Instructions for speed dating. Business idea: organizing speed dating

Nowadays, no one can be amazed by such companies as marriage agencies. They work - people get married, and therefore their number grows by leaps and bounds. But there is no limit to progress even in such a delicate issue as the relationship between two people. In Western countries, a new technique is now quite popular - speed dating (from the English “speed-dating”). In short: single men and women gather in equal numbers and are invited to spend time in an establishment. Getting to know each other takes place quickly.

The girls sit on one side of the table, and the guys take turns moving from one young lady to another until everyone gets to know each other personally. Everyone always starts with an introduction, the conversation itself is short - these are the rules of the event. Then each participant leaves his preferences on pieces of paper, without a signature. If a match is found during the check, personal contact information is sent to the people they like.

This way you get several couples in an evening, it’s faster and more exciting than contacting a regular marriage agency. But the very essence of the speed-dating concept is not aimed at solving the problem of loneliness, but at creating a platform for a lonely person. A place and people are provided who also want to meet. Then everyone must do everything on their own. As they say, forge your own happiness. Therefore, the target group of speed dating is different from the clientele marriage agency.

So it cannot be said that marriage agencies and speed dating firms particularly compete with each other. And even in big cities this movement is not very widespread, so there are not many direct competitors either. Starting such a popular and still developing business is quite a profitable undertaking. The target group of clients is also different, both in age, religion and other characteristics, the main thing is to approach all this competently. There is also an opportunity to realize unusual fantasies and thereby attract people.

The very essence of speed dating is designed for young people, so after the actual meeting, you can organize a show or entertainment events, for example, parties and dances. At the very beginning, speed dating was considered an event exclusively for single people who want to find their soul mate. Based on the name, everything goes quickly - they get acquainted, communicate a little, and then go their separate ways.

Now this is a favorite pastime for those who love communication in general or new sensations and adventures. So you can tailor the work to each client and his preferences, speed-dating in this regard is a fairly flexible business option. This is where a creative person can develop, as well as a sociable person with a broad outlook, who knows the needs of modern youth and their interests.

In addition to young people, speed-dating initially arose for the needs of people who have money but no time for their personal life. They need quick dating - this is a romantic and even sometimes erotic game that brings variety to a person’s life. But as this business has grown, the public has started to diversify and is now a diverse population with different needs and expectations. You just need to choose your niche that is most suitable for you and your business.

It is quite difficult to define this business, but there is an article (OKPD 2) 93.29 “Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation.” The OKVED code is determined later. What are the registration options? For example, an individual entrepreneur or LLC (a company with limited liability), but this requires a legal entity.

The difference is that an individual entrepreneur and an LLC have access to a reduced tax payment system. This is 6% of revenue or 15% of operating profit. And here is the registration itself legal entity much more difficult than registration individual entrepreneur. And it's better to just be an individual, because this business is not designed for any problems with its own property.

There is no need for indoors, because speed dating takes place in cafes, bars or various restaurants. It's profitable - there are no monthly rental costs. True, some speed-dating agencies open their own representative offices in order to meet with clientele. This makes sense, because in addition to speed dating, you can take into account the wishes of clients who are interested in the services of a marriage agency, that is, so to speak, combine two directions in one. In general, you can have a small office if necessary. It makes no sense - there will only be one or two workers.

The key to success always lies in advertising. Thematic resources, social media- favorite venues for young people. You can also create your own website. What to write about? Schedule, information, bright photos, contact information. Don’t forget about promoting a group or website - usually you can simply buy this as a service on some social networks or order it from a specialist. Modern youth rarely watch TV or read paper newspapers, so such means mass media unprofitable.

The first task and stumbling block is choosing a room for the event. It is quite difficult to find a restaurant that is interested in constantly dedicating an entire room to a themed event where ordinary visitors cannot enter. Employees of the establishment must work as usual, i.e. be in the room with the organizers and serve speed-dating participants. But the speed dating format is such that everyone is socializing rather than eating and drinking, so one drink, which is included in the ticket price for the event, is usually sufficient. But you can find bars, cafes and restaurants that agree to long-term cooperation and regular parties - this will make it much easier for you to schedule and plan events.

Speed ​​dating is usually two hours of the process of getting to know each other and evaluating others, and there may also be a party at the end, so you usually need to plan for the evening. Most clients prefer to do new adventures on weekends, this is worth paying attention to. Although there are companies that hold parties every day and at different times. Let’s not forget that the establishment should be suitable for the theme of the age group of visitors, as well as the contingent. An unpopular establishment is of no interest to anyone and can alienate customers. In general, there is a wonderful way: find out the opinions of visitors about the service and the establishment itself after the event. Based on such reviews (positive or negative in the majority), you can get an idea of ​​whether you need to continue to conduct speed dating here.

If we talk about rental prices, it all depends on the level of the establishment and the size of the hall. We do not forget that there are 20 guests, and maybe more, so we are considering spacious rooms. The level of noise is generally a factor that must be taken into account when choosing a cafe or restaurant. Lounge bars are best suited - they always have a certain relaxed atmosphere, suitable for quick dates. Clients themselves must understand that they came to socialize and relax, and not to get hired. But if after meeting you want to have a show or party, then it is better to choose a club. In terms of price, a small room in a not very popular club will cost three thousand rubles per hour, but a larger room that can accommodate quite a lot of people is already 5-10 thousand.

Who are the employees needed? If the entrepreneur himself is going to engage in speed dating, then one or two assistants in this matter are enough for him. All administrative and other organizational issues are resolved, in fact, by one person. Assistants can be put on the phone to communicate with clients and given the task of promoting a group on a social network or a website in search engines so that it is in the first lines.

Such a business is convenient for a group of friends - together they can easily cope with all tasks, because the main thing is the ability to communicate and creativity. As for accounting and tax reporting, the payments are small, since there is often no premises and its rent, security, utility bills and other things. You can entrust all the paperwork to outsourcing companies that do this kind of thing for entrepreneurs. Employees are usually paid on a piece-rate basis, since the number of clients who pay the company directly depends on them.

There is a type of speed-dating, where a special guest is invited to host a thematic event. It's interesting and exciting, but more like an entertaining event than a quick date. And the cost of the ticket then increases. Therefore, you need to understand that this kind of entertainment is more interesting to young people who like to have original and interesting fun, but are not particularly interested in a serious search for a relationship and a soul mate.

Other expenses are minor: for example, printing of promotional materials and special sympathy sheets. It doesn’t hurt to take care of handing over the invitations to the participants - this is done in order to receive part of the money (or the entire amount) as a deposit. This must be done in any case, because there should be an equal number of guests of both sexes, and some unscrupulous or simply frivolous people may sign up for a quick date and not come. Another feature is a meeting with the client before the event for a short consultation. This helps to understand a person’s intentions and desires, his preferences. There is also a small chance to weed out conflicting or mentally unbalanced individuals who could ruin the event. If you are making an advanced website, you can add the function of completing a questionnaire via the Internet. However, it must be said that not all firms engage in customer surveys and testing.

At the party itself, the organizer himself acts as an assistant and guide for the guests; they turn to him with questions and wishes. A very important point that needs to be taken into account is the general mood and atmosphere, because it is these factors that allow people to behave at ease and like each other. Therefore, it is the organizer’s task to create comfortable conditions for dates, to be sociable and attentive to everyone. Not every person can express himself in this way, so it is better to entrust this work to a professional presenter or simply a more sociable and sociable assistant, capable of influencing people’s mood with his positive attitude. The presenter also monitors the technical aspects of the event, for example, the time - remember that quite a bit of time is allocated for each person.

You need to understand exactly who will go on speed dates. We said above that this method of dating is preferable for people with average incomes who simply do not have time to organize their personal life in the usual format - walking around a cafe or even just on the street. The bulk of the clientele are wealthy people, without moral or physical defects. Therefore, the success of parties is, in principle, quite simple to explain. According to the statistics of speed-dating events, during the evening at least one of the couples met gets married in the future.

In just two hours! No marriage agency can boast of such statistics. Moreover, some marriage agencies resort to speed dating services so that clients attend such an event as an alternative or simply in addition to the traditional search for a partner. Which once again speaks to the effectiveness of this method of dating, and as a result, business.

But also for those who are not very interested in relationships in principle or simply in long-term serious relationships (for example, young people), this is a new and exciting way to make friends and communicate. Speed-dating for those over 35 years old is quite a rare occurrence, but the minimum threshold is 20 years old. There is an opinion that a man should be older, so at such parties you can usually meet men 3-4 years older than the fair half of humanity.

With themed events, the opportunity to match people with similar interests increases significantly. After all, in principle, you need to make a lot of effort to find people with similar hobbies and spirit. Comfortable and relaxed communication directly depends on this, even if you don’t like anyone romantically. Also, the cost of the ticket already implies some sorting of people by social status.

The smallest price is 500 rubles, but no one usually expects a strong organization or theme and invited guests here. This is more of an event for curious people who want to have some easy fun. On average, the price of a ticket for a well-organized event is one and a half thousand rubles, but if the program contains any famous person as a host or just a guest, the cost can increase significantly.

Speed ​​dating as a search method is evolving, and now you can find events where they are looking for business partners, professional activity, just like-minded people in profile. You can invite investors or people with business proposals to such parties. Such events are successful, but require the organizer to take a more serious approach and, preferably, hire employees who are knowledgeable about such topics.

Here we are talking about marketers, business consultants, and also psychologists. It makes sense to arrange a full-fledged presentation as a bonus program, but still the concept of speed dating is independent search and communication based on interests. The ticket price at such parties is not much different from the usual one. However, this area of ​​speed dating can be quite interesting and beneficial for the entrepreneur himself if he wants to continue to develop as a businessman.

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Are you interested in how to open your own business? Then here you go:

1. Cook each other your signature dishes.

2. Have a nostalgic movie night. Watch your favorite movies that you enjoyed in school.

3. Watch a free improv show.

4. Cook some delicious food and go on a picnic.

5. Go to a farmer's market, drink some fresh juice, and try some delicious snacks.

6. Visit museums that you both haven't been to (preferably on days when admission is free, such as during the international Night at the Museum event).

7. Go to a free karaoke night and open your hearts to song.

74. Write a list of things you want to do before you die and share with each other.

75. Climb to the roof of a tall building and enjoy the view. Bring sparklers with you.

76. Enjoy the architecture of your city.

77. Watch the play together. There are plenty of affordable places to watch performances at budget prices. This applies to productions by amateur and beginning theater groups.

78. Babysit each other's pets.

79. Go to a bar with darts or pool and compete with each other.

80. Attend an open master class. They are often held free or cheap at various types of fairs.

81. Visit a climbing wall.

82. Build a snowman, make a snow angel, go sledding and have a snowball fight.

83. Go see a local band perform.

84. Buy some promotion at a discount on a discount service and implement it together.

85. Visit a pastry shop or cafe and just talk while enjoying some sweets.

86. Watch sports games.

87. Go to poetry readings.

88. Play a war game with toy guns.

89. Launch a sky lantern during your evening walk.

90. Go to an evening screening of a foreign film taking place in a school or library building.

91. Find and explore a haunted house.

92. Take a random bus or train and get off in an unfamiliar place. Study it.

93. Make a pizza together with your favorite toppings.

94. Take part in some competition together.

95. Volunteer on an archaeological dig.

96. Take a walk or picnic on the river bank very early in the morning to watch the sunrise.

97. Start learning a new language together.

98. Play the travel game Geocaching.

99. Show each other childhood photos.

Mini-dating parties (Speed ​​dating) were invented in 1998 by Rabbi Jacob Devo. Living in the United States, Jacob and his wife Sue were concerned that there was no place for Jewish girls to meet Jewish boys to start a family. A big city separates people, leaving no time for simple acquaintances, conversations about anything, during which mutual sympathy usually arises.

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The old national tradition prescribes, if not pimping, then assistance in creating families. And so, in the millionaire area of ​​Beverly Hills, in an establishment under the sign of “Pete’s Cafe,” the first speed date took place. The combination of theory and practice led to the improvement of the Speed ​​dating format: each speed dating lasts 7 minutes, after which the interlocutors change.
At the beginning of the new century, date nights became fashionable in Europe, Australia, the USA, and throughout the world. Such rapid popularity is clear evidence that many people have communication problems different ages and social groups.

What is speed dating?

By participating in Speed ​​dating, you can make acquaintances with 10-15 representatives of the opposite sex in a short time. In Russia, express dating appeared relatively recently, but has already caught the fancy of many. Not always the result of meeting people at such parties is marriage, but pleasant acquaintances and an interesting pastime are guaranteed to everyone.
With all the simplicity of speed dating, someone has to take care of organizing it, so why don’t you take up this noble cause of connecting lonely hearts? You provide people with the opportunity to meet at a cafe table and chat, and in gratitude they pay you a small amount for this. Start-up capital is not required to start such a business; only organizational skills are required.

How to organize a speed dating business?

Two options for business development: You have your own restaurant or cafe for speed dating.
You plan to conduct speed dating in rented premises. This option can be considered a business from scratch.
With the first option, everything is clear - organizational issues are reduced to hosting and attracting visitors.
In the second case, you first need to find a suitable room. Successful places would be newly opened cafes that have not yet had time to acquire regular customers. Cooperation will be beneficial for you and for the owner of the establishment receiving a flow of visitors.
You should choose a cafe in the central part of the city or near the business center. In such places, cafes are filled only on weekdays during lunch break, and in the evenings and on weekends there are almost no visitors. It is better to organize express meetings on weekends, so the cafe owner will be happy to cooperate.
The atmosphere in the cafe should be cozy and inviting so that participants do not tense up and feel confident. The organizer’s task is to provide the meeting participants with a pleasant atmosphere, order light drinks, sandwiches, fruit, etc. The cost of organizing a party for 30-40 people will be approximately 10,000 rubles (including rent).
When the issue with the venue has been resolved, you can start looking for clients. Don’t limit your choice to young people; as experience shows, mature people and even older people enjoy participating in Speed ​​dating. Groups should be made up of people of approximately the same age, interests and social status. It has been noticed that in European countries, such meetings are attended by married couples seeking to diversify their relationships. Don't try to form groups by eye; let clients fill out questionnaires, based on which you can judge the interests and goals of each person who contacts you.
The survey can be completed when registering for Speed ​​dating via the Internet. To organize this business, access to the Internet is vital: you need your own website where participants can register, and there will also be information about the place and time of meetings.
To attract participants, advertising in the local press, on the streets, and in cafes where the event is planned will be useful. On average, advertising costs are 10,000-30,000 rubles per month.

How to conduct meetings?

At the appointed time, participants gather in a cafe. There should be an equal number of women and men in the group. Women take tables, and men sit next to them. The conversation lasts seven minutes. At a signal, the men stand up and move to the next table. So, moving from table to table, all the men will communicate with all the women. Participants put marks in the questionnaire, noting the interlocutors they like. In a matched pair, participants exchange phone numbers.
If you invite 30 people to parties, selling them tickets for 500 rubles, then each event will bring about 5,000 rubles in net income. This is not bad at all, considering the simplicity of the organization and the positive emotions from communication.

All his life a person is in search mode, sometimes not even intentionally, at the level of the thought process. What is he looking for? “A man needs a man” is told to us by poetic lines and a hero from the movie “Solaris”. This is true, everyone wants to find a “soul mate”, “support and hope”, “companion or life partner” in any way.

Of course, no one has yet canceled the love that breaks out during a chance meeting. However, when personal life is not going well, people are ready to resort to systematic acquaintance.

After all, in this way you can meet a person who shares your views. In order to find a worthy soul mate in this way, you need to meet a lot of people and attend a lot of parties.

However, you can do it much easier by resorting to dating services that are popular today. One of these ways to find love was invented in Europe, and it quickly spread in all major cities of the world.

What is speed dating?

Express dating (from English Speed-dating) is a method that allows you to meet several people of the opposite sex in a couple of minutes. During this time, you can choose a so-called soul mate or continue your search if your partner does not seem too interesting.

As a rule, the first impression of a person becomes the basis of further relationships. Often, people who are completely opposite in occupation and character begin to literally be attracted to each other after the first meeting. And people who have known each other for many years experience inexpressible boredom when they are around. It is on this effect "first sight" and the principle of speed dating is based.

Currently, this service sector has become very popular and in demand, and if you want to organize your business, flexible and communicative, then speed-dating is what you were looking for. Let's try to figure out how to organize a speed dating business.

Development of a business plan for speed dating

To organize your own business, any business, not just instant dating, you need a plan that will spell out all the necessary components and nuances. And in this case advertising comes first.

It is necessary to inform the population about the opening of an agency providing services of this kind. The wider the PR reaches the population, the more successfully your business will begin to develop.

So what do you need?

Not so much, right?

Now that we know how easy it is to open a speed dating club, let’s look at the details:

  • It is necessary to pre-register participants: both men and women.
    There must be an equal number of applicants of both sexes for each evening. None of the candidates should be bored on the sidelines. Registration can be done through the website or phone;
  • The next step is to collect payment from visitors;
  • After everyone present has paid for the event, you need to seat the girls at tables. If you are planning an evening with dancing, it is more convenient to use small sofas or armchairs.
  • Reward visitors with some kind of drink. It is advisable to offer light drinks. Drinking too much alcohol can significantly diminish a candidate’s dignity in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • At a certain signal, a gentleman sits next to each lady for 8-10 minutes. After they have had a conversation, the men move to the next table.
  • After the circle of visitors has closed, each participant fills out a sympathy card. If someone's sympathies coincide, participants are offered the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange phone numbers.

Now let’s draw conclusions: in an economical scenario, you will only need means for communication and printing, plus rent, which you pay from participants’ contributions. Usually there are up to 30 participants, and the event lasts for 1.5 hours.

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Today, no one is surprised by marriage agencies; this type of business has become quite widespread due to its effectiveness. However, not so long ago, a new concept of bringing together single people was proposed, which quickly gained popularity in Western countries. These are so-called speed dating, or in the original speed-dating. They consist in the fact that there are single women and men in equal numbers, after which they are invited to a pre-agreed establishment, and there they will quickly get to know each other.

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Usually the girls sit on one side of the table, and the guys move from one girl to another until everyone gets to know everyone in private. The couple's conversation is short; this is required by the rules of the event, and therefore people immediately move on to getting to know each other. After all this, people leave their preferences anonymously on special sheets, the organizers check for matches, and if there are any, then personal contact information is sent to the people they like. As a result, it is possible to find several couples in an evening, which is much more effective than the work of a simple marriage agency. However, speed dating is not aimed at doing something for the client, it simply finds a place for people who are open to meeting and communicating, and then everything depends on them. In this regard, speed dating only helps in resolving the client’s problem, but does not eliminate it on its own, so the contingent here is usually very different from the clients of a marriage agency.

That is why we can say that marriage agencies will not become competitive firms for a speed dating company. As for direct competitors, even in big cities today such business is not yet very widespread, it is just developing, so a newcomer has every chance to take his place. At the same time, speed-dating can also be aimed at completely different people, the main thing is to correctly develop the concept of your business and offer your clients something that your competitors don’t yet have. In fact, in such an endeavor there are many opportunities to attract customers through unusual solutions.

Speed-dating is still aimed primarily at young people, so some interesting and spectacular events are offered, which rather take place in the format of a party after the acquaintance. In the classical sense, speed dating is just a short-term dating session, after which all participants disperse. However, such events were chosen not only by single people, but also simply by those who are looking for communication or new experiences, and their percentage is already quite high among event visitors. That is why speed dating can change the format slightly depending on what the client expects and what competitors offer him. Therefore, this line of business is more suitable for creative, sociable people, and those entrepreneurs who know what modern youth need and what might interest them.

However, we should not forget that initially speed-dating was aimed mostly at people who have good income, but has absolutely no time for a personal life, which is why they needed quick acquaintances, which initially carry romantic or even erotic overtones. Today, speed-dating is loved by a very diverse audience, and therefore it is necessary to take into account the interests of everyone when holding events with different themes.

This type of business is quite difficult to classify, but it is best suited (OKPD 2) 93.29 Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation. In accordance with this, the OKVED code is selected. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, and if there is a need to register a legal entity, then it is better to choose a limited liability company. This is due to the fact that individual entrepreneurs and limited liability companies have access to simplified system taxation, which allows you to transfer to the state no more than 6 percent of income or 15 percent of operating profit. Registration of a legal entity is much more complicated than registration of an individual entrepreneur, and since in this business If you do not have to bear responsibility for your own property, it is better to remain an individual.

To work, you will not need your own office or premises, because all events will take place in cafes, restaurants and bars rented for the evening. Thus, you can save a lot by not paying monthly rent, although some speed dating organizations have their own representative office where they accept clients. However, usually such organizations also practice the work of a traditional marriage agency, for which they require an office. In any case, if there is a need for your own premises, then you do not need to find an office that is too large; one or two employees will work in it.

Ready ideas for your business

Particular attention should be paid to the placement of information on all thematic resources. It is also advisable to create your own website, which will present all the information about the organization, draw up a schedule of evenings, indicate prices and conditions of participation. In addition to creating a website, if there are a large number of competitors in the region of work, then you will have to pay for website optimization so that it is on the first pages for search queries. In addition to the website, you should create your own pages on social networks, where you can find a very large number potential clients. Some social networks offer advertising promotion on their portal, which can also be very effective. At the same time, advertising in local media will probably not justify the investment in it, so you won’t have to do it.

The most serious difficulties may arise at the stage of searching for premises, because each time you will need to find a new hall for the event. Depending on the theme of the party, the venue may also be different, but in any case, it is necessary to rent a whole hall for several hours, in which no one will be able to enter except the participants of the event. At the same time, the establishment’s employees also serve the participants, but usually everything is limited to providing one free drink. But it is very conditionally free, because its cost is initially included in the ticket price. In any case, employees of the establishment itself must also be in the hall along with the organizers.

Ready ideas for your business

Typically, such events last no more than two hours, unless a full-fledged party is planned after the end of the acquaintance, but the time is selected that is most convenient for potential clients, that is, it is usually the evening. There is successful experience of companies that hold parties every day and even several times a day, although it is mostly convenient for clients to attend dating evenings on weekends. As the establishment should be selected depending on the contingent and age group of visitors, an unpopular establishment can alienate a significant part of the participants. Moreover, you need to find restaurants, cafes, bars and clubs that expect long-term cooperation and are ready to host parties regularly. On the other hand, after each event you need to collect feedback from visitors in order to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of the evening, and if a large percentage of participants do not like the service or the establishment itself, then this is a serious reason to think about whether to cooperate with it in the future.

The cost of rent can be very different depending on the level of the establishment, and most importantly, on the size of the hall provided. Speed ​​dating sometimes involves more than 30 people, so large, comfortable and roomy rooms are needed. If it is assumed that there will be few people, you will have to pay about three thousand rubles in an average club or restaurant for one hour of rent; if there are quite a lot of people, then you need to count on about 5-10 thousand. Also, you should not rent constantly noisy establishments, unless the proposed premises are completely soundproofed. The atmosphere during speed dating should be light, calm and relaxing, so lounge bars can be a very good platform. However, if after meeting there is supposed to be some kind of party, then in this case clubs are best suited.

The work requires the involvement of a small staff; moreover, the entrepreneur can cope with all the tasks independently by hiring one or two assistants. The entrepreneur himself must perform administrative and organizational work, and assistants can communicate with clients by phone or through social networks, find them and promote services. If a group of friends started such a business, then they will easily cope with all the tasks without involving outside help. To solve all other tasks that are not related to making a profit for the organization, you need to turn to outsourcing companies that will perform them for the entrepreneur on a monthly basis. This type of business does not involve complex accounting and tax reporting, there is no need to pay utility bills and security, so monthly expenses will be small. Employees, as a rule, do not receive a fixed salary, but a percentage of income, because they also indirectly influence the number of visitors by promoting the services of the enterprise.

Quite often, these types of events invite special guests who can host the after party or simply act as a date planner. In this case, speed-dating becomes not only direct information and finding matches for single people, but also an entertainment event that lasts much longer, but also costs accordingly. In fact, for people who simply want to find an interesting person for further communication outside the event, what kind of service is not interesting, any special guests and corresponding parties will be in demand among young people who are looking for new and original leisure activities, but not critically interested in finding relationships.

Ready ideas for your business

The remaining costs will not be too large; you may only need to print promotional material and sympathy sheets, but these are minor printing costs that even one party will more than cover. It is also worth taking care of handing over invitations to clients if you need to receive money as a deposit, and not directly at the entrance. This may be a necessary measure, or if the entrepreneur is afraid that a significant part of the clients who have already ordered berets will not come to the event. Also, many speed dating organizers meet with the client beforehand for an interview. This makes it possible to identify the client’s type, his preferences and, possibly, mental disorders, for which he will have to politely refuse the opportunity to participate. Sometimes, for the convenience of clients, they can take the test over the Internet, but for this there must be a built-in special function on the website. It should be noted that not all speed dating organizations test their clients.

The responsibilities of the organizer, already directly at the evening itself, also include the responsibility to monitor the behavior of the participants and even help them. The organizer must set the audience in the right mood, create an atmosphere of the evening so that no one feels constrained or uncomfortable. This is very important point, because the mood of people directly affects the possibility of forming a couple, and the higher their percentage, the more effective the work of the enterprise, the more good reviews it will receive in the future. The host is also involved in simple organization of the evening, for example, he monitors the conversation time and informs the participants about the need to change seats.

It is very important to accurately identify the people who will attend the events. As already noted, speed-dating is most common among middle-class people who are very busy with work and do not find the opportunity to meet somewhere in a cafe or on the street. Thus, the bulk of speed dating visitors are fairly wealthy people who do not have any moral or physical disabilities. This can partially explain the success of most parties, because according to statistics, after a speed dating event, at least one couple is formed. And this in 2 hours without the intervention of third parties, and such success cannot be guaranteed by any marriage agency. At the same time, quite often the agencies themselves began to turn to organizations that conduct speed dating in order for the clients of the marriage agency to participate in them. This only once again proves the effectiveness of such an undertaking.

Speed ​​dating has also gained popularity among young people who are not very interested in serious relationships or are not interested in them at all, but only in friendship and communication. It is very rare to find a speed dating event that invites people over 35 years of age, but the age limit also applies to the minimum age and is usually 20 years old. It is believed that middle age men should be slightly taller than women at such an event, so the male half is on average 3-4 years older.

If there is any theme for the event, this allows you to more accurately select people who already have similar interests. The organizer must try very hard to select people who are approximately similar in spirit and interests, so that in the end everyone is as satisfied as possible, even those who no one liked, but simply received communication. Moreover, even the cost of an entrance ticket already allows you to form a group of people who are approximately similar in their social status. The minimum ticket price is approximately 500 rubles, but there is no well-thought-out organization at such events, and people often come there just for fun or out of curiosity. Average price for one visit today it is approximately one and a half thousand rubles, but if any famous person is invited or a banquet is planned after meeting, the cost can increase significantly.

It is also worth noting that speed dating is beginning to be used not only for romantic acquaintances, but also for finding business partners or simply people with similar professional interests and seeking to unite, that is, to find like-minded people. In this case, you can organize parties where investors or business angels and people with a business idea will be present. The experience of some companies in this area has also shown its rather high efficiency, but to work in this direction it will be necessary to attract a more serious staff, which should include a marketer and statistician, a psychologist, a consultant on the chosen area; the organizers will have to conduct a full-fledged presentation, but participants must communicate with each other and independently select people with whom they are interested in meeting. The cost of such an event is usually not much different from the cost of a simple quick date. However, this direction can be even more effective and promising for the entrepreneur himself.

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