How to organize the collection of recyclable materials. Business at a waste paper collection point

The modern format of trade is a convenient and quick execution of any purchases via the Internet. The buyer and seller only have to decide how to deliver and receive the goods. One of the most popular options is order pick-up points. An incredibly profitable business idea can become a major source of stable profits. Do you want to know why you should open a pick-up point? All the answers are in our article.

What you will learn about:

Order pickup points are an excellent way to organize a small (usually limited to one city or region), but very stable business. Want to try it? Then, first of all, you should decide which online stores will become your main partners.

The choice is incredibly large, but you should focus not on the popularity of a particular Internet site on the Internet, but on the demand for the goods it offers in your locality.

Here are a few practically win-win options for product areas from which it makes sense to start developing your own business:

  • women's and children's clothing;
  • educational products and toys for children;
  • cosmetics from popular brands that prefer online distribution;
  • electronics and craft supplies.

The cloud service Business.Ru Ecommerce is perfect for managing and automating the order pick-up point. Convenient work with orders and clients, full trade and warehouse accounting, all primary documents.

Step 1. Assessing the main risks

The main risks of this project include:

  • problems with regulatory authorities as a result of insufficiently competent financial and accounting records. How to avoid risk: outsource accounting and personnel records.
  • loss of reputation due to violation of customer service terms. How to avoid risk: set customer service standards and strictly follow them.
  • high competition with transport companies. How to avoid risk: organize a wide and convenient network of distribution points with the maximum range of bonuses.
  • financial losses due to improper organization of delivery, accounting and storage of goods. How to avoid risk: think in advance where the products will be stored, test the delivery mechanism in small batches.

Step 2. Paperwork

When registering as a business entity, it is best to choose the most popular and simplest option - individual entrepreneur. Its design requires a minimum of time and money. When choosing an OKPD, it is best to focus on paragraph 47.91; it most accurately reflects the specifics of your activity.

Depending on the set of additional documents required in your region, registration and payment of state fees may require up to 20 thousand rubles.

Activities are taxed according to the simplified taxation system. Additionally, you will need to open a paying agent bank account and purchase a cash register for accurate accounting and reporting.

Step 3. Selecting a location and premises

To save on office rent, you should focus on finding a suitable option in areas of the city that are remote from the center but have good transport accessibility. At the initial stage, 20-25 square meters are enough to organize a workplace and warehouse, because the parcels will not be stored with you for a long time.

Rich decoration is an unnecessary excess; it is enough that the room is clean and cozy, preferably located on the 1st floor, heated, equipped with a bathroom and high-quality ventilation.

Step 4. Technology and the Internet

As for the equipment of the premises, there will be no need for large expenses. All you need: racks for decorating the warehouse area and a stand for the operator handing out parcels to customers. In terms of equipment, you must purchase a computer or laptop, as well as a cash register that meets the minimum requirements.

Of course, since you work directly with online stores, you will also need a stable access to the Global Network. It is most reliable to use a fiber-optic connection from an operator that provides a wide range of tariffs and 24-hour technical support.

If desired, you can install CCTV cameras at the point to ensure security and control over employees; the system can be connected to a private security console.

Step. 5 Recruitment

To eliminate the risk of downtime and disruptions in the operation of the point, it is worth providing two operator positions with a shift work schedule. If you intend to deliver large or heavy cargo, choose stronger men, otherwise you will also have to pay for the work of the loader.

Your employees should be friendly and decent. After all, by organizing a pick-up point for orders from a specific online store, in the eyes of customers you become part of a specific brand or company. Your reputation directly affects the attitude of customers towards the store itself. is one of the largest online stores operating in Russia and neighboring countries. 18 years of work on the market, more than 1.2 million visitors and more than 4 million products. To start cooperation with by opening an order pick-up point, you need to:

  • have a certificate of registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • rent a comfortable room in an accessible area of ​​the city with a daily work schedule of at least 19 hours, including weekends;
  • purchase and register a cash register;
  • organize stable Internet access and conditions for calling clients;
  • provide for the possibility of returning unclaimed parcels and collecting profits.

You may be refused if your point of issue:

  • is not on the first line or far from public transport stops;
  • less than 10 square meters;
  • not equipped with a security alarm and access control system;
  • not well ventilated;
  • does not have the furnishings and necessary equipment, as well as a place for the customer to check the contents of the order.

The CRM system for an online store from Business.Ru has the ability to integrate with delivery services, which allows you to track the status of sent orders by track number. And the open API and our specialists will help you set up an exchange with the delivery services your online store works with.

How to open a Lamoda order pick-up point

About 2 million products, a thousand brands, prompt delivery and a unique service: “try, choose, pay later.” The popularity of the Lamoda online store is due not only to the fact that foreign specialists founded and promoted the project, but also to the fact that the store is completely autonomous. How to open a point of delivery of goods from Lamoda? You will not find such information on the official website.

A large list of vacancies and a list of existing pick-up points along with courier delivery call into question the relevance of the idea of ​​cooperation. But, if you want to know for sure how possible this is, contact the management. Firstly, get first-hand information and discuss individual conditions, and secondly, you can accurately verify the company’s customer focus and the effectiveness of the B2B format it declares.

How to open an Aliexpress order pick-up point

The issue of organizing a pick-up point for goods ordered on one of the world's largest online platforms, Aliexpress, was discussed on the Aliexpress for Professionals portal. Considering the delivery system to the recipient, which is mostly used by Chinese online stores, the organization of delivery points looks, to put it mildly, impractical.

The portal’s specialists answer such questions as follows: “Aliexpress is a Chinese company and they are unlikely to be interested in this; a person writes his address and post office code on the website. You need to open your own post office, but you won’t be able to do it - this is state territory.” And, nevertheless, it is worth noting that one similar point still exists in Russia. It is located in Moscow.

One of the most popular and largest online stores specializing in book products and stationery is “Labyrinth”. A huge assortment of books, the possibility of pre-ordering or exchanging, a convenient affiliate program designed for cooperation not only with legal entities, but also with individuals...

And not a word about the organization of delivery points. And all because the company has a wide partner network throughout the country and a well-organized courier delivery system. In addition, in almost every major city, Labyrinth has its own pick-up points for goods, which sharply reduces the chances of obtaining individual terms of cooperation with the store.

The CRM system for an online store from Business.Ru provides extensive opportunities for working with your own couriers. In a few clicks you can create a list of orders for delivery to a specific area for a courier and print a route sheet.

Unlike most chain companies selling cosmetics of their own brands, Faberlic does not focus only on private distributors. However, managing your own Faberlic goods distribution point is not something anyone can do. To do this you need to be “in the system”.

That is, you need to be an ordinary distributor of these cosmetics in the status of a private person. You will receive permission to organize an HTP only if:

  • your group’s catalog sales volume will be at least 600 points;
  • you will be registered as an individual entrepreneur or receive permission from a superior mentor;
  • rent an office in a place with good traffic (but not in a shopping center or in an apartment);
  • your office area will be more than 10 square meters.

How to open an order pick-up point for several stores

When planning cooperation with several stores at once in order to open a common point of delivery of goods for them, you should take into account that:

  1. Being direct competitors to each other, some companies may refuse to partner after seeing a list of supposed “neighbors”. You will have to select stores in such a way as not to create a conflict of interest.
  2. Having received consent to cooperate with the stated composition, you will need to carefully study all the requirements of each store. Be prepared that some of them will contradict each other.
  3. Trying to satisfy all requirements, it is worth taking the maximum indicators as a basis, otherwise. When expanding your business, you may encounter serious obstacles and refusals from further cooperation.
  4. It is best to resolve organizational issues in this case directly with store managers or senior specialists; only in individual negotiations can a compromise solution to the issues that arise be found.

Opening a franchise pick-up point

Franchising is a very common practice not only abroad, but also in Russia. It is equally beneficial for both those who work as a franchise and those who allow them to use their brand. The first gets the opportunity to quickly and successfully start, the second gets an influx of new customers and expansion of sales geography.

The advantages of using a franchise include:

  • the opportunity not only to see the product the client is interested in in the picture, but also to touch, try on, and evaluate it in person, which reduces the percentage of returns;
  • simplicity and efficiency of processing replacement and return of goods that did not suit the client, which have a positive impact on the company’s reputation;
  • reducing the cost of delivering goods to the recipient.

As for the minuses, there are not so many of them. Perhaps only the need for additional costs for delivering goods to the point, which is easily covered by the high level of demand for goods. Such well-known brands as Boxberry, SDEK, PickPoint, and maxima-express are actively using the benefits of franchising.

Is it profitable to open a pick-up point?

You want to open an order pick-up point - what income will this business bring you and is it worth starting at all? The experience of many successful entrepreneurs who once bet on just such a project suggests: it’s worth it! The project can be considered successful if every day the point issues from 10 to 15 parcels costing from 1000 rubles each.

Taking into account the fact that the percentage for transferring goods to the buyer is small, only about 1.5-2%, the payback period can range from 3 months to a year and a half.

♦ Capital investments: from 1,500,000 rubles.
♦ Payback: 12-48 months.

Organize business on recycled materials- This is a very promising direction for creating a source of income.

However, at the moment, not many entrepreneurs are engaged in it, and this also plays into their hands, because the current level of competition is average or even low.

At the same time, the threshold for entering the business is relatively accessible, and special knowledge and skills are not required.

It all depends on the thoughtful and competent organization of collection, and if you want to develop, setting up a workshop for processing waste and producing new products from them.

Anyone who remembers Soviet times will confirm that previously everyone was involved in collecting the same waste paper.

But years passed, production facilities were closed, and people’s mentality changed.

Collecting and processing raw materials has long been considered “dirty” and not the most worthy occupation.

However, thanks to the popularization of caring for the environment, reusing resources is becoming fashionable.

Not only people themselves are ready to sort their garbage and bring it to collection points, even for free.

In addition, the state is ready to provide all possible support in the endeavors of those who deal with recyclable materials.

There comes an understanding that even 1 kg of recycled paper is a contribution already made to preserving the environmental situation.

And if you take the amount of work that one recycling collection point does, this is a huge benefit.

It is from this perspective that this business should be viewed: as a feasible contribution to improving the state of the environment.

And not just as a source of income.

Then work will bring joy and a sense of self-worth.

Recycling – a business with prospects

When drawing up a business plan, you must take such an important step as collecting information about the current market situation and forecasting the relevance of your business.

Let's look at how things stand with recyclables in Russia at the moment.

According to statistics, a resident of an average-sized town produces at least 400 kilograms of waste in one year.

And that's just one person!

If we divide all recyclable materials into separate categories, the distribution roughly looks like this:

As you can see from the diagram, the main categories of collected recyclables are paper and plastic.

Their collection is easy to organize, and the equipment for their processing is relatively affordable.

Collection points can be found in almost any city.

This is because the population actively uses these materials, and they are available in large quantities, it is convenient and safe to store them.

New products can be made from recycled paper and plastic waste.

How to open a recycling collection point?

“What you have to do is create a great product or service with the goal of changing the world. If you do this, you can become a legend."
Guy Kawasaki

The recycling collection business begins with finding suitable premises.

It will play the role of a warehouse and must meet the requirements:

  • the size of the room should depend on the volume of recyclables that you are going to store in it;
  • novice entrepreneurs who are short of start-up capital for a business can first rent or buy a garage; gradually, with increasing volumes, you can find a large warehouse, hangar;
  • the room should not be damp, especially if you collect waste paper;
  • remember that the premises will only be an intermediate point before being sent to large collection or processing centers, so do not rush to rent a large area;
  • in this business it does not matter whether the warehouse is located in the center or outside the city; the latter option is even preferable, since rent is cheaper, there are more target audiences in residential areas, and there are fewer traffic jams;
  • the warehouse must be equipped with scales and a press (a press will be needed to reduce the volume of collected recyclables and also to facilitate transportation);
  • Another necessary element for starting a business using recyclable materials is a truck (or a car with a trailer).

If the above is present, you can safely proceed to opening a recycling collection point.

Set the cost per kilogram of a particular type of paper.

Start by notifying nearby schools and colleges.

It is worth posting notices near the collection point.

The larger the audience you can reach, the sooner you will start making a profit.

How to open a recycling plant?

Not every entrepreneur can afford to open a large recycling plant.

However, there are mini versions that are easy and convenient to transport.

This business idea is interesting because you can “travel” from landfill to landfill in different cities, selecting several hundred tons of necessary raw materials from each.

The compact version is also beneficial in terms of investment size.

To open a plant, which can fit into a container 4-5 meters long, an amount of around $100,000 is required.

Moreover, to connect it you only need water supply, sewerage and a source of electricity.

How many staff are needed to process recyclables?

A recycling plant requires hiring at least 24 people.

The figure is due to the fact that at least 7-8 employees must work in one shift, and there are three shifts in total.

Why not two, as is usually customary?

Because working at such a plant is hard work.

And production must function without stopping - this is the specification of this branch of business.

Employees' responsibilities include processing incoming recyclables.

They will select rejects, sort by type of waste, load garbage for recycling, and ship the final products.

Recycling collection as a business: what is used?

Collection of recyclable materials should be done thoughtfully.

First, decide what type of waste will be used and collected in your business.

There are several common categories.

Collection of glass containers

Perhaps this is the most popular destination in Russia.

True, it is associated mainly with negative associations - alcoholics, homeless people and disadvantaged people.

But, besides this, collecting and recycling glass containers is a useful and profitable business.

Broken glass is used to produce new bottles, which are not much inferior to those made from sand; sand can also be made directly from cullet, crushing it as much as possible.

Incredibly, these raw materials are even used in the fertilizer business - as “vessels” (small hollow granules are made)!

Dark glass is the most valuable, but any glass container is now accepted for recycling.

Waste paper

Previously, the collection of waste paper was put on stream, but gradually the activity of the population subsided.

Although the share of paper waste in waste is quite large, and if it is processed correctly, then as much as ¾ can be reused in production!

So far, the national figure does not exceed 12%.

This is a rather sad level, but it also highlights the potential of this area of ​​business.


Thanks to processing, plastic can be recycled into plastic again!

To do this, labels are removed from the collected products, cleaned of excess, crushed and steamed in a special cauldron.

This process allows the production of polymer flakes - flex.

From these raw materials it is already possible to manufacture new products.

How to organize a business using recyclable materials, see also in the video:

How quickly will waste paper recycling as a business pay off?

You can estimate the payback period for a business using recyclable materials based on both world and Russian prices:
  • writing paper – $760/ton (worldwide), 22,000 – 32,000 rubles (Russian);
  • cardboard - $850/ton (in the world), 18,000 - 26,000 rubles (in Russia).

To arrive at a business's potential net profit, costs must be subtracted from projected revenue.

Collection and processing of recyclable materials may include the following costs:

With such indicators, we can declare high business profitability - 25-55%.

Accordingly, over a period of 1-2 years, your investment will fully pay off.

Many are sure that business on recycled materials– this is a gold mine, because the resources lie literally under your feet.

This is only partly true.

Any entrepreneurial activity requires improving knowledge and skills.

You have to invest not only money, but also a lot of effort and your time.

But how much benefit you can bring to your city or country!

After all, collecting and recycling waste is not only a way to generate income, but also concern for the environment.

It is this goal that you need to focus on first of all when running a business.

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  • How much can you earn

Features and pitfalls of a metal receiving business

First of all, according to market participants, you need to decide how you will work - legally, and not be afraid of anyone, or “in the dark” by paying good sums to the regulatory authorities.

License for receiving non-ferrous metals

Working legally means, first of all, registering a business, registering for taxes, hiring and registering workers according to the Labor Code, and most importantly, obtaining a license to carry out metal receiving activities. It is precisely with the receipt of the last document that serious problems can arise. To be more precise, it is almost impossible to obtain a license. Or rather, it is possible, but it will require significant financial investments, which is often not permissible for a novice businessman.

How much does it cost to open a non-ferrous metal collection point?

Depending on the scope of investments, they can range from 200 thousand rubles to 20 million.

For the body that issues licenses, it is necessary to prepare and describe the entire technological process. To do this, in turn, you need to have a registered land plot (rent or ownership), special equipment for processing scrap and a laboratory to test the composition of the metal. In addition, the production process should not worsen the surrounding environmental situation, and the enterprise itself should be located at a decent distance from the nearest residential complexes.

However, according to experts, a problem with the law is not the only reason why one should obtain a license to accept and process metal. The license also confirms that you take your own business seriously. That is, the company is interested in long-term development, making a profit and constantly introducing new technologies. In addition, the license greatly simplifies work with other companies, including metallurgical plants.

Selecting a territory for receiving non-ferrous metals

Let’s say you have decided on the “legality” of the matter. What is actually needed? Firstly, a plot of land is needed to receive metal. Its size should be at least 300 m2, and better - 1 hectare. Ideally, the territory where the metal receiving and processing point will be located is accessible by railroad tracks. Thus, the work with the sale of metal and its delivery to metallurgical plants is greatly simplified. It is better to buy the territory itself - this will save you from high rental rates, although it will require significant financial investments at the start.

What equipment is needed to work with non-ferrous metals?

Of the main equipment, first of all, you will need a press for packaging lightweight scrap, a loader (from 3 million rubles) and industrial scales. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a dump truck to move scrap. Thus, investments at this stage will amount to at least 7 - 10 million rubles.

The most valuable non-ferrous scrap is copper. At collection points, scrap copper is accepted from 200 rubles per 1 kg. In second place in value are bronze - 140 rubles/kg, brass - 125 rubles/kg and titanium - 120 rubles/kg. Other types of scrap cost an order of magnitude cheaper: aluminum - 60 rubles/kg, lead - 55 rubles/kg, magnesium - 40 rubles/kg and iron - only 5 rubles/kg.

If you don’t have a lot of money, and the desire to start a similar business haunts you, then you can try to work as an agent. To do this, you need to contact a large metal collection site and enter into an agency agreement with them, according to which you set up a collection point in the location you need (even in a garage), call it a “temporary storage warehouse” and accept metal from city residents. The only drawback, which actually does not allow you to earn much, is that you will have to hand over the scrap to this company at wholesale prices.

However, on some specialized business forums you can study the experience of some market participants. The principle by which most currently operating illegal points operate looks quite simple. Naturally, small private entrepreneurs do not issue any licenses. They work “under the table” - they pay a fine (or kickback) once a year of 2,000 rubles, or whatever they can negotiate. The metal collection point, most of them, is a large garage or hangar for storing iron. The main equipment is a cutter and 500 kg floor scales. As soon as the required weight is reached, say 10 tons, the entrepreneur calls the buyers. First, all metal is manually removed from the garage by hired workers. Next, the buyers bring a reloader and a dump truck and take away the entire batch of metal.

The main workers of such an office are watchmen and metal receivers. An important note - under no circumstances should you accept parts of railways, as this is a criminal offense. And one more thing. No advertising - only word of mouth. Otherwise, expect guests in the form of regulatory authorities and the police.

Market players also have their own tricks. For example, some businessmen are deliberately in no hurry to hand over accumulated metal to the plant. They know that metal prices spike in early spring and fall. In the fall, because factories are collecting their quota for the winter period, and in the spring - to urgently replenish their reserves. Another important postulate is that commercial metal should always be put aside. These are pipes, I-beams, channels, fittings, etc. All this can be exchanged in the future for scrap metal in double the amount for your clients (some for construction, others for fencing).

However, this business also has its own “pessimistic” side. Some market participants shout with one voice - it’s too late to start a business. Although metal is still coming from the residents, they simply won’t let us work normally. The competition is too high. All garage points are under strict control - as soon as a new one opens, it is certainly visited by police representatives. The police are being pitted against each other by the same competitors who do not want newly minted businessmen at their side.

Now it’s possible to make money on old batteries. Prices can be found at the nearest metal collection point. The principle of such a business is as follows. A gazelle is placed on the roadway. The corresponding advertisement is hung on the car. Local residents are beginning to actively transport batteries, and along with them some ferrous and non-ferrous metals, which are subsequently successfully handed over to resellers. In this case, a license is not required, the main thing is to be registered as an entrepreneur and pay taxes regularly...

Where to start a non-ferrous metal receiving business

To start a business, you first need to think about where you will receive and store the metal. To begin with, a garage is suitable for these purposes. Therefore, you can start a business in a garage, if you have one, or rent one. You can rent a warehouse or non-residential premises. There are many possibilities. You just need to make sure that the service is advertised and clients know where to look for you. The second thing you need to think about is transportation. If you do not have your own car, you must either rent one or enter into agreements with cargo transportation companies. Once all these issues have been resolved, you can begin to draw up a business plan and prepare documents.

How much can you earn

Despite the fact that prices for metal vary in different regions, in any case you can make good money on it. The average price per ton of non-ferrous metal reaches 300,000 rubles. If things go well, then in a year you can earn 1,500,000 rubles. Moreover, there are opportunities for this. Only aluminum cans, which have been actively recycled recently, can bring decent income.

Which OKVED code should I indicate for registering a business for receiving non-ferrous metals?

The following OKVED codes are suitable for registering activities:

  • 38.11 - Collection of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.32.11 - Sorting of metal materials for further use;
  • 46.77 — Wholesale trade in waste and scrap.

What documents are needed to register a non-ferrous metal receiving business?

In order to register an activity with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur, you need to prepare the following documents: an application, a passport and its photocopy, a receipt for payment of the state duty. You can form an LLC, although this is associated with certain difficulties, but there is a big advantage here: In the event of force majeure, the entrepreneur will be liable with all his property, and the enterprise - only with what is on his account, and not with the property of the founders. To register an LLC, you will need a charter and an authorized capital of at least 10 thousand rubles.

Which taxation system to choose for registering a non-ferrous metal receiving business?

It is best to stick to a simplified taxation system. Why? Because the patent system implies the purchase of a patent, that is, you will have to pay taxes without knowing how much you will earn. OSNO requires separate tax and accounting accounting, which is not very convenient. And with “simplified” you can keep records using a simplified scheme and make a report once a year.

Business technologies: organizing settlements with clients

When operating a point for the delivery of non-ferrous metals, it is necessary to register:

  • acceptance certificate;
  • expense cash order.

In addition, it will be necessary to cancel the limit at the cash desk, which is allowed only to small businesses and entrepreneurs (clause 2, paragraph 10 of Directive No. 3210-U and makes it possible to store money at the cash desk in any amount, saving on bank tariffs.

Nowadays, the waste paper business brings in a decent income. Paper waste recycling enterprises do not want to open recycling collection points in small towns. In this regard, there is practically no competition in this area. Let's try to figure out how to open a waste paper collection point in this article.

Where to start?

Before starting a waste paper business, you should first determine the distribution channels for raw materials. This is a very important stage from which you need to start working. Before you open a waste paper collection business, you must know exactly in what volumes you can sell the accepted raw materials. It is advisable to first conclude an agreement with a paper production factory. Don’t forget to immediately agree on the price at which paper waste will be purchased from you. You will be guided by it when drawing up a business plan for collecting waste paper and calculating the main expenses.

Business registration

If you want to open a waste paper collection point as a business, first of all you need to open your own company. Businessmen who do not plan to further develop their business can register a private entrepreneur. In addition, it is necessary to obtain all permits from the fire inspectorate for the collection and storage of paper waste.


Since raw materials need to be stored somewhere before customers pick them up, you'll need storage space. In order not to spend money on renting a suitable room, you can adapt a garage for this. The receiving point must be located in an area where there are no competitors, otherwise your business will be unprofitable.

If you set up the raw material sales schedule correctly, you won’t have to rent a large warehouse, since it simply won’t be needed.


At the start, you can work independently, without hired workers. But every business owner has certain problems and concerns, so it is better to involve assistants in this matter. These could be employees or members of your family. This type of work does not require any specific qualifications, so there will be no problems with recruiting personnel. If you properly organize waste paper collection as a business, over time your business will turn into a large, highly profitable enterprise.

Where to buy raw materials?

Paper waste can be donated by individuals, shops or other organizations. It is advisable to establish long-term cooperation with suppliers. Any small store can hand over 100–200 kg of paper waste every month. In addition, it is worth negotiating with schools, restaurants or cafes. A stable supply of raw materials will have a positive effect on your income.

To attract the attention of individuals to the collection point, conduct a small advertising campaign. Distribute leaflets on the streets encouraging people to hand over unwanted paper. This type of income attracts utility workers. By the way, they can be hired to sort raw materials for a small fee.

Operating principle

Many enterprising people are interested in how to make money from waste paper? It's very simple. All paper waste that arrives at the collection point should be carefully sorted into classes:

  • First class is the most expensive. This is uncoated white paper, but not newsprint, as well as other types of white paper based on unbleached cellulose;
  • The second class is cardboard boxes, books, magazines;
  • The third class is paper pulp and newsprint.


In order to organize the collection of waste paper as a business, you need to take care not only of collecting paper waste, but also of sorting it and delivering it to the point of sale.

If you want to make your business more profitable, waste paper recycling can help you with this. To do this you need a special press. You should not buy new equipment for recycling waste paper for a regular collection point. A used unit for pressing paper into bales will cost you 50 thousand rubles.

To deliver sorted raw materials to customers, you should purchase a truck. At the initial stage, the vehicle can be rented. You can save a lot of money if you agree with other collection points to use one vehicle to remove raw materials.

Pulp production

It is worth noting that the waste paper business idea will be more profitable if it is partially processed and pulp is produced.

For this you will need:

  • Mixer;
  • Pump;
  • Tanks and other containers.

First of all, the paper needs to be soaked in water. Next, it goes through a process of disinfection and bleaching. After this, excess liquid is removed, and the remaining mass is whipped into foam. Such raw materials are purchased by factories for paper production. It costs much more than regular compressed paper. You can create your own from recycled materials, which will significantly increase the profitability of the enterprise.


Let's figure out how much you can earn from waste paper? Some people believe that paper waste cannot generate good profit. But in addition to individuals, large companies also hand over raw materials, which accumulate huge amounts of paper. This allows you to earn decent money from collecting waste paper. For example, in Moscow one collection point receives a net income of up to 1 million rubles per year. If we talk about the profitability of this business, it reaches 30–50%.


If you are interested in collecting waste paper, a business plan should be drawn up taking into account all the main expenses. To organize a business you will need some starting capital. The size of the initial investment largely depends on your plans. You can try to get a loan to open a business using waste paper. But if you have your own savings, it is better to do without outside help. Start working in your own garage and rent a vehicle. You can refuse to buy a press for now. If you invest 1 million rubles in a business, it will pay off in about 1-1.5 years.

Constantly make new contacts. At the start, you can try to accept waste paper from companies and organizations for free. Some businesses that don't want to pay to dispose of old archives and papers will be happy to give you their unwanted junk. If you manage to find such suppliers, the business will be successful in any case.

Pulp and paper mills accept raw materials at 3.5–5 thousand rubles per ton. Cardboard costs even more. You can try to establish relationships with nearby schools, whose students can collect waste paper in their free time. It is also worth attracting residents of nearby houses to this type of income. To do this, flyers should be distributed, for example, to mailboxes. They need to emphasize the social significance of your project in order to interest people in selling waste paper. Offer special prizes and bonuses to those who donate a lot of paper waste. Small gifts can interest schoolchildren, and they will take on this task with enthusiasm.


As you already understand, a waste paper collection point is a fairly promising business. When the enterprise begins to develop, you can purchase equipment from recycled materials. The most difficult thing is to take the first steps towards your goal. If you have the money and desire, do it right now.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Waste collection is just as necessary in Russia as in most other countries. This business will not only bring material benefits, but also contribute to the preservation of the environment and ecology. It is much easier, and most importantly cheaper, to use already used materials than to purchase new raw materials for production at a high price.


Reception points for collecting and sorting recyclables greatly simplify the recycling system for many types of waste, but only in highly developed countries. With us the situation is different. People find it difficult to overcome their stereotypes. Our people either throw everything into one trash can or even leave garbage in environmental areas.

Due to the amount of waste, a collection point for recyclable waste is a very profitable business in our country. This activity is much more profitable than opening a hairdresser, advertising agency or other type of small business. Collecting and sorting recyclables gives a “second life” to a large number of used materials.

Collecting recycled materials and their further use has its advantages:

  1. Savings on the extraction of new natural resources.
  2. Protecting the environment from possible pollution.
  3. Reducing the use of natural materials.

The collection of recycled materials as a business plays an important role in solving environmental problems and is a source of income for the entrepreneur.

After initial use, the following types of raw materials can be put into circulation:

  • Cardboard.
  • Paper.
  • Scrap metal.
  • Glass.
  • Rubber.
  • Polymer materials.
  • Textile.

If we consider the collection of secondary raw materials as a business, then we can reduce imports from abroad and ensure the progressive development of the domestic economy. Sorting waste helps save the environment.

Enterprising entrepreneurs have long been engaged in separate waste collection. They make money by transporting collected raw materials to waste processing plants. Handing over unnecessary consumer goods to a sorting point contributes to the rational use of resources and minimizes the energy consumption of production enterprises.

Collecting recyclable materials as a business brings benefits to the entrepreneur, the environment and the person donating a specific type of recyclable material. At reception centers there are prices for each type of waste. You can profitably hand over your garbage and get a certain amount for it, of course it’s not much, but the main thing is to save the environment!


Having become interested in the idea of ​​a business collecting recyclable materials, an entrepreneur asks the question of how to open a collection point for recyclable materials?

Naturally, you cannot do without registering as a business entity. Then comes registration with the tax authority at the place of registration. The next step is to obtain a single tax payer certificate.

Registration procedure for individual entrepreneurship

To open a reception point you must have the following documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. Identification number.
  3. Statement.
  4. A list of leading business areas has been compiled.
  5. Constituent documents of the newly formed company.
  6. Bank account (if necessary).

With a detailed business plan, you can take part in a competition for a grant from local municipal authorities.

The state benefits from such entrepreneurs, since the volume of waste is growing every year, and the authorities of our country cannot yet offer reasonable proposals to solve this problem. If you win the competition, you can use the grant to purchase the necessary equipment, such as a press, which will be useful for working with all types of raw materials.

For business

  • Next, you need to acquire storage space. Its dimensions depend on the type and volume of material received. The size of the living population is also important. For storage, you can rent a garage for small volumes of work, or a warehouse.
  • Purchase of transport - a truck. Its presence is necessary to transport recyclables to larger collection points.
  • Set a specific price for the material you accept.
  • Creation of a base of regular customers.
  • Sorting of raw materials: metal, paper, plastic and glass.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment; to start, you will need scales and a press.

Work permit

Since most types of accepted recyclable materials belong to hazard class 4, it is necessary to obtain special permission from the Rostechnadzor service to open a collection point.

For this you need:

  1. Passport.
  2. Identification code.
  3. Application from an entrepreneur.
  4. Existing constituent documents.
  5. A copy of the environmental assessment report confirming the suitability of the premises being used.
  6. A copy of the conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection confirming the compliance of the premises used with sanitary standards.
  7. A copy of the lease or purchase/sale agreement for the premises.
  8. The name of the waste that is planned to be accepted.

The question of how to open a collection point for recyclable materials has been answered; any campaign for collecting recyclable materials will help to promote the business as quickly as possible!