Adaptive physical education instructor. Adaptive physical education – what is it, where to work Where do they train to become a physical fitness specialist

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Single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of physical culture and sports”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2011 N 916n

Adaptive physical education instructor

Job responsibilities. Conducts group and individual classes with disabled people and people with health problems of all age and nosological groups in the prescribed manner. Conducts educational, recreational, leisure, health work aimed at maximizing the correction of deviations in the development and health of those involved, at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for life limitations in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled. Analyzes individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people and the initial data on the physical fitness of students in order to complete a group for classes, taking into account the main defect and psychophysical state of the students, draws up a plan and selects the most effective methods of conducting classes. Carries out step-by-step monitoring of students’ preparedness and correction of this process. Contributes to the socialization of students, expansion of their circle of contacts in the process of training and competitive activities, the formation of general culture and physical culture of the individual, maximum self-development and self-improvement of students by developing programs for their individual classes. Develops annual and current plans for theoretical, physical, technical, moral-volitional and sports training of students. Conducts selection and sports orientation of the most promising athletes for further sports improvement. Creates conditions that prevent cases of injury during exercise and exclude the use of doping. Takes part in organizing and conducting events aimed at preventing and combating doping in sports. Ensures the introduction of the latest methods of training athletes in sports into the practice of the training process. Maintains primary records, analyzes and summarizes the results of the work carried out, makes proposals to the management of the institution for its improvement. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: Constitution Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities in the field of physical culture and sports; regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities on issues of healthcare, education of the disabled, adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of comprehensive (medical, professional and social) rehabilitation of disabled people; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; fundamentals of psychology, developmental and special pedagogy, physiology and sports hygiene; theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture; modern methods of organizing physical exercises for various disorders of body functions; indications and contraindications for conducting adaptive physical education classes; the specifics of the development of interests and needs of students; doping control procedures and anti-doping rules; basics of medical control; first aid methods; basics of working on a personal computer; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of adaptive physical education without requirements for work experience, or higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports and additional professional education in the field of adaptive physical culture without requirements for work experience.

Adaptive physical education (AFK) in essence, it is physical education for people with disabilities, for people with various health problems, or for those who, due to sedentary work, need to increase the level of their physical condition.

People with disabilities doing physical activity may have a variety of pathologies– from amputations and cerebral palsy to poor vision.

It is a specialist in adaptive physical culture, based on medical reports, recommendations of psychologists and defectologists has the opportunity, using special techniques, to individually approach everyone who engages in such physical education.

For example, he can focus on the development of hand motor skills, or general strengthening exercises. Thus, a physical education specialist is not just a physical education teacher for people with health problems, he is a person whose responsibilities include helping such people adapt and improving their psychological state.

AFK specialist must be a good psychologist, must be able to competently influence the wards, choose an approach to each. First of all, he is not a coach, but a teacher who not only selects physical activity taking into account the characteristics of the body, but also helps guide the student towards self-development.

Of course, he is not a doctor, although related to medicine After all, he must understand diseases in order to choose the load correctly and not cause harm. First of all, its tasks include correcting the condition of the student, improving the physical and psychological state.

AFC coach must be correct towards his wards, patient and able to express respect, because only the strong in spirit are ready to work through pain and strive for success. Take, for example, the Paralympians, who prove that with the help of such physical education a person becomes capable of much, and not only in sports, because physical education can become an impetus for achievements in all areas of life.

Where do they train to become an AFK specialist?

In universities of physical education, medical universities and some pedagogical institutes, as a rule, there are departments involved in the training of such specialists. The duration of training is four years, and the range of disciplines is quite wide.

This is due to the need to obtain a knowledge base, including safety precautions, therapeutic massage, the ability to conduct an examination of performance, psychological interaction, and building an individual approach to the student in physical fitness classes.

Of course, they are studying general disciplines, such as the theory of physical education, developmental psychology, physiology, private pathology, pedagogy, various techniques and others. Naturally, the humanities and socio-economic subjects are not ignored.

Who should go into this profession?

For young people who decide to associate themselves with activities in the field of physical fitness, there is no need at all to have sporting achievements, they just need to believe that physical education can be one of the sources of the health of the body and allows a person to improve himself. In order to become a specialist, you must have decent physical shape, good knowledge of biology and social studies. And, of course, be stress-resistant and patient.

During training, students practiced in leading rehabilitation and correctional institutions of various types. Thus, theoretical knowledge and practice are combined and experience is gained. Often, those who show themselves well will subsequently be invited to work in these institutions.

Where do AFK specialists work?

As a rule, institutions send requests for such specialists to territorial government agencies of education and healthcare, as well as to the universities themselves that train these specialists.

In AFC specialists many educational institutions need, in particular, educational institutions for children with special needs. Their skills are needed in psychoneurological, kindergartens, and sports schools. Of course, they are in demand in various institutions involved in health improvement and rehabilitation, sanatoriums and rest homes.

An AF specialist can work as a coach with a special group or individually, as well as as a methodologist or teacher.

Graduates often find jobs in fitness centers, professional sports clubs, hospitals and clinics, physical therapy rooms. Some go into private practice, providing services as a massage therapist or preparing tourists for hiking trips with increased physical activity. Also, one of the areas of activity available to them is the governing bodies of physical education and sports.

So the specialist will find use for his knowledge, because in our time, physically weakened people want to improve their health and look equal to others, acquire new skills and be useful to society.