Kovalchuk is the son and father of a power engineer. We have a road for young people everywhere

On April 18, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov officially appointed the head of the department of the Russian government apparatus for the implementation of priority national projects. They became 28-year-old Boris Kovalchuk, whose experience administrative work Before that, it was exactly 40 days. He was brought into the apparatus on March 9, giving the post of assistant to First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. No details are known about the special merits or shortcomings of the young man. Much more information is available about his father, Yuri Kovalchuk. He is the chairman of the board of directors of Rossiya Bank, as well as a co-founder of the Ozero dacha cooperative established in 1996 in the village of Solovyovka, Leningrad Region. In addition to him, the cooperative was created by people with such, for example, surnames as Fursenko and Putin. In addition, Kovalchuk was a member of the St. Petersburg interdepartmental commission on enterprises with foreign investment, headed by the future president of Russia.

The path to power

In 2001, Boris Kovalchuk graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Leningrad State University. Apparently, he managed to prove himself well, because two years later he was considered competent enough to be appointed a member of the audit commission of Rossiya Bank. By the way, before him, this place was occupied by the current Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko. It is worth noting, in fairness, that in 2003 the father of a young man, Yuri Kovalchuk, was not yet the chairman of the board of directors of Rossiya. He was vice chairman.

In parallel with his work at the bank, Boris Kovalchuk had to lead the non-profit partnership "League of Honorary Consuls". The purpose of this structure, which is closely connected with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was to provide assistance to foreign honorary consuls working in Russia. Honorary Consul of Thailand in St. Petersburg, by the way, is Yuri Kovalchuk.

Boris Kovalchuk got into the government very quickly. It was first introduced to the Kremlin elite on January 28 of this year, during the opening of the Igora ski resort. By the way, it was built in the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region, in the same place where the Lake Ozero dacha cooperative is located. Vela resort construction Management Company"Investment culture", led by Boris himself. At the same time, Vladimir Kozhin, president of the Winter Olympic Sports Association, said that an Olympic reserve boarding school for alpine skiing and snowboarding would be created on the basis of Igora. The newspaper "Business Petersburg" immediately came to the conclusion that this means an infusion of budgetary funds into the resort.

Having built the resort, Kovalchuk Jr. did not sit idle for long. Already on March 9, he was offered to take the post of assistant to the first vice-premier of the government of Dmitry Medvedev. And a week later, the first rumors spread that Kovalchuk was about to be put in charge of the department. On March 16, Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote about this. He himself told the newspaper that he did not know anything about his appointment, and when trying to talk to him on the phone in more detail, he made it clear that he was in a hurry to the meeting.

"It doesn't bother me"

WG Boris Yuryevich, please tell us how one becomes the director of the department of the government apparatus at the age of 28?
Kovalchuk This proposal was made to me by the first vice-premier of the government Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. First, he invited me to work in his secretariat as an assistant in charge of priority national projects, and subsequently offered to head the department.

On April 19, the day after his appointment, Boris Kovalchuk gave an exclusive interview " Russian newspaper", the official press organ of the government of the Russian Federation. He described the full scale of the tasks facing the department. According to Kovalchuk, national projects cannot be implemented by the forces of any one structure. Only the efforts of all branches and authorities can lead to success, which means that they must be controlled You can't do it without a special department.

From a young and, probably, promising official, I immediately wanted to hear what first steps he would take so that national projects would not remain just projects, but would actually improve the lives of Russians. Kovalchuk could, for example, speak in the spirit of Stalin, who clearly stated: "The goals are clear, the tasks are defined. Get to work, comrades!" However, in return, the head of the department spoke about the complexity of the Affordable Housing project. 60 percent Russian families in need of housing, the situation with utility networks is difficult, with the production of building materials everything is bad. "This is the most difficult national project to implement," Kovalchuk said.

These revelations, unfortunately, were not followed by anything like "but we have already prepared a number of events" or "nevertheless, we have specific plans." The young head of the department ended the interview with a display of optimism, which, in the absence of clearly voiced ideas, looks extremely unjustified. "There is nothing to be afraid of, you need to do it," he said about the national projects. And to the question about the lack of experience in the system of state bodies, he answered: "It does not bother me."

Around Medvedev

The appointee himself spoke very briefly about what made the First Deputy Prime Minister offer Kovalchuk the post of head of the department. He only said that he studied at Leningrad State University in those years when Medvedev taught at the department there. civil law. There is, however, information that the First Deputy Prime Minister, who oversees national projects, was not at all eager to see Boris Kovalchuk as his direct subordinate, who, moreover, could take away some of his authority.

According to Kommersant, Medvedev came up with the idea of ​​creating the department when it became clear that it was very difficult to implement national projects through the relevant ministries. However, he counted on the fact that Ilya Petrov, who had worked in the government of Mikhail Kasyanov, would be in charge of the department. Boris Kovalchuk, inexperienced in bureaucratic intrigues, is likely to become a burden rather than a support for the First Deputy Prime Minister. The very creation of the department will lose all meaning.

But, according to the newspaper, Kovalchuk's candidacy was strongly recommended directly in the Kremlin. The appointment could mean both that Vladimir Putin is good to old friends and their children, or that Medvedev does not yet have enough influence in government to push his own people into important positions. By the way, a week before the appointment of Kovalchuk " United Russia"announced her intention in order to attract active youth into politics. It is not known whether he is a United Russia member, however, the party's initiative was supported at a high level not by words, but by deeds.

It is worth noting that recent events around national projects are beginning to give rise to a skeptical attitude towards them. So, former deputy Aleksey Volin, head of the government apparatus, believes that the creation of a department for them is already a profanation of all declared goals. If only because other government departments are thus relieved of responsibility for their implementation.

So if nothing comes out of all the national projects, Vladimir Putin will once again have to say sternly to someone: "Stop chewing snot!"

The appointment of Boris Kovalchuk will allow Rosatom to build up managerial muscles for working with non-core projects: expert

"The appointment of Boris Kovalchuk as Deputy General Director of Rosatom for Organizational Development will allow state corporation build managerial muscles for working with non-core projects, - said today, April 28, REGNUM news agency Deputy Chairman of the Energy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Konstantin Zaitsev. - Potentially, business diversification for a state corporation, which often has unique technological developments, can bring good dividends. How relevant this is in a crisis is a serious question, but a crisis is a crisis, but this does not mean that all non-core activities should be abandoned and forgotten. On the contrary, Rosatom is stronger than ever - it has the support of the government, it has strategic alliances with the most powerful Asian and European industrial groups, it has money and it has innovative projects, with which you can take new market niches. It seems that Rosatom was guided by just such considerations when appointing Boris Kovalchuk, a manager with the necessary qualities for this. In his April report to the deputies of the State Duma, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin actually assessed the work of the department headed by Kovalchuk, stating that in 2008, thanks to national projects, Russia reached the highest levels in construction, education and healthcare. I hope that Boris Kovalchuk will also be successful in his new role at Rosatom."

The son of the owner of the Rossiya bank, Yuri Kovalchuk, Boris began a new round of his career - this time in the energy sector. He was nominated to the board of directors of the state-owned Inter RAO UES, which is headed by Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin. At the same time, the boards of directors of RusHydro and the Federal Grid Company approved the transfer of OGK-1 to the management of Inter RAO - Mr. Kovalchuk was also nominated to its board of directors. As a result, Inter RAO, whose assets have so far been largely concentrated abroad, will become one of Russia's largest energy companies.

On Friday, Inter RAO UES published a list of candidates for its board of directors to be elected at the annual meeting of shareholders. Among them is Boris Kovalchuk, the son of the head of the board of directors of Rossiya Bank, Yuri Kovalchuk. He was nominated by a subsidiary of Inter RAO, ZAO Inter RAO UES Baltiya, registered in Kaliningrad (owns a 4.3% stake in the parent company). The meeting date has not yet been set.

Mr. Kovalchuk has no experience in the energy sector. In 2001, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University, according to unofficial information, one of his teachers was Dmitry Medvedev. In 1999-2006, Mr. Kovalchuk was a legal adviser to the department of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Research Institute "Granit" in St. Petersburg, in 2006 - an assistant to Dmitry Medvedev, who served as First Deputy Prime Minister. In April 2006, Mr. Kovalchuk headed the department of priority national projects of the government. In January, he resigned, and then the department was liquidated. Inter RAO does not comment on the reason for the nomination of Boris Kovalchuk (formally, he became an independent candidate).

The main shareholder of Inter RAO, the state corporation Rosatom, which, together with its subsidiary OAO Concern Energoatom, controls 57.3% of the shares, nominated all 11 members of the current council. The gas energy company (part of the Gazprom group) proposed Kirill Seleznev, a board member of the monopoly (supported by Rosatom), Denis Fedorov, head of the Gazprom electric power department, and acting director. about. Pavel Shatsky, First Deputy of the Gas Energy Company. Mezhregiongaz (comments on Gazprom's electric power assets) noted that the monopoly owns about 10% of Inter RAO shares obtained during the liquidation of RAO UES. This is enough to put one candidate to the board of directors, who will be Kirill Seleznev. Other candidates will pass only with the support of other shareholders, a source in Gazprom explained to Kommersant. MMC Norilsk Nickel nominated Oleg Surikov, director of the company's corporate department, and FC Otkritie, its general director Vadim Belyaev.

According to a source close to the shareholders of Inter RAO, most likely, all the current directors will go to the board, with the exception of one, whose place will be transferred to Boris Kovalchuk. Who exactly will have to be sacrificed and what will be the function of the new independent director, Kommersant's interlocutor did not specify. Another source says that in the future Boris Kovalchuk may be appointed to the board of Inter RAO, "and negotiations are underway with the head of the company, Yevgeny Dod, about his possible transfer to another state structure." Another Kommersant source close to Mr. Kovalchuk claims that the agreement that Boris Kovalchuk will replace Yevgeny Dod at Inter RAO was already reached at the end of last year and agreed with the head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko. So far, Mr. Dod has been nominated to the Inter RAO Board of Directors by both Rosatom and Inter RAO UES Baltiya. Inter RAO does not comment on his possible resignation.

At the same time, Boris Kovalchuk became a candidate for the board of directors of another energy company, the state-owned OGK-1. According to unofficial information, he was nominated by the Federal network company(FSK, owns 43% stake in OGK-1). These are related appointments - at the disposal of Kommersant there is a protocol of the board of directors of FGC dated March 3. It was decided there that Inter RAO would receive OGK-1 shares in management for five years. As a remuneration, the management company will receive 30% of the difference between the dividends paid and their level included in the OGK-1 business plan (according to the results of 2007, the company paid dividends only for the first quarter - 1.4 kopecks per share). The board of directors of RusHydro (22.7% of OGK-1 shares) made the same decision, the Kommersant source clarifies.

The transfer of OGK-1 under the management of Inter RAO will change the structure of the latter's business, says the head of the fund energy development Sergei Pikin. Now most of the company's generation is located abroad, but with OGK-1, Inter RAO will become the third power producer in Russia in terms of installed capacity of thermal power plants after Gazprom and IES Holding. According to Elena Yushkova of Ak Bars Finance, during a crisis, a change in management could "complicate the management of Inter RAO for some time." And Evgeny Dod is now "in his place," Sergei Pikin believes.

Vladimir Ъ-Dzaguto, Ekaterina Ъ-Grishkovets, Natalya Ъ-Mushroom, Elena Ъ-Kiseleva

Boris Yurievich was born on December 1, 1977. He was born in Leningrad. The man's father, Yuri Kovalchuk, is a banker and billionaire, a key shareholder of Rossiya Bank.


Boris Kovalchuk studied at the State Institute of St. Petersburg. In 1999, he received a diploma in the specialty "jurisprudence". In 2010, he graduated from the University of advanced training for managers of employees and specialists of the energy complex.

Career Kovalchuk Boris

From 2006 to 2009, Boris Kovalchuk headed the Ministry of Priority National Projects and was an adviser to the First Deputy Representative Russian government.

Since 2009, the man has served as assistant to the general manager for the development of the state corporation Rosatom. In the same year, he was appointed to the post of acting head of JSC Inter RAO UES. Since 2010, he has served as chairman of the board of the society.

It is also known that Boris Kovalchuk owns at least 20,429,000 shares PJSC Inter RAO.

The man is a representative of the council of the All-Russian Bank for the Development of Regions, as well as the board of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists.

Head of Inter RAO Boris Kovalchuk

Boris Kovalchuk Awards

In 2011, Boris Kovalchuk received the title of Honorary Power Engineer. In 2012 he received the Order of Honor, and in 2015 he was awarded a commemorative medal and the Order of Friendship.

Marital status of Boris Yurievich

As you know, the man is married. In marriage, he had a daughter. Fund representatives mass media it is almost impossible to find out some details of Kovalchuk's family life, as he deliberately tries to hide it. The man notes that his family is very friendly and strong, therefore, there is nothing to discuss in it.

Boris Kovalchuk now

Kovalchuk pays maximum attention to his work. He also constantly brings new ideas to the development of the company in which he works. AT free time from work, he rests with his family and friends.

In 1999 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University.

In three weeks, the FSB and the Investigative Committee dealt a second blow to the clan of the beneficiary of Rossiya Bank and the SOGAZ insurance group Yuri Kovalchuk . Executive Director for the development of business innovations of SOGAZ Anton Baryshek was arrested on charges of commercial bribery. Baryshek, under the control of FSB operatives, handed over $100,000 to Galina Bushmina, deputy head of the Gazprom insurance department. Money under the guise of a "gift for March 8" came from an employee of Kovalchuk as a reward for signing an extremely beneficial contract for SOGAZ. Gazprom invest LLC, owned by Gazprom, was supposed to be insured for more than 1 billion rubles.

Baryshek is under house arrest, and the previously detained member of the board of Inter RAO UES Karina Turcan unable to leave the detention center. Her article is much harder - espionage. The prosecution claims that, being a citizen of Russia and Romania, Turcan was engaged in espionage in favor of Bucharest and the intelligence community of NATO countries. Among other things, she issued information about the supply of electricity to the Crimea, the DPR and the LPR through Ukraine. That is, it not only facilitated the blocking of these supplies, but also exposed Russian agents of influence in the structures of the Ukrainian government and business to the intelligence of the NATO-member country. An extremely unpleasant story for the Kovalchuks, since the chairman of the board of Inter RAO UES, the son of the head of the clan - Boris Yurievich Kovalchuk .

Karina Turcan

Now the Kovalchuks are trying to ruin the affairs of Baryshev and Turcan, and personally Kovalchuk Jr. is trying to wash himself off from ties with the "Romanian" favorite. His people bring thick envelopes to the media, and in exchange for their contents they receive articles and TV spots about the complete non-involvement of the head of Inter RAO in Turcan's career. The RenTV channel, which is owned by Yuri Kovalchuk, reported that "the hostile activity was noticed with the full assistance of the head of Inter RAO, Boris Kovalchuk."

A statement worthy of a channel that specializes in finding surviving dinosaurs and denying the sphericity of the earth. They didn’t even “expose”, but “noticed”! That is, blind-sighted FSB officers walked around and could not see: who is leaking information to the Romanians? And then the brilliant Sherlock Kovalchuk brings binoculars!

Yuri Kovalchuk

The newspapers paid for in cash by the Kovalchuks went even further. In the editorial of Our Version, a whole harem of influential men was declared patrons of Turcan. Advisor for Foreign Economic Relations - the predecessors of Inter RAO of the company RAO UES of Russia, and before that the Minister of Defense of Moldova Valery Pasat. Former head of presidential administration of Ukraine Boris Lozhkin and his business partner - the owner of the company "Gas Ukraine" Sergey Kurchenko. Former President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Evgeny Shevchuk and former member of the Board of Directors of Inter RAO Vyacheslav Kravchenko. With a hint that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and head of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais also contributed to the promotion of an energetic native of Chisinau.

Proof of? For example, it is said about Pasat that in 2010 he returned from Russia to Moldova, and since Turcan this year headed the geographical division “Moldova, Ukraine, Romania” at Inter RAO, therefore, this happened under the patronage of a fellow countryman! Although he worked at UES of Russia, which was liquidated back in 2008. For other candidates, there is no confirmation at all. Do not consider as such the statements of the Odessa PR man, Israeli journalist, and now living in Spain science fiction writer Lev Vershinin, who linked the arrest of Tsurkan with the impending collapse of the Kyiv regime.

“Tsurkan, of course, knew a lot about the participation of Poroshenko and his inner circle in trade with the people's republics, in this particular case, electricity. She knew all the performers and intermediaries by name, who earned and how much, what the total margin was - absolutely everything. Now in Kyiv, the authorities are packing their bags - not yet in a panic, but already quite actively. In such a situation, Turcan is an extremely undesirable witness. It is possible that for this reason she was so inopportunely appointed as a Romanian spy.

What is it like? Poroshenko, anticipating his end, is afraid that Karina will hand him over and ordered the Russian state security to arrest her? Interesting, director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov aware that he is following the instructions not of Vladimir Putin, but of his Ukrainian counterpart? As a plot for a new fantastic action movie, perhaps it will do.

Boris Kovalchuk is not mentioned at all in the articles he paid for. Which is not at all accidental. The only author of Turcan's career is himself. The future Romanian spy got into Inter RAO in 2005, when the company acquired the Moldavskaya State District Power Plant in Dubossary, located on the territory of the PMR. For the next four years, the career of Turcan, who worked at the state district power station as the secretary of the board of directors, moved extremely slowly, but in 2010, it was as if a rocket was screwed to her. First, Karina headed the Moldova, Ukraine, Romania division, the next year she was already at the head of the Europe division, and a year later she was a member of the board of Inter RAO.

What happened? And Boris Kovalchuk happened, who on November 26, 2009 was appointed acting. Chairman of the Board of Inter RAO UES instead of the arrested Evgenia Doda. In June 2010, Kovalchuk Jr. was elected full-fledged chairman of the board and began to promote Turcan to the very top of the company's hierarchy. What happens between them is reminiscent of a greatly abridged story of the French king Louis XIV and the Marquise Pompadour. A fleeting romance and then fruitful business cooperation - Kovalchuk gave Tsurkan the main corruption schemes of his state-owned company.

It is not surprising that the matter was not limited to the introduction of Karina to the board of Inter RAO. In 2012, the beloved Romanian of the son of Yuri Kovalchuk headed the board of the subsidiary JSC INTER RAO Lietuva, and in 2015 she also received the post of deputy general director of JSC Lenenergo ... And everywhere Tsurkan controlled absolutely the schemes that Kovalchuk's father and son are now trying to disown. But this family should think that if their PR people manage to convince the arrested woman that her intimate friend Boris is leaking her, the woman may be offended. And, in turn, to tell a lot of interesting things about the traitor. According to the sources of the Ruspres agency in the SEB FSB, through Karina Tsurkan, a spyware was installed on her boss’s smartphone software. The device turned into a bug that recorded and filmed not only telephone traffic, but also all confidential conversations of Boris Kovalchuk within a radius of up to 5 meters around the device. What of the records went to Romania and then to the USA, and what was left for insurance, is still unknown.