The maximum speed of the su is 27 km/h. "Encyclopedia of world weapons

"Cobra" is a well-known aerobatics figure. It was this aircraft that first demonstrated a fascinating element to the general public in the skies of France at the international air show in Le Bourget in the summer of 1989. Piloted the car, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Viktor Georgievich Pugachev.

The arms race and the desire to surpass the development of the American F-15 fighter became a factor in the selfless work of Soviet aircraft designers who presented the armed forces of the Soviet Union with the Su-27 combat aircraft unsurpassed for a long time.

History of creation

At the end of the 1960s, in the countries of the NATO alliance, aviation design engineers began to develop promising fourth-generation fighter projects. At the head of this project were the United States, which since 1965 had hatched a plan to replace the F-4C Phantom fighter with a new tactical aircraft.

By March 1966, the Pentagon approved the start of a promising project, codenamed FX (Fighter Experimental), an experimental fighter.

For three years, Western aircraft designers collected and refined the necessary requirements from the US Air Force, and by 1969 a competitive project for a future aircraft with the assigned F-15 Eagle index was launched.

Among the design bureaus, McDonnell Douglas won the championship, which was entrusted under a contract dated December 23, 1969, to build prototype aircraft. The company coped with the task and in 1974 the production models of the F-15A and F-15B fighters were presented.

In parallel, painstaking work was carried out in the USSR on a competitive basis to create a promising front-line fighter (PFI).

Three main design bureaus took part in the development. Design Bureau "Dry" initially did not take part in the competition, but the developments of 1969 served as an occasion to take an official part in the competition and continue focused work on the project with the T-10 index.

The main technical challenge was an indisputable advantage over the Western F-15 model. In addition, the military wanted to see a maneuverable aircraft for close air combat, as the military trend again considered combat between aircraft an integral part of air battles.

During 1972, two congresses of authorized military consultants were held with representatives of the design bureaus of Mikoyan, Sukhoi and Yakovlev. The result of scientific and technical advice was the elimination of the project competition: Yak-45 and Yak-47.

Representatives of the MiG Design Bureau decided to play with the situation and proposed dividing the PFI project into two parallel directions, in which development would be carried out immediately on two types of fighters: light and heavy.

In their opinion, simultaneous work with the most unified aircraft equipment will have a positive effect on the economic factor and will allow the state to be given two types of fighters with individual tasks. The proposal will result in the development of the MiG-29.

Prototypes of the Sukhoi Design Bureau

On May 20, 1977, the first prototype of the T-10-1 made its first test flight. The device was piloted by Honored Test Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Ilyushin.

The task of the tests was to check the operability of the control and stability control units.

In total, 38 experimental flights were made on this prototype, after which the necessary improvements were carried out. Weapons were not installed on the prototype.

The second experimental model T-10-2 began to be tested in 1978. Piloted by Hero of the Soviet Union, test pilot Evgeny Stepanovich Solovyov. In the next flight, it was required to check the coefficient of longitudinal control. Performing the task, the car had a longitudinal buildup, which led to the destruction of the aircraft. The pilot is dead.

The third T-10-3 prototype was equipped with more powerful engines and first flew in August 1979. The fourth test sample T-10-4 was equipped with an experimental Sword radar system.

Thus, in 1979, the tests passed, and in the same year they launched the production of a batch of five aircraft at an aircraft factory in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. They were given the name Su-27 type 105. After being built, these machines were tested for equipment systems and installed weapons.

Disappointing reports came from the West that the F-15 was significantly superior to the Soviet car.

It turned out that the terms of reference did not correspond to the parameters of the American fighter.

Back in 1976, the designers drew attention to the unsatisfactory performance of the T-10 when blowing a model in a wind tunnel. The tests took place at the Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation.

During the design period, not all developments in aeroelasticity and flutter could be used according to theory. This was due to the lack of specialized computing equipment. The pace of aircraft construction was significantly ahead of the scientific research of aviators.

In addition, the electronics developers went beyond the space allotted for the equipment, which violated the planned alignment of the aircraft. The radar worked intermittently. Fuel consumption did not correspond to the declared parameters.

The designers faced a difficult question - to bring the created prototype to the “mind” or to radically remake existing project. The preference was given to the second option - to re-design a fighter that would certainly surpass the Western competitor in terms of performance.

Spurred on by the bitter feeling of the previous failure, the developers were able to create a new aircraft in a very short time, the design of which took into account the accumulated experience of the T-10 model and its experimental indicators. On April 20, 1981, the new prototype T-10-7 (T-10S-1) took off for the first time from the airfield under the control of V.S. Ilyushin.

The design of the machine has undergone significant changes, almost nothing remains of the previous version. Tests of the experimental model showed impressive results. It was

it is obvious that the machine is not inferior Western counterpart F-15, and in some respects it has an advantage.

The joy of the designers overshadowed the disaster. On December 23, 1981, a prototype under the control of test pilot Alexander Sergeevich Komarov collapsed at a speed of 2300 km / h, while testing the device in a critical mode, the pilot died.

Miraculously, it was possible to avoid a repeated incident during the strength tests of the prototype. The incident occurred on July 16, 1986 near the city of Akhtubinsk. At a speed of 1000 km / h and an altitude of 1000 meters, the nose and wing console of the aircraft fell apart.

The aircraft was piloted by test pilot Nikolai Sadovnikov, and only thanks to his skill it was possible to land the damaged car at a speed of 350 km / h, which exceeds the landing speed by 100 km / h. The experimental machine was missing a significant part of the wing console and one keel was broken.

In a similar situation that occurred on May 25, 1984, the plane could not be saved, the pilot ejected in a timely manner. The circumstances that arose gave impressive material for finalizing the design of the airframe and wing, in particular, the slat was reduced.

Subsequent improvements occurred throughout the testing phase. They could not be avoided even after the start of serial production of the aircraft.


The birthplace of serial T-10-S was the Far East. Mass production began in 1981 in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur on the territory of plant No. 126, KnAAPO named after. Gagarin.

The production of aero engines AL-31F was carried out by: Moscow Engineering manufacturing enterprise Salyut and the Ufa Machine-Building Production Association.

Only on August 23, 1990, the Su-27 aircraft was officially put into service. By this time, all significant shortcomings identified in experimental flights had been eliminated on the fighter. And the tests lasted more than five years. The aircraft adopted for service acquired the Su-27S index, meaning serial.

For air defense aviation, the designation was changed to Su-27P, meaning interceptor. Unlike linear vehicles, it could not be used as a strike aircraft; its lightweight design did not allow the suspension of weapons designed to destroy ground targets.


The Su-27 aircraft is made of titanium and aluminum. Composite materials were practically not used in the fighter device. The designers gave the aircraft an aesthetic appearance with swift hull lines.

Su-27 glider

The integrated layout, according to the theory of the aerodynamic scheme, made it possible to combine the wing with the fuselage into a single body. Wing sweep angle in front 42°.

Developed parameters of aerodynamics at significant angles of attack are achieved due to the root influx of the wing and the automatic system of tip deflection.

In addition, the influxes can improve aerodynamic performance at supersonic speeds. The wing is equipped with flaperons, which perform the task of ailerons and flaps during takeoff and landing.

The horizontal plumage is made in the form of rotary panels. The same direction of movement of the panels contributes to the regulation of the flight altitude, and the multidirectional position regulates the roll. To increase maneuverability, the design of the airframe has a two-keel vertical tail.

Modified Su-27 models have front horizontal tail, for example: Su-27M, as well as Su-30, Su-33, Su-34. The naval version of the Su-33 is equipped with folding wings to reduce the size when placed on the deck of an aircraft carrier and is equipped with a hook for braking during landing.

The latest electric remote control system, first used on the serial Su-27, is able to distribute the load on the coordination units more efficiently. Her appearance is associated with unstable job when maneuvering at subsonic speeds.

Aircraft engines

A pair of afterburner turbojet engines with a bypass system was installed on the serial Su-27, under the symbol AL-31F. This is the basic engine of the afterburner series, developed in the late 1970s and began to be mass-produced in 1985, after lengthy tests.

With a unit mass of 1490 kg, it provides traction of 12500 kgf. Engine nacelles were built for the engines, spaced apart on both parts of the aircraft axis and located in the tail section.

This type of aircraft engine showed good fuel economy in afterburner mode and at minimum thrust. By currently engines are produced at the Moscow Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NPTs Salyut” and UMPO in Ufa. The main design of the AL-31F aircraft engine includes:

  • compressor with four stages of reduced pressure;
  • compressor with nine stages of high pressure;
  • cooling turbine with one high pressure stage;
  • cooling turbine with one stage of reduced pressure;
  • afterburner chamber.

The launch of the power plant comes from an autonomous power unit GTDE-117-1, which is a turbo starter. In addition to starting, the power plant allows you to simulate the operation of the power plant on the ground, to test the systems of the combat vehicle. From the aircraft engine, with the help of drives, the following operate: a generator, a hydraulic pump and a fuel supply pump.

Placing aircraft engines on both sides of the fuselage increases the survivability of the aircraft.

A failed one power unit will not affect the operation of the second installation.

It is also worth adding that the air intakes receive a sufficient amount of air without any influence on this process of the fuselage. Inside the air box are adjustable flaps and a mesh screen.

The task of the mesh screens is to protect the power plant from objects and debris from the runway until the aircraft has retracted the front landing gear after takeoff. In standby mode, the screens are open as they are powered by hydraulic pressure.

Afterburner nozzles are cooled by air flow passing through two cascades of "petals". Automatic adjustment of the nozzle is carried out with the help of motor fuel, which is used as a working fluid.

Fuel system

Fuel is placed in the five fuel tanks of the fighter. An exception is the training Su-27UB, which has only four fuel tanks.

In a combat aircraft, two tanks are located in the wings and three tanks in the fuselage.

Full refueling is 9.6 tons, incomplete refueling is 5.6 tons (the front and rear tanks in the fuselage are not refueled). The main type of fuel is aviation kerosene of the RT, T-1, TS brands.

The park is produced through a specialized valve located on the right side of the side. The process of fuel supply is regulated by the control panel. It is possible to use simplified refueling with a dispensing gun, through the upper fuel necks.

Correct refueling and fuel consumption are monitored by automatic control of fuel pumps and fuel level control. The internal cavities of the fuel tanks are filled with polyurethane foam.

Hydraulic system

Hydraulics is divided into two autonomous circuits with the required pressure of 280kg/cm2. Specialized oil AMG-10 is used as a working fluid. NP-112 g/s hydraulic pumps are installed on each aircraft engine. The task of the hydraulic system is to ensure the stable operation of the following units:

  • control rods;
  • landing gear folding units;
  • wheel brake systems;
  • movement of the flaps and the protective screen of the air intakes;
  • brake pad control.

Pneumatic system

The air circuit is filled with technical nitrogen. The task of the installation is to provide emergency landing gear release in case of failure of the hydraulic system, as well as control of the pneumatic drive of the cockpit canopy opening mechanism.


The fighter used a tricycle chassis system. Two central supports have telescopic gas-oil racks and two wheels KT-15bD with a brake drive. Tire size 1030x350 mm. After the release of the chassis, the supports are fixed with locks, which are placed on the power frame of the engine nacelles.

The front support has a semi-lever gas-oil rack with a KN-27 steered wheel. The bow wheel mechanism is not equipped with a brake drive. The wheel is controlled by a foot control system.

Power supply

The voltage of the main network of the aircraft is 200/115V with a frequency of 400 Hz. Each aircraft engine has a GP-21 generator.

Additional (low-voltage) network has a voltage of 27V powered by VU-6M rectifiers. For an emergency source of electricity, two 20NKBN-25 batteries with two PTS-800BM converters are installed on the aircraft.

aircraft control system

The control complex includes several systems. They consist of lateral, longitudinal and directional control, as well as coordination of the toes of the wing. For control in the longitudinal air channel, a continuous movement of the horizontal tail is used, which is not mechanically connected with the handle.

The command from the handle is transmitted by means of an electrical remote control to the corresponding drive. This mechanism is called SDU-10S and ensures the fulfillment of assigned tasks, such as:

  • control of the aircraft in the transverse, track and longitudinal channels;
  • increase in the aerodynamics of the machine when maneuvering;
  • protection against overloads and critical angle of attack;
  • a significant reduction in the load on the glider of a fighter.

The SDU program includes three basic modes of operation, these are “flight”, “takeoff and landing” and “hard link”. The first two modes are working, and the third is emergency.

OPR - the limiter of limiting modes, ensures the prohibition of bringing the aircraft to the exorbitant flight regulations, causing vibration of the handle of the steering wheel. The transverse tilts of the yoke handle control the flaperons.

The aircraft is equipped with an autopilot SAU-10, whose task is to:

  • flight altitude adjustment and aircraft tilt stabilization;
  • removing the machine from spatial disorientation to a horizontal position;
  • ascent of the programmed altitude and automatic descent;
  • control from ground and air command posts, including weapons;
  • flight according to the route plan;
  • return to the base of deployment and landing using signals from radio beacons.

Flight and navigation equipment

The Su-27 fighter is equipped with two systems of flight and navigation equipment, which form a single unit of the PNK-10 airborne complex. The flight electronics includes: speed meter IK-VSP-2-10, air signal sensors SVS-2Ts-2, altimeter RV-21, aircraft coordination SAU-10, and SOS-2.

The navigation system included: vertical calculation apparatus IK-VK-80-6, electronic compass ARK-22, local navigation device RSBN A-317, radio beacon A-611.

Means of communication

For communication between the pilot and the command post, aircraft and other related objects, the fighter has two VHF and HF radio stations (R-800L, R-864L).

Additionally, the staff of the equipment includes: the P-515 device for internal negotiations and the P-503B recording device.

Weapons control

SUV - the weapon control system consists of: the RLPK-27 missile guidance system, the OEPS-27 sighting device for searching and tracking targets by infrared radiation, the SEI-31 display device, the interrogator of the state identification device.

Characteristics and combat use

Aircraft length, m21,935
Aircraft height, m5,932
Wingspan, m14,698
Aircraft weight without load, kg16300
Average takeoff weight of a fighter, kg22500
Maximum aircraft weight with load, kg30000
aircraft engineAL-31F turbofan engine (2 pcs)
Maximum speed, km/h2500
Practical ceiling, m18500
The maximum flight range of a fighter, km3680
Combat radius, km440-1680
Limit overload+ 9g
AerogunGSh-301 caliber 30 mm, located in the right wing influx. Warhead 150 rounds.
6 000
Crew, people1

Russia's participation in local conflicts on the territory of the former USSR was accompanied by air support. During the Abkhazian war, on March 19, 1993, a Su-27 of the Russian Air Force made a sortie from the Gudauta airfield to intercept two belonging to the Georgian Air Force. It was not possible to detect air targets.

The fighter crew received a command to return to the deployment base and, during a turnaround maneuver, was attacked from an anti-aircraft missile system in the village of Shroma in the Sukhumi region. The attack was not repulsed and the Su-27 aircraft was destroyed, the pilot Vaclav Shipko died.

On June 7, 1994, a Hercules transport aircraft belonging to the US Air Force violated Russian airspace. The air truck followed the air route from Frankfurt to Tbilisi. The western crew did not respond to radio calls, and continued its course in violation of the border.

On alarm, a pair of Su-27s were raised into the air, which found the intruder and forced him to land in Adler. Within three hours, the cause of the violation was found out and the Hercules was allowed to fly to Tbilisi. A note of protest was sent on the fact of violation of the airspace.

In mid-January 1998, two Su-27UB and Su-27P fighters forced an Aero L-29 "Delfin" aircraft belonging to the Estonian Air Force to make an emergency landing at the Khrabrovo airfield.

The forced landing operation was carried out at extremely low speed. The crew of two Englishmen, Mark Jeffreys and Clive Davidson, were arrested.

On September 1, 1998, Russian air defense forces spotted an unidentified aerial object over the White Sea. Raised into the air on alarm, the Su-27 discovered a drifting balloon of foreign reconnaissance. The air reconnaissance was destroyed by a fighter.

During the military aggression of Georgia in 2008, the airspace of South Ossetia was guarded by Russian Su-27s and MiG-29s.

In 2014, foreign reconnaissance aircraft began to fly actively near the southern border of Russia. This is associated with the militarized situation in Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean peninsula to the territory of the Russian state.

The Su-27 and Su30 were actively used to intercept enemy aircraft. The activity of foreign intelligence does not fall.

For example, from January to August 2017, it was possible to intercept about 120 foreign reconnaissance aircraft. Activity is also observed near the northern borders, but it is less in number.

Syrian company

The war in Syria contributed to the participation of Russian military aviation on the side of the current government in the fight against terrorists. Strategic and strike aircraft were involved. Along with the modified Su-27 fighters, the following took part: Su30SM, carrier-based Su-33, Su-35S and.

African War

The Ethiopian-Eritrean war in 1999-2000 used Soviet-Russian-made aircraft.

Su-27 fighter jets belonging to the Ethiopian Air Force, under the leadership of Russian military advisers, fought MiG-29s belonging to the state of Eritrea.

In air battles, "Sushki" destroyed 3 MiG-29 aircraft and inflicted damage to one that could not be restored.

Ukrainian civil conflict 2014

The Ukrainian Air Force is armed with a significant part of the post-Soviet weapons and Russian new military equipment. Among the military arsenal is the advanced Su-27 fighter, which was used by the 831st Aviation Brigade in the summer of 2014.

The aircraft performed the tasks of covering reconnaissance and delivering pinpoint bombing strikes. The low training of the pilots did not allow the effective use of the combat vehicle.

Russia introduced a ban on the sale of spare parts and components for all types of weapons, the Su-27 was no exception.
One of the Su-27 fighters was shot down on June 2, 2014 from a 14.5 mm heavy machine gun during a reconnaissance flight over the territory of the Luhansk region. The damaged aircraft returned to the base in Mirgorod.

In the 1990s, Russian Air Force and US Air Force pilots exchanged visits to Langley and Savaslaika airbases. Experience exchange visits have become an occasion to compare the two competing F-15 and Su-27 aircraft.

Publicists and pilots declared the unconditional superiority of the Russian fighter, which repeatedly emerged victorious with a dry score.

Su-27 is the best fighter in the world of that time.

Visitors to the Le Bourget air show, held in June 1989, were shocked by the demonstration of aerobatics called "cobra". Subsequently, the element will be called "Pugachev's cobra". However, it was Igor Volk, an honored test pilot and cosmonaut of the USSR, who first applied dynamic braking on test flights.

The name "cobra" was invented by Mikhail Simonov, who served as the chief designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the element reminded him of a cobra stance with a hood released before attacking.

The number of crashes involving the Su-27 is not exactly known. Over the four years of operation, taking into account tests, 22 aircraft have been lost since 1988. By 2016, the list of crashes of the Su-27 and its modifications contained an overview of 28 crashes and emergencies, during which the aircraft were lost.

The best Su-27 fighter has pleased computer gamers and true admirers of this model.

Eagle Dynamics, an electronic game development company from Russia, has released a version of a fighter pilot simulator called the Su-27 Flanker.

The programmers approached the production with high quality and transferred the aircraft control and detailing to a computer game as realistically as possible. Moreover, the developers were consulted directly by specialists from the Sukhoi design department. This game received a number of improved sequels, which allowed it to become the most advanced Su-27 model simulator on the computer in 2016.


Su-27(NATO classification: Flanker) Soviet/Russian multirole air superiority fighter developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau in the late 1970s.

History of the Su-27

These aircraft were difficult to control at low speeds, landing speeds were high, and maneuverable combat was considered a remnant of World War II. However, the experience of the wars of that period disappointed the experts: air-to-air missiles were not ideal, and skirmishes at long distances often developed into "dogfights", which, in theory, should not have been. In addition, the sharp increase in the cost of machines with each new generation forced countries to make aircraft more versatile.

The United States was the first to start solving this problem, where back in 1965 the question of creating a successor to the tactical fighter was raised. In March 1966, the FX (Fighter Experimental) program was deployed there. The design of the aircraft according to the specified requirements began in 1969, in the same year the fighter was assigned the designation . The winner of the competition for the new aircraft was McDonnell Douglas. In 1972, the first YF-15 took off.

The USSR launched its own program for the development of a promising front-line fighter (PFI) on a competitive basis - traditionally, three design bureaus were connected to the topic. Back in 1969, the Sukhoi Design Bureau carried out initial studies on the subject of PFI, and at the beginning of 1971, an official decision was made on the design bureau to start work on the T-10 product. The terms of reference for the newly created machine was focused on superiority over the F-15 and directly depended on its performance characteristics.

In 1972, the leadership of the MiG Design Bureau came up with a proposal to split the PFI program and create two fighters in parallel - a heavy one and a light one, which would make it possible to have a fleet of two types of aircraft in the country, each oriented to their own tasks.


A prototype aircraft (named T-10-1) took to the air in 1977. The weapon system was not installed on it. Airplane T-10-2 was built in 1978, but crashed. A car T-10-3 was already planned for the installation of AL-31F engines. Due to the unavailability of the engines, the first flight was made in August 1979. On the T-10-4 installed an experimental radar "Sword".

At this time, data about the American F-15 began to arrive. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the machine did not meet the technical requirements for a number of parameters and was significantly inferior to the F-15. As a result, an unprecedented decision for modern times was made to start creating an aircraft from scratch.

Video of Su-27: Video of aerobatics performance, bell with shooting of heat traps

In the shortest possible time, a new machine was developed, the design of which took into account the experience of developing the T-10 and the experimental data obtained. And already on April 20, 1981, an experimental aircraft T-10-17 (another designation T-10S-1, that is, the first serial) rose into the sky. The car has been significantly modified. The data obtained during the tests showed that an aircraft not inferior, but in some respects superior to its analogues, was created. In the future, the aircraft was subjected to numerous improvements, including in the process of mass production.

Su-27 design

airplane glider

The glider is made according to the integrated aerodynamic scheme: its wing smoothly mates with the fuselage, forming a single load-bearing body. To improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft, it is equipped with large swept root influxes. Also on the wing are flaperons. The horizontal tail consists of an all-moving stabilizer. The vertical plumage is two-keeled. To reduce the overall weight of the structure, titanium is widely used (about 30%), while at the same time, almost no composite materials are used in the structure - practically only radio-transparent antenna radomes.

Su-27 is the first Soviet serial aircraft with an electrical remote control system (EDSU).

The base aircraft is equipped with a pair of widely spaced AL-31F bypass turbojet engines. The spacing of engines is dictated by the need to maximize survivability - in the event of critical damage to one engine, the probability of destruction of the second is minimal.


  • Su-27S- basic modification of the aircraft, mass-produced. Equipped with AL-31F engines.
  • Su-27SK- export modification of the Su-27S, produced since 1991
  • Su-27SM- an upgraded version of the production aircraft. The first flight was made on December 27, 2002. When finalizing the aircraft, the fighter's weapons control system undergoes the most significant changes. Until 2009, 45 vehicles entered the troops, by 2011 another 12.
  • Su-27SM2,SM3- a modified version of the Su-27SM, the characteristics of the aircraft are largely close to the Su-35S, the main difference is the installation of AL-31F-M1 engines with a thrust of 13500 kgf, a reinforced airframe structure, additional suspension points, as well as the installation of 4 displays on which were removed most of the instruments and sensors in the cockpit.
  • Su-27SKM- export version of the Su-27SM, first flight in 2002. According to the characteristics, it is close to the Su-30MKK, Su-30MK2.
  • Su-27P- single-seat fighter-interceptor for the air defense forces. The weapon control system is intended only for work on air targets.
  • Su-27UB- two-seat combat training fighter. Designed for the retraining of pilots for the Su-27 aircraft. Serially built in Irkutsk since 1986.
  • Su-30- two-seat guidance and target designation aircraft. Built on the basis of the Su-27UB.

Su-27 legendary aircraft , designed to gain air supremacy, is a highly maneuverable fighter, but can also successfully work on ground targets. Su-27 legendary aircraft Well, just a damn beautiful car.

The best moments from all videos with the participation of the Su 27 fighter, aerobatics, shooting, group and demonstration performances, there is no limit to perfection. Watch without fail.
In the video cut, fragments with the participation of other aircraft models are partially used.

Video in good quality: watch on youtube.

Frontal aviation aircraft

Su-27 front-line aircraft

One of the purposes Su-27 was its use as a front-line aviation aircraft - in this role it was also used in the 4th Air Army. And the fighters Su-27 can be used as part of mixed fighter groups in which heavy Su-27 from long range flights are used to destroy the most important air targets (flying tankers, AWACS aircraft) far behind the front line and to escort attack aircraft designed to hit enemy ground targets.

Designations on the plane

Designations adopted in Russian aviation

This aircraft carries seven stars on the fuselage under the canopy, which sometimes mark successful missile launches and the defeat of training targets in peacetime. The pentagon and aircraft silhouette icon depicted below (“arrow and Pentagon”) indicates the personal distinction of the pilot.

Coloring and belonging marks

the tricolor coloring of the fighter was adopted back in the days of the USSR

Majority Su-27 Soviet, and then Russian squadrons carried a tri-color camouflage of gray-blue shades, which is very effective for aircraft gaining sunrise in the air. The radio-transparent dielectric elements were usually painted dark green or white. Despite the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Air Force retained the red five-pointed star as a sign of nationality, which, however, has now been decided to be replaced with a tricolor in accordance with the colors of the Russian flag. Su-2 7 other states received their coloring and designations.

OKB sign


Many Su-27s carry a special badge on their fins, which can also be seen on Su-17 aircraft. Su-24 and Su-25. This badge, sometimes referred to as the "winged helmet", or, more correctly, the "winged knight", has long been used as the emblem of the OKB. Although you can often see a simpler emblem - a triangle with the letters "Su".

Combat capabilities

Superiority Su-27 manifests itself in the possibility of hitting many targets in one sortie. With a typical combat load of six R-27 medium-range missiles, four R-73 short-range missiles and an integrated automatic gun Su-27 can hit several targets before returning to the airfield for refueling and replenishment of ammunition. Built-in automatic gun - the same high-precision and reliable GSh-30 1 , which is armed with the MiG-29. The helmet-mounted target designation system greatly increases the combat capabilities.

melee ur

For close air combat Su-27 can carry up to six R-73 missiles (NPO Vympel, with 1 983 - GosMKB "Vympel"). The missile has a thermal seeker. it became the first in a new generation of air combat air defense missions, which has a fan of heading and super-maneuverability in air combat. Before the advent of the Israeli Python 4, this missile was considered the most advanced missile with a thermal seeker. The rocket is made according to the aerodynamic design with destabilizers in the head part and the traditional cruciform arrangement of aerodynamic surfaces on the nozzle part of the engine, there is an interceptor-type gas-dynamic control unit. When the engine is running, control and stabilization in pitch and course is carried out by four aerodynamic rudders and four gas-dynamic interceptors connected in pairs for each channel. after turning off the engine - only with aerodynamic rudders. For roll stabilization, there are four mechanically interconnected ailerons. The RMD-1 modification has a launch range of 30 km (range of target designation angles +457-45°). the mass of RMD-2 is increased by 5 kg, the range is increased by 20 km (+607-60 "); both missiles have a rod warhead and can maneuver with an overload of up to 1 2 days

SU-27 takeoff photo

medium range missiles

The main weapons of the Su-27 are medium-range air-to-air missiles R-27 (GosMKb Vympel). This is a whole family of missiles adopted in 1987-! 990 years and differing in the types of GOS - semi-active radar and thermal, and in the types of power plants - with standard and increased power-to-weight ratio (with increased range). On the Su-27, missiles are suspended on the APU on two internal underwing suspension points and on ejection devices - on suspension points under the air intakes and center section. The R-27R (AA-10 "Alamo-A") has a semi-active radar seeker and an inertial navigation system with radio correction (usually suspended under the center section, as shown in this figure, or on underwing nodes), and the R-27T has a thermal seeker (" Alamo-B") and is suspended under the wing (as in the figure). Both modifications of the UR have options with an increased range R-27ER1 and R-27ET1 ("Alamo-C" and "Alamo-D"). They can be easily recognized by their significantly increased length and somewhat thickened tail. Subsequently, a modernized UR R-27EM (AA-10M) was created, usually associated with the ship-based Su-33 (Su-27K) aircraft and having a modernized seeker and an engine with increased power-to-weight ratio.

Self defense system

The Su-27 self-defense complex includes the SPO-15 Bereza radar warning station, the antennas of which are located on the side surface of the air intakes and in the tail section of the vehicle. The system is all-aspect, with the parameters of various radars recorded in memory. therefore, the indicator indicates the direction to the source of radiation, the range and type of the irradiating station. The aircraft is equipped with the "Password" state identification equipment and aircraft transponder SO-69 (or SO-72). Instead of the R-73 UR, the aircraft can carry two containers of the Sorption active jamming station (L-005-S) on the wingtips. The Su-27 is also equipped with an APP-50 passive jamming device, the blocks for firing chaff and heat traps are located in the aft “fin” (14 three-cartridge blocks each in its left and right halves) and the central tail boom (4 three-cartridge blocks) .

MEANS OF COUNTERACTION Initially, for self-defense, the Su-27 carried 32 automatic jamming units APP-50, firing dipole reflectors and heat traps. They were attached to the tail section. In addition, containers of the Sorption active jamming station can be attached to the wingtips. The modernized Su-27SK is equipped with new electronic warfare equipment, which is used not only for the individual protection of the aircraft, but also for the mutual protection of a pair or group from the front or rear hemisphere when the Su-27SK is flying in formation.

ejection seat

ejection seat

Su-27equipped with a standard K-36DM ejection seat developed by Zvezda. To support the life of the pilot and provide him with a seat, there is an oxygen system, a portable emergency supply of NAZ-7M, an automatic radio beacon "Komar-2M", a radio station R-855UM (R-855A1), MLAS, an emergency supply of food and water, 15-mm signal cartridges) firing mechanism and camp equipment. The seat provides safe ejection in level flight with IAS up to 1300 km/h, at altitudes of 0-20 km.


Su-27 repeatedly demonstrated its maneuverability- in in particular, the figure “Pugachev’s Cobra” was made on it, when the plane sharply “lifts its nose” relative to the direction of flight. These capabilities are perfectly demonstrated by the Russian Knights aerobatic team.

SU-27 cockpit

aircraft control system

Since, to increase the maneuverability of the Su-27, it has a certain margin of static instability, depending on the alignment, the DU-10 electric remote control system was used in the longitudinal channel), and traditional mechanical control wiring with hydraulic boosters is used in the transverse and track channels. On Su-33, Su-34. Su-35 and /-30MKI electric remote control is implemented in all three channels. The existing limitation of limiting modes prevents the aircraft from going beyond the permissible values ​​of the angles of attack of normal overloads - due to the direct impact on the control stick. In critical situations, the pilot can “overpower” the limiter of limit modes by compressing its spring with an approximate additional force of 15 kg).


The base Su-27 received the H001 radar with two Cassegrain reflector antennas with a diameter of 1076 mm, which has mechanical scanning in azimuth and elevation. The target tracking range of the fighter type in the forward hemisphere is 80-100 km, in the rear hemisphere 30-40 km. In the upgraded N001VE radar installed on the Su-ZOMKK and Su-27SM, a channel appeared ((air-to-surface" (detection range of a ground (surface) target 200-250 km), and the Su-ZOMKI aircraft received a multi-mode N011 radar with a phased antenna array (the range of tracking targets such as a fighter is about 150 km).

INTEGRATED WEAPONS CONTROL SYSTEM The Su-27 weapon control system includes two main channels for detecting and tracking targets: the RLPK-27 radar sighting system and the OEPS-27 optical radar system with the OLS-27 optical radar station and the Shchel-ZUM-1 helmet-mounted target designation system. OLS sensors are visible in a spherical ledge in front of the cockpit canopy, the detection range of a fighter-type target using its heat direction finder is 15-50 km, and under certain conditions, the Su-27 can accompany and fire at a target with its help without the use of radar. On the early Su-27s, its sensors were located along the axis of the machine, later they were shifteda few to the side.

Despite the limited capabilities of the airborne radar, even the basic modification of the Su-27 was an excellent interceptor - primarily due to the excellent flight qualities of the aircraft. Early Su-27s (easily identifiable by their green nose cone) are still in service.

Well aware of the need to improve the Su-27, OKB im. Sukhoi developed a number of single and double modifications of the aircraft. Among them are the Su-27SK and U5K, equipped with the H001E radar, modified friend-foe identification equipment and carrying a large combat load. The Su-27SM modification, which has aroused the interest of the Russian Air Force, is equipped with an upgraded H001V radar with enhanced capabilities and increased range. The next step is the modernization according to the Su-27SM2 ​​standard, with the installation of the Irbis radar developed by the NIIP. V.V. Tikhomirov, a complex of weapons and engines similar to the Su-35.

The largest operator of the Su-27 among the former republics of the USSR was Ukraine, which received two regiments of these aircraft after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They were reorganized into the 831st Fighter Aviation Brigade in Mirgorod and the 9th Fighter Aviation Brigade in Zhytomyr, which is part of the Ukrainian Rapid Response Group.

Coloring aircraft belonging to Ukraine

The Ukrainian Air Force in 2009 had about 60 Su-27B and Su-27UB aircraft. One of the Ukrainian Su-27s caused the biggest tragedy at the air show - July 27, 2002 at the Sknilov airfield, near Lvov, the Su-27UB lost control and crashed into spectators. According to various sources, from 77 to 86 people were killed and at least 115 people were injured.


Su 27 (Flanker B) legendary aircraft.

On the prospects for fifth-generation aircraft, see below.

The Su-27 is a single-seat monoplane made according to an integrated aerodynamic scheme, in which the wing with a root influx and the fuselage form a single supporting body, assembled from wing profiles. The design uses aluminum and titanium alloys, steels, composite materials, etc.

The fuselage of a semi-monocoque design is technologically divided into the head (up to 18 sp.), middle (sp. 18-34) and tail parts (from sp. 34), as well as air intakes (VZ).

The head part with a radio-transparent radar antenna radome, equipment compartments, a niche for the front landing gear and the cockpit has an integral joint with an influx of the wing. Radome radar three-layer design to improve visibility from the cockpit is tilted down at an angle of 7.5 °. The pilot's cockpit is airtight, with a two-section canopy glazing. The equipment is located in the bow, two side under-cabin and outside compartments. In the right influx there is a cannon installation with systems for supplying cartridges, ejecting cartridges and collecting links. The cartridge box of the gun is installed in the outside equipment compartment.

The middle part of the fuselage consists of the following technological units: the front fuel tank-compartment No. 1, the center section, which is a fuel tank-compartment No. 2 with attachment points for the main landing gear and engine nacelles, designed to accommodate communications and fairing equipment, as well as the right and left front compartments of the center section, adjacent to the tank-compartment No. 1. On the upper surface of the middle part of the fuselage there is a brake flap with an area of ​​2.6 m 2 , tilted upwards at an angle of 54°.

The tail section is technologically divided into the central beam of the fuselage with the equipment compartment, the tank-compartment No. 3 and the brake parachute container, the power nacelles of the engines and the tail booms, which are a continuation of the fairings of the main landing gear and the basis for installing the aircraft tail.

The air intakes are separate technological units and are placed under the wing influxes.

An aircraft wing has a complex shape in plan. Wing extension 3.5, narrowing (along the main trapezoid) - 3.4. The sweep angle of the cantilever part of the wing along the leading edge is 42 °, along the trailing edge - 15 °. The angle of the transverse V wing is 0°, the installation angle is 0°. The wing is assembled from P-44M profiles with a relative thickness of 3-5%. Structurally, each console consists of a power caisson, bow and tail parts and endings. Controls and mechanization are attached to the wing consoles - flaperons and deflected socks. During takeoff and landing, the latter deviate by an angle of 30°, and when maneuvering at speeds of M‹0.92, they automatically take a position that depends on the angle of attack, but does not exceed the takeoff deviation. The flaperons in the flap mode deviate synchronously ("hover") during takeoff and landing at an angle of 18°, and during maneuvering (up to M=0.92) - at an angle equal to the angle of attack. Acting as ailerons, the flaperons additionally deviate from the hovering position at angles from -27° to +16° during takeoff and landing and ± 20° in flight. Part of the console caisson is sealed and forms a fuel tank-compartment. At the ends of the wing there are mounts for launchers of R-73 missiles or containers of the REP "Sorption-S" station.

The horizontal tail consists of two all-moving differentially deflectable consoles with a sweep of 45 ° along the leading edge. Angles of synchronous deviation - from -20° to +15°, differential - ± 10° from the synchronous position. Structurally, each console consists of a spar, rear wall, 11 ribs, skin panels and endings. It rotates on a semi-axis, fixed in the tail boom of the fuselage.

The vertical tail consists of two fins with rudders and two sub-girder ridges. The sweep angle of the keels along the leading edge is 40°. The maximum deflection angles of the rudders are ±25°. The PH drive is installed in the keel. Each keel consists of two spars, walls, ribs, panels and endings. At the base of the keels are air intakes for air-to-air radiators of the air conditioning system.

Chassis tricycle with nose support. Chassis base 5.8 m, track - 4.34 m, parking angle - 0° 16". one KT-156D brake wheel with a size of 1030x350 mm is installed.

The power plant consists of two double-circuit twin-shaft turbojet engines with afterburners AL-31F, air intakes and systems: starting, control, cooling and lubrication, fuel, fastening, etc.

Depending on the conditions of use, the AL-31F can operate in combat, combat training or special modes. The mode of operation is adjusted on the ground. In combat mode, the engine develops bench thrust of 12500 kgf per full afterburner and 7770 kgf at the "maximum". The specific fuel consumption at full afterburner is 1.92 kg/kgf x h, at the "maximum" - 0.75 kg/kgf h, at the minimum fuel consumption mode - 0.67 kg/kgf x h. At the same time, the degree of pressure increase in the compressor 23.5, air consumption 112 kg/s, gas temperature in front of the turbine 1665°K. Overall dimensions of the engine 4950x1180 mm, dry weight 1530 kg. Engine life - 300 hours before the first repair, total (with two repairs) - 700 hours. Engines of the latest series have a resource increased, respectively, to 500 and 1000 hours.

Rectangular aircraft air intakes, adjustable, external compression. To prevent foreign objects from entering the engines during takeoff and landing, retractable protective nets are installed in the air intake, controlled by hydraulic cylinders according to signals from the limit switches of the landing gear doors.

The fuel system consists of three tanks in the fuselage and center section and two in the wing consoles, pumps, pipelines, fuel-measuring equipment, pressurization, drainage, emergency drain subsystems, etc. The capacity of the forward fuselage tank compartment (No. 1) is 4020 l, center-plane (No. 2) - 5330 l, rear fuselage (No. 3) - 1350 l, wing - 1270 l. Full fuel supply - 11974 liters. Outboard fuel tanks are not provided. Refueling is centralized. Fuel - kerosene grades T-1, TS-1 or RT.

The aircraft control system includes systems of longitudinal, transverse and directional control, as well as control of the wing toes. In the transverse and track channels, the mechanical connection of the controls with the hydraulic boosters of the steering surfaces is implemented, in the longitudinal channel the SDU-10S electric remote control system is used. In addition, the SDU provides the required characteristics of stability and controllability in all aircraft control channels. The forces on the control stick and pedals are created by loading mechanisms. Longitudinal control is carried out by synchronous stabilizer deflection, transverse control by flaperons and differential stabilizer deflection, directional control by means of rudders. To improve flight performance at high angles of attack, the SDU incorporates an automatic control of the wing toes and flaperons. To prevent reaching exorbitant angles of attack and overload, the SDU is equipped with an automatic control unit for limiting OPR modes. In order to achieve the required reliability, the longitudinal channel SDU-YUS has a 4-fold redundancy, and the transverse and track channels - 3-fold (due to the presence of mechanical wiring). The automatic control system SAU-10, designed for automatic and director control of the fighter, is an integral part of the flight and navigation complex.

The aircraft hydraulic system consists of two (first and second) independent systems. The drive of hydraulic pumps of each of the systems is carried out from its own engine. The systems jointly provide the operation of the stabilizer steering drives, rudders, flaperons and deflected wing tips. In addition, the first hydraulic system

provides for the extension and retraction of the landing gear, control of the wedge of the left air intake, starting and emergency braking of the landing gear wheels, power supply to the hydraulic units of the radar, etc. The second provides the main braking of the chassis wheels, retracting and extending the brake flap, control of the wedge of the right air intake.

The pneumatic system is used for emergency landing gear in case of failure of the hydraulic system and for raising and lowering the cockpit canopy. The working fluid is nitrogen under high pressure.

The electrical system is used to power on-board equipment and weapons with direct and alternating current. The main sources of electricity are two alternating current generators GP-21, installed on the engines. Converters serve as backup sources of alternating current. The DC system is powered by three rectifiers and two 20NKBN-25 batteries. The power supply is organized in such a way that a two-channel DC power supply system is provided for five failures of individual subsystems and units.

The aircraft emergency escape system consists of a K-36DM series 2 ejection seat and a pyromechanical canopy ejection and pilot ejection subsystem. The system ensures the escape of the aircraft in the entire range of operating speeds and flight altitudes. The chair is equipped with a portable emergency reserve NAZ-7M and an automatic radio station R-855UM.

The PNK-10 flight and navigation complex is designed for aircraft navigation at all stages of flight, day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions. The complex includes 4 subsystems. The navigation complex consists of the vertical and heading information complex IK-VK-80, digital computer A-313, RSBN A-317, radio compass ARK-22, marker radio receiver MRP-66, switching and code conversion units. The information complex of altitude and speed parameters of the IR-VSP includes primary information sensors, the CBC-II-72-3 air signal system, the SOS-2 signal limiting system, and the RV-21 radio altimeter. The automatic control system SAU-10 includes a digital computer for trajectory control TsVTU-5 and an input-output unit BVV-3 for connecting the ACS with on-board equipment. The fourth subsystem is the control, indication and control devices.

The aircraft identification and active response equipment consists of the SRZ-1P radar interrogator, the SRO-2P transponder of the Parol-2D system, and the SO-69 aircraft transponder.

The on-board equipment for receiving guidance commands and the active response "Spektr" is designed to determine the coordinates of the fighter when it is aimed at targets and receive control and guidance commands. The equipment works with ground automated systems"Luch-2", "Air-1M" and others and receives control signals via the radio lines "Raduga-SAZO-SPK-75-SPK-68", "Turquoise" and "Lazur-M".

The Potok antenna-feeder system is designed to receive and transmit information from transponders, RSBN, and other equipment and in total consists of 20 antennas that provide a circular view of the space.

The Su-27 weapons control system is designed to solve combat missions of destroying air targets in the conduct of group, autonomous and semi-autonomous combat operations, as well as the use of aircraft weapons against ground targets. SU B includes:

- weapon control system SUO-27M, designed for the preparation and use of all types of weapons installed on the aircraft;

- radar sighting system N001, which is designed to search, detect, capture and track air targets flying at altitudes from 30 m to 27 km, issue target designation and solve problems according to launch conditions, as well as highlight the attacked target and transmit control commands to the missile in radio mode. A radar with an antenna with a diameter of 975 mm is capable of tracking up to 10 targets on the aisle and intercepting one of them. The detection range of a fighter-type target in the front hemisphere is 90-100 km, in the rear - 30-40 km;

- optoelectronic sighting system OEPS-27 as part of the optical-location station OLS-27, helmet-mounted target designation system NSC, sensor units and converters. It is designed to search, detect and track air targets by their thermal radiation, as well as to solve targeted tasks when attacking air and ground targets;

- the Narciss-M unified display system as part of the ILS-31 windshield indicator, the IPV-1 line-of-sight indicator, the BVTs20-51M computer and other systems, which is designed to display overview, sighting, tactical, flight and navigation information in the form of a set of parameters on the screens of two indicators in the cockpit;

- a system for objective control of combat training operations SOK-B, designed to control pilot actions using photomagnetic recording of the actions of a pilot in solving combat training tasks and includes a magnetic recorder MLP-14-3 and a photo control device FKP-EU.

The on-board communication complex (typical) TKS-2-27 is used for open and secret telephone and closed telecode communication with control points and between aircraft. The complex includes R-800L1, R-800L2 and R-864L-A radio stations, telecode communication equipment, Liman modem, Apmaz-UBT speech informant, Symbol-G1 digital computer and a number of other units and systems.

The on-board radio countermeasure system of mutual group protection "Yatagan" is designed to protect against missiles with semi-active seeker by interfering with their guidance stations. The system consists of removable jamming stations "Sorption-S", installed on each aircraft, and "Smalta-SK" on the support aircraft.

The SPO-15LM "Bereza-LM" radiation warning station is designed to warn the pilot about exposure from any direction to the air defense control radar, airborne radar of fighters and other means operating in the frequency range of the radar. The open source software is able to determine the bearing on the radar, the parameters and mode of its operation, solves the problem of choosing the greatest threat and the dynamics of approach to the attacking means.

The passive jamming system includes 32 three-cartridge blocks of the APP-50 passive jamming device, equipped with 50-mm jamming cartridges for thermal PPI-50 and anti-radar PRP-50.

The on-board signaling and control facilities include the Ekran-2 built-in control system, P-591B Almaz-UP voice warning equipment, and the Tester-UZL flight data recorder.

Armament. Artillery armament consists of a built-in 9A4071K cannon mount with a 30-mm GSh-301 cannon and two SPPU-30 mounts suspended under the wing with similar guns. The maximum rate of fire of the gun is 1500-1800 rounds per minute, the ammunition load of the built-in installation is 150 rounds. Guided missile weapons include medium-range air-to-air missiles of the R-27 or R-27E type with radar (up to 6 missiles on AKU-470 and APU-470) or thermal (up to 2 missiles on APU-470) seeker and R-73 short-range maneuverable missiles with TGSN (up to 6 missiles on APU-73-1D and on wingtips). Unguided rocket weapons are represented by NARs of the S-25 type (up to 6 missiles in launchers 0-25), S-13 (up to 6 five-shot B-13L units), S-8 (up to 6 twenty-shot B-8M1 units). Bombing weapons include various aerial bombs and RBCs with a caliber of up to 500 kg on BDZ-USK or multi-lock MBDZ-U6-68, KMG-U containers and ZB-500 incendiary tanks. Special bomber weapons - two special bombs suspended on BDZ-USK beam holders under the fuselage.

Su-27 late production series

Fighters of the 831st Galatsky IAP of the Ukrainian Air Force In the foreground - Su-27UB (serial number 96310418215) Mirgorod, May 19, 2004

Su-27 - was developed in the USSR as a fighter, which was tasked with gaining air superiority over similar machines of the NATO bloc.

The photo shows the Su-27 in flight.

The development of the Su-27 fighter was carried out in the USSR in order to gain superiority over the American F-15 fighter. In the United States, work on the development of the F-15 was very active, the first flight took place in 1972, and by 1974 the Americans had made significant progress in this matter. By this time, it became clear that it was the F-15, as the main competitor, that would have to be guided in the development of the Soviet fighter.

The first flight of the Su-27 fighter prototype took place in 1977, and in 1985 the aircraft began to operate in military units. At the moment, the Su-27 is the main combat aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, its modifications are in service with many countries (China, India, Ukraine, Malaysia, etc.).

The Su-27 is an all-weather fighter, in terms of its characteristics it corresponds to a fourth-class fighter.

The Su-27 has become the base aircraft for a number of modifications developed on its basis. So the following were developed: an aircraft for air defense units Su-27P (interceptor) armed only with air-to-air weapons, carrier-based fighter Su-33, front-line bomber Su-34, multi-role fighters Su-27M, Su-30, Su-35 ( commercial version of the Su-27), combat training aircraft Su-27UB, Su-33UB.

As of 2013, the Russian army is armed with 261 Su-27 fighters. Many machines have been upgraded to the level of the Su-27SM.

Su-27 is a heavy fighter, its analogue is the American F-15. It should not be compared with light fighters, which include, for example, the MiG-29 and F-16. Heavy fighters have powerful weapons and sophisticated on-board equipment, their takeoff weight is from 17 to 20 tons. Light fighters weigh up to 10 tons, are much cheaper, have less sophisticated avionics, and are armed only with short-range missiles and a cannon. But their advantage lies in high maneuverability.

China is in second place after Russia. He purchased 60 Su-27SK aircraft and 16 combat training modifications of the Su-27UBK. In addition, China started own production licensed and not very copies. Initially, the contract was signed for 200 fighters, and after the construction of these machines, it was planned to conclude another contract for the production of a new batch. But upon completion of the assembly of 100 fighters, the Chinese did not renew the contract, but began to independently assemble a copy of the aircraft under the symbol J-11.

After secession from the USSR, Ukraine received about 70 Su-27 and Su-27UB aircraft. A small part of them was sold, no more than five aircraft, some are operated in the army, about 20 machines, and the rest are in storage. To date, the exact number of Su-27 aircraft in the Ukrainian army is unknown.

Kazakhstan also received 52 fighter aircraft as a legacy from the USSR. Kazakhstan is upgrading its aircraft to the Su-27BM2 and Su-27UBM2 modifications.

In the USA, 2 Su-27 aircraft are in private use. These boards were bought from Ukraine.

The fifth-generation PAK FA fighter, also known as the Su-57, is currently being developed to replace the Su-27.