity to further emphasize the importance of the mission of accreditation workers. But not everyone understands the content of this work well. Therefore, it is often necessary to first find out what accreditation is and how it works, only then does the significance of the accreditation body employee and his professionalism for society become clear. The IAF offers this definition...

Quote:Accreditation- This independent assessment certification bodies for compliance with recognized standards, certifying their competence and impartiality in carrying out certain activities, such as testing, calibration and certification’

From this concept, the IAF - the world's largest and most authoritative accreditation body - derives the term “accreditation body”: this is the structure that carries out accreditation; in some situations, the accreditation body may be a government agency. In life you may encounter accreditation of journalists, educational institutions, medical workers and diplomats, but this is the case when the same concept characterizes different procedures. International Accreditation Day applies only to those organizations and professionals whose activities can be covered by the definition given here. If we talk in simple language, then accreditation is a procedure for confirming compliance, which is carried out by an audit organization in an audit organization. Certification of those who issue certificates. However, instead of a certificate, upon successful accreditation, another document is issued - an accreditation certificate.

In 2016, the theme for celebrating International Accreditation Day was the usefulness of this procedure for the needs of public administration(Public Policy, - ed.). The website created by IAF for the holiday highlights the most striking examples that illustrate the potential benefits. In Russia, with the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" and the adoption of the Federal Law "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System", the terms voluntary accreditation and "accreditation in the national accreditation system" were separated (the Russian Federal Law "On Accreditation..." simply does not define accreditation, it is built on the wording “accreditation in the national accreditation system - ed.). Only a “federal executive body” can be an accreditation body in the national accreditation system (Article No. 31, - ed.). Voluntary accreditation, in fact, is not regulated and acts as one of the types of voluntary confirmation of compliance. A number of certification bodies and research institutes offer the service of commercial accreditation of certification bodies and laboratories based on international auditing standards. However, such services do not constitute a counterbalance to the national accreditation system, since the accreditation body must be trusted, and in Russia, experts believe, there have not yet emerged bodies independent from the state whose accreditation certificates would be trusted by a sufficiently large number of market participants. Yet, the world's largest authoritative accreditation bodies are independent.

The provision of services to the population must strictly comply with approved standards and norms. These quality assurance standards are developed by highly qualified specialists and then approved by the relevant government agencies.

In order to highlight the importance of the mandatory procedure, the world community has put forward a proposal to introduce an international accreditation day. The celebration is celebrated annually on June 9 by most developed countries.

The history of the appearance of the holiday

The initiative to approve the holiday primarily came from the International Accreditation Forum. In 2007, together with the Organization for Laboratory Accreditation, he held a thematic meeting in Sydney, where contemporary problems in the field were discussed at that time. At the same time, the main goals of the date were recorded. The innovation was supposed to help focus attention on the role of the accreditation process itself and show the actual importance of qualified specialists working in conformity assessment bodies.

The solemn day was celebrated for the first time in 2008. It is noteworthy that both of these associations were initially created with the aim of strengthening international relations in the field of trade.

What is accreditation

The accreditation procedure involves confirming the compliance of a certain object with the requirements established at the state level. The following are subject to standard accreditation:

  • Educational services (universities, schools);
  • Information (mass media);
  • Services provided within the framework of diagnostics and testing (laboratory);
  • Services for calibration and verification of measuring instruments.

The developed mechanism includes the Council Russian Federation for accreditation, federal and regional authorities, as well as technical centers, engaged in factual verification. The modern Russian accreditation system requires improvements. Among the most important issues the Ministry economic development calls for the need for convergence with European Union standards, as well as a partial revision of the current principles and rules of law governing the procedure for awarding compliance status.

Today, there is not only state accreditation, but also private accreditation. In the Russian Federation, the first one enjoys great authority, while in the West, on the contrary, preference is given to private non-profit firms.

How the celebration is celebrated in Russia and foreign countries

On International Accreditation Day, attention is paid not so much to entertainment events, but to issues of resolving problems in the field and improving one’s own work. On this date, open conferences, thematic seminars and lectures, and thematic forums are organized for specialists, where they jointly discuss the prospects for the development of the accreditation service.

In addition to the official part, the management prepares corporate evenings. Especially distinguished employees are publicly rewarded letters of gratitude, certificates, cash prizes and memorable souvenirs with the symbols of the enterprise. Relatives and relatives of the metrologists join the celebration.