Who was she in a past life test. Practical numerology: who I was in a past life

In these times of painful trials and hopes that for most remain unrealized, it is clear that we must take advantage of the right given to us from birth, and through this, renew ourselves, our lives and our world as we develop new powers. The karmic horoscope is designed to help you look at the fire burning inside, turn towards it and realize those great forces of the Universe that are ready to assist us.

It's time to listen to our own inner strength and understand what it is, to discover the potential received at birth and predetermined by fate, which is encrypted in our horoscope. Karmic astrology is a very ancient branch of astrology that appeals to the deeper, more spiritual dimensions of a person. In this horoscope, the most important role is played by the Lunar nodes (when the Moon moves from southern latitude to northern latitude, the point of its intersection with the ecliptic forms the North Node, and from north to south - the South Node). They indicate the path that the soul must choose.

Classical Western astrology calls the North Node the head of the dragon and the South Node the tail of the dragon, which perfectly reflects the symbolism of the power they contain. In general, we can say that the North Node reflects a person’s aspirations, in other words, his future and destiny in this life, and the South Node represents a person’s past, what the soul brought from its past incarnation.

Since ancient times, there has been an Indian doctrine of the transmigration of souls - reincarnation. Many people still believe in it to this day. Those who want to know who they were in past life in this world, every day it becomes more and more. There are several ways to do this. The simplest is numerological calculation based on date of birth. However, it provides little information. A more informative and accurate calculation is based on the Pythagorean table. It will allow you to find out many details of your past incarnation.

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    Numerological calculation by date of birth

    A simple way to determine your past incarnation using numerology. In order to find out who a person was in a past life, it is necessary to make simple mathematical calculations by adding together the date, month and year of birth. For example, the date of birth is May 12, 1974. The numbers add up like this: 1+2+5+1+9+7+4=29. The number 29 must be found in the table of values ​​​​presented below and read the characteristics:

      Number Characteristic
      4 The man was fond of magical art. Engaged in science, was a leader in his field
      5 The profession was related to chemical science. Possible options: pharmacist, perfumer, poison compiler
      6 Professional activity was based in the field of music
      7 Everything related to astronomy and astrology was interesting. The man traveled a lot, was engaged in drawing maps
      8 Art and creativity were the meaning of life
      9 Occupation related to architecture and construction
      10 In a past life, a person worked with animals. Was a veterinarian or animal trainer
      11 Committed crimes: stole, cheated, killed
      12 Evil was present in large quantities in life. State criminal or gang leader
      13 Strict submission. Prisoner or slave in hard work
      14 A hero with a difficult fate, a military man
      15 The fate of an ordinary person, unremarkable
      16 Aristocrat from a noble and wealthy family
      17 Unfortunate fate. There were many problems in life: illness, financial instability, failures in personal life
      18 The activity was associated with serving God or gods. Priest, priest
      19 Traveler who has traveled to many countries for scientific purposes
      20 A self-made man
      21 There was a lot of physical labor in life. Laborer, loader
      22 Adventurer, rogue
      23 Earnings were related to needlework, sewing
      24 A monk or hermit leading a righteous lifestyle
      25 A person with great power. Head of state, ruler, military leader
      26 Kind person who loves to help people
      27 Discoverer of new lands
      28 In a previous incarnation he committed the sin of suicide
      29 Merchant, trading person
      30 Creative personality, painter, poet, sculptor
      31 A lonely person with no relatives. Life ended tragically
      32 Actor, personality associated with the theater
      33 A man hungry for power. The ruler's close associate
      34 A warrior who committed a heroic act and died
      35 Singer, person associated with musical creativity
      36 Killer with personality disorder, madman, sadist
      37 A person who has committed many sins in life, but then repents
      38 Occupation related to body trade: prostitute, gigolo, pimp
      39 Card sharper or money player
      40 Historian or art critic
      41 Activities related to writing: writer, poet
      42 Cook, culinary specialist, owner of public catering establishments
      43 Executed criminal
      44 The villain who killed many people
      45 Famous doctor who revolutionized medicine
      46 A soldier, but who has not committed any significant actions
      47 A sociopath seeking to hide from society
      48 Weapons master

      Knowledge about past reincarnations of the soul can help cope with the pressure of problems in the present.

      Calculation of karmic debts

      It will help you find out how many times a person tried to fulfill his destiny and how many deaths and incarnations he had.

      The calculation technique is as follows:

  1. 1. On paper you should write down your date of birth in the following format: 02/02/1972. The last digit of the date is the karmic number.
  2. 2. See how many times the karmic number appears in the date of birth. In this example - 3 times. This means that the soul tried to fulfill its purpose three times.
  3. 3. Write down all the numbers that are not in the date of birth: 34568. The fewer numbers there are, the more the soul has advanced in its development.

Calculation based on Pythagorean tables

All tables are calculated based on the Indian prediction of soul reincarnation.

First you need to determine the letter corresponding to the year of birth. To do this you need to use a special table.

Its principle is the same as in the Pythagorean table. That is, in the column on the left you need to find the starting digits of the date of birth, in the top line - the final digit. At their intersection the required letter will be located. The age in the table is limited, the countdown starts from 1920.

By this letter you can determine whether the past incarnation was in the form of a man or a woman. To do this, in the table below you need to find the number of your birth month and see in which sector the found letter is located. Blue is the male sector, pink is the female sector.

For example, a person was born in February, this is the 2nd month, the letter Z was found, which means that in a past life he was a woman.

The symbol of purpose is determined from the tables above. The principle of the Pythagorean table also applies here. To determine, you need to find your month in the table for men or women and find your letter of birth in the line. Then draw lines to the right and up. For this concrete example(February, letter Z) the symbol will be C3. It can be used to find out who a person was in a past life:

Symbol Occupation
A1Anything related to digging: archaeologist, grave digger
A2Explorer, discoverer, scientist
A3Designer, inventor
A4Everything related to the sea: sailor, sea captain, shipbuilder
A5Compiler of poisons, perfumes, chemist
A6Watchmaker, jeweler
A7Everything related to medicine: doctor, healer, herbalist, chiropractor
B1Craftsman, needlewoman
B2Astronomer, compiler of horoscopes, road maps
B5Everything related to creativity: artist, poet, writer
B6Shoemaker, leather worker
B7Magician, talisman seller
C1A person who deals with animals: shepherd, trainer, groom
C2Holder of little power: leader of criminals, centurion, mentor
C3Librarian, bookseller
C4Everything related to music: singer, musician, dancer
C5Small trader, merchant
C6Priest, hermit, man who loves solitude
C7Farcical theater actor, public entertainer
D1Teacher, tutor, nanny
D2Everything related to languages: translator, decipherer of ancient inscriptions, linguist
D3Tailor, seamstress, weaver
D4Tramp, beggar
D5Person dealing with money: banker, moneylender
D6Science teacher
D7Leader, ruler of the country

You can find out your place of birth in your previous incarnation using the following table:

To do this, you need to find your date of birth in the cell with the number of the type symbol (it is determined by the number of the destination symbol - C3, which means the third type symbol). On the left are two columns with numbers indicating the place of birth. They are divided into male and female. You need to search in the column indicating the gender of the previous incarnation. For example, for a person born on February 2nd, with the symbol C3 and who was a woman in the past, the number would be 19.

You can determine your country of birth using the table by finding the corresponding number:

1 Alaska
2 Yukon
3 Canada
4 Ontario
5 Quebec
6 Labrador
7 Newfoundland
8 Greenland
9 Northwestern USA
10 Southwest USA
11 Northern US Center
12 Southern US Center
13 Northeastern USA
14 Southeastern USA
15 Northern polar regions
16 Scotland
17 Northern England
18 Southern England
19 Central England
20 Wales
21 Ireland
22 Northern Europe
23 France
24 Spain
25 Portugal
26 Austria
27 Germany
28 East of Russia
29 Italy
30 Türkiye
31 West Russia
32 Siberia
33 Center of Russia
34 Greece
35 Persia
36 Saudi Arabia
37 Poland
38 Hungary
39 Yugoslavia
40 Romania
41 Bulgaria
42 Palestine
43 Tibet
44 Burma
45 Thailand
46 South China
47 Mongolia
48 Northern China
49 Korea
50 Northern Japan
51 Southern Japan
52 Sumatra
53 Borneo
54 Philippines
55 New Guinea
56 Northern Australia
57 South Australia
58 Western Australia
59 Eastern Australia
60 North of New Zealand
61 South New Zealand
62 Oceania
63 Northern India
64 Center of India
65 South India
66 Egypt
67 North Africa
68 South Africa
69 West Africa
70 East Africa
71 Mexico

The idea of ​​reincarnation seems very tempting. Some find it much easier to believe new life in a different body than to represent some kind of Garden of Eden or another afterlife. If a person believes in reincarnation, then he asks a logical question: who was he in his previous incarnation and what influences the “starting conditions” of a new life?

During reincarnation, that is, at the moment of relocation of the soul to another body, the new personality forgets everything that happened to it previously. But still sometimes a person manages to remember fragmentary information about his past lives. This is due to the fact that old memories remain in the subconscious (some also call them an “imprint on the soul”).

So how can you remember at least something about your past actions? The best way is to strive to live according to your conscience and help your neighbors.

It is believed that it is to highly spiritual natures that the secrets of the universe are revealed a little. They dream about past lives and experience déjà vu more often (places or people they have never seen seem familiar), etc.

It is not for nothing that Buddhist monks, who try to avoid causing harm to others and do not use intoxicating substances and drinks, more often than others remember past life paths.

Of course, one should not completely abandon worldly pleasures and give the last to help those in need. It is enough to help others as best you can and give up alcohol. Exactly alcohol is considered in many beliefs to be a powerful blocker of the ability to remember past lives.

In this video, Lia Nadel will show you a special, correct meditation technique that will help you see all your past lives:

It also doesn't hurt to try to analyze your current phobias and interests. If a person is drawn to the water element and sailing, although he lives far from water, then this may indicate his profession in a past life. Surely he was a sailor or fisherman.

Unexplained fears are another factor that should be taken into account. A person who is terribly afraid of fire probably died tragically in a fire. The opposite is also possible. Some people go into the fire completely fearlessly to save others. For some unknown reason, he acts judiciously even in such a terrible situation and then carries a frightened child in his arms. The profession of such a person in the past was associated with disaster relief, that is, he was an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a firefighter, etc.

Basic Information about Reincarnation

The belief in a new life in another body has ancient roots. In almost every religion where the concept of reincarnation is present, there are two important ideas:

  1. The true essence of man is not limited to matter. The body necessarily contains some invisible substance, which is usually poetically called the soul;
  2. The soul does not cease to exist from the moment the body dies, but is incarnated (immediately or after going through certain processes) in a different form. However, it is not a fact that the soul will receive a human body. In some religions, the soul is transferred to another being, which may even be in a parallel world.

Reincarnation is often closely related to the concept of “karma”. It means the totality of good and evil deeds, which directly affects the “quality” of the new life. Simply put, a criminal who killed and robbed others will earn bad karma and in his new life he himself will become a victim of murder or will suffer from a chronic illness from birth.

For some, it is not enough to simply be an adherent of the idea of ​​transmigration of souls. Some consciously seek a religious movement that would suit their interests. In this case, it is worth studying Buddhism (especially Mahayana and Zen), Hinduism and Shintoism.

Who was I in a past life: tests

You can find out about what a person did in a past life and even where he lived using the following sites:

  • . The user will have to analyze several tables that will allow him to determine the main characteristics of his past life: gender, profession, approximate place of residence, etc. At the end of the test, you can find out your life purpose;
  • predskazanie.ru . Unlike the previous test, everything is a little simpler here. In the interactive table, the user selects the desired options and receives brief description your past life;
  • . Instructions are given for a simple numerology test that is easy to carry out on your own. Or you can use tables for a more complex calculation of who a person was in a past life by profession, what gender he was, etc.;
  • . It is necessary to answer 35 questions, which mainly concern the person’s character, his interests, place of residence, etc.;
  • ru . The next simple tests based on numerology and date of birth analysis, giving answers to questions about a person’s past incarnation in this world;
  • thebestvideo.ru . The user will receive here complete information on how to analyze the date of birth and lift the veil of secrecy over his past life;
  • . A small test with many questions regarding the user's intuitive tendencies. On this basis, a conclusion is given about who he could have been in his previous incarnation;
  • onedio.ru . The test is presented in the form of a large questionnaire with multiple answer options. Many questions are related to a person's preferences and interests. This allows us to determine what activities he was engaged in in a past life;
  • . A shorter test, unlike previous versions. It's more focused on memories and déjà vu;
  • pastlife-test.com . The simplest and fastest test. After indicating the date of birth, the user answers 4 questions and finds out the profession that he mastered in a past life.

Methods for Proving Reincarnation

A lot of research has been carried out with the goal of proving the facts of the transmigration of the soul into a new body. One of the most popular methods is interviewing children and analyzing their memories.

It is believed that the child remembers himself better in a past life. Some parents have sometimes observed how their child suddenly begins to reason on a certain issue like a completely adult. Or he behaves calmly and confidently in a situation that, it would seem, should scare him.

He probably already faced a similar problem in a past life and learned to react to it correctly.

An adult can also try to recognize his “past” self. Regressive hypnosis is used for this. Surprisingly, almost all subjects remember events that could not happen to them in this life. Moreover, many coincidences have been recorded between the stories of these people and facts from the lives of those who have already died.

If the hypnotized person could talk about specific places and events, then the researchers looked up historical archives and discovered that a certain person really lived at that time, whose life the person being studied remembers.

How to remember your past life on your own?

There are several methods that allow you to reveal the secrets of your past life:

  • Determining your talent. It is enough to spend a few days trying your hand at dancing, drawing, singing, etc. What will be given best and evoke familiar feelings is the type of activity in a past life;
  • Attention to vivid and recurring dreams. If you dream about military actions for a long time and persistently, then it is worth studying the main battles that resemble the plot of dreams. Perhaps the man devoted himself entirely to commanding troops;
  • Meditation. Moreover, the memories themselves usually come not during meditation, but after. A person focuses on breathing or a mantra; there should be no extraneous images. But immediately after meditation, the mind is in a calm state, and a certain moment from a past life sometimes comes to mind.

Even without being a Buddhist monk, it is quite possible to remember something about your past fate. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to forget that “memories” may well be an ordinary fantasy. Lessons from the past are good. But there is still no better moment than “now”.

Video: regression meditation method

In this video, Ilya Reznikov will conduct a session of a special in-depth and slowing down meditation that will help you remember your past life: