How to sell goods on VKontakte. How to organize a store based on the social network VKontakte? Own business: selling clothes via the Internet

Social media is the perfect place to sell anything. Many people visit VK every day, on average 85 million people visit their page per day. Many of us are thinking about how to increase Vkontakte sales? What tools to use for this?

In this article I want to talk with you what methods really work for selling Vkontakte goods.

Methods of selling goods Vkontakte

Sales in the Vkontakte group.

Probably the best selling option of all methods.

  1. Create an avatar to attract people who will visit the group.
  2. Fill with content using the "Products in a group" function
  3. Add friends or ask someone to join. You can buy followers.
  4. Connect feedback. So that the buyer can contact you or make an open wall for buyer messages

With an open wall, people are much better at buying based on past reviews that you can cheat on yourself.

How to attract a large number of buyers.

  1. Create contests and negotiate with group administrators for placement (you need to place in a topic closer to your group or, as an option, find an administrator who manages a lot of visited groups).
  2. Submit your contest to free groups specially made to host contests.
  3. Connect targeted advertising is good the tool has enough settings to choose from which country or city you want the buyer to come to you.

Trade through flea market groups.

Using classified ads won't get you many leads, but it will save you a lot of time. Do not post an ad where there are 2,000 thousand people in groups, half of them are bots, if not more. According to my experiment, there are mainly people who once sold themselves. You can sell, but you should not hope that everything will be bought from you at once.

Sales in personal messages Vkontakte.

If you write to people about the direct sale of your product. Then your account will be blocked. No one likes annoying salespeople who just want to sell their goods. I have tested one effective method how to sell with a contest. You find a group that has a similar theme, I was selling NIKE sneakers and found a group called NIKE, there were pictures of demotivators. From there he took his customers. In the group, you can filter by country, city, age. You can take similar groups. There were 5-10 purchases out of about 100 people.

Here is an approximate message on which every 2nd one will go and participate in the competition. Out of 300 messages sent, I only got my account banned once for spam. The main thing is to create fake accounts so that your group is not blocked. Don't forget to change the IP. You can block the group, but this method is at your own peril and risk.

The article describes the benefits of selling on social media, selling tips, and a little tutorial on building a sales team. Social networks have long been a trend that has swept the entire “world wide web”. Facebook already has over 600 million users, and Russian networks are growing, too, adding 50 million users in the last couple of years. The functionality of social networks is developing and the capabilities of other types of Internet resources are gradually transferred to them. Now you can play games in social network, watch videos on a social network, call your interlocutor via video link (as IP telephony services offer) and do a lot of other interesting things without leaving your social network account.

Social Media Trading: Benefits

Business in social networks can be different - the development of paid applications, the creation of groups and communities with subsequent earnings on advertising and, of course, trade, which we will talk about today. Take a look at the list of benefits below and you'll understand why social media is now gaining a lot of attention among e-commerce merchants.

Easy start

When opening an outlet on a social network, you do not need to spend money on a domain name, hosting, pay designers and layout designers to create a graphic style (as is the case with your own online store), but due to the fact that search engines have access to social networking sites increased trust, there is no point in buying links on exchanges - your community will already be displayed close to the top of the TOP of search results.


If your store is based on a group, community or application, satisfied customers will be able to invite their friends and acquaintances there. And this means that you will receive new customers without unnecessary strain, who, in turn, will also share information about your store with their contacts from the social network. In addition, a user who joins the community once will receive a newsletter advertising your products (displayed in the news feed), while not perceiving it as spam.


It's no secret that social networks are some kind of “interest circles”, beyond which users very rarely go. For example, if a person is fond of tourism, he subscribes to specific public pages, adds to his friends people who have a common hobby with him. This feature gives sellers the opportunity to clearly define a group of target consumers for their products and services, and then carry out directed work with them - send automatic spam with invitations, advertise in thematic communities, and so on.

Communication opportunities

It is very important for any seller to conduct a dialogue with the client, to promptly answer the questions posed (of course, it directly depends on whether a person buys a product or not). Since social networks, in fact, are already a means of communication, it will not be difficult to establish it. Standard interfaces offer us instant text messaging, Internet telephony, and even video calls, eliminating the need for third-party services such as Skype and ICQ.

How to sell on social networks

At the moment, there are only a couple of options for trading on social networks.

  1. The first option is through communities and pages. A catalog of goods is compiled, a price list is formed, all this is placed on the page and shown to consumers. The order is possible only with a personal connection with the administrators.
  2. The second option is built-in specialized applications written in Flash, which are integrated into the social network itself. They are more prone to trading, as they have the functionality of automatically accepting payments, collecting statistics and tracking delivery. Unfortunately, the second method will be extremely difficult for beginner entrepreneurs to implement, so we will focus on the first.

Here, a simplified procedure for opening your own online store in social networks based on a page / community and subsequent earnings on it will be described. When compiling it, I was guided by such popular social networks as Facebook, Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, so it is not a fact that this scheme will work on other projects that are different in specification.

Step one - create a page

First you need to decide in what form your online store will be presented: a group, a public page, or even a user page. The last option is definitely not without meaning, because many invitations to communities are rejected by social network users, but invitations to friends are rarely ignored. On the page of a “fake” person, you can also advertise your product and it will be displayed in the news feeds of potential consumers.

If we talk about groups and public pages, then the choice between them is individual in each case. From one point of view, trading on Vkontakte and other social networks will definitely go better if you use the public page format - it, unlike a group, cannot be hidden (many users hide the list of groups they are subscribed to in the settings, thereby preventing their friends to see your ad). But on the other hand, if you are selling a specific product, for example, something from the “adult” category, many will not want to flaunt it and will not subscribe to “public”.

Step two - page design

The created community should have an informative name containing a key query. Using it, using the search within the network itself or through a search engine, people will find your store. The same applies to the description of the page. You don’t need to write a whole canvas of text - a few sentences will be enough to reflect the essence of your business. The choice of the title image will also be important, because visitors focus their attention on it in the first place (for this reason, you can often see the ICQ number on the image, mobile phone or other contacts to communicate with store administrators).

The content of the page should be a detailed structured catalog of products with their detailed description, photos or, even better, video reviews. A separate section should be devoted to customer support. Place there instructions for ordering the product, its delivery and payment, information about your product performance guarantees and situations in which you undertake to reimburse the buyer for its cost (does not work, defects, etc.).

Step Three - Promotion

Advertising must be given due attention, otherwise you will not see high earnings. Decide on the target audience, then send invitations to the group / community / friends to everyone potential clients. You don’t need to be very zealous, otherwise you can cause a negative reaction and even provoke a stream of complaints from the social network administration about your behavior. Better try to make sure that your invitations do not carry a distinct advertising character, but are something akin to the advice of an old friend.

There is another promotion option - advertising in foreign communities. There is much less fuss with it, however, such services are most often not free. The principle of operation is similar: you are looking for a cluster of the target audience, write the text of an advertising post and place / let it be placed in a foreign community (I would recommend entering into a partnership agreement with the administrators of some medium-developed community with 30-50 thousand subscribers so that they attract customers by receiving “ kickback" from each purchase). You can also try to master other Internet resources that are outside the social network, forwarding traffic (visitors) from them to your page.

Step four - customer service

So, you have your own online store, a bunch of subscribers and goods for sale. It's time to start selling. This does not mean that you should impose on customers, but, nevertheless, try to regularly remind them of yourself by launching product descriptions and reviews with links to order, information about discounts and promotions you run in their news feeds. Respond promptly to customer questions and try to solve their problems as quickly as possible (later, if your outlet unwind, it will be possible to hire other people for this work).

Summing up

Now that you already know the theoretical foundations of how to sell through social networks, you can safely start practicing. And even if you already have a successful online store created on a separate page on a separate domain and hosting, the group will be a great addition to it, which will help you get a lot more customers (according to statistics, people spend much more time on their favorite social network, than other types of Internet resources combined). In addition, opening your point of sale in the “social network” will not cost you a penny, unless, of course, you want to use paid promotion services.

As for me, when opening an online store, you should not focus only on a group on a social network. You should also take into account the audience that is not registered in them (although there are less and less such people every year). It is better to promote the page in social networks along with a separate site.

And yet - the promotion of a group-community-page in social networks from scratch, this is not such an easy task. So, sometimes it makes sense to simply buy the one that has gained several thousand subscribers thematic group and remake it for you.

The article is interesting, informative, instructive. Interested in the question, has anyone tried to sell through the above social networks? Which one is the best in terms of responses and purchasing power? For some reason, I think that Odnoklassniki is still inferior to the first two. What do you think?

AlexUkr, I haven't tried it myself, but my sister and mother buy some clothes online. They buy from one girl who was found in classmates. Yes, I myself, I bought a video game through the same classmates, through contact, when my family did not buy anything.

Yes, indeed, online shopping is now very popular in the communities of Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki. Even on Instagram and Twitter, you can promote your services or products. It is very convenient and does not take much time, unlike if we were making a website. True, in VKontakte it has now become more difficult to promote your products or services. To promote there, you need a lot of friends, and you can add friends there only 40 people a day, and they can freeze your page if you like it, add it as a friend, post your link somewhere or add it as a friend. Therefore, you should be careful in this matter.

Freelancers can order the promotion of the group. They do it quickly for a small fee. I made an online store VKontakte, though it’s better if there is also a website, and they will link to each other.

I think if you artificially increase the number of group subscribers, then the page can be frozen, but if your product is in demand, and buyers themselves ask to join the group and place orders, then the page is unlikely to be frozen

For the first time I hear about freezing the page. You know, of course, you can apply, but if you plan to promote any product, then it will cost a lot. Although it depends on the investment, if you can afford it, of course, you can pay freelancers, this is an option if time is more important to you.

I opened my online store, even twice in different niches. In the first one I did not wind people up, in the second I wound up 50 people. And then he distributed the offer on free bulletin boards. In the store, where there were very few people, no one entered at all. Therefore, winding up a small number of people still does not hurt

Good article, but it is difficult to master so much text.

Yes, indeed, the articles are large, and it is difficult to read such texts. As they say, brevity is the sister of talent. And it would be possible to reduce this huge text by half, and at the same time not lose its meaning, and the information that the author of this article wanted to convey to us.

Thank you very much for the idea, only I don't have a thousand friends. And those who do not have them can only hope for a social group. You can start the site to unwind. and then lure their readers to social networks. And somehow I would not want to make money on my friends.

I sell my services through the VKontakte group + forums. Given that the demand for it is still quite rare, but still I have about 4 sales per month stably. If we filter out purchases on forums and through ICQ, and take into account purely purchases through VK, then I consider social networks to be an excellent trading platform.

And what kind of product are you selling, what is such a rare demand, And how much does one sale of your product cost? And personally, I don’t sell anything through Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook, since there were cases that in this way they are looking for tax defaulters, and then they just come to your house and take it with “warmth”, so to speak.

I am also sure that social networks are a very powerful tool for sales. It's just cool that you put someone as your friend, this friend has other friends, etc. That is, you know, let's say 10 people, and more than 100 people already know about your offer, it's very cool, but I just can't think of anything to trade.

Each of us uses social media for different purposes. Most users communicate in them, meet new people, view the news of their friends, read interesting materials. However, there is another use for social networks - commercial. They can be a great business tool.

For example, if you know how to create a Vkontakte group for sales, you can do it and simply attract interested users. This solution allows you to run own business online with virtually no investment! Do you want to know how to do it? Read our article.

VKontakte groups

If you have used the designated social network, you should know that it provides the ability to create groups and pages for them. They come in two forms: in the form of a community to which any user can be invited as a member, and also in the form of a single page that makes publications on their own behalf. How to create a VKontakte group (for sales, communication with friends or organizing some kind of event - it doesn’t matter) is described in the rules of the service. True, it is absolutely not necessary to read all this - the whole procedure is extremely simple. You can make a community, as you can see from the photo below, on absolutely any topic.

You need to go to the "My groups" tab, after which in the upper right corner you need to click the "Create a group" link. Next, you will be sent to a page with empty fields in which information about your group will be entered. Here, of course, you need to fill in the data about your product, as well as your contact details.

Create your own group

Many users who want to try their hand at a business organized on social networks are wondering how to create a VKontakte group for selling clothes. However, this formulation is not entirely correct. You need to set the task like this: how to promote the VKontakte group? Indeed, in fact, a simple launch of the community takes several minutes - this is a free action that an ordinary VK user can handle without much difficulty.

Another thing is filling the group, attracting people and selling goods. All this can be outlined by the question: "How to create a VKontakte sales group?" Unfortunately, there is no single answer to it, since it all depends on the niche of the business you have chosen that you are selling). Let's try to analyze some of the main factors that affect the level of sales.

How to fill a group?

One of the most important elements of your community selling, say, clothes - If you want to sell this or that product, you must first prepare its high-quality descriptions and photographs. It would not hurt to explain to the buyer the detailed procedure for ordering things from you: delivery, payment, guarantees. For some reason, those who are looking for information on how to create a VKontakte group for selling goods forget about it, thereby causing additional inconvenience to their customers. Remember: ordering a thing from you should be very convenient and fast for the user. Accordingly, it is necessary to create your own group, guided by this principle.

How to promote a group?

Let's say you have established contact with product suppliers and created quality content for your group. Before you, of course, instead of the question of how to create a VKontakte group for sales, now a completely different one has arisen - how to promote the community. After all, the participants are your ones who are able to advertise your business, make it profitable. Participants can be recruited in a variety of ways. it advertising network"VKontakte" (ads displayed in the left panel), announcements in other, similar groups, organizing contests for participants with prizes, inviting friends and much more. As practice shows, using one of these methods is ineffective. This requires a combination of different paths.

How to organize sales?

Having learned how to create a VKontakte group for sales, how to attract people, you only have to organize these same sales. Well, it's not such a difficult task. It is necessary to think over ways to deliver products to customers, calculate its cost, decide who will sort orders, arrange packaging for goods, and other nuances. Having thought through them, you can safely say that you have organized sales in your group.

The next stage is the promotion of your store. Everything is natural here: the larger the audience you can reach, the more you will earn on sales. This, in turn, will bring you tangible profits in the long run. Perhaps, in the course of working with your group, you will also be forced to switch to a single category of goods, develop form style and so on. In fact, it all depends on your imagination and experience. As the successful stories of other stores show, it is real to start trading in VKontakte. The main thing is to find your niche and properly organize all business processes. If you succeed, consider that you have created your own business. Further profit in this case is only a matter of time.

The social network VKontakte has become an excellent platform for promoting your business. In particular, this applies to the service sector and the sale of goods. At the beginning of an entrepreneurial journey, this is a great start that requires almost no investment.

Organizational issues, product selection

Finding the right product is a very important step. It is best to choose a field in which you are well versed. Before pouring a lot of money into the project, you can test it - try to sell goods on order. When you first find customers, and then buy goods.

As practice shows, inexpensive goods are in the greatest demand. These are the budget ones:

  • clothing and footwear;
  • toys;
  • bijouterie;
  • mobile phone accessories.

They must be oversized so that the client can receive them by mail.

To assess demand, you can use the popular Yandex wordstat service.

Suppliers can be easily found on the Internet if you enter the name of the required product in the search and add the word "wholesale". Also a good option is to go to the companies that are engaged in production. Many people order goods from Chinese sites (Aliexpress, Taobao and others).

How to sell through your page

In order to start selling, you need to constantly attract new subscribers and promote the page. To do this, you should regularly add posts “on the wall” that may be of interest to the target audience. If this is a sale of cosmetics, then useful articles on the topic of makeup will do. It is always advisable to look at your competitors and try to do better than them.

Information about the purchase should be visible at a glance, so that the buyer does not look for shipping methods and payment details.

Making a separate page (group)

It takes several steps to design a page. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Selecting the type of community (public page or group).
  • Come up with an interesting, catchy name. It is important that it be a medium or high frequency key for your topic, because search engines index social networks.
  • Designing the appearance of the community (selecting an avatar, pinning a post with an image).
  • Using the "products in a group" function. Adding products with images and prices.
  • Establishing feedback (message connection).
  • Increasing activity in the group by creating discussions, holding contests, posting surveys.
  • Completing the "links in the group" section with the website (if any), community leaders, and other external links.

The conversion of the store largely depends on a good design.

Store content must be unique and collect comments. Publications should be done daily (3-5 posts per day). There are certain times when subscribers are more active. It is better to publish posts during these hours.

If you have the funds, then it would be best to order a banner from a professional. It costs from 1 to 3 thousand rubles, but you are guaranteed to have a good cover and menu.

In this article, we will tell you how to sell VKontakte and use this social network for maximum profit. Developing an online store on a separate site is expensive and not always effective. You can create a store in the VK group or on your personal page for free, and a competent approach will help attract customers from a 70 million user audience.

How to sell VKontakte on your page

To sell goods through VKontakte, it is not at all necessary to create a group and invite members to it. You can effectively promote products even through your own page. It is enough just to publish a photo of the product, its description, price, and also accompany the post with tags.

But still, it is better to sell through a personal page not for business purposes, but for the purposes of a one-time sale of some property: a mobile phone, laptop, fur coat or even a car. By posting such a post, you will show your friends that you want to sell something, they will share the post and you will most likely find a reliable buyer.

How to create a shop in groups

How to sell VKontakte goods on a business scale? If you are planning to organize a full-fledged store, it is better to create a group. Its capabilities are much wider than those of a personal page. The group has an unlimited number of members (you can add a maximum of 10 thousand people to your personal page as friends) and it is more convenient to promote it in advertising.

What can be sold this way? In fact, you can sell anything through VKontakte: from home-made goods to industrial products. The following are in demand:

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • cosmetics;
  • mobile technology;
  • household chemicals and household goods;
  • Goods for pets;
  • food, sports nutrition, nutritional supplements;
  • expert advice and online training courses;
  • books and stationery;
  • furniture, decorations.

VKontakte is constantly being improved, including for online trading. Selling on VK through a group is now much easier than a few years ago. The "Products" feature allows you to display products on the community page in a noticeable, beautiful and most convenient way for potential buyers. However, setting it up is quite simple.

Go to the "Manage" section of your group and find the "Sections" tab. Scroll down the page a little and check the "Products" box next to the "Included" box. Now we need to set up the display. Set the country of delivery (by default it is Russia, but you can specify any of the countries of the near abroad and Israel). You can also choose the cities where delivery is carried out. If you plan to deliver throughout Russia, you do not need to specify the city.

Select the currency - usually it is the Russian ruble. For contacts, specify one of the community administrators. Finally, choose which part of the page to display product information. When the settings are completed, you can add lots.

Effective Advertising

Unfortunately add nice pictures and descriptions in the "Products" section in the group of your store are not enough to earn a lot. The community needs to be untwisted, to increase the number of participants. For this purpose, two methods are used: quality content and advertising.

Quality content is professional photos and videos, as well as informative posts and articles that the members of the group will share on their pages. The more reposts of high-quality records, the more participants will be able to attract to the community for free. “Free” in this case is largely conditional, because you will have to invest in creating high-quality content. There is, in fact, only one recommendation - post something that will please, please or be useful to your subscribers.

A showcase with goods will help users quickly navigate the assortment of the community and place an order

It is best to advertise a VK group within the social network itself using targeting. This is a method of advertising when an ad is shown to those users who are potentially interested in it. The social network knows a lot about its users: gender, age, city of residence, marital status, interests and preferences. All this helps to set up internal targeting ads very accurately.

To enable targeting, go to Personal Area on the market platform at Here you can choose the type of ad:

  • carousel (several products in one ad);
  • regular post;
  • post with a "Join" button;
  • a post with the collection of applications (an interested user will leave his contact information in it).

For the announcement, you can create a special post, or you can use an already published one. Then you need to replenish the account with at least 500 rubles. The amount of funds must be constantly monitored, replenished if necessary, otherwise the impressions will stop.

Advertising should create a positive user experience, arouse interest and not provoke a negative reaction. Most likely, it will not work out to attract a lot of people the first time, but regular work with targeted ads will lead the community to success.

Features of communication with the client

To find out something about the product or order it through VK, the client will write to you. Depending on the settings, his message will go directly to your dialogs or to community messages. By the way, if you have messages in the group enabled, do not forget to check regularly, at least once a day.

The sale and reputation of the community depends on the success of the dialogue. It's important to answer:

  • fast;
  • politely;
  • on the merits, informative;
  • without claims to the buyer;
  • without imposing;
  • one message (do not break the answer into several messages following one after another with an interval of several seconds);
  • competently.

The seller, who makes spelling mistakes in the answer, puts several exclamation marks, sends 2-3 messages instead of one, does not inspire confidence, does not dispose to himself. Selling on VKontakte will be more successful if you build communication with the client correctly. Do not use ready-made "sales schemes", be sincerely interested in what is important to the buyer, what method of payment and delivery is more convenient for him.

If for some reason a client refused to buy, you should not impose yourself and even more so be rude to him - this is guaranteed to ruin the reputation of the store and scare away other customers.

Pay for goods faster and more reliably through the "Send money" function

The order of payment for the goods by the buyer

When selling goods through the VKontakte group You can use several payment methods:

  • transfer to a bank card;
  • Webmoney and Yandex Money services;
  • VK money transfers.

The last option is perhaps the most user-friendly. Money can be sent from a bank card through messages within the social network. This feature is available to communities, it is enough to enable messages.

To send a payment for an item, the user must open a dialogue with the group, select the "More" tab and the "Money" item. Then he indicates the amount and confirms the transfer. The group administrator can withdraw money to his bank card in a couple of minutes.


Selling goods through VKontakte is a promising and easy-to-organize direction of trade. The functionality of this social network allows you to create a full-fledged online store with a product catalog and payment acceptance. To increase the size of the group, that is, to attract more buyers, you need to create high-quality content and use targeting.