How do I know if I'm on the right track? How do you know if you're on the right track? How to know the right path or not.

For some reason, it seems that the right path is when an unknown inner compass shows you the right direction. We assure you that this is not always the case. Intuition, if such a phenomenon occurs at all, is not developed in everyone, so you can often follow the right path without feeling it. There are many options for doing this or that work, as well as living life. The good news is that there is more than one path in the world that leads to a successful career or the life of your dreams. There are a lot of possibilities and options for playing the game called “Life”!

It is worth understanding one thing that is completely unobvious at first glance: the finish is not so important if you cannot enjoy the process. Even if you fail to achieve your cherished dream, a pleasant path will reduce the bitterness of an unsuccessful attempt.

1. Losing is only part of the journey, not the end.

If you fail, even several times in a row, this does not mean that everything is bad - the situation just hints to you that you are doing something wrong. If desired, each person can be made into whatever his heart desires. Of course, to make some people, you need to put in a little more effort than to make natural great combinators, but if a person sincerely wants to do his job, then by reading the right literature and using his head, he can easily cope with it. There are workers from God, but most of those who managed to achieve something in life simply worked a lot and persistently. There are few geniuses, a little more talent and giftedness, but there are quite a lot of hard workers.

2. You feel quite satisfied with life.

Even though success has not overtaken you, you do not feel an acute aversion to life. You enjoy the process, you like going towards your goal, and your path does not seem tiring. Yes, everyone has had good and bad days, but in general life is not so bad, especially if you do everything right and don’t blame anyone for the fact that you don’t succeed. Your mood is a great indicator that you are on the right track.

3. No pointless quarrels

Your conflict level has been reduced to zero. You were pushed into public transport and didn't even apologize? You are not rude in response, but calmly move on. Did the dude take the last piece of pizza even though you weren't full yet? Let him eat, you'll be skinnier. You cannot be called a pacifist, but Bob Marley plays in your soul, and the world seems, if not the most wonderful, then a very acceptable place.

4. You realize important things

Sometimes you have real epiphanies. You suddenly realize that your friends and you need to get rid of them. You realize that a career in marketing is absolutely not for you, despite the many years you have spent on it. It finally dawns on you that you don’t like beer, but drink it to keep the conversation going. It seems like little things, but they only happen when everything is going well in your life and you have the opportunity to reflect while sitting on the toilet in peace and quiet.

5. You think you're poor, but you can afford quite a lot.

Rent, delicious food, decent clothes, going to the cinema once a week. If you can afford all this, we will make you happy: you live in abundance, no matter how dramatic it may be.

6. You don’t reject the advice of your parents and loved ones

Despite the popular belief that parents are always for us and again for us, this is not so. Some people want to selfishly push their opinion; someone wants you to be a “second try”; someone is sure that you can't do anything without good advice. If you accept any advice from your parents without rejection, you are on the right path.

7. Your apartment is your castle

You come home and feel at home. Do you think we write nonsense? An unhappy person returns to his “fortress” not with a feeling of security, but with the thought that he needs to eat, plug into the computer and go to bed. He does not like his home, he does not feel at ease, he is uncomfortable and unpleasant in his “cave”. For him, she is just a place where there is a kitchen and a bed, and nothing more.

8. You know how to stand up for yourself

Don’t punch the bully who took your bike in the face, but respond to rudeness adequately. You are not afraid to speak your mind when you think something is going wrong. You know that you are not alone, because you will have your own protector - yourself.

9. You go in the direction you like

You have a favorite hobby that gives you great pleasure in your leisure time. You spend a decent portion of your personal money on it. If you sit down and count, it turns out that it is very decent. But this doesn’t bother you at all, because the pleasure you get from the money invested is much greater than the costs.

The same goes for work. Even if you don’t like the team or the salary, you are satisfied with the work process itself and don’t want to leave this place at all. Most likely, the path you chose is the right one.

10. You know very well that you are still learning.

Not only do you not stop there, but you also realize that you have something to learn. Most likely for the rest of your life. If the thought flashed through your head at least once that you know everything about the business, but you have absolutely nothing to learn, you are not a happy person - your mind does not want to do this business and convinces you that you have nothing to do in this path.

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If you are not satisfied with your job and are in search of something you love, most likely you have already read a single book on this topic, and perhaps you have taken some training. Let me ask you a question: what has changed in your life? Have you started to take action and make changes in your life?

You can and should “try” what you love, because only by internal sensations and external signs of the process itself can you determine the “correctness” of your direction. Max Simon, Founder and Worldwide Director famous company Big Vision Business, wrote an article describing 14 such signs.

We are publishing a translation of Max’s article, after reading which you can understand whether you are moving in the “right” direction.

The examples that Max gives in the article primarily relate to business, but the same applies to careers and life in general.

14 Signs You're in a Lifetime Purpose-Driven Business

One of the biggest questions facing most entrepreneurs is whether their business is a true reflection of their life purpose.

They seem to constantly ask themselves: “Is this REALLY what I should be doing?”.

Now, after teaching many thousands of people to create companies based on what they love and respect most, based on their life purpose, we know what it is.

So here are 14 signs that your business is based on your life purpose.

1. You know how to do your job. And you do it very quickly.

When you find your life's purpose and follow it, your creativity, focus, and productivity will skyrocket. You are literally bursting with brilliant ideas. And delaying things for a long time is no longer an option for you.

2. People ask you to help them do what you are doing or have already done.

When you find your life's purpose, people see something special in you and they want to learn from you. And it's not because you're trying to attract them to you. They simply view you as an amazing model of what is possible and want to achieve the same results.

3. Money comes even when you are not focused on it.

Now I'm a big believer that by focusing on money and wealth, you develop a healthy relationship with it. But I have noticed that the more “aligned” we become in finding our life purpose, the less we focus or worry about money. Almost every week there are people who want to work with us, promote us or do something else that brings us income. Thus, I have come to the conclusion that the more in touch you are with your life purpose, the more more money you attract.

4. Almost every day you wake up with new ideas.

This is both a blessing and a curse. In fact, I often drive my team crazy. But it's true. When you find your life's purpose and live fully in accordance with it, you begin to see more and more opportunities to influence this world and develop your ideas. It's as if you become an idea factory, constantly finding new ways to grow and expand. To some extent, you just can't stop it from working.

5. You feel absolutely ready to solve problems and difficulties that come your way.

When you find your life purpose and follow it, it becomes more meaningful for you to overcome obstacles faster than to dwell on them, complain about them, or wish they didn't exist. You simply solve them because you know if you did otherwise, your progress would be slowed down.

6. You see yourself getting better and better at your craft.

No one ever quickly realizes the purpose of his life. This takes time. You have an insight, then you continue to move forward, learn and express yourself. And then gradually, over time, you notice that you become the best in the world at what you do. And the progress is obvious to both you and others.

7. High-level professionals ask how they can help you.

You will know that you are truly moving towards your life purpose when other high-level masters and leaders begin to offer you help. At first, it's a little shocking. But you'll get used to it. And then it will become an incredible incentive, showing you that you are moving in the right direction.

8. You want to be healthier and more energetic because you know it will help you become a better person.

When you find your life's purpose, you no longer have the desire to waste time or energy. Keeping your mind, body and energy at the highest levels becomes your top priority. Because your mission in the world is so important, you have no choice but to be your best self.

9. You consider yourself lucky that you spend your time this way.

There are millions of people in the world who hate what they do. But when you find your purpose in life, you are very surprised that people pay you for what you do. In fact, you're saying to yourself, "I can't believe I'm even getting paid to do this!"

10. People promote your cause even when you don't ask them to.

11. MOSTLY you feel a sense of pride in what you create.

When you find your life purpose, you create a LOT of different things. You are constantly experimenting, creating something new and seeing what sticks. You are not afraid to try something new. And although not all attempts result in something masterpiece, MOST OF ALL you are proud of what you create.

12. People are transformed by your work.

Suddenly you're getting fan mail. People come to tell you how you have changed their lives. And besides that, you know that what you do serves the whole world. Your new found purpose in life is reflected in the transformation of others.

13. People around you will not let you quit your business.

Whether it's your team, your clients, or your fans, there are always people around you who give you the push to keep going, keep growing, and keep putting yourself out there, even when the going gets tough (which it inevitably will). Finding your life's purpose is not easy. But when other people encourage you to keep going, you know you're on the right path.

14. More than ever, you know you have found your life's purpose when that quiet but persistent inner voice tells you to move forward.

As I said, your life purpose does not come to you overnight. In fact, I've been doing this for decades because it's not a "result", it's more of a process.

But what I do know is that every time I tried to do something different from what I was doing, there was always that little voice inside me that reminded me not to stop.

Your outer world may not yet reflect the grandeur of your inner vision, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. It takes time to build something serious. Therefore, first of all, listen to your wise inner voice, which will always tell you whether you are moving in the right direction. I will repeat: finding and following your life purpose is more a process than a result.

I hope this article will help you see the outward signs that things are moving in a direction that is best for you.

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Please write in the comments how much of what you are doing now corresponds to the listed characteristics?

From the point of view of esotericism, a person’s life path, his task in a given incarnation, one might say his destiny, are connected with the flows of energy that feed him, on which he lives. There are several of these sources - the karmic flows of five past incarnations, which actively shape the karmic path and task of a person. These sources weave the fabric of reality; different energy flows, like threads, intertwine and create destiny. Psychologists determine a person’s psychotype, his temperament, work with character, and a psychic immediately “sees” whether a person lives at his source, what energies nourish him, where and how he loses strength.

In the incoming channel, each person is connected to a specific source of energy. If this is his own flow, then everything in life will be good for a person and all things will be easy. The whole point is that if a person is not on his “channel”, then he does not live “his” life, but follows the instructions of the source on which he lives. And his task in this incarnation may be completely different. So it turns out that in life there are a lot of troubles, problems, conflicts - everything is “dictated” by someone else’s channel, which is not interested in the development, protection and prosperity of a person.

At birth, a person is connected with his cosmic incoming channel from the mental body. But parents have their own incoming flow, and they are trying to shape the child according to their flows, that is, connect the child to their thread of reality. There are many examples of dynasties of military men, doctors, artists, etc. For a military dad, what will his son grow up to be? A dancer? Sources determine not only professional activity, but also lifestyle, worldview, key events, character traits and much more. These are like different radio channels - on one wavelength “chanson”, on another “classics”, on the third “rock”, each has its own specifics, its own interests, its own audience.

With such a transition and switching to a “non-native” karmic channel, problems begin - a person tries, but nothing works, he struggles - this is not his path, not his karmic thread and not his source.

How can you tell if you are using your own source or someone else’s?

The world strives for harmony - “as intended”, therefore, when switching to someone else’s stream, various obstacles occur, problems “out of the blue”, spiritual dissatisfaction in life - the world thus says: “You are going the wrong way, here you feel bad and not harmonious, look for your own path, where you will have luck and joy.” It often happens that a person (subconsciously) lives in his own flow, everything works out for him, he has luck. And suddenly a friend comes with a proposal for some of his ideas for a joint business or project. And as soon as a person switches to another thread, luck is lost, problems and difficulties arise. There is always a choice of where to go and what to do. Technically, a psychic can unleash other people's flows. But a person himself can understand, feel and determine his source.

An indicator that you are on your stream can be: good connection with the outside world. Connection with the outside world is manifested in signs, omens, and warnings. Psychics always look for peace signs, they listen to what the world is telling them. You can check your connection with the world yourself. For example, give yourself a task: if today I meet a certain number of cars with three sevens (777 or any other number), then I have a good connection with the world and I am in my flow. The cars themselves must catch the eye. For example, if the connection with the world is poor, then with this goal setting, even if a car with the requested number passes by, you will turn away and will not see it.

You can “put” any decision-making on signs: “I want to listen to what the world will tell me about my such and such solution if I see such and such sign, then this is the right and useful decision for my life,” and wait for this confirmation sign. This way you can harmonize your path.

How to “set” signs correctly

  1. They must be real, quite probable events (“if I see a living mammoth today, then I’m on my way” - this is not a sign).
  2. Signs should not be specifically “tied” to other people (“if a neighbor throws out the TV...” - this also does not fit the sign).
  3. For a sign to manifest there must be a time of realization. For example, when I approach the entrance, there will be a red (green, white, blue...) car standing there.

The whole system of signs is, in fact, an attempt to systematize the signs of the world, but they work individually, depending on who believes in what. If I believe that for me a black cat is a good sign, then the world, accordingly, will give this sign - for favorable events. To another person, this sign will speak of “bad things.” Often we cannot understand whether we are on the right path if we undertake some new business. We are putting in efforts, but there are no results yet. You can check with the peace signs whether this will be of any use or not, you need to wait or take further action. Sign: “if tomorrow morning I look at the sky and see a cloud (cloud, sun, bird...), then this will mean this and that.”

You definitely need to “prescribe” danger warning signs for yourself. What event or sign will warn of negative changes. It is important to create your own signs.

When you get used to living in such a state of dialogue with the world, that same awareness appears that all esotericists talk so much about. After all, when we listen to the world, we listen to ourselves. Any little thing can be a sign.

I had a case, I was returning home and I “caught” the phrase of the grandmothers on the bench at the entrance: “And all the tomatoes at my dacha were burnt...” - I immediately realized that the world was warning me, and quickly went to meditate on the flow of the future, look through the negative cells. In this case, it is important to immediately apply the stop-flow technique, any one you know, even if “gratitude to Vanechka.”

When everything in life is harmonious, a person is happy himself and brings happiness to those around him. He no longer wants to conflict, swear, or give out negative emotions - he lives in a “flow” state. This state is also called “temple state”. This state is written very well in various schools of karmic healing, how to form it and keep your consciousness in the flow of harmony. With the help of meditation, you can create your own “flow” state, in which everything goes well.

Based on lectures by Andrey Gorodovoy

Often a person moves through life in free flight, floating on a wave and, sometimes, he doesn’t understand whether he chose the right path? The path is not just like that, it is fate, destiny. Today in the world of managers, it is difficult to find yourself. You get lost in the gray mass and bring to the consumer society new service or trying to sell off a bunch of unnecessary goods.

In all this, personality is lost. A person is realized at most as a seller. But a person is broader than these boundaries, and therefore the most important thing that should be in a person’s life is what he loves. If a person is busy doing what he loves, he is half happy. This is already good.

The second factor is satisfaction from what you love. If you have fun, you have everything in your hands, you want to come to work year after year, you are busy doing what you love and get satisfaction from it. These are indicators that you are on the right path.

If your deeds make people feel better, warmer in their souls, you are bringing benefit. If people thank you, it means you are doing everything right and well. Here is another criterion for the right path in life.

If you are surrounded by not envious, honest people then You yourself are not envious and honest, and without this you cannot move along the path of life.

If you love and are loved, then you close the chain of axioms of a person moving along his own path. That's true. I hope you are doing great with your choice of life path and following it!

Sometimes there comes a time in life when you don’t know which way to turn and what decision to make. IN modern world There are so many options that the right path for you is not always easy to find. We also have more distractions than ever that take us away from what's truly important.

If you are on the wrong path in life, you will feel unhappy, lonely, defeated and gloomy. Finding the right path is like a magic carpet that knocks you off your feet and lifts you to heights unknown before. Exciting and interesting!

We'll share some warning signs that will help you know if you're on the right track.

You feel unhappy

One of the main indicators that you are going the wrong way is your dissatisfaction. You feel disconnected from your goals and know deep down that something is missing.

Although happiness is subjective, your decisions should ultimately lead to joy. After all, we all want more happiness, don't we? That's why we spend money on healthy food and gym memberships. That's why we are drawn to cheerful and pleasant people. We all want happiness and comfort.

All your decisions should ensure that you feel happy, in the short or long term. So if you feel uncomfortable, just stop and make a different choice. After all, what do you have to lose?

Life has no challenges

Even if we say what we want easy life, it is in our nature to want to overcome difficulties. They help us grow and learn, and if we lived in the desert we would face challenges on a daily basis.

Despite living in the modern world, the need for difficult problems and their solutions is still embedded in our DNA. It is hardwired within us for survival and development.

Obstacles and difficulties make us stronger, so the absence of checks from fate is a sure sign that you are going in the wrong direction.

You're not achieving your goals

Often we write goals and even create an action plan to achieve them. But if you're constantly rewriting or putting off your goals, ask yourself honestly, is this really what you want with all your heart? If you don't really know what you want from life, it's time to look deep into your soul to figure it out.

You keep hanging out with the “wrong” people

Another sign that you are on the wrong path is the wrong friends. They have no ambitions and big goals, they have a lot bad habits, they constantly drag you down and do not bring any positive contribution to your life. Why do you still communicate with them? You can't understand, rather out of habit. But you need to make up your mind and change your environment.

You've lost yourself

It's very bad when you lose touch with yourself, but it happened. You don't know what you want from life, you feel tired, overwhelmed and even afraid. You don’t understand who you are, where you are going, and most importantly, why.

No matter the reason, we all lose ourselves at some point. But you need to recover, because only within there are answers to all questions. The main thing is to try to hear.